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2398 Courses in Belfast

The Moccasin Manager


By Lapd Solutions Ltd

The Moccasin Manager, The Moccasin Approach, Management Training, Management Development,

The Moccasin Manager
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Birmingham
£1250 to £1500

Managing My Day


By Lapd Solutions Ltd

Helping people become more efficient in how they manage and prioritise their working day, and for leaders and managers, how they can work efficiently by collaborating effectively with their people.

Managing My Day
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Birmingham
£1250 to £1500

Customer Facing Skills


By Lapd Solutions Ltd

Customer care, customer service, Moccasin Approach,

Customer Facing Skills
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Birmingham
£1250 to £1500

Communicating Effectively


By Lapd Solutions Ltd

We communicate daily in many ways, including email, phone, text, Zoom, Teams, Google Meets, Slack, and even that old-fashioned thing, what was it now... oh yes, talking face-to-face. But, when we look at communication closely and really drill down into what we are doing in conjunction with how our brain works (neuroscience), how internal, organisational, and social politics control what we believe we can say, how hierarchical positioning impacts our honesty and how the lack of psychological safety means we say what we know others want to hear rather than what they need to hear…. It is oh so complicated! This workshop not only explores the concept of excellent communication, but we also want to hear what you believe it is too. We also delve into how organisational culture influences our perception of speaking up. Factors that hinder open and honest communication, and we work collaboratively towards removing these barriers to achieve a communication style that fosters trust and transparency, creating psychological safety.   This workshop is particularly relevant to our Emotional Intelligence workshop (EI and Me). We firmly believe that developing emotional intelligence is the key to unlocking Clean Communication, a skill that is crucial for all of us, regardless of our roles and responsibilities, so that we thrive in our professional environment. If you want to see if we are correct, why not have us facilitate a workshop for you and see what you get by the end of it?  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LENGTH 1 Day NEXT WORKSHOP START Let's chat and confirm a date. WORKSHOP DELIVERY The best environment for this experience is face-to-face, but we can facilitate this workshop online. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUITABILITY - WHO SHOULD ATTEND? WHO SHOULD ATTEND AND WHY? Who? - Perhaps think of this another way… who shouldn’t attend to ensure we can manage Clean Communication? There’s your answer. Why? - Every person needs to understand what we are saying above about how we get trapped in this organisational formatting which changes how we communicate and how it prevents us from communicating cleanly. EVERY organisation has this, despite what our values profess. And 'Values', that’s a whole other story. WORKSHOP CONTENT * Using the 'Moccasin Approach'® to clean our personal and organisational communication * LaPD’s Communication Cycle and what we must consider. (Can you work out what the ? represent above? * Accountability and Responsibility raises its head in Communication. It has to. * Bias, unconscious bias and its impacts on our communication. * The conundrum of communicating with others and their styles (The TRAP). * How would my perfect Manager/Leader communicate with me? * Nonverbal communication (body language), rapport, Clean Communication. * Negative communication can go viral (Self-Fulfilling Prophecy). * Reflections, findings and goals (individual and team). * Meeting our workshop objectives by listing five areas for development. WORKSHOP DELIVERY AND VENUE This workshop is usually one day in duration, and it focuses solely on how we communicate with each other. It can also be a two-day event incorporating aspects of Emotional Intelligence (EI) with group, and individual activities to allow discussions about the various communication we need in your organisation. When you consider the content we deliver, we are sure you will understand why we always prefer to deliver our workshops, courses and programmes face-to-face. Face-to-face workshops and courses can be held at a location of your choice or, if you wish, a central UK location, such as the Macdonald Burlington Hotel in Birmingham, located directly across from the Birmingham New Street train station. We can deliver our workshops, courses and programmes online, although this will mean splitting elements into manageable learning events to suit the online environment.

Communicating Effectively
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Birmingham
£1250 to £1500

The Phoenix Effect


By Lapd Solutions Ltd

Organisational development, Organisational culture, Organisational values, Organisational environment,

The Phoenix Effect
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Birmingham
£1250 to £1500

Managing Change


By Lapd Solutions Ltd

Change management, dealing with change.

