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107 Sales courses in Broxburn

A sales manager's role has more to do with the ability to lead, mentor, and motivate a sales team to achieve or exceed an organisation's sales goals. This programme concentrates on these skills and behaviours enhancing their existing skills to new levels through the sales management process.

Sales Management
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Loughborough

Sales Techniques and Sales Communication


By GBA Corporate

OVERVIEW -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sales is one of the backbone of the company. Every company success is depended on their sales strategies. This course will deal with the sales techniques and sales communication required to increase sales.

Sales Techniques and Sales Communication
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally
£1718 to £3626

Our suite of modules are based around helping the customer to buy and enabling salespeople to maximise their conversations with their customers.

Professional Sales Programme
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Loughborough

Outbound Sales Techniques


By GBA Corporate

OVERVIEW -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This sales coaching can offer sales those who square measure needed to create outgoing sales calls with a spread of verified skills, techniques and best practices to make sure additional sure-fire outcomes from a better proportion of the calls they create.

Outbound Sales Techniques
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally
£1718 to £3626

Advance Sales Management


By GBA Corporate

OVERVIEW -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This course is designed to gain advanced sales techniques through traditional and modern selling techniques. It will help train the participants for a wide range of sale environments in diverse sectors. With the increase in neck-to-neck competition sales have become a major factor and a lot of new philosophies and modern techniques including new sales methodology has been introduced in the sales industry. As a salesperson who is directly involved in sales or even managers who are into products and services, knowing how to sell is an incredibly useful skill. The course is designed with a lot of practical exercises, and modern techniques, taking from basic to advance level which will help the delegates to attain the skills they require and start implementing what they learned.

Advance Sales Management
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally
£1718 to £3626

Advance Strategic Sales Management


By GBA Corporate

OVERVIEW -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Any business life is completely dependent on Sales and Marketing. It delivers a significant business benefit. Providing effective training in Sales and Marketing helps boost sales, increase profit, create a brand image and also improve customer satisfaction.  The role of a sales director is crucial in improving an organization's revenue and sales. A good sales director can affect the overall performance of a business. The course is designed with a lot of practical exercises, and modern techniques, taking the delegates' skills to an advanced level. This will help the delegates to attain the skills they require and implement what they learn in their work efficiently and to their highest potential. This course will help review overall sales strategies and how they can contribute in order to achieve a desired positive outcome. It will set measurable objectives and standards within the team and will boost the confidence in their performance and achieve the objectives. 

Advance Strategic Sales Management
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally
£1718 to £3626

A virtual sales training programme aimed at enhancing the skills of the salesperson to have engaging customer conversations which open opportunities and close more business.

Sales, Engaging Your Customers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Loughborough

Advance Skills in Corporate Sales


By GBA Corporate

OVERVIEW -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corporate sales as word define mainly happens to take place during Business to Business sales process where a company sells their product and services to other businesses. It is a very complex sales and understanding and creating a strategic plan is really important during the process. Today corporate industries are working and planning new strategies, running many campaigns to promote business and use enhance marketing and sales plan to achieve their goals. In this competitive era, it has become a major necessity now. Attaining the desired skills, it requires continual development and training. Today every corporate sector wants to increase the business and losing big or even small deals is more than just a disappointment. It gives an edge to the competitors over their competitors.  This course is specially designed to understand the depth of corporate sales and how to create appropriate strategies in the niche market. It will help attain the skills required for continual development to cope with the changing trends. This Course Corporate Sales will reduce the risk of losing and will increase success with key sales opportunities.  This corporate sales programme will feed you with a trustable approach that reduces risks without fading chances of individual flair or innovation

Advance Skills in Corporate Sales
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally
£1718 to £3626

Advance Skills in Sales and Marketing


By GBA Corporate

OVERVIEW -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Any business life is completely dependent on Sales and Marketing. It delivers a significant business benefit. Providing effective training in Sales and Marketing helps boost sales, increase profit, create a brand image and also improve customer satisfaction. This course has been designed to gain essential skills in Marketing and Sales, learn new sales techniques and how to reach the right audience at the right time. If there is a shortage of skills or resources within the business, you might want to provide this specially designed-training to help develop those skills.  This course will help review overall sales strategies and how marketing can contribute in order to achieve a desired positive outcome. It will set measurable objectives and standards within the team and will boost the confidence in their performance and achieve the objectives.  This course will discover various sales and marketing techniques and will provide the participants with more tools and techniques to increase individual and team sales. It will highlight all of the major components required to build good connections, know the consumer and their needs and gain commitment to a sale.

Advance Skills in Sales and Marketing
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally
£1718 to £3626

NLP Sales Techniques


By GBA Corporate

OVERVIEW -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NLP Sales Training will help shape your confidence and charisma as your communication skills grow. You will gain the tools to understand your client's needs at a deeper level so you can communicate more clearly and directly, thus increasing your personal influence and encouragement during their buying experience. This training will help you feel confident, connect more with your prospective/ existing customers and increase your ability to influence and get your message across. 

NLP Sales Techniques
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally
£1718 to £3626

Educators matching "Sales"

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Test Educator

test educator


TTTIn incididunt enim fugiat cupidatat ullamco nostrud amet ex tempor ut nostrud fugiat magna magna. Ex id dolore minim anim dolore eu ex veniam officia incididunt tempor non sunt incididunt aliqua. Laboris eu ea excepteur sint dolore ipsum. Irure dolor laboris ut exercitationnnn. Tempor deserunt laborum ex pariatur. Consectetur amet do irure ex do quis ex quis. Enim veniam minim cupidatat nulla consequat in consequat mollit. Adipisicing aliquip exercitation adipisicing veniam proident. Labore aute eiusmod nulla magna est occaecat laborum tempor commodo non aute amet. Nisi adipisicing non laboris est cupidatat Lorem nulla fugiat mollit voluptate occaecat ex irure. Ea non nulla mollit voluptate magna velit laboris voluptate sint laborum culpa irure cupidatat. Duis pariatur labore voluptate tempor aute consequat sit pariatur. Non officia enim do ex ipsum qui proident est do anim dolore sunt ut cillum veniam. Consequat mollit et incididunt ullamco et in occaecat laboris quis ipsum ullamco. Consectetur exercitation in tempor in aute elit. Velit reprehenderit culpa quis voluptate eu cillum sint quis mollit cupidatat reprehenderit aliquip ad irure aute. Id id laboris pariatur incididunt. Aliquip aute nulla tempor irure id. Exercitation sit consequat commodo incididunt officia mollit cupidatat non aliqua id anim sunt ad cillum excepteur. Proident ipsum do labore laborum amet. Est commodo esse officia. Aliquip et deserunt officia et minim cillum esse consectetur excepteur eu velit aliqua ut eu. Eiusmod labore mollit nostrud proident sunt culpa ad commodo labore tempor irure nostrud ex officia. Consectetur id dolor nostrud sint minim aute ad reprehenderit irure aliquip. Eiusmod consequat id minim ut ut magna laboris ex consectetur qui deserunt magna dolore dolore. Irure duis voluptate culpa enim reprehenderit nulla commodo duis cillum ipsum dolore. Culpa [https://cademy.co.uk/test-educator/about] non voluptate velit aute. Mollit sit dolore consequat eiusmod eu voluptate deserunt deserunt excepteur magna minim reprehenderit reprehenderit aute cupidatat. Proident aliqua velit exercitation qui nostrud laborum nisi tempor nulla dolore enim elit. Irure laborum veniam dolore eiusmod nisi consectetur nostrud sint labore ipsum. Est nulla in sunt dolore [https://cademy.co.uk/test-educator/about] veniam.

Own Your Success

own your success



ABOUT OWN YOUR SUCCESS It's as simple as that. We want professionals to OWN THEIR SUCCESS!  Progressive professionals who want to be at the forefront of their organisation and sector, encouraging best practice implementation and personal and staff growth, need to ensure they are continuing to invest in themselves.  Whether you are a current or future leader, owning your career, learning from peers and understanding modern tools and techniques is the only way to truly establish yourself as a front-runner in your space. OYS offers proven programs that are designed to provide you with key insights and outcomes that will allow you to elevate yourself as a leader and encourage the elevation of the team around you. As an attendee at one of our programs, you will create and start implementing your OWN roadmap, which will enhance YOUR capability and create a clear pathway for future SUCCESS. Visit our events page to view up-and-coming programs best suited to you and your business. MISSION STATEMENT Own Your Success is dedicated to delivering the highest quality training events and unique and memorable delegate experience - delivered with enthusiasm, liveliness and excitement for professionals advancing their careers. OUR VALUES Transparency As an organisation, we need to demonstrate honesty, openness, accountability, and a straightforward attitude towards all business interactions – our clients, facilitators and internal team.   Collaboration We are a learning organisation and we need to listen to our clients, facilitators and team to make sure we work together to be successful in our mission to deliver the highest-quality learning experience. We need to work together to learn and make the right decisions for everyone involved with our organisation.  Fun We have all heard the quote; "If you love what you do - you'll never work a day in your life," but this is what we stand by. We love helping and developing people to be the best version of themselves. If you’re having fun then that means our clients are going to get the best experience possible. We are serious about developing people, but who says you can’t have a chuckle whilst doing it.   Communication  We need to effectively communicate to make sure our clients have the best learning journey possible. If we can't, then how can you trust us to develop you? Communication is a major part of a professional’s journey and so it’s a major part of ours too. Therefore our focus is strong communication with our clients, facilitators and team to make sure we deliver on what we set out to achieve - the best quality training programs for professionals advancing their careers.

Alchemy of Living

alchemy of living



What do we mean by inner transformation? Why would you even want to obtain it? Lets start with why you would want it? What is it you want more of? Most of us have been conditioned in the west to believe that success, peace, happiness and contentment comes from achieving material goals in the outside world; wealth, status, love, diplomas, being in the cool group, the successful elite. Are you exhausted chasing all this in the superficial realms of the outside world of contemporary western society where things always change and everything is a sales pitch of one solution fits all? In the wisdom of the ancient spiritual teachings of the east, you are encouraged to embark on a deeper personal journey within, that creates the changes in you, enabling you to walk through the world with ease and grace no matter how much it changes or challenges you, and not to be influenced by market and media, but by what sings out the truth to your soul.So how do we access this well of abundance with in us? Tantra means Matrix and is the science that enables us to understand the complex intricacies of life in simple steps: the ability to see ourselves for who we truly are - your own unique experiment, make adjustments to the way we perceive the world/reality (expand our consciousness), understand more clearly what is good or right for us (wellbeing, healthy environments, personal & spiritual growth, natural simple living), behaving in the world more effectively to influence the environment around us, and to receive from the environment what we desire (understanding the laws of energy & mastering energy resonance). After many years studying the diverse range of systems in personal development, leadership, medicine and spiritual development, what we discovered is that Tantra and its sister science of Ayurveda bring powerful, tangible, permanent and expanding transformation, both for the body, mind and soul, and for the world we live in. The Alchemy of Living has been created to share these amazing teachings with individuals and motivate them to live a more fulfilling life, to experience a change within and be catalysts in society for a more balanced and harmonious way of being. We also offer therapies using Tantric and Ayurvedic massage, yoga and meditation to help detox and rebalance your holistic being.