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8 Speech courses in Leeds

Total GSM


By Systems & Network Training

GSM TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION GSM is in widespread use today. This seminar gives an comprehensive overview of GSM. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Explain what GSM is. * Describe the architecture of the GSM network. * Describe the GSM protocol stack. GSM TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone who needs to know more about GSM. * Prerequisites: Telecommunications Introduction * Duration 2 days GSM TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Introduction History of GSM, analogue networks, digital networks, PCS1900. * GSM services Telephony, digital encoding, data rates, Group 3 fax, SMS, Supplementary services. * GSM architecture Mobile station Mobile Equipment (ME), Subscriber Identity Module (SIM). * Base Station Subsystem Base Transceiver Station (BTS), Base Station Controller (BSC). * Network Subsystem Mobile Services Switching Centre (MSC), Home Location Register (HLR), Visitor Location Register (VLR), Equipment Identity Register (EIR), Visitor Location register (VLR), Authentication Centre (AuC) * Radio Link Aspects Bands, FDMA, TDMA, Traffic channels, Control channels, Speech coding, Channel coding and modulation, Multipath equalisation, Frequency hopping. * GSM signalling SS7 overview, GSM SS7 nodes, Base Station Subsystem Application Part (BSSAP), Transaction Capabilities Application Part (TCAP), Mobile Application Part (MAP). * Interfaces Um, Abis and A interfaces. * Mobility and call processing in GSM Attach & location update process, mobile originate, mobile termination, handovers. * GSM services Tele services, Bearer services, supplementary services, SMS, security. * GSM futures GPRS, UMTS.

Total GSM
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Essential call centre technologies


By Systems & Network Training

CALL CENTRE TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A theory based course covering the major technologies found in call centres today. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * ACD * IVR * CRM * CTI * Diallers CALL CENTRE TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone needing to know about technologies used in call centres. * Prerequisites: Telecommunications Introduction Introduction to data comms and networking * Duration 2 days CALL CENTRE TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Overview What are call centres? What are contact centres, Inbound call centres, outbound call centres, blended call centres, Call centre architectures. * Telephony and telecomms basics PSTN, switching, PBXs, call routing. * Data basics OSI, IP, VoIP. * Routing, queuing and matchmaking Principles, distribution, sequencing. * ACDs PBX features, Users, call processing, agent features, supervisor features, ACD telephones, ACD calls vs PBX calls, agent positions, ACD groups, routing calls, skills based routing. IVR Types, architectures, choice and control, best practices, IVR input technologies, IVR output technologies, speech recognition, call routing, IVR sizing, web based self service. CRM Contact management, databases, integration, use in call centres, benefits and features. * Call centre integration Media types, VoIP, unified messaging, VoiceXML. * CTI Simple CTI, 1st and 3rd party integration, CTI benefits and applications in call centers. * Diallers History, campaigns, campaign types, Call Progress Detectors, Preview and Predictive Dialling. * Management tools Measuring, managing, optimising, recorders, forecasting call centre resources.

Essential call centre technologies
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

An Understanding of Dysphagia and Safe Swallowing

By Guardian Angels Training

Gain the knowledge and skills to assess, manage, and support individuals with dysphagia through our comprehensive "Understanding Dysphagia and Safe Swallowing" course. Learn about its causes, assessment methods, and strategies for safe swallowing.

An Understanding of Dysphagia and Safe Swallowing
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Internationally

Neurodiversity Awareness


By Lapd Solutions Ltd

Neurodiversity awareness training, Neurodiversity awareness,

Neurodiversity Awareness
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Birmingham
£1250 to £1500

Let’s make it visual


By Down Syndrome Training & Support Service Ltd

Let’s make it visual — using visual resources to develop the language, communication and literacy skills of children with Down syndromeThis 3 hour course will cover why the written word is used as a visual tool to develop language skills. Methods to develop clarity of speech, grammar, vocabulary, and lengthen sentence utterance will be discussed and illustrated. It will also detail visual timetables, conversation diaries and ideas to develop reading, writing and spelling skills.

Let’s make it visual
Delivered In-Person
Dates arranged on request

Communicate with Confidence


By Cocomms - Coherent Communications

Effective communication in the workplace is part and parcel of our daily lives, but not everyone is a natural.  Do you find it tough standing up in front of people? Does the thought of engaging with audiences in any setting fill you with anxiety? Is doing a remote video message to colleagues on Zoom or Teams a tough call? Do you do it regularly but need some professional guidance on whether it’s working? At CoComms we can improve every aspect of your performance and offer a range of tips and techniques to help manage these environments and keep your audience engaged and interested. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLIC SPEAKING AND PRESENTATION TRAINING In a professional setting it’s vital to come across as dynamic, trustworthy, credible and real. You want people to trust you and in turn get behind your vision or plan or proposal. If you can achieve this you can improve your confidence, your engagement and your prospects. Our training is designed to hone your presentation skills so whether you are pitching for work, taking colleagues through change or speaking to a new audience, you can do it with a clarity and confidence that makes your messages clear and insightful. The training includes: * Perfecting your slides Working to produce a clean, easy to navigate slide deck that give logic and flow to your presentation. * Developing your storytelling We use our journalistic techniques to show you how to build a story to keep your audience engaged with a well-structured and entertaining presentation. * Calls to Action Make sure it is clear what you want to achieve and what you want from your audience. * Rehearse and Review We film and then playback a range of practical presentation exercises so we can review your performance and work to make any improvements. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONFERENCE AND PANEL TRAINING The audience at a conference may be a captive one, but that doesn’t mean they are always listening and engaging with what you have to say. We can make sure your keynote speech or panel contribution is memorable, appreciated by your audience and beneficial to your business. Our training looks at preparing for and delivering a speech from start to finish and includes: * Defining your big ideas What is it you want to say and what do you want your audience to remember? * Develop your narrative and script How can you get across your message using storytelling. * Choosing the right language How vibrant and energised language can make the difference in your speech. * The tips and tricks to make sure your speech is memorable How vocabulary and delivery techniques ensure your words are heard. * Controlling the message How to deal with unhelpful questions and return to the main aspects of your story. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STAKEHOLDER COMMUNICATION TRAINING Engaging effectively with stakeholders with clarity and confidence can make all the difference to your relationships. A successful “town hall” meeting can win over your sceptics, convince those who are unsure and build a common goal between your business and stakeholders. Our stakeholder communication training prepares you for these vital meetings and includes: * Focusing the meeting We look at how to control the meeting so the important business is covered and how to prepare for any questions or comments you may receive. * Keep control of the conversation We teach you conversational techniques to focus on the main points without being too assertive or dismissive. * Rehearse and Review We use video and practical role-play exercises to assess your performance and look for ways to improve. * Breaking down the information We look at how to present facts and figures without overwhelming (or boring!) your audience. Our techniques will help you narrate the message in a clear and comprehensive way. * Making an impact Using our journalistic experience we will work with you to develop your presentation skills to make the biggest impact and demonstrate credibility and authority. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIDEO CALLS FOR BUSINESS The world has changed. Now is the time to ensure your business is changing too. Many in-person meetings, conferences, networking events and clients hosting are, for now, a thing of the past. These face-to-face interactions have been replaced by video calls, webinars and online events. So, how do you develop contacts, maintain relationships and manage your team in this new virtual world? How do you look and sound confident, be heard, and build trust  and credibility through a computer screen? At CoComms, we are online communications experts and our years of experience in broadcasting mean we understand how to engage a virtual audience. * Interactive and practical training We work with you through a variety of scenarios to analyse your performance on video calls. * Feedback on your performance We offer supportive, positive feedback and share our tried and tested techniques so you can improve. * Make Video Calls work for you Through our training you will become more confident, more productive and more dynamic on video calls. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTACT US If you have a query regarding any of our services or would like to book a consultation for free initial advice and guidance please get in touch

Communicate with Confidence
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Birmingham
Price on Enquiry

Appointment setting (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

This course has a simple objective: to help gain appointments with potential clients. In most consultative selling situations clients won't commit to purchases over the telephone. This means setting up a meeting to discuss the options with them face-to-face. But getting 'face time' can be tricky. This practical workshop can help. Participants will acquire essential tools, skills and methods; discuss specific organisational issues; and identify areas for improvement. They will discover how to: * Increase their effectiveness through proper preparation * Construct attention-grabbing opening statements * Help potential clients feel comfortable agreeing to a meeting * Develop tactics for responding to difficult excuses and objections * Stress the benefits of a face-to-face consultation * Develop and enhance their questioning and listening skills * Prevent customers cancelling booked appointments 1 INTRODUCTION TO APPOINTMENT SETTING * Key trends that have changed the way people buy today - and will buy tomorrow * Why many sales people avoid picking up the phone * The difference that makes a difference - what makes a good appointment-maker? 2 BEFORE YOU PICK UP THE TELEPHONE * It all starts with a plan... * Who and what to focus our attention * How much research should we undertake and why? * Setting primary and secondary objectives 3 MAKING YOUR APPROACH * Key considerations * Every call is an opportunity - creating a positive mind-set * Using a structured approach * Using partnership language 4 GAINING AN INSIGHT INTO THE CUSTOMER'S NEEDS * How to quickly 'tune in' to your customers, so that you can serve them more easily * Developing speech patterns that put customers at their ease * Using effective questioning and listening skills * Finding and building pain points 5 DEALING WITH EXCUSES AND OBJECTIONS * Pre-empting potential excuses * Developing techniques for responding to client objections * Keeping the door open for future contact 6 SECURING THE APPOINTMENT * Selling the benefits of a consultancy meeting * Techniques for avoiding cancelled appointments * Gaining commitment 7 ACTION PLANS * Course summary and presentation of action plans

Appointment setting (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Powerful presentation skills (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

This very practical workshop has a simple objective: to help you prepare, design and deliver memorable and high-quality presentations. This programme will help you: * Use a proven, structured tool-kit when designing and developing presentations * Benefit from short cuts and best practice when designing and using Powerpoint presentations * Select the right information, examples, exercises and activities - and use them well * Prepare and structure a presentation or session appropriate to the audience, and to best achieve your objectives * Maintain audience or group interest * Develop and practise presentation skills to improve your voice tone, speech power and body language * Use practical methods to control nerves and anxiety - develop higher levels of confidence and credibility * Command a room, hold attention and create a high impact 1 INTRODUCTION * Personal objectives * Key messages and learning objectives of the workshop 2 PRESENTATION SKILLS * What does good look like? * Exercise: Characteristics of high/low impact presentations * Presenting yourself as a 'winner' * The energy / attitude model * Exercise: Being a winner 3 PREPARATION SKILLS - EIGHT STEPS TO PREPARING A GREAT PRESENTATION, PLUS POWERPOINT TIPS •The magic circle • How to 'assume the role' when presenting • The eight steps • Step 1 - develop your objectives - The five questions that you must answer before preparing your presentation - Defining your objectives and outcomes - Creating a first draft - Step 1 exercise • Step 2 - analyse your audience - Doing your homework: audience, event, venue - Developing a pre-event check-list - Methods and means for researching your audience - Step 2 exercise • Steps 3 and 4 - structure the main body of your presentation and state the main ideas - Ways to structure your presentation for maximum impact - Balancing and managing content and topics - Organising your information: 6 options and methods - Your 'one main point' and creating a 30-second summary - Steps 3 and 4 exercises • Step 5 - decide on supporting information, using the toolkit - Making your case convincing: ways to support your claims - Selecting and using relevant and interesting examples - Quotes, case studies and printed material - Presenting statistics, tables and graphs - Ways of maintaining visual interest - Transitions and links, creating a 'golden thread' - Step 5 exercise: Creating compelling stories and anecdotes 4 • Step 6 - create an effective 'opening' - Claiming the stage and creating a good first impression - The three most powerful ways of opening a presentation - The five elements of a strong opening - Step 6 exercise: Participants work individually to prepare an opening, focusing on personal introduction, and then deliver to the group, with structured feedback • Step 7 - develop transitions - Step 7 exercise / examples • Step 8 - create an effective close - Signalling and sign-posting; the importance of, and how to do it effectively - Five ways to close a presentation successfully - Step 8 exercise / examples • Presentation design and Powerpoint - An interactive review of participants' own real-life past presentations and advanced tips and techniques on using Powerpoint effectively 4 FACILITATION SKILLS * The three main types of group activity - triads, teams and main group * How to select the right activity, define the objectives, set it up and run the debrief * Using energisers - with examples * Exercise: Dealing with 'difficult' behaviours * Exercise: Working in triads, design and deliver 5 TIPS AND TRICKS: PRESENTATION AND FACILITATION * 10 reasons why facilitation fails * Five golden rules for success * Defining the session goals and the facilitation plan * Open and closed questions - why and when to use * Using a 'car park' to manage unresolved issues * Using AV aids - tips and tricks * Exercises: Including participants working in pairs to prepare a short section form of one of their own presentations 6 PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER * Summary of key learning points * Action plan

Powerful presentation skills (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Educators matching "Speech"

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Empower UK Employment Training

empower uk employment training


Welcome to Empower UK Employment Training, where your professional growth is our mission. We are a leading provider of bespoke education, offering tailored courses designed to meet the unique needs of every learner. Our team of skilled counsellors are dedicated to providing expert career guidance, helping you navigate your career path with confidence. WE WORK WITH LEADING INTERNATIONAL BRANDS AND BUSINESSES At Empower UK, we understand the importance of continuous professional development. That’s why our courses are designed to not only equip you with the skills you need today but also to foster your long-term career progression. Join us at Empower UK Employment Training and take the next step in your professional journey. WHY CHOOSE US? INTERACTIVE LEARNING SESSIONS AND COURSE PLANS One of the greatest advantages of joining Empower UK’s courses is the opportunity for knowledge acquisition and skill enhancement. Our courses are rich sources of industry-relevant information, perfect for those seeking to upskill. As your career guides, we understand your needs. CPD PROGRESSION Our courses are designed to aid you in your continuous professional development. EFFORTLESS ELEARNING EXPERIENCE Empower UK offers an engaging and informative platform for all learners, new and seasoned, delivering valuable content that will refine your skills. It’s an excellent way to build relationships with your peers, increase your knowledge, and create awareness of your professional potential. OPTIMISED FOR ANY DEVICE Our innovative learning platform is designed with your convenience in mind. Whether you're using a mobile, laptop, or tablet, you can access our courses anytime, anywhere. It's a strategic approach to learning, tailored to your goals and flexible to your lifestyle. AUDIENCE ENGAGEMENT We believe in nurturing our learners, helping them to continually develop their skills and knowledge. ASK US ANY QUESTION This might seem straightforward, but we encourage our learners to ask questions anytime. This not only enriches your learning experience but also fosters a deeper connection with the Empower UK community. Dive into our engaging courses and start your journey towards career advancement today.

Meadowcroft Residential Schools

meadowcroft residential schools

West Yorkshire

An independent special school for young people who have a Statement of Special Educational Needs (SSEN) or EHC Plan for social, emotional and behavioural difficulties. Welcome to Meadowcroft School Our Approach Secure, consistent and structured environment All our children have complex social, emotional and mental health needs and many have additional severe learning and communication difficulties. We look beyond the issues and problems the children come to us with and see their potential within. It is our job to provide a secure, consistent, structured environment where children can work to overcome and manage those issues in order to engage in education and achieve their potential. Highly trained, committed and caring staff Our dedicated team of staff provide the high levels of consistency and care our children need. They are specialists in their fields, with extensive experience of working with children who have complex needs. We work together to share knowledge and involve other experts and professionals to give our young people the start in life that so many have been denied until this point. Creative, engaging, appropriate education The children we support have struggled to engage in formal education, so we look for alternative ways to help them gain the vital skills and knowledge they need for the future. We keep class sizes very small, provide additional support for all children who need it and give young people the space to develop at their own pace. Wherever possible, we involve the children in outdoor learning and give them more vocational options as they progress within the school. We go to great lengths to keep our children engaged and, if they are unable to get to school, then our teachers will take the lessons to them at home. What We Offer For Local Authorities Termly Multi-disciplinary Reviews on each child Half Termly Reviews with placing officer Termly Reports on each child containing details of attendance, progress and behaviour Transport Management Service (cost pass through) EHCP Conversion Meetings & support Transition Planning For Parents Daily texts from form tutors about how the day has been Weekly phone calls from form tutors to discuss progress Direct phone number to your child’s Form tutor Termly School Parents’ Events Access to Parents’ Group Termly Reports on each child containing details of attendance, progress and behaviour Access to Family Support Worker For Pupils Safe, Secure Stimulating environment designed to maximise learning opportunities Designated Form Tutor & Teaching Assistant to monitor your progress and help you unlock your potential Twice daily tutor group sessions Access to a wide range of vocational and GCSE courses Therapeutic support from an Educational Psychologist, Art Therapist, Speech Therapist Outdoor Education leading to Duke of Edinburgh Award Staff team who have a range of diverse career history and real life experience Information, Advice and Guidance from specialists to help you plan your future