Managing Change
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Birmingham
£1250 to £1500

Coaching Skills


By Lapd Solutions Ltd

Coaching, Workplace coaching, Floor walking coaching, Organisational coaching,

Coaching Skills
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Birmingham
£1250 to £1500

Developing Business Strategy

By Kambiz Bidad

Are you looking to create the perfect business strategy to put you higher than your competitors? Are you tired of not hitting your strategic objectives? If your answers to above questions are 'yes', this course helps you a lot.    What you will learn: 1. To build your own ‘blue ocean strategy’ to avoid fierce competition & price wars. 2. To understand strategy process and strategy mapping. 3. To appropriately position your company in the marketplace. 4. To make the competition irrelevant.   How you will benefit from this workshop: 1. You will gain key insights into the strategy articulation process. 2. We help you develop your leadership skills with some practice. 3. You will learn how to use the Balanced scorecard to map your strategy. 4. You will learn how effective your current differentiation is and how to improve that.

Developing Business Strategy
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Aberdeen

Introduction to SQL


By Systems & Network Training

INTRO TO SQL TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A hands on course focusing on the use of SQL. In particular this course does not concentrate on any particular version of SQL but rather enables delegates to recognise the differences found in SQL on different platforms. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Explain the difference between standard SQL and different flavours. * Use SQL statements to query databases. * Use SQL statements to define databases. INTRO TO SQL TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone working with databases. * Prerequisites: None. * Duration 2 days INTRO TO SQL TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * What is SQL? What is SQL? History, standards, What is SQL used for? Dialects, ANSI SQL, PL/SQL, Transact SQL, front ends. * Database basics RDBMS, Tables. Hands on Investigating a database. * Basic SQL commands SQL Overview: SQL DML, SQL DDL, SQL queries. SELECT, WHERE and ORDER BY clauses. Combining conditions. IN, LIKE and BETWEEN. Hands on Querying a database from existing tables. * SQL data retrieval Scalar functions. Hands on Selecting data from an existing database. * More SQL data retrieval Scalar functions, variations. Aggregate functions, GROUP BY. HAVING. Hands on Selecting data from an existing database. * Table joins Multiple tables, joins, keys, inner joins, left joins, right joins. Hands on Selecting data from an existing database. * SQL basic data manipulation INSERT, UPDATE, MERGE, DELETE. Transaction controls: COMMIT, ROLLBACK. Hands on Modifying data in tables. * SQL Data Definition USE, CREATE, DROP, TRUNCATE, ALTER. Hands on Managing new tables and columns. * Data control GRANT, REVOKE. Hands on Defining permissions.

Introduction to SQL
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Linux shell scripting


By Systems & Network Training

LINUX SHELL SCRIPTING TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A practical introduction to writing scripts using the Bourne shell under any Linux operating system. Applicable for those using the Korn shell as well. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Read shell scripts. * Write shell scripts. * Use different types of quotes. * Recognise the role of shell scripts within the Linux system. LINUX SHELL SCRIPTING TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Programmers developing programs under UNIX. Administrators / support personnel who wish to find out more about the workings of Linux or write simple utility programs. * Prerequisites: Linux Fundamentals * Duration 2 days LINUX SHELL SCRIPTING TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Review of Linux fundamentals * Basic shell scripts What does the shell do? How are commands executed? Different shells. what is a shell script? Comments, creating shell scripts. * Variables Setting variables, using variables, set, scope, export, sourcing, environmental variables, read. * Positional parameters $0 to $9, $#, $* and others. shift parameter substitution. * Control statements The test command The if statement while loops for loops The case statement. * Special characters Redirection of errors, here documents, quoting. * Arithmetic in shell scripts The expr command. * System shell scripts * Screen handling The terminfo database, The tput command. * Advanced issues (optional session) Shell functions, getopts, xargs, debugging shell scripts, portability issues. Extras in the Korn shell. * Optimising shell scripts The time command, performance tips.

Linux shell scripting
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally