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2052 Courses in Nottingham

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Occupational Health and Safety (Level 1) CIEH Introductory Certificate (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

The CIEH Introductory Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety provides an awareness of key health and safety issues, and the part that staff should play in keeping themselves and others free from harm at work. This course will give you a basic background in, and understanding of, general health and safety practices and the control measures required to reduce risks in the workplace.

Occupational Health and Safety (Level 1) CIEH Introductory Certificate (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Performance management conversations for managers (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

Recognising the value of, and practising, clear and open communication at all levels is the first step to improving performance, whether at an individual, team, management, leadership or organisational level. We all know this, but why is it so difficult? This unique programme will make it much, much easier for you by giving you a robust framework to use - and the opportunity to practise your skills in a safe, supportive environment. It will help you have conversation that deliver tangible results. The programme will help you: * Overcome the barriers to effective performance conversations * Handle feedback conversations effectively * Improve working relationships with your staff * Set realistic expectations and targets (and get 'buy-in' for them) * Improve your communication style * Plan and prepare for honest conversations in the workplace 1 WHAT IS AN HONEST CONVERSATION? * Why don't we have them more often? * What stops us? * The cost of not having them 2 THE FEEDBACK CONVERSATION * Dealing with the impact of feedback conversations 3 PREPARING FOR CONFLICT 4 EFFECTIVE WORKING RELATIONSHIPS 5 THE EXPECTATIONS CONVERSATION 6 THE TARGETS CONVERSATION 7 YOUR COMMUNICATION STYLES 8 PLANNING AND PREPARING FOR AN HONEST CONVERSATION 9 GIVING AND RECEIVING FEEDBACK SKILLS

Performance management conversations for managers (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

MoD contract terms and conditions (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

This very practical two-day workshop analyses the content and implications of key MoD terms and conditions of contract. The programme explains the principles and terminology of the contractual aspects of defence procurement as well as considering a number of relevant policies and initiatives. The course covers key components, constructs and methodologies associated with any commercial venture entered into with the UK MoD. Starting at the MoD organisational level the workshop sets the scene by looking at the acquisition process and organisation, detailing the various roles and responsibilities of MoD personnel. The workshop provides an in-depth examination of MoD DEFCONs and many narrative terms, setting them in the context of the organisation and its structures. The workshop helps participants to gain an understanding of the content and purpose of the range of MoD DEFCONs and narrative conditions commonly used throughout the acquisition lifecycle. It includes a review of Part 2 of the Defence Reform Act 2014 regarding Single Source Pricing, which comes into effect in 2015 and is already starting to be applied to significant contracts. On completion of this programme the participants will understand the terminology associated with the MoD terms and conditions of contract and will have an accurate view of their relevance, usage and their legal basis and how they can affect contractual and commercial decision-making. They will have gained an insight into defence acquisition contracting and they will be more commercially aware. DAY ONE 1 THE COMMERCIAL ENVIRONMENT * Key roles and responsibilities of the MoD organisations at the heart of the acquisition process 2 TENDERING TO MOD * An appraisal of some of the obligations placed upon contractors when they are submitting a proposal to the MoD pre-contract 3 STANDARDISED CONTRACTING * MoD have introduced non-negotiable standardised contracts for certain levels of procurement. This section considers their use and relevance to defence contracting 4 PRICING, PROFIT, POST-COSTING AND PAYMENT * The parameters specific to a costing structure and the differences between competitive and non-competitive bidding * The role of the QMAC, the profit formula, the requirements for equality of information and post-costing * Different types of pricing and issues surrounding payment 5 DEFENCE REFORM ACT - SINGLE SOURCE PRICING * Single Source Pricing under Part 2 of the new Defence Reform Act * Changes from the existing position, how contractors are affected and the compliance regime that accompanies the new requirements 6 DELIVERY AND ACCEPTANCE * Specific requirements and the significance and impact of failing to meet them * Acceptance plans * Non-performance and the remedies that may be applied by the Customer - breach of contract, liquidated damages and force majeure DAY TWO 7 PROTECTION OF INFORMATION AND IPR * Contractor's and MoD's rights to own and use information * How to identify background and foreground intellectual property * Technical information and copyright in documentation and software * How to protect IPR at the various stages of the bidding and contracting process 8 DEFENCE TRANSFORMATION AND DEFENCE COMMERCIAL DIRECTORATE * Widening and increasing roles and functions of the Defence Commercial Directorate * Background to the Defence Reform Act 2014 9 LEGAL REQUIREMENTS * Terms used in MoD contracts to reflect basic legal requirements * Records and materials required for MOD contracts and therefore the obligations, responsibilities and liabilities that a company undertakes when it accepts these conditions * Overseas activities 10 SUBCONTRACTING AND FLOWDOWN * Understanding the constructs required by the MoD for subcontracting * Which terms must be flowed down to the subcontractor and which are discretionary 11 TERMINATION * Termination of a contract for default * Termination for convenience * How to optimise the company's position on termination 12 WARRANTIES AND LIABILITIES * Obligations and liabilities a company might incur and how they might be mitigated * MoD policy on indemnities and limits of liability 13 ELECTRONIC CONTRACTING ENVIRONMENT * Electronic forms of contracting * Progress toward a fully electronic contracting environment

MoD contract terms and conditions (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Leadership in operations management (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

This programme provides an intensive, two-day overview of the key elements of operations management, including an array of practical tips and tools to help managers be more proactive and effective in the operations management environment - whether that's in an industrial manufacturing context or in operational leadership in the service sectors. At the end of the programme, participants will: * Understand the 6Cs approach to operations management * Be able to apply a range of practical tools and techniques to improve their personal effectiveness towards being a more effective operations manager * Be able to prepare an action plan for the critical first (or next) 100 days in their operational leadership role 1 INTRODUCTION * What is Operations Management and where does it fit in? * What makes a successful Operations Manager? * Introducing the 6Cs of Operations Management 2 CONTEXT * Link to business strategy * Making a year plan * Performance measurement 3 CONTROLS * Governance * Reputational controls * Costs and budgets * Quality * Operational 4 CUSTOMERS * Internal * External * Stakeholder management 5 COMMUNICATION * Planning * Meetings * Reporting * Emails * Notices * Networking * Walking the talk 6 CARE * People * Safety, Health, Environment & Security * Assets 7 CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT * Process * Product * Proactivity * Link to KPIs and Year Plan 8 PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER * Action planning for the first (or next) 100 days * Conclusions

Leadership in operations management (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Reception perfection (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

The often-used phrase, 'just the receptionist', completely misrepresents the role. An excellent receptionist is a most valuable resource for any organisation. This programme has been designed specifically to deal with the essential skills necessary to represent the organisation to the best possible effect. It will also help you get the most out of your working day. There are six key reasons to take part in this workshop. It will help you: * See your role in a new light * Develop your communication skills * Deal with different types of customer and situation * Boost your confidence * Cope in a pressurised environment * Get more satisfaction from your working day 1 INTRODUCTION * Workshop objectives and personal objectives * The challenges of 21st century communication * What makes an excellent point of Reception? And why is it so important? * Who and where are our customers? * As a customer, how do you like to be treated? * What makes people feel valued? * Objective and subjective aspects of customer service * 'Micro moments' that shape the relationship 2 COMMUNICATION ON RECEPTION * Definition of communication * Barriers to good communication * The 'recipe' of verbal, vocal and visual aspects of communication * Differences between communicating face-to-face and on the telephone * Communication 'leaks' * The primitive human response * The impact of visual communication - body language, gesture and facial expression * Voice - tone, speed, volume, pitch, clarity, inflection, pacing * Words - positive words and phrases compared with negative terminology * Professional greetings face-to-face * Steering the conversation with effective questioning 3 TELEPHONE EXCELLENCE * How we use the telephone * Qualities of the telephone * Non-verbal communication on the telephone - what aspects can be 'seen' by the other person? * Professional telephone etiquette * Taking and leaving messages - key points that can help customers, colleagues and the organisation * Clarifying information 4 LISTENING SKILLS FOR ACCURACY AND RELATIONSHIP BUILDING * How accurate are your listening skills? * What are the challenges for accurate listening? * Active / empathetic listening 5 CREATING A RAPPORT BY 'STYLE FLEXING' * Understanding how different people communicate * Shaping our message to the other person so that they feel understood * How changing situations can alter communication needs 6 CONFIDENCE AND ASSERTIVENESS * Recognising different styles of behaviour - aggressive, passive and assertive * Qualities of assertive communication - verbal, vocal and visual * Assertive techniques - basic, persistence, negotiation / empathetic * Demonstrating confidence 7 COPING IN A PRESSURISED ENVIRONMENT * Words - the most useful ones to use with stressed people and identifying the 'red rag' words * Challenging situations - what do you find difficult and how do you respond? * Dealing with outbursts of anger * Bringing non-stop talkers back from their tangent * Constructive ways to say 'no' 8 PULLING IT ALL TOGETHER * Action plans * Summary of key learning points

Reception perfection (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Agile: an introduction (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

Agility has become a prized business attribute. Although Agile methods were once most associated with software development, they are now applied in a host of different areas. Agile continues to find new applications because it is primarily an attitude. This programme delivers a solid grounding in both the Agile mindset and Agile methods. It covers three methods, illustrates the benefits of each and shows how they can be integrated. It includes practical techniques as well as background knowledge. By the end of the session, participants will be able to: * Apply Agile concepts to self-manage their work * Understand the roles people take on in Agile teams * Use a variety of techniques to help deliver customer satisfaction * Focus on delivering against priorities * Employ a range of estimating techniques 1 INTRODUCTION * Overview of the programme * Review of participants' needs and objectives 2 THE BASICS OF AGILE * What makes Agile different * Agile Manifesto and Principles * Using feedback to deliver what is needed 3 AGILE TEAMS * Multi-disciplinary teams * Team size and empowerment * Agile values 4 AGILE AT THE TEAM LEVEL - SCRUM * Scrum roles * Scrum 'events' * Scrum 'artifacts' 5 AGILE FOR TEAMS JUGGLING MULTIPLE DEMANDS - KANBAN * Taking control of the work * Improving throughput * Dealing with bottlenecks 6 AGILE IN PROJECTS - AGILEPM * The phases of an Agile project * Managing change requests * Delivering on time 7 ESTIMATING * T-shirt / Pebble sizing * Yesterday's weather * Planning poker 8 PICK 'N' MIX - SOME USEFUL TECHNIQUES * The daily stand-up * User stories * Retrospectives * Work-in-process limits * Burndown charts * Minimum viable product * A / B testing 9 REVIEW AND ACTION PLANNING * Identify actions to be implemented individually * Conclusion

Agile: an introduction (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Building services and maintenance - best-practice (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

The importance of building services to the success of an organisation has never been greater and continues to grow. Developers and occupiers are becoming more aware of the contribution that building services make to the well being of occupants and hence their perception of the quality of the working environment. Those involved with the design, construction, maintenance and operation will increasingly be required to deliver building services that demonstrable contribution to the occupier's business. Energy efficiency, carbon management and occupant satisfaction depend substantially on the way building services are designed, managed and operated. To optimise these aspects, an informed strategic approach is essential. Tried and tested techniques and processes are available that, when applied holistically, will deliver substantial benefits. This course reviews best practice in the area and inspires participants to ensure that building services perform at their optimal level. To provide a better understanding of how building services can be designed, managed and operated to: * Maximise occupant comfort, satisfaction and wellbeing * Add value and contribute to the success of the business of the occupier * Improve health safety * Reduce operating cost, energy use, carbon emissions and environmental impact * Optimise cost and value * Provide strategies for continuous improvement and sustainable operation 1 BUILDING SERVICES FUNDAMENTALS * The function of services in commercial buildings and their importance to the core business 2 TECHNIQUES AND PROCESSES FOR OPTIMISING COST AND VALUE * Programmed operation evaluation * Continuous commissioning * Lifetime product management * Performance-based service * Energy efficiency and the scope for environmental improvement 3 MAKING THE BUSINESS CASE AND PREPARING THE STRATEGY * Motivating decision-makers * Empowering those who have to deliver the results * Managing business risk 4 STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION AND MONITORING RESULTS * Ensuring that rich and robust feedback is available to support continuous improvement and strategy enhancement * When to get feedback * Why * How * What to do with it 5 CASE HISTORIES AND 'AIR TIME' * Sharing experience and addressing specific issues of interest to participants * Course review * Close

Building services and maintenance - best-practice (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

The Sales Accelerator (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

The Sales Accelerator programme is a fresh approach to improving business development productivity. It focuses on identifying and using a series of business productivity metrics in order to build a clear action plan for improving sales results - typically within 90 days. The metrics are grouped under three headings: The basic principle is that a small improvement in each area can lead to a significant increase in sales results and productivity. And the object of the programme is to show how best to achieve that. The programme therefore looks at each of these three areas in turn, spending a day on each. Suitable for any and all businesses and all levels of experience and expertise, this is a remarkably practical and hands-on programme. During the workshop, participants discuss, review and apply many proven sales and marketing techniques and personal selling ideas. The goal is to generate and commit to changes and actions that can lead to a 10-30% increase in the next three to six months. There's also a consultancy option, rather than the workshop-based programme. See below for details. DAY ONE - ACTIVITY Key objective This first module introduces the Sales Accelerator model. The goal here is to show participants how to increase their pro-active activity levels by around 10%. It covers all aspects of creating new business opportunities, from existing customers and non-customers alike, and is linked to personal activity improvement goals. Main elements * Improve the productivity, accuracy and effectiveness of your business approach by using new and unique models and techniques. * Different methods of creating and generating new business opportunities in the short, medium and long term. This includes sourcing new business, up-selling, cross-selling, warm calling and gaining referrals. * Using organised persistence to track and build new customer revenue. * Managing your sales time effectively. Key learning points * Sales productivity - understand the dynamics of increasing the combination of activity levels, deal value and conversion rate of proposals/quotations to orders and implement an improvement plan. * Sales goal setting: setting business development objectives for quantity and quality - plus tips and tricks of top performers. * Maintain a peak activity level, on a consistent basis using 'organised persistence' and structured business development tracking methodology. * How to prioritise opportunities and manage your time when sourcing new business. * Identify potential new customers - and particularly the decision-makers and influencers - with greater accuracy. * Make outbound business or appointment calls with improved confidence, control and results. DAY TWO - VALUE Key objective To be able to better anticipate, identify, create, and develop business opportunities using a customer / client-focused communication-based business model and consultative skills. Main elements * How to develop sales more effectively from new and existing customers; and managing the first appointment with a new customer. * Use structured and assertive drawing-out skills to identify, develop and formalise business opportunities and to gain commitment. * How to better position your company and your products and services against your main competitors. * Create and deliver persuasive business messages based on specific need areas, criteria and value. Key learning points * Advanced consultative selling - use a variety of structured and advanced questioning techniques to confidently and efficiently uncover opportunities, need areas and business criteria - confidently and efficiently. * Involve the customer/client at all times, and to a far greater degree, and keep better control of business development process. * Value message - differentiate your solutions clearly and accurately with customer/client-matched value statements. * Presenting the right USPs, features and benefits and making them relevant and real to the customer. Qualification and reading buying signals. DAY THREE (HELD AROUND FOUR WEEKS AFTER THE FIRST MODULE) - CONVERSION Key objective This module looks at how to improve the final qualification, progression and conversion of opportunities in your sales pipeline. Also includes price negotiation, overcoming objections and obstacles to gaining agreement. The module begins with a learning review, sharing participants' experiences over the last four weeks in applying the new techniques and skills acquired during the first two modules. This is an opportunity to revisit particularly challenging areas as well as to share and celebrate successes. Main elements * Structuring and preparing for negotiating a deal and knowing when and how to move into the 'end-game' mode. * Anticipate and answer customer objections and questions more confidently. * Build more credibility and proof into your business process to reduce 'buyer's remorse' and speed-up decision-making. * Being more assertive and developing better instincts and strategic thinking in progressing quotations and proposals. Key learning points * Smart ways to position price, emphasise value and be a strong player without being the cheapest. * Becoming more assertive in closing deals, and the importance of organised follow-up on the telephone. * Qualify pipeline opportunities with more accuracy, using a proven check-list. * Use an 'option generator' to simplify complex proposals, increase business value and close business faster. * Writing more effective sales proposal documents and quotations. * How best to draw-out, understand, isolate and answer customer objections, negotiate points and concerns. * Practical methods of asking for agreement and closing a sale

The Sales Accelerator (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Customer engagement (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

Customers are astute and well-practised in researching and seeking information, solutions and added value in the minimum number of clicks online. There's only so much time they're willing to spend carrying on clicking. This mentality isn't just restricted to the world of B2C. In our increasingly hectic world, where information is expected to be available instantly, it applies just as much to B2B. In this workshop, we look at how putting yourself in the shoes of your customer and mapping their decision-making and buying journey is critical to ensuring that you provide what they perceive as fast solutions and added value. You will learn all about the three pillars for creating competitive brand experiences: Customer engagement planning puts you firmly in the shoes of your customer, helping you to build meaningful marketing communications delivered through the right resources at the right time to inspire your customers to engage with you. This programme will help participants to: * Understand the evolution of the customer buying journey * Map a customer buying journey for your brand or solutions * Understand the customer micro-moments and signals indicating interest and buying intent, both online and offline * Apply the psychology of branding to build marketing communications with impact * Develop sales and marketing content that differentiates your brand(s) from the competition by demonstrating unique value and how you can meet your customer's needs 1 THE EVOLUTION OF THE CUSTOMER JOURNEY * Understand how the use of mobile has had an impact on the customer buying journey where today's customers can research and compare products and solutions whenever and wherever they like, making the purchase journey even less linear * Explore how marketers are adapting to this new customer behaviour and drawing upon various strategies to win the hearts and minds of their audiences 2 THE SEE-THINK-DO-CARE FRAMEWORK * Explore the many different frameworks used to track the customer journey * Understand and apply the modern marketing model, where the internet has enabled the customer to hop between multiple touchpoints before making a purchase decision 3 CUSTOMER MICRO-MOMENTS AND SIGNALS IN THEIR BUYING JOURNEY * Understand the online and offline moments when customers seek information to research and make buying decisions * Apply this understanding to build a marketing communication plan to reach customers at all stages of their buying journey 4 THE ROLE OF BRANDING IN THE CUSTOMER JOURNEY * Explore the psychology of branding * Learn how to ensure your branding is relevant to your target customer needs * Bring together your brand value and story to achieve brand loyalty 5 THE WHY-HOW-WHAT FRAMEWORK * Apply a systematic approach to build a successful and compelling brand * Understand how starting with 'why' will help build your brand purpose * Apply the content marketing matrix to communicate your brand's value * Apply the hero-help-hub model to build engaging content marketing ACTIONABLE OUTCOMES We will use your brand examples to provide opportunities for practice: * You will learn and reflect on best practice examples of customer engagement * You will discover your brand value, purpose and the 'sweet spot' to drive engagement with your customers * You will create a customer engagement plan that can be implemented immediately within your business * You will receive immediate feedback on your customer engagement plan * You will have the opportunity to share common issues and solutions with your colleagues in the group

Customer engagement (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Telephone sales - inbound (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

This highly practical one-day workshop has been designed specifically to help maximise sales where customers make contact by telephone. When customers contact us direct they have clearly already considered the possibility that they might buy from us, but we're still only half-way to making a sale. Unless we fully understand their needs and make it easy for them to buy, we may not secure the business. This workshop concentrates on the telephone skills and techniques needed to achieve the most positive outcome in any inbound customer call. A combination of excellent customer service skills and savvy sales awareness techniques will increase our chances of a successful outcome for both parties. The programme features the unique INBOUND model, to help remember the key principles for effective inbound telephone sales: Initial impressions Needs of the customer Bring them with you Open up the conversation Understand the triggers Narrow down the solutions Decision time! The programme also covers how to deal with difficult calls and challenging people - after all, every complaint is a sales opportunity! This programme will help participants: * Create the perfect interaction with any customer making contact by telephone * Make every call count * Build rapport quickly in any situation * Handle difficult calls and challenging people * Create sustainable and profitable relationships * Increase your sales conversions 1 THE INBOUND SALES PROCESS * Each customer who contacts us will be at a different stage of the sales process. Some might be making general enquiries whilst others will be ready to commit, having made most of their decisions already. Sales and customer service people need to be ready to find out the stage the customer has reached before helping them to make the right decision for them 2 ENGAGING WITH THE CUSTOMER * Having clarified where the customer is on their journey to making a purchasing decision, our next responsibility is to create and build a trusting relationship on both sides. This involves establishing rapport quickly to ease the communication process, thus enabling smooth transactions, both now and in the future 3 QUESTIONING AND LISTENING SKILLS FOR GATHERING INFORMATION * Developing these skills requires practice so that the communication becomes natural for the customer. This helps the customer to feel comfortable with us and work with us towards an effective solution. We discuss different types of question and how to use high-gain questions to uncover key information. Active listening will ensure that we can really help customers get what they need 4 OVERCOMING OBJECTIONS AND EXCUSES * If we have followed the process properly and really understood the customer, then there should no further objections or barriers to completing the transaction. The reality is that there will still be the occasional issue that needs clarifying, so we need to prepare for possible objections and questions that customers might have. This includes probing objections so that we fully understand the customer's perspective before constructing suitable responses or solutions 5 GAINING COMMITMENT AND ENDING THE CALL * Customers want to gain a solution to the issue they are facing and the sooner we can help them achieve that the better. Guiding the customer and helping them to believe in their own decision is part of our role. This section is dedicated to getting commitment all the way along the process, not just at the close 6 DEALING WITH DIFFICULT AND CHALLENGING SITUATIONS * The realisation that everybody is different, with different personality types, different ways of looking at the world and different goals, is key to understanding sales. With this is mind we discuss these differences and how we adapt our approach to ease communication and maintain trust and understanding 7 ACTION PLANS * Course summary and presentation of action plans

Telephone sales - inbound (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry