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2188 Courses in Nottingham



By Systems & Network Training

DREAMWEAVER TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION Dreamweaver is a web authoring program that allows you to build professional quality websites. This course starts with a tour of Dreamweaver and customising your workspaces, moving onto HTML and CSS basics. Page layouts, templates and interactive pages are also covered. The final session covers how to use Dreamweaver as a HTML editor. Hands on session follow all the major theory chapters. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Use Dreamweaver to create websites. * Customise Dreamweaver. * Use templates. * Add interactivity to web pages. * Use Dreamweaver to edit HTML code. DREAMWEAVER TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone wishing to create or edit websites. * Prerequisites: None. * Duration 3 days DREAMWEAVER TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Getting started Installing the programme, Updating to the latest version,, Online content, On first launch, Choosing the program colour theme, Setting up the workspace, Defining a Dreamweaver site, Checking for updates, Additional resources. * Customizing your workspace Touring the workspace, Using the start screen, Exploring new feature guides, Setting interface preferences, Switching and splitting views, Selecting a workspace layout, Personalising Dreamweaver, Working with extract, Creating custom keyboard shortcuts, Using the Property inspector, Using the Related Files interface, Using tag selectors, Using the CSS Designer, Using the Visual Media Query (VMQ) interface, Using the DOM viewer, Using Element dialogs, displays and inspectors, Setting up version control in Dreamweaver, Exploring experimenting and learning. * HTML Basics What is HTML? Where did HTML begin? Frequently used HTML elements, What's new in HTML5. * CSS Basics What is CSS? HTML vs. CSS formatting, HTML defaults, CSS box model, Applying CSS styling, Multiples, classes and ids. * Web design basics Developing a new website, Scenario, Working with thumbnails and wireframes, * Creating a page layout Evaluating page design options, Working with predefined layouts, Styling an existing layout, Styling elements using the Extract panel, Extracting text from a Photoshop mockup, Troubleshooting CSS styling, Extracting text styling from a Photoshop mockup, Creating a gradient background using Extract, Extracting image assets from a mockup, Adding CSS background effects in code, Finishing up the layout. * Working with templates Creating a template from an existing layout, Inserting editable regions, Inserting editable regions, Inserting HTML entities, Inserting metadata, Validating HTML code, Producing child pages, Moving CSS styles to linked file, Updating a template. * Working with text, lists and tables Previewing the completed file, Creating and styling text, Creating lists, Creating and styling tables, Spell-checking webpages, Finding and replacing text. * Working with images Web image basics, Previewing completed files, Inserting an image, Controlling image positions with CSS classes, Working with the Insert panel, Using the Insert menu, Inserting non-web file types, Working with Photoshop Smart Objects, Copying and pasting images from Photoshop, Inserting images by drag and drop, Optimizing images with the Property inspector. * Working with navigation Hyperlinks, previewing the completed file, creating internal and external hyperlinks, setting up email links, Creating image-based links, Targeting page elements, Locking an element on the screen, Styling a navigation menu, Checking your page, Adding destination links. * Adding interactivity Dreamweaver behaviours, Previewing the completed file, Working with Dreamweaver behaviours, Working with jQuery Accordion widgets, Inserting a jQuery Accordion widget, Styling a jQuery Accordion. * Publishing to the web Defining a remote site, Cloaking folders and files, Wrapping things up, Putting your site online, Synchronizing local and remote sites. * Working with code Creating HTML code, multicursor support, commenting your code, Working with CSS preprocessors, Selecting code, Collapsing code, Expanding code, Accessing Split code view, Previewing assets in Code View.

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Total IPsec for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

IPSEC TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This hands on course focuses on IPsec VPNs. Rather than focusing on one implementation this course concentrates on the technologies and protocols of IPsec. Starting with an overview of the complete IPsec architecture the course then moves onto ESP packet analysis along with encryption and authentication provided. IKEv1 and IKEv2 are both covered in detail. Having covered IPsec with pre shared keys the course then moves onto IPsec with certificates followed by IPsec issues. The course is vendor neutral with hands on with both Cisco and Microsoft implementations. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Explain how IPsec works. * Explain the role of AH, ESP and IKE. * Configure IPsec. * Troubleshoot IPsec. IPSEC TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Technical staff working with IPsec. * Prerequisites: Definitive IP VPNs for engineers. * Duration 3 days IPSEC TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * What is IPsec? How to spell IPsec, IPsec is IP security, confidentiality, integrity, authenticity, replay protection, what is a VPN? Network layer security, IPsec and IPv4, IPsec and IPv6, the suite of protocols, the standard, IPsec RFCs, IPsec history. Hands on Analysis of 'normal' IP packets. * IPsec architecture The IPsec protocols, AH vs ESP, Why two headers? transport mode, tunnel mode, Remote access VPNs, site to site VPNs, security associations, SA database, Security Parameters Index, implementations: Host tack, Bump in the Stack, Bump in the Wire. Hands on Configuring IPsec. * AH What AH does, the stack, The AH header, What is authenticated? Device authentication. AH in transport mode, AH in tunnel mode. Hands on AH packet analysis. * ESP What ESP does, the ESP header, ESP in transport mode, ESP in tunnel mode, ESP and SA, ESP and SPI. Hands on ESP packet analysis, policy configuration. * IPsec encryption IPsec is a framework, standard algorithms, ESP keys, the role of IKE, key lifetimes, how IKE generates the keys, DES, 3DES, AES, cipher block chaining, counter mode, other encryption. Hands on Encryption configuration. * IPsec authentication Authentication types, IPsec authentication, Authentication algorithms: MD5, keyed SHA-1, HMAC-MD5, HMAC-SHA-1, HMAC-RIPEMD, other authentication algorithms. Hands on Authentication configuration. * IKE Internet Key Exchange, IKE and the SAD, the two phase negotiation, ISAKMP, ISAKMP header, pre shared keys, digital signatures, public key encryption, Diffie Hellman, proposals, counter proposals, nonces, identities, phase 1 negotiation: main mode, aggressive mode, base mode. Phase 2 negotiation: quick mode, new group mode. Hands on IKE packet analysis. * More IKE PFS, IKE and dynamic addresses, XAUTH, hybrid authentication, CRACK, ULA, PIC. User level authentication. IKE renegotiation, heartbeats. Hands on Troubleshooting IPsec. * IKEv2 The IKEv2 exchange, IKE_SA_INIT, IKE_AUTH, CREATE_CHILD_SA, IKEv2 packets, the informational exchange. Comparing IKev1 vs IKE v2. Hands on IKEv2 configuration and analysis. * PKI What is PKI?, Digital certificates, Certificate authorities, CA servers, RA, VA, certificates, CA hierarchy, CRLs, certificate formats. Hands on installing and configuring certificate servers. * IPsec issues NAT, IPsec overhead and fragmentation. * Summary IPsec strengths and weaknesses. Where to get further information.

Total IPsec for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Supporting Microsoft SQL server


By Systems & Network Training

SUPPORTING MICROSOFT SQL SERVER COURSE DESCRIPTION A concise hands on course enabling delegates to manage and administer a Microsoft SQL server database. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Install SQL server. * Backup SQL server databases. * Recover SQL server databases. * Secure SQL server databases. * Perform routine maintenance. * Automate tasks. SUPPORTING MICROSOFT SQL SERVER COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone working with Microsoft SQL server * Prerequisites: Supporting Windows server. * Duration 3 days SUPPORTING MICROSOFT SQL SERVER COURSE CONTENTS * SQL server introduction Platform, Tools, services. Installation. Creating databases. * Backups Back up types, transaction logging, restoring from a backup: Full database, individual files. * Security Users, server roles, database roles. Permissions. * Monitoring Routine database maintenance. Performance data. * Jobs and alerts The SQL server agent, database mail, alerts, jobs.

Supporting Microsoft SQL server
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

MySQL Performance & Tuning


By Systems & Network Training

MYSQL PERFORMANCE & TUNING TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This MySQL Performance & Tuning course is designed for Database Administrators, Application Developers and Technical Consultants who need to monitor and tune the performance of MySQL servers and databases. The course provides practical experience in monitoring and tuning MySQL servers and databases. Note: This MySQL Performance & Tuning course does not cover clustering (other than at overview level), replication or non-standard storage engines such as Falcon and PBXT. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Develop a monitoring and tuning plan * Use server configuration and status variables. * Identify and improve problem queries. * Make efficient use of indexes. * Monitor and size memory caches and locks. * Tune the MyISAM and InnoDB storage engine. * Evaluate the use of partitioning for performance. MYSQL PERFORMANCE & TUNING TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone who wishes to monitor and tune MySQL performance. * Prerequisites: Delegates must have a working knowledge of MySQL Database Administration * Duration 3 days MYSQL PERFORMANCE & TUNING TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Introduction to performance tuning Tuning overview, Resolving performance issues, Recommended approach to tuning, Items to evaluate, Where to look, Planning a monitoring routine, Building a new database for performance, Tuning an existing database, Setting suitable goals. * MySQL performance tuning tools Administration tools, the information schema, performance-related SHOW commands, benchmarking tools, the MySQL performance schema, MonYog. Hands on Obtaining performance information. * Schema design Normalisation, de-normalisation, naming conventions, load generation, stress testing and benchmarking tools, selecting data types, data types, character sets, choosing storage engines. Hands on effects of design on performance. * Statement tuning Overview of statement tuning, identifying problem queries, the optimizer, explain, explain extended. Hands on identifying problem queries and using explain. * Indexes Index overview, Types of index, Index tuning, Indexes and joins. Hands on Indexes and performance. * Server configuration and monitoring Server configuration variables, server status variables, table cache, multi-threading, connection issues, query cache. Hands on setting and interpreting server variables and caching. * Locking Types of locking, locking and storage engines, effects of locking on performance. Hands on locking and performance. * The InnoDB engine Transactions, crash recovery, locking, monitoring InnoDB, caches and buffers, configuring data files, configuring the log files. Hands on InnoDB configuration and performance. * Other storage engines MyISAM engine, merge engine, archive engine, memory engine, blackhole engine, CSV engine, the Spider engine, the ColumnStore engine, the MyRocks engine, mixing sorage engines. Hands on storage engine performance. * Overview of clustering and performance Advantages of performance, advantages of clustering, performance issues and clustering, the NDBCluster engine, the Galera cluster, the Percona XtraDB cluster, MySQL InnoDB cluster, the federated engine, the federatedX engine, overview of other high availability techniques. NOSQL and Mencached overview. * Dumping and loading data SQL statements versus delimited data, parameters affecting dump performance, parameters affecting load performance. Hands on dump and load performance. * Partitioned tables Partitioned tables concepts, range partitioning, hash partitioning, key partitioning, list partitioning, composite partitioning or subpartitioning, partition pruning. Hands on partitioned table performance.

MySQL Performance & Tuning
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Total OSPF for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

OSPF TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A detailed hands on examination of OSPF. Hands on sessions are used to reinforce the theory rather than teach specific manufacturer equipment. The course starts with a recap of reading routing tables and then jumps straight in with simple OSPF configuration. OSPF features are then studied and configured before moving onto how OSPF works within an area. Multi area OSPF is then studied before looking at OSPF operation in detail by analysing OSPF packets. Finally areas are covered again in more detail followed by troubleshooting. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Design OSPF networks. * Design IP addressing schemes suitable for route summarisation. * Troubleshoot OSPF networks. * Describe the operation of OSPF. OSPF TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Technical staff working with OSPF. * Prerequisites: TCP/IP Foundation for engineers * Duration 3 days OSPF TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Basic routing and OSPF Reading routing tables, routing protocols, What is OSPF? Process IDs, passive interfaces. Hands on Simple OSPF configuration. * OSPF History of OSPF, metrics, costs, convergence, Distance Vector vs. Link state routing protocols, IGPs, classless, OSPF features, load sharing, per packet/destination, OSPF authentication. Hands on Configuring OSPF features. * OSPF within an area How OSPF works, LSDB, LSDB benefits and disadvantages, LSA types, Type 1 and 2, LSA propagation, router IDs, hellos, configuring hellos, the exchange protocol. Hands on Investigating OSPF structures. * Areas Scalability, why areas? Area IDs, area 0, ABRs, ABR resilience, areas & LSDBs, areas & LSAs, Type 3 LSAs, virtual links. Hands on Multi area OSPF. * Redistribution Multiple routing protocols, common scenarios, routing distance, External LSAs, E1 and E2. Type 4 LSAs. OSPF and default routes. Hands on Configuring static route redistribution. * Route aggregation Route summarisation. How to aggregate, ABR summarisation, ASBR summarisation. Hands on OSPF address summarisation. * OSPF packet formats OSPF packets, protocol stack, OSPF stages, packet flows, packet types, the OSPF header, multicasts, Hello, DDB, LS request, LS update, LS ACK, LSA header, LSA formats, neighbours, neighbour states, DRs, adjacencies, BDRs, DR election. Hands on Analysing OSPF packets, troubleshooting. * OSPF network types BMA, NBMA, Point to point links. Hands on Configuring OSPF over Frame Relay. * OSPF stub areas LSA types, area types, area architecture, stub areas, default routes, benefits and disadvantages of stub areas, TSSAs, NSSAs, Type 7 LSAs. Hands on Stub and TSSA configuration. * The OSPF MIB SNMP overview, MIB 2, the OSPF MIB, OSPF MIB groups, useful objects, OSPF traps. Hands on the OSPF MIB. troubleshooting. * Summary RFCs, OSPF design guidelines. * OSPF variants (appendix) OSPF on demand, MOSPF, multicast overview, Type 6 LSAs, OSPF for IPv6 (OSPFv3).

Total OSPF for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Total SNMP for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

SNMP TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A hands-on generic look at the technical operation of SNMP. The course starts with an overview of all the components, which make up SNMP. Hands on starts early with configuration of a managed network. The major versions of SNMP are then put into perspective followed by a look at the SNMP protocol. MIBs are then studied both from the perspective of reading MIBs and writing MIBs. The course finishes with a look at the security implications of SNMP. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Describe the SNMP architecture. * Analyse SNMP packets. * Recognise the MIB structure. * Describe the SMI. * Recognise the strengths and weaknesses of SNMPv2 and SNMPv3. SNMP TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Network administrators. Network operators. Programmers writing MIBs and agents. * Prerequisites: TCP/IP Foundation for engineers Hands on experience of an SNMP management station would also be beneficial. * Duration 3 days SNMP TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Network management What is network management? Benefits, issues. * What is SNMP? SNMP architecture, SNMP MIBs, SMI, the SNMP protocol, polling security, alternatives to SNMP: CMIP, web based management. * Configuring SNMP Auto discovery for management stations, NMS configuration, agent configuration, traps. Hands on Configuring agents and an NMS. * SNMP background SNMP history, RFCs, standards, SNMP protocol versions, SNMPv1, SNMPv2, SNMPv3, SNMP SMI versions, which version should you use? Futures. * SNMPv1 packets SNMP in the 7 layer model, port numbers, general packet format, BER, GET, GET-NEXT, tables, SET, TRAP, bandwidth issues, in band versus out of band management. Hands on Analysing SNMPv1 packets. * SNMPv2 packets SNMPv2 improvements, error handling, GETBULK, v2traps, INFORM. Hands on Analysing SNMPv2 packets. * SNMPv3 packets SNMPv3 packet format, use of SNMPv2 messages, REPORT PDU. * MIB structure The internet MIB branch, standard mib-2, extra parts of mib-2, private enterprise MIBs, loading extra MIBs. Hands on MIB browsing. * mib-2 The mib-2 groups, system group, interfaces group, IP group, ICMP group, TCP group, UDP group, transmission group, SNMP group, RMON. Hands on mib-2 browsing in detail. * SMI The MIB layout, obtaining a private enterprise number, MIB definitions, IMPORT, Module identity, Textual conventions, object definitions, notifications, compliance statements, object groups, base SMI data types, application data types, scalars, instances, tables, table definition, writing agents, SMIng. * SNMP security Community strings, SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c security practices, SNMPv3 security, SNMPv3 architecture, SNMP applications, the SNMP engine, the EngineID, security fields in SNMPv3 packets, USM, authentication, encryption, timeliness, VBAC, SNMPv3 configuration.

Total SNMP for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Database fundamentals


By Systems & Network Training

DATABASE FUNDAMENTALS TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This three-day training course helps you prepare for Microsoft Technology Associate Exam 98-364, and build an understanding of these topics: Core Database Concepts, Creating Database Objects, Manipulating Data, Data Storage, and Administering a Database. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Describe core database concepts. * Create database objects. * Manipulate data. * Describe data storage. * Administer a database. * Create a relational database consisting of 3 related tables. DATABASE FUNDAMENTALS TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Those working with databases. * Prerequisites: None. * Duration 3 days DATABASE FUNDAMENTALS TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Understanding core database concepts Flat-type databases, hierarchical databases, relational databases, database fundamentals, relational database concepts, using the SQL Server Management Studio Interface. Data Manipulation Language (DML), Data Definition Language (DDL), using DDL statements. * Creating database objects Defining data types, using built-in data types, using exact numeric data types, using approximate numeric data types. Creating and using tables. Creating views. Creating stored procedures, SQL injections. * Manipulating data Using Queries to select data, combining conditions, using the BETWEEN clause, using the NOT clause, using the UNION clause, using the EXCEPT and INTERSECT clauses, using the JOIN clause. Using Queries to insert data, Inserting data. Updating data and databases, Using the UPDATE statement. Deleting data, Using the DELETE statement, truncating a table with TRUNCATE TABLE, deleting a table with DROP TABLE, using referential integrity. * Understanding data storage Normalising a database, normalization, first normal form, second normal form, third normal form, fourth normal form, fifth normal form. Primary, foreign and composite keys, clustered and non-clustered indexes, creating a non-clustered table. * Administering a Database Securing Databases, server-level security, database-level security, Windows security, SQL authentication, database server roles, granting access to a database, fixed database roles, object permissions, managing roles, ownership chains, reviewing a sample security model. Backing up and restoring databases, recovery models, backup devices.

Database fundamentals
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

MySQL foundation


By Systems & Network Training

MYSQL FOUNDATION TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION The MySQL foundation course covers the basics of the SQL language as implemented by MySQL. The course is designed to give delegates practical experience in writing SQL statements using the MySQL client program and MySQL Workbench. The basic SQL statements, including the use of SQL functions and the basic table and view handling statements are introduced. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Create, alter and drop a MySQL database. * Write SQL statements. * Use SQL expressions and functions. * Create and alter tables, indexes and views. * Use transactions. * Grant and revoke access privileges. * Export and import data. MYSQL FOUNDATION TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone who needs to access and work with a MySQL Database. * Prerequisites: An understanding of databases and exposure to information technology in general would be useful. * Duration 3 days MYSQL FOUNDATION TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Database concepts What is a database? database management systems, tables, rows and columns, indexes, primary keys, unique constraints and foreign keys, client-server architecture, supported data types, storage engines and table types, Information_Schema and MySQL Databases. Hands on using a database. * Using the MySQL client What is the MySQL client? getting started and logging in, selecting a database, client commands, entering and executing SQL statements, retrieving previous commands, creating, editing and executing SQL files, redirecting output into a file, command line execution of MySQL scripts. Hands on Using the MySQL client. * Basic SELECT The SQL SELECT statement, case sensitivity, quotes, statement terminator, syntax conventions, SELECT clause, FROM clause, conditions and the WHERE clause, logical operators, ORDER BY clause, column aliases, arithmetic expressions, precedence of operators. Hands on querying the sample database. * LIMIT, UNION and AGGREGATE functions The LIMIT clause, UNION, UNION ALL, aggregate functions, GROUP BY clause, using Rollup with GROUP BY, HAVING clause. Hands on using limit, union and aggregate functions. * Subqueries and joins Subqueries, cartesian products, table aliases, natural joins, join using, join on, multi-table joins. Hands on using subqueries and joins. * Numeric and character functions Function types, testing functions, numeric functions character functions. Hands on using numeric and character functions. * Data, time and other functions Date and time column types, date and time formats, Date format function, functions to return date time, functions to extract components from date time, date time arithmetic, miscellaneous functions. Hands on using date, time and other functions. * Databases and tables Creating a database, selecting a database, creating tables, Auto_increment, show create table, column operations, constraint operations, copying tables, renaming tables, changing engine for tables, dropping tables, temporary tables. Hands on maintaining databases and tables. * Indexes and views What is an index? creating an index, reviewing indexes, dropping indexes, what is a view? creating views, view restrictions, dropping views. Hands on maintaining indexes and views. * Managing data Inserting rows, replacing rows, updating rows, deleting rows, Truncate statement, The COMMIT and ROLLBACK commands, savepoints, implicit commits. Hands on managing data. * Access control Creating users, renaming users, dropping users, granting privileges, revoking privileges. Hands on creating users, granting and revoking. * Import and export Exporting using SQL, importing using SQL, exporting from the command line, importing from the command line. Hands on export and import data.

MySQL foundation
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Windows clustering


By Systems & Network Training

WINDOWS CLUSTERING TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This course covers high availability and disaster recovery technologies such as live migration, storage migration and Hyper-V Replica, as well as providing indepth coverage of failover clustering including a detailed implementation of failover clustering of Hyper- V using SoFS. The course also covers System Center Virtual Machine Manager and implementing Network Load Balancing (NLB) and load balancing clusters. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Plan and implement a failover cluster. * Describe managing server roles and clustering resources. * Implement and manage virtual machines. * Use System Center Virtual Machine Manager. * Describe cloud-based storage and high availability solutions. * Implement a Network Load Balancing (NLB) cluster. WINDOWS CLUSTERING TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Technical staff working with Microsoft clusters. * Prerequisites: Supporting Microsoft Windows server * Duration 3 days WINDOWS CLUSTERING TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * High Availability in Windows Server Defining levels of availability, High Availability and disaster recovery solutions with Hyper-V Virtual Machines, High Availability with failover clustering in Windows Server. Hands on Configuring High Availability and Disaster Recovery. * Implementing failover clustering Planning a failover cluster, creating a new failover cluster. Hands on Creating and Administering a Cluster. * Server roles and clustering resources Configuring highly available applications and services on a failover cluster, managing and maintaining a failover cluster, troubleshooting a failover cluster, implementing site high availability with multisite failover clusters. Hands on Managing server roles and clustering resources. * Failover clustering with Hyper-V Overview of integrating Hyper-V with failover clustering, implementing Hyper-V with failover clustering, managing and maintaining Hyper-V Virtual Machines on failover clusters. Hands on Implementing failover clustering by using Hyper-V * Storage Infrastructure Management with Virtual Machine Manager Virtual Machine Manager, managing storage infrastructure with Virtual Machine Manager, provisioning failover clustering in Virtual Machine Manager. Hands on Managing storage infrastructure. * Cloud-Based storage and High Availability Azure storage solutions and infrastructure, cloud integrated storage with StorSimple, disaster recovery with Azure Site Recovery. Hands on Managing cloud-based storage and high availability * Network Load Balancing Clusters Overview of NLB, configuring an NLB cluster, planning NLB. Hands on Implementing a Network Load Balancing Cluster

Windows clustering
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Total Video conferencing over IP for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

VIDEO CONFERENCING OVER IP COURSE DESCRIPTION A current hot topic in recent years has been the provision of multimedia services over IP networks - triple play. This course investigates the characteristics of video transmission and then studies the impact on IP networks. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Describe the issues of video and data convergence. * Describe techniques, which can be used in IP to provide low uniform delay. * Evaluate video technologies. * Design data networks, which will support video.. VIDEO CONFERENCING OVER IP COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Technical staff. * Prerequisites: TCP/IP fundamentals Intro to data communications & networking * Duration 3 days VIDEO CONFERENCING OVER IP COURSE CONTENTS * Review Traditional video, digital video, video formats, MPEG, brief review of IP, Uses of video: downloading, streaming, TV, CCTV, conferencing. * Video over IP issues Delivery methods: FTTH, ADSL, VDSL, 3G and others. Bandwidth, delay, jitter, signalling. Digitising video, CODECS, packetising video, comparison of techniques. * IP performance and QOS IP TOS field, queuing strategies; FIFO, WFQ, custom, priority, RED. Differentiated services, diffserv. * Video over IP protocol stack RTP, RTCP, mixers and translators, RSVP. IPv6. * Conferencing Traditional solutions, Video conferencing over IP, point to point, multipoint, architectures, bridges. * IETF - Session Initiation Protocol Comparison with H.323, SIP proxy, proxy server, redirect server. SDP. * Multicasting Multicasting compared to unicasting and broadcasting, when to use and when not to use multicasting. IGMP, DVMRP, PIM. * Security Impact of firewalls and NAT, ISMA, DRM, DTCP.

Total Video conferencing over IP for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally