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60272 Courses

Fostering Psychological Safety at Work

By Enspark

Psychological safety holds a pivotal role in cultivating a thriving workplace environment. It entails creating a space where individuals feel secure to express ideas, voice concerns, ask questions, and acknowledge mistakes without fear of humiliation or punishment. In this course, you will discover how psychological safety can be a determining factor in your team's success and engagement, as well as its profound impact on risk-taking, diversity of thought, and innovation. You will explore key strategies for developing and nurturing psychological safety, empowering you and your team to build a trusting and inclusive work environment. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Define psychological safety and its significance in the workplace, recognizing its role in fostering open communication, trust, and a culture of inclusivity.;Analyze the tangible benefits of psychological safety, including enhanced employee engagement, increased job performance, reduced turnover rates, and its correlation with innovation and creativity.;Evaluate the relationship between psychological safety and diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility, understanding how creating a safe space encourages diverse opinions and viewpoints.;Identify and prioritize key strategies for fostering psychological safety within your team, such as promoting self-awareness, demonstrating concern for team members, and actively soliciting questions.

Fostering Psychological Safety at Work
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Digital Transformation: Four Areas to Consider When Evaluating a Digital Transformation

By Enspark

Ready to uplevel the digital structures in your organization and protect your legacy by ensuring you continue to grow? All areas in the functionality of an organization need to be considered when participating in digital transformation, but there are four important areas that you can begin with that will help you find other opportunities. This video outlines each and gives ideas for how to get started. Length: 4:21 LEARNING OBJECTIVES Explore opportunities for enhancing productivity and fostering creativity through the integration of digital tools.;Identify potential barriers to effective communication within your organization and explore how digital systems can address these challenges to facilitate seamless communication.;Examine how collaborative digital applications and platforms enable teams to work together efficiently and unleash their creative potential.;Investigate how digital technology can revolutionize marketing efforts and recognize the impact of digital marketing on business growth.

Digital Transformation: Four Areas to Consider When Evaluating a Digital Transformation
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Gender Identity: Changes Organizations are Making to Increase Awareness

By Enspark

Would you like to make your workplace more inclusive? Organizations around the world are making changes and adding new programs to increase awareness about gender identity, and these efforts go a long way in helping all employees feel included. These efforts don't require a large investment. Learn about what other organizations are doing to promote awareness around gender identity and to create an inclusive environment for all in this video and decide where you'd like to begin. Length: 2:28 LEARNING OBJECTIVES Assess the significance of gender identity awareness in contemporary organizations and its impact on promoting equal respect and opportunities for all employees.;Examine the various strategies and initiatives organizations are implementing to increase gender identity awareness, including online learning resources, mentorship programs, and inclusive HR policies.;Develop practical skills and insights for promoting gender identity awareness within your organization, including accommodating name changes, providing gender-neutral facilities, and fostering gender-inclusive dress codes.

Gender Identity: Changes Organizations are Making to Increase Awareness
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Cybersecurity: Password Security

By Enspark

It is estimated that 81% of security breaches take place because of weak or stolen passwords. This type of breach is therefore preventable, but only if employees understand how easy it can take place and what their role is in preventing them. This microlearning video covers the various ways that cyber criminals easily penetrate accounts via personal passwords and how to prevent them from doing so. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Assess your current password habits and identify actionable steps you can implement immediately to strengthen your online security and protect your organization against cybercrime.;Evaluate various methods employed by cybercriminals to obtain passwords in order to understand the vulnerabilities and risks associated with each approach.;Apply effective password security practices to enhance personal and organizational cybersecurity resilience.

Cybersecurity: Password Security
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Cybersecurity: Physical Security, Cybercrime, and You

By Enspark

In a world where so much of our commerce is focused online, it can be easy to forget the importance of physical security. However, physical breaches still take place and can lead to cyber-attacks, huge financial losses, damaged company reputation, and more. Cybercriminals who target businesses often look for the weak links in an organization's buildings, staff, and security protocol and are only successful if they can find them. This video outlines six different physical security protocols that you and your employees can take to ensure none of you are the weak link that may allow an attack. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Analyze the risks and consequences of physical security breaches, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a secure workplace environment.;Evaluate and implement best practices for physical security to reduce vulnerabilities and enhance workplace security.;Apply proactive measures to protect personal and organizational assets ensuring a stronger defense against physical security threats.

Cybersecurity: Physical Security, Cybercrime, and You
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Gender Identity: What does LGBTQIA+ mean?

By Enspark

Inclusive organizations are ones where members of the LGBTQAI+ community thrive. Providing a welcoming environment means ensuring that all employees have an understanding about respecting sexual identity. The acronym used to refer to this large segment of the population continues to grow to represent the identities of others. This video outlines the meaning behind 'LGBTQIA' and is intended to provide employees with further cultural competency. Length: 5:14 LEARNING OBJECTIVES Define and explain the components of the LGBTQIA+ acronym, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, aromantic, agender, non-binary, and genderqueer identities.;Recognize the distinction between sexual orientation and gender identity, emphasizing the importance of respecting both aspects of an individual's identity.;Understand the significance of recognizing and supporting diverse gender and sexual identities, fostering inclusivity, and becoming an ally within the LGBTQIA+ community.

Gender Identity: What does LGBTQIA+ mean?
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Understanding Gender and Gender Identity

By Enspark

Respecting gender identity is an important part of creating an inclusive workplace environment. Because it is a new concept to some, it is helpful and even crucial to provide periodic training on the appropriate way to discuss the topic at work and how to prevent misunderstandings and even harassment. This video outlines what gender identity is, the importance of appropriate and respectful language, the harm caused by misgendering, and several best practices for creating a workplace that is respectful to people of all gender identities. Length: 4:39 LEARNING OBJECTIVES Distinguish between gender identity and sexual orientation, recognizing that gender identity pertains to a person's intrinsic sense of self within a gendered context, while sexual orientation relates to one's attraction to others.;Gain an understanding of the fluidity of gender identity, including concepts like transgender, gender-fluid, genderqueer, and non-binary, to appreciate the diverse ways individuals identify and express their gender.;Learn practical strategies to promote respect for gender identity in the workplace, such as using gender-neutral language, avoiding misgendering, and understanding the importance of names and pronouns in supporting individuals' gender identities.

Understanding Gender and Gender Identity
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Tips for Managing Older Team Members

By Enspark

It can be challenging and even confronting to manage employees who are older than you. Yet age gaps are no excuse for a lack of inclusion of older team members. This video outlines five tips to help managers approach this often-tricky dynamic. These guidelines will teach managers about supporting all team members in reaching their full potential, prevent discrimination, and help managers become more effective in their roles overall. This video is great training for all new managers and HR professionals. Length: 3:35 LEARNING OBJECTIVES Analyze and apply strategies for effectively managing older team members to create a more inclusive and respectful work environment.;Reflecting on personal interactions with older team members, assess the impact of age-related biases, and identify areas for improvement in communication and inclusivity.;Develop a management approach that respects the experience and expertise of older team members, actively involving them in decision-making, and supporting their professional growth.

Tips for Managing Older Team Members
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Digital Transformation: What Is Digital Transformation?

By Enspark

Adopting an attitude centered around digital solutions helps to keep those you serve in your organization a priority in today's world. The process of evaluating and implementing these digital solutions is known as 'digital transformation,' and an understanding of this ever-present concern is important for businesses of all sizes. This micro-learning video outlines what digital transformation is, how it affects all types of organizations, and why it matters. This video is great for: -managers -creatives in a company -organization-wide use at the beginning of a digital restructuring Length: 3:26 LEARNING OBJECTIVES Explore the multifaceted impact of digital transformation on organizations and industries and recognize the disruptive force of technology in reshaping traditional business models.;Evaluate the key components of digital transformation, including cloud computing, the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence, blockchain, and big data, to comprehend their roles in enhancing organizational efficiency, data-driven decision-making and innovation.;Gain the ability to explore digital solutions, proactively seek innovative technologies, and weigh the pros and cons to make informed decisions, ultimately transforming organizational operations.

Digital Transformation: What Is Digital Transformation?
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Understanding Geographic Identity and Biases

By Enspark

Geographic identity plays an important role in how many of us view the world and relate to others. It is a source of great pride for many people, which is why biases and generalizations about different locations can be hurtful and must be avoided in the workplace. A lot of unconscious biases exist around geographic identity, and this video will help employees understand the basics of how this aspect of our identity shapes us as individuals and how to avoid hurtful statements at work and beyond. This is a great cultural competency training for all employees. Length: 3:44 LEARNING OBJECTIVES Recognize the fundamental role of geographic identity in shaping individual perspectives, values, and behaviors, and its significance in understanding the multifaceted worldviews of team members and stakeholders.;Evaluate the strategic implications of geographic awareness in organizational decision-making processes, such as recruitment, office placement, and market communication, to enhance effectiveness and cultural sensitivity.;Develop effective strategies for addressing and mitigating geographic biases within teams and communities, promoting open and honest discussions that lead to greater inclusivity and mutual understanding.

Understanding Geographic Identity and Biases
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