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2308 Courses in Sheffield

MySQL foundation


By Systems & Network Training

MYSQL FOUNDATION TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION The MySQL foundation course covers the basics of the SQL language as implemented by MySQL. The course is designed to give delegates practical experience in writing SQL statements using the MySQL client program and MySQL Workbench. The basic SQL statements, including the use of SQL functions and the basic table and view handling statements are introduced. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Create, alter and drop a MySQL database. * Write SQL statements. * Use SQL expressions and functions. * Create and alter tables, indexes and views. * Use transactions. * Grant and revoke access privileges. * Export and import data. MYSQL FOUNDATION TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone who needs to access and work with a MySQL Database. * Prerequisites: An understanding of databases and exposure to information technology in general would be useful. * Duration 3 days MYSQL FOUNDATION TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Database concepts What is a database? database management systems, tables, rows and columns, indexes, primary keys, unique constraints and foreign keys, client-server architecture, supported data types, storage engines and table types, Information_Schema and MySQL Databases. Hands on using a database. * Using the MySQL client What is the MySQL client? getting started and logging in, selecting a database, client commands, entering and executing SQL statements, retrieving previous commands, creating, editing and executing SQL files, redirecting output into a file, command line execution of MySQL scripts. Hands on Using the MySQL client. * Basic SELECT The SQL SELECT statement, case sensitivity, quotes, statement terminator, syntax conventions, SELECT clause, FROM clause, conditions and the WHERE clause, logical operators, ORDER BY clause, column aliases, arithmetic expressions, precedence of operators. Hands on querying the sample database. * LIMIT, UNION and AGGREGATE functions The LIMIT clause, UNION, UNION ALL, aggregate functions, GROUP BY clause, using Rollup with GROUP BY, HAVING clause. Hands on using limit, union and aggregate functions. * Subqueries and joins Subqueries, cartesian products, table aliases, natural joins, join using, join on, multi-table joins. Hands on using subqueries and joins. * Numeric and character functions Function types, testing functions, numeric functions character functions. Hands on using numeric and character functions. * Data, time and other functions Date and time column types, date and time formats, Date format function, functions to return date time, functions to extract components from date time, date time arithmetic, miscellaneous functions. Hands on using date, time and other functions. * Databases and tables Creating a database, selecting a database, creating tables, Auto_increment, show create table, column operations, constraint operations, copying tables, renaming tables, changing engine for tables, dropping tables, temporary tables. Hands on maintaining databases and tables. * Indexes and views What is an index? creating an index, reviewing indexes, dropping indexes, what is a view? creating views, view restrictions, dropping views. Hands on maintaining indexes and views. * Managing data Inserting rows, replacing rows, updating rows, deleting rows, Truncate statement, The COMMIT and ROLLBACK commands, savepoints, implicit commits. Hands on managing data. * Access control Creating users, renaming users, dropping users, granting privileges, revoking privileges. Hands on creating users, granting and revoking. * Import and export Exporting using SQL, importing using SQL, exporting from the command line, importing from the command line. Hands on export and import data.

MySQL foundation
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

4G & 5G Roaming Scenarios & Procedures


By Systems & Network Training

4G & 5G ROAMING SCENARIOS & PROCEDURES COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is designed to explain the roaming procedures of modern mobile networks, based on the GSMA roaming specification the course explains all scenarios where a mobile subscriber may find themselves whilst visiting a preferred mobile network partner. Interconnection between MNOs and the use of GRX & IPX as an interworking process. The course will work through the registration & authentication procedure, download of the user profile, the APN configuration & DIAMETER process to verify user authenticity. VoLTE roaming and IMS registration procedures for voice support & SMS delivery will be discussed and explained. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Architecture Models * Technical requirements for interfaces - 4G Roaming Scenarios * Technical requirements & recommendations for services * Other Technical Requirements & Recommendations * Technical Requirements for QoS support * Technical Requirements & Recommendations for Interfaces - 5G Scenarios * Technical Requirements & Recommendations for Interworking & Coexistence with E-UTRAN & EPC * Technical Requirements & Recommendations for Services * Other Technical Requirements & Recommendations 4G & 5G ROAMING SCENARIOS & PROCEDURES COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Those working in mobile networks. * Prerequisites: None. * Duration 3 days 4G & 5G ROAMING SCENARIOS & PROCEDURES COURSE CONTENTS ARCHITECTURE MODELS 4G Evolved Packet System 5G Core Network SGs Interface for CSFB& SMS over SGs TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR INTERFACES - 4G ROAMING SCENARIOS General requirements for inter-PLMN interfaces Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) IAMETER S8 Interface 1. SGW selection 2. PGW selection GTP Transport Layer engineering S9 interface 1. Implementation requirements 2. Guidelines for DIAMETER over S9 S6a & S6d interface Gy interface 1. Guidelines for DIAMETER over Gy Legacy interworking scenarios 1. VPLMN has not implemented LTE 2. HPLMN has not implemented LTE Co-existence scenarios 1. Possible scenarios 1. 2G/3G roaming agreement only 2. 2G/3G LTE roaming agreement 3. LTE roaming registrations Consequences of different APN approaches when roaming 1. Guidance regarding the APN approach when roaming Inter-RAT handover 1. Handover & access restrictions to/from 2G/3G & LTE (Active mode) 2. Access restriction for 2G/3G and/or LTE (Idle mode) 3. Handover of PDN Connections between GERAN/UTRAN & LTE Handover to/from non-3GPP accesses & LTE Bandwidth considerations ARP considerations at handover from LTE to 2G/3G TECH REQUIREMENTS & RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SERVICES SMS 1. SMS over SGs Voice 1. CSFB 2. Roaming retry for CSFB 3. Roaming Forwarding for CSFB 4. Coexistence of Roaming Forwarding & Roaming Retry 5. Recommended procedures IMS Voice Roaming Architecture OTHER TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS & RECOMMENDATIONS Access Control Addressing APN for IMS based services 1. IMS Well Known APN APN for Home Operator Services 1. Gateway Selection 2. Inter-PLMN roaming handover 3. Data off related functionality Emergency Services 1. Emergency PDN connectivity Emergency Call indicator Security 1. GTP Security 2. DIAMETER Security DIAMTER Roaming hubbing Default APN E-UTRA NR Dual Connectivity with EPC 1. GW Selection for E-UTRA-NR Dual Connectivity TAC/LAC Restriction Guidelines TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR QOS SUPPORT QoS parameters definition QoS Management in the Home Routed architecture QoS control for IMS APN in the S8HR architecture Support of QoS in GRX/IPX QoS Control in Local Breakout architecture TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS & RECOMMENDATIONS FOR INTERFACES - 5G SCENARIOS 1. General requirements for inter-PLMN interfaces 2. Transport protocol - TCP/IP 3. Serialisation protocol - JSON 4. Interface Definition language - OpenAPI 5. Application Protocol - HTTP2 Inter-PLMN (N32) Interface 1. N32c 2. N32f 3. ALS & IPX HTTP Proxy SMF & UPF in HPLMN & VPLMN Requirements related to Service Based Architecture Naming, addressing & routing for 5G SA roaming 1. SEPP load distribution 2. SEPP administration, naming convention & routing 3. SEPP HTTP redirections TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS & RECOMMENDATIONS FOR INTERWORKING & COEXISTENCE WITH E-UTRAN & EPC Interworking scenarios Coexistence scenarios Inter-RAT Handover Handover & Access restriction between 5GC & EPC TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS & RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SERVICES Network slicing Voice, Video & Messaging Location support UE Route Selection Policy OTHER TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS & RECOMMENDATIONS Access control IP Addressing DNN for IMS based services Emergency PDU Session Emergency Services Fallback Security Steering of Roaming in 5GS TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR QOS SUPPORT 5G QoS model 5G QoS profile QoS Control

