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979 Courses

Resilience (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

How do you manage yourself under pressure? Are there times you get hijacked by your emotions and find it hard to deal with setbacks? How good are you at dealing with change? Resilience is all about having the ability to adapt, deal with change constructively and bounce back from adversity. While some people are naturally more resilient that others it is something that can be learnt. This session focuses on helping you respond positively to the pressures and demands of work and take specific steps in building your personal resilience. Take away: Action planner for i-resilience profile. You will have the opportunity to: * Gain insight into the relationship between work pressure, performance, wellbeing and resilience * Explore your natural strengths and how to manage what pushes you into a less resourceful state * Understand the skills and techniques that underpin the behaviours and attitudes of highly resilient people

Resilience (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Communication skills (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

Effective communication is a skill. This half-day workshop is very interactive - participants can practise their communication skills in a positive, supportive environment. 1 WELCOME, INTRODUCTIONS AND OBJECTIVES * The definition of effective communication * Exercise: sending a message 2 VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS * Effective communicators - who are they? What skills or attributes do they have? * Listening skills, clear use of words, presence, eye contact, body language 3 HOW GOOD A LISTENER ARE YOU? * Exercise: listening skills questionnaire and evaluation 4 IMPACT VERSUS INTENT - WHAT DID YOU REALLY MEAN TO SAY? * Attitudes influence behaviour and behaviour breeds behaviour * Exercise: 'I never said she stole money' * The need to avoid misunderstanding or misinterpretation 5 THE 5 KEY PRINCIPLES TO EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION * Exercise: 'What would you say?' 6 WRITTEN COMMUNICATION * What makes an effective written communication? * Kipling's 6 Honest Men: who, what, where, when, why and how * Planning to write an email 7 FUZZY MEANINGS * Probabilities for misunderstandings and misinterpretations 8 PRACTICAL EXERCISE * Hone written communication skills and put into practice hints and tips from the session 9 REVIEW OF KEY LEARNING POINTS AND OBJECTIVES

Communication skills (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Selling through service (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

In today's fast-moving competitive environment, sales are often made or lost on the strength of a telephone conversation or a brief email. This means that not only is customer service everyone's responsibility - so is sales. Customer service staff are failing the customer if they don't think about sales. And sales staff are failing customers if they don't think about service. And anyone failing a customer is failing both themselves and their employer. Too often, customer service staff feel neither capable nor empowered to recognise or capitalise upon a sales opportunity. Too often, sales people pursue the short-term opportunity at the expense of the bigger picture. The good news is - it doesn't have to be this way! Sales and customer service skills can be acquired, developed and polished just like any other skill. This tried-and-tested programme shows you how to do it. As a result of this course, participants will be able to: * Take control of a customer conversation, with confidence * Refresh and polish their customer service and sales performance * Recognise and develop a sales opportunity * Engage the customer and build rapport * Identify a customer's needs * Match the customer's needs to the organisation's products or services * Handle objections confidently * Ask for the order At the end of the workshop each participant will have developed their own action plan for developing and using their skills in the workplace. 1 INTRODUCTION * Course overview, objectives and introductions 2 SERVING OR SELLING? * Feelings and attitudes - How we can affect the outcome by our feelings and behaviour * What is selling? - Selling is helping people to buy, identifying the opportunities that exist within the conversation to develop the customer's interest in our products or services 3 DEVELOPING THE RIGHT SKILLS * Communication- The impact of body language, voice tone and words- How to make the best impression on the customer and create a 'buying environment' * Rapport-building- What makes a good working relationship?- What do customers look for when they call us?- How can we match their expectations in terms of our own interpersonal skills? * Relating to different types of people by identifying and matching their communication style on the telephone 4 MAKING IT EASY FOR THE CUSTOMER * Starting it right- Opening the conversation positively- Building rapport- How to develop interest in our products or services * Gaining and clarifying information- Questioning skills and questioning style- What do we need to know from the customer?- How can we use that information in the conversation? * Active listening- The most under-rated skill of all- Picking up on the 'Golden Moments' when a customer shows they may be interested * Presenting information confidently- Knowing the benefits of our products or services- How to tell the customer what they need to know in order to enable them to buy * Closing on a positive note- When and how to ask for commitment * Dealing with the customer's objections and concerns in a positive manner * 5 COURSE SUMMARY AND ACTION PLANS * Review of main learning points * Presentation of personal action plans

Selling through service (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Selling with NLP (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

Take your sales people from average to high performance. Motivate and develop experienced sales professionals with some new insights and learning. Applying NLP principles, techniques and models, this workshop will introduce the core attitudes and behaviours that differentiate the excellent sales person from the average one. The programme will help participants: * Understand and adopt the mindset and beliefs needed for sales excellence * Build rapport and connect with buyers at a deeper and more personal level * Recognise some of the thinking and language patterns that make each individual unique * Ask powerful questions to further understand the unique world of the individual and how they make decisions * Apply tools and techniques to empathise with clients - seeing things from their perspectives * Tailor their sales approach to the individual buyer's style, and talk in their language * Influence with integrity and sell to organisations and individuals successfully 1 INTRODUCTION * Aims and objectives of the programme * Personal introductions and objectives * Workshop overview 2 AN INTRODUCTION TO NLP AND SALES EXCELLENCE WITH NLP * An overview of NLP and applying it to selling * The pillars of NLP * The NLP model of communication * The difference that makes the difference 3 BUILDING ENHANCED RAPPORT * Defining rapport and why it is important when selling * Going beyond the initial small talk * Building relationships with individual decision-makers * Matching and mirroring * Levels of rapport 4 UNDERSTANDING THE BUYER'S PERSONAL BUYING MAP * How we take in, filter and process information * How we judge others based on our own experiences of the world * The different ways in which we communicate when selling * Recognising and understanding the language and thinking patterns of others * Adapting your sales communication style to different buyers 5 MAKING SENSE OF THE BUYING PROCESS * How we filter information through our senses * Understanding how we see, hear and experience the world * Visual, auditory and kinaesthetic buyers * Listening for key insights * What different buyers want from you to help them to buy * Applying sensory awareness to the sales process 6 SUCCESSFUL SALES MINDSET * The connection between thoughts and actions * The sales beliefs of excellence * Identifying negative thoughts and beliefs that are holding you back * How to change your mindset * Adopting the sales beliefs of excellence 7 POWERFUL QUESTIONS * Reviewing and honing your questioning skills * Understanding the questions that great sales people ask * Avoiding assumptions * Clean language questions * Getting to the bottom of it - precision questions * Turbo-charging how you qualify 8 INFLUENCING WITH INTEGRITY * Understanding empathy * Stepping into the buyer's shoes * Speaking the buyer's language * Tailoring your sales approach to the individual * Match, pace, lead - how to take your buyer with you 9 PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER * Personal learning summary and action plans

Selling with NLP (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Mental Health Awareness - Care Sector

By Prima Cura Training

WHAT ARE THE AIMS OF THIS COURSE? * Define mental health * Identify and explain mental health facts and fiction * Understand key legislation relating to mental health * Explain how mental health care has evolved over time * Identify common signs and symptoms * Understand common mental health disorders * Recognise common attitudes towards mental ill-health and the impacts these can have * Explain the concept of parity of esteem * Know how to support people and offer advice

Mental Health Awareness - Care Sector
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in UK Wide
Price on Enquiry

Mental Health Awareness - Care Sector

By Prima Cura Training

This course is designed to suit a broad range of Care Sector staff. This training ensures that learners are equipped with a sufficient knowledge of mental health disorders so that they are able to manage and provide a high standard of support to affected service users. Learners will also know how to identify the symptoms of different mental disorders, adding real value to any organisation to which they provide services to.

Mental Health Awareness - Care Sector
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in UK Wide
Price on Enquiry

Role of the Care Worker and Personal Development

By Prima Cura Training

This course presents the role of the care worker using demonstrations of good and bad practices. It includes information on Core Values, Code of Conduct, and Continual Professional Development. This subject forms Standard 1 of the Care Certificate.

Role of the Care Worker and Personal Development
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in UK Wide
Price on Enquiry

FREE - Introduction to the 'Improve your Riding in Eight Weeks' motorcycle e-learning course from Survival Skills!

By Kevin Williams

A free sampler for the Motorcycle Skills - Improve your Riding in Eight Weeks online e-course from Survival Skills Rider Training

FREE - Introduction to the 'Improve your Riding in Eight Weeks'
motorcycle e-learning course from Survival Skills!
Delivered Online On Demand

The Performance Edge open program begins each month as a small group class of managers and leaders focussed on improving their own and their team's productivity.

The Performance Edge
Delivered Online On Demand

Educators matching "Attitude"

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