• Professional Development
  • Medicine & Nursing
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Health & Wellbeing
  • Personal Development

2242 Courses in Bradford

The Corporate Retreat


By Lapd Solutions Ltd

Organisational retreat, organisational seminar, executive development,

The Corporate Retreat
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Birmingham
£5000 to £7500

The Fundamentals of Ultra-Low Emission Road Transport

By Cenex (Centre of Excellence for Low Carbon & Fuel Cell Technologies)

In-house training courses on electric and hydrogen vehicle technologies, charging infrastructure and how they work.

The Fundamentals of Ultra-Low Emission Road Transport
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Internationally
Price on Enquiry

Sustainable Excellence

By 4and20Million.

4and20Million run Sustainable Excellence, a course designed to help people unlock their productivity, without resorting to longer hours and unnecessary stress. For full details, further information and learning more about how to boost your career prospects, please contact: dan@4and20million.com alex@4and20million.com

Sustainable Excellence
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in UK Wide
Price on Enquiry

Trauma Informed Practice Day for Speech and Language Therapists


By Thoughtful Communication

Trauma Informed Practice in Education is a research evidence based whole school systems approach that starts with you. Improved attendance, improved learning outcomes, reduced suspensions and exclusions and better staff recruitment, retention and wellbeing all begin from a place of understanding child development, the impact of adversity on child development and the role of us as educators in supporting opportunities for growth and resilience. Systems change takes teamwork, however the most important member of that team is you. On this Trauma Informed Practice Day you will learn the why and how to keep you well and resourced in order to support the emotional and academic progress of the children in your school. You may already have some knowledge or you may be coming as a complete novice. Either and anything in between is fine. Numbers are limited to keep the group small for the benefit of more enriched learning. On this practice day you will; • Take a deep learning dive into the nervous system and how this applies to you, your setting and the progress of your learners. • Learn practical skills and strategies to support yourself and others. • Have opportunities to discuss children you are working with through small group supervision sessions • Benefit from a day of immersion into the topic with two highly qualified and experienced practitioners.

Trauma Informed Practice Day for Speech and Language Therapists
Delivered In-Person in Hebden Bridge Full day, Sept 20th, 08:15

Dealing with Conflict

By Human Givens College

The psychological insights and skills you need Knowing how to resolve conflict constructively is an essential life skill – improving personal and professional relationships, mental health, productivity and more… -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Accredited CPD Certificate : 6 hours * Length 1 day (9.30am - 4.00pm) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Counts towards the Diploma – from 2024, this course will be a requirement of Part 1 of the HG Diploma. > A fantastic approach that helps you unpack the issues, respond positively and > find an effective solution that moves everyone forward... THIS COURSE WILL: * deepen your understanding of why conflicts develop and escalate, the psychological factors involved and the cultural and contextual influences on our perceptions, experience and responses to conflict * build your confidence and comfort around being in situations that involve conflict * give you a range of skills and techniques that you can use with both individuals and groups, in therapy or the workplace – or with your friends and family – to resolve conflict constructively It will also enable you to: * help clients recognise conflict and understand their own responses to it * help clients develop the skills to engage with conflict productively, so they are more likely to reach positive outcomes * provide clients with a framework and structure for addressing conflict in a healthy way * help clients become less fearful of conflict, so they don’t avoid it in ways that are unhelpful and to recognise the role of conflict in healthy relationships * provide psychoeducation, explaining how barriers to needs can cause conflict and how this can be different in different cultural contexts The course is interactive and experiential, with a focus on developing practical and transferable conflict resolution skills. It combines trainer input, discussion, small group activities and role-play to build your confidence when helping to resolve conflict at all levels, whether one-to-one or in organisations. WHY TAKE THIS COURSE Conflict isn’t always destructive. Properly handled it can be creative and productive, leading to better outcomes and possibilities for all. Although conflict is a normal, ever-present possibility in our lives – between family, friends, colleagues, neighbours, and in our interactions with organisations – when it  becomes entrenched it can cause immense individual distress, and waste time and money. Addressing interpersonal conflict using the psychological insights, concepts and proven techniques you will learn on the day, helps us to solve problems creatively and improve the health and wellbeing of those involved. To lead a healthy life we don’t need to avoid all conflict, but we do need to know how to approach it in ways which can help everyone involved meet their emotional needs, a win/win for all. Learning the human givens approach to conflict resolution helps to reduce the potential damaging consequences of destructive conflict and embrace the benefits of constructive conflict. Throughout the day, Rupinder will draw on her own considerable practical experience of successful conflict resolution and mediation in a wide range of settings as she provides expert guidance and training in the psychological insights and skills you need to be able to constructively resolve conflict between individuals and/or groups. > Addressing conflict in the right way helps us solve problems and improves the > health and wellbeing of everyone involved... WHAT THE COURSE COVERS * The common causes of interpersonal conflict * The negative impacts and potential benefits in conflict situations * How to consider intentions and outcomes when engaging in conflict * The different methods used to influence the outcome of conflict, and how the method influences the outcome * What a resolution really is * The cultural and contextual influences on perceptions, experience, and responses to conflict * The role our innate needs and resources play in conflict situations * Identifying our influence on the process of conflict * Effective skills to engage people who are in conflict * A practical, sequenced model for effective mediation and conflict resolution * An effective framework for facilitating constructive conversations * How to structure a session/s to: facilitate resolution, increase engagement, understanding and define the needs of all parties * Effective skills to facilitate negotiations * Techniques and diffusing strategies to reduce potential barriers * How to access resources to build agreements that last * The effective skills needed to facilitate negotiations * How to implement opportunities in organisations to address conflict effectively * Ways to develop your leadership ability to respond to conflict and/or support others who are enduring it * How to use this to support the process of resolution by improving how individuals relate to one another and addressing the contentious issues constructively * And much more [https://www.humangivens.com/college/conflict-resolution-training/#programme]… -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COURSE PROGRAMME The ‘Conflict Resolution’ course starts at 9.30am and runs until 4.00pm. * From 8.30am Registration (Tea and coffee served until 9.25am) * 9.30am Approaches to conflict * 11.00am Discussion over tea/coffee * 11.30am Understanding Causes and Impact * 1.00pm Lunch (included) * 1.45pm Increasing engagement * 3.00pm Discussion over tea/coffee * 3.15pm Reaching Resolution * 4.00pm Day ends -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHO IS THIS COURSE SUITABLE FOR? * This course is for anyone wishing to understand more about the different ways conflict can affect us, or to feel more confident in a facilitation or leadership role when helping conflicted people * It is also very relevant to anyone working in a supportive role – such as counsellors, psychotherapists, managers, HR staff, life coaches, Mindset Coaches, social workers etc. – as well as employees, customer service personnel and anyone working in schools and education. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This course has been independently accredited by the internationally recognised CPD Standards Office for 6 hours of CPD training. On completion of this training you’ll receive CPD certificates from the College and the CPD Standards Office.

Dealing with Conflict
Delivered In-Person in Leeds + 1 more locations6 hours 30 minutes, Sept 16th, 08:30

