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60 Courses

Monday Night - Conscious Connected Breathwork

By Sunhouse

Change Your Breath Change Your Life Experience the amazing power of your breath to transform stress and tension and create more flow in your life. In these sessions we will use a simple breathing technique know as conscious connected breathing, this activates the nervous system and helps create new neural pathways in the brain. When we breathe in this pattern, we begin to enter into an altered state of consciousness which allows us to release stored emotions and trauma in both the physical and energetic body.  If your looking to release stress and create more space for joy, peace and love then these sessions are for you. Benefits of Conscious Connected Breathwork include: - Release Tension - Reduce Stress & Anxiety - Clear Emotional Blocks - Heal Trauma - Increased Energy - Better Sleep Why not join me for a session? You will be amazed at the releases you can experience with this simple practice. These sessions are a beautiful way to come together and experience the power of group healing where we all learn and grow from each others experiences. They offer the opportunity to delve deeper into our own inner worlds with the support and connection of others.  These are small group gatherings of up to 8 -10 people and no previous experience necessary. 

Monday Night - Conscious Connected Breathwork
Delivered In-Person in Cardiff2 hours, Jul 8th, 17:00 + 3 more
£20 to £24

Yoga Classes


By Niroshini

ROOTS In the whirlwind of daily life, we often miss the present. But what if we paused? By cultivating awareness of our thoughts, feelings, and the world around us, we unlock a path to greater well-being. This practice, known as mindfulness, allows us to savour life's experiences and gain a deeper understanding of ourselves. Have you ever noticed yourself multitasking on autopilot? Working from home with the TV on, scrolling through your phone while eating, or rushing through your day without truly being present? In today's digital age, it's easy to become scattered and disconnected.  That's where "Roots" comes in. The name has a reason just like our life. Our roots, both physical and metaphorical, connect us to the earth's energy. Yoga mimic these roots, anchoring us in the present moment. Mindfulness becomes the fertile ground where inner wisdom and true self can flourish.  I am NIROSHINI, and I've been practising yoga since the age of 6. With a background rooted in yoga and naturopathy studies in India, I'm passionate about sharing the transformative power of yoga and mindfulness. Drawing from the wisdom of Hatha and Ashtanga Yoga traditions, we have a tapestry of mindful movement, breathwork, postures, (asanas), meditation, and relaxation techniques. This holistic approach cultivates peace, strength, and awareness on both on and off the mat. At Roots, we believe yoga is a transformative tool for a happier, healthier you. Discover your roots and embark on this journey of mindful well-being.  This will be your path to reconnect with yourself. Through gentle yoga practices and mindfulness techniques, you'll learn to cultivate present-moment awareness and a sense of calm amidst the everyday chaos. Imagine truly savouring your meals, quieting your mind during work, increased productivity and finding peace in the simple moments. Through “Roots” you'll experience a dramatic shift in your well-being and the way you look at the journey of your life. Join me on this journey to find your roots and discover the joy of mindful living. Contact us : +447395275754 Instagram: therootsedinburgh

Yoga Classes
Delivered In-Person in Edinburgh1 hour, Jul 9th, 17:00 + 2 more

Microdose & Breathwork Session


By Numinity

Join us for a transformational Microdose & Breathwork Session -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We invite you to join us for this extraordinary journey of self-discovery and inner transformation. This session has been designed to help you tap into your inner wisdom, discover your infinite potential, and improve your wellbeing. We will start the session with an opening ritual where you will receive a microdose of mushrooms to guide you on your journey. Hannah will then guide you through a Conscious Connected Breathwork session. Conscious Connected Breathwork is a specific breathing exercises focused on deep breathing, whereby an expanded, transcendental state of consciousness can be achieved. In this state, blockages that disturb one's own (energy) flow, such as repressed experiences, feelings and emotions, can be brought to the surface and recognised and dissolved. A feeling of liberation can be experienced in real terms and perceived as a deep connection with the universal whole. In and after light breathing, feelings of relief, freedom, bliss, connectedness and oneness can arise. After the Breathwork session, you’ll continue to lie on your mat, while Melissa lulls you into a state of deep integrative relaxation with a rejuvenating soundscape. The session will last approximately 2 hours. Preparation Guidelines: 1. Hydration: Begin hydrating your body well in advance of the event. Proper hydration supports the Breathwork process and enhances the effects of the Cacao. 2. Light Nourishment: Eat a light and easily digestible meal no later than 4pm. This will provide you with energy without causing discomfort during the session. 3. Avoid Stimulants: Refrain from consuming caffeine or stimulants at least 4-6 hours before the event. This helps to promote a calm and centered state for the breathwork and sound journey. 4. Clothing: Wear comfortable clothing that allows for unrestricted breathing and movement. Layers are recommended, as body temperature may fluctuate during the session. 5. Open Mindset: Approach the journey with an open mind and heart. Set an intention for the experience, whether it's personal growth, stress relief, or spiritual connection. 6. What to bring. Bring some water and a journal. Everything else will be provided. Price: Price is on a sliding scale. Please pay what you can afford. @numinity.collective Join our Whatsapp Group for new event updates. CONTRAINDICATIONS If you have any of the following conditions YOU CAN STILL COME, we will just be recommending a slightly different nose breath. * Epilepsy or seizures * Heart conditions or arrhythmia * High blood pressure, or low blood pressure with fainting history * Delicate pregnancy * Bi-polar disorder, schizophrenia or psychosis * Untreated/severe PTSD * Pre-existing lung disease * Recent major surgery * Glaucoma/detached retina * Severe osteoparosis This practice is not a substitute for medical advice, and if you experience any of the following, you should consult your GP or primary healthcare provider first. Please don't be put off by the necessary health information, Breathwork is mostly a hugely enjoyable and transformative practice and we encourage you to come and try it out.

Microdose & Breathwork Session
Delivered In-Person in London2 hours, Jul 12th, 18:00
£50 to £70

Microdose, Breathwork & LIVE Sound Journey


By Numinity

Join us for a transformational Microdose, Breathwork & Sound Journey. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We invite you to join us for this extraordinary journey of self-discovery and inner transformation. This session has been designed to help you tap into your inner wisdom, discover your infinite potential, and improve your wellbeing. We will start the session with an opening ritual where you will receive a microdose of mushrooms to guide you on your journey. Melissa will then guide you through a Breathwork session set to an original soundscape composed by Holly. Conscious Connected Breathwork is a specific breathing exercises focused on deep breathing, whereby an expanded, transcendental state of consciousness can be achieved. In this state, blockages that disturb one's own (energy) flow, such as repressed experiences, feelings and emotions, can be brought to the surface and recognised and dissolved. A feeling of liberation can be experienced in real terms and perceived as a deep connection with the universal whole. In and after light breathing, feelings of relief, freedom, bliss, connectedness and oneness can arise. After the Breathwork session, you’ll continue to lie on your mat, while Holly & Melissa lull you into a state of deep integrative relaxation with a rejuvenating soundscape. The session will last approximately 2 hours. Preparation Guidelines: 1. Hydration: Begin hydrating your body well in advance of the event. Proper hydration supports the Breathwork process and enhances the effects of the Cacao. 2. Light Nourishment: Eat a light and easily digestible meal no later than 4pm. This will provide you with energy without causing discomfort during the session. 3. Avoid Stimulants: Refrain from consuming caffeine or stimulants at least 4-6 hours before the event. This helps to promote a calm and centered state for the breathwork and sound journey. 4. Clothing: Wear comfortable clothing that allows for unrestricted breathing and movement. Layers are recommended, as body temperature may fluctuate during the session. 5. Open Mindset: Approach the journey with an open mind and heart. Set an intention for the experience, whether it's personal growth, stress relief, or spiritual connection. 6. What to bring. Bring some water and a journal. Everything else will be provided. Price: Price is on a sliding scale. Please pay what you can afford. @numinity.collective [https://www.instagram.com/numinity.collective/] Join our Whatsapp Group [https://chat.whatsapp.com/FcJsl64MnXoK4ZIcauFyMR] for new event updates. CONTRAINDICATIONS If you have any of the following conditions YOU CAN STILL COME, we will just be recommending a slightly different nose breath. * Epilepsy or seizures * Heart conditions or arrhythmia * High blood pressure, or low blood pressure with fainting history * Delicate pregnancy * Bi-polar disorder, schizophrenia or psychosis * Untreated/severe PTSD * Pre-existing lung disease * Recent major surgery * Glaucoma/detached retina * Severe osteoparosis This practice is not a substitute for medical advice, and if you experience any of the following, you should consult your GP or primary healthcare provider first. Please don't be put off by the necessary health information, Breathwork is mostly a hugely enjoyable and transformative practice and we encourage you to come and try it out.

Microdose, Breathwork & LIVE Sound Journey
Delivered In-Person in London2 hours, Jul 21st, 10:00 + 1 more
£50 to £70

Breathwork Facilitator Training


By Platinum Training Institute

This International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine accredited qualification teaches the skills, knowledge and competence required of an individual in order to work with clients on specific breathing techniques in both 1:1 or group sessions. Learners will cover: The anatomy of the lungs; gaseous exchange; the breath-brain connection and the physical and mental benefits of breathwork. How to hold space for breathwork; creating a trauma-informed space and basic facilitation skills. How the breath impacts the vagus nerve and its connection to the parasympathetic nervous system. The structure of a breathwork session and how to build momentum with music and motivational cueing (i.e.what to say and what to play). The content of a breathwork session with an in-depth study of 6 unique breathwork exercises. Advanced Facilitation skills – How to plan for emotional and physical reactions; how to modify for different audiences/special populations.

Breathwork Facilitator Training
Delivered Online7 months, Sept 17th, 18:00 + 13 more

Cacao & Breathwork - Facilitating Inner Alchemy


By Wild Power Alchemy

Through Conscious Connected Circular Breathing, we tap into the profound healing potential of your breath to release stress, tension, trauma, and emotional blockages, allowing your body to reconnect with your authentic, loving self.

Cacao & Breathwork - Facilitating Inner Alchemy
Delivered In-Person in Edinburgh2 hours 30 minutes, Jul 28th, 13:00

Online Qigong class

By Brightonenergyworks

Qigong Taiji 37 (Tai Chi) Daoyin exercises Makko-Ho and Do-in exercises Japanese Ki Exercises and Hara training Breathing and sound exercises Meditation Well-being guidance There are also currently 3 online Qigong classes each week: Mondays at 9.45am, or Tuesdays and Fridays at 10.00am, all 75 minutes. When you use the link there is usually no need to sign up to Zoom. You can use the app or attend via your usual browser. No experience necessary.

Online Qigong class
Delivered Online1 hour 15 minutes, Jul 12th, 09:00 + 7 more

Unlock Your Intuition


By Numinity

A powerful combo of breathwork, meditation, creative writing & drawing techniques to help you quieten the noise and tap into your intuition -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Modern life is filled with noise and distractions. We’re under constant pressure to pander to pings, multitask and respond to the needs of others, all of which impact the mind’s ability to think creatively, as interruptions kill creative thinking and the ability to listen to our intuition. This session combines breathwork, meditation, creative writing, and drawing techniques to help you quiet the noise and tap into your inner ideas and inspiration. Designed to enhance intention setting and spiritual integration, these practices also benefit creative processes by sharpening intuition and problem-solving skills. This two hour session will be screen-free, with materials provided. Wear comfortable clothing and bring a pen, journal and refillable bottle for this unique introspective experience. Your Facilitator: Hosted by Creative Thinking Coach Ketan Lad. His journey with unlocking creativity began over 12 years ago when chosen to learn the art and science of facilitation and ideas generation in a commercial creativity context. Since then Ketan has worked with numerous big brands, small business and individuals to unlock creative thinking, through hosting workshops and training. Ketan has been an active member of the Numinity community for over a year, assisting with ceremonies, furthering his spiritual practice and developing creative thinking techniques to help people with intention setting and integration, and has spent the last two years attending retreats in The UK, Spain and Morocco to create a unique creativity coaching techniques that draw inspiration from both modern psychology and ancient spiritual practices. Agenda 7:00-7:15 pm - Introduction and welcome 7:15 - 7:30 pm - Meditation and breathwork 7:30 - 8:50 pm - Guided techniques for unlocking intuition 8:50pm - 9:00 pm - Closing Circle

Unlock Your Intuition
Delivered In-Person in London2 hours, Jul 18th, 18:00
£25 to £35

Introduction to Conscious Connected Breathwork

By Sunhouse

Learn life changing breath-work techniques.   In this half day workshop, we will gain a deeper understanding of our breath and how we can use it to help regulate our nervous system, release stress and tension from the body and make more space for feelings of safety and well being.  We will combine a deep healing breath-work journey, with guided felt sense meditations, breath awareness, and some great breath techniques for helping you to re-connect with the power of your breath in every day life.  WHAT TO EXPECT? - An introduction to the foundations of conscious connected breathing - Reconnection with your body through a felt sense meditation - Experience intimacy with your breath through breath awareness meditation - A breath-work journey - An opportunity to release embodied holding patterns, stress, tension and unwanted feelings. - Take away breath-work tools to support anxiety and stress  - Sharing circle - Friendly, open and safe space Breathwork gives us the tools to transform, allowing us to let go of whatever may be holding us back and letting us live the lives we truly want to live. Conscious Connected Breathwork and Nervous System regulation is something we can all tap into; we just need the right guidance and tools.  Some of the Benefits of Conscious connected breathwork include: - Release Tension  - Resolve Depression - Reduce Stress & Anxiety - Clear Emotional Blocks  - Heal Trauma - Increased Energy - Better Sleep This workshop is not just a learning experience; it's a transformative journey designed to bring clarity and change into your life.

Introduction to Conscious Connected Breathwork
Delivered In-Person
Dates arranged on request

1:1 Shamanic Breathwork Sessions - Facilitating Inner Alchemy


By Wild Power Alchemy

Experience the power of the medicine within.  The power of your breath. Breathwork is a powerful modality to create a deeper connection to your breath and the body’s own natural healing power.  Breathwork offers you a reset button for your nervous system, which creates safety to release old stories and limiting beliefs allowing you to come back into your heart and into a renewed version of yourself. In our lives we have all experienced events that we have not been able to fully process and this stress / trauma / tension becomes stored in our bodies.  This can manifest in physical symptoms, mental and emotional conditions that prevent you from living your life to the fullest.   Rebirthing Breathwork (Conscious Connected Breathwork Practice) helps you to release any stored emotions and trauma to the surface to be released, allowing you to awaken your body rejuvenate your spirit, and reconnect with your authentic self. Many people experience a deep sense of freedom, expansiveness and deep transformation after serveral Rebirthing Sessions (myself included!).  This is a beautiful place starting point for profoun personal growth. One-to-one private sessions are held at my home in a dedicated therapy room and in these sessions, I give you my full and undivided attention, so that you can receive the loving presence and guidance you deserve. Exchange / Introductory Offer: * 2 hour 1:1 Breathwork Sessions:  £66.35 (+booking fee) * 3 x 2 hour 1:1 Breathwork Sessions:  £190.35 (+booking fee) Various dates are available, if none of these are suitable please reach out to discuss alternative dates with me. What to expect: * First Session:  Initial consultation * First Session:  Introduction to Rebirthing Breathwork * 60 Minutes of Rebirthing Breathwork * Drumming and Energy work during the breathwork * Integration and grounding  * Sharing of insights. * Any follow-up exercises depending on your intention. It is recommended that clients have 2-5 sessions to feel the benefits and for deepeer work a series of 10 session every 2-3 weeks is advised. You are the medicine. You have the power to create the life you want and deserve. All you have to do is breathe! Benefits of Breathwork: *     Regulates our nervous systems *     Creates safety in our bodies so we can release old patterning & limiting beliefs *     Shifts old trauma, pain & stagnant energy held in our physical bodies *     Gain clarity on who we are, our purpose and goals *     Balances mind body and soul *     Reduces anxiety, stress, depression and anger *     Helps with depression *     Helps with trauma and post-traumatic stress *     Aids positive self-awareness  *     Improves energy levels & boosts immunity. *     Increases self-esteem, self-awareness and confidence *     Improved deep sleep *     Increased energy levels Your Facilitator: Fionn is a Shamanic Practitioner and her intention is to support deep personal transformation so that we can reclaim our most aligned selves through various practices.  Fionn’s own experience with Breathwork has been life-changing and feels inspired to share the wisdom of the medicine we hold within ourselves.  The power of our breath.   DISCLAIMER By purchasing a ticket to a 1:1 Session with Fionn, you acknowledge you have read the following: Breathwork is a powerful healing modality and although a safe, deeply relaxing and enjoyable process, it can result in certain physiological changes in the body that can produce a mild altered state of consciousness with physical and/or emotional release. It is each participant’s responsibility to listen to their body and look after their own physical, emotional and mental well-being as well as be mindful of their own capabilities and act accordingly.  Please be aware that sessions can produce tingling of the hands, face or feet and emotional experiences like crying, trembling, laughing or screaming with excessive energy moving through your body. As a precaution, the following conditions are contraindicated for anyone thinking of practising this style of Breathwork: •    Pregnancy  •    Detached Retina or Glaucoma •    Recent Surgery •    High Blood Pressure (not controlled with medication) •    Cardiovascular disease including angina, previous heart attack or stroke. •    Diagnosis of aneurysm in the brain or abdomen •    Uncontrolled thyroid conditions and diabetes •    Respiratory Issues / Asthma  •    Epilepsy •    Prior diagnosis of bipolar disorder, schizophrenia or previous psychiatric condition. •    Hospitalisation for any psychiatric condition or emotional crisis within the last 10 years. Any other medical, psychiatric or physical conditions which would impair or affect the ability to engage in any activities that involve intense physical and/or emotional release. It is crucial that you consult your healthcare provider before engaging in an active breathwork practice if you are unsure if it is a suitable practice for you.

1:1 Shamanic Breathwork Sessions - Facilitating Inner Alchemy
Delivered In-Person
Dates arranged on request

Educators matching "Breathwork"

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Liz Lilley

liz lilley


Liz is passionate about supporting and empowering people to move through areas of restriction in their lives. When we are recognised, witnessed, and understood as individuals, in a safe, non-judgemental space, we can integrate all the strengths and vulnerabilities we encompass. Experiencing a compassionate relationship is a foundation to be able to identify, feel and heal the challenges you face, be the best version of yourself, whatever that may look like, and thrive.   Liz Lilley is a Humanistic Psychotherapist, Massage Therapist and Breathwork Facilitator. She also  provides Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy on Clinical Trials using psilocybin in the UK, integrating her professional experience from all her passions into her therapeutic practice. After many years of working with the body and witnessing the somatic release of trauma Liz went on to study psychotherapy in order to bring her knowledge of the mind-body in line with her experiences.  She has supported thousands of people through bodywork and counselling yet felt there was a missing piece of the puzzle to her offerings. Then she discovered simple and powerful breathwork techniques, had some deeply profound personal experiences and went on to become a trained Breathwork Facilitator, completing the puzzle.  Liz now holds group and one-to-one sessions online and in-person combining these practices to enhance the healing potential of unifying Body, Mind and Breath. Liz has an ongoing interest in expanded states including breathwork, meditation, psychedelics and shamanic journeying as tools and openings that enhance self-awareness, creativity, connection and therapeutic release. Her experiences in these practices have informed her focus on the integration of her client’s exploration into the Body, Mind and Breath.  She believes that with focus, intention and integration we can prolong the benefits of the work we do on ourselves. Liz has held sharing circles, worked in young people’s mental health and with refugees and has supported people who have experienced domestic abuse and homelessness. Liz developed a special interest in working as a Psychedelic-Integration Psychotherapist and is on the Advisory Board and is the Project Lead for Growthful Networks, the community area for the Institute of Psychedelic Therapy as well as a registered practitioner on their database. She has also faciltated breathwork sessions for the therapists training for the DMT for Depression clinical trial and provides Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy on clinical trial research for psilocybin for mental health conditions.