• Professional Development
  • Medicine & Nursing
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Health & Wellbeing
  • Personal Development

176 Educators providing Courses in Bristol

The Restore Trust

the restore trust


A fair society where socially excluded people are supported to obtain skills, qualifications and employment to build sustainable, independent lives contributing positively to society History: At its foundation, The Restore Trust was set up in 2009 by the current CEO Suzanne Thompson and SMT board of Avon & Somerset Probation Trust, in conjunction with the National Offender Management Service. The organisation was registered as an independent VCSE in 2010 and is managed by an excellent board of trustees. Whilst the organisation retains a specialism in working with people with complex needs and criminal convictions, it can work with anyone in the community who is experiencing barriers in accessing training and employment. Many of our clients have complex needs in relation to homelessness, mental health problems, drug/alcohol dependency and offending behaviour. We pride ourselves on our non-judgemental, person-centred approach in our work with clients that builds their confidence, motivation and helps to inspire change in their lives. Mission/Values: Our mission is to work collaboratively with different organisations to promote equality of opportunity, strengthen the sector by access to high quality services to enable people to reach their full potential by gaining the skills, confidence, qualifications and employment suited to their needs and aspirations, ultimately contributing positively to society and the local economy. This mission aligns with our core values of working in a non-judgemental and person-centred way to build constructive and supportive working relationships with our clients to help them progress and achieve the goals they have identified. We offer a relaxed, informal environment and with additional wrap around support when required, including provision of free refreshments and snacks to support clients learning on-site. A key part of our success comes from our partnerships, and we pride ourselves on having an excellent staff team with backgrounds in Criminal Justice, Welfare, and Community work with disadvantaged young people and adults. The superb quality of our board members also brings an additional wealth of expertise and experience to our organisation. Looking to partner and support other organisations A key part of our success at The Restore Trust comes from our formal and informal partnerships with a range of statutory, private and voluntary organisations. We recognise the need to work collaboratively to achieve mutual positive outcomes for our clients and to work in ways in which organisations can mutually benefit from partnership support. We welcome dialogue around how we can work with other organisations to strengthen the sector, and continue to expand access to a range of services for our clients to support their journey towards employment.

Bristol Art For All

bristol art for all


My name is Amy Powell and I am a catalyst for reconnecting people with their innate creativity. At Bristol Art For All we facilitate friendly, inclusive learning environments where people can explore their creativity. We started in 2015 running an open access drop in face-to-face community art class in Easton in Bristol. From December 2019 to March 2020 sessions moved to Hamilton House in Stokes Croft Bristol and since April 2020 have been online. Online sessions are run in partnership with local charities as well as sessions open to all adults. Current partners include Age UK and St Mungo’s Recovery College. All online sessions are around a theme selected by the participants, who use the art materials and skills they already have to devise their own projects. Support is on hand to give input on what is made. The sessions act as an online art studio with time for making and opportunities to share and get feedback on artwork. Participants are seen as artists first with the acceptance that we are all on our own life journeys. The focus is on creating learning environments where people enjoy the process of making. With this strong foundation people can have the confidence and resilience to develop further skills. This website gives a taste of the work made over the course of Bristol Art For All. Myself and Rosa Hewitt began Bristol Art For All in 2015. In 2017 Rosa went to the University of Hertfordshire to study Art Therapy. She now works in London as an art therapist with children. I continued with the project in Bristol with the support of volunteers, building my knowledge, experience and skills by studying courses in teaching, facilitation, communication and social enterprise. As well as volunteering with Arts and Health organisations including Studio Upstairs, Bristol Art on Prescription, Workers Education Association (WEA), Milestones Expressions programme and St Mungos Recovery College where I currently run their online art class. I love being a catalyst for people to reconnect with their creativity. It is a great privilege to have worked with over 200 people across Bristol and beyond. Some have attended for years others for one session but all have been welcome and encouraged in their art making. I am currently in the process of making Bristol Art For All into an online art school to reach people who would otherwise struggle to access mainstream arts education. I am interested to connect with organisations, which work with clients who would benefit from exploring and developing their creativity with the support of being in a group.

Bristol Technology And Engineering Academy

bristol technology and engineering academy



The school vision drives all that we seek to do on a daily basis and is therefore of central importance to help guide us in how we work, learn and treat one another in our school community. The table here outlines our school vision, values, culture and characteristics in more detail. Governance operates at two different levels at Abbeywood Community School as it is an academy and part of The Olympus Academy Trust. The school has its own School Improvement Committee (SIC) made up of Trust Governors which is accountable to and reports to the Olympus Board of Trustees. The secondary lead Trustee often attends the SIC meeting and some Trust Governors in Olympus also attend the Board’s sub-committees. This means Trust Governors can be directly involved in decision making at Board level, and have the opportunity to input and collaborate in all key areas that may impact schools. Click here to learn more about The Olympus Academy Trust. Abbeywood Community School Improvement Committee The Trust Governors at Abbeywood Community School work closely with the school’s Senior Leadership Team and Staff to develop the vision and aims of the school community. They seek to raise standards and achievement through the appropriate use of all available resources. The Governors’ responsibilities are to: Provide strategic direction for the work and improvement of the school. Support, monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the school. Ensure accountability for standards and quality of education in the school. Governance is assessed by OFSTED in its Leadership and Management judgement about the school and so is an integral part of the running of the school. The School Improvement Committee consists of people from a variety of backgrounds who represent different areas of the school and local community. Each Trust Governor is appointed for a four year term with all their work being done on a voluntary basis. Currently our Trust Governors have extensive experience in Education, Business, Engineering and Technology. Governors meet as a full team at six meetings during the school year but as well as having a commitment to attend these meetings, Governors will also meet with students and parents, carry out Governor walks around the school, monitor the school improvement agenda, and meet with staff. The school is always keen to hear from people who may be interested in finding out more about our work or in becoming a Trust Governor themselves. Initial contact can be made with the Headteacher or Chair of the School Improvement Committee via the school. SIC Pecuniary Interests and Terms of Office 2022-23 Olympus scheme of delegation

Wiltshire Equine Assisted Learning

wiltshire equine assisted learning


Wiltshire Equine Assisted Learning offers one to one social, emotional and mental health support through equine and animal assisted outdoor learning. creates positive opportunities for young people to thrive in the outdoors in a safe and supportive space, to reset the trajectory of life’s path. allows young people, through nurturing animals, to develop their empathy and find a sense of calm. gives learners real farming responsibilities, promoting satisfaction and pride. Being herd animals, horses seek connection and trust, and they mirror our behaviour. In working with them, learners are able to develop perspective of their own behaviour and begin to regulate their energy. All work with horses is from the ground (not ridden) and so no previous equine experience is necessary. Through interactions with animals, and the outdoor world in which they live, learners enjoy the freedom of nature, gain confidence, resilience, self-esteem and self-awareness by working on outdoor activities and a bespoke animal assisted learning program. Within our farm environment we are able to create holistic opportunities for learners to stretch their expectations and reach their full potential in a safe and supported way. Learners develop an understanding of themselves, their emotions, the perspective of others and in turn improve their focus, communication skills and their wellbeing. Preparation for adulthood Employment skills - we deliver tutoring, to include time keeping, record keeping, appropriate behaviour, health and safety, modelling good practice, team and independent work, and knowledge of job-based skills. Independent living - learners develop an abundance of practical skills, as well as communication, organisation, day to day maths, and budgeting. Engaging with the community - in working with horses, learners improve their social communication skills, their respect of self, empathy for others, body language, nurturing relationships, care and kindness. Health - learners work in the outdoors where we promote the benefit of fresh air and healthy living, activity and exercise, lifestyle choices, resilience, mindfulness and positive mental health skills. Managing transitions Learners are invited for a site visit with their support worker, parents or carers to assess the suitability of our sessions as their alternative provision. Transitions are than managed through a referral form to establish each individual learner’s needs and the tailoring of sessions appropriate to the targets of their education, health and care plans (EHCPs). Following an initial induction session we work to establish a trusting relationship in the first term, allowing the learner time to settle and familiarise, and for the facilitator to assess and develop a picture of their learner-led programme moving forward. We invite future provisions to join sessions to initiate a trusting relationship and understanding of our learner when preparing to move on or integrate into mainstream education. A portfolio of skills and CV of attainment will move with the learner, to be passed on to their next further education or provision.




Our Chief Executive, Suzanne Jacob OBE, leads the below senior leadership team (SLT) and overall operational management of SafeLives. The SLT is assisted by a team of dedicated professionals with a variety of backgrounds and experiences. Suzanne Jacob OBE, CEO Having worked at SafeLives for three years – including two years as Deputy CEO – Suzanne became Chief Executive in December 2017. Immediately before joining SafeLives, Suzanne spent several months working in Delhi for Breakthrough India, an organisation which campaigns against violence and discrimination against women and girls. Prior to this, Suzanne spent nearly a decade with the UK Home Office. Here, she worked extensively on national security matters, established the National Crime Agency as a significant new part of UK law enforcement, and acted as Private Secretary to the Minister responsible for crime and policing. Suzanne worked for several years on security for the London 2012 Olympics, and was awarded an OBE in 2013 for her work on intelligence collection and analysis, and enforcement activity. Suzanne volunteered for seven years on the Victim Support helpline, providing first response for victims of all crime types. She became a Trustee of Crimestoppers UK in April 2021. Jo Silver, Director of Quality and Innovation Jo is responsible for designing and piloting exciting new and effective interventions to end domestic abuse. Jo provides expert advice on activities, policy messages and practice, she works with national and local commissioners, funders, policy makers and partners to make this happen. Jo rejoined us in January 2014, having spent two years as senior consultant at the NSPCC in Cardiff. Jo was Caada's (SafeLives' former name) director of professional development between 2006 and 2012. She also worked for the police for ten years in the public protection unit and at the Women's Safety Unit in Cardiff. Jo Gordon, Chief Operating Officer Jo is responsible for effective and efficient internal management of the organisation, making sure that SafeLives lives by its values of being human, rigorous and brave. Jo took up the role of Chief Operating Officer in July 2018. Prior to this, Jo was Head of Learning and Accreditation at SafeLives having joined in 2005 as a freelance trainer. Jo started her career as a youth and community worker. She worked for ten years at North Devon Women’s Aid prior to SafeLives and is committed to tackling the issue of domestic abuse. Jo is also a volunteer at her local homeless shelter. Liz Thompson, Director of External Relations Liz is responsible for our external relations activity, working with colleagues to forge and maintain great relationships with the wide array of people who are vital to our work; find new opportunities to develop and replicate what we do; and secure the support and income we need to help people and their families live safely and well. She joined in 2019, following a decade leading communications for the Royal Shakespeare Company. She started her career in the commercial sector at public relations agency, Burson-Marsteller, and her previous experience includes external relations, fundraising and management roles in the public sector, at the Environment Agency and Countryside Commission, and at the charity Turning Point. She also trained as a volunteer substance misuse counsellor at Addaction, and worked at their first needle exchange in Bethnal Green.

Oldfield School

oldfield school


We provide an exceptional education in an environment that challenges all students and fosters ambition. Our students have respect for themselves, each other and their school and are well-prepared to face the world as compassionate, confident and resilient young people. Nature of the school and location Oldfield School is a successful, high attaining 11-18 mixed comprehensive with 1250 students located in the historic city of Bath. The school campus is on the outskirts of the north-west of the city and we benefit from a large, semi-rural setting with excellent transport links for students and staff. The school has an attractive, open and dispersed site. A notable feature is the location of teaching rooms and our Sixth Form in Penn House, an 18th century Georgian manor house. Our school has an excellent reputation locally and in the wider community for academic excellence and the quality of pastoral care and support. The school has with a comprehensive intake which reflects the diversity of the local community. The most recent Ofsted inspection was in January 2020, when the school was judged to be good in all areas. A feature of the inspection report was the inclusive nature of the school and the sense of community felt by staff and students. Inspectors commented that staff were overwhelmingly positive about the support that they receive from leaders and on how friendly and welcoming the school is for staff. Oldfield is a school where staff development is an essential feature. The teaching and support staff at the school are an excellent team who work well together to provide opportunities for students to achieve or exceed their potential. The needs of our students are paramount and this is recognised by all staff, who have a common view that only the best is good enough. We have a commitment to sharing good practice in developing leaders, teachers and support staff. The school has a successful and popular Sixth Form of 190 students. We offer a wide range of A Level courses and opportunities for our sixth form students and all faculties offer A Level courses. A Level classes are relatively small, which provides a personalised learning experience for our students. Curriculum The curriculum for Key Stage 3 follows the National Curriculum. Students study either Spanish or French throughout Key Stage 3 with the more able studying both languages. A wide range of courses additional to the core subjects are offered at Key Stage 4. Students are encouraged to study humanities and languages and the great majority do so. There is setting in ability groups in Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 where appropriate. Almost all Key Stage 4 examination entries are GCSEs, Year 10 and 11 students typically study 9/10 GCSEs. Subjects are organised in six learning areas with the Leaders of Learning line-managed by the Senior Leadership Team (SLT). Pastoral Care Students remain in the same tutor group throughout their school career. The Heads of Year are responsible for the pastoral care of around 200-224 students from Years 7 to 11. The pastoral leaders are supported and line managed by a member of the SLT. We also have a House system to encourage a sense of community. The four houses are led by a Head of House and there are regular inter-house competitions and fund raising events. Resources and Accommodation The provision of high quality resources is a priority for the school. There are specialist teaching rooms for all subjects and most teachers have their own teaching room. ICT facilities are excellent with specialist ICT teaching rooms as well as comprehensive ICT facilities in many general teaching rooms. The school is very well maintained, ensuring that learning spaces of the highest possible standard are a priority. Oldfield School is a fantastic place to work. Students are keen and helpful and staff are enthusiastic and dedicated to bringing about the highest quality learning outcomes for our students.

Courses matching "experience;"

Show all 475

Phlebotomy Training

By Lead Academy

Are you a fresher and looking to start your career as a phlebotomist or are you currently employed in the healthcare profession and looking to expand your phlebotomy skills in order to build a rewarding career in this field? Or simply want to understand the blood collection procedure and gather skills to handle and transport specimens securely. This comprehensive phlebotomy course online is ideal for you! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Course Highlights * You will be given ample opportunity to practise on the manikins * Face to Face Practical Training * National Occupational Standard for Obtaining Venous Blood Sample * Demonstrate appropriate infection control principles when performing training * 3 Hours of Remote Theoretical Learning * 7 Hours of Face-to-Face Training Sessions at Swindon Centre * 7 Hours of Face-to-Face Training Sessions at Bristol Centre * 1 Day of Face-to-Face Training Sessions at Birmingham Centre * 8 Hours of Face-to-Face Training Sessions at London Centre * Once confident at taking blood from the manikin you will have the opportunity to take blood from a fellow participant with consent. * Accredited by the CPD Certification * Designed by expert healthcare professionals. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This extensive course covers the following credentials: * Venepuncture process * Vial labelling * Blood-taking techniques * Safety protocols, * Needle safety techniques * Processing of blood samples * Prioritising patients * System of needle measurement * Maintaining the accuracy of specimen labels * Controlling and preventing infection * Techniques for preserving clinical proficiency * Legal repercussions of bad behaviour * Causes of infection and needed records * Identify the veins used for Venepuncture (Phlebotomy) * Solving issues might arise during the actual operation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSROOM-BASED PHLEBOTOMY TRAINING COURSE To ensure effective training, our classroom-based learning is divided into two parts: Remote theoretical learning (online) For the first part of our phlebotomy course online, we provide in-depth theoretical learning which you can complete from the comfort of your home. You can go on to the practical learning portion once the coursework and assessments have been successfully completed. Face-to-face practical learning (designated London-based office, with a similar structure at Swindon, Bristol and Birmingham offices) As part of the practical training, you will receive practical demonstrations and hands-on experience to justify your role. The practical learning part is divided into two learning slots with each weighing 4 hours of time: * First 4 hours session: Through practical demonstration using a mannikins, you will be taught how to smoothly draw blood, reduce risks, and control the patient’s reaction. * Last 4 hours of sessions: You will then have the chance to draw blood from fellow participants with consent while being closely supervised. Phlebotomy | Online Course | Lead Academy - Trailer [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-sckQ7K0D4] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHO IS THIS PHLEBOTOMY TRAINING COURSE FOR? This phlebotomy course is primarily aimed at: * Phlebotomists * Health Visitors * Physiotherapists * Occupational Therapists * Healthcare professionals * Nurses, midwives, phramcists and doctors * Freshers looking to begin their career as a phlebotomist * Anyone looking to enhance their blood-sampling skills Whether you are a fresher looking to kickstart your career in the field of phlebotomy or a practicing healthcare looking to enhance your phlebotomy skills, this course will help you achieve your professional aspirations by all means. Entry Requirements There are no academic entry requirements for this online phlebotomy course, and it is open to students of all academic backgrounds. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS * There are no academic entry requirements for this blood taking course, and it is open to students of all academic backgrounds. * However, you are required to have a laptop/desktop/tablet or smartphone and a good internet connection. ASSESSMENT METHOD In this phlebotomy course learners will be assessed through observation. That means during the practical training you will be observed by the supervisor/trainer. Upon successful demonstration of blood sampling and blood draw, you will be awarded a CPD-accredited certificate that is accepted by thousands of professional bodies and government regulators here in the UK and around the world. We also offer face-to-face practical training for Cannulation Training [https://lead-academy.org/course/cannulation-training], Catheterisation Training, [https://lead-academy.org/course/catheterisation-training] and Advanced / Competency Phlebotomy Training [https://lead-academy.org/course/advanced-phlebotomy-training] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COURSE CURRICULUM Module 1: Introduction Module 2: Steps Before Withdrawing Blood (Venepuncture) Module 3: Basic Anatomy Lessons Module 4: Dos and Donts for Vein Selection Module 5: Preparation for Venepuncture Module 6: Managing Patient’s Expectations Module 7: Complications Issues during Venipuncture Module 8: Processing of Blood Samples Module 9: Conclusion -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOGNISED ACCREDITATION This phlebotomy course is accredited by Continuing Professional Development (CPD). CPD is globally recognised by employers, professional organisations and academic intuitions, thus a certificate from CPD Certification Service creates value towards your professional goal and achievement. CPD-certified certificates are accepted by thousands of professional bodies and government regulators here in the UK and around the world. Many organisations look for employees with CPD requirements, which means, that by doing the phlebotomy course, you would be a potential candidate in your respective field.

Phlebotomy Training
Delivered in London + 3 more locations or OnlineFull day, Jul 7th, 09:00 + 49 more

Customer Experience Excellence


By Sterling Training

Customer service just isn’t enough. Customer experience is where the secret to success lies. Build a loyal and fruitful customer base by learning how to design frictionless processes and build empathetic and solution-focused services with our bespoke courses, which include: Customer service vs customer experience The changing nature of customers and how to stay ahead Customer needs vs customer expectations How our behaviour affects those around us and how to use the power of influence Communicating with customers positively and effectively Moments that matter Building trust and integrity What to do when things go wrong

Customer Experience Excellence
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Southampton
Price on Enquiry

Customer service – get all the basics right and enhance your customer experience

By Beyond Satisfaction - Customer service Training

If you want your employees to improve their customer service skills and deliver an amazing experience to your customers, feel free to check out my Training course focusing on the core values of customer service.

Customer service – get all the basics right and enhance your customer experience
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in UK Wide
Price on Enquiry

Customer Facing Skills


By Lapd Solutions Ltd

Customer care, customer service, Moccasin Approach,

Customer Facing Skills
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Birmingham
£1250 to £1500

How to generate long-standing customer loyalty when dealing with clients?

By Beyond Satisfaction - Customer service Training

If you want your employees to improve their customer service skills and deliver an amazing experience to your customers, feel free to check out my Training course focusing on generating long-standing customer loyalty.

How to generate long-standing customer loyalty when dealing with clients?
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in UK Wide
Price on Enquiry

Successfully manage customer expectations during each stage of the customer journey

By Beyond Satisfaction - Customer service Training

If you want your employees to improve their customer service skills and deliver an amazing experience to your customers, feel free to check out my Training course focusing on managing expectations successfully.

Successfully manage customer expectations during each stage of the customer journey
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide
Price on Enquiry

All you need to know about telephone etiquettes, communication and behaviours

By Beyond Satisfaction - Customer service Training

If you want your employees to improve their customer service skills and deliver an amazing experience to your customers, feel free to check out my Training course focusing on telephone etiquettes, communication and behaviours.

All you need to know about telephone etiquettes, communication and behaviours
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in UK Wide
Price on Enquiry

Delivering the best customer care when dealing with clients

By Beyond Satisfaction - Customer service Training

If you want your employees to improve their customer service skills and deliver an amazing experience to your customers, feel free to check out my Training course focusing on delivering the best customer care.

Delivering the best customer care when dealing with clients
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide
Price on Enquiry

All you need to know about effective complaints handling

By Beyond Satisfaction - Customer service Training

If you want your employees to improve their customer service skills and deliver an amazing experience to your customers, feel free to check out my Training course focusing on managing complaints and complaining clients successfully.

All you need to know about effective complaints handling
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in UK Wide
Price on Enquiry

HG Diploma – Part 3

By Human Givens College

This intensive week of skills practice, feedback and ongoing assessment is the final stage before becoming a fully-qualified human givens practitioner -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Dates: Mon 6th – Fri 10th Feb 2023 Mon 26th – Fri 30th June 2023 * Length: 5 days (9.00am – 5.30pm) * Tutors: Dr Gareth Hughes, Jo Baker, Rosalind Townsend, Carol Harper * Open to: Graduates of Part 2 of the Human Givens Diploma * Qualification: Human Givens Practitioner Level Diploma (HG.Dip.P.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > This week far exceeded my expectations – I can’t wait to get back and apply > what I’ve learnt > > JOHN BUCHANBERGER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 3 is the Human Givens Practitioner Qualification; the pre-requisite to becoming a fully qualified human givens therapist, eligible for inclusion on the HGI’s Professional Register (which is independently accredited in the UK by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care). Throughout the week, students practise and demonstrate a broad range of practical therapeutic skills under close supervision and rigorous on-going assessment by the two tutors and experienced facilitators. Students who have already successfully graduated from the course enthuse about how useful and enriching it is.     Between Part 2 and Part 3 of the Diploma students are expected to carry out extensive therapeutic practice, with a minimum of 10 different people, under ongoing supervision. For more information, please read the following downloads. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COURSE DATES All Part 3 weeks are held at Engineers’ House in Bristol [https://www.humangivens.com/venues/bristol/] WINTER 2023 – CODE WK14 Mon 6th–Fri 10th February 2023 – FULL SUMMER 2023 – CODE WK15 Mon 26th–Fri 30th June 2023 – Full, with waiting list AUTUMN 2023 – CODE WK16 Mon 20th–Fri 24th November 2023 – Waiting list, please contact the office -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO APPLY: To attend Part 3, your supervisor must be happy that you have gained enough therapeutic experience and are ready to progress with this part of the Diploma.  As there are only 12 places on each Part 3, we recommend you contact us as soon as possible to let us know which course you and your supervisor think you will be most likely to attend. Your name will then be added to the list for that course (for more information on this stage of the Diploma, see: Working towards Part 3). Please contact Fiona Heffernan if you have any questions about the course, or are ready to put your name down for a place on one. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEET YOUR TUTORS CAROL HARPER Carol has 30 years’ experience in private practice, her holistic outlook and curiosity has influenced her professional development… Read more [https://www.humangivens.com/person/carol-harper/] DR GARETH HUGHES Gareth is an HG psychotherapist, researcher, nationally recognised expert on university mental health and wellbeing and a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Read more [https://www.humangivens.com/person/gareth-hughes/] JO BAKER For many years Jo worked as a therapist within the Psychological Wellbeing department at the University of Derby, where she dealt with an extensive and varied caseload… Read more [https://www.humangivens.com/person/jo-baker/] ROSALIND TOWNSEND Ros Townsend is an experienced psychotherapist and supervisor with busy practices in SW England, where she combines private therapy work with referrals from Occupational Health and the NHS. Read more [https://www.humangivens.com/person/rosalind-townsend/]

HG Diploma – Part 3
Delivered In-Person in BristolFull day, Nov 20th, 09:00 + 4 more