4G & 5G Roaming Scenarios & Procedures
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Total SMTP and email for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

SMTP TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A hands on course focusing on the workings of email systems and the standard protocols that they use. The course is not specific to any particular implementation, but some vendor specifics are noted. Linux and Microsoft machines are used in hands on sessions to reinforce the theory of major sessions. The course concentrates on troubleshooting and interworking using network sniffing and protocol inspection rather than "which buttons to push". WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Describe and explain SMTP MIME POP3 IMAP PGP, GPG, S/MIME SPF, DKIM, DMARC * Configure mail routing * Secure email systems SMTP TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Technical staff responsible for email systems. * Prerequisites: TCP/IP foundation for engineers. * Duration 3 days SMTP TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * SMTP architecture What is SMTP, email before SMTP, SMTP history, the different protocols, clients, servers. Email composition, transmission, delivering emails, storing and reading emails. MUAs, MTAs, POP3, IMAP, SMTP, DNS, webmail. Hands on Setting up MTAs and MUAs and sending a simple email using telnet. * The SMTP protocol SMTP protocol stack, SMTP headers, HELO, SMTP mail, MAIL FROM, RCPT TO, DATA, SMTPUTF8, 8BITMIME, TURN, EHLO, ETRN, 3 digit replies. Hands on Analysing SMTP packets on a network. * DNS and SMTP SMTP forwarding, SMTP relays, interoperation, how SMTP uses DNS, MX records. Hands on Setting up mail relays. * SMTP headers IMF data, From, to, cc, bcc, sender and recipient headers, message Ids, received trails, in-reply-to, received-SPF, mail list headers. Hands on Using clients to analyse details from mail headers, including true originators and path of emails. * MIME Email attachments, MIME versions, content type headers, encoding, base 64, binary data, multi part headers, troubleshooting attachments. Hands on Analysing MIME headers and attachments. * POP3 What is POP3, where to use POP3, authorisation, transactions, POP3 commands: USER, PASS, STAT, LIST, RETR, DELE. Hands on Setting up a POP3 server, analysing POP3 packets on a network. * IMAP and IMAPS What is IMAP, where to use IMAP, authorisation, mailbox structure, IMAP commands: LOGIN, AUTHENTICATE, LIST, CREATE, Examine (message flags), SELECT, STORE. Hands on Setting up an IMAP server and analysing IMAP packets on a network. * Interoperation Mail gateways, addressing, Exchange, sendmail. * Email security Basics, Transport level: STARTTLS. Content: PGP/GPG, mail signing and encryption, S/MIME, digital certificates, secure email submission. Hands on Setting up and using a PGP key, configure MTAs to use TLS. * Email authentication and spam prevention Mail relays, grey listing, block list & RBL, DNSBL (Real-time Black hole List), White list, SPF, Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM), Author Domain Signing Practices (ADSP), Abuse Report Format (ARF), Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance (DMARC). Hands on Relay spamming and the blocking spamming.

Total SMTP and email for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Oracle SQL foundation


By Systems & Network Training

ORACLE SQL TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION The Oracle SQL course is designed to give delegates practical experience in writing SQL statements and scripts using Oracle SQL. The basic SELECT statement, the use of SQL functions and the basic table and view handling statements are introduced. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Create SQL statements to query database tables. * Use standard aggregate functions and related SELECT statement clauses. * Join Tables. * Use basic subqueries and the set operators. * Use numeric, character and date functions. * Use conversion and other miscellaneous functions. * Use SQL parameters. * Use complex subqueries. * Create and alter tables and views. * Insert, update and delete rows in database tables. * Manage sequences and synonyms. ORACLE SQL TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone who needs to use and understand Oracle SQL to query and update data in an Oracle database. * Prerequisites: None. * Duration 3 days ORACLE SQL TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Retrieving data with the SELECT statement The SELECT statement, The SELECT and FROM clauses, Conditions and the WHERE clause, Other conditional operators, Logical operators, The ORDER BY clause, Column aliases, Arithmetic expressions, Precedence of operators. * Aggregate functions Overview of built In aggregate functions, The GROUP BY clause, The HAVING clause. * Joining tables Overview of table joins, Inner joins, Table aliases, Outer joins, Self joins, ANSI standard joins. * Basic subqueries and set operators Overview of subqueries, Basic subqueries, Set operators, The union, intersect and ,minus operators. * Numeric, character and data functions Function types, Using the table dual to try out functions, Numeric functions, Character functions, String concatenation, Date arithmetic and date functions. * Conversion and miscellaneous functions Conversion functions, The NVL and NVL2 functions, The DECODE function, CASE expressions, The COALESCE and NULLIF functions. * SQL parameters Command line substitution parameters, The accept command, The define and undefine commands. * Complex subqueries Subqueries usage, In-line views, Top-N queries, Subqueries with joins, Multi column subqueries, Correlated subqueries, Subquery rules, Using the ANY, ALL and SOME operators. * Managing data Inserting rows, Updating rows, Deleting rows, Verifying updates, Transaction control, Commit and rollback, Savepoints, Commits and constraints, Amending data in SQL developer. * Managing tables Creating tables, Specifying constraints, Altering tables, columns and constraints, Dropping tables, columns and constraints, Recovering dropped tables, Copying tables. * Managing indexes and views Creating indexes, Dropping indexes, Listing indexes, Creating and using views, Dropping views, Listing views. * Managing sequences and synonyms Create a sequence, View sequence details, Create a synonym, List synonyms.

Oracle SQL foundation
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Supporting Microsoft SQL server


By Systems & Network Training

SUPPORTING MICROSOFT SQL SERVER COURSE DESCRIPTION A concise hands on course enabling delegates to manage and administer a Microsoft SQL server database. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Install SQL server. * Backup SQL server databases. * Recover SQL server databases. * Secure SQL server databases. * Perform routine maintenance. * Automate tasks. SUPPORTING MICROSOFT SQL SERVER COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone working with Microsoft SQL server * Prerequisites: Supporting Windows server. * Duration 3 days SUPPORTING MICROSOFT SQL SERVER COURSE CONTENTS * SQL server introduction Platform, Tools, services. Installation. Creating databases. * Backups Back up types, transaction logging, restoring from a backup: Full database, individual files. * Security Users, server roles, database roles. Permissions. * Monitoring Routine database maintenance. Performance data. * Jobs and alerts The SQL server agent, database mail, alerts, jobs.

Supporting Microsoft SQL server
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

HTML5 development fundamentals


By Systems & Network Training

HTML5 DEVELOPMENT TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This three-day MTA Training course helps you prepare for Microsoft Technology Associate Exam 98-375, and build an understanding of these topics: Manage the Application Life Cycle, Build the User Interface by Using HTML5, Format the User Interface by Using CSS, Code by Using JavaScript. This course leverages the same content as found in the Microsoft Official Academic Course (MOAC) for this exam. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Manage the Application Life Cycle. * Build the User Interface by Using HTML5. * Format the User Interface by Using CSS. * Code by Using JavaScript. HTML5 DEVELOPMENT TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone working with HTML5. * Prerequisites: None. * Duration 3 days HTML5 DEVELOPMENT TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Managing the Application Life Cycle * Platform fundamentals Packaging and the runtime environment: app package, app container, credentials/permission sets, host process, leverage existing HTML5 skills and content for slate/tablet applications. * Manage the state of an application Manage session state, app state and persist state information; understand states of an application; understand the differences between local and session storage. * Debug and test a HTML5 touch-enabled application Touch gestures; gestures you test on a device. * HTML5 UI: Text, Graphics, and Media * HTML5 tags for text content and graphics. When, why and how to use Canvas; when, why and how to use scalable vector graphics (SVG). * HTML5 tags to play media. Video and audio tags. * HTML5 UI: Organization, Input, and Validation * HTML5 tags to organise content and forms Tables, lists, sections; semantic HTML. * HTML5 tags for input and validation * CSS Essentials: Content Flow, Positioning, styling * Core CSS concepts Separate presentation from content (create content with HTML and style content with CSS); manage content flow (inline versus block flow); manage positioning of individual elements( float versus absolute positioning); manage content overflow (scrolling, visible and hidden); basic CSS styling. * CSS Essentials: Layouts * Arrange UI content by using CSS Use flexible box and grid layouts to establish content alignment, direction and orientation; proportional scaling and use of "free scale" for elements within a flexible box or grid; order and arrange content; concepts for using flex box for simple layouts and grid for complex layouts; grid content properties for rows and columns; use application templates. * Managing Text Flow by Using CSS Regions and using regions to flow text content between multiple sections (content source, content container, dynamic flow, flow-into, flow-from, msRegionUpdate, msRegionOverflow, msGetRegionContent); columns and hyphenation and using these CSS settings to optimise the readability of text; use "positioned floats" to create text flow around a floating object * Managing the Graphical Interface by Using CSS Graphics effects (rounded edges, shadows, transparency, background gradients, typography and Web Open Font Format); 2-D 3-D transformations (translate, scale, rotate, skew and 3-D perspective transitions and animations); SVG filter effects; Canvas. * JavaScript and coding essentials Manage and maintain JavaScript, Create and use functions; jQuery and other third-party libraries. Update the UI by using JavaScript Locate/access elements; listen and respond to events; show and hide elements; update the content of elements. * Animations, Graphics, and Accessing Data * Code animations with JavaScript animation; manipulate the canvas; work with images, shapes and other graphics. * Access data access by using JavaScript Send and receive data; transmit complex objects and parsing; load and save files; App Cache; datatypes; forms; cookies; localStorage * JavaScript coding for Touch Interface, Device and Operating System Resources, and More Respond to the touch interface, Gestures, how to capture and respond to gestures, Code additional HTML5 APIs, GeoLocation, Web Workers, WebSocket; File API, Access device and operating system resources, In- memory resources, such as contact lists and calendar; hardware capabilities, such as GPS, accelerometer and camera.

HTML5 development fundamentals
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Total IPsec for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

IPSEC TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This hands on course focuses on IPsec VPNs. Rather than focusing on one implementation this course concentrates on the technologies and protocols of IPsec. Starting with an overview of the complete IPsec architecture the course then moves onto ESP packet analysis along with encryption and authentication provided. IKEv1 and IKEv2 are both covered in detail. Having covered IPsec with pre shared keys the course then moves onto IPsec with certificates followed by IPsec issues. The course is vendor neutral with hands on with both Cisco and Microsoft implementations. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Explain how IPsec works. * Explain the role of AH, ESP and IKE. * Configure IPsec. * Troubleshoot IPsec. IPSEC TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Technical staff working with IPsec. * Prerequisites: Definitive IP VPNs for engineers. * Duration 3 days IPSEC TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * What is IPsec? How to spell IPsec, IPsec is IP security, confidentiality, integrity, authenticity, replay protection, what is a VPN? Network layer security, IPsec and IPv4, IPsec and IPv6, the suite of protocols, the standard, IPsec RFCs, IPsec history. Hands on Analysis of 'normal' IP packets. * IPsec architecture The IPsec protocols, AH vs ESP, Why two headers? transport mode, tunnel mode, Remote access VPNs, site to site VPNs, security associations, SA database, Security Parameters Index, implementations: Host tack, Bump in the Stack, Bump in the Wire. Hands on Configuring IPsec. * AH What AH does, the stack, The AH header, What is authenticated? Device authentication. AH in transport mode, AH in tunnel mode. Hands on AH packet analysis. * ESP What ESP does, the ESP header, ESP in transport mode, ESP in tunnel mode, ESP and SA, ESP and SPI. Hands on ESP packet analysis, policy configuration. * IPsec encryption IPsec is a framework, standard algorithms, ESP keys, the role of IKE, key lifetimes, how IKE generates the keys, DES, 3DES, AES, cipher block chaining, counter mode, other encryption. Hands on Encryption configuration. * IPsec authentication Authentication types, IPsec authentication, Authentication algorithms: MD5, keyed SHA-1, HMAC-MD5, HMAC-SHA-1, HMAC-RIPEMD, other authentication algorithms. Hands on Authentication configuration. * IKE Internet Key Exchange, IKE and the SAD, the two phase negotiation, ISAKMP, ISAKMP header, pre shared keys, digital signatures, public key encryption, Diffie Hellman, proposals, counter proposals, nonces, identities, phase 1 negotiation: main mode, aggressive mode, base mode. Phase 2 negotiation: quick mode, new group mode. Hands on IKE packet analysis. * More IKE PFS, IKE and dynamic addresses, XAUTH, hybrid authentication, CRACK, ULA, PIC. User level authentication. IKE renegotiation, heartbeats. Hands on Troubleshooting IPsec. * IKEv2 The IKEv2 exchange, IKE_SA_INIT, IKE_AUTH, CREATE_CHILD_SA, IKEv2 packets, the informational exchange. Comparing IKev1 vs IKE v2. Hands on IKEv2 configuration and analysis. * PKI What is PKI?, Digital certificates, Certificate authorities, CA servers, RA, VA, certificates, CA hierarchy, CRLs, certificate formats. Hands on installing and configuring certificate servers. * IPsec issues NAT, IPsec overhead and fragmentation. * Summary IPsec strengths and weaknesses. Where to get further information.

Total IPsec for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Complete Ruby programming


By Systems & Network Training

COMPLETE RUBY PROGRAMMING TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This course starts with a quick-start session and then explains the language in detail from the bottom up. Hands on sessions follow all the major sessions to reinforce the theory. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Read Ruby programs. * Write Ruby programs. * Debug Ruby programs. COMPLETE RUBY PROGRAMMING TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone wishing to program in Ruby. * Prerequisites: Software development fundamentals * Duration 3 days COMPLETE RUBY PROGRAMMING TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Introduction A tour of Ruby, Try Ruby, A suduko solver in Ruby. * The Structure and execution of Ruby Lexical structure, Syntactic structure, Files structure, Program encoding, Program execution. * Datatypes and objects Numbers, text, Arrays, Hashes, Ranges, Symbols, True, false, and nil, Objects. * Expressions and operators Literals and keyword literals, Variable references, Constant references, Method invocations, Assignments, Operators. * Statements and control structures Conditionals, loops, Iterators and enumerable objects, Blocks, Altering flow control, Exceptions and exception handling, BEGIN and END, Threads, fibres and continuations. * Methods, Procs, Lambdas and closures Defining simple methods, Method names, Methods and parentheses, Method arguments, Procs and lambdas, Closures, Method objects, Functional programming. * Classes and modules Defining a simple class, Method visibility: public, protected, privates, Subclassing and inheritance, Object creation and initialization, Modules, Loading and requiring modules, Singleton methods and Eigenclass, Method lookup, Constant lookup. * Reflection and metaprogramming Types, classes and modules, Evaluating strings and blocks, Variables and constants, Methods, Hooks, Tracing, ObjectSpace and GV, Custom control structures, Missing methods and missing constants, Dynamically creating methods, Alias chaining. * The Ruby platform Strings, Regular expressions, Numbers and Math, Dates and times, Collections, Files and directories, Input/output, Networking, Threads and concurrency. * The Ruby environment Invoking the Ruby interpreter, The Top-level environment, Practical extraction and reporting shortcuts, Calling the OS, Security.

Complete Ruby programming
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Building ASP.net applications


By Systems & Network Training

ASP.NET TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION Our hands on ASP.NET training course that will teach students how to create a simple ASP.NET application that delivers dynamic content to the web. The course is applicable for those using C# or VB.NET with ASP.NET. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Create a web form with server controls * Separate page code from content with code-behind pages, page controls, and components. * Display dynamic data from a data source by using ADO.NET and data binding. * Debug ASP.NET pages by using trace. ASP.NET TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Programmers working with ASP.NET. * Prerequisites: HTML5 development fundamentals VBNet_course.htm or C++ programming foundation * Duration 3 days ASP.NET TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Working with ASP.NET Introducing ASP.NET. Creating web forms. Adding ASP.NET code to a page. Handling page events. * Using Web Controls Web controls and HTML controls compared. Using intrinsic controls. Using input validation controls. Introduction to user controls. * Using trace in ASP.NET pages Overview of tracing. Trace information. Page-level trace and application-level trace. * Separating code from content Advantages of partitioning an ASP.NET page. Creating and using code-behind pages. Creating and using components and classes. Inheritance of classes. Interfaces. * Using ADO .NET to access data Accessing text files. Overview of ADO .NET Connecting to a data source. Accessing data with DateSets. Using DataViews. Accessing data with DataReaders. Using XML data with a DataSet. * Creating an ASP.NET Web Application Requirements of a web application. Sharing information between pages. Securing an ASP.NET application. Web services. Creating a simple web service using Visual Studio.NET Calling a web service using Visual Studio.NET

Building ASP.net applications
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Software development fundamentals


By Systems & Network Training

SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This three-day MTA Training course helps you prepare for Microsoft Technology Associate Exam 98-361, and build an understanding of these topics: Core programming, Object-Oriented programming, general software development, web applications, desktop applications, and databases. This course leverages the same content as found in the Microsoft Official Academic Course (MOAC) for this exam. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Describe core programming. * Explain Object Oriented programming. * Describe general software development. * Describe Web applications. * Describe desktop applications. * Explain how databases work. SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone looking to learn the fundamentals of software. * Prerequisites: None. * Duration 3 days SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Core programming * Computer storage and data types How a computer stores programs and the instructions in computer memory, memory stacks and heaps, memory size requirements for the various data storage types, numeric data and textual data. * Computer decision structures Various decision structures used in all computer programming languages; If decision structures; multiple decision structures, such as If…Else and switch/Select Case; reading flowcharts; decision tables; evaluating expressions. * Handling repetition For loops, While loops, Do...While loops and recursion. * Understand error handling Structured exception handling. * Object-oriented programming * Classes Properties, methods, events and constructors; how to create a class; how to use classes in code. * Inheritance Inheriting the functionality of a base class into a derived class. * Polymorphism Extending the functionality in a class after inheriting from a base class, overriding methods in the derived class. * Encapsulation Creating classes that hide their implementation details while still allowing access to the required functionality through the interface, access modifiers. * General software development * Application life cycle management Phases of application life cycle management, software testing. * Interpret application specifications Application specifications, translating them into prototypes, code, select appropriate application type and components. * Algorithms and data structures Arrays, stacks, queues, linked lists and sorting algorithms; performance implications of various data structures; choosing the right data structure. * Web applications * Web page development HTML, CSS, JavaScript. * ASP.NET web application development Page life cycle, event model, state management, client-side versus server-side programming. * Web hosting Creating virtual directories and websites, deploying web applications, understanding the role of Internet Information Services. * Web services Web services that will be consumed by client applications, accessing web services from a client application, SOAP, WSDL. * Desktop applications * Windows apps UI design guideline categories, characteristics and capabilities of Store Apps, identify gestures. * Console-based applications Characteristics and capabilities of console- based applications. * Windows Services Characteristics and capabilities of Windows Services. * Databases * Relational database management systems Characteristics and capabilities of database products, database design, ERDs, normalisation concepts. * Database query methods SQL, creating and accessing stored procedures, updating and selecting data. * Database connection methods Connecting to various types of data stores, such as flat file; XML file; in-memory object; resource optimisation.

Software development fundamentals
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally