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72 Teaching & Training courses in Edinburgh

C01M01 - FD&FA Fundamentals - BS 5839-1 (classroom)

By Ember Compliance

This is a gateway course for all further learning in FD&FA systems.

C01M01 - FD&FA Fundamentals - BS 5839-1 (classroom)
Delivered In-Person in BroxburnFull day, May 13th, 08:00 + 3 more

C01M05 - FD&FA Maintenance principles - BS 5839-1 (classroom)

By Ember Compliance

Learners will develop knowledge from the FD&FA foundation module and/or industry experience and apply this to the maintenance of FD&FA systems.

C01M05 - FD&FA Maintenance principles - BS 5839-1 (classroom)
Delivered In-Person in BroxburnFull day, May 14th, 08:00 + 1 more

C01M02 - FD&FA Design principles - BS 5839-1 (online)

By Ember Compliance

This course will develop knowledge from the FD&FA foundation BS 5839-1 module and/or industry experience and apply this to the design of FD&FA systems.

C01M02 - FD&FA Design principles - BS 5839-1 (online)
Delivered OnlineFull day, May 23rd, 08:00 + 1 more

C10M03 - FD&FA Special Inspection - BS 5839-1 (classroom)

By Ember Compliance

Learners will develop knowledge from the FD&FA maintenance module (C01M05) and/or industry experience and apply this to the ‘recommendations for special inspection on the appointment of a new servicing organization’.

C10M03 - FD&FA Special Inspection - BS 5839-1 (classroom)
Delivered In-Person in BroxburnFull day, May 28th, 08:00 + 1 more

C01M04 - FD&FA Commissioning principles - BS 5839-1 (online)

By Ember Compliance

Learners will develop knowledge from the FD&FA foundation module and/or industry experience and apply this to the commissioning, handover, and acceptance of FD&FA systems.

C01M04 - FD&FA Commissioning principles - BS 5839-1 (online)
Delivered OnlineFull day, May 30th, 08:00 + 1 more

C10M02 - Actuation of door release mechanisms - BS 7273-4 (classroom)

By Ember Compliance

Learners will develop knowledge from the FD&FA foundation courses (C01 modules 1 and 2) and/or industry experience with specific regard to more complex system design considerations.

C10M02 - Actuation of door release mechanisms - BS 7273-4 (classroom)
Delivered In-Person in BroxburnFull day, Jun 4th, 08:00 + 1 more

FD&FA BS5839-1 RQF Certified 5-Day Combined Course - 2 Part Course

By Ember Compliance

At the end of the 5 days, Learners will attain an RQF Award in the requirements of FD&FA systems for non-domestic buildings BS 5839-1: 2017.

FD&FA BS5839-1 RQF Certified 5-Day Combined Course - 2 Part Course
Delivered Online10 days, Jun 10th, 08:00

C01M03 - FD&FA Installation principles - BS 5839-1 (online)

By Ember Compliance

Learners will develop knowledge from the FD&FA foundation BS 5839-1 module and/or industry experience and apply this to the installation of FD&FA systems.

C01M03 - FD&FA Installation principles - BS 5839-1 (online)
Delivered OnlineFull day, Jun 5th, 08:00

C10M09 - Gas Extinguishing Detection & Electrical Actuation BS 6266 & BS 7273-1 (Online)

By Ember Compliance

Learners will develop knowledge of FD&FA systems and apply this to the provision of detection and electrical actuation for gas extinguishing systems.

C10M09 - Gas Extinguishing Detection & Electrical Actuation BS 6266 & BS 7273-1 (Online)
Delivered OnlineTwo days, Jun 10th, 08:00 + 1 more

C30M01 - Evacuation Alert systems - BS 8629 (classroom)

By Ember Compliance

Learners will be introduced to EAS as part of the fire safety solution for tall residential properties. This CPD course provides learners with an understanding of the requirements of BS 5839-1 in relation to, design, installation, commissioning, and maintenance of EAS.

C30M01 - Evacuation Alert systems - BS 8629 (classroom)
Delivered In-Person in BroxburnFull day, Jun 19th, 08:00

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Test Educator

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