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2187 Courses in Bristol

Guided Imagery II – 3 essential techniques

By Human Givens College

The guided imagery and visualisation techniques you will learn on this workshop are essential for helping people successfully overcome depression, addictions, anxiety and more…. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Accredited CPD Certificate : 6 hours * Length 1 day (9.30am - 4.00pm) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHY TAKE THIS COURSE This new workshop delves deeper into this essential therapeutic skill’s power and flexibility – you will learn a variety of guided imagery techniques that are highly effective at helping people move on from problem behaviours, reframe life circumstances, lower emotional arousal, make therapeutic lifestyle changes, increase resilience and more. Building on the skills learnt on Guided Imagery and Visualisation for therapeutic change (‘Day 1’), this second workshop focuses specifically on the techniques that allow clients to move forward from depression, overcome anxiety and combat addiction. We also look at how to introduce helpful new understandings to clients in a way that overcomes resistance. Strong emotions focus and lock attention keeping people trapped or stuck – so this hands-on training also gives you the opportunity to further develop your therapeutic abilities to help people rehearse in their imagination any desired change to their behaviours and/or feelings, which dramatically increases the likelihood of those changes taking place in ‘real life’, and then being maintained in the future. Guided imagery, as taught on Day 1 is one of the most powerful psychotherapeutic tools available to us; Day 2 will allow you to develop your ability to use it flexibly and successfully in a range of different client presentations. These are essential skills to have in your therapeutic ‘toolkit’. * Please Note: counter-conditioning was previously taught on our pre-2023 Stopping Addictions [https://www.humangivens.com/college/stopping-addictions-workshop/] workshop. > Ros has a lovely delivery style that’s very inspiring and left me with so many > ideas going forward... > > MARY FLYNN, GUIDED IMAGERY AND VISUALISATION FOR THERAPEUTIC CHANGE   WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * How to use the brain’s powerful internal ‘reality generator’ to enable clients to make desired change in their lives * Invaluable ways to enable a client to approach situations with confidence and overcome situational anxiety * Powerful ways of using this skill to help a client take the ‘first steps’ out of depression * An effective technique (counter-conditioning*) which increases likelihood of success when working with clients struggling with addiction * Understanding of how to use guided imagery effectively when supporting a client with behaviour change of any kind * The use of metaphor within guided imagery; how to craft powerful extended metaphors which take into account a client’s individual model of reality * Training and practice in using these techniques * Greater confidence in working flexibly with this technique so as to respect each individual client’s model of reality * Powerful ways to introduce helpful ideas to a resistant client without breaking rapport * Supervised practice in specific techniques for work with a range of presentations * How to use healing trance states to reframe difficult life circumstances and build hope using the client’s own resources * Specific techniques that can be used to manage pain, or work with anxiety or any other strong state of distress * Increased understanding of trance states and their role in everyday life A scientifically-sound knowledge of why the various techniques and skills you will gain are so valuable * A range of ways to help people improve their performance – sports, public speaking etc. * The opportunity to experience for yourself specific new techniques within guided imagery and visualisation Dates and venues [https://www.humangivens.com/college/guided-imagery-techniques/#price] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOOD TO KNOW To attend this course you need to have plenty of experience in using guided imagery and visualisation for relaxing clients or to have completed our Guided Imagery and visualisation for therapeutic change [https://www.humangivens.com/college/guided-imagery-and-visualisation-workshop/] (Day 1) course. (If you are taking the HG Diploma, you will need to attend both days, as both count towards Part 1 of the Human Givens Diploma [https://www.humangivens.com/college/diploma/].) The additional skills you will learn on this second day are introduced on the following courses as integral to effective treatment for the conditions they cover: * Stopping Addictions: effective treatment and recovery [https://www.humangivens.com/college/stopping-addictions/] * How to Lift Depression [https://www.humangivens.com/college/lift-depression/] * Overcoming Self-harm [https://www.humangivens.com/college/self-harm-workshop/] Please note:  The counter-conditioning technique was previously taught on our ‘Stopping Addictions’ workshop. This changed from January 2023. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COURSE PROGRAMME The ‘Guided Imagery and Visualisation Additional Techniques’ course starts at 9.30am and runs until 4.00pm. * From 8.30am Registration (Tea and coffee served until 9.25am) * 9.30am Reality Generator: a powerful way of rehearsing new behaviours and feelings * 11.00am Discussion over tea/coffee * 11.30am Introducing new, more helpful patterns and overcoming resistance * 1.00pm Lunch (included)  * 1.45pm Working with addiction and behaviour change * 2.45pm Discussion over tea/coffee * 3.00pm Working with addiction and behaviour change – continued * 4.00pm Day ends -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHO IS THIS COURSE SUITABLE FOR? * Anyone who has already attended Guided Imagery and Visualisation for Therapeutic Change (Day 1) or who has experience in using guided imagery and visualisation to induce a relaxed state in their clients * Anyone, with the above skills, who wants to help people effectively and for the long-term, particularly those working in mental and physical healthcare, or with addictions or self harm * Psychotherapists, counsellors and mental health workers (who also have the above skills) who work with a wide range of conditions and would like to ensure long-term behaviour change * Trained hypnotherapists looking to add these techniques to their existing skillset. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This course has been independently accredited by the internationally recognised CPD Standards Office for 6 hours of CPD training. On completion of this training you’ll receive CPD certificates from the College and the CPD Standards Office.

Guided Imagery II – 3 essential techniques
Delivered In-Person in Bristol + 1 more locations6 hours 30 minutes, Sept 26th, 08:30 + 1 more



By Nia Williams Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

* Introspective test * Emotional regulation and emotional intelligence training * Help in addressing pain points areas * Full Makeover and beauty treatments * 10 V.I.P confidence building sessions * Personality test * Addressing trauma issues * Personal life coach available daily * Behavioural pattern training * Relationships analysation * Happiness test * Dating advice for low confidence and insecurity triggers * Eradication of negative patterns * Cognitive behavioural therapy https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/dating-advice-for-women-with-very-low-confidence-package/ [https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/dating-advice-for-women-with-very-low-confidence-package/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London & 2 more

Complex Trauma: how to work effectively with challenging cases

By Human Givens College

This practical workshop covers the unique challenges of working with complex trauma cases and gives you clear guidance on the most effective ways to help -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Accredited CPD: 6 hours * Length: 1 day (9.30am - 4.00pm) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Absolutely jam-packed with techniques/information and resources. Ros is > superlative. A calm, confident and articulate trainer... > > J YAP, THERAPIST WHY TAKE THIS COURSE Clients suffering from Complex PTSD (C-PTSD) or who have experienced trauma in a shutdown or dissociative state, can present unique challenges to practitioners working with them – but with the right knowledge and skills we can help sufferers move forward in their lives. In this hands-on, experiential workshop you will learn more about what makes trauma ‘complex’, why shutdown or dissociation are often experienced by sufferers, and how to best work with such presentations using the Human Givens framework of understanding. You will also have the chance to collaborate with other experienced practitioners and clinicians during exercises designed to further your understanding, add to your existing skillsets, and bring wider context to an often-misunderstood area of work. During this intensive day of live, in-person training, experienced psychotherapist Ros Townsend will introduce you to a framework within which you can set your understanding of complex trauma presentations and discover the opportunities that we have to help clients move forward from their difficulties. You will learn more about the neurobiology of the automatic survival options that we have available to us, especially dissociative and ‘shutdown’ states, and leave with an understanding of how to use this knowledge to inform your work, giving you greater confidence to work creatively and flexibly with such presentations. From understanding the symptoms that are now recognised as distinguishing C-PTSD, to adapting existing HG techniques and strategies and introducing new tools and skills, this course will explore how we, as clinicians, can approach such complex presentations without getting lost in the complexity ourselves. Using case histories and discussion you will have the chance to understand more about the unique challenges that such work presents and to leave feeling more confident in your ability as a therapist to work effectively and contextually with these. > Such a thought-provoking and informative day. Complex PTSD is a real buzz word > at present, this took the mystery out of it in a clear and understandable way > – highly recommend... > > MELISSA DERRICOURT     WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * What Complex PTSD (C-PTSD) is * What other symptoms a client may present with in addition to those meeting the criteria for ‘classic’ PTSD * How to effectively work with these within the Human Givens framework of understanding * Vital tools for psycho-education – both adding to your own understanding and to pass on to clients * Why individuals enter into a dissociative or ‘shutdown’ state * The difference between ‘freeze’ and ‘shutdown’ * Why anger can present when an individual comes out of a ‘shutdown’ state * How to help a client deal effectively with anger if it does arise * The crucial role of the pattern-matching processes in the brain in post-traumatic stress symptoms – and how the kinds of templates stored can subtly differ in more complex trauma * How to adapt existing techniques – such as rewind and deconditioning molar memories – to work creatively with such presentations * The Dos and Don’ts when working with Guided Imagery in complex presentations * How to refine your Guided Imagery skillset to powerfully benefit clients who have experienced trauma in a shutdown state * Why any work that we do must be informed by the innate ability we all have to recover from trauma * How to avoid negatively reframing trauma and making symptoms worse * The most effective ways to help clients towards recovery and post-traumatic growth Under careful guidance from the tutor, you will: * Explore and discuss the different survival options available to us as humans in traumatic situations * Learn more about the neurobiology of these states – including our passive survival responses * Develop a new framework of understanding within which to set your work with all kinds of trauma * Understand more about why ‘shutdown’ or ‘dissociation’ are often associated with complex presentations * Understand why addictions and self-harming behaviours are often a part of the picture * Work collaboratively with peers and colleagues to extend and develop your own skillsets and knowledge * Explore how guided imagery can be adapted and used to most powerfully benefit clients suffering in this way You will leave with: * The confidence to work creatively and flexibly with a wider range of presentations * A clear understanding of a framework within which you can work and continue to develop and adapt your tools and skillsets * An appreciation of the importance of taking your time with such work and proceeding at a pace right for each individual client * An understanding of how to support clients in moving forward from the use of faulty coping strategies – such as addiction and self-harm * Greater confidence in creating metaphors that work powerfully for clients * An understanding of how helping a client to meet their emotional needs is particularly key to recovery in the most complex cases Throughout the day there will be plenty of opportunity for you to ask questions and to engage in collaborative work and discussion with the tutor and with experienced colleagues and practitioners. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT NOTE Working with Complex PTSD requires specific skills and experience and thus is only suitable for practitioners either already working in this area and looking to extend their skillset or those who are already practicing as therapists and wish to begin working in this area. If you are an experienced practitioner from another modality, we recommend you familiarise yourself a little with the HG approach before you attend, see: About HG therapy [https://www.humangivens.com/human-givens/human-givens-therapy/hg-approach-difference/], benefits of the approach [https://www.humangivens.com/college/about-the-college/benefits-of-human-givens-approach/], and what is RIGAAR [https://www.humangivens.com/2021/11/25/why-human-givens-practitioners-use-rigaar/]. WHO IS THIS COURSE SUITABLE FOR? * Any qualified therapist working with distressed or traumatised people. In order to take full benefit from the course, you will ideally have already taken our Guided Imagery and Visualisation for therapeutic change [https://www.humangivens.com/college/guided-imagery-and-visualisation-workshop/] and Rewind Technique [https://www.humangivens.com/college/rewind-technique-training-workshop/] workshops. NB If you are an experienced practitioner from another modality, we recommend you familiarise yourself a little with the HG approach before you attend, see: About HG therapy [https://www.humangivens.com/human-givens/human-givens-therapy/hg-approach-difference/], benefits of the approach [https://www.humangivens.com/college/about-the-college/benefits-of-human-givens-approach/], and what is RIGAAR [https://www.humangivens.com/2021/11/25/why-human-givens-practitioners-use-rigaar/]. * Any qualified practitioner in the field of psychiatry, psychology, psychotherapy or counselling can attend; again you would benefit most by having previously attended our Guided Imagery and Visualisation [https://www.humangivens.com/college/guided-imagery-and-visualisation-workshop/] and Rewind Technique [https://www.humangivens.com/college/rewind-technique-training-workshop/] workshops and familiarising yourself a little with the HG approach to therapy. COURSE PROGRAMME This intense 1-day training proceeds through a blend of talks, skill-developing exercises, discussions and deconstruction of real-life case-studies. There is also plenty of opportunity for networking and discussion during the breaks. The training runs from 9.30am–4.00pm. * From 8.30am Registration (Tea and coffee served until 9.25am) * 9.30am What is complex trauma? A framework for understanding * 11.00am Discussion over tea/coffee * 11.30am Adapting our toolkit: working creatively with complex presentations * 1.00pm Lunch (included) * 1.45pm Self-efficacy: supporting a client to become an active agent in life * 2.45pm Discussion over tea/coffee * 3.00pm Reframing: adding context in complex cases * 3.30pm Serving clients well * 4.00pm Day ends -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://directory.cpdstandards.com/providers/human-givens-college/ This course has been independently accredited by the internationally recognised CPD Standards Office for 6 hours of CPD training. On completion of this training you’ll receive CPD certificates from the College and the CPD Standards Office.

Complex Trauma: how to work effectively with challenging cases
Delivered In-Person in Bristol + 2 more locations6 hours 30 minutes, Sept 27th, 08:30 + 1 more

Techniques of Quality and Productivity Management


By GBA Corporate

OVERVIEW -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This course examines the major tools, techniques, and principles aimed at improving quality and productivity in the public sector. To provide students with practical methods for improving public organizations, this course will cover accountability systems, performance measurement, pay-for-performance reward systems, contracting out, and organizational assessment

Techniques of Quality and Productivity Management
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally
£1718 to £3779

HR Policies and Procedures


By GBA Corporate

OVERVIEW -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objectives * Define Policies and Procedures * Differentiate between Policies and Procedures * Explain the importance of Policies and Procedures * Build and understand the SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) * Define the roles and responsibilities of employees in various departments * Abide by the Code of Conduct, the acceptable behaviour standards * Justify how the Policies and Procedures help employees safeguard their self-respect * Give equal opportunities to all the employees

HR Policies and Procedures
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally
£1718 to £3779

Credit Risk Assessment, Modelling and Management


By GBA Corporate

OVERVIEW -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The credit Risk Assessment course gives participants a comprehensive overview of the key concepts and methodologies in understanding the drivers of credit risk, modelling tools used for the measurement of credit risk, and current best practices in credit risk management techniques. The course focuses on the actual practice of credit risk assessment within financial institutions as well as on the quantitative and methodological tools and procedures that are at the cutting edge of measuring, mitigating and managing credit risk.

Credit Risk Assessment, Modelling and Management
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally
£1718 to £3779

Credit Analysis


By GBA Corporate

OVERVIEW -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This training course will give participants a developed knowledge of credit analysis. Through a mix of lectures and interactive case studies, participants will be able to perform detailed credit analysis, including analysing market and environment, computing key financial ratios, interpreting cash flows and analysing financing needs. Key Topics * Financial needs and the business operating cycle * Review of financial statements * Financial ratio analysis * Corporate cash flow analysis * Cash flow projections for debt service * Key lending policy guidelines

Credit Analysis
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally
£1718 to £3779

Project Planning and Management


By GBA Corporate

OVERVIEW -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This course provides participants with the chance to focus on relevant project management tools and skills required to run successful projects in research and beyond. The course has been designed to help researchers and project managers enhance their project management skills in the context of their research and develop their knowledge of broader project management principles. The training course is highly participative and includes a peer learning session where participants will get the chance to tackle specific issues and challenges related to their research projects, find innovative solutions and share best practices.

Project Planning and Management
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally
£1718 to £3779

Financial Management, Budget Control and Budgetary Execution


By GBA Corporate

OVERVIEW -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Financial Management, Budget Control and Budget Execution is a blended course with core activity of financial management used to make organisations effective and efficient in-service delivery. Organisations deliberately strengthen their acts of budgeting, as part of their financial management, in order to enhance their effectiveness. This course has been designed to educate participants on how to prepare and use budgets in their organisations. It provides the essential ingredients for achieving a sound budget preparation and execution system. 

Financial Management, Budget Control and Budgetary Execution
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally
£1718 to £3779

Financial Statement Analysis


By GBA Corporate

OVERVIEW -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Having a detailed understanding of financial statements is critical to assessing financial risk, and the rate of change in financial statement standards makes this a continuing challenge for users. This course brings together the key elements of financial statement analysis to help participants develop their skills in this area and enable them to ask the right questions to really get under the skin and see the real risks facing businesses and investors in these challenging times. The reference reporting framework used will be IFS. 

Financial Statement Analysis
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally
£1718 to £3779