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2481 Courses in Birmingham

Managing Successful Programmes 5th Edition Foundation: In-House

By IIL Europe Ltd

MANAGING SUCCESSFUL PROGRAMMES (MSP®) 5TH EDITION FOUNDATION: IN-HOUSE TRAINING Managing Successful Programmes (MSP®) is a globally-recognized framework for best practice programme management. MSP certification provides guidance for programme managers, business change managers and the next step for project managers to develop their knowledge and skills to be able to positively respond to the challenges for managing programmes and larger, more strategic or multiple projects. MSP 5th edition emphasizes flexibility, adaptability, and responsiveness by adopting an incremental approach to the programme lifecycle and thus enabling organizational agility. AXELOS offers two levels of MSP Examination: MSP Foundation and MSP Practitioner. The MSP Foundation Examination is intended to assess whether the candidate can demonstrate sufficient recall and understanding of the MSP programme management framework. The MSP Foundation qualification is a prerequisite for the MSP Practitioner Examination, which assesses the ability to apply understanding of the MSP programme management framework in context. The MSP® 5th Edition Foundation course is a training based on the exam specification for MSP Foundation certification and is aligned with the Managing Successful Programmes (5th Edition) guide from AXELOS. WHAT YOU WILL LEARN At the end of this course, participants will be able to: * Understand key concepts relating to programmes and MSP * Understand how the MSP principles underpin the MSP framework * Understand the MSP themes and how they are applied throughout the programme * Understand the MSP processes and how they are carried out throughout the programme KEY CONCEPTS OF MSP * Programmes * Three Lenses of MSP * Principles * Themes and Governance ORGANIZATION * Organization Theme * Organization Structure * Individual Roles * Stakeholder Management DESIGN * Design Theme * Benefits * Risk Identification and Prioritization * Target Operating Model * Documents and Key Roles JUSTIFICATION * Justification Theme * Business Case * Financial Planning * Documents and Key Roles STRUCTURE * Structure Theme * Delivery Planning * Dependencies * Benefits Realization Plan * Resourcing * Documents and Key Roles KNOWLEDGE * Knowledge Theme * Knowledge Management * Information Management * Document and Key Roles ASSURANCE * Assurance Theme * Assurance at Multiple Levels * Assurance Planning * Document and Key Roles DECISIONS * Decisions Theme * Issue Resolution * Risk Response * Data Gathering and Reporting * Options and Analysis * Document and Key Roles MSP PROCESSES * Identify the Programme    * Design the Outcomes * Plan Progressive Delivery * Deliver the Capabilities * Embed the Outcomes * Evaluate New Information * Close the Programme

Managing Successful Programmes 5th Edition Foundation: In-House
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London

RESILIA Foundation: In-House Training

By IIL Europe Ltd

RESILIA™ FOUNDATION: IN-HOUSE TRAINING AXELOS RESILIA™: Cyber Resilience Best Practice is designed to help commercial and government organizations around the world prevent, detect, and correct any impact cyber attacks will have on the information required to do business. Adding RESILIA to the existing AXELOS global best practice portfolio, including ITIL® and PRINCE2®, brings a common cyber resilience best practice for security, IT service management, and business. Active cyber resilience is achieved through people, process, and technology. The RESILIA™ Foundation course starts with the purpose, key terms, the distinction between resilience and security, and the benefits of implementing cyber resilience. It introduces risk management and the key activities needed to address risks and opportunities. Further, it explains the relevance of common management standards and best practice frameworks to achieve cyber resilience. Subsequently, it identifies the cyber resilience processes, the associated control objectives, interactions, and activities that should be aligned with corresponding ITSM activities. In the final part of the course, it describes the segregation of duties and dual controls related to cyber resilience roles and responsibilities. WHAT YOU WILL LEARN At the end of this course, you will be able to: * Demonstrate your knowledge of the purpose, benefits, and key terms of cyber resilience * Demonstrate your knowledge of the risk management and the key activities needed to address risks and opportunities * Demonstrate your knowledge of the purpose of a management system and how best practices and standards can contribute * Demonstrate your knowledge of the cyber resilience strategy, the associated control objectives, and their interactions with ITSM activities * Demonstrate your knowledge of cyber resilience design, the associated control objectives, and their interactions with ITSM activities * Demonstrate your knowledge of cyber resilience transition, the associated control objectives, and their interactions with ITSM activities * Demonstrate your knowledge of cyber resilience operation, the associated control objectives, and their interactions with ITSM activities * Demonstrate your knowledge of cyber resilience continual improvement, the associated control objectives, and their interactions with ITSM activities * Demonstrate your knowledge of the purpose and benefits of segregation of duties and dual controls COURSE INTRODUCTION * Course Learning Objectives * Course Agenda * Activities * Course Book Structure * RESILIA Certification INTRODUCTION TO CYBER RESILIENCE * What is Cyber Resilience? * Defining Cyber Resilience * Balancing in Cyber Resilience * Characteristics of Cyber Resilience RISK MANAGEMENT * Understanding Risk Management: Discussion * Defining Risk Management * Addressing Risks and Opportunities MANAGING CYBER RESILIENCE * Why and What of Management Systems? * Management Systems * Common Management Standards and Frameworks CYBER RESILIENCE STRATEGY * What is Strategy? * Cyber Resilience Strategy and Activities * Security Controls at Cyber Resilience Strategy * Interaction Between ITSM Processes and Cyber Resilience CYBER RESILIENCE DESIGN * Why Cyber Resilience Design? * Cyber Resilience Design Activities * Security Controls at Cyber Resilience Design * Aligning ITSM Processes with Cyber Resilience Processes CYBER RESILIENCE TRANSITION * Why Cyber Resilience Transition? * Basics of Cyber Resilience Transition * Cyber Resilience Transition: Controls * Interaction Between ITSM Processes and Cyber Resilience CYBER RESILIENCE OPERATION * The Purpose of Cyber Resilience Operation * Security Controls in Cyber Resilience Operation * Interaction Between IT Processes and Cyber Resilience * Interaction Between ITSM Functions and Cyber Resilience CYBER RESILIENCE CONTINUAL IMPROVEMENT * Continual or Continuous Improvement * Maturity Models * Continual Improvement Controls * The Seven-Step Improvement Process * The ITIL CSI Approach CYBER RESILIENCE ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES * Segregating Duties * Dual Controls

RESILIA Foundation: In-House Training
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London

Management of Portfolios (MoP) Foundation: In-House Training

By IIL Europe Ltd

MANAGEMENT OF PORTFOLIOS (MOP®) FOUNDATION: IN-HOUSE TRAINING In this MoP® Foundation course, participants will acquire the sufficient knowledge and understanding of the principles, cycles, practices, techniques, roles, responsibilities, documents, and organizational context within which portfolio management operates. MoP helps organizations ensure if the investments are done in the right change initiatives and implementing them correctly. This is achieved by: * Prioritizing the programs and projects in terms of their contribution to the organization's strategic objectives and overall level of risk * Managing the programs and projects consistently to ensure efficient and effective delivery * Maximizing the benefit by providing the greatest return from the investment made WHAT YOU WILL LEARN Individuals certified at the MoP Foundation level will be able to: * Define the scope and objectives of portfolio management and how it differs from program and project management * List the benefits of applying portfolio management * Explain the context it operates in * List the principles upon which successful portfolio management is based on * List the different approaches to implement MoP * List the factors required to maintain the progress and assess the success of portfolio management * State the purpose and key content of the major portfolio documents * Define the scope of key portfolio management roles Introduction: MoP Scenario Background of the Methodology THE MOP PRINCIPLES * Senior Management Commitment * Governance Alignment * Strategy Alignment * Portfolio Office * Energized Change Culture The MoP Definition Cycle Roles and Responsibilities THE MOP DELIVERY CYCLE * Management control * Benefits management * Financial management * Risk management * Stakeholder engagement * Organizational governance * Resource management The MoP Framework Recap

Management of Portfolios (MoP) Foundation: In-House Training
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London

Wireshark 101 for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

WIRESHARK 101 TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION Wireshark is a free network protocol analyser. This hands-on course focuses on troubleshooting networks using the Wireshark protocol analyser. The course concentrates on the product and students will gain from the most from this course only if they already have a sound knowledge of the TCP/IP protocols WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Download and install Wireshark. * Capture and analyse packets with Wireshark. * Configure capture and display filters. * Customise Wireshark. * Troubleshoot networks using Wireshark. WIRESHARK 101 TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Technical staff looking after networks. * Prerequisites: TCP/IP Foundation for engineers * Duration 2 days WIRESHARK 101 TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * What is Wireshark? Protocol analysers, Wireshark features, versions, troubleshooting techniques with Wireshark. * Installing Wireshark Downloading Wireshark, UNIX issues, Microsoft issues, the role of winpcap, promiscuous mode, installing Wireshark. Wireshark documentation and help. Hands on Downloading and installing Wireshark. * Capturing traffic Starting and stopping basic packet captures, the packet list pane, packet details pane, packet bytes pane, interfaces, using Wireshark in a switched architecture. Hands on Capturing packets with Wireshark. * Troubleshooting networks with Wireshark Common packet flows. Hands on Analysing a variety of problems with Wireshark. * Capture filters Capture filter expressions, capture filter examples (host, port, network, protocol), primitives, combining primitives, payload matching. Hands on Configuring capture filters. * Working with captured packets Live packet capture, saving to a file, capture file formats, reading capture files from other analysers, merging capture files, finding packets, going to a specific packet, display filters, display filter expressions. Hands on Saving captured data, configuring display filters. * Analysis and statistics with Wireshark Enabling/disabling protocols, user specified decodes, following TCP streams, protocol statistics, conversation lists, endpoint lists, I/O graphs, protocol specific statistics. Hands on Using the analysis and statistics menus. * Command line tools Tshark, capinfos, editcap, mergecap, text2pcap, idl2eth. Hands on Using tshark. * Advanced issues 802.11 issues, management frames, monitor mode, packet reassembling, name resolution, customising Wireshark. Hands on Customising name resolution.

Wireshark 101 for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Advanced Kibana


By Systems & Network Training

ADVANCED KIBANA TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This training course is aimed at users who already have some experience with Kibana, who are looking to further their knowledge. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Lens * Timelion * Maps * Custom Visualisations with Vega * Canvas * Filters and Controls * Drilldown and Dashboards * KQSL and ElasticQueries * Scripted and RunTime Fields * Alerts and Alarms ADVANCED KIBANA TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Users who already have some experience with Kibana, who are looking to further their knowledge. * Prerequisites: None * Duration 1 day ADVANCED KIBANA TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS Topics * Lens Visualisation types (tables,bars,charts) Category breakdown Adding multiple metrics Using formulas in metrics Labels Adding reference layer Limitations * Visualise Library Timeseries, Metrics Different types of aggregations * Maps GeoMapping Heat Maps Using ES index as data source Visualisation, tool tips * Custom Visualisations with Vega Introduction to vega scripting * Canvas Widgets and Texts Elasticsearch SQL Canvas Expressions * Filters and Controls Dropdown filters Ad-hoc filters Searchbar filters * Drilldown Dashboards Linking one dashboard to another * KQSL and ElasticQueries Bool Query AND/OR Phrase Part match vs keyword search Wildcard search * Scripted and RunTime Fields Creating ad-hoc calculated fields using scripts Performance issues * Alerts and Alarms Query Based Formatting output Connector types(email,index,teams etc)

Advanced Kibana
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Essential Cloud Technologies


By Systems & Network Training

CLOUD TECHNOLOGIES TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This course provides an introduction to cloud technologies, including, configuration and deployment, security, maintenance, and management. It covers all aspects of cloud computing infrastructure. It will help you to master the fundamental concepts, terminology, and characteristics of cloud computing. . WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Contrast and compare AWS, GCP and Azure. * Explain the different cloud services, models and characteristics. * Explain cloud virtualization components and options. * Explain cloud security options. * Describe cloud automation, orchestration, monitoring and performance options. CLOUD TECHNOLOGIES TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone working with or looking to work with cloud technologies. * Prerequisites: None. * Duration 2 days CLOUD TECHNOLOGIES TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * What is the cloud? The Internet Cloud computing Benefits Disadvantages * Cloud services IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, others. * Cloud service providers AWS, GCP Microsoft Azure, others * Cloud architectures Private, public, hybrid others Cloud based delivery * The cloud and virtualization Virtual Machines, networks, storage, deployment. * Accessing the Virtual Machine * Secure cloud environments Security considerations. Data privacy considerations * Automation and orchestration * Monitoring and performance Performance Cost issues Cost containment

Essential Cloud Technologies
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Essential DWDM


By Systems & Network Training

DWDM TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A concise overview of Wave Division Multiplexing (WDM) with both Coarse Wave Division Multiplexing (CWDM) and Dense Wave Division Multiplexing (DWDM) being covered. The course starts with a review of the relevant elements of fibre transmission and multiplexing before then studying WDM components and architectures. Reliability, resilience and management are then followed by WDM services and futures. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Explain the benefits of WDM. * Describe Dispersion and four way mixing. * Describe the different WDM equipment components. * Describe different WDM architectures. * Explain How DWDM works. DWDM TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone working with CWDM/DWDM. * Prerequisites: Telecommunications Introduction * Duration 2 days DWDM TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Fibre communications review Optical transmission, Fibre characteristics, Fibre component parts. Multi Mode Fibre (MMF). Single Mode Fibre (SMF). Fibre connections. Lasers. Attenuations, dispersion, optical signal noise ratios (OSNR) and their effects. Channel Spacing and Signal Direction. Limiting factors to single wavelength. * WDM overview Multiplexing, TDM, WDM benefits. WDM standards. CWDM vs. DWDM. Four Wave Mixing (FWM). Impact and countermeasures to FWM on WDM. * CWDM ITU G.694.2, channels, channel spacing. * DWDM ITU G.694.1, channels, channel spacing. * WDM Equipment Components Equipment components and building blocks. Optical Terminal Multiplexers (OTM). Optical Add/Drop Multiplexers (OADM). Adding versus dropping. Optical Amplifiers. Erbium Doped Fibre Amplifiers (EDFA). Transponders and Combiners. WDM/DWDM Hubs. Optical and Electrical Cross Connects (OXCs/DXCs). Types of Cross Connects (Transparent/Opaque). Advantages and disadvantages of various Optical cross connects. * WDM Architectures WDM network sections. Point-to-Point, Optical switches, mesh, ring and star topology. Example of combined WDM and other technology network. Wavelength converting transponders, 1R, 2R, 3R. * Protection for WDM Sub 50ms failover. Equipment protection. Card protection. Y cable, Splitter protection. Far end laser control. Line protection. OMSP 1+1, OMSP 1:1, OMSP 1: N. Self healing optical ring. Sub Network Connection Protection (SNCP). Automatically Switched Optical Networks (ASON). * WDM Management Options In band management. Out of band management. The Optical Supervisory Channel (OSC). OSC capabilities. * WDM services WDM Access. Bit rates, Transparent Networks. Modulation, DQPSK. SDH over WDM. Migrating from SDH to DWDM. Ethernet over WDM, IP over WDM. * Optical Transport Networks G.709, 'digital wrapper', Optical Channel Payload Unit (OPU), Optical Channel Transport Unit ( OTU), Optical Channel Data Unit (ODU). OTU1, OTU2, OTU3, OTU4. * WDM Futures All optical amplification, Raman amplification, distributed, lumped. Bit rates. Solitons. Coherent technologies.

Essential DWDM
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Concise Cisco switching


By Systems & Network Training

CONCISE CISCO SWITCHES COURSE DESCRIPTION A hands on course covering the product specifics of Cisco switches. Installation, configuration, maintenance and troubleshooting are all covered in a practical oriented way. VLANs often take up a large part of the course. The course covers all interfaces but concentrates on using the command line interface. Delegates are, however, free to use the web based interface in all exercises. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Install Cisco switches. * Use the command line interface and the web based interface to manage Cisco switches. * Configure and troubleshoot Cisco switches. * Perform software upgrades and maintain configurations using TFTP. CONCISE CISCO SWITCHES COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone working with Cisco switches. Particularly aimed at engineers and technicians supporting Cisco switches. * Prerequisites: None. * Duration 2 days CONCISE CISCO SWITCHES COURSE CONTENT * Ethernet review Single segment Ethernet, CSMA/CD, Broadcast domains, collision domains. Hubs, Extending the LAN. Hands on Hub based Ethernet. * Cisco switches What are switches, frame forwarding and filtering, the forwarding database. Hands on Switched based Ethernet. * Configuring Cisco switches Accessing the switch, installing the switch, The CLI, connecting PCs using the switch. Hands on Configuring Cisco switches. * The command line interface User and privilege modes, online help, show, basic troubleshooting. The configuration editor, Global, major and sub commands, enable, secret and other passwords. Hands on Simple troubleshooting using the CLI. * Port configuration Speed, duplex, security, trunking. Hands on Port trunking. * Spanning Tree Protocol Spanning Tree, Loops, effect, root bridges, bridge port states, STP reconfiguration. RSTP and variants. Hands on STP. * VLANS What are VLANs, configuring VLANs, access ports and trunks, 802.1Q, inter VLAN routing. Hands on Access ports, trunks, layer 3 switching. * Housekeeping Configuration management, software management, password recovery. Hands on TFTP. * Managing interconnection devices SNMP, RMON, RMON II. * Troubleshooting LEDs, CDP, logging, Layer 1, layer 2, layer 3. Hands on Fixing things.

Concise Cisco switching
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Mobile communications demystified


By Systems & Network Training

MOBILE COMMS TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A complete overview of mobile communications covering all the major technologies in a 2-day format. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * GSM * GPRS * UMTS * LTE * Alternative mobile strategies MOBILE COMMS TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone involved in mobile communications. * Prerequisites: None. * Duration 2 days MOBILE COMMS TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Introduction Telephony, RF, mobile and wireless technologies, distances, mobile phone generations, base stations, cells, frequencies, cell types, MSC, handoffs, channels, internetworking, the Internet, wireless Internet access. UK operators, worldwide operators. * GSM What is it? Timeline, digitising voice, channels, GSM architecture, Abis, A, Um, MS, BTS, BSC, MSC, HLR, VLR, EIR, AuC. Radio link aspects, GSM signalling overview, signalling protocols, roaming, GSM call flows, authentication. IMEI. SIM cards. * GPRS What it is, 2G to 3G, GPRS user features, GPRS network features, GPRS elements, GPRS architecture, overlay, SGSN, GGSN, GPRS ATTACH, GPRS protocol stack, GPRS timeslots, EDGE, GPRS classes, GPRS routing, GPRS packet format. * UMTS and 3G What is 3G? IMT-2000, 3G proposals, what is UMTS? Speed comparison, evolution to 3G, CDMA, CDMA 2000, W-CDMA, UMTS components, UMTS infrastructure, RNC, Node B, network architecture, packet switched attach, mobility in 3G, HSDPA. * LTE and 4G LTE architecture and principles, Physical layer, Air interface, E-UTRAN, Evolved packet core, service provision. * Other wireless solutions Integration of services, Bluetooth, Blackberry, VoIP, Mobile IP, 802.11, WiFi, 802.16, WiMax, What is 5G?

Mobile communications demystified
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

HP ProCurve switches for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

HP PROCURVE TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A hands on course covering the product specifics of HP switches. Installation, configuration, maintenance and troubleshooting are all covered in a practical oriented way. VLANs often take up a large part of the course. The course covers all interfaces but concentrates on using the command line interface. Delegates are, however, free to use the web based interface in all exercises. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Install HP ProCurve switches. * Use the command line interface and the web based interface to manage HP ProCurve switches. * Configure and troubleshoot HP ProCurve switches. * Perform software upgrades and maintain configurations using TFTP. HP PROCURVE TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone working with HP switches. Particularly aimed at engineers and technicians supporting HP switches. * Prerequisites: None. * Duration 2 days HP PROCURVE TRAINING COURSE CONTENT * Introduction Traditional Ethernet, Hubs, Frames, MAC addresses. Hands on Building a network with a hub * What is a switch? Switches versus hubs, the MAC address table, handling unknown addresses. Hands on Building a network with HP switches. * Configuration methods How to configure a HP switch using: Console port access menus, CLI, telnet, web based access. Hands on Console access, show commands, using the menus, IP address configuration, telnet. * Command Line Interface Operator mode, Manager mode, configuration mode, passwords, online help, CLI commands, basic troubleshooting. Hands on More show commands, basic troubleshooting, setting a password, displaying status and counters. * Web based interface Web access, basic format, Getting started. SSL. Hands on Web based configuration. * Port configuration Common port configuration tasks, port security, port aggregation. Hands on Configuring ports. Trunking and failover. * STP configuration Broadcast storms. What is STP? RSTP. Configuring STP. Hands on Enabling and disabling STP, investigation failover. * VLAN configuration What are VLANS? 802.1Q, tagged/untagged, creating VLANS, applying VLANS. Addressing and VLANs, Layer 3 switches and VLANs. Hands on Setting up VLANS, setting up tagged ports, Inter VLAN traffic. * Housekeeping TFTP, software upgrades, downloading configurations. Hands on Software upgrade, downloading a configuration. * SNMP SNMP configuration, HP OpenView. Hands on Using SNMP to manage a HP ProCurve switch. * Basic troubleshooting Putting it all together. Layer 1 troubleshooting, Layer 2 troubleshooting. * Miscellaneous exercises CDP. Logging

HP ProCurve switches for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally