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  • Health & Wellbeing
  • Personal Development

144 Educators providing Courses in Coventry




Throughout his 30 year IT career, John has been privileged to visit many different industrial, commercial, government and military sites including steel works, car manufacturers, factories, offices, power stations, petro-chemical, and electrical, gas and water utility installations. He has completed projects throughout Europe (The Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Luxembourg and Switzerland) India, and the Asia Pacific Region (Cambodia, and Australia). His career started as a British Telecom apprentice in the 1980’s in the City of London and he has worked in many city financial institutions. In 1989 he left to join J.O. Grant & Taylor as a junior project manager, in 1990 he joined Electrical Installations Ltd as a project and bid manager in the structured data and voice cabling sector and worked on projects such as British Steel Scunthorpe and Redcar, Chelsea & Westminster Hospital, and Cranfield Institute of Technology. Working for himself in 1996, he installed servers, switches and desktops into UK Job Centres nationwide. 1997, saw him join Computacenter as a Systems Engineer and he worked at some notable clients including Lloyds TSB, HFC Bank, Mecca Bingo, HSBC, British Energy, Foreign & Commonwealth Office, Severn Trent Water to name a few. 'I set up Carbon³ IT in 2009, my own sustainable IT consultancy, providing information, products and services to clients looking to reduce energy costs and to reduce their IT impact on the environment. I wanted to take all my years of experience in other roles and incorporate it into something I was passionate about. Alongside this I did a BSc (Honours) in Technology with Environment and Development with the Open University, graduating in 2010. I am on the BCS Green IT and Data Centre specialist group committees and have taken the Foundation Certificate in Green IT, the EU Code of Conduct for Data Centres, PRINCE 2 Practitioner and ITIL Foundation qualifications. I am currently part way through my Chartered IT Professional qualification. I regularly speak at events on the topic of Green IT & Data Centres and I am well known throughout the Data Centre Industry as a Sustainability Expert. Since December 2011, I have been the lead Assessor on the BCS CEEDA (Certified Data Centre Energy Efficiency Award) programme and since September 2012, I have been the reviewer of applications to become participants on the EU Code of Conduct for Data Centres.'

Lisa Whittleton

lisa whittleton


Our team have a range of backgrounds, from occupational psychology, disability management, nursing, and lecturing, but what we all have in common is a strong passion to make a difference for the organisations we partner with. We do this through bringing the theory and evidence to life through practical, real life experience so that you can implement the tools and techniques straight away within your workplace. We go a step further than simply ‘awareness raising’ and help you to take positive action. Lisa Whittleton, Director I’ve had an interest in psychology and how we think, feel and behave since long before University, quite possibly shaped by personal experiences growing up with close family / friends affected by mental ill health. My first role after doing a master’s in occupational psychology (after a short stint in recruitment which was very much not for me) was working as a Vocational Rehabilitation Consultant with wounded, injured and sick service personnel to help them transition to a new career. This was totally inspiring and really opened my eyes to the stigmas that exist in workplaces around mental health and disability. I set up Illuminate in November 2013 as I was keen to influence this positively. At the time, we were not having the conversations we are now around mental health, so I recognise we have come a long way…but there is still a way to go to de-stigmatise completely and ensure we are being proactive around the topic so our teams can thrive at work. I love building relationships with our clients to really get to understand their world and the challenges within it to help bring about positive change. Working in this field is a constant reminder of how easy it is to slip into unhelpful habits in terms of looking after my own mental wellbeing and achieving the right ‘work-life’ balance. I do have to work hard to practice what I preach, and don’t always get it right. This is what makes my facilitation real and relatable for you. I am a people person and tend to be the listener, the support and the new perspective for many of my friends. I am all about socialising, and love music festivals and gigs, alongside what I believe is a healthy addiction to Crossfit…and my cat, Mrs Norris.

Dental Team Qualifications

dental team qualifications

Leamington Spa

DTQ awards post-registration qualifications to General Dental Council (GDC) registrants, who are working as part of the dental team and who wish to develop additional skills beyond the profession-standardised learning objectives and assessment criteria for GDC registration, and qualifications to non-registrant members of the dental team who are working in dental administration roles. Any dental care professional wishing to carry out additional duties must be able to demonstrate their competence to do so, and therefore undertake additional development of their skills, knowledge and understanding. The purpose of DTQ’s qualifications is to provide a structure for dental care professionals to develop additional skills on which they are assessed, and for non-registrants to learn and develop knowledge, understanding and skills relating to dental administration and gain qualifications and professional recognition for such development. Our focus is to develop and quality assure modern assessments and qualifications for the dental team, including apprenticeship end-point assessments; which are not only fit for purpose for 21st century dentistry, but follow evidence-based educational and assessment principles, which produce high quality members of the clinical and administrative dental team, following General Dental Council requirements. We have extensive knowledge and experience in dentistry, including expertise in examining and designing assessments, and have a thorough understanding of what training organisations want and need from an Awarding Organisation. The GDC’s Standards for Education and Scope of Practice documents underpin the development of any new DTQ qualifications. Working closely with training providers and other key stakeholders, we have created a range of innovative qualifications that are fit for purpose for 21st century dentistry and the wider dental team. Our qualifications are geared to supporting your day to day role in dentistry, whilst enhancing your personal development and that of your team. We have researched the provision of education for the dental team as part of a PhD study, and have peer-reviewed publications which continue to underpin our evidence-based approach to training and assessment for dental professionals. Our team members examine from dental nurse through to Royal College specialty assessments and include GDC and Royal College Education Associates. We aim for excellence in all that we do. Our Research DTQ have pioneered and examined the pedagogy of adult dental education and training for the integrated dental team. We have extensively researched interprofessional education as part of a PhD study. Our qualifications are evidence – based relating to our findings, enabling assessments geared to facilitating educational processes which not only focus on developing knowledge, but it’s application to enhance understanding. This allows dental professionals to maximize their potential and deliver enhanced patient care. We practice exactly what we preach and have proven results based upon work in our own centres. DTQ Mission statement DTQ aims to provide high quality end-point assessments and qualifications for the dental profession, which reflect contemporaneous dental practice, in collaboration with the GDC and under the regulatory guidance of the Qualifications Credit Framework. Our values are to deliver excellence in all that we do. To achieve this we engage expertise in the dental education and examination field, liaise with our partner organisations, listen to our learners and continually reflect and react to improve our qualifications and processes.

Her Next Chapter

her next chapter

Leamington Spa

Tenacious. Terrific. Trustworthy. Truthful. And sometimes Trouble. When you ask my family, friends and coworkers about me, they will probably list these attributes. Or qualities. For good and for bad. I am the only child to my mother Grace and my father Ken who met in Blackpool, England during the Second World War, which means much of my family resides in England. Including my daughter who met my son-in-law during her junior year abroad at Oxford University. I grew up not knowing that my mother had an accent, never understanding the difference between English and American terminology so that even today I will say a word and people will look perplexed, and I realize I am using the English word and not the American one. I’m an only child because my parents decided traveling back to England would be very difficult with more children. My father made a point to keep me from being spoiled which was a double-edged sword because his lack of praise left me with a feeling that I had to try twice as hard as anyone else just to keep up. The end result is one very motivated woman, and I constantly seek continued learning and new challenges. My first words were undoubtedly “When are you going to give me a horse?” and thus Patience Prize and I became a team when I was 14. My father once again made sure I knew the horse was not to be taken for granted when he said, “Now you’ve got a horse, you’d better get a job. And you won’t be paid for mowing the lawn anymore.” My love of animals produced my first job at the local veterinarians cleaning up cages and feeding animals. One small dog had broken her two front legs, was terribly vicious, and no one could touch her. After her surgery she was crammed up in a corner while still asleep, and I moved her into a more comfortable position and, of course, petted her and spoke to her. After that I was the only one who could open her cage and touch her without getting bitten. She must have known my smell. Years passed and I became both a photojournalist and regular journalist with local Berkshire County Massachusetts newspapers. When I returned to college to complete my bachelor’s degree, my journalism provided me with life experience credits and thus I completed my BA in English. What to do next? I had student loans, so I needed either grad school or a second job. My daughter waitressed at a local restaurant open only on weekends and they said they needed a dishwasher, so she said, “My brother needs a job.” Then they asked, “So who else do you have at home?” and she said, “My mom.” Thus, I tried the second job routine as a waitress. We served wine in long-stemmed glasses and carried them on a tray. During one shift I was at a table of two women and the tray started to tilt, and I couldn’t stop it! So, I stood there and watched the wine glasses crash down on the table and splash everywhere. It was not a happy time for all involved. So, I said, “That’s it, I’m going to grad school.” I took my daughter and son to see Phantom of the Opera on Broadway, we ate at the Russian Tea Room, and I told them they couldn’t bug me for two years. The non-traditional program at Vermont College of Norwich University was a full-time program so I had a full-time job, a full-time grad school program, a son in high school and a daughter in college. During my internship I worked 7:00 a.m. to noon, drove to Albany, New York (a one-hour drive one way), worked at a public relations firm from 1:00 to 6:00 and stopped at the restaurant where my two offspring worked about 7:00 for a glass of wine and a light dinner. Then I realized I didn’t have time to clean the bathroom, so I hired a cleaning lady (very inexpensive in a small town back then) and decided that was an expense associated with grad school. That was a valuable decision. The downside of a small town is that a master’s degree doesn’t allow for many jobs at a living wage. I decided I would move. After networking for several years and finding a church in Washington, DC I moved to northern Virginia on October 2, 1999, never having lived more than 6 miles from where I was born. I got a job the second day. I bought a house that January and a horse, Sonny Madison, in January 2001 and have never regretted my choice or looked back. At some point in 2018 I found Her Nexx Chapter and started writing for them. It provides me with a chance to get in touch with my creative style since my most prevalent job has been a technical writer. Now I’m also the Editorial Project Director and a member of the Advisory Board. It’s a tremendous value to women everywhere, and I always enjoying learning something new and sharing my blogs with the community. So here I am. I’m still horseback riding and trying to keep fit. I try to look for the positive side of life even in times of turmoil – notice I said “try” because sometimes life gets to be a tad difficult. But that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!

Courses matching "experience;"

Show all 473

Customer Experience Excellence


By Sterling Training

Customer service just isn’t enough. Customer experience is where the secret to success lies. Build a loyal and fruitful customer base by learning how to design frictionless processes and build empathetic and solution-focused services with our bespoke courses, which include: Customer service vs customer experience The changing nature of customers and how to stay ahead Customer needs vs customer expectations How our behaviour affects those around us and how to use the power of influence Communicating with customers positively and effectively Moments that matter Building trust and integrity What to do when things go wrong

Customer Experience Excellence
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Southampton
Price on Enquiry

Customer service – get all the basics right and enhance your customer experience

By Beyond Satisfaction - Customer service Training

If you want your employees to improve their customer service skills and deliver an amazing experience to your customers, feel free to check out my Training course focusing on the core values of customer service.

Customer service – get all the basics right and enhance your customer experience
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in UK Wide
Price on Enquiry

Customer Facing Skills


By Lapd Solutions Ltd

Customer care, customer service, Moccasin Approach,

Customer Facing Skills
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Birmingham
£1250 to £1500

How to generate long-standing customer loyalty when dealing with clients?

By Beyond Satisfaction - Customer service Training

If you want your employees to improve their customer service skills and deliver an amazing experience to your customers, feel free to check out my Training course focusing on generating long-standing customer loyalty.

How to generate long-standing customer loyalty when dealing with clients?
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in UK Wide
Price on Enquiry

Successfully manage customer expectations during each stage of the customer journey

By Beyond Satisfaction - Customer service Training

If you want your employees to improve their customer service skills and deliver an amazing experience to your customers, feel free to check out my Training course focusing on managing expectations successfully.

Successfully manage customer expectations during each stage of the customer journey
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide
Price on Enquiry

All you need to know about telephone etiquettes, communication and behaviours

By Beyond Satisfaction - Customer service Training

If you want your employees to improve their customer service skills and deliver an amazing experience to your customers, feel free to check out my Training course focusing on telephone etiquettes, communication and behaviours.

All you need to know about telephone etiquettes, communication and behaviours
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in UK Wide
Price on Enquiry

Delivering the best customer care when dealing with clients

By Beyond Satisfaction - Customer service Training

If you want your employees to improve their customer service skills and deliver an amazing experience to your customers, feel free to check out my Training course focusing on delivering the best customer care.

Delivering the best customer care when dealing with clients
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide
Price on Enquiry

All you need to know about effective complaints handling

By Beyond Satisfaction - Customer service Training

If you want your employees to improve their customer service skills and deliver an amazing experience to your customers, feel free to check out my Training course focusing on managing complaints and complaining clients successfully.

All you need to know about effective complaints handling
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in UK Wide
Price on Enquiry

S/A WORKSHOP | Two-day Small Animal Abdominal Ultrasound (V12)


By CelticSMR

Beginner-Intermediate practical small animal abdominal ultrasound workshop

S/A WORKSHOP | Two-day Small Animal Abdominal Ultrasound (V12)
Delivered In-Person in CoventryTwo days, Oct 15th, 08:00
£925 to £1025

Seismic Stratigraphic Interpretation in Different Basin Settings (Passive, Extensional, Convergent & Oblique)

By EnergyEdge - Training for a Sustainable Energy Future

ABOUT THIS TRAINING COURSE Comprising 5 full-day sessions, this intermediate to advanced level course is specifically designed for senior exploration geoscientists currently active in hydrocarbon play and prospect mapping, to optimise conceptual geological input into their technical evaluation. The course focuses on seismic stratigraphic analysis in different basin settings - i.e., passive, convergent, extension and oblique - in order to construct a coherent geological story line, underpinning hydrocarbon play and prospect evaluation. The course is largely based on seismic stratigraphic case histories and exercises, with the support of seismic, well log and outcrop examples. Training Objectives Through short, focused presentations and a series of industry case history-based examples and exercises, participants will learn to optimise conceptual geoscience input into technical subsurface analysis. This will help to produce coherent geological subsurface interpretations for use in Play-based, Prospect and Appraisal evaluations. Target Audience This course is intended for senior geoscientists with more than five years of work experience, with a background in play and/or prospect evaluation and experience in seismic interpretation. Course Level * Intermediate * Advanced Training Methods Participants will be exposed to short lectures throughout the 5 days, followed by hands-on individual and team exercises in a variety of geological settings. 'Let the data tell their story' is a key recurring theme in this course. Trainer Your expert course leader has 38 years of experience as Exploration Geologist for Shell globally, with field experience in a/o Egypt, NW Borneo, MENA, China, Madagascar, North Sea, Oman and The Netherlands (Shell EP Research and Training Centre in Rijswijk). He has strong evaluation and project lead skills in Play-based Exploration, Prospect Maturation, Opportunity Screening and NFE / Appraisal disciplines. He developed key geoscience skills in Seismic and Sequence Stratigraphy as well as Reservoir Characterization, including sedimentology and diagenesis. He has extensive supervisory, teaching, and coaching experience as well as a strong interest in Geoscience (Depositional Systems, Regional and Reservoir Geology) and Petroleum Geology Learning. POST TRAINING COACHING SUPPORT (OPTIONAL) To further optimise your learning experience from our courses, we also offer individualized 'One to One' coaching support for 2 hours post training. We can help improve your competence in your chosen area of interest, based on your learning needs and available hours. This is a great opportunity to improve your capability and confidence in a particular area of expertise. It will be delivered over a secure video conference call by one of our senior trainers. They will work with you to create a tailor-made coaching program that will help you achieve your goals faster. Request for further information post training support and fees applicable Accreditions And Affliations

Seismic Stratigraphic Interpretation in Different Basin Settings (Passive, Extensional, Convergent & Oblique)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally
£3955 to £4599