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2306 Courses in Sheffield

Upstream Petroleum Economics, Risk and Fiscal Analysis

By Asia Edge

ABOUT THIS TRAINING COURSE The 3-day hands-on petroleum economics training course provides a comprehensive overview of the practices of exploration and development petroleum economics and its application in valuing oil and gas assets to aid corporate decisions. Participants will gain a thorough understanding of the principles of economic analysis as well as practical instruction in analytical techniques used in the industry. The participants will learn how to construct economic models, to include basic fiscal terms, production and cost profiles and project timing. The resulting model will provide insights of how the various inputs affect value. Example exercises will be used throughout the course. Training Objectives Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: * Understand and construct petroleum industry cash flow projections * Calculate, understand and know how to apply economic indicators * Learn and apply risk analysis to exploration and production investments * Evaluate and model fiscal/PSC terms of countries worldwide Target Audience The following oil & gas company personnel will benefit from the knowledge shared in this course: * Geologists * Explorationists * Reservoir Engineers * Project Accountants * Contract Negotiators * Financial Analysts * New Venture Planners * Economists Course Level * Basic or Foundation * Intermediate Trainer Your expert trainer has over 40 years' experience as a petroleum economist in the upstream oil and gas industry. He has presented over 230 oil and gas industry short courses worldwide on petroleum economics, risk, production sharing contracts (PSC) and fiscal analysis. In over 120 international oil industry consulting assignments, he has advised companies and governments in the Asia Pacific region on petroleum PSC and fiscal terms. He has prepared many independent valuations of petroleum properties and companies for acquisition and sale, as well as economics research reports on the oil and gas industry and including commercial support for oil field operations and investments worldwide. He has been involved in projects on petroleum royalties, design of petroleum fiscal terms, divestment of petroleum assets, and economic evaluation of assets and discoveries since the early 1990s to date. He has been working on training, consultancy, research and also advisory works in many countries including USA, UK, Denmark, Switzerland, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, India, Iran, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Brunei, Egypt, Libya, and South Africa. POST TRAINING COACHING SUPPORT (OPTIONAL) To further optimise your learning experience from our courses, we also offer individualized 'One to One' coaching support for 2 hours post training. We can help improve your competence in your chosen area of interest, based on your learning needs and available hours. This is a great opportunity to improve your capability and confidence in a particular area of expertise. It will be delivered over a secure video conference call by one of our senior trainers. They will work with you to create a tailor-made coaching program that will help you achieve your goals faster. Request for further information post training support and fees applicable Accreditions And Affliations

Upstream Petroleum Economics, Risk and Fiscal Analysis
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally
£2751 to £3199

Understanding Corporate Real Estate (in-house)

By Property Overview Ltd

Get to grips with what drives large-scale occupiers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHO COULD BENEFIT?   Corporate occupiers can be much more powerful than the landlords or investors they deal with. As long as they have a Corporate Real Estate department fighting their corner and coordinating and controlling the estate of space they occupy, whether leased or owned. Corporate Real Estate Managers keep an eye on productivity and performance of the entire ‘estate’. Business plans take in short term tactical allocations and long-term structural plans. Corporate Real Estate Managers are essential in enabling a large corporate or governmental occupier to get the most out of the space they occupy. This on-line course gives a solid grounding to those who work in Corporate Real Estate departments for occupiers and service / data / software providers, as well as those who work for investors and want to understand the considerations from the occupiers’ point of view (as occupiers are in fact their tenant, and their main source of income). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MODULES UNDERSTANDING CORPORATE REAL ESTATE The course “Understanding Corporate Real Estate” offers a foundation knowledge course. Perfect for those working in the real estate departments of large corporate and government-related occupiers, or those working with/for Corporate Real Estate occupiers. We explain the main drivers in the property market seen from an occupier perspective. Have you always been keen to understand better what a Corporate Property Managers does? How does this fit into the bigger picture? What factors are most important in deciding whether to Lease or Buy? Where to locate and for how long? What factors ought to drive disposal decisions, and what drives it in reality? Are you curious to understand what the main lease considerations are for a corporate occupier? How do various processes work, how do you factor in strategic and tactical objectives, changes to the business plan, the economy and the business environment? Along the way we explain lots and lots of jargon and how it all fits together. Taught by Cléo Folkes, CEO of Property Overview. See content [https://www.propertyoverview.co.uk/training_courses/understanding-corporate-real-estate/#] Next Date Available: Enquire for a date | Location: UK, abroad or in-line -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRICING FIND THE BEST PRICE.   Property Overview offers competitively priced training courses with unique practitioner-led content, which means we can tailor our in-house courses around your requirements. Applied, relevant content leads to greater impact and value-for-money. Pricing below is shown for on-line public courses for individual bookings (left), and for on-line in-house courses (right). For bookings of 4 or more staff an on-line in-house course is recommended, also as the content can be tailored around your needs and your products or services. To book one or two individual places please fill in our booking form [https://www.propertyoverview.co.uk/course-booking-form/], otherwise please email kaushik@propertyoverview.co.uk [kaushik@propertyoverview.co.uk] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNDERSTANDING CORPORATE REAL ESTATE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- £3,025/DAY IN-HOUSE – INCL. 6 ATTENDEES • 1-day training course, can be split over 2 half days • 6 hours of CPD in total • UK VAT @ 20% applies • In-house course includes up to 6 attendees (£60pp + VAT surcharge applies thereafter)

Understanding Corporate Real Estate (in-house)
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Brighton & 1 more

Effective Strategic Leadership

By Leadership Management International (LMI) UK

Every organisation needs leaders who can think and act strategically. This program will help you clarify: Why you exist (strategic purpose) Where you are now (strategic assessment) Where you want to go (strategic development) How to get there (strategic execution)

Effective Strategic Leadership
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Leatherhead

Definitive DNS for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

DNS TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This three-day hands on DNS training course studies both the UNIX BIND and the Microsoft (MS DNS) implementations. The course starts with the big picture of how DNS works, then client configuration. Primary and secondary servers are then configured, progressing to DDNS, subdomains and security issues. Hands on sessions follow all sections ensuring that troubleshooting techniques are used throughout the course. Students choose whether to use Windows or UNIX for the hands on sessions. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Describe the architecture of DNS. * Explain how DNS works. * Install, configure, maintain and troubleshoot DNS DNS TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Technical staff wanting to learn DNS including: Network personnel System administrators. * Prerequisites: UNIX Fundamentals (or Windows knowledge). TCP/IP foundation for engineers. * Duration 3 days DNS TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * What is DNS? Hostnames, Name resolution, host files, host file problems, What is DNS? The DNS namespace, TLDs, gTLDs, registering domains, Nameservers, how DNS works. Hands on Testing DNS servers on the Internet. * DNS clients Ways to use DNS, dynamic and static configuration, multiple nameservers, domain name, searchlist, resolution issues, testing the configuration. Hands on Client configuration. * DNS server software Implementations, Microsoft, BIND, daemons and services, installation, starting and stopping servers. Hands on Setting up a DNS server. * DNS zone files What is a zone, Zone file overview, Forward zones, Reverse zones, Resource records, A records, PTR, CNAME, Root hints, local zone file. BIND and Microsoft configuration. Hands on Server configuration files. * NS and applications MX records, Mail server load balancing, SPF, SRV records, VoIP and SRV, Microsoft and SRV, NAPTR. Hands on Testing records with dig and nslookup. * DNS slaves and other servers DNS server types, Server resilience, Slaves, Zone transfers, SOA records, Serial numbers, recommendations, polling based zone transfers, NOTIFY, AD integration, DNS caching, Negative caching, TTL, Caching only servers. Hands on Masters, slaves and zone transfers. * The DNS protocol The DNS stack, DNS port numbers, DNS queries, The DNS header, header section format, question format, other section format. Hands on Troubleshooting DNS with Wireshark. * Dynamic DNS DHCP, DDNS, IXFR, WINS integration. Hands on Dynamic DNS. * Subdomains Root servers, root server selection, Authority, delegation, NS records, subdomain with and without delegation, reverse delegation. Hands on Delegation, setting up a subdomain server. * DNS security Restricting queries, DNS and firewalls, Split DNS, forwarders, internal root servers, the use of proxy servers, DNSSEC, TSIG. Hands on Hardening a DNS server. * DNS and IPv6 What is IPv6, IPv6 addressing, IPv6 DNS issues, AAAA, IPv6 reverse delegation. * Troubleshooting DNS Problem solving, DNS troubleshooting, Zone file checking, Some common errors, Log files, tools, nslookup, dig, host, DNS design, performance, load balancing. Hands on Putting it all together. * Summary Useful books, Internet sites, RFCs. * Appendix: ENUM What is ENUM, How ENUM works, NAPTR.

Definitive DNS for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Total PHP for developers


By Systems & Network Training

TOTAL PHP TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION PHP provides for the creation of dynamic web sites. This hands on training course looks at programming with PHP with an emphasis of building dynamic websites. Forms, state management and database integration are all covered with practicals used throughout the course to reinforce theory sessions. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Create dynamic web sites using PHP. * Write PHP programs. * Debug PHP programs. * Examine existing code and determine its function. TOTAL PHP TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone creating dynamic web sites. * Prerequisites: Software development fundamentals * Duration 3 days TOTAL PHP TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * What is PHP? PHP history, dynamic web pages, how PHP works, alternatives to PHP. Downloading and installing PHP. Installing MySQL, installing Apache, platform issues. * A first PHP web page A basic PHP script, PHP page structure. PHP comments. Integrating PHP and HTML. * PHP forms HTML forms, taking values from forms. * PHP and HTML Page inputs, environment inputs. phpinfo(), other form elements, sticky fields, generalised code, tables, forms, form elements, style sheets, JavaScript. * Variables operators and expressions Expressions, data types, assignments, scope, constants, HTTP environment variables, getting data from forms using variables. * Operators Arithmetic, logical, relational, Boolean, others. * Control statements Conditional: if, else, elseif, switch. Loops: while, do while, for, break, continue, exit. * Functions Built in functions, declaration, arguments, scope, loading functions from other files, defaulting parameters, call by value/ name. * Arrays Indexes, array initialisation, array manipulation, multi dimensional arrays, array functions. * String handling What is a string, string functions, matching, extraction, replacement. String operations, cleansing, sprintf, formatting web pages, strops and others, splitting strings, REs. * PHP and databases Database structure, Database APIs, MySQL, Creating tables, Editing tables, simple SQL queries using PHP, building HTML tables using SQL queries, SQL injection, security issues, error handling. * File I/O Opening, reading, writing files. Permissions, ownership, locking, directories. * PHP, cookies and sessions State, Cookie properties, setting cookies, retrieving cookies, expiring/deleting cookies. Sessions, session variables, session IDs. * PHP and email Emailing from servers, attachments. * Objects OOP, PHP classes, constructors, instances.

Total PHP for developers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Total IPv6 for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

IPV6 TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION IPv6 is the next generation Internet Protocol. This hands-on course looks at the benefits and features of the new protocol along with an assessment of the likely impact of the protocol and migration strategies. Practical exercises using PCs and routers follow the major sessions in order to reinforce the theory. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Configure PCs and routers for IPv6. * Troubleshoot IPv6 networks. * Analyse IPv6 packets. * Plan migration strategies for IPv6. * Integrate IPv6 and IPv4 networks. IPV6 TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone working in the field of networking. * Prerequisites: TCP/IP Foundation for engineers * Duration 3 days IPV6 TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Introduction Reasons for IPv6, IPv4 weaknesses, what is IPv6? IPv4 solutions for solving address wastage, the origins of IPv6. hands on IPv6 on a PC, IPv6 on a router. * IPv6 addressing IPv6 address allocation, address format, Prefixes but no masks, address categories, scope zones, aggregatable global unicast, link local, Unicast, Multicast, Anycast. Prefix delegation. hands on Link local addresses, manual address configuration, name resolution. * Plug and play Plug and play addressing, ICMP neighbour discovery, router solicitation, DHCPv6, stateful autoconfiguration and stateless autoconfiguration. hands on Plug and play addresses and default gateways. * The IPv6 header The IPv4 header, IPv6 header format, QoS, flow control, priority field, extension headers, hop by hop, destinations header, fragmentation header, security, IPsec, AH, ESP, TCP and UDP, ICMPv6. hands on IPv6 packet analysis. * Migrating to IPv6 Overview, migration, dual stack, IPv4 compatible addresses, DNS, IPv6 DNS issues, AAAA records, IPv6 reverse delegation, DNS transport, protocol translators, NAT-PT, NAPT-PT, NAT64, DNS64, tunnelling, tunnel establishment, tunnel brokers, Tunnel types. hands on Dual stack operation, tunnelling, IPv6 name resolution. * IPv6 routing IPv6 routing, RIPng packet format, RIPng for IPv6, OSPF for IPv6, MBGP, multiprotocol routing, MBGP and multicasts, MBGP and IPv6. hands on Base router setup for IPv6, IPv6 static routes, RIPng, OSPFv3. MBGP

Total IPv6 for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Complete JavaScript


By Systems & Network Training

COMPLETE JAVASCRIPT TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A hands on course covering JavaScript programming. Core JavaScript is covered first, including the basics, arrays, functions, classes, modules and Regular expressions. Client side JavaScript is then covered including JavaScript in browsers, Scripting CSS, the jQuery library and HTML APIs. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Read JavaScript. * Write JavaScript. * Debug JavaScript. COMPLETE JAVASCRIPT TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone wishing to learn JavaScript. * Prerequisites: None. * Duration 3 days COMPLETE JAVASCRIPT TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * CORE JAVASCRIPT * Lexical structure: Character set, comments, literals, identifiers, and reserved words, optional semicolons.. * Types, values and variables: Numbers, text, boolean values, null and undefines, the global object, wrapper objects, immutable primitive values and mutable object references, type conversions, variable declaration, variable scope. * Expressions and operators: Primary expressions, object and array initializers, function definition expressions, property access expressions, invocation expressions, object creation expressions, operator overview, arithmetic expressions, relational expressions, logical expressions, assignment expressions, evaluation expressions, miscellaneous operators. * Statements: Expression statements, compound and empty statements, declaration statements, conditionals, loops, jumps, miscellaneous statements, summary of JavaScript statements. * Objects: Creating objects, querying and setting properties, deleting properties, testing properties, enumerating properties, property getters and setters, property attributes, object attributes, serializing objects, object methods. * Arrays: Creating arrays, reading and writing array elements, sparse arrays, array length, adding and deleting array elements, iterating arrays, multi-dimensional arrays, array methods, FCMAScript 5 array methods, array type, array-like objects, strings as arrays. * Functions: Defining functions, invoking functions, function arguments and parameters, functions as values, functions as namespaces, closures, function properties, methods and constructor, functional programming. * Classes and modules: Classes and prototypes, classes and constructors, Java-style classes in JavaScript, augmenting classes, classes and types, object oriented techniques in JavaScript, subclasses, classes in ECMAScript 5, modules. * Pattern matching and regular expressions: Defining regular expressions, string methods for pattern matching, the RegExp object. * JavaScript subsets and extensions: JavaScript subsets, constants and scoped variables, destructuring assignment, iteration, shorthand functions, multiple catch clauses, E4X: ECMAScript for XML. * Server-side JavaScript: Scripting Java with Rhino, asynchronous I/O with node. * CLIENT SIDE JAVASCRIPT * JavaScript in web browsers: Client side JavaScript, embedding JavaScript in HTML, execution of JavaScript programs, compatibility and interoperability, accessibility, security, client side frameworks. * The Window object: Timers, browser location and navigation, browsing history, browser screen information, dialog boxes, error handling, document elements as window properties, multiple windows and frames. * Scripting Documents: Overview of the DOM, selecting document elements, document structure and traversal, attributes, element content, creating, inserting and deleting nodes. Example: generating a table of contents, document and element geometry and scrolling, HTML forms, other document features. * Scripting CSS: Overview of CSS, important CSS properties, scripting inline styles, querying computed styles, scripting CSS classes, scripting stylesheets. * Handling events: Types of events, registering event handlers, event handler invocation, document load events, mouse events, mousewheel events, drag and drop events, text events, keyboard events. * Scripted HTTP: Using XMLHttpRequest, HTTP by <script>: JSOMP, Comet with server-sent events. * The jQuery library: jQuery basics, jQuery getters and setters, altering document structure, handling events with jQuery, Animated effects, Ajax with jQuery, Utility functions, jQuery selectors and selection methods, Extending jQuery with plug-ins. The jQuery UI library. Client side storage: localStorage and sessionStorage, Cookies, IE usingData persistence, Applicatioin storage and offline webapps. * Scripted media and graphics: Scripting images, Scripting audio and video, SCG:scalable vector graphics, Graphics in a <canvas>. * Scripted HTTP: Using XMLHttpRequest, HTTP by <script>: JSOMP, Comet with server-sent events. * The jQuery library: jQuery basics, jQuery getters and setters, altering document structure, handling events with jQuery, Animated effects, Ajax with jQuery, Utility functions, jQuery selectors and selection methods, Extending jQuery with plug-ins. The jQuery UI library. * Client side storage: localStorage and sessionStorage, Cookies, IE usingData persistence, Applicatioin storage and offline webapps. * Scripted media and graphics: Scripting images, Scripting audio and video, SCG:scalable vector graphics, Graphics in a <canvas>. * HTMLS APIs: Geolocation, history management, cross-origin messaging, web workers, type arrays and ArrayBuffers, blobs, the filesystem API, client side databases, web sockets.

Complete JavaScript
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Total SMTP and email for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

SMTP TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A hands on course focusing on the workings of email systems and the standard protocols that they use. The course is not specific to any particular implementation, but some vendor specifics are noted. Linux and Microsoft machines are used in hands on sessions to reinforce the theory of major sessions. The course concentrates on troubleshooting and interworking using network sniffing and protocol inspection rather than "which buttons to push". WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Describe and explain SMTP MIME POP3 IMAP PGP, GPG, S/MIME SPF, DKIM, DMARC * Configure mail routing * Secure email systems SMTP TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Technical staff responsible for email systems. * Prerequisites: TCP/IP foundation for engineers. * Duration 3 days SMTP TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * SMTP architecture What is SMTP, email before SMTP, SMTP history, the different protocols, clients, servers. Email composition, transmission, delivering emails, storing and reading emails. MUAs, MTAs, POP3, IMAP, SMTP, DNS, webmail. Hands on Setting up MTAs and MUAs and sending a simple email using telnet. * The SMTP protocol SMTP protocol stack, SMTP headers, HELO, SMTP mail, MAIL FROM, RCPT TO, DATA, SMTPUTF8, 8BITMIME, TURN, EHLO, ETRN, 3 digit replies. Hands on Analysing SMTP packets on a network. * DNS and SMTP SMTP forwarding, SMTP relays, interoperation, how SMTP uses DNS, MX records. Hands on Setting up mail relays. * SMTP headers IMF data, From, to, cc, bcc, sender and recipient headers, message Ids, received trails, in-reply-to, received-SPF, mail list headers. Hands on Using clients to analyse details from mail headers, including true originators and path of emails. * MIME Email attachments, MIME versions, content type headers, encoding, base 64, binary data, multi part headers, troubleshooting attachments. Hands on Analysing MIME headers and attachments. * POP3 What is POP3, where to use POP3, authorisation, transactions, POP3 commands: USER, PASS, STAT, LIST, RETR, DELE. Hands on Setting up a POP3 server, analysing POP3 packets on a network. * IMAP and IMAPS What is IMAP, where to use IMAP, authorisation, mailbox structure, IMAP commands: LOGIN, AUTHENTICATE, LIST, CREATE, Examine (message flags), SELECT, STORE. Hands on Setting up an IMAP server and analysing IMAP packets on a network. * Interoperation Mail gateways, addressing, Exchange, sendmail. * Email security Basics, Transport level: STARTTLS. Content: PGP/GPG, mail signing and encryption, S/MIME, digital certificates, secure email submission. Hands on Setting up and using a PGP key, configure MTAs to use TLS. * Email authentication and spam prevention Mail relays, grey listing, block list & RBL, DNSBL (Real-time Black hole List), White list, SPF, Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM), Author Domain Signing Practices (ADSP), Abuse Report Format (ARF), Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance (DMARC). Hands on Relay spamming and the blocking spamming.

Total SMTP and email for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Definitive VPNs for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

