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78 Teaching & Training courses in Caerphilly

Advanced Training Skills


By Sterling Training

If training forms a large part of staff members’ roles, give them the advanced techniques they need. We’ll help them assess training needs across a team, department or organisation as well as deliver training with impact and provide you with real ROI. This course includes:

Advanced Training Skills
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Southampton
Price on Enquiry

Commercial awareness for technical people (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

The aim of this course is to expose the commercial context within which technical work is carried out. It is to allow technical staff to understand how they fit into a larger picture, why they may be asked to undertake tasks that may not appear to be technical and the impact their interactions have within the commercial context. The scope of the programme includes: The course emphasises the collaborative nature of delivery and the need to offer value to customers. The principal training objectives for this programme are to help participants: * Understand why technical roles are broader than we might assume * Appreciate the importance of, and the need to support, sales * Value the idea of 'Good Enough' * Recognise what can affect profitability * Realise the future needs protecting 1 INTRODUCTION * (Course sponsor) * Why this programme has been developed * Review of participants' needs and objectives 2 THAT'S NOT MY JOB! * How we see our own role in work * How other people see our role * Stakeholders: who are they and why do they matter? * The organisational backdrop * What is my role really? 3 SALES AND MARKETING * Where does the money come from? * Where do we find customers? * The sales process * One-off sales versus repeat business * Customer/supplier relationships * What something costs versus what the customer will pay * The value chain 4 ESTIMATING * Purpose of estimates * The problem with precision * Five estimating techniques 5 CHANGE CONTROL * Can you just do this for me? * When being helpful leads to bankruptcy * How to deal with change requests 6 RISK MANAGEMENT * Risk in projects * Risk in operations * Categories of risk 7 THE VALUE OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY * Issues with sharing information * Commercial in confidence * Non-disclosure agreements 8 COURSE REVIEW AND ACTION PLANNING * (Course sponsor present) * Identify actions to be implemented individually * What actions should be implemented to improve working with non-technical people? * Conclusion

Commercial awareness for technical people (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

On-Site Experienced Operator Forklift Course Gloucestershire

By Gl Training Services

Novice Forklift Training Counter Balance Training Forklift Training Crane Training MEWP Training

On-Site Experienced Operator Forklift Course Gloucestershire
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Gloucester
Price on Enquiry

One Day Forklift Refresher Course On-Site

By Gl Training Services

Forklift Training Gloucestershire Counter Balance Training Crane Training MEWP Training

One Day Forklift Refresher Course On-Site
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Gloucester
Price on Enquiry

On-Site Novice Forklift Course Gloucestershire

By Gl Training Services

Novice Forklift Training Counter Balance Training Forklift Training Crane Training MEWP Training

On-Site Novice Forklift Course Gloucestershire
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Gloucester
Price on Enquiry

Appraisal skills (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

Many managers question the value of appraisal programmes and many line managers believe appraisals are unduly time-consuming and bureaucratic. Yet the appraisal is a vital starting point when it comes to managing performance effectively and it is vital that managers appreciate this. Handled well, the benefits of formal appraisals are enormous. This thoroughly practical workshop has been designed to give line managers the knowledge, skills and confidence to deliver a well-structured appraisal - even in the most challenging circumstances. This course will help participants: * Appreciate the benefits of the appraisal process * Assess standards of performance objectively * Plan and prepare for appraisals effectively * Conduct a well-structured appraisal meeting * Acquire the essential skills required for effective appraisals * Improve their ability to discuss difficult issues more confidently * Identify training and development requirements * Agree clear and measurable development objectives * Complete essential paperwork * Understand the need to facilitate continual informal dialogue between appraisals 1 INTRODUCTION AND COURSE OBJECTIVES 2 THE APPRAISAL PROCESS * The aim of the appraisal process * Understanding the bigger picture - the appraisal process as part of the employee development process * The benefits of the appraisal process * Common pitfalls * Five steps to an effective performance appraisal 3 STEP 1 - ASSESSMENT * Using job standards as the basis for objective assessment * Assessment of previous objectives 4 STEP 2 - PREPARATION * Documentation required * Data on each appraisee * Planning the meeting 5 STEP 3 - THE MEETING * The skills of appraisal interviewing * The structure of the appraisal interview * Dealing with poor performance and difficult situations * Taking notes and completing documentation 6 STEP 4 - PLANNING AHEAD AND OBJECTIVE SETTING * Identifying action to improve performance and enhance skills * Establishing relevant training needs * Agreeing SMART performance objectives * Formulating a personal development plan 7 STEP 5 - ACTION AFTER THE INTERVIEW * Essential paperwork * Follow-up and action required between appraisal interviews * Continuing informal dialogue 8 VIDEO CASE STUDY * Bullets 9 CONCLUSION * Course review / discussion * Preparation of action plans for building on the skills learnt * Close

Appraisal skills (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Smart sales prospecting (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

As technology continues to develop and increasingly interact with our daily lives, so must our sales techniques to ensure we're leveraging advances in how people do business to our advantage. It is essential for all salespeople to understand how to navigate the various tools at our disposal and grow their skills and confidence to put them into action in order to build a solid business pipeline. We have developed this programme to be practical, fun and interactive, whilst ensuring that participants will learn how to utilise new technology to their advantage, self-generate new business leads and opportunities, gain additional business and referrals from existing contacts, and save time and effort using proven business development skills. This course will help participants: * Understand the 'organized persistence' model of sales prospecting * Develop skills in using video, online and social media to generate interest * Understand how to write effective sales and outreach emails and using online tools * Develop techniques for effectively managing telephone appointments * Learn ways to use LinkedIn for connecting with customers and prospects * Develop networking skills and learn how to source and develop referrals and professional introductions 1 KEY PRINCIPLES OF SMART SALES PROSPECTING * Set your sales prospecting goals and objectives * Elevator pitch, core messages and your value proposition * Targeting and segmenting your market * 'Organised persistence' using your CRM effectively 2 SETTING APPOINTMENTS BY TELEPHONE - PLANNING AND PREPARATION * Why calling still works and the best times to call * Creating a call prompt sheet: * Opening a call and taking control * Giving a reason to meet * Key questions to ask * Overcoming the cold calling blues 3 SETTING APPOINTMENTS BY TELEPHONE - ADVANCED SKILLS * Giving a reason to meet and 'selling the appointment' * Key questions to ask that will create interest and motivation to meet * Voice tone, power words, phrasing, pausing, responding * Getting past gatekeepers and getting through 4 USING LINKEDIN FOR RESEARCH AND FOLLOW-UP * Why LinkedIn matters and how to use it * Finding new contacts, connecting and Inmailing * Short-cuts and advanced skills 5 EMAIL STRATEGIES THAT WORK * Using AIDA and other templates for sales emails * Using personalized video emails to create interest * Vertical targeting emails, with examples * Building awareness with an email chain

Smart sales prospecting (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

$400 + Tax for 10 in car driving lessons + 30 hourse online classes

BDE Course
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in UK Wide

Sales skills for selling products (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

Bad news - people don't buy your product. Better news - they don't buy anyone else's product either. Best news - they do buy what a product gives them, whether it be removing 'pain' or giving 'pleasure'. So what a challenge it is that every single person buys your product for a slightly different reason! What's the secret to selling in that sort of sales environment? This programme provides a great roadmap. This course will help participants: * Build rapport with authenticity * Use open questions, listening and summary to properly understand the prospect * Use 'impact' questions to 'stack the pain' of remaining with the status quo * Convert features into personalised benefits that reflect stated needs * Handle objections with calm confidence * Identify buying signals * Close effectively * Convey credible urgency centred on the prospect's - not the salesperson's - interests 1 WHAT MAKES A CUSTOMER BUY ANY PRODUCT? * Moving towards 'pleasure' * Moving away from 'pain' * Robert Cialdini's Psychology of Influence - buying motives * Understanding what your product does for customers * Why there is never a 'one size fits all' approach * What are the real 'unique selling points' and why the salesperson is the real 'USP' * At what point does the customer emotionally buy your product? 2 GETTING PAST GATEKEEPERS * What gatekeepers' motivations are * How to make them your friend rather than your enemy * How to make your call harder to block than to put through * How to control the gatekeeper with questions, not answers * Using Cialdini's 'reciprocity' law to get put through more often * Practical exercise in which the trainer poses as gatekeeper 3 QUESTIONING AND LISTENING SKILLS * How to use open questions to get the customer talking * What questions to avoid and why * How to 'stack the pain' of the status quo with 'impact questions' * Practical 'pain stacking' exercise in pairs * What listening is and what it isn't * Question funnelling - how to earn deeper disclosure through probing * Practical funnelling exercise in pairs * The power of summary 4 HOW TO CREATE TAILORED BENEFITS AND NOT 'DIVE INTO SOLUTION' * What is 'diving into solution'? Examples and analogies * Why it is to be avoided * Practical exercise in pairs - how it feels to have solutions offered up too early * How to avoid 'feature-dumping' * What is 'value selling'? * How to create tailored benefits * How to convert product features into benefits * How to deal with the prospect's competitor allegiance 5 HANDLING OBJECTIONS AND TESTING THE WATER * How to overcome the price objection by selling value * Common objections the participants encounter and answers that work * The objections salespeople carry in their own heads * The 'A-C-E' objection-handling model * How to uncover objections * When - and when not - to trial close 6 CLOSING SKILLS * Why salespeople often close too early * How to identify buying signals * How to use urgency with skill and effectiveness * Four killer closing techniques that work * How to avoid buying the product back by careless post-sale talk * How to ask for referrals for your product * How to 'farm' the account for future opportunities 7 WRAP-UP * Key learnings from each participant * Individual action planning - steps that can and will be implemented in the workplace

Sales skills for selling products (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

R&D project management (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

R&D work is often carried out in entrepreneurial companies with the aim of developing solutions to scientific or technological problems for a wide range of customers. Projects can include longer term 'frontiers of science' research, medium term product development/manufacturing or more immediate troubleshooting or contract research assignments. In all these contexts, the ability to create innovative solutions in a timely and cost-effective manner is the essence of successful R&D. Whilst R&D groups typically excel in technical expertise, those involved often recognise that there is scope for improving the way that projects are managed. The aim of this training programme is to address this need whilst ensuring that the creative, entrepreneurial spirit that is fundamental to good R&D continues to flourish. MODULE 1: Creating the foundations for success * Off-line video tutorials and exercises * Total time ~ 1 - 1.5 hours VIDEO 1: MAKING THE MOST OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT IN R&D * Characterising R&D projects * Applying project management to R&D work * Exploiting the potential of project management in R&D VIDEO 2: PROMOTING SUCCESS IN R&D PROJECT MANAGEMENT * Modelling successful project management * Evaluating performance and promoting success * The role and skills of the project manager/leader MODULE 2: Initiating and defining R&D projects * Live interactive sessions (via Zoom): * Session 1: 10:00 - 12:00 * Session 2: 14:00 - 15:30 SESSION 1: SELECTING AND INITIATING PROJECTS * Recognising worthwhile opportunities; initiating projects * Identifying stakeholders and their goals * Characterising and engaging stakeholders SESSION 2: DEFINING GOALS AND AGREEING DELIVERABLES * Establishing the full scope of the project * Clarifying and prioritising project deliverables * Defining and agreeing deliverable specifications MODULE 3: Planning R&D projects * Live interactive sessions (via Zoom): * Session 1: 10:00 - 12:00 * Session 2: 14:00 - 15:30 SESSION 1: IDENTIFYING AND ORGANISING ACTIVITIES * Creating effective plans; avoiding planning pitfalls * Identifying tasks and assigning responsibilities * Sequencing tasks and estimating durations SESSION 2: DEVELOPING THE TIMELINE AND RESOURCE PLAN * Identifying the 'critical path'; creating a resource plan * Dealing with estimating uncertainty * Accelerating the programme MODULE 4: Leadership and teamwork in R&D projects * Off-line video tutorials and exercises * Total time ~ 1 - 1.5 hours VIDEO 1: WORKING EFFECTIVELY IN PROJECT TEAMS * Building teamwork in contemporary organisations * Recognising each other's skills; building synergy * Building good working relationships; handling conflict VIDEO 2: THE ROLE OF THE R&D PROJECT TEAM LEADER * Building teamwork: the role of leadership * Creating an effective team culture * Delegating work and motivating team members MODULE 5: Managing uncertainty in R&D projects * Live interactive sessions (via Zoom): * Session 1: 10:00 - 12:00 * Session 2: 14:00 - 15:30 SESSION 1: CHARACTERISING UNCERTAINTY; IDENTIFYING RISKS * Exploring uncertainty; applying risk management * Focusing the risk management process * Identifying and defining risk events SESSION 2: MANAGING AND CONTROLLING RISKS TO THE PROJECT * Evaluating risk events * Selecting between risk strategies; setting contingencies * Updating and controlling exposure to risk MODULE 6: Implementing and controlling R&D projects * Live interactive sessions (via Zoom): * Session 1: 10:00 - 12:00 * Session 2: 14:00 - 15:30 SESSION 1: INITIATING ASSIGNMENTS AND MANAGING CHANGES * Creating a pro-active implementation and control culture * Establishing effective implementation and control procedures * Assigning work and managing changes SESSION 2: MONITORING, MANAGING AND DEVELOPING PERFORMANCE * Adopting meaningful monitoring techniques * Responding to problems; building performance * Managing and controlling multiple project assignments

R&D project management (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry