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60272 Courses

Why Identity Matters

By Enspark

There is perhaps more identity-related conflict than ever before, and it is becoming increasingly more public. These conflicts can create polarization in all areas of life, including the workplace, where it can lead to harmful consequences for an entire organization. And yet, instituting change on an organizational level is sometimes a challenge. This video is a great resource for helping team members understand the importance of cultural awareness and respecting the identity of others. It is a great compliment to any D&I training. Length: 2:48 LEARNING OBJECTIVES Analyze and identify various identity dimensions, including age, geography, gender, race, religion, social class, nationality, sexual identity, worldviews, ideologies, belief systems, core values, and narratives.;Recognize the multifaceted nature of identity-based conflicts and their impact on society, including incivility, inequality, and polarization.;Develop a heightened level of identity intelligence, enabling more self-awareness, strategic thinking, and confidence in interpersonal and professional interactions.;Explore the evolving rules and boundaries of identity-related discussions and conflicts in contemporary society.

Why Identity Matters
Delivered Online On Demand

Rules for Discussing Politics at Work

By Enspark

It is no secret that political views are leading to our society being more divisive than ever. Unfortunately, this can bleed into the workplace and create conflicts between co-workers faster than ever before. Yet it is so natural to have conversations about this ever-present topic with the people around us, and often, that means our co-workers. There are five guidelines to keep in mind before opening up a discussion around politics at work. This video outlines each one, along with tips on keeping things professional even when you disagree with your colleagues. This micro-learning video is a great for any human resources department to use as part of ongoing training programs for employees on maintaining a diverse and inclusive workplace. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Demonstrate the ability to initiate political discussions at work with respect for colleagues' consent, ensuring a comfortable environment for all participants.;Apply the principle of respecting personal boundaries, recognizing and adapting to varying comfort levels when engaging in political conversations with coworkers.;Employ active listening techniques and ask insightful questions to facilitate non-personal and inclusive political discussions that avoid demonization and foster mutual understanding.

Rules for Discussing Politics at Work
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Duolingo Test Preparation-Competitive Course (7-Day Access to Duolingo Online Course)


By TEFL Wonderland - Brilliant Minds

Duolingo Test Preparation

Duolingo Test Preparation-Competitive Course (7-Day Access to Duolingo Online Course)
Delivered Online On Demand

Python Programming Tutorials For Beginners

By simplivlearning

Want to learn everything about Python, from installing to coding, with a liberal does of fun sprinkled into the learning? Then, this Python Programming Tutorials For Beginners is what you need.

Python Programming Tutorials For Beginners
Delivered Online
Dates arranged on request

New Excel Functions

By Ideas Into Action

New Excel Functions   Course Description   Ross Maynard     Description In the second half of 2020 Microsoft released a significant upgrade to the most used spreadsheet programme in the world. Microsoft Excel now offers the ability to handle dynamic arrays – functions that return a range of results that update as the source data changes. In this course, we discuss the power of dynamic arrays and introduce the new functions. The functions I am going to cover are: * RANDARRAY- creating a table of random numbers or random dates * UNIQUE – identifying the distinct items in a list * SEQUENCE – listing numbers with a set interval * SORT and SORTBY – new ways of dynamically sorting data * FILTER – building the ability to filter data into formulae * XLOOKUP – replacing VLOOKUP with greater flexibility * IFS and SWITCH making it easier to construct IF statements * The new CONCAT, and TEXTJOIN text functions   If you have an earlier version of Microsoft Excel then these functions will not be available to you and this course might not be for you. But if you do have a subscription to Office365 – either personally or through your work – I think you will find this course extremely useful.         Learning Outcomes Participants in this course will learn: * What the new dynamic arrays feature in Microsoft Excel means * How the new RANDARRAY function works  * How the new UNIQUE function works * How the new SEQUENCE function works * How the new SORT and SORTBY functions work * How the new FILTER function works * How the new XLOOKUP function can replace VLOOKUP * How to build IF statements with the new IFS function * How the new SWITCH function works * How the new TEXTJOIN function can replace CONCATENATE and CONCAT * How the new functions can be used in management reporting      Course Requirements There are no pre-course requirements.   Additional Resources Course Spreadsheet with the examples covered.       About Ross Ross Maynard is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants in the UK. He is director of Ideas2Action Process Excellence Ltd and has 30 years’ experience as a process improvement consultant and facilitator. Ross is also a professional author of online training courses for accountants. Ross lives in Scotland with his wife, daughter and Cocker Spaniel

New Excel Functions
Delivered Online On Demand

The Birth of the Industrial Revolution

By Ideas Into Action

The Birth of the Industrial Revolution in Britain 1707 to 1830   Course Description   Introduction The Industrial Revolution started in Britain in the eighteenth century. A number of factors converged to create the conditions for developments in industry and science. Agricultural improvements created a cadre of wealthy landowners with money to invest. Improved educational opportunities, particularly in Scotland, created a broader set of young people with ideas and ambition. Greater religious freedom allowed individuals of talent to develop businesses. Interest in science and technology blossomed and the birth of the coffee house culture brought people with ideas into the orbit of those with money. But it was not all rosy. The new culture of ideas and experimentation was almost entirely limited to men. A woman’s place was seen to be in the home. At the same time the slave trade flourished providing much of the wealth for investment and, shamefully, Britain was a key facilitator in this odious business – and there were few voices of dissent at the time. And the poor lived short and brutish lives of hard physical work in grim conditions with an inadequate diet and very little healthcare. In this course I am going to take you through the key milestones of the early industrial revolution – in the textile industry, in coal mining and iron production, in civil engineering; in the development of steam power and the birth of the railways.     Course Pre-Requisites There are no course pre-requisites.     What Students will Learn * The history of the industrial revolution in Britain from 1707 to 1830 * The factors that created the conditions for the industrial revolution * Developments in the textile industry in the eighteenth century * The development of steam as a source of power * The birth of steam locomotion * Developments in coal, coke and iron * Civil engineering in the eighteenth century * Scientific developments in the eighteenth century     Curriculum SS1 The Birth of the Industrial Revolution                      6 mins SS2 The Textiles Revolution                                             13 min SS3 The Birth of the Steam Engine                                  10 mins SS4 The Age of Steam Locomotion                                 14 mins SS5 Fuelling the Industrial Revolution                             10 mins SS6 The Engineering Revolution                                      6 mins SS7 The Scientific Revolution                                           18 mins SS8 Black Lives during the Industrial Revolution           5 mins SS9 The Birth of the Industrial Revolution                      2 mins SS10 The Industrial Revolution History Quiz                  19 mins   Total time: 1 hour 44 minutes     Additional Resources None     Course Tutor Your tutor is Ross Maynard. Ross is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants in the UK and has 30 years’ experience as a process improvement consultant specialising in finance processes. Ross is also a professional author of online training courses for accountants. Ross lives in Scotland with his wife, daughter and Cocker Spaniel

The Birth of the Industrial Revolution
Delivered Online On Demand

Breaking down the basics of SEO

By Let’s Do Business Group

In an era where online presence is a necessity, understanding the fundamentals of search engine optimisation (SEO) is crucial for individuals and businesses alike. Navigating this dynamic landscape, can appear overwhelming and complicated for small business owners, but Let’s Do Marketing are here to help. This 2-hour webinar breaks down the basics of SEO, providing you with the understanding of the core principles and highlights the tools available to help search engines to give you the attention you deserve!

Breaking down the basics of SEO
Delivered Online2 hours, Jan 8th, 10:00

Setting up Google My Business

By Let’s Do Business Group

Google my Business is an excellent free marketing tool that can help you get found by customers, particularly when you are targeting a local market. This tutorial will talk you through how to set up a Google My Business account and ways in which you can get the most out of your profile.

Setting up Google My Business
Delivered Online1 hour, Jan 15th, 10:00

New Puppy! Settling in & Toilet Training Tips

By Amplified Behaviour

A super short course in settling in a new puppy with success from day 1 plus how to get your pup toilet trained at super speed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Course curriculum 1 Settling in & Toilet Training! * Settling In Part 1 * Settling In Part 2 * Top 5 Settling In Tips! * Toilet Training 101

New Puppy! Settling in & Toilet Training Tips
Delivered Online On Demand

Mamas in Nature

By Choose Nature CIC

FOR NEW MUMS AND THEIR CHILDREN IMPROVE WELLBEING We offer time to discover what you and your child enjoy.  We explore mindfulness and grounding exercises for mums/carers and babies. ENJOY THE FRESH AIR A cosy campfire, campfire treats, play, crafts and walks in the woods are very much part of these sessions and make the most of being outdoors. Story telling and singing, seasonal crafts and getting hands on in the mud kitchen give your child lots of options for fun in the fresh air. BUILD CONNECTIONS Building connections with your babies and other mums is a very natural progression as you have time to relax and enjoy each others company. SUPPORTING ALL NEW MAMAS Wednesdays 11am - 1pm (term time) Mamas in nature supports new Mums and their babies. This safe, supportive space can bring everybody positivity, connection and joy.  The feed back from Mums is really positive with members feeling more relaxed, supported and calmer. Mama’s in Nature is partly funded by the National Lottery Community Fund and is only £3 per carer per session. Access to these sessions is for existing attendees  or via social prescribing. If you are interested in sessions because you  feel you or someone else may benefit from attending, please email  info@badgerforestschool.co.uk to discuss. WHAT YOU MIGHT NEED We are outside all year round so warm and waterproof clothes (for you and for baby) will help you enjoy the sessions.  We have a range of outdoor clothing, slings etc which can be borrow for the sessions at no charge, so don’t worry if you don’t have all you need.  If you have a sling or pushchair suitable for woodland walks and a change of clothes for baby, as they may get muddy and wet, bring them along. We also have use of an indoor space where needed. 

Mamas in Nature
Delivered In-Person
Dates arranged on request