DEFINITIVE VPNS TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A hands on course covering VPNs from the basics of benefits and Internet vs. Intranet VPNs through to detailed analysis of the technologies involved in VPNs. All the major VPN protocols are covered including PPPoE, L2TP, SSL, IPsec and dynamic VPNs. MPLS L3 VPNs are also covered. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Describe what a VPN is and explain the difference between different VPN types. * Recognise the design and implementation issues involved in implementing a VPN. * Explain how the various technologies involved in a VPN work. * Describe and implement: L2TP, IPsec, SSL, MPLS L3 VPNs. * Evaluate VPN technologies. DEFINITIVE VPNS TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Network personnel. * Prerequisites: IP Security foundation for engineers. * Duration 3 days DEFINITIVE VPNS TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * VPN overview What is a VPN? What is an IP VPN? VPNs vs. Private Data Networks, Internet VPNs, Intranet VPNs, Remote access VPNs, Site to site VPNs, VPN benefits and disadvantages. * VPN Tunnelling VPN components, VPN tunnels, tunnel sources, tunnel end points, hardware based VPNs, Firewall based VPNs, software based VPNs, tunnelling topologies, tunnelling protocols, which tunnelling protocol should you use? requirements of tunnels. * VPN security components Critical VPN security requirements, Encryption and authentication, Diffie Hellman, DES, 3DES, RSA, PKI, Ca server types, pre shared keys versus certificates, Enrolling with a CA, RADIUS in VPNs. * PPP Encapsulation, operation, authentication. Hands on Setting up PPPoE and analysing PPP packets. * PPTP Overview, Components, How it works, control and data connections, GRE. Hands on Building a PPTP VPN. * L2TP Overview, components, how it works, security, packet authentication, L2TP/IPSec, L2TP/PPP, Layer 2 versus layer 3 tunnelling. Hands on Implementing a L2TP tunnel. * IPSec AH, HMAC, ESP, transport and tunnel modes, Security Association, use of encryption and authentication algorithms, manual vs automated key exchange, NAT and other issues. Hands on Implementing an IPSec VPN. * Intranet VPNs Headers, architecture, label switching, LDP, MPLS VPNs. * VPN products and services PE and CPE, management, various VPN products. * VPN issues and architectures VPN architectures: terminate VPN before/on/ after/in parallel with firewall, resilience issues, VRRP, performance issues, QoS and VPNs. documentation.

Definitive VPNs for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Total IP multicast for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

TOTAL IP MULTICAST TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This training course provides an advanced three day hands on study of IP multicast technology focusing on architectures, applications and protocols. All aspects of IP multicasting are covered including PC, server and switch implementations. Design, configuration, support and troubleshooting are all covered in the course. Hands on sessions are used to reinforce the theory rather than teach specific implementations. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Design multicast networks. * Explain how multicast networks work. * Compare and contrast the different multicast routing protocols, such as DVMRP, PIM, MBGP and SSM. * Configure PCs, servers, switches and routers for multicasting. * Configure multicast routing protocols including: PIM Dense Mode. PIM Sparse Mode BGP SSM Troubleshoot multicast networks. TOTAL IP MULTICAST TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Technical staff working with IP multicasts. * Prerequisites: TCP/IP Foundation for engineers * Duration 3 days TOTAL IP MULTICAST TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Introduction What is multicasting? Why multicast? Why not multicast? Multicasting vs. multiple unicasts, Multicasting vs. broadcasts, multicasting applications, the use of unicast addressing for setting up multicast applications, multicast use within standard protocols such as OSPF. hands on Example multicast applications. * Addressing Layer two multicast addresses, Class D addresses, mapping layer 3 addresses onto layer 2 multicast addresses. Multicast addresses on NBMAs, scoping multicast traffic, Multicast address blocks, GLOP, IPv6 and multicasting, anycasting. hands on Multicast addressing. * Multicast architectures Where the different protocols are used, PC to router, router to router, how switches can get involved. hands on Analysing multicast packets. * PC to router Configuring Class D addresses, IGMP, packet formats, queries, reports, maintaining groups, enhancements to IGMP (v2 and v3), Leaving a group, querier elections, hands on Analysing IGMP packets. * Switches and multicasting Controlling multicast traffic with switches, VLANS, static bridge table entries, IGMP snooping, CGMP. hands on Configuring switches for multicast environments. * Router to router MOSPF, DVMRP, PIM Sparse Mode, PIM Dense Mode, MBGP. hands on Simple router configuration for multicasting. * Theory behind multicast routing protocols Distribution trees, source distribution trees, shared trees, core based trees. Reverse path forwarding, Multicast routing protocol types. PIM DM: Flooding, pruning, PIM designated routers, hands on configuring PIM DM. * PIM Sparse mode Rendevous points, discovering RPs, hands on Configuring PIM SM, using different protocols for different groups. PIM SM with one RP, using multiple RPs, Auto RP. * MBGP Multiprotocol routing, how does MBGP work? How MBGP carries multiple protocol information, MBGP and multicasts, MBGP and IPv6. hands on Configuring MBGP for multicasts. * Internet multicasting The internet, ISPs, the MBone, tunnelling, Inter domain multicasting, the role of MBGP, Inter domain problem, MSDP, MSDP operation SSM, PIM-SM and shared trees, SSM, PIM-SSM operation, SSM benefits. hands on MSDP configuration. SSM configuration.

Total IP multicast for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally