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4 Courses in Nottingham

A Coaching Approach to Strategic Partnering

By Maximum Performance

This two-day workshop will help you develop your skills as a strategic partner and equip you with the knowledge to take a coaching approach with both internal and external stakeholders. We will explore two perspectives: you as a strategic partner, and how you use a coaching approach to engage others to deliver. * SECURE NEW POSITIONS * BUILD THE RAPPORT AND ESTABLISH GOOD WORKING RELATIONSHIPS IN SHORT TIME FRAME * UNDERSTAND YOUR WORK AND COMMUNICATION STYLES * FLEX YOUR OWN BEHAVIOURAL STYLES TO ENGAGE OTHER EFFECTIVELY * UNDERSTAND SOURCES OF 'POWER' AND HOW TO INFLUENCE WITHOUT POSITION POWER * USE COACHING SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES * MANAGE GROUP DYNAMICS AND DIFFICULT INDIVIDUALS DAY ONE1. WORKING EFFECTIVELY WITH OTHERS - YOUR WORK AND COMMUNICATION STYLE * The MBTI profile * The implications of my work and communication style * How others may perceive me, my strengths and weaknesses * What is rapport? * Flexing my style to build rapport 2. WORKING EFFECTIVELY WITH OTHERS - USING A COACHING APPROACH TO ENGAGE * 5 key coaching skills * Listening to understand * Questioning to move to effective outcomes * Co-CREATE model - coaching with an agenda * 15-minute outcome-focused conversations * Developing techniques to deal with conflict effectively DAY TWO1. POWER DYNAMICS * The sources of power in organisations * Influencing with integrity * Stakeholder mapping 2. DELIVERING DIFFICULT MESSAGES * Direct communication * FACTs coaching model - challenging with integrity 3. DEALING WITH GROUPS * 'Hot' group issues * Functional and dysfunctional group behaviour * Strategies for managing groups effectively * Practical interventions for getting effective outcomes

A Coaching Approach to Strategic Partnering
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden & 1 more
Price on Enquiry

Sales closing and price negotiation skills (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

Successfully closing a sale and negotiating the best outcome for the business is a key skill for all salespeople, and often an area that is overlooked. Investing in this skill will have a positive impact on interactions with customers, both new and existing, and lead to improved sales performance. Whilst understanding how to reach a conclusion with a customer faster means increased efficiency and more time to invest in sourcing new business. We have developed this programme to be practical, fun and interactive. Participants will learn proven techniques for influencing, persuading and negotiating with clients, gain increased confidence and clarity when reviewing contract terms and prices, and understand how to structure and manage sales negotiation and contract review meetings. This course will help participants: * Learn a structured and proven approach to the negotiation of contract terms * Apply the key principles of negotiation, playing the person and the problem * Create a contract negotiation strategy - from opening to close * Recognize and put to use proven negotiation tactics and techniques * Learn how to embrace conflict positively - to 'say no, then negotiate' * Plan and prepare for any commercial negotiation conversations * Understand the stages of negotiation and how to move through them 1 CLOSING AND NEGOTIATING FROM A POSITION OF PERSONAL POWER * The eight steps of a sales or commercial negotiation * Ten ways to resist price pressure * How to draw on sources of power when you have less authority * The six principles of influence and persuasion and how to use them 2 EFFECTIVE NEGOTIATION - PLANNING AND THEORY * How to plan and structure your negotiation for a successful and quick conclusion * Influence: knowing how to 'push or pull' to win an argument * Achieving a BATNA - a range of practical skills and techniques * Case study: planning for a client negotiation around contract or price issues 3 EFFECTIVE CLOSING AND NEGOTIATION - PRACTICE AND REALITY * Higher-level questioning techniques to investigate and solve problems * Listening to lead - active listening and structuring your conversation * The most common 'unforced' negotiation mistakes and errors * Case study: setting objectives, sources of value, trading concessions 4 SALES NEGOTIATION TACTICS AND PLAYING THE GAME * How high - how hard - how soon; why now * How to identify hidden or perceived currencies and values * How to use these to establish a higher base price * Negotiation best-practice checklist and summary

