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72 Courses in Nottingham

Conflict management (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

Conflict is a word that conjures up many emotions. It is something that most people would prefer to avoid, if possible. Work can be an emotive place. Positive relationships can make your life at work exciting, motivating and challenging, whilst relationships that do not hold value to you could make your life very difficult and stressful, especially if there is conflict between you and your manager. This course is essential for people who want to understand where conflict can be used to positive effect and how to manage conflict in your working relationships and see it as something positive that can stimulate the environment. Research has shown that relationships at work are an extremely high motivational factor, and for a lot of people it has a higher importance that salary! Therefore, it is essential that we invest in relationships and search out new ways to make them better in order to have a more positive influence on our surroundings. By understanding why other people are in conflict we can manage the conversation a lot better, with outcomes managed more effectively so the 'conflict' will add value to the organisation. This participative event will cover a wide variety of exercises and personal stories, and leave course participants with a clear strategy to identify when they are in conflict with someone and how they will structure their approach to get to a satisfactory outcome. This is a workshop that targets anyone where conflict needs to be managed and cannot seem to resolve it, whether internally or externally. At the end of the day, participants will: * Know their key relationships and the strength of those relationships * Complete the Strengths Deployment Inventory (SDI) to identify where you deploy your strengths * Understand what is important to you and your key stakeholders * Know how motivational value systems can influence behaviour * Tailor your communication style to match that of your opposite party * Know conflict strategies to resolve conflict in others * Learn to be more assertive when challenging * Achieve key personal, departmental and organisational objectives 1 WHERE ARE YOU NOW? * How effective are your current working relationships? * Can I work effectively without the input from others? * Who do you need to be a success? 2 THE STRENGTHS DEPLOYMENT INVENTORY (SDI) * Completion of the SDI questionnaire * An understanding of the theory * A 'trip around the triangle' * Predicting relationship interaction * Your scores and what they mean in your relationships 3 CONFLICT THEORY * What is conflict? * The 3 flags of conflict * What are your conflict triggers? * Your conflict scores plotted * The conflict sequence 4 CONFLICT RESOLUTION STRATEGIES * Early warning signs * Most productive behaviours * Least productive behaviours * Preventable / unwarranted conflict * Review of the dynamic triangle * Review of the day, personal learning and action planning

Conflict management (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Introduction to sales (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

When staff are new to sales it can seem daunting, especially when they have targets to meet. If the staff you need to promote your products and services get it wrong then it can knock their confidence and negatively impact how your customers see you as an organisation. This programme provides staff with the basic skills they need to sell. This course will help participants: * Profile customers * Research and identify potential new customers * Use the consultative sales process * Build effective rapport with customers * Identify customer needs through effective questioning and listening * Position products and services effectively * Close the sale or gain commitment to further action * Manage their customer portfolio to maximise sales 1 INTRODUCTION * Aims and objectives of the training * Personal introductions and objectives * Self-assessment of existing sales skills * Overview of content 2 KNOWING YOUR CUSTOMERS * Who are your customers, and what do they want from you? * What are your strengths, compared to your competitors? * Who are your new potential customers? * How do you communicate with new customers? * What do you need to know about your customers before you start to sell? * Making the initial approach * Planning your pipeline - keeping the customers coming 3 THE FOUR-STEP SALES PROCESS * Overview of the consultative sales process * Key benefits of using the consultative sales process * Focusing on behaviours not targets * The behaviours of a good salesperson * Common pitfalls and mistakes * Personal strengths and weaknesses 4 BUILDING RAPPORT * First impressions - Mehrabian theory of communication * Short cuts to building rapport * Looking out for clues as to how the customer is thinking * Looping back to keep the conversation flowing * Acknowledging past communication * Dealing with emotions such as anger * Setting the agenda to keep control * Getting past gatekeepers 5 QUESTIONING AND LISTENING * How to ask open questions to uncover information * Left brain questions * When closed question can be useful * What stops us listening? * The four levels of listening * How to develop your listening skills 6 PRESENTING PRODUCTS AND SERVICES TO CUSTOMERS * When to present * Using benefits not features * Making it personal * Using reciprocity * The tendency towards the middle * Using consistency 7 GAINING COMMITMENT * Testing the water * Dealing with objections using ACLEO * Asking for the business * Getting referrals * Ending with a personalised close * Following-up 8 MANAGING YOUR CUSTOMER PIPELINE * Spotting opportunities for cross-sales * Managing your portfolio * Maximising sales proactively * Review meetings * Customer satisfaction measures and surveys * Mystery shopping 9 PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER * Skills practice * Personal learning summary and action plans

Introduction to sales (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Resilience (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

How do you manage yourself under pressure? Are there times you get hijacked by your emotions and find it hard to deal with setbacks? How good are you at dealing with change? Resilience is all about having the ability to adapt, deal with change constructively and bounce back from adversity. While some people are naturally more resilient that others it is something that can be learnt. This session focuses on helping you respond positively to the pressures and demands of work and take specific steps in building your personal resilience. Take away: Action planner for i-resilience profile. You will have the opportunity to: * Gain insight into the relationship between work pressure, performance, wellbeing and resilience * Explore your natural strengths and how to manage what pushes you into a less resourceful state * Understand the skills and techniques that underpin the behaviours and attitudes of highly resilient people

Resilience (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Building successful working relationships (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

This 2-day workshop is offered with an internal and external focus. Day 1 will focus on building your internal network and relationships by focusing on your personal network, your brand, influencing skills and perceptions. Day 2 focuses on your external relationships with suppliers, patient groups etc. This will focus on assertiveness, outcome rather than relationship focus, and influencing and negotiating skills. DAY ONE 1 CAN YOU SUCCEED BY YOURSELF? 2 RELATIONSHIP AWARENESS THEORY 3 THE STRENGTHS DEPLOYMENT INVENTORY / YOUR FACET5 PROFILE 4 BUILDING RAPPORT 5 INFLUENCING POWER BASES 6 ACTIVE LISTENING 7 BUILDING YOUR PERSONAL INTERNAL NETWORK 8 PERCEPTIONS 9 YOUR BRAND DAY TWO 3 PREPARING FOR CONFLICT 2 THE NEGOTIATION CONVERSATION 1 YOUR STAKEHOLDERS AND WHAT THEY WANT FROM YOU 4 INFLUENCING OTHERS 5 YOUR COMMUNICATION APPROACHES FOR SUCCESS 6 EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE 7 THE TRUST MODEL 8 KNOWING YOUR OUTCOMES

Building successful working relationships (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Personal resilience (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

This workshop-based bite-size will provide space to explore some practical tools and ideas on how to be more resilient when faced with challenging and tough situations. There is an opportunity to do a self assessment and bring it to the day as a means to identify areas to work on and begin to master skills that will enhance resilient thinking. There will be time to explore what resilience is and understand the range of practical tools and techniques available that can be used beyond the workshop itself. By the end of the workshop participants will be able to: * Discuss and evaluate their personal strengths and areas for development in being more resilient at work * Understand what resilience involves and how to identify and challenge their own beliefs that undermine resilience * Understand the four aspects of resilience - confidence, adaptability, building support and maintaining a clear perspective * Understand how to use resiliency tools to help to cope better with the challenge of change * Review and evaluate their learning and have an action plan to take back and implement in the workplace 1 WELCOME, INTRODUCTIONS AND OBJECTIVES * Breaking the ice 2 IDENTIFYING CURRENT CHALLENGES IN RELATION TO WORK * How we handle these challenges 3 DEFINING RESILIENCE AND HOW AND WHY IT HELPS OUR PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS AND THINKING 4 RESILIENCE SKILLS AND HOW TO DEVELOP THEM 5 LEARNING A RESILIENCE TOOL THAT PROMOTES NEW WAYS OF THINKING / WORKING 6 REVIEW AND EVALUATION OF LEARNING * Action planning

Personal resilience (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Autism Awareness

By Prima Cura Training

This course explores Autism and the current body of thinking and knowledge around Autistic Spectrum Disorders. This enables learners to consider how to adapt their practice with useful strategies to better support an individual with autism.

Autism Awareness
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide
Price on Enquiry

Account management essentials (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

Maximising the relationship and sales potential of each active account is key to the sustainability of any business relying on repeatable custom. In this workshop we start by looking at key techniques for analysing the profitability and development opportunities for different clients before deciding upon the strategy and skills needed for moving the relationship to that of trusted adviser and partner. By understanding and creating the need we can use our influencing skills to harness any sales development potential. By creating the habit of explaining our ideas in a way that also meets the need of the other party we help everybody make the right decisions for them. This course will help participants: * Assess the sales profitability and potential of existing key accounts * Prioritise where time and energy is directed for maximum profitability * Understand the key players in the decision making unit * Create a strategic plan for the development of each client target * Develop proactive sales consultancy skills * Learn advanced communication and influencing techniques 1 WHAT MAKES AN EFFECTIVE ACCOUNT MANAGER? * The difference between order taking and account management * How do you define a key account in your business? * Why should existing customers remain with your company? * How do you compare to the competition? 2 HOW DO I PRIORITISE MY ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT ACTIVITY? * Use practical tools to help you assess revenue potential * Analyse the investment required versus the return on your time * Create a SWOT analysis on your clients - Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats * Appreciate how this knowledge will improve your sales development 3 PLANNING STRATEGIES FOR EACH ACCOUNT * Create a list of priority accounts and activities * Learn how to develop a long-term and sustainable relationship * Discover how they make their purchasing decisions * Research the make-up of the Decision Making Unit for each client 4 LEARNING AND UTILISING THE SIX PRINCIPLES OF INFLUENCE * Learn the secrets these principles offer sales people * Discover how these principles will work for you * Create an influencing strategy for influencers within the client * Learn new habits of influence 5 PROACTIVE SALES SKILLS * Plan proactive sales meetings for key accounts * Set primary and secondary objectives for every touch point with the customer * Structure sales meetings for maximum effectiveness * Help the customer commit and achieve their objectives 6 PUTTING IT INTO PRACTICE * Discuss real scenarios to plan for putting these skills into practice * Share common issues with fellow sales people * Create a personal development plan

Account management essentials (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Coaching skills for sales (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

Maximising the team's sales capability is the key aim for any sales manager. When sales people struggle to hit their targets, it falls to the sales manager to provide support and help colleagues to find their way again. One of the most effective techniques for sales managers to improve and maintain sales performance is by providing live sales coaching. Sales coaching encourages sales people to find their own solutions and take responsibility for their own development. This course will help participants: * Develop people to fulfil their sales potential * Provide motivational feedback * Identify strengths and weaknesses of their team members * Understand personal learning styles * Identify and adapt for different personality styles * Prepare and conduct on-the-job observations * Motivate sales people to greater performance 1 HOW IS SALES COACHING DIFFERENT FROM SALES TRAINING? * What is coaching? * Discover how coaching empowers sales people * Learn the best time to use sales coaching * Decide which people should be coached first * Creating a development plan 2 UNDERSTANDING LEARNING, BEHAVIOURAL AND COMMUNICATION STYLES * Use practical tools to help you assess individual styles * Tap into the essence and energy of the person you are developing * Understand your own learning, behavioural and communication preferences * Develop a strategy to adopt for each member of your team * Discover what motivates you and your salespeople to perform * Appreciate how this knowledge will improve your sales conversion 3 USING THE GROW COACHING MODEL * Learn the secrets of a successful coaching session * Discover the importance of SMART objectives and instructions * Understand and capture what coachees are currently doing right * Develop their problem-solving and decision-making skills * Help your colleagues crystalise their plans and actions * Provide follow-up opportunities to embed the learning 4 GIVING MOTIVATIONAL FEEDBACK * Understand why effective feedback is so powerful in sales * Learn key models for motivational feedback * Discover how to manage and structure more difficult conversations * Understand the power of positive reinforcement * Encourage sales people to coach and support colleagues 5 PUTTING IT INTO PRACTICE * Use realistic scenarios to provide opportunities for practice * Discover what it feels like to be coached * Receive immediate feedback on your coaching style * Share common performance issues with fellow sales managers * Create a personal development plan 6 PREPARING ON-THE-JOB OBSERVATIONS AND JOINT VISITS * Build a strategy for coaching and team development * Prepare an observation template for effective coaching * Learn the key elements of preparation for your next coaching session * Agree common areas to focus on with coachees 7 ACTION PLANNING * Personal action plans

Coaching skills for sales (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Advanced sales skills (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

Do you hear yourself saying the same thing over and over again? Do you want to bring some new skills to your role? If you have been in a sales role for some time it is easy to fall into a comfortable pattern. This workshop will help you incorporate advanced techniques drawn from NLP, behavioural science and social psychology into your existing skills. This course will help you: * Use the consultative sales process to achieve more cross-sales * Employ advanced rapport-building skills * Assess the buying preferences of a customer * Articulate the link between customer goals and needs * Identify your customer's needs and wants * Use advanced questioning techniques to gather information * Resist the temptation to tell when it would be better to ask * Identify communication preferences * Given various scenarios, present a product to the explicit need of a customer * Appreciate the impact of the language used during this stage of the sale and decide what language is appropriate with a variety of customers * Handle objections positively * Close the sale or gain commitment to further action 1 INTRODUCTION * Aims and objectives of the training * Personal introductions and objectives * Self-assessment of existing sales skills * Overview of content 2 UNDERSTANDING YOURSELF AND YOUR CUSTOMERS * Personal communication style and what this means in a sales situation * Wants versus needs * What motivates people to buy * Using social media tools such as LinkedIn * Managing your portfolio to maximise sales * Preparing to sell 3 THE SALES PROCESS * Overview of the consultative sales process * Review personal strengths and weaknesses as a salesperson * Habits of top-performing sales people * Common pitfalls * Articulate sales goals 4 BUILDING RAPPORT * 11 decisions that customers make in the first 9 seconds * Spotting buyer communication preferences * Building rapport with a wide variety of customers * Dealing with emotions * Keeping control 5 QUESTIONING AND LISTENING * Assumptions and how they trip us up * Structured questioning * Looking for cross-sales * Honing your listening skills * Identifying buyers' motivation * Using summaries to move the customer forward 6 PRESENTING PRODUCTS AND SERVICES TO CUSTOMERS * Choosing the right time to present * Using features, advantages and benefits * Tailoring your presentation of products and services to match buyer preferences and motivations 7 GAINING COMMITMENT * When to close * Dealing with difficult customers * 5 things to avoid when handling a customer objection 8 MANAGING YOUR BUSINESS * The link between service and sales * Using customer surveys * Winning back lost business 9 PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER * Skills practice * Personal learning summary and action plans

Advanced sales skills (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Business networking skills (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

This workshop will provide participants with the insight and skills to be more effective business networkers, face-to-face and online. The approach taken is to build on the strengths people already have and their successes. It is easier to develop what you already have than to try and develop skills that do not come easily. Being yourself is the most effective tool for business networking and building relationships. This course will help those attending: * Appreciate the importance of networking, and different forms of networking * Understand the dynamics of communication that are specific to networking * Become more confident and assured when 'working' a room * Improve their influencing skills, especially with people who are experts and in positions of authority * 'Sell' themselves and promote their company * Identify and manage their profiles using online social networking sites * Use effective follow-up to maintain active contacts and connections * Select the correct networking groups, clubs and events * Create their own personal network 1 THE IMPORTANCE, AND DIFFERENT TYPES, OF NETWORKING * Personal objectives and introductions * Test networking session * Examples of the importance, purpose and format of various types of networking, and benefits you can expect 2 HOW TO WORK A ROOM - PREPARATION AND STRATEGY * Three things to know before you attend any event * Non-verbal communication and art of rapport * Breaking the ice - worked examples with practical demonstration 3 COMMUNICATION DYNAMICS IN NETWORKING - THE POWER OF THE LISTENING NETWORKER * Why it is better to listen than talk * Effective questioning and active listening * Creating a natural and engaging conversation, 1-2-1 and in a larger group 4 ASSUMPTIONS WHEN NETWORKING * How to use the 'instant judgement' of others to your advantage * What assumptions are you making? * How to keep an open mind 5 BUSINESS NETWORKING ETIQUETTE * Meeting and greeting at a business networking event - approaching complete strangers and introducing yourself * Socialising: joining and leaving groups easily * Making a good first impression in 30 seconds * The use of status when networking 6 MAKING CONNECTIONS * Asking for cards, contact details and referrals * Gaining a follow-up commitment * Some tips and tricks 7 BUSINESS NETWORKING REHEARSALS * Practice sessions 8 PERSONAL BUSINESS NETWORKING ONLINE * Overview of different types of networking sites - there is a lot more out there than just Facebook! * Examples of creating an effective profile * Using social networking effectively - case studies and application * 'Advanced' applications - blogs, articles, twitter, feeds, etc. * Online demonstration and examples 9 BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS - FOLLOW-UP AND FOLLOW-THROUGH * Maintaining a good database * Developing a contact strategy with different types and levels of contact * How to analyse your contact base

Business networking skills  (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry