1527 Educators providing Recruitment courses delivered Online

Silverstone Utc

silverstone utc


I hope you and your family managed to have a relaxing summer and enjoyed the sunshine. Now that all of our students are back in school, I just wanted to introduce myself as the new Principal and to introduce you to my two new Deputies. I also wanted to take this opportunity to provide you with some updates on what lies ahead for Silverstone UTC. After 19 years in teaching, mostly at senior levels in a pastoral capacity, I take over the helm of the UTC at a very exciting time. This year’s KS4 admissions were the best ever and we currently have a waiting list of over fifty students wishing to join Year 10. Year 12 recruitment was very pleasing, with numbers up and the academic calibre of the intake being a testament to their hard work in their GCSE examinations. It is always so inspiring when young people rise to a challenge. With this year being the first year of formal KS4 examination since Covid, it is heartening to see how many have secured the GCSEs needed to take them onto their next steps. Both new year groups have made an excellent start and they and their Parents/Carers should be rightly proud. It is now vital that our students maintain that positivity and that they work alongside teaching staff to maximise their potential. With regard to the students who will be starting their final years in KS4 and KS5, I am confident that they are now entering those years better prepared for what lies ahead as the shadow of Covid appears to have lifted. Our job, alongside these students, is to ensure that we work hard to secure for them the academic success that will allow them to fulfil their future dreams and aspirations. The importance of maintaining strong academic outcomes and supporting these students is borne out by the destinations for this year’s leavers. Many secured jobs in organisations like BAE, Mercedes AMG, Boeing, Roll Royce, Scania, Torque Motorsport, DB Automotive and the Armed Forces whilst others went on to colleges and university to study a range of subjects such as Architecture, Finance, Automotive and Civil Engineering, Marketing and Renewable Technologies. In 2021 none of our students (by choice) were without opportunities in education, employment and training and it would appear, given early indications, that this is going to be the same for this year’s leavers. What an excellent outcome for our young people. It reflects the fact that students who attend the UTC are seen by many employers, outside agencies and educational institutions as much more work-ready than those from other educational establishments. The ethos of work-readiness and of developing the personal qualities of our students so they can flourish in their next stage is a core theme that is going to underpin the excellent educational opportunities that all the staff in the UTC will strive to provide for your sons and daughters. We are current fully staffed and my new deputies bring a wealth of knowledge and experience that will strengthen the Senior Leadership Team immensely. Mrs Angela Murphy is the Deputy for Curriculum and Achievement. She comes from Lord Grey and has been pivotal in securing them a good outcome in their recent inspection. Her reputation for expecting high standards in curriculum delivery and maximising achievement will, I am sure, lead to greater effectiveness of teachers and greater academic understanding for your sons and daughters. She will work alongside our Assistant Principal, Mr Simon Hollies, who brings a broad and in-depth understating of academic theories related to improving the quality of teaching and Learning. Between them and the staff at the UTC, I am wholly confident that best practise in the class will be the norm for all. My other new deputy, Mr William Jakeman, joins us as Head of Pastoral Care, which includes behaviour and safeguarding. Mr Jakeman has had many years’ experience in this role at the most senior levels and has a reputation of upholding the highest standards, whilst underpinning his expectations with a fairness, kindness and compassionate rigour that is respected by students who know he has their best interest at heart. It is also important to me and my team that wellbeing needs of SEN(D) and disadvantages are met as best as we can and to that end, this year, I have appointed a SEN(D) Teaching and Learning Lead (Ms Jessica Dixon) who will work alongside our SENCO (Ms Christie Norris) and our very talented Teaching Assistants (Mrs Lauren Leeson and Mrs Jessica Ryzman). Ms Dixon’s focus will be to ensure that the specific needs of SEN(D) students in the class are being met and that these students and their parents/carers have an advocate who will work alongside them to ensure the best educational experience for their sons and daughters. As a teacher of many years, she brings to the role a clear understanding of what has to be achieved and I have every confidence in her ability to make good things happen for students in her care. Finally, I have the privileged task of guiding the long term future of the UTC towards a Multi-Academic Trust (MAT). In aiming to join a Trust in September 2023, we will seek to ensure that Silverstone UTC has the best opportunities to share with other schools the best academic and well-being expertise, fiscal security, strength and depths in a wider curriculum that will benefit our students and staff and in so doing, further strengthen the already great position in which we find ourselves today. As that process continues, I will be updating all those involved but I start the journey excited by the great benefits that being part of a MAT will bring to the UTC, our staff and most importantly your sons and daughters. I end by thanking everyone involved in the UTC for the start made this term. I offer my assurances that I will work hard to guide the UTC in the best way possible and with such great students, supportive Parents/Carers and talented staff, I am confident that the future for Silverstone is a positive one for all involved. My best wishes, John Principal

International University of Japan

international university of japan

International University of Japan (IUJ) was founded in 1982, with the extensive support of Japan’s industrial, educational and local communities, to train professionals who can actively make contributions to the international society with a high level of interdisciplinary and specialized knowledge. As the nature of IUJ is very different from other Japanese graduate schools that mainly nurture scholars for academia, before stipulating its founding principles, IUJ was extensively discussed at the IUJ Advisory Committee, comprising eminent persons from industry and educational society, and at the Drafting Committee. The following is the Founding Principles of IUJ that have been made effective with the approval of the Board of Trustees Meeting. Aims of the school The International University of Japan is a private post graduate institution founded with the extensive support of Japan’s industrial, financial and educational circles and of administrative in the area where it was established. Its administrative policy, based on a spirit of progressive internationalism, is open and autonomous. The graduate school of the International University of Japan is a new professional school whose primary purpose is to educate capable young men and women and develop in them a high level of interdisciplinary and specialized knowledge which they can put to practical use in the international arena. Characteristics of the school Reflecting the above aims, teaching and research in the graduate School are, as a matter of Principle, interdisciplinary and are characterized by the comprehensive integration of area studies with the study of international relations and international management. In order to develop in its students a high level of specialized knowledge, the graduate school aims to foster originality in both teaching methods and in the organization of its curriculum and also to respond to social needs through extensive research activities. Instruction in the graduate School will as a general rule be conducted in English with a view to educating talented men and women whose skills will be applicable throughout international society. One of the fundamental aims of the founding of the graduate School is to encourage the enrollment of college graduates who have had previous business experience. The School opens its doors widely and welcomes persons with a wide variety of back grounds and specialties, both from Japan and abroad, in the hope that their practical knowledge will be further broadened and reinforced through friendship and interaction with other students. To effectively implement the above stated aims, students will as a rule reside in dormitories so that by living together young people of different nationalities and with different backgrounds can be stimulated by each other’s world views and awareness of critical issues and learn to work together. It is hoped that the graduates of the university will promote a high level of mutual understanding and international friendship on the basic of the personal relationships and trust developed during their student days. The Graduate School has searched widely for distinguished scholars from Japan and abroad, who are experts in their fields, to create a truly international faculty, which will have a strong formative influence on the students by maintaining close contact with them not only in the classroom but outside of it in the opportunities offered for interaction with the local community so that the students’ learning experiences can be both varied and meaningful. IUJ Mission and Objectives The objectives of IUJ are to: Teach and conduct research in academic theory and applications necessary for practical solutions of issues facing international society and international businesses, and Foster global leaders who have a high level of professional knowledge and skills with deep understanding of and respect for different cultures, thereby contributing to the development of international society. Mission and Objectives of Graduate Schools GSIR’s Mission GSIR is dedicated to developing professionals by educating students towards acquiring a long-term vision of the rapidly changing world, appreciating diverse perspectives in global and local contexts, and enhancing their analytical skills and problem-solving capabilities in a wide range of contemporary international affairs. GSIR also encourages academic research conducive to the development of its faculty’s teaching and supervision as well as student’s capability in the fields of international relations, international development and international peace studies, utilizing the experiences of Japan and the Asia-Pacific region. All programs are conducted in English. GSIM’s Mission The Graduate School of International Management (GSIM) is dedicated to developing “wise” (i.e., socially responsible) individuals for global business and social leadership, with an emphasis on serving the emerging countries. The two key components of GSIM mission are nurturing Social Responsibility (SR) and Global Business (GB), which the school aims to achieve and operationalize through its innovative policies, recruitment strategies, placement efforts, teaching, research, and service strategies. SR in GSIM mission derives from its belief that GSIM and its graduates should not only be compelled by financial benefits but also by their sense of duty to social causes. At GSIM, we mainly focus on the following aims in SR: To enhance the social responsibility policies of GSIM stakeholders, including Japanese corporations, Japanese government organizations, and local community To educate students to be socially responsible leaders, stressing the need of students from emerging countries in Asia and Africa. GB focuses on the needs surrounding all the constituencies that GSIM serves. For students and faculty, it is vital to keep abreast of the ever-changing dynamics of global business, supported by solid theoretical and practical bases, in order to advance their own careers and professionalism. For other stakeholders, which include Japanese corporations and government organizations, it is vital that GSIM nurtures students who can blend their business objectives with a sense of social leadership because such organizations expect this balanced outcome. At GSIM, we mainly focus on the following aims in GB: To instill global mindedness in students, including those from emerging countries in Asia and Africa. To help students understand the business and cultures of other countries and serve their home countries by contributing to their development, following graduation To help Japanese corporations, Japanese government organizations, local SMEs, and other stakeholders (e.g. foreign entities operating in Japan) to become globalized with a sense of social responsibility GSIM’s Vision To be the premier business school with a world-wide reputation that develops future leaders with social awareness who understand both Japan and emerging countries in Asia and Africa. GSIM’s Values Derived from the GSIM mission statement, the following are its notable values. INCLUSIVENESS (AND MULTICULTURAL AWARENESS) Our students are educated to be capable of being sensitive and skillful in reaching common objectives with people from various cultural backgrounds. GLOBAL MINDEDNESS Our students are trained in such a way that they can cope with any competitive environment on the global business stage. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Our students are educated (1) to influence the activities of other individuals or the group to which he/she belongs to and (2) take wise and socially responsible decisions. ETHICAL INTEGRITY AND PROFESSIONALISM Our students are inculcated to be aware that in businesses moral and ethical conduct is essential. The students master business fundamentals necessary to become truly competent professionals.

Wrexham Foyer

wrexham foyer


In this document the expression ‘we’ refers to, ClwydAlyn Housing Limited, Tir Tai Limited, PenArian Limited and Tai Elwy Limited, that provides housing and related services across North Wales. Each entity is the controller of its own personal data although data may be processed by other Group members on its behalf This privacy notice sets out how ClwydAlyn collects and uses information about you. Please read this privacy notice carefully to understand how we will use your personal information. If you have any questions or queries in relation to this privacy notice, you can contact our Data Protection Officer at: datacontroller@clwydalyn.co.uk 72 Ffordd William Morgan, St Asaph Business Park, St Asaph, Denbighshire, LL17 0JD 0800 1835757 (freephone from a landline) or 01745 536800 This privacy notice explains: What information we may collect about you How we use your information Contacting you Sharing your information Our legal basis for collecting, holding and using your information Security and storage of your information Your rights 1.What information we may collect about you The information we collect about you depends on why we are dealing with you. For example, if you make a housing application or become one of our tenants, we will need more information from you than if you are merely making an enquiry. We may collect the information about you in the following circumstances: If you call our Contact Centre When you call our contact centre we collect Calling Line Identification (CLI) information. We use this information to help improve its efficiency and effectiveness. We record calls for training and monitoring purposes. Additionally, our call handlers will make a record of your call in order to manage your query. We may need to share information with other organisations within or outside ClwydAlyn in order to respond to your call, for example so that we can organise maintenance or repairs or other support. We will usually tell you if it is necessary for us to pass information on to other organisations. If you email us Any email sent to us, including any attachments, may be monitored and used by us for reasons of security and for monitoring compliance with office policy. Email monitoring or blocking software may also be used. Please be aware that you have a responsibility to ensure that any email you send to us is within the bounds of the law. If you make a complaint to us When we receive a complaint from a person we make up a file containing the details of the complaint. This normally contains the identity of the complainant and any other individuals involved in the complaint. We will only use the personal information we collect to process the complaint and to check on the level of service we provide. If a complainant doesn’t want information identifying him or her to be disclosed to any person that the complaint is about, we will try to respect that. However, it may not be possible to handle a complaint on an anonymous basis. Similarly, where enquiries are submitted to us we will only use the information supplied to us to deal with the enquiry and any subsequent issues and to check on the level of service we provide. If you use our services We hold the details of the people who request and use our services so that we can provide these services and for other closely related purposes. For example, we use information about our service users to develop and improve our services and to make sure we are delivering services to different groups fairly. If you apply for housing or become a tenant, there is certain information that we require in order to process your application and manage your tenancy. If you do not provide us with this information, we will not be able to progress your application. When you visit our websites We automatically collect certain information when you visit one of our websites. Please see Use of Cookies below for more information about this. When you use our customer portal, you are able to view information held in our housing management system, including personal details, account statements, tenancy information, repair history and pay your rent / service charges. Please note that we use a third party provider, Verseone to support our customer portal. Information we receive from others We work closely with other organisations, such as local councils, police forces, voluntary sector organisations, other housing providers and our contractors, and we may receive information about you from them. If you visit our premises We may ask you to sign in and out if you visit staff or residents at our premises. Access is controlled for the purposes of building and occupant security. Access is recorded to assist with fire and other evacuation procedures. Furthermore, your image may be captured on CCTV to monitor and collect visual images for the purpose of security and the prevention and detection of crime. If you use our Wi-Fi or computer to access our IT systems, access and activity may be monitored to prevent misuse of Group property, according to our IS Corporate policies. Job applicants When individuals apply to work for us, we will only use the information they supply to us to process their application and to monitor recruitment statistics. Where we want to disclose information to a third party, for example where we want to take up a reference or obtain a ‘disclosure’ from the Criminal Records Bureau we will not do so without informing them beforehand unless the disclosure is required by law. Personal information about unsuccessful candidates will be held for 12 months after the recruitment exercise has been completed; it will then be destroyed or deleted. We retain de-personalised statistical information about applicants to help inform our recruitment activities, but no individuals are identifiable from that data. Once a person has taken up employment with us, we will compile a file relating to their employment. The information contained in this will be kept secure and will only be used for purposes directly relevant to that person’s employment. Once their employment with us has ended, we will retain the file in accordance with the requirements of our retention schedule and then delete it. If you are a member of one of our Boards, Committees or Panels We may ask for personal details for managing and statistical purposes. 2.How we use your information We process your personal information primarily in connection with managing our housing services. If you are a tenant, this includes managing your tenancy and dealing with any applications, queries or complaints that you make. Examples of how we use your information include: to confirm your identity to assess your suitability to access any of our services to manage your tenancy, care or support to ensure our properties are appropriately maintained and in accordance with legal obligations, such as periodic gas safety checks to notify you about important changes to our services to let you know about other relevant services, both ours and those of other parties whose products and services we have agreed should be made available to you (see the section below on 'Contacting you' for more information about this) to update and correct our records to carry out statistical and market analyses, including benchmarking exercises, to enable us to understand you better and improve our services, and in accordance with our operating Regulations to develop, test and improve our systems to ensure that content of our website is presented in the most effective manner for you and for your computer to administer our website and for internal operations, including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, research, statistical and survey purposes to comply with other legal obligations, such as Health and Safety laws or safeguarding vulnerable people We may combine information we receive from other sources with information you give to us for the purposes set out above (depending on the types of information we receive). 3.Contacting you We will use your contact information to send you important information via letters, emails, text messages, or otherwise to telephone you. We may record telephone calls for security and training purposes. We may use the information we hold about you in order to provide you with information about our services which we feel may interest you. You can opt out of receiving marketing communications at any time, although please note that we will continue to send you important messages about your tenancy. If you have changed your mind about being contacted for marketing purposes, please contact our Customer Services Team on 0800 1835757 (freephone from a landline) or 01745 536800 to update your preferences. 4.Sharing your information We do not sell your information to any third party, but in certain limited circumstances we may disclose your personal information to: any member of our group, which means our subsidiaries, our ultimate holding company and its subsidiaries, as defined in section 736 of the UK Companies Act 1985; and/or other third parties in the following circumstances: if we are under a duty to disclose or share your personal data in order to comply with any legal obligation; in order to enforce or apply our terms and conditions and other agreements; to protect the rights, property, or safety of ClwydAlyn, our customers, or others; to investigate or prevent a crime. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organisations for the purposes of fraud protection and credit risk reduction; to obtain any professional advice; and/or with your consent. 5.Our legal basis for collecting, holding and using your information Data protection law sets out various lawful legal bases (or ‘conditions’) which allow us to collect, hold and use your personal information: Where you have entered into a contract or contracts with us, we may need to use your information to provide you with our services. An example of this is where you have a tenancy with us. Where we are under a legal obligation which requires us to process your personal information. For example, notifications of Health and Safety incidents. We will sometimes use your personal information based upon your consent. We will always tell you where this is the case and ask you to agree before we process your information. An example of using your personal information with your consent is publishing your image as part of a photograph on our website. Finally, sometimes it is necessary to process your personal information for the purposes of our own legitimate interests. We will only do so where these interests are not overridden by the interests and fundamental rights or the freedoms of the individuals concerned. An example of this is when we may contact you about your experience of contacting our Customer Services Team or a recent repair to your property. Data protection law recognises certain "special categories" of personal information, which is information revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic information, biometric information for uniquely identifying a person, information concerning health, and information concerning a person's sex life or sexual orientation. Information about criminal offences and records is placed in a similar category. These special categories of personal information are considered particularly sensitive and so we will only collect and use this information where you have given us your explicit consent or where we consider it necessary to do so. 6.Security and storage of your personal information The information about you that we collect may be transferred to, and stored at, a destination outside the European Economic Area (EEA). It may also be processed by staff operating outside the EEA who work for one of our suppliers. We will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this privacy policy. We will generally keep personal information about you no longer than is needed for as per our Retention Policy. 7.Your rights You have the right to request from us access to your own personal information. This is sometimes known as a 'subject access request'. You also have the right to ask us not to process your personal data for direct marketing purposes. We will tell you if we intend to use your data for this purpose or if we intend to disclose your information to any third party for this purpose. You can exercise your right to prevent such processing by checking certain boxes on the forms we use to collect your data or by contacting our Customer Services Team on 0800 1835757 (freephone from a landline) or 01745 536800. From 25 May 2018, you will have additional rights to request from us: That any inaccurate information we hold about you is corrected That your information is deleted That we stop using your personal information for certain purposes That your information is provided to you in a portable format That decisions about you are not made by wholly automated means Many of the rights listed above are limited to certain defined circumstances and we may not be able to comply with your request. We will tell you if this is the case. If you choose to make a request to us, we will aim to respond to you within one month. We will not charge a fee for dealing with your request.

Mtm Educational Consultancy

mtm educational consultancy


For more than 35 years, MTM Consulting has supported schools (state and independent), universities and other education providers to remain in business and to develop and thrive, whatever the economic climate. We are all about providing solid data, insightful analysis and clear recommendations to enable organisations to plan for future stability and success and to uphold their responsibilities to parents who entrust them with their children’s education. In fact, we’ve worked with more than 500 schools and researched more than 250,000 parents. Our feasibility studies, supply and demand analyses and stakeholder research projects are all designed to help school business leaders to understand the potential of their organisation’s market, where they stand against their competitors, what the market wants and what it does not want. MTM equips education decision-makers with the information and insight they need to make the right choices for the future of their organisations. Education business expertise MTM’s team are all education business specialists with many years of experience. We understand the challenges and opportunities of the education sector and we want to use our expertise to help schools and other education providers to find the right course and achieve success. We are friendly and approachable We want to help We enjoy designing bespoke market research, marketing and business strategies to meet individual clients’ specific needs We encourage questions We communicate throughout We present or report on our findings and recommendations in a way that best suits each client We love to provide all the detail our clients need We follow up to see if we can help further We keep in touch Meet MTM’s expert team… Evidence-based decision-making MTM Consulting’s support of its education clients is based on facts, expertise and experience. Our market research projects focus on providing the data and information required to make crucial decisions on resourcing and activities to: improve recruitment and increase the school roll minimise student attrition and improve retention and raise the organisation’s profile in its target market and the education sector in order to attract families, teaching and non-teaching staff, leaders and governors who will bring their skills and work as a team to ensure the organisation’s future success MTM uses UK-wide demographic information and a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods to acquire exactly the data required to inform clients of the realities of their organisation’s situation. Of course, we don’t expect our education clients to be experts in market research themselves – through a series of friendly, collaborative discussions our team members are able to work with clients to ascertain the information that would be of greatest benefit to them in their decision-making. We ensure that the pricing of our products is transparent, and realistic in relation to education organisations’ budgets. In fact, we have recently revisited our offer in order to break down projects into distinct elements to improve affordability, particularly with smaller organisations in mind. We also offer subscription packages and the opportunity to spread payments over time. MTM’s suite of market research projects is infinitely customisable to suit the needs of individual clients and can be combined to create a totally bespoke market research project designed to meet clients’ needs exactly. Real-world insight, analysis and recommendations for success MTM is a long-established education market research company, which has a true understanding – built over three decades – of education, coupled with unparalleled skills and experience to support education business leaders to make the decisions that will lead their organisations to be steadfast and successful in the long-term, for the benefit of their stakeholders, staff and students. Our researchers have at their fingertips many years’ worth of sector- and country-wide data and are adept at using this to benchmark our clients’ performance. This helps business leaders to develop a real understanding of their organisation’s position and to see ‘the bigger picture’ and the potential in their market. Sometimes it is not just about what the data shows, but what it doesn’t show – our experts are able to draw attention to the gaps in an education organisation’s performance that can be crucial when making decisions on areas of future development. MTM works with a team of business professionals, all with proven track records in their fields, who work with our clients to maximise the opportunities revealed by market research and analysis. Business, marketing and international expertise is on offer to ensure that the client is able to develop a practical action plan – and a set of key performance indicators that will allow it to be assessed and scrutinised – as the organisation heads towards achieving its objectives. Our business professionals are collaborative team-workers, but they also have the strength and experience to draw our clients’ attention to areas of weakness and aims that are unachievable. We know that facing up to realities makes for a healthier business in the long term and ensures that funds and resources are focused on attainable goals. Supporting education It is our great pleasure to see our education clients succeed. There can be no better business to be in than education, and MTM is a staunch supporter of parents’ right to choose the environment in which their children are taught – state or independent, small or large… We work with education providers of all kinds and we are firm believers in the importance of a breadth of offering to suit all families. Early Years: MTM’s Feasibility Studies provide vital market information to schools and groups considering opening a new nursery or re-shaping their existing provision. Independent schools: MTM’s market research, business and marketing strategy projects are designed to help schools to be successful and sustainable in the long-term so that they are able to offer their pupils the education they deserve for the duration of their school careers State schools: MTM offers great insights into pupil and parent satisfaction and staff wellbeing to help schools to engage with the school community and ensure that educational resources are being maximised. School groups: MTM is able to advise groups (independent and state academies) on the potential success of new acquisitions and to help streamline the business of education for efficiency and to ensure maximum resources are available for education. Higher education: universities and higher education providers turn to MTM to help them to understand the opinions of their students on the quality of education they are receiving and the potential effect on their next steps in education and employment. Long-standing relationships with education clients We maintain very strong relationships with our clients, many of whom we have worked with on a regular basis for decades. To see real examples of MTM projects, please read a selection of our case studies. Over the past three decades, MTM has worked with big and small names in independent and state education, early years providers, higher education providers and education suppliers and investors. Rather than engaging MTM as a supplier, we like to think we are part of the team, offering information, skills and experience to support education organisations to maximise their business potential and provide a secure learning experience for their students well into the future. Communication with our clients is on-going and we constantly ask which aspects of our service they have most appreciated, and which could be developed. We act on our clients’ feedback and hone our products and services to make sure that they offer our clients exactly what they need.

AS Mentoring

as mentoring

Ealing Green,

Aeryn Priyanu , Employment Consultant Aeryn has always had an interest in language and communication. Starting her early career in teaching English as a foreign language, she went on to shadow a Speech and Language Therapist and this started her interest in working with people on the autism spectrum. She worked in primary schools as a Learning Support Assistant then moved on to work for the National Autistic Society in a day centre. Aeryn started off as a Support Worker, moving up to become Deputy Manager of the day service. She supported individuals in their daily life and helped them gain work experience and vocational skills. As well as working as a consultant with AS Mentoring, Aeryn works in a college for young people with autism, facilitating individuals with functional and social aspects of life, supporting students to meet their targets and maintain long life independent living skills. Photo of Alan Alan Castellaro, Employment Consultant Alan's interest in Autism began when he attended St Andrew's primary school in Chinnor, Oxfordshire, one of the first schools in the country to teach Autistic children one to one. In 2009 he volunteered on a project for Kith and Kids supporting a young man with Autism and they have remained in regular contact ever since. He then worked for 4 years with Dimensions as an Assistant Service Manager of a residential home for adults with severe physical disabilities and Autism. For the last 4 years he has worked for Ambitious About Autism starting off as a Learning Behaviour Specialist and moving up to become a Learning Support Co-ordinator, and was instrumental in helping set up Ambitious College, London's first College for young adults with Autism. He has a BA Hons in Writing and Publishing and has a rich and varied employment history to draw upon. Photo of Alice Alice Mitra-Hall, Employment Consultant Alice previously worked for The National Autistic Society where she ran a Day Centre and facilitated a weekly social group. During this time Alice supported adults on the spectrum to develop their independent living and social skills, as well as supporting service users to apply for and attend college and work schemes, CV writing and interview practice. Alice has a BA Hons degree in Psychology and has also worked in a number of schools supporting teenagers with autism and has provided specialist individualised support for a family for over 10 years. Photo of Amira Amira Hassan, Employment Consultant Amira has been a mentor at AS Mentoring for 4 years. Amira has a variety of clients for both workplace and job-seeking support. After completing her PhD in Neuroscience from Imperial College London, Amira decided to be involved with AS Mentoring full time and is currently managing the Workshops Programme, overseeing the development and online delivery of workshops and group events throughout the year. Amira is warm and friendly, providing individual, autism-specific support and advice. Photo of Anna Anna Roads, Employment Consultant Anna spent 24 years in the investment management sector, working in sales, marketing, product development and client relationships for a number of blue chip firms including Lazards, Fidelity and Goldman Sachs. She developed successful business relationships with large corporates, consultancies and public sector organisations. In her leadership roles, she also enjoyed coaching and developing careers for younger team members. These are skills and contacts she brings to ASM clients. Over the past 6 years she has developed a number of voluntary roles; relaunched the local NAS branch as Chair (2011-2015), served on a local parents special needs forum (2012-2014), been elected a parent governor at a special needs school and worked as a volunteer mentor on a Research Autism Project. Her focus has been on education and now employment, both as a parent of a young person with ASC and through the influence of autistic colleagues she has served with before. Before joining the City, she gained a law degree from Cambridge University, an MBA from Cranfield Business School and qualified as a solicitor. Photo of Charlotte Charlotte Leighton, Employment Consultant Charlotte specialises in providing workplace support for individuals as well as working with organisations to provide autism specific support and advice. This experience has been honed through her work at ASM and her previous role as an Employment Support worker and trainer at The National Autistic Society. Charlotte has subsequently worked for HAIL in Haringey for two years managing social enterprises staffed entirely of employees with autism and learning disabilities. She has also worked as an Appropriate Adult supporting vulnerable individuals whilst in police custody. For the past ten years Charlotte has confidently designed and delivered social skills groups and workshops for adults with autism. As well as working for ASM she is also employed part-time for Resources for Autism in Barnet managing their adult services. Charlotte is able to support individuals emotionally as well practically as she holds certificates in Person Centered counselling and a diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. David Perkins, Director David was Head of Services at Prospects, the National Autistic Society's specialist employment service, from 2007 – 2013; he left in June 2013 to set up AS Mentoring. He has extensive experience of supporting people with an ASC into employment across the UK and abroad, and of providing a wide range of training, assessment and consultancy services to employers and other organisations in the UK, Europe and the US. He has worked continuously with people with autism since the early 1980s. David has spent the bulk of his working life in the voluntary sector and prior to the NAS spent many years running a group of specialist adventure playgrounds in London for over 1200 disabled children, (some 30% of whom were autistic). He has a BSc (Hons) in Operational Research from Lancaster University. Photo of Emma Emma Hills, Employment Consultant Emma has been teaching psychology and health related subjects to adults since 2009 with the majority of her work focusing on providing social purpose education in the community to hard-to-reach groups, including those with disabilities. Much of her work focuses on supporting learners through transition and has led her to develop herself as a coach as well as an educator. More recently she has found herself key-working with learners with disabilities in a transition college as well as training and supervising the staff who support them. Emma mentors and tutors a diverse range of learners including learners on the autism spectrum in her continuing work in the community. Emma works part-time as an Employment Consultant with ASM and finds her knowledge and experience gained from facilitating community courses such as 'confidence building', 'communication skills' or 'interviewing skills' compliments the role well. She has a BSc Hons Psychology, PG-dip Social research, PGCE in post-compulsory education and is a registered health and social care trainer as well as a full member of the Association for Coaching. Emma is also currently studying for an MA in Education: Culture and Identity, at Goldsmith university. Photo of Eve Eve Riches, Employment Consultant Eve Riches is an employment consultant for AS Mentoring, where she provides one to one support and workshop creation and delivery. Eve has a background in teaching Psychology and has been involved in mentoring for her whole career. She has a lifetime of lived experience of neurodiversity. Outside of ASM, Eve works as a life coach and mentor. Photo of Gurleen Gené Wyrley-Birch, Employment Consultant Gené is committed to raising awareness and understanding of ASC to improve social inclusion, acceptance and understanding; to making a real difference to the lives of people on the autism spectrum and in broader society. Over the past 12 years, while caring for and advocating for her son, Gené has developed an in-depth knowledge and understanding of autism as well as related challenges including ADHD, PDA, Social Communication Disorder and Sensory Processing Disorder. She has a creative, positive and flexible approach and is determined to combined her personal and professional experiences to help clients into work and successfully retain their jobs. Throughout her previous roles in both Investment Banking at JP Morgan and UBS Warburg and Commercial Conferencing, Gené had an active role in recruiting, training and mentoring new team members. Gené has worked across many sectors, including Finance, Pharmaceuticals, Defence, Utilities, Aviation and Telecommunication. Gené Holds a BA degree in Industrial & Organisational Sociology and Industrial & Organisational Psychology from the University of Cape Town. Photo of Gurleen Georgia Thursting, Employment Consultant Georgia has worked with autistic adults and children in a variety of settings including education, play and social settings for the past year. As a support worker with Resources for Autism, she continues to support her clients in achieving their personal and work goals and loves to get creative with her approach. Georgia also works for Share Community in Battersea as a music tutor/ therapist, building the confidence of adults through music and artistic expression. She also enjoys planning and delivering online workshops for adults with Autism, focusing on well-being, physical health and emotional expression through music making. Outside of her work in Autism, is a trained musician, singer/ guitarist and enjoys performing at events across the UK. Photo of Gurleen Gurleen Manku, Regional Employment Consultant Gurleen has 18 years' experience of autism. She has a sibling on the spectrum, and has previously worked in primary education for children with Special Educational Needs (SEN), and has been a SEN Secondary School Govenor. In 2015 Gurleen volunteered at Autism West Midlands to support adults with autism to find employment. She then worked for Enable, Shropshire Council as a Job Coach in various workplaces supporting adults with autism and learning disabilities. Gurleen is highly experienced in delivering Pre-employment support, mentoring and Workplace support at AS Mentoring across the West Midlands since 2015. Gurleen holds a BSc in Business Psychology and is a member of the British Psychological Society, within the Division of Occupational Psychology. She has also completed her Masters in Occupational Psychology. Photo of Gurleen Mahlia Amatina, Employment Consultant Diagnosed with autism as an adult, Mahlia has first-hand experience of the challenges that can arise from a range of workplace settings, but more importantly; how to overcome these. Outside of AS Mentoring, Mahlia works as a visual artist, where she raises awareness and understanding of neurodiversity through different art forms. With a special interest in autism and work, Mahlia is keen to combine lived workplace experience with her mentoring skills as an employment consultant to support clients. Photo of Helen Mark Blake, Employment Consultant Mark has a broad range of experience across social care with several client groups and in varied settings. Following an arts degree he spent a couple of years on voluntary projects with disabled adults living independently, and with homeless men in an emergency night shelter in central London with subsequent paid roles including community support work with disabled adults moving back into the community following long periods in residential hospitals. Mark has also spent time as a residential care worker in adolescent residential units. The last 30 years has seen a focus on Adults and Children with Disabilities in a both a Day Service and Residential Home setting. As a Manager of services in these fields Mark has increasingly focused his support to children and adults on the autistic spectrum and has become keenly aware of the challenges faced by them and their families in achieving independence and realizing their potential. It is this interest that has led to an involvement in a mentoring role with AS mentoring and employment. Photo of Helen Mike Leat, Employment Consultant Mike comes from a background in advocacy, design and communication. Through his own business he previously ran an Easy Read design service which employed people with a learning disability and autism. In 2015 he co-produced a DVD on Autism and Mental Health for the Autism Partnership Board in Surrey. Mike previously worked for The National Autistic Society Assist service providing one to one support/mentoring sessions, and facilitating social and support groups for autistic adults. After completing an undergraduate module in autism with The Open University, Mike went on to complete a Postgraduate Certificate in Autism and Asperger syndrome. Mike also works with a project called ‘Autism by Experience’ which is a team of mostly autistic adults providing Understanding Autism training to staff in a variety of roles including health and social care. Photo of Laura Lauren Moore, Employment Consultant Lauren has a number of years experience of supporting people with autism as well as additional needs. Her main influence for working with people on the spectrum is her younger sibling who was diagnosed with autism at a young age. Over the past decade she has worked in a school specifically of young people with social, emotional and mental health difficulties, starting as a Teaching Assistant and then working as the Intervention Co-ordinator for the secondary department. Lauren also worked in a specialist autism college as a Learning and Behaviour Specialist, moving up to become a Learning Support Co-ordinator. She studied History at undergraduate level and has more recently graduated with a Masters in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in July 2018. Photo of Rachel Rachel Pearson, Senior Regional Employment Consultant Following a successful 13-year career in the City Rachel moved into HR and Business Consultancy specialising in organisation restructuring projects involving (often large scale) job review, recruitment and redundancy programmes. She has extensive experience of working with SME employers and large organisations in the public and private sectors around all aspects of the employment relationship. Rachel previously volunteered with the National Autistic Society's Prospects Team and she now works as an employment consultant specialising in supporting people with an ASC to find and retain work. She also works with the NAS's Employment Training and Adult Services Teams supporting students and employees, and providing advice and guidance to employers. With a close family member on the autistic spectrum, Rachel also volunteers with her local NAS branch in Surrey. She holds an MSc in Human Resource Management and is a Member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development. Photo of Siobhan Siobhan Pauley, Employment Consultant Siobhan has first-hand experience of supporting someone with Asperger’s Syndrome and ADHD as her son has moved through various life transitions, experiencing the hurdles faced by people on the autistic spectrum. She spent 30 years working within Human Resources of a large financial institution attaining her MCIPD status, where she became the company’s Reasonable Adjustment Officer. It was her responsibility to ensure that employees with disabilities were able to receive the right workplace accommodations to enable them to access various roles in the company. This has given her considerable insight to enable her to support our clients. Following a career move, Siobhan is setting up AS Mentoring services in and around Poole, Dorset- as well as working part time to support an individual with profound learning difficulties within an independent living service.

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Early Roman History up to Tarquin GERMANY & EUROPE 1870—1939 1. Social Change from 1870 to 1914 2. Socialism in Europe 1870 to 1914 3. The Balance of Power in Europe 1870 4. Anti Semitism in Europe 1870 to 1914 5. The Structure of Wilhelmine Germany 6. Bismarck and the Alliance System 7. Weltpolitik 8. Colonial Rivalries 9. First and Second Moroccan Crises 10. The First World War triggers 11. The Causes of the First World War 12. Germany and the First World War 13. Military history of the First World War 14. The Treaty of Versailles 15. The Domestic Impact of the First World War 16. The German Revolution 17. The Weimar Republic 18. The Early Years of the Nazi Party 19. The Rise of the Nazi Party 20. The Establishment of the Nazi Dictatorship 21. Nazi Rule in Germany 1934 to 1939 22. The Economics of the Third Reich 23. Appeasement RUSSIA & EUROPE 1855—1953 1. Alexander II and the Great Reforms 2. Imperial Russia under Alexander III 3. Nicholas II and the 1905 revolution 4. Social and economic developments in Russia 5. Russia: the Great war and collapse of Tsarism 6. Provisonal Government & October Revolution 7. The Era of Lenin 8. The Development of Lenin's Thought 9. New Economic Policy and the Rise of Stalin 10. Stalin and the Soviet Union 1924 to 1953 11. Stalin and the Soviet Economy 12. Stalin and International Relations BRITAIN 1914—1936 1. The Great War and Britain 1914—15 2. Britain during the Great War, 1915—16 3. Lloyd George & the Great War, 1916—1918 4. Great Britain after the War, 1918—22 5. British Politics, 1922—25 6. Class Conflict & the National Strike, 1926 7. Britain & International Relations, 1925—29 8. Social Trends in Britain during the 1920s 9. Social Issues during the late 1920s 10. British Politics 1926—29; Election of 1929 11. Britain — the crisis of 1929 12. The Labour Government of 1929—31 13. Britain and economic affairs, 1931—33 14. Britain and Foreign Affairs, 1931—36 15. Social Conditions in Britain during the 1930s Advanced level Mathematics ALGEBRA & GEOMETRY 1. Simultaneous Equations 2. Polynomial Algebra 3. Cartesian Coordinates 4. The equation of the straight line 5. Intersection of lines and curves 6. Remainder and Factor Theorems 7. Functions 8. Quadratic Inequalities 9. Graphs of Inequalities 10. Indices 11. Polynomial Division 12. Velocity-Time Graphs 13. Tally Charts 14. Absolute and relative errors 15. Sequences and Series 16. Arithmetic Progressions 17. Proof by Contradiction 18. Geometric Progressions 19. The Cartesian Equation of the Circle 20. Transformations of graphs 21. Plane Trigonometry 22. Modulus 23. Trigonometric Functions 24. Inverse Trigonometric Functions 25. Linear Inequalities 26. Proportionality 27. Probability 28. Surds 29. Special Triangles 30. Quadratic Polynomials 31. Roots & Coefficients of Quadratics 32. Radian measure 33. Permutations and Combinations 34. Set Theory and Venn Diagrams 35. Sine and cosine rules 36. Elementary Trigonometric Identities 37. Roots and curve sketching 38. Graphs and roots of equations 39. Picards Method 40. Small Angle Approximations 41. Simultaneous equations in three unknowns 42. Linear relations and experimental laws 43. Conditional Probability 44. Pascal's Triangle and the Binomial Theorem 