Sales closing and price negotiation skills (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Influencing Skills for HR

By Maximum Performance

The ability to influence others and gain their co-operation in a positive way is an essential skill for HR. The reality is that we cannot NOT influence, the question is how we influence others and what would make us more effective. This workshop will give you the opportunity to reflect on your impact at work and identify situations in which you would like to be more influential. You will learn how to achieve better results through creating rapport with others in order to win their support. You will learn a host of practical influencing tools and techniques. The workshop will focus on how you apply them in a wide range of situations and build flexibility so that you are able to adapt your approach with different people to get the best outcome. * TO UNDERSTAND THE IMPORTANCE OF USING POSITIVE INFLUENCE AT WORK AND YOUR PERSONAL INFLUENCING STYLE * TO GAIN CO-OPERATION AND SUPPORT FROM OTHERS BY BUILDING AND MAINTAINING RAPPORT * TO DEVELOP YOUR INFLUENCING SKILLS AND ENHANCE YOUR IMPACT AND CREDIBILITY * TO APPLY INFLUENCING TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES PRACTICALLY WITHIN THE WORKPLACE * TO BE ABLE TO ADAPT YOUR APPROACH WITH DIFFERENT PEOPLE AND IN DIFFERENT CIRCUMSTANCES TO GET THE BEST OUTCOME 1. INTRODUCTION * Workshop objectives and benefits from attending * Participants' experience and confidence in this area * Personal objectives 2. UNDERSTANDING INFLUENCE * What is influence? * Positive influence and persuasion v manipulation and coercion 3. CHARACTERISTICS OF INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE * Exercise: Who influences you and how? * Sources of power: understanding your impact * Six key rules of influence: applying these practically at work * Building and maintaining credibility and trust 4. INFLUENCE AND YOU * How do you influence others? Identifying what helps and what challenges * Identifying situations participants wish to be more influential in * Understanding the 'circle of influence' 5. INFLUENCING STYLES * Different influencing styles and when to use them * Your preferred influencing style and behavioural flexibility * Group exercise to build flexibility in approach 6. A STAGED APPROACH TO INFLUENCING * Understanding the four key stages * Preparation, the conversation, the decision and action 7. PLANNING AND PREPARATION * A checklist * Determining importance and clear outcome * Identifying beliefs and the self-fulfilling prophecy * Understanding the other party / parties. Considering their outcomes, what they value, what might they raise / challenge? * Identifying which influencing style is most appropriate * Planning your approach * Group exercise: Application to participants' real situations 8. THE CONVERSATION * A structured approach: key points to remember * Creating and maintaining rapport * Communicating effectively: questioning and listening skills * Assertiveness and influence * Reaching a decision and agreeing a way forward 9. THE PROVE MODEL * A model of persuasion * Group exercise: Application to participants' real situations 10. HANDLING CHALLENGING SITUATIONS * Handling concerns and objections * Other challenging situations and strategies * Adapting your approach to different people and different 11. NEXT STEPS * Individual learning and actions * Group review and close

Influencing Skills for HR
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden & 1 more
Price on Enquiry

Professional HR | A Performance Improvement Workshop

By Maximum Performance

This unique two-day workshop programme is focused on helping HR teams achieve new levels of peak performance. It uses a framework based on the four inter-locking strands of high-performance HR: the core skills of HR, legal requirements, best practice, and organisational policies and procedures. The precise content of the programme varies, according to current levels of HR performance in your organisation and any particular issues of concern, but the object is always the same: to enhance the participants' mastery of the core skills of HR, to ensure that they have an up-to-date knowledge of employment law and to facilitate a review of organisational policies and procedures to appropriate standards of best practice. This workshop-led approach is an ideal method for identifying the steps needed to bring all members of the HR team up to the same level of peak performance. * UNDERSTAND THE COMPLEXITY OF THE ROLE WITHIN HR AND IDENTIFY SPECIFIC CHALLENGES * UNDERSTAND THEIR CONTRIBUTION TO THE HR FUNCTION AND TO ORGANISATIONAL OBJECTIVES * RECOGNISE THE ESSENTIAL CORE HR SKILLS, THEIR OWN STRENGTHS AND DEVELOPMENT AREAS * DEVELOP ASSERTIVE BEHAVIOUR * RECOGNISE THE POWER TO INFLUENCE, AND PLAN AN EVEN MORE EFFECTIVE STRATEGY * MANAGE CONFLICT CONSTRUCTIVELY * EMPLOY A STRUCTURED APPROACH WHEN COACHING OTHERS * MANAGE THEMSELVES, THEIR TIME AND THEIR MEETINGS EFFECTIVELY * USE THE CORE SKILLS OF HR FLEXIBLY IN 'DIFFICULT' OR 'SENSITIVE' SITUATIONS * COMMUNICATE MORE EFFECTIVELY IN GROUP SETTINGS AND IN 1:1 SITUATIONS * UNDERSTAND THE OVERALL LEGAL FRAMEWORK OF EMPLOYMENT LAW * APPRECIATE THE IMPORTANCE OF EMPLOYMENT STATUS * AVOID AND DEFEND CASES OF UNLAWFUL DISCRIMINATION * MANAGE SHORT- AND LONG-TERM ABSENCE LAWFULLY * ENSURE THAT THE ORGANISATION IS NOT UNNECESSARILY EXPOSED TO CLAIMS FOR UNFAIR DISMISSAL * IMPLEMENT DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES FAIRLY AND LAWFULLY DAY ONE 1. INTRODUCTION AND COURSE OBJECTIVES 2. THE ROLE OF HR * Roles and responsibilities * Your customers. Customer satisfaction. * Challenges of the role * The contribution of the HR function to organisational objectives 3. CORE SKILLS OF AN EFFECTIVE HR ADVISOR * Communication skills * Assertiveness * Influencing skills * Managing conflict * Coaching skills * Management of self and time * Other key skills and behaviours 4. IDENTIFYING INDIVIDUAL STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES * Self-assessment diagnostic 5. COMMUNICATION SKILLS * Enhancing our impact at work through good communication * Understanding the communication process and its flaws * Checking for understanding and avoiding assumptions * How we communicate. Verbal and non-verbal communication. * The importance of communicating congruently * Exercise: effective questioning and listening skills * Enhancing your communication skills 6. ASSERTIVENESS * Recognising different types of behaviour * Understanding what assertiveness is and the benefits of behaving assertively * Barriers to acting assertively * The link between our beliefs and our behaviour. The self-fulfilling prophecy. * Challenging beliefs and acting assertively * Planning an assertive and confident approach * Responding assertively in challenging situations * Application to participants' own situations 7. INFLUENCING SKILLS * Understanding influence and persuasion * Identifying who influences us and how we are influenced * Identifying sources of power and how to use these effectively and appropriately * Influencing styles. Participants' preferred style. * Exercise: flexing your style * Preparation and planning your approach. A checklist. * Putting it into practice * Application to participants' own situations 8. MANAGING CONFLICT * Exploring conflict and why it is inevitable * Recognising how we perceive conflict. Reframing conflict. * Types and sources of conflict at work * Five typical responses to conflict. Participants' typical responses. * How to select the best response * Strategies to resolve conflict * Exercise: A conflict tool * Application to participants' own situations 9. COACHING * Defining coaching * Recognising the benefits of a coaching approach * What coaching involves * A structured approach to coaching. GROW model. * Opportunities to coach 10. MANAGEMENT OF SELF AND TIME * Understanding how well you use your time * Identifying key priorities and planning how you use your time * Top tips on time management * Effective meetings 11. PUTTING IT INTO PRACTICE * Action planning DAY TWO 1. THE LEGAL FRAMEWORK * The UK legal system and employee rights * Employment status * The contract of employment - express and implied terms * Dismissal and redundancy * Enforcement of rights through the courts * Employment law quiz on discrimination and other topical issues 2. WORKING WITH REPRESENTATIVES * Experience of working with union / employee representatives * Rights, roles and responsibilities * Informal and formal involvement * Challenging issues 3. DISCIPLINE * Conduct v capability * Purpose of taking disciplinary action * Statutory requirements and ACAS Code of Practice * Managing conduct issues informally * Formal stages in line with your disciplinary procedure * Assessing risk and determining appropriate action. Acting fairly and consistently. Scenarios. * Your role and responsibility * Legal implications and case law * Group exercise: Fair or unfair dismissals? 4. GRIEVANCES * Understanding what constitutes a grievance * ACAS Code of Practice * Resolving issues informally * Managing grievances formally * Your role and responsibility * Legal implications * Challenging situations 5. ABSENCE * Impact of absence. Managing absence v individual support. * Your health capability procedure. Informal and formal stages. * Managing short-term and long-term absence * Your role and responsibility * Understanding the law in relation to disability * Stress, mental health and other challenging issues * Other legal implications and case law 6. BULLYING, DISCRIMINATION AND HARASSMENT * Diversity, dignity at work and discrimination * Harassment, bullying and working with respect * Managing informally and taking formal action * Assessing risk and determining appropriate action. Acting fairly / consistently. * Your role and responsibility * Legal implications and case law 7. FLEXIBLE WORKING AND 'FAMILY FRIENDLY' POLICIES (OPTIONAL) * An update on 'family friendly' policies, including shared parental leave 8. AND FINALLY... * Open forum * Legislative changes on the horizon * Action planning

Professional HR | A Performance Improvement Workshop
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden & 1 more
Price on Enquiry

Online Options

Show all 10

Power and Influence

By Skillogy International

Managers and leaders use power every day, many feel reluctant to use it or even to admit that it is part of their job. However, using power effectively is an important skill and by developing influencing techniques can lead to increased effectiveness in a team. This course describes the sources of power and strategies and assesses your abilities in line with these. Power should contribute to organisational goals, respect human rights and conform to standards of equality and justice.

Power and Influence
Delivered Online On Demand
£65 to £85

Politics and Project Management - Turn Project Politics into a Positive Force for Project Objectives: On-Demand

By IIL Europe Ltd

POLITICS AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT - TURN PROJECT POLITICS INTO A POSITIVE FORCE FOR PROJECT OBJECTIVES: ON-DEMAND The goal of this course is to provide project managers with a strong working ability to recognize and successfully navigate organizational politics for the good of projects. WHAT YOU WILL LEARN You'll learn how to: * Explain how positive politics are a valuable method for getting things done in projects * Apply positive political principles and techniques in an ethical manner * Use politically sound strategies, tools, and techniques for positive achievement of project objectives GETTING STARTED * Introductions * Course structure * Course goals and objectives INTRODUCTION TO PROJECT POLITICS * Framing project politics * Characterizing project politics * Distinguishing self-interest from project politics POLITICAL SKILLS IN PROJECTS * Embracing positive politics * Identifying political competencies in projects * Exploring personal political competencies POLITICS AND POWER IN PROJECTS * Positioning power in projects * Exploring sources of power * Comparing power and influence * Developing strategies for power and influence PROJECT POLITICS AND CONFLICT * Facing conflict - a fact of life * Turning conflict into a positive force * Channeling conflict into good decisions * Resolving conflict in and around project politics * Tackling deeper conflicts * Managing conflict that escalates SUMMARY * What did we learn and how can we implement this in our work environments? * Creating your own personal action plan

Politics and Project Management - Turn Project Politics into a Positive Force for Project Objectives: On-Demand
Delivered Online On Demand

Change Management Foundation

By Career Smarter

Change Management Foundation, a comprehensive course introducing essential principles and practices in organisational change. Learn foundational concepts, tools, and methodologies to navigate and lead successful change initiatives. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABOUT THIS COURSE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * £297.00 * 170 lessons * Accredited training * Certificate of Completion Included -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Course curriculum * Introduction * Course Introduction * Change Management Tutor Bot * About your Instructor * Course Guide * Module 1 * Lesson 1 - Introduction * Lesson 2 - Course Structure * Lesson 3 - Study Guidance * Lesson 4 - Learning Outcomes * Lesson 5 - Exam Information * Lesson 6 - Target Audience * Lesson 7 - Certification Structure * Module 2 * Lesson 1 - Introduction * Lesson 2 - The Sigmoid Curve * Lesson 3 - Organisations’ Experiences of Change * Lesson 4 - Success Factors for Change Management * Lesson 5 - Individual Change Management * Lesson 6 - Organisational Change Management * Lesson 7 - Project & Change Management * Lesson 8 - Improving Success Rates * Lesson 9 - Summary * Test Your Knowledge Quiz * Module 3 * Lesson 1 - Introduction * Lesson 2 - Learning Objectives * Lesson 3 - The Change Curve: Introduction * Lesson 4 - The Change Curve: Stages * Lesson 5 - The Change Curve: Practical Observations * Lesson 6 - The Human Transition Model: Introduction * Lesson 7 - The Human Transition Model: Start with Endings * Lesson 8 - The Human Transition Model: Neutral Zone * Lesson 9 - The Human Transition Model: New Beginnings * Lesson 10 - Motivation: Introduction * Lesson 11 - Motivation: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs * Lesson 12 - Motivation: Rewards & Punishments * Lesson 13 - Motivation: Satisfaction & Growth * Lesson 14 - Motivation: Survival & Learning Anxieties * Lesson 15 - Motivation: Personal Growth * Lesson 16 - Individual Differences: Introduction * Lesson 17 - Individual Differences: People of Different Types - Summary of Types * Lesson 18 - Individual Differences: People of Different Types - Conflicts & Preferences * Lesson 19 - Summary * Test Your Knowledge Quiz * Module 4 * Lesson 1 - Introduction * Lesson 2 - Learning Objectives * Lesson 3 - Metaphors of Organisations * Lesson 4 - Models of Change - Lewin's Three Stage Model * Lesson 5 - Models of Change - Kotter's Eight Step Model * Lesson 6 - Models of Change - Senges Systems Thinking Model * Lesson 7 - Summary * Teste Your Knowledge Quiz * Module 5 * Lesson 1 - Introduction * Lesson 2 - Learning Objectives * Lesson 3 - Roles and their Functions in a Change Lifecycle * Lesson 4 - What Makes a Good Sponsor * Lesson 5 - What Makes a Good Change Agent - Change Agents and Change Managers * Lesson 6 - What Makes a Good Change Agent - Change Agents and Line Managers * Lesson 7 - Change Agents and Sources of Power * Lesson 8 - The Role of Line Management * Lesson 9 - Summary * Test Your Knowledge Quiz Accredited AgilePM training is provided by ITonlinelearning, APMG-International Accredited Training Organisation.

Change Management Foundation
Delivered Online On Demand

Assertiveness and Influencing Techniques

By Underscore Group

Learn the skills of being more confident and assertive in the workplace plus be able to influence people to do the things you would like them to do. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COURSE OVERVIEW Duration: 1 day (6.5 hours) This ‘Assertiveness and Influencing Techniques’ workshop is interactive and practical and facilitated by a subject matter expert via a virtual platform. Exercises and breakout rooms will be used during this training.  Delegates are encouraged to login from a location where they feel safe to turn on their camera, use their microphones and engage in conversations as required. OBJECTIVES  The aim of this course is to introduce delegates to a variety of influencing skills and techniques to deal with aggression and challenging situations. These skills and techniques will improve confidence and personal effectiveness when working in groups / meetings.  By the end of the course delegates will be able to recognise and define what assertive behaviour is and its benefits, the impact of non-verbal communication and how to use it to enhance influencing behaviours. CONTENT WHAT IS INFLUENCING AND ASSERTIVENESS? * Sources of power * Influencing skills and choosing the right approach * When to be assertive and alternative behaviours ASSERTIVE BEHAVIOUR * Behavioural styles and their impact on working relationships * Identifying different behaviour types; assertive, aggressive, passive * Building confidence and negotiating a win/win result DEVELOPING SKILLS * Communication skills – the language of influence and communication dynamics * Different influencing techniques and when to use them * The art of saying ‘No’ - having the confidence to challenge * Receiving criticism assertively and assertiveness behaviour analysis * The language of assertion * Meeting skills * Giving and receiving feedback * Dealing with confrontation, aggression and challenges in a confident manner PRACTICAL EXERCISES AND ACTION PLANNING * Practical exercises will be used throughout the training and the training will culminate with the creation of a personal action plan

Assertiveness and Influencing Techniques
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Horsham
Price on Enquiry

Information Management

By Skillogy International

Managers and leaders use power every day, many feel reluctant to use it or even to admit that it is part of their job. However, using power effectively is an important skill and by developing influencing techniques can lead to increased effectiveness in a team. This course describes the sources of power and strategies and assesses your abilities in line with these. Power should contribute to organisational goals, respect human rights and conform to standards of equality and justice.

Information Management
Delivered Online On Demand
£65 to £85

Influencing and Decision Making

By Underscore Group

Gain practical skills in influencing and decision-making, perfect for anyone working in team-based or project-focused environments, with interactive, hands-on learning. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COURSE OVERVIEW Duration: 1 day (6.5 hours) This is a highly interactive and practical course which will help you to use influencing and decision making techniques. This workshop has been specifically designed to give you an opportunity to learn and test a range of influencing and decision making models and techniques. The course is aimed at anyone who interacts with others on a regular basis, especially those in project management disciplines, multi disciplinary, matrix type organisations where healthy debate and challenge are key to achieving optimum resolutions. OBJECTIVES By the end of the course you will be able to: * Utilise a variety of new techniques to enhance your influencing skills * Recognise the impact of non-verbal communication and use it to enhance influencing behaviours * Use language skills necessary to get your message across in an influential way * Apply different techniques for dealing with aggression * Understand VUCA – Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity & Ambiguous * Use Perception, Bias, Decision Making and Judgement * Understand personal preferences and approaches to Decision Making * Speed read others approach to decision making * Apply Mindsets, Skillsets and Toolsets for decision making CONTENT WHAT IS INFLUENCING? * Sources of power * Influencing skills * Choosing the right approach DEVELOPING SKILLS * Communication skills – the language of influence * Different influencing techniques and when to use them * Having the confidence to challenge * Dealing with confrontation and challenges in a confident manner THE DECISION LIFECYCLE – PERSONAL PREFERENCES * Understand the human facts that influence decision making * Understanding personal preferences and approaches to Decision Making * Understand the impact of Perception, Bias and judgement in decision making * Speed reading others approach to decision making FRAMEWORKS TO PROVIDE CONTEXT FOR DECISION MAKING * Understand the business factors that influence decision making - VUCA * The Cynefin Framework – decision making in complex situations * Understanding which business context, you operate in – simple, complicated, complex or chaotic * Understanding how to decide in complexity PRACTICAL * Practical exercises * Case studies * Personal action planning

Influencing and Decision Making
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Horsham
Price on Enquiry