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Total IP multicast for engineers

Total IP multicast for engineers

  • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
  • Completion Certificate
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  • Delivered Online or In-Person

  • You travel to organiser or they travel to you

  • Redhill

  • 3 days

  • All levels


Total IP multicast training course description

This training course provides an advanced three day hands on study of IP multicast technology focusing on architectures, applications and protocols. All aspects of IP multicasting are covered including PC, server and switch implementations. Design, configuration, support and troubleshooting are all covered in the course. Hands on sessions are used to reinforce the theory rather than teach specific implementations.

What will you learn
  • Design multicast networks.
  • Explain how multicast networks work.
  • Compare and contrast the different multicast routing protocols, such as DVMRP, PIM, MBGP and SSM.
  • Configure PCs, servers, switches and routers for multicasting.
  • Configure multicast routing protocols including:
    PIM Dense Mode.
    PIM Sparse Mode
    Troubleshoot multicast networks.
Total IP multicast training course details
  • Who will benefit:
  • Technical staff working with IP multicasts.

  • Prerequisites:
  • TCP/IP Foundation for engineers

  • Duration
  • 3 days

Total IP multicast training course contents

  • Introduction
  • What is multicasting? Why multicast? Why not multicast? Multicasting vs. multiple unicasts, Multicasting vs. broadcasts, multicasting applications, the use of unicast addressing for setting up multicast applications, multicast use within standard protocols such as OSPF.
    hands on Example multicast applications.

  • Addressing
  • Layer two multicast addresses, Class D addresses, mapping layer 3 addresses onto layer 2 multicast addresses. Multicast addresses on NBMAs, scoping multicast traffic, Multicast address blocks, GLOP, IPv6 and multicasting, anycasting.
    hands on Multicast addressing.

  • Multicast architectures
  • Where the different protocols are used, PC to router, router to router, how switches can get involved.
    hands on Analysing multicast packets.

  • PC to router
  • Configuring Class D addresses, IGMP, packet formats, queries, reports, maintaining groups, enhancements to IGMP (v2 and v3), Leaving a group, querier elections,
    hands on Analysing IGMP packets.

  • Switches and multicasting
  • Controlling multicast traffic with switches, VLANS, static bridge table entries, IGMP snooping, CGMP.
    hands on Configuring switches for multicast environments.

  • Router to router
  • MOSPF, DVMRP, PIM Sparse Mode, PIM Dense Mode, MBGP.
    hands on Simple router configuration for multicasting.

  • Theory behind multicast routing protocols
  • Distribution trees, source distribution trees, shared trees, core based trees. Reverse path forwarding, Multicast routing protocol types. PIM DM: Flooding, pruning, PIM designated routers,
    hands on configuring PIM DM.

  • PIM Sparse mode
  • Rendevous points, discovering RPs,
    hands on Configuring PIM SM, using different protocols for different groups. PIM SM with one RP, using multiple RPs, Auto RP.

  • MBGP
  • Multiprotocol routing, how does MBGP work? How MBGP carries multiple protocol information, MBGP and multicasts, MBGP and IPv6.
    hands on Configuring MBGP for multicasts.

  • Internet multicasting
  • The internet, ISPs, the MBone, tunnelling, Inter domain multicasting, the role of MBGP, Inter domain problem, MSDP, MSDP operation SSM, PIM-SM and shared trees, SSM, PIM-SSM operation, SSM benefits.
    hands on MSDP configuration. SSM configuration.

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