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27 Volunteer courses in Coventry

Managing Your Finances


This half day course is designed for new treasurers, general trustees and management committee members or staff who work in smaller organisations to understand the basics of how to manage the finances within a voluntary or community organisation. It covers all the essential issues ranging from drawing up a budget to ensuring that the organisation has sound financial procedures.

Managing Your Finances
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Thetford

Finance Made Easy


This half day course is designed for new treasurers, general trustees and management committee members or staff who work in smaller organisations to understand the basics of how to manage the finances within a voluntary or community organisation. It covers all the essential issues ranging from drawing up a budget to ensuring that the organisation has sound financial procedures.

Finance Made Easy
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Thetford

Project Planning


This half day or whole day course is designed around a project planning workbook that will provide participants with questions and practical advice to ensure that a project is well thought-out and practical, with clear aims and objectives. It will also help to ensure that if you are applying for project funding that you have answers to all the likely questions you will be asked. The half day course will cover the basics and ensure that the most important areas of project planning are addressed. The course could be extended to a whole day, covering all the areas and offering time for participants to complete the majority of the work book. The course would be suitable for anyone who is planning a project or who needs to re-focus a project that is not working effectively.

Project Planning
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Thetford

Internal Workplace Mediation Skills Course (5 days)

By Buon Consultancy

Workplace Mediation

Internal Workplace Mediation Skills Course (5 days)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Edinburgh
Price on Enquiry

Emergency First Aid at Work 6 hours (VTQ) Level 3 - EFAW



Embark on a journey to become a workplace hero with our comprehensive one-day First Aid course. This dynamic and engaging training program is designed to equip you with the essential skills and knowledge needed to handle emergency situations confidently and effectively.

Emergency First Aid at Work 6 hours (VTQ) Level 3 - EFAW
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in ELY & 1 more

Continence Awareness & Promotion

By Prima Cura Training

This course is developed for care staff and volunteers to raise awareness of the causes of incontinence, the use of continence aids and promotion of good practice.

Continence Awareness & Promotion
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide
Price on Enquiry

Drug & Alcohol Awareness (Substance Misuse)

By Prima Cura Training

This course is developed for staff and volunteers to raise awareness of drug and alcohol misuse issues and are adequately informed and enabled to work effectively with individuals with dependencies.

Drug & Alcohol Awareness (Substance Misuse)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide
Price on Enquiry

Educators matching "Volunteer"

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Cathy Connan

cathy connan


After about 20 years working in PR and communications, I began a long process of change. It started when I joined Samaritans as a listening volunteer and began a BSc in Psychology. After completing an MSc in Integrative Psychotherapy and a Diploma in Supervision it has culminated in my working in private practice as an integrative psychotherapist and supervisor in private practice. I am lucky. I truly love my work and am privileged that people share their vulnerabilities with me as they heal emotional and psychological wounds. I work from a warm and welcoming space in my garden. My garden room is surrounded by mature trees. One of the things I love about being there is listening to the breeze, and even the wind, blowing through the leaves. The sound is soothing. I slow down when I hear it and often find myself looking up to see the tops of the trees. Giving something back has always been important to me. I have volunteered in all sorts of roles, including on the door of The Gate Theatre in Noting Hill and making ‘Complan Cocktails’ for oncology patients. I left Samaritans after about six years and now work as a supervisor with Cruse, a charity supporting bereaved people. I created Space for You because I recognise that whatever our story, whatever the pressures and stresses we face, we all need a space to be. A space where we can express ourselves and be heard, where we are noticed buy not judged. Space for You personal development workshops offer exactly that. I am a member of the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) and the British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy (BACP).

Step It Up Active

step it up active


I was convinced that I couldn't run, not even for a bus! However, I was persuaded to join a beginners running group and it turns out that I can. If I can, then anyone can! I particularly like trail running but spend as much time training on the roads. As part of the Rugby Core Team you can find me at parkrun most Saturdays as anything from Run Director to Tail Walker! UKA Coach in Running Fitness (Trail) UKA Leader in Running Fitness (LiRF) UKA Coaching Assistant BSc (Hons) Health Studies L3 Learning and Development L3 Forest School Leader Outdoor First Aid D B S Enhanced Certificated I began running about 4 years ago in a local running group and made the same ‘rookie’ mistakes that most people do, in that I wanted to sprint before I’d learned to run. However, I took onboard my errors and built up gradually, finishing some 5km and 10km runs in 2016/7, vowing never to want to reach a Half Marathon or beyond. Hmmm! Having had a nasty sprain injury in 2017, I had to take a back seat from running for over a year (much of which was down to my own reluctance to get help! Thank you Laura @ LMC Physio), but I’ve now regained most of my previous running fitness level and have since completed a couple of Half Marathons with at least one more long race booked in for 2019. I regularly volunteer at Rugby parkrun, invariably with a camera in my hands, which I thoroughly enjoy. Having this qualification will mean I can pass on my enthusiasm for running to others and start them on their own running journeys. UKA Leader in Running Fitness (LiRF) D B S Enhanced Certificated First Aid Course trained Vicky is a recent member of our coaching and leadership team. As a fully-qualified paramedic and avid Wolf Runner, she is a great addition to the group, assisting us with the new sector of trail running for Step It Up. Vicky is more than happy at events up to and including 10km UKA Leader in Running Fitness (LiRF) D B S Enhanced Certificated Paramedic Mel is our latest member of our coaching and leadership team. UKA Leader in Running Fitness (LiRF) D B S Enhanced Certificated It’s simple, I’m addicted to running, I certainly didn’t start out this way, in fact I used to say I didn’t have the build for running and actively avoided it. When my local gym had to close the pool to repair the roof, I needed to find another way to get my exercise in the morning, at the same time I convinced a friend to come and give park run a go with me. After that first run walk 5k, I was hooked. I got out a few times each week, doing 30 mins of run walk & soon developed the stamina for a full 5k I joined SIU because I saw that they did Adventure Runs which sounded like great fun and after my first session, I knew this was a club I’d enjoy being part of. At SIU everyone is encouraged to do their individual best but we stay together as a group, supporting one and other, no one is ever left behind, or made/allowed to feel that their best isn’t good enough. Hope you’ll join us on the trails soon, after all, what’s stopping you.