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2310 Courses in Sheffield

Total GSM


By Systems & Network Training

GSM TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION GSM is in widespread use today. This seminar gives an comprehensive overview of GSM. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Explain what GSM is. * Describe the architecture of the GSM network. * Describe the GSM protocol stack. GSM TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone who needs to know more about GSM. * Prerequisites: Telecommunications Introduction * Duration 2 days GSM TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Introduction History of GSM, analogue networks, digital networks, PCS1900. * GSM services Telephony, digital encoding, data rates, Group 3 fax, SMS, Supplementary services. * GSM architecture Mobile station Mobile Equipment (ME), Subscriber Identity Module (SIM). * Base Station Subsystem Base Transceiver Station (BTS), Base Station Controller (BSC). * Network Subsystem Mobile Services Switching Centre (MSC), Home Location Register (HLR), Visitor Location Register (VLR), Equipment Identity Register (EIR), Visitor Location register (VLR), Authentication Centre (AuC) * Radio Link Aspects Bands, FDMA, TDMA, Traffic channels, Control channels, Speech coding, Channel coding and modulation, Multipath equalisation, Frequency hopping. * GSM signalling SS7 overview, GSM SS7 nodes, Base Station Subsystem Application Part (BSSAP), Transaction Capabilities Application Part (TCAP), Mobile Application Part (MAP). * Interfaces Um, Abis and A interfaces. * Mobility and call processing in GSM Attach & location update process, mobile originate, mobile termination, handovers. * GSM services Tele services, Bearer services, supplementary services, SMS, security. * GSM futures GPRS, UMTS.

Total GSM
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

IP in mobile networks


By Systems & Network Training

MOBILE IP TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A detailed examination of the protocols and architecture of Mobile IP. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Recognise the benefits of ADSL. * Configure and troubleshoot IS-IS. * Explain how IS-IS works. * Describe the use of Level 1 and Level 2. * Design IS-IS networks. MOBILE IP COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Technical staff wanting to learn DNS.Network Administrators. Support personnel. * Prerequisites: TCP/IP Foundation * Duration 2 days MOBILE IP COURSE CONTENTS * Introduction Quick review of IP, What is Mobile IP? What Mobile IP provides, Mobility requirements, Where Mobile IP is required, where mobile IP is not required, DHCP as an alternative, Proxy ARP as an alternative. * Architecture Mobile node, home network, home agent, Foreign agent, Fixed home address, Care of address, Correspondent node, Tunnelling. * How Mobile IP works Using two addresses, issues with TCP, discovering the care of address, registering care of address, tunnelling the care of address. The protocols involved. * Issues with Mobile IP Routing inefficiencies, Security and firewalls, ingress filtering, QoS. * MIP and IPv6 Stateless address configuration, Neighbour discovery, miscellaneous.

IP in mobile networks
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Session Border Controllers for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

SESSION BORDER CONTROLLERS COURSE DESCRIPTION A hands on course covering Session Border Controllers with a focus on the technical workings of features commonly found in Session Border Controllers. Hands on practicals follow each major theory session. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Explain how Session Border Controllers work. * Explain the SIP call flow using a SBC. * Deploy Session Border Controllers * Describe the features found in Session Border Controllers. SESSION BORDER CONTROLLERS COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Technical staff working with SIP. * Prerequisites: Definitive SIP for engineers * Duration 2 days SESSION BORDER CONTROLLERS COURSE CONTENTS * SIP review Signalling, media, RTP, SIP, peer to peer, SIP proxies, SIP call flows. Hands on: SIP packet analysis. * Session Border Controllers What is a SBC? SBC features, peering scenario, access scenario, NNI SBC, UNI SBC, enterprise SBC. Hands on: SBC call flows * SBC topology hiding Header privacy, B2BUA. Hands on: Header analysis. * Session control Call admissions, QoS, statistics and billing, redundancy and scalability. Hands on: SBC session control * SBC and NAT NAT traversal, STUN, ICE, NAT and SIP, NAT and RTP. Hands on: SBC and NAT traversal. * SBC and security DoS, access control, encryption, authentication, toll fraud, regulatory issues, lawful intercept. Hands on: Security. * Interoperability mediation Manipulating SIP headers, IMS, IETF, TISPAN, SIP-I. SBC interworking.

Session Border Controllers for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Advanced HP Switches for Engineers


By Systems & Network Training

ADVANCED HP SWITCHES TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A hands on course covering advanced features of HP switches. The focus of the course is on Layer 3 switching advanced features. Delegates will benefit the most from this course if they can supply us with their own configurations before the course. These configurations can then be used by the trainer in the course. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Configure and troubleshoot HP layer 3 switching. * Configure and troubleshoot OSPF * Harden HP switches. * Explain the majority of their own configurations (if configurations are supplied to us before the course). ADVANCED HP SWITCHES TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Technical staff working with HP switches. * Prerequisites: HP switches for engineers. * Duration 2 days ADVANCED HP SWITCHES TRAINING COURSE CONTENT * Introduction VLAN review. Tagged and untagged ports. MSTP, PVST, UDLD, BPDU guard. Hands on VLANs, diagnostic tools debug, LLDP, remote port mirroring. * L3 switching What are L3 switches? L3 lite, IPv4 and IPv6, routing protocols, routing tables. IP address on VLAN, no ip address on VLAN, connected interfaces, RIP. Hands on Routing between VLANs. Configuring and troubleshooting RIP. * VRRP Default gateways, dead router detection, resilience. Hands on Configuring and troubleshooting VRRP. * Static routes Why use static routes? Configuring static routes, default routes. * OSPF Link state protocols, operation. Router types, LSA types, area 0. Hands on Configuring and troubleshooting OSPF. * QoS Layer 2 QoS, 802.1Q, priorities, dscp mapping, rate limiting. * Access lists Filtering traffic through the switch, controlling access to the switch, enabling and disabling ACLs, standard ACLs, extended ACLs * Security DHCP snooping, ARP protection, STP guards, switch hardening. * Summary Walkthrough of delegate configurations.

Advanced HP Switches for Engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Advanced Asterisk for Engineers


By Systems & Network Training

ADVANCED ASTERISK TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This 2 day hands-on Asterisk training course covers advanced Asterisk configuration including fault tolerant clusters, upgrading and patching Asterisk servers, firewall and NAT transversal, using databases to store Asterisk data. Practical sessions follow each major section to reinforce the theory. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Configure advanced Asterisk features. * Utilise databases from Asterisk * Integrate Asterisk with SIP servers. * Build High Availability Asterisk clusters. * Maintain and secure Asterisk servers. ADVANCED ASTERISK TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Technical staff working with or evaluating Asterisk. * Prerequisites: Definitive Asterisk for engineers * Duration 2 days ADVANCED ASTERISK TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Best Practice Review of basics, Channel best practice, dial plan best practise. * Call Centre Features GUI, Asterisk Manager Interface, billing, CDR, advanced IVR, ACD, Vici Dial. Hands on Install Vici-Dial * Asterisk and Databases MySQL, LDAP, ODBC, dial plan from a Database, storing CDR in a Database, Hands on Dial plan in MySQL, CDR in MySQL. * TDM over Ethernet What is TDMoE, Asterisk to Asterisk TDMoE, Phone Bridge. Hands on * 2 * via TDMoE. * High Availability Asterisk HA Linux - Virtual Servers, Fail-over steps, setting up HA Linux, configuring Asterisk for fail-over on HA Linux, Hands on Configure Asterisk HA. * Advanced Dial plans Asterisk Gateway Interface, AGI IVR applications, Multiple switches sharing Dial plans, ENUM, DUNDI. Hands on Configure DUNDI. * Integration Legacy PBX, SIP Proxys, OpenSER. Hands on Configure SER to work with Asterisk. * Asterisk Maintenance Asterisk upgrades, implementing patches, advanced debugging, * Security Firewalls, NAT, Asterisk security issues. Hands on Configure Asterisk to work through a Firewall and NAT.

Advanced Asterisk for Engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Ansible for network engineers


By Systems & Network Training

ANSIBLE TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION The course focusses on the use of ansible for network devices instead of its usual server use case. The course progresses from the basics of ansible and playbooks onto using network specific modules including NAPALM. The use Jinja2 templating with ansible is also studied. Hands on sessions with ansible configuring routers and switches follow all major sections. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Automate tasks with ansible. * Write ansible playbooks. * Configure network devices with ansible. * Troubleshoot network devices with ansible. * Use ansible network modules. * Use jinja2 templates with ansible. ANSIBLE TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Network engineers. * Prerequisites: TCP/IP Foundation * Duration 2 days ANSIBLE TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * What is ansible? The language, the engine, the framework. Uses of ansible, orchestration. Hands on Installing ansible, enabling SSH on network devices. * Ansible architecture How ansible 'normally' works, Agentless, SSH, ansible and Python, modules, how ansible work on network devices, Configuration management, inventories, playbooks, modules, ansible.cfg. Hands on Getting started, running ad hoc commands. * Playbooks ansible-playbook, users, YAML, plays, tasks, modules. ansible-vault. Hands on Running playbooks. * More playbooks Handlers, variables, environmental variables, playbook variables, inventory variables, variable scope and precedence, accessing variables, facts, ansible vault. Conditionals, wait_for. Hands on Using variables and conditions in playbooks. * Inventories /etc/ansible/hosts, inventory variables, static inventories, dynamic inventories. Hands on Inventories and variables. * Ansible network modules Built in modules, custom modules, return values. ansible-doc -l. connection: local, Cisco modules, Juniper module, Hands on Using modules for your network devices. * Ansible templatings The template module, the assemble module, jinja2 templates, for, if else. Hands on Configuring network devices from templates. * Roles and includes Dynamic includes, Handler includes, playbook includes. Roles, role parts: handlers, files, templates, cross platform roles, ansible galaxy. Hands on includes example, building roles. * Ansible and NAPALM Installation, napalm-ansible, NAPALM modules: napalm_diff-yang, napalm_get_facts, napalm_install_config, napalm_parse_yang, napalm_ping, napalm_translate_yang, napalm_validate. Hands on Using NAPALM modules in ansible.

Ansible for network engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Junos Intermediate Routing


By Systems & Network Training

JUNOS INTERMEDIATE ROUTING TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This course provides students with intermediate routing knowledge and configuration examples. The course includes an overview of protocol-independent routing features, load balancing and filter-based forwarding, OSPF, BGP, IP tunneling, and high availability (HA) features. Junos Intermediate Routing (JIR) is an intermediate-level course. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Describe typical uses, configure & monitor static, aggregate, and generated routes. * Configure and share routes between routing instances. * Explain the operations of OSPF. * Describe BGP and its basic operations. * Configure and monitor GRE and IP-IP tunnels. JUNOS INTERMEDIATE ROUTING TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Engineers responsible for configuring and monitoring devices running the Junos OS. * Prerequisites: Intro to the Junos Operating System * Duration 2 days JUNOS INTERMEDIATE ROUTING TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Protocol-Independent Routing Static Routes Aggregated Routes Generated Routes Martian Addresses Routing Instances Lab 1 Protocol-Independent Routing * Load Balancing and Filter-Based Forwarding Overview of Load Balancing Configuring and Monitoring Load Balancing Overview of Filter-Based Forwarding Configuring and Monitoring Filter-Based Forwarding Lab 2 Load Balancing and Filter-Based Forwarding * Open Shortest Path First Overview of OSPF Adjacency Formation and the Designated Router Election OSPF Scalability Configuring and Monitoring OSPF Basic OSPF Troubleshooting Lab 3 Open Shortest Path First * Border Gateway Protocol Overview of BGP BGP Attributes IBGP Versus EBGP Configuring and Monitoring BGP Lab 4 Border Gateway Protocol * IP Tunneling Overview of IP Tunneling GRE and IP-IP Tunnels Implementing GRE and IP-IP Tunnels Lab 5 IP Tunneling * High Availability Overview of High Availability Networks Graceful Restart Graceful RE Switchover Nonstop Active Routing BFD VRRP Lab 6 High Availability * Appendix A: IPv6 Introduction to IPv6 Routing Protocol Configuration Examples Tunneling IPv6 over IPv4 Lab 7 (Optional) IPv6 * Appendix B: IS-IS Overview of IS-IS Overview of IS-IS PDUs Adjacency Formation and DIS Election Configuring and Monitoring IS-IS Basic IS-IS Troubleshooting Lab 8 (Optional) IS-IS * Appendix C: Routing Information Protocol Introduction to RIP RIP Configuration Examples Monitoring and Troubleshooting RIP

Junos Intermediate Routing
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Total ISDN for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

ISDN TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A comprehensive look at ISDN, as used in voice and data environments. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Recognise the issues and impacts of using dial up networks. * Describe ISDN. * Describe ISDN signalling in voice and data environments. * Configure a Cisco router to use ISDN. ISDN TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone working with ISDN. * Prerequisites: Intro to data communications & networking * Duration 2 days ISDN TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Introduction Dialup connectivity vs. leased lines vs. packet switched networks. ISDN offerings, services, benefits vs. modems. * ISDN architectures Use of ISDN by routers, Dial up, top up, backup. Internet access, PCs and ISDN. * BRI and PRI ISDN switches, B channels, D channel, ISDN functions and reference points, NT1, NT2, TE1, TE2, Terminal adapters, R,S,T,U interfaces, ISDN standards. * PPP Encapsulation, PPP services, PAP and CHAP, Multilink PPP, BACP. * ISDN and the seven layer model B channel layers versus D channel layers, the I standards, Q.921, Q.931. * Configuration issues for ISDN E.164 addressing and IP addresses, ensuring only the correct traffic brings up the ISDN line. * ISDN services Bearer services, teleservices, supplementary services, MSN, sub addressing, CLI…

Total ISDN for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Essential Broadband access for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

BROADBAND ACCESS TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION ADSL is a broadband technology providing fast Internet access (amongst other applications) over existing telephone lines. This course covers an overview of the DSL family, what ADSL is through to how ADSL works. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Describe what ADSL is. * Describe how ADSL works. * Describe the ADSL architecture. * Recognise the limitations of ADSL. * List the elements required for an ADSL installation. BROADBAND ACCESS TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Network engineers and anyone who will be working with ADSL. * Prerequisites: Intro to data communications & networking * Duration 2 days BROADBAND ACCESS TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * What is ADSL? Broadband definitions, OSI layer 1, ADSL services, WANS. ADSL features: always on, point to point, Asymmetric, speeds. ADSL benefits, xDSL family, standards, history, example DSL forum documents. * ADSL architecture The big picture, The PSTN and telephones, Digital and analogue, PSTN and modems, ADSL vs. modem speeds, Block 1: Customer premises, Block 2: The last mile, Block 3: The exchange, Block 4: the core network. * Customer premises Splitters, micro filters, splitter architectures, Splitterless ADSL, ADSL modems, USB, ADSL routers. * The local loop ADSL PHY, Some basics, ADSL margins, speed implications, distances, RADSL, Line testing, whoosh tests, line coding, multiple channels, FDM, echo cancellation, Modulation: AM, FM, PM, QAM, QAM constellations, DMT, CAP, Framing, Superframes, fast data mode, interleaved mode, RADSL revisited. * The exchange Local exchange ADSL items, DSLAMs, ADSL racks, Contention. * The core network The role of the core network, ATM, ATM VPI/VCI, ATM cells, ATM layers, AAL5, RAS, Home gateways. * ADSL and the higher layers Layer 2 choices, PPPoA, PPP, CHAP, Layer 4 and above, ADSL and ATM. * Installing and configuring ADSL Choosing providers, line activation, hardware requirements, Configuring layer 1 and layer 2, Configuring IP. * Summary ITU ADSL standards

Essential Broadband access for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Definitive Tetra


By Systems & Network Training

TETRA TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This 2 day training course covers the network architecture required for TETRA. It also looks at the Air Interface, TETRA Functions and Procedures. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Describe the TETRA Architecture * Describe the Air Interface * Explain the TETRA Functions * Explain the TETRA Procedures TETRA TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone working with TETRA. * Prerequisites: None. * Duration 2 days TETRA TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Introduction History of PMR, ETSI development, Tetra function, Tetra markets, Tetra standards, Tetra supplier base, Tetra Release 1, Tetra Release 2. * Network Architecture Mobile network Identity, Mobile stations, Base station, Switching & Management, Addresses & Identitie. * Air Interface Modulation, TDMA Format, FD, Framin, Burst format, Traffic Channel TCH, Dedicated Channel DCC, Common Control Channel CCC, Signalling Channel SCH, Logical Control mapping LCM, Protocol stack, Voice coded. * TETRA Functions Trunked mode operation, User hierarchies, Individual calling, Group calling, Supplementary services, Voice and Data, Data services, Direct mode operation, Tetra WAP, Circuit mode priorities, Circuit mode data, Packet mode data, Discrete and Ambient listening. Automatic vehicle locator. * TETRA Procedures MS operational modes, Mobility management, Cell selection, Security & Authentication, Decryption options, Cell setup, Channel assignment, Network management - internal, Network management -external, PSTN Gateway, ISDN Gateway, Control Room Gateway.

Definitive Tetra
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally