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Online Qigong class

By Brightonenergyworks

Qigong Taiji 37 (Tai Chi) Daoyin exercises Makko-Ho and Do-in exercises Japanese Ki Exercises and Hara training Breathing and sound exercises Meditation Well-being guidance There are also currently 3 online Qigong classes each week: Mondays at 9.45am, or Tuesdays and Fridays at 10.00am, all 75 minutes. When you use the link there is usually no need to sign up to Zoom. You can use the app or attend via your usual browser. No experience necessary.

Online Qigong class
Delivered Online1 hour 15 minutes, Jul 12th, 09:00 + 7 more

Heart-Centred Qigong for the Summer

By Sunhouse

SEVEN WEEK ONLINE QIGONG COURSE TO NOURISH YOUR HEART STARTS TUESDAY 14TH MAY Dates: Tuesdays 6-7.15pm: May 14th, 21st, 28th, and June 4th, 11th, 18th, and 25th (all classes recorded so you can catch up in your own time) Price: £70 (concessions available) In Chinese Medicine Summer is the season of the FIRE element and is governed by the organ of the Heart. It is the most YANG, active, expansive, uplifting and dynamic part of the cycle, associated with the emotion of Joy.  It is a Joy that is balanced and grounded with stillness allowing our SHEN or mental energy to rest. Not the anxious, over-excited or even manic joy that can unsettle us, leaving us searching for the next high, instead it is a balanced and nourishing heart-centred joy that radiates through our whole being. Helping us to connect with our true self, our own innate inner beauty and that of the world around us. CONNECT TO YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THIS TRANSFORMATIVE HEART-CENTRED ENERGY PRACTICE.  Designed to nourish your heart, this course combines ancient Qigong practices with modern techniques to cultivate emotional well-being, resilience, and inner harmony. Leaving you feeling calm, relaxed and connected to your true self. What is included:  * Seven live 75min zoom classes  * Access to replays of all classes so you can catch up in your own time. * Learn heart-centered Qigong movements, exercises and meditations * Guided heart meditations * Experience the Healing sounds of the heart  * Learn how to clear the meridian pathways associated with the heart.  * Learn self-massage techniques for key acupuncture points to calm anxiety, regulate blood pressure and relax the heart. What will you get out of the course: * Cultivate self-love, compassion, and emotional balance * Enhance heart health and vitality * Reduced inner physical tension, less pain and discomfort * Reduce stress, anxiety and worry * Connect with a supportive community of like-hearted individuals

Heart-Centred Qigong for the Summer
Delivered Online
Dates arranged on request

Tai Chi Progressive

By Kris Deva North

Tai Chi Progressive Course for Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced students and all those interested in Tai Chi and QiGong

Tai Chi Progressive
Delivered Online
Dates arranged on request

Yang Style Tai Chi Form - ONLINE

By Taiji & Qigong (London & Kent)

In this class we work on the Yang 10-Step Tai Chi Form.  This is a 'standardised' set of movements that is performed in the same way throughout the world. We are specifically focusing on the 'energy' side of tai chi in this class - how energy rises and falls in the body. We are also working on a set of Qigong exercises called the 'Ba Duan Jin' or '8 Strands of the Brocade' - one of the oldest sets of Qigong. This is a 13-week term.

Yang Style Tai Chi Form - ONLINE
Delivered Online
Dates arranged on request

Spring Clean Your Qi

By Sunhouse

SPRING CLEAN YOUR QI – 2024 EIGHT WEEK ONLINE QIGONG COURSE FOR SPRING FEEL HEALTHY VIBRANT AND GET YOUR ZING BACK FOR SPRING When: Tuesday Evenings 6-7.15pm and Thursday mornings 8-8.30am (via Zoom) All classes are recorded so you can catch up in your own time. Dates: * Tuesdays 6-7.15pm: March 5th, 12th, 19th, and 26th and April 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th * Thursdays 8-8.30am: March 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th and April 11th, 25th and May 2nd SUITABLE FOR EVERYONE NO MATTER YOUR EXPERIENCE Spring can be a tricky time for us, as our bodies are moving from the most still Yin restful time of the year to a very Yang active energy of new growth. It’s a massive about-turn for our whole energy system and it can be bumpy!  In Chinese medicine the liver is responsible for the smooth flow of Qi or energy in our body, and in the spring this liver Qi is being challenged, as we come out of the winter stillness it can take a while for us to feel lively and able to take on the new challenges. If our Liver Qi is struggling it can leave us feeling grumpy, irritated and restless, with headaches and brain fog, we may have sore, dry or itchy eyes and tired stiff achey joints. During this course we will use Qigong exercises, meditations, sounds and breath practices, to help bring us into our healthy balance, giving our liver the support it needs so we can move from Winter to Spring, feeling healthy and vibrant and ready to take on the new.  Together we will learn “The Eight Brocades” a simple and easy to practice Qigong form you can use every day to improve your energy and feel great. “The Eight Brocades” is one of the most popular Qigong practices dating back nearly 1000 years in China. it is made up of eight Qigong movements, each opening different meridian or energy pathways in the body, to release fatigue and harness our healthy Qi. Benefits include improved energy, vitality, bone density, strength, flexibility, balance, coordination, and longevity to name a few. Also, a great practice for reducing blood pressure, cancer support, thyroid issues, back pain, arthritis, and more. What is included:  * Eight live 75min evening zoom classes  * Eight live 30min morning WAKE UP YOUR QI classes on zoom  * Access to replays of all classes so you can catch up in your own time. * Learn “The Eight Brocades” A simple and powerful Qigong form to help you feel amazing * Weekly supporting material for home practice including: * – 10min video Guided Qigong Practice  * – Learn how to clear meridian pathways in the body for greater balance * – Key acupuncture points for self massage * – Weekly nutrition tips for a healthy spring body cleanse  What will i get out of this course? * Reconnect with your body * Clear your mind * A healthy detox for your organs * Increased flexibility for all your joints * Improved circulation * Healthy hormonal balance * Clear vision – bright eyes * Better sleep * Reduced pain * Improved mood * More energy * Less stress

Spring Clean Your Qi
Delivered OnlineSold out! Join the waitlist
£90 to £110

Tai chi Course

By Elearncollege

DESCRIPTION Tai Chi Diploma  Tai Chi, also called Tai Chi Chuan, is a Chinese martial art form and physical exercise distinguished by its slow but graceful movements. This non-combative and flexible exercise form lays great emphasis on improving health. This diploma course attempts to enlighten students with introductory or zero-knowledge regarding this exercise. This Tai Chi Diploma course will help those already familiar with the practice but want to learn more about its advantages and forms. At the outset, this Tai Chi Diploma course briefly introduces students to what the course entails, elucidating how the course will pan out and how students will benefit from each unit. Then comes an explanation of how to get the most out of this well-constructed diploma course. The Tai Chi Diploma course begins with a run-through of Tai Chi and eases into a detailed account of the motives, origin story, plus the four primary forms of the practice. Each topic is designed comprehensively, allowing students to deepen their perception of Tai Chi. The Tai Chi Diploma course explains the many health benefits from both a physical and mental point of view. Taoism, the philosophy that heavily influences Tai Chi, is explored in detail, emphasising its fundamentals. This will further strengthen the students' perception of this unique martial art. Qigong, a sister practice to Tai Chi, may not sound familiar to pupils who have recently started dabbling in this exercise form. This much older practice, Qigong, will be discussed, followed by an enumeration and explanation of the ten fundamentals that the various forms of Tai Chi stand by. This diploma course paints a picture of the primary stances, gestures, and postures employed in Tai Chi. It explains how these exercises should be timed, the ideal locations for practising, and how one should be dressed. The course also illustrates how one should warm up before easing into the exercises of Tai Chi. This follows an in-depth explanation coupled with adequately explained figures of the 21 posture Beijing Short Form of this one-of-a-kind martial art. Students will receive additional helpful information and resources to benefit those keen on taking up this practice as a profession. A list of essential links to visual media and websites will also come with this diploma course for Tai Chi. What you will learn   1: Tai Chi and its benefits  2: Qigong Basics and the philosophy of Tai Chi  3: Preparation for Tai Chi  4: Warming Up  5: Qigong Exercises  6: Tai Chi Exercises  7: Adaptations of Qigong and Tai Chi in the seated posture  8: Meditative Exercises  9: Tai Chi and Rehabilitation  10: Traditional Chinese Medicine  COURSE OUTCOMES After completing the course, you will receive a diploma certificate and an academic transcript from Elearn college. ASSESSMENT Each unit concludes with a multiple-choice examination. This exercise will help you recall the major aspects covered in the unit and help you ensure that you have not missed anything important in the unit. The results are readily available, which will help you see your mistakes and look at the topic once again. If the result is satisfactory, it is a green light for you to proceed to the next chapter. ACCREDITATION Elearn College is a registered Ed-tech company under the UK Register of Learning( Ref No:10062668). After completing a course, you will be able to download the certificate and the transcript of the course from the website. For the learners who require a hard copy of the certificate and transcript, we will post it for them for an additional charge.

Tai chi Course
Delivered Online On Demand

Medical Acupuncture Certification

By OnlineCoursesLearning.com

Acupuncture can be defined as a medical discipline, included within that of traditional Chinese medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine is defined as a system of methods and diagnoses, aimed at health care, its method is based on a holistic principle of the universe, summarized in the institutional bases of Taoism, among others, which has originated a series of techniques and curative treatments to maintain health. These treatments include herbal medicine, diet, Tai-Chi, Qigong, and acupuncture. Through this Online Course of didactic materials, students will be able to acquire the necessary professional skills to deepen the acupuncture technique, knowing its application and principles of treatment and diagnosis of the treatment patient, in addition to its therapeutic principles on which the technique for curing various pathologies.   YOU WILL LEARN: * What medical acupuncture is and how it comes about * About the history of acupuncture * How acupuncture works * About acupuncture needles * The benefits of medical acupuncture * The effects of medical acupuncture   VIDEO REVIEW ABOUT THE SCIENCE BEHIND HOW ACUPUNCTURE HELPS RELIEVE PAIN   BENEFITS OF TAKING THIS COURSE: Taking this course will help you: * Know what medical acupuncture is * Learn its origin and how it works * Learn the importance of engaging in medical acupuncture * Learn how medical acupuncture can help you * Know the effects of medical acupuncture and how safe it is * Develop an interest in learning more about the practice * Determine whether you want to take up acupuncture as a career * Determine whether acupuncture can help treat your health condition * Determine whether you want to conduct a study on acupuncture or medical acupuncture and its outcomes

Medical Acupuncture Certification
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Traditional Chinese Medicine Course

By Elearncollege

DESCRIPTION Traditional Chinese Medicine Diploma Step into the world of ancient healing practices with the Traditional Chinese Medicine Diploma. This online course provides a comprehensive overview of the philosophies, techniques, and applications of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in the modern world. It's the perfect starting point for those keen on integrating ancient wisdom with contemporary practices. The course kicks off by exploring 'The Roots of Traditional Chinese Medicine'. By understanding its historic origins, learners will be better equipped to appreciate the depth and complexity of these time-tested techniques. It's fascinating to trace back how age-old practices are still relevant and effective in today's healthcare landscape. Following this, the course journeys through 'The Fundamental Principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine'. This section demystifies the core beliefs that underpin TCM, including Yin and Yang, the Five Elements, and Qi. These principles, though ancient, continue to inform the practice and application of TCM across the globe. Accurate diagnosis is at the heart of any medical system. 'Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnosis' will introduce students to the unique methods by which practitioners identify and understand illnesses and imbalances. By understanding the subtleties of pulse reading, tongue analysis, and other diagnostic tools, one can gain insights that are often overlooked in conventional medicine. Once the diagnosis is established, the next step is treatment. 'Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment Modalities' explores the diverse range of approaches employed by TCM practitioners. From acupuncture to cupping, from herbal remedies to qigong, this segment illuminates the tools and techniques that define this ancient practice. The 'Traditional Chinese Medicine Practice and Safety' section ensures that all practitioners operate with the highest standard of care. Here, students will be acquainted with best practices, safety protocols, and ethical considerations crucial to a successful TCM practice. Nutrition, an essential part of wellbeing, is not overlooked. 'Traditional Chinese Medicine Nutrition Therapy' sheds light on the role of diet and dietary therapy in TCM. Students will learn how food, like medicine, can be used to balance and restore health. Complementing the therapeutic approaches is the 'Traditional Chinese Medicine Massage and Bodywork' segment. This teaches the art of using touch and manipulation techniques to promote healing, reduce pain, and improve overall wellbeing. The 'Common Health Conditions Treated with Traditional Chinese Medicine' section provides a practical look into the myriad health challenges that TCM can address. From common colds to chronic conditions, discover how TCM provides holistic solutions. Recognising the importance of collaboration in healthcare, the course addresses 'Integrative Medicine'. This part of the course shows how TCM can be seamlessly integrated with other forms of healthcare, enhancing outcomes and providing patients with the best of both worlds. Lastly, students will reflect upon 'The Future of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Challenges'. As TCM gains traction globally, it's imperative to understand its future trajectory and potential challenges. This ensures that practitioners remain ahead of the curve and continue to offer effective and relevant care. In conclusion, the Traditional Chinese Medicine Diploma is not just an educational endeavour but a journey. A journey into the heart of a healing tradition that has endured for millennia and continues to thrive today. Join this online course and become part of the next generation of TCM practitioners and enthusiasts. Your adventure into the world of holistic health and wellness starts here. What you will learn 1:The Roots of Traditional Chinese Medicine 2:The Fundamental Principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine 3:Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnosis 4:Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment Modalities 5:Traditional Chinese Medicine Practice and Safety 6:Traditional Chinese Medicine Nutrition Therapy 7:Traditional Chinese Medicine Massage and Bodywork 8:Common Health Conditions Treated with Traditional Chinese Medicine 9:Integrative Medicine 10:The Future of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Challenges COURSE OUTCOMES After completing the course, you will receive a diploma certificate and an academic transcript from Elearn college. ASSESSMENT Each unit concludes with a multiple-choice examination. This exercise will help you recall the major aspects covered in the unit and help you ensure that you have not missed anything important in the unit. The results are readily available, which will help you see your mistakes and look at the topic once again. If the result is satisfactory, it is a green light for you to proceed to the next chapter. ACCREDITATION Elearn College is a registered Ed-tech company under the UK Register of Learning( Ref No:10062668). After completing a course, you will be able to download the certificate and the transcript of the course from the website. For the learners who require a hard copy of the certificate and transcript, we will post it for them for an additional charge.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Course
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Safeguarding and Counselling Advanced Diploma

By Apex Learning

OVERVIEW Gain in-depth knowledge of safeguarding with our Safeguarding and Counselling Advanced Diploma course. This course will provide you with the essential skills needed to promote vulnerable peoples' welfare and shield them from harm. People who are abused are vulnerable and need specialist help. You can be the one to take action to reduce risk and protect children. After successful completion, you will be more than capable of spotting the signs of abuse, protecting fundamental human rights both verbally and physically, identifying the abuser, securing adequate child care, and more. You will have the skills to support children and take action in the event of full disclosure. Enrol today to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the children under your care. HOW WILL I GET MY CERTIFICATE? You may have to take a quiz or a written test online during or after the course. After successfully completing the course, you will be eligible for the certificate. WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? There is no experience or previous qualifications required for enrolment on this Safeguarding and Counselling Advanced Diploma. It is available to all students, of all academic backgrounds. REQUIREMENTS Our Safeguarding and Counselling Advanced Diploma is fully compatible with PC's, Mac's, Laptop, Tablet and Smartphone devices. This course has been designed to be fully compatible on tablets and smartphones so you can access your course on wifi, 3G or 4G. There is no time limit for completing this course, it can be studied in your own time at your own pace. CAREER PATH Having these various qualifications will increase the value in your CV and open you up to multiple sectors such as Business & Management , Admin, Accountancy & Finance, Secretarial & PA, Teaching & Mentoring etc. COURSE CURRICULUM 6 sections • 60 lectures • 10:20:00 total length •Module 01: Introduction to Safeguarding: 00:21:00 •Module 01: An Introduction to Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults: 00:30:00 •Module 03: Laws and Guidance: 00:43:00 •Module 04: Safeguarding Legislations: 00:30:00 •Module 05: Understanding Abuse and Neglect: 00:36:00 •Module 06: Child Abuse: 00:49:00 •Module 7: Sexual Abuse: 00:38:00 •Module 08: Understanding the Importance of Communication in Care: 00:30:00 •Module 09: Sharing Information and Responding To a Disclosure: 00:30:00 •Module 10: Record Keeping: 00:18:00 •Module 11: Risks and Risk Assessment: 00:16:00 •Introduction: 00:05:00 •Melancholy and the History of Counselling: 00:07:00 •Signs of Depression: 00:07:00 •Depression and the Brain: 00:06:00 •Depression and Neurons: 00:09:00 •Stress and depression: 00:10:00 •Environmental and Health Factors: 00:04:00 •Depression and Sleep Disorders: 00:06:00 •Somatic Symptoms: 00:06:00 •Risk Factors: 00:07:00 •Module 1: Assessment Questions: 00:05:00 •Classifying Depression & Different Classification Methods: 00:07:00 •Cyclothymia: 00:06:00 •Depression and Creative Minds: 00:07:00 •Dysthymia, Pre-Menstrual Dysphoric Disorder, and Atypical Depression: 00:07:00 •Bipolar / Manic Depression: 00:06:00 •Antenatal & Postpartum Depression: 00:09:00 •Bereavement and Grief: 00:09:00 •Dysthymia in Children and Adolescents: 00:04:00 •Depression and the Elderly: 00:06:00 •Psychosocial & Health Factors in the Elderly: 00:03:00 •Module 2: Assessment Questions: 00:04:00 •Neurogenesis: 00:04:00 •Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors: 00:04:00 •Serotonin Syndrome: 00:03:00 •Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors: 00:03:00 •Tyramine: 00:03:00 •Medication Statistics and Doctors in the UK & USA: 00:10:00 •Module 3: Assessment Questions: 00:03:00 •Lifestyle management, Diet, Exercise, Meditation: 00:07:00 •St John's Wort (hypericum perforatum): 00:05:00 •Omega 3 Fatty Acids: 00:04:00 •Tai chi, Qigong: 00:04:00 •Yoga: 00:04:00 •Acupuncture: 00:03:00 •Art Therapy & Music Therapy: 00:08:00 •Module 4 Assessment Questions: 00:04:00 •Person Centred Therapy: 00:07:00 •Family or Couples Therapy: 00:09:00 •Stepped Care Model (approach): 00:10:00 •Psychodynamic/Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy: 00:06:00 •Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy: 00:06:00 •Clinical Hypnotherapy & Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: 00:05:00 •Clinical Hypnotherapy for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: 00:05:00 •Gestalt Therapy: 00:06:00 •The Therapeutic Relationship: 00:07:00 •Knowledge and Qualities Necessary to a Counsellor: 00:03:00 •Module 5 assessment questions: 00:03:00 •Thank You and Good Bye!: 00:03:00

Safeguarding and Counselling Advanced Diploma
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Professional Depression Counselling Diploma

By iStudy UK

The Professional Depression Counselling Diploma course is designed to teach you how to counsel people with depression. Throughout the course, you will learn various counselling and psychological theories and approaches so that you can implement the methods while counselling. The course teaches you how to diagnose people with depression. Topic included the signs of depression, the techniques of helping the clients who suffer from the major depressive episode and sleeping problems, the different types of depression, effective antidepressants, the link between neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine and depression, and more. You will learn what is happening in the brain while experiencing depression. The course helps you to choose the right approaches to counselling for the treatment of depression. You will also be able to treat bipolar disorder and know whether disorders can be treated with omega three supplements, art therapy, tai chi and yoga or not. WHAT WILL I LEARN? * have a thorough theoretical knowledge about depression and counselling * work as a 'helper' who specialises in 'depression' * use counselling approaches in everyday life and career! * know what is happening to someone who is depressed (brain, body, cognition) * know how a person with depression can be diagnosed REQUIREMENTS * have an interest in psychology or counselling! * want to help those who suffer with depression * ready to do some learning! Module: 01 About Course FREE 00:03:00 About Tutor FREE 00:02:00 01. Intro Depression 00:05:00 02. Melancholy History 00:07:00 03. Signs of Depression 00:07:00 04. Brain Depression 00:06:00 05. Neurons Depression 00:09:00 06. Stress Depression 00:10:00 07. Environment Health 00:04:00 Module: 02 08. Sleep Disorders 00:06:00 09. Somatic Symptoms 00:06:00 10. Risk_factors 00:08:00 11: Module 1 End Qs 00:05:00 12: Classification Methods 00:07:00 13. Cyclymia 00:06:00 14. Creativity Depression 00:07:00 15. Dysthymia Atypica 00:07:00 16. Bipolar Manic 00:06:00 17. Antenatal Postpaturm D 00:09:00 18. Bereavement Grief 00:09:00 Module: 03 19. Dysthymia Children 00:04:00 20. Elderly 00:07:00 21. Psychosocial Health Elderly 00:03:00 22. Module 2 Qs 00:04:00 23. Neurogenesis 00:04:00 24. MOI 00:04:00 25. Serotonin Syndrome 00:03:00 26. SSRIs 00:04:00 27. Tyramine 00:03:00 28. Medical Stats 00:10:00 29. Module 3 Qs 00:03:00 Module: 04 30. Lifestyle Diet DD 00:07:00 31. St John's Wort 00:05:00 32. Omega 3 00:04:00 33. Tai Chi Qigong 00:04:00 34. Yoga 00:04:00 35. Acupuncture 00:03:00 36. Art Music Therapy 00:08:00 37. Module 4 Qs 00:04:00 38. Person Centred Approach 00:07:00 39. Family Couples Therapy 00:09:00 40. Step Care Approach 00:10:00 Module: 05 41. Psychodynamic IPT 00:06:00 42. REBT 00:06:00 43. Hypnotherapy 00:05:00 44. Hypnotherapy PTSD 00:05:00 45. Gestalt Therapy 00:06:00 46. Therapeutic Relationship 00:07:00 47. Knowledge Qualities 00:03:00 48. Module 5 Qs 00:03:00 49. Thanks Good Bye! 00:03:00 Additional Study Materials Additional Study Materials: Professional Depression Counselling Diploma 00:00:00

Professional Depression Counselling Diploma
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