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60280 Courses

Management of Complications

By UKSedation

If you are in a team looking after a dental patient undergoing IV Sedation, then you are required to have ILS equivalent life support skills, including airway management and use of a defibrillator. The IACDS guidelines 2020 suggest that Management of Complications would be a useful part of that training so we have designed this course, suitable for all members of the dental team, to not only satisfy the guidelines but also build confidence in the team, to anticipate and treat any problems that may occur and give the patient an improved experience. This course is ideal for dentists and nurses who are new to IV sedation and have a visiting Sedationist in their practice. The course is in two parts. The first part covers Medical complications (90 mins CPD) and the second covers Non-Medical and behavioural aspects. (30 mins CPD). There is a quiz at the end of each in order to get your CPD certificate for each part. COURSE INCLUDES * 3 Lessons * 22 Topics * 1 Quiz * Course Certificate ABOUT INSTRUCTOR https://traintosedate.co.uk/members/robertendicott/ ROB ENDICOTT [https://traintosedate.co.uk/members/robertendicott/] Rob Endicott is an IACSD accredited trainer and mentor and is the ViceChair of the ADAS (Association of Dental Anaesthetists and Sedationists). He is also the founder and CEO of UKSedation, a nationwide team of dental sedationists in primary private practice.

Management of Complications
Delivered Online On Demand

Procurement and Logistics Certificate


By DisasterReady.org - Free Online Training

In partnership with Mercy Corps, DisasterReady developed a no-cost certificate program comprised of online courses, interactive scenarios, and a test covering best practices of procurement, warehousing, fleet management, and asset management. https://www.disasterready.org/procurement-logistics-certificate [https://www.disasterready.org/procurement-logistics-certificate]

Procurement and Logistics Certificate
Delivered Online On Demand

Free Wellness Videos in multiple languages


By DisasterReady.org - Free Online Training

AS HUMANITARIANS, HELPING OTHERS IS BOTH REWARDING AND CHALLENGING AS IT TAKES A TOLL ON OUR WELLBEING AND MENTAL HEALTH. WHETHER YOU ARE PROVIDING HUMANITARIAN RESPONSE TO CURRENT EVENTS IN ISRAEL AND GAZA, THE PROTRACTED CRISES IN SYRIA, CIVIL WAR IN YEMEN, EARTHQUAKE IN NEPAL, OR FLOODING IN DOMINICAN REPUBLIC (JUST TO NAME A FEW), A FOCUS ON YOUR WELLBEING AND MENTAL HEALTH IS JUST AS IMPORTANT AS THOSE YOU HELP.     PARTNERING WITH THE KONTERRA GROUP, AN EXPERT IN WELLBEING AND RESILIENCE, WE CREATED VIDEOS IN ENGLISH [https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/disasterready.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=22a6cdfac33f8d15da6bcca11&id=6d459cc381&e=6498045d1a__;!!JqsUqw!wn_MuNWBBrei3PLSIYAjNMUd8aIZunJhKAmee03yZaeyiLYZx4CDOjYYkZPaabLpvnv5ZIKeqpIRFEk$], HEBREW [https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/disasterready.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=22a6cdfac33f8d15da6bcca11&id=6b6941a94a&e=6498045d1a__;!!JqsUqw!wn_MuNWBBrei3PLSIYAjNMUd8aIZunJhKAmee03yZaeyiLYZx4CDOjYYkZPaabLpvnv5ZIKeAXbdJAI$], ARABIC [https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/disasterready.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=22a6cdfac33f8d15da6bcca11&id=4653ad1ea9&e=6498045d1a__;!!JqsUqw!wn_MuNWBBrei3PLSIYAjNMUd8aIZunJhKAmee03yZaeyiLYZx4CDOjYYkZPaabLpvnv5ZIKeFJgorGk$], FRENCH [https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/disasterready.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=22a6cdfac33f8d15da6bcca11&id=9e9589b5f8&e=6498045d1a__;!!JqsUqw!wn_MuNWBBrei3PLSIYAjNMUd8aIZunJhKAmee03yZaeyiLYZx4CDOjYYkZPaabLpvnv5ZIKexTAQ08A$], SPANISH [https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/disasterready.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=22a6cdfac33f8d15da6bcca11&id=9c13ffc714&e=6498045d1a__;!!JqsUqw!wn_MuNWBBrei3PLSIYAjNMUd8aIZunJhKAmee03yZaeyiLYZx4CDOjYYkZPaabLpvnv5ZIKeYaWcJaM$], UKRAINIAN [https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/disasterready.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=22a6cdfac33f8d15da6bcca11&id=2da1c98bb2&e=6498045d1a__;!!JqsUqw!wn_MuNWBBrei3PLSIYAjNMUd8aIZunJhKAmee03yZaeyiLYZx4CDOjYYkZPaabLpvnv5ZIKejBu3GM8$], POLISH [https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/disasterready.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=22a6cdfac33f8d15da6bcca11&id=3bdddf74ee&e=6498045d1a__;!!JqsUqw!wn_MuNWBBrei3PLSIYAjNMUd8aIZunJhKAmee03yZaeyiLYZx4CDOjYYkZPaabLpvnv5ZIKeaeJ-weg$], AND RUSSIAN  [https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/disasterready.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=22a6cdfac33f8d15da6bcca11&id=9463321f48&e=6498045d1a__;!!JqsUqw!wn_MuNWBBrei3PLSIYAjNMUd8aIZunJhKAmee03yZaeyiLYZx4CDOjYYkZPaabLpvnv5ZIKeWDE_A2w$]ON THE TOPICS BELOW. THEY ARE AVAILABLE ON THE DISASTERREADY YOUTUBE CHANNEL [https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/disasterready.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=22a6cdfac33f8d15da6bcca11&id=da2c01be93&e=6498045d1a__;!!JqsUqw!wn_MuNWBBrei3PLSIYAjNMUd8aIZunJhKAmee03yZaeyiLYZx4CDOjYYkZPaabLpvnv5ZIKezyREp9k$] MAKING THEM EASILY AVAILABLE FOR YOU AND THOSE YOU ARE HELPING.  * Coping with Grief and Loss * Coping with an Insecure Environment * Understanding and Coping with Vicarious Trauma * Maintaining Wellbeing During Displacement * Ways to Stay Calm in an Emergency * Understanding and Coping with Burnout * What Is Counseling and How Can it Help Me? * 10 Tips for Supporting Staff After a Traumatic Event * Supporting Staff During Evacuation, Displacement and Shelter in Place Take a few minutes to invest in your wellbeing by watching one or more of the videos and forward the YouTube link to co-workers, family, and the crisis-affected communities you are walking alongside. Together we can help each other strengthen our wellbeing and mental health during these difficult times.    

Free Wellness Videos in multiple languages
Delivered Online On Demand

Personal Safety and Security Certificate


By DisasterReady.org - Free Online Training

In partnership with Save the Children, DisasterReady developed a free assessment-based certificate program comprised of ten online courses and a test to help you prepare for, mitigate, and respond to risks in order to deliver on your mission. https://www.disasterready.org/certificate-safety-security [https://www.disasterready.org/certificate-safety-security] 

Personal Safety and Security Certificate
Delivered Online On Demand

Free Core Humanitarian Certification


By DisasterReady.org - Free Online Training

Demonstrate your competence as a humanitarian professional and commitment to your professional development with this free certification program. https://www.disasterready.org/free-core-humanitarian-certification [https://www.disasterready.org/free-core-humanitarian-certification]

Free Core Humanitarian Certification
Delivered Online On Demand

Project Management Essentials Certificate


By DisasterReady.org - Free Online Training

This first-ever, free assessment-based certificate program is designed specifically for humanitarian and development professionals and partner agency staff to learn the core principles, practices, and tools for effective project management. https://www.disasterready.org/free-certificate-project-management [https://www.disasterready.org/free-certificate-project-management]

Project Management Essentials Certificate
Delivered Online On Demand

Advance Protocol in Pediatric Examination

By Physiotherapy Online

PEDIATRIC EXAMINATION AIMS TO  These pediatric assessment and examination techniques are specific for pediatric patients. In this pediatric examination CPD course you will evaluate the physical, developmental, and functional aspects of children, the level of milestones, and the relation with normal growth and abnormal growth patterns or delayed milestones. You will explore evidence-based methodologies, expert guidance, and assessment scales to effectively address the needs of pediatric populations. By this certified CPD course for medical worker,  pediatric history taking and physical examination will become easier. LEARNING OBJECTIVE  * Understand the importance of pediatric assessment What are different age groups according to different organizations?  * This CPD Course will provide complete knowledge about pediatric general physical examination. * In this CPD course, you will explore the milestones related to certain age groups and gain insight about the factors that affect developmental milestones. * Understand typical vs atypical movement patterns in certain age groups supported by evidence-based research.  * Learn about the ICF model of pediatric assessment Physiotherapy assessment tool for pediatric  * Explore the clinical pediatric assessment and understand the pediatric assessment with the case study Become proficient in making pediatric examination reports. Understand the impact of multimodal pediatric examination in the clinical or hospital setting. By the end of this CPD course, you will be able to make the pediatric examination report by using the pediatric assessment scales. This CPD course will help to make informed decision about the treatment plan and to make referrals for serious conditions. WHO SHOULD ENROLL * Pediatric Physiotherapist *  Pediatric Orthopedic * Medical Students *  Pediatric Nurses  * Occupational Therapist CPD CREDIT HOURS  2 Hours 30 min RESOURCES * 1-Month Access to Learning Resources  * Downloadable Course Material  * CPD Certificate COURSE INSTRUCTOR:  Dr. Khadija Fareed (DPT, MS Pain Management, PPTA) is a skilled physiotherapist with five years of clinical experience. She holds a degree in physiotherapy from RLMC and a master's in pain management from Superior University. Dr. Khadija Fareed has worked in orthopedic departments, she also served as an academic physiotherapist, and presented at conferences. Her commitment to patient care and professional development makes her a valuable asset in the field. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COURSE INSTRUCTOR About Physiotherapy Online Physiotherapy Online is a physiotherapist-owned educational company with a vision to create an ensemble of international educators to cater to undergraduate, postgraduate physiotherapy students as well as post professionals who are keen to advance or refesh their existing knowledge in varied specialities. As every student has a unique approach to learning, we have therefore created a library of bite sized chapters which may be accessed as an individual module or a course as a whole; self study webinars; live workshops for those who would like to get an in-person hands on immersive experience and audio books for those on the go.

Advance Protocol in Pediatric Examination
Delivered Online On Demand

Menopause Support Coach Certification

By Menopause Support Coach Certification

The Menopause Support Coach Certification is a dual certified and doubly accredited CPD and ActiveiQ online course.  A 3 month program that trains students to be compassionate, alert to & effective in menopause support and to become a world class MSCC level coach.  This is fully delivered online via a learning portal with private log in and is for anyone ... * Working with and supporting women in their life business, career and happiness journey e.g. health & fitness coaches, PTs, Life Coaches, Business Coaches, Mindset Coaches, Women’s Health Coaches * You want to deepen your knowledge of the menopause and women’s health space to offer a new level of support in your coaching * You want to become part of a community of like-minded people and open up new exciting opportunities for yourself * You want to make a long lasting impact on the world in a big and positive way You’ll learn: * –  Menopause well-being nutrition to understanding your clients better, * –  How to coach menopausal clients towards their goals, * –  How to hold space for where they are right now, * –  The basics of HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) to be able to guide your clients through their journey safely and successfully. Not only that but It’s going to open up new and exciting opportunities in a growing industry of women’s health, as well as equip you as a coach in this space to enable your business to expand or niche. Sign Up to the waitlist for further details on the next cohort intake by contacting support@adelejohnstoncoaching.com [support@adelejohnstoncoaching.com].  Please note this is a paid for certification with BONUSES and discounts for waitlist members. This is not a free course.

Menopause Support Coach Certification
Delivered Online On Demand

Online Masterclass: How to set up a sustainable fashion brand with Chloe Haywood

By Sustainable Fashion Streets (HIVE CBS Ltd)

A recorded webinar on setting up a sustainable fashion brand, with Chloe Haywood. She is the Founder of Chloe Haywood London, a brand that focuses on upcycling waste fabric that is destined for landfill and other materials. She shares her journey, challenges and insights into developing her business. The Masterclass is hosted by Tze Ching Yeung from Sustainable Fashion Streets.

Online Masterclass: How to set up a sustainable fashion brand with Chloe Haywood
Delivered Online On Demand

Communication Skills Bundle Course

By The Teachers Training

***With this Communication Skills Bundle Course, get a Personal Hygiene Course completely FREE and prevent yourself from being infected by Coronavirus and other contagious diseases.*** Communication Skills Bundle Course is yet another 'Teacher's Choice' course from Teachers Training for a complete understanding of the fundamental topics. You are also entitled to exclusive tutor support and a professional CPD-accredited certificate in addition to the special discounted price for a limited time. Just like all our courses, this Communication Skills Bundle Course and its curriculum have also been designed by expert teachers so that teachers of tomorrow can learn from the best and equip themselves with all the necessary skills. Consisting of several modules, the course teaches you everything you need to succeed in this profession. The course can be studied part-time. You can become accredited within 5 hours studying at your own pace. Your qualification will be recognised and can be checked for validity on our dedicated website. WHY CHOOSE TEACHERS TRAINING Some of our features are: * This is a dedicated website for teaching * 24/7 tutor support * Interactive Content * Affordable price * Courses accredited by the UK's top awarding bodies * 100% online * Flexible deadline ENTRY REQUIREMENTS No formal entry requirements. You need to have: * Passion for learning * A good understanding of the English language * Numeracy and IT * Desire for entrepreneurship * Over the age of 16 ASSESSMENT The assessment is straightforward, you need to complete the assignment questions that will be provided to you at the end of the course, you can complete the assignment anytime you want. After you complete and submit your assignment, our tutors will assess your assignment and give you feedback if needed.  After your assignment has been assessed and you have passed, you will be qualified and will be able to apply for a course completion certificate. CERTIFICATION CPD Certification from The Teachers Training Successfully completing the MCQ exam of this course qualifies you for a CPD-accredited certificate from The Teachers Training. You will be eligible for both PDF copy and hard copy of the certificate to showcase your achievement however you wish. * You can get your digital certificate (PDF) for £4.99 only * Hard copy certificates are also available, and you can get one for only £10.99 * You can get both PDF and Hard copy certificates for just £12.99! The certificate will add significant weight to your CV and will give you a competitive advantage when applying for jobs.

Communication Skills Bundle Course
Delivered Online On Demand