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6 Courses in Belfast

Recovering Troubled Projects: In-House Training

By IIL Europe Ltd

RECOVERING TROUBLED PROJECTS: IN-HOUSE TRAINING Despite our best intentions, many of the projects that organizations undertake either don't achieve their intended business results or end in complete failure. Most seasoned project managers have had their share of experiences with difficult or troubled projects and unless they are careful, they will encounter more. This workshop does not focus on 'failed' projects but rather on those projects which without appropriate intervention would be headed for failure. Failed projects are those beyond help and which should be terminated. Here we focus on projects that are salvageable. It is an exercise-driven, no-nonsense, professional practice-focused workshop positioning the participant to immediately apply the tools and lessons learned in the classroom. The workshop employs the use of both illustrative and practical/working case studies. Illustrative case studies will examine insights from real-world troubled projects. Participants will be asked to bring descriptions of their own examples of troubled projects on which they're currently working or on which they have worked in the past. A number of these will be used as the basis for the practical/working case studies. The approach builds on and complements the disciplines addressed in Project Management Institute's PMBOK® Guide and also addresses issues that arise when managing projects in a complex environment. WHAT YOU WILL LEARN You will learn to: * Recognize the value of a structured project recovery process * Explain the reasons most projects fail * Analyze the causes of a project's troubles * Construct a negotiation process to use with key stakeholders * Apply an effective strategy to planning the recovery effort * Manage, evaluate, and adjust the ongoing recovery effort FOUNDATION CONCEPTS * Recognizing a troubled project * Defining the project recovery process THE REASONS PROJECTS FAIL * Putting failure in perspective * Reviewing management issues * Analyzing planning issues * Exploring complexity issues ASSESS THE PROJECT * Stabilizing the project * Determining preliminary Go / No-Go * Conducting a detailed recovery assessment NEGOTIATE THE RECOVERY * Reviewing the basics of negotiation * Setting reasonable expectations * Obtaining appropriate PM authority * Securing key stakeholder support PLAN THE RECOVERY * Planning for recoveries * Rebuilding the project team * Reshaping the project plan * Managing parallel activities * Planning for change management IMPLEMENT AND ADJUST THE PROJECT * Implementing project recoveries * Facilitating change * Enabling continuous learning * Fostering the project team * Sustaining stakeholder engagement

Recovering Troubled Projects: In-House Training
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London

This highly practical workshop will help you become a more effective negotiator and learn the skills that master negotiators use.

Negotiation Skills
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Loughborough

Advanced sales negotiation skills (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

The 'golden rule' of negotiation is simple - don't! But life's rarely that simple and very often we do have to negotiate, particularly if we want to win the business and especially if we want to win it on our terms. Such negotiations are crucial. We need to prepare for them. We need a strategy, and the skills to execute it. Does your team have a structured approach? Is it flawlessly executed, every time? Or is there room for improvement? This programme will help them master the six fundamentals of closing better business: Manage all these elements well and you will win more business, more profitably. This course will help participants: * Negotiate from a position of partnership, not competition * Deal more effectively and profitably with price objections * Identify and practise successful sales negotiating skills * Identify strengths and weaknesses as a sales negotiator * Understand different types of buyer behaviour * Learn to recognise negotiating tactics and stances * Apply a new and proven structure to their business negotiations * Identify and adapt for different behavioural styles * Be alert to unconscious (non-verbal) communication * Prepare and present a proposal at a final business negotiation stage * Project confidence and exercise assertiveness in all sales negotiations 1 PLANNING FOR SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS NEGOTIATIONS This session introduces the concept of business negotiation and looks at its importance in the context of the participants' roles and activities. It briefly examines why we negotiate and the dynamics involved. Session highlights: * What kind of a negotiator are you? * Negotiation skills self-assessment and best practice * How to establish roles and responsibilities for both parties * How to identify and set objectives for both buyer and seller * How to research and establish the other person's position (business negotiation stance) 2 HOW TO STRUCTURE YOUR NEGOTIATIONS This module presents an eight-step framework or structure for use in negotiations and considers how best to prepare and plan your negotiations within the context of a supplier/customer relationship or business cycle. It also includes a brief review of legal responsibilities and what constitutes a 'deal'. Session highlights: * Learn and apply a formal structure to use when negotiating * How to establish short- and longer-term objectives and opportunities * How best to plan, prepare and co-ordinate a major business negotiation meeting, or on-going negotiations * Understanding of basic legal and organisational requirements 3 VERBAL NEGOTIATION SKILLS This session examines the human and communication dynamics inherent in any negotiation situation. It emphasises the importance of professional skills in preparing for a negotiation by identifying needs, wants and requirements accurately and by qualifying the competitive and organisational influences present. Session highlights: * How to fully 'qualify' the other party's needs, requirements and constraints during the negotiation process by using advanced questioning and listening skills * How to pre-empt negotiation objections by promoting and gaining commitment to options, benefits, value and solutions * How best to propose and suggest ideas, using drawing-out skills 4 NON-VERBAL NEGOTIATION SKILLS This module highlights how different personal styles, corporate cultures and organisation positions can influence events, and demonstrates practical methods for dealing with and controlling these factors. It also examines key principles of body language and non-verbal communication in a practical way. Session highlights: * Gaining rapport and influencing unconsciously * Understanding the importance of non-verbal communication; reading other people's meaning and communicating effectively as a result * Ensure that non-verbal behaviour is fully utilised and observed to create maximum impact and monitor progress (eg, buying signals) * Recognising that business negotiations are precisely structured and agreements gained incrementally 5 PROPOSING AND 'PACKAGING' This session highlights how best to present and package your proposal. It looks at how to pre-empt the need for negotiating by creating minor-options and 'bargaining' points, as well as how to manage the expectations and perceptions of the customer or buyer. Session highlights: * How to identify the key variables that can be negotiated * The power and use of 'authority' within your negotiations * How to structure and present your proposal, ideas or quotation to best effect * The importance of when and how to identify and influence buyer's objections 6 DEALING WITH PRICE This module highlights how to best present and package price within your proposal or negotiation. In most cases, price has more to do with psychology than affordability and preparation and careful handling are essential. Session highlights: * The three reasons that people will pay your asking price * How to set price in a competitive market * The key differences between selling and negotiating * Ten ways to present price more effectively and persuasively 7 GETTING TO 'YES': TACTICS AND STRATEGIES There are many different tactics and strategies common to successful negotiators. This session looks at those that are most appropriate to the participants' own personal styles and situations. The importance of 'follow-through' is also explained and how to deal with protracted or 'stale-mate' business negotiations. Session highlights: * How to negotiate price and reduce discounting early in the process * How to recognise negotiating tactics and strategies in your customer or supplier * Key strategies, techniques and tactics to use in negotiation * The importance of follow-through and watching the details * How to deal with stalled business negotiations or competitor 'lock-out' 8 CASE STUDIES AND REVIEW This session examines a number of different situations and participants discuss ways to approach each. This will allow learning to be consolidated and applied in a very practical way. There will also be a chance to have individual points raised in a question and answer session. Session highlights: * Case studies * Question and answer * Planning worksheet * Negotiation 'toolkit' and check-list 9 PERSONAL ACTION PLANS Session highlights: * Identify the most important personal learning points from the programme * Highlight specific actions and goals * Flag topics for future personal development and improvement

Advanced sales negotiation skills (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Negotiation skills (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

Any successful business manager will tell you that you never get the deal you deserve - you always get the deal you negotiate! This two-day workshop includes recent research and practical techniques from the Harvard Business School Negotiation Project and provides a unique opportunity to learn and practice these skills in a safe environment using up to date materials and life-like practice negotiation case studies. This course will help participants to: * Understand the basics of negotiation * Develop negotiating skills * Increase their business acumen * Develop their communication skills * Learn the models, techniques and tools for an effective negotiation * Identify the barriers to agreements * Close the deal 1 WHAT IS NEGOTIATION? * Key skills for negotiation * Types of negotiation * Win-lose negotiations versus Win-win negotiations * Wise agreements and Principled Negotiation 2 FOUR KEY NEGOTIATING CONCEPTS * BATNA - Best alternative to negotiated agreement * Setting your reservation price * ZOPA - Zone of possible agreement * Creating and trading value 3 BUSINESS ACUMEN * Understanding pricing, gross margins and profit * Knowing the key points on which to negotiate 4 A FOUR PHASE MODEL FOR NEGOTIATION * Nine steps to successful planning * Discussing a deal - creating and claiming value * Making and framing proposals * Bargaining for the winning deal 5 EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION * Effective questioning * Active listening skills * Understanding and interpreting body language * Barriers to effective communication 6 UNDERSTANDING INFLUENCE AND PERSUASION * Influencing strategies * Ten proven ways to influence people * Six universal methods of persuasion * Understanding why people do business with other people 7 NEGOTIATING TACTICS * Tactics for win-lose negotiations * Tactics for win-win negotiations * Effective team negotiating * Understanding and using powerv * What do you do when the other side has more power? 8 BARRIERS TO AGREEMENT * Common barriers to agreement * The Negotiators Dilemma * Dealing with die-hard negotiators * Dealing with lack of trust 9 POTENTIAL BARRIERS TO CROSS-BORDER AGREEMENTS * Understanding business methods and practice in other cultures * Figuring out who has the power and who makes decisions * Recognising and dealing with cultural differences * What's OK here might not be OK there 10 CLOSING THE DEAL * Four steps to closing the winning deal

Negotiation skills (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Negotiation Skills in a Day: In-House

By Maximum Performance

NEGOTIATION SKILLS IN A DAY: IN-HOUSE Anybody that has achieved success in business will tell you that you never get the deal you deserve - you only get the deal you can negotiate! This one-day workshop is based on research findings and effective techniques from the Harvard Business School Negotiation Project; it provides a unique opportunity to learn and practice these skills in a safe environment using up to date materials and life-like practice negotiation case studies. Our expert one day skills workshop helps participants learn the skills and behaviours of good negotiation, and how to select the most appropriate negotiation strategy and tactics to achieve the best outcome possible. Each participant will leave the day armed with the confidence and practical negotiation skills to successfully apply in any situation. LEARNING OBJECTIVES After completing this course participants will be able to: * Understand the main types and style of negotiation and use the most appropriate strategy and tactics for each of them to achieve the best agreement * Apply the four most important concepts to put themselves in the strongest possible position in any negotiation * Use a systematic approach to preparing, presenting and concluding negotiated agreements * Analyse the power dynamics in a negotiation and apply tried and tested methods for communicating with, influencing and persuading the other side in a negotiation * Anticipate common barriers to agreement and use a tested approach to successfully concluding the deal they deserve! WHAT IS NEGOTIATION? * Types of negotiation * Win-lose negotiations versus win-win negotiations * Wise agreements and principled negotiation * Key skills needed for negotiation THE FOUR KEY NEGOTIATING CONCEPTS * BATNA - Best Alternative To Negotiated Agreement * Setting your reservation price * ZOPA - Zone Of Possible Agreement * Creating and trading value USING A FOUR PHASE MODEL FOR NEGOTIATION * Nine steps to successful planning * Discussing a deal - creating and claiming value * Making and framing proposals * Bargaining for the winning deal COMMUNICATING, INFLUENCING AND PERSUADING * Effective questioning and listening skills * Understanding and interpreting body-language * Barriers to effective communication * Understanding and using power * Proven ways to influence people * Six universal methods of persuasion NEGOTIATING TACTICS * Understanding what matters - what the numbers mean * Tactics for win-lose negotiations * Tactics for win-win negotiations * Effective team negotiating BARRIERS TO AGREEMENT * Common barriers to agreement * Dealing with die-hard negotiators * Dealing with lack of trust CLOSING THE DEAL * Four steps to closing the winning deal * How to know when to walk away from a deal

Negotiation Skills in a Day: In-House
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden & 1 more
Price on Enquiry

Negotiation Skills in a Day

By Maximum Performance

NEGOTIATION SKILLS IN A DAY Anybody that has achieved success in business will tell you that you never get the deal you deserve - you only get the deal you can negotiate! This one-day workshop is based on research findings and effective techniques from the Harvard Business School Negotiation Project; it provides a unique opportunity to learn and practice these skills in a safe environment using up to date materials and life-like practice negotiation case studies. Our expert one day skills workshop helps participants learn the skills and behaviours of good negotiation, and how to select the most appropriate negotiation strategy and tactics to achieve the best outcome possible. Each participant will leave the day armed with the confidence and practical negotiation skills to successfully apply in any situation. LEARNING OBJECTIVES After completing this course participants will be able to: * Understand the main types and style of negotiation and use the most appropriate strategy and tactics for each of them to achieve the best agreement * Apply the four most important concepts to put themselves in the strongest possible position in any negotiation * Use a systematic approach to preparing, presenting and concluding negotiated agreements * Analyse the power dynamics in a negotiation and apply tried and tested methods for communicating with, influencing and persuading the other side in a negotiation * Anticipate common barriers to agreement and use a tested approach to successfully concluding the deal they deserve! WHAT IS NEGOTIATION? * Types of negotiation * Win-lose negotiations versus win-win negotiations * Wise agreements and principled negotiation * Key skills needed for negotiation THE FOUR KEY NEGOTIATING CONCEPTS * BATNA - Best Alternative To Negotiated Agreement * Setting your reservation price * ZOPA - Zone Of Possible Agreement * Creating and trading value USING A FOUR PHASE MODEL FOR NEGOTIATION * Nine steps to successful planning * Discussing a deal - creating and claiming value * Making and framing proposals * Bargaining for the winning deal COMMUNICATING, INFLUENCING AND PERSUADING * Effective questioning and listening skills * Understanding and interpreting body-language * Barriers to effective communication * Understanding and using power * Proven ways to influence people * Six universal methods of persuasion NEGOTIATING TACTICS * Understanding what matters - what the numbers mean * Tactics for win-lose negotiations * Tactics for win-win negotiations * Effective team negotiating BARRIERS TO AGREEMENT * Common barriers to agreement * Dealing with die-hard negotiators * Dealing with lack of trust CLOSING THE DEAL * Four steps to closing the winning deal * How to know when to walk away from a deal

Negotiation Skills in a Day
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden & 1 more
Price on Enquiry