How to Control Chronic Anxiety

By Human Givens College

– the practical skills you need High levels of anxiety can be very debilitating – this workshop gives you important insights and a wide range of proven techniques to help reduce long-term anxiety, panic attacks, GAD and much more… -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Accredited CPD Certificate : 6 hours * Length 1 day (9.30am - 4.00pm) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Jo is incredibly adept at teaching this important subject, backed up with > evidence and so many useful techniques. Thank you > > CATHERINE, FAMILY SUPPORT WORKER WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Tried and tested psychological techniques for dealing with over-anxiety * Why it’s important to distinguish between two fundamental kinds of anxiety – and methods for dealing with both * How to recognise panic attacks and deal with them effectively * The genetic factors that make some people more vulnerable to anxiety * Ways to change a poor sleep pattern caused by anxiety * New perspectives on what drives anxiety – including when its basis lies in trauma * Why some people may dissociate (appear to ‘tune out’ or not be present) when very stressed, and what to do about it * The three different components of anxiety – and why anxiety can get out of control * How anxiety affects the body – and how the body affects anxiety * Why people become hypervigilant – and how this can be reduced * How to separate a person from their anxiety * Five effective methods for bringing down physiological arousal very quickly – and safely * Why social anxiety occurs and how to handle it * Tips for reducing anxiety in those with additional conditions, such as autistic spectrum disorder, ADHD, bipolar and borderline personality disorder * What happens in the brain when we become anxious – insights from neuroscience * How guided imagery speeds up treatment for high anxiety plus special tips for using it with clients suffering from over-anxiety * How stories can complement therapy for anxiety * A range of new skills and techniques for reducing severe anxiety, with plenty of opportunity to practise them yourself on the day     > Very useful - lots of practical new anxiety management techniques > > COUNSELLOR WHY TAKE THIS COURSE https://directory.cpdstandards.com/providers/human-givens-college/ More and more people’s lives are being blighted by anxiety, causing distress to all involved. The anxiety may have initially been focused on realistic, understandable concerns – such as financial difficulties, health, job insecurity or unemployment, relationship problems (particularly complex in blended families) or fears about the future in an increasingly uncertain world – but has spiralled out of control. Or it may have no clear cause and manifests as an ever-present feeling of being ‘wired’, tense or vulnerable, very often accompanied by out-of-control thoughts. The person may be hypervigilant, unable to relax and highly miserable. Left unaddressed, chronic anxiety can also badly affect sleep and physical, as well as mental, health. The good news is there’s much that we can do to reduce this suffering. This highly practical course focuses on giving you the key information and practical skills you need to lower anxiety levels and help people manage their own anxiety better. It concentrates on generalised anxiety (including generalised anxiety disorder – GAD), social anxiety and panic attacks, but also addresses how to handle anxiety that is a feature of conditions such as autistic spectrum disorder, ADHD and bipolar and borderline personality disorder. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOOD TO KNOW This day complements the Online Course: ‘Understanding anxiety – and managing it without drugs’ Trauma, phobias and obsessive compulsive disorders are dealt with on separate practical skills training days (see “The Rewind Technique – Effective treatment for trauma (PTSD) and phobias” and “Obsessive compulsive disorder – understanding OCD and how best to treat it.”) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COURSE PROGRAMME The ‘How to Control Chronic Anxiety’ course starts at 9.30am and runs until 4.00pm. * From 8.30am Registration (Tea and coffee served until 9.25am) * 9.30am Understanding the causes, indications and impacts of chronic anxiety * 11.00am Discussion over tea/coffee * 11.30am Approaches to help overcome difficulties with anxiety * 1.00pm Lunch (included) * 1.45pm Anxiety and associated conditions * 3.00pm Discussion over tea/coffee * 3.15pm Using guided imagery and mental rehearsal * 4.00pm Day ends -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHO IS THIS COURSE SUITABLE FOR? Anyone who works with or treats people who may be highly anxious – such as psychotherapists, counsellors, health and social care professionals, educators and individuals working in a variety of capacities in any number of organisations. The course will also provide valuable understanding and practical help for anyone struggling to deal with their own chronic anxiety or for those in relationships or families affected by chronic anxiety.* The day offers the chance to gain life skills of benefit to everyone. * Please Note:  This course is not a substitute for individual therapy but there are lots of techniques that anyone suffering from anxiety can take away and use themselves. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://directory.cpdstandards.com/providers/human-givens-college/ This course has been independently accredited by the internationally recognised CPD Standards Office for 6 hours of CPD training. On completion of this training you’ll receive CPD certificates from the College and the CPD Standards Office.

How to Control Chronic Anxiety
Delivered In-Person in Leeds + 2 more locations6 hours 30 minutes, Sept 17th, 08:30 + 1 more

How to lift depression

By Human Givens College

– the practical skills you need Discover how to combine key new insights into the causes and symptoms of depression with a range of powerful psychological techniques to make treatment easier and more consistently effective … -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Accredited CPD Certificate : 6 hours * Length 1 day (9.30am - 4.00pm) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Practical, inspiring and full of hope > > DR GINA JOHNSON, GP WHY TAKE THIS COURSE Until recently depression was little understood but key new insights into its causes and symptoms have made treatment easier and more consistently effective. On this day you will learn how combining these insights with a wide range of different psychological techniques enables the majority of cases to be lifted surprisingly quickly … even severe ones. Although antidepressants can play a role in reducing symptoms, they can also be dangerous and prove hard to withdraw from – research shows that appropriate counselling is more effective at lifting even the most severe depression, with a much lower rate of relapse.  The approach you will learn on this workshop is in this category and is proving very effective – 10,000s of people have already been successfully helped with the knowledge and skills you will learn on the day. > I feel much more confident in my understanding of the process of depression > and how to target it with helpful interventions > > DANIEL COOPER WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * New insights into why depressed people wake up tired and unmotivated, and what to do about it * Information about the links between inflammation and depression * Clear, practical steps for lifting even severe depression * Demonstrations of the skills that quickly break the cycle of depression, move people on and prevent relapse * A profound understanding of why these work and are a big improvement on drug therapy * Practice sessions in using these proven skills and techniques yourself * What to do if you suspect someone may be feeling suicidal * How to establish what’s not working in a person’s life and why, using a case history * Techniques for tackling rigid thinking, negative expectancy and the pessimistic rumination that causes depression * How to work with your clients to find effective ways they can get their innate emotional needs met well and in balance * A range of additional useful tips and strategies that you can easily incorporate into your work * The opportunity to watch a film of master therapist Joe Griffin working quickly and successfully with a highly depressed patient * You will also have plenty of time to ask questions of the tutor, who is also a practising therapist herself… > Everyone, not just the caring professions, should do this day. > > GENERAL PRACTITIONER    WHO IS THIS COURSE SUITABLE FOR? * If your life is affected by depression in any way – perhaps the staff or students you are responsible for at work present with depression, or a friend or family member is depressed – you will benefit from attending * Anyone who, for whatever reason (personal or professional), would like to better understand the causes of depression and be able to offer practical help to people who are depressed * If you would like to know how best to prevent relapses and help clients build long-lasting resilience against future setbacks, this workshop is for you * Anyone concerned about the side effects of drug treatments for depression, who would like to know about the easy-to-learn psychotherapeutic techniques that can lift depression quickly, will benefit from attending * It is essential training for counsellors, psychotherapists, social workers, occupational therapists, HR professionals and all other health and welfare professionals – since depression is now so common, it is crucial to understand it and know how to treat it quickly and effectively. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOOD TO KNOW This workshop complements our online course: How to break the cycle of depression. Guided imagery and visualisation and Therapeutic Language are useful skills to have for implementing the strategies taught on this workshop.    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COURSE PROGRAMME * From 8.30am * Registration (Tea and coffee served until 9.25am) * 9.30am Understanding depression and what you can do about it * 11.00am Discussion over tea/coffee * 11.30am Exploring how to work with depression * 1.00pm Lunch (included) * 1.45pm Practice in using the HG approach * 2.45pm Discussion over tea/coffee * 3.00pm Guided imagery for depression * 4.00pm Day ends -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This course has been independently accredited by the internationally recognised CPD Standards Office for 6 hours of CPD training. On completion of this training you’ll receive CPD certificates from the College and the CPD Standards Office.

How to lift depression
Delivered In-Person in Leeds + 2 more locations6 hours 30 minutes, Sept 18th, 08:30 + 1 more



By Nia Williams Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

* Assessing past relationships * V.i.p treatment * Helping you get dates * Coaching and guidance * Assess problem areas * Personal trainer * Makeover * Celebrity Dentist * Help to find ideal matches * Sessions 45 mins 3 times a week * 2 months package * Dating advice for singles https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/i-want-to-get-married-but-i-cant-find-someone/ [https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/i-want-to-get-married-but-i-cant-find-someone/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London & 2 more



By Nia Williams Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

* Better relationships intensive training programme * One on one dating coaching * Better relationships programme and Relationship assessment overview * 5 Day Holiday in mystery 5 star location (Clear mind and relaxation) * 2 day therapy in 5 star Luxury London hotel * Luxury spa retreat and treatment by celebrity facialist * World famous celebrity dentist teeth whitening treatment * Free M.D.D Membership for 1 year Assess your love life and enjoy a vacation and bespoke luxury package created by your M.D.D date coach to tailor to your specific needs and problem areas enjoy a first-class experience and let the M.D.D help you embrace a new and bright future and assist you with a beautiful transition to the love life you desire and a happier, confident, enriched mind.Let all your strengths and abilities be harnessed to propel you to great success with this intensive package Price on application https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/m-d-d-premier-vip-coaching-package/ [https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/m-d-d-premier-vip-coaching-package/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London & 2 more

How to identify and mitigate procurement fraud and corruption - IN PERSON

By Global Risk Alliance Ltd

Our training programme will provide those involved at any stage of the process for procuring goods and/or services within their organisations with the knowledge and skillset to identify and mitigate the threat posed by the breadth and multi-layered complexity of procurement fraud and corruption.

How to identify and mitigate procurement fraud and corruption - IN PERSON
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Internationally
£5000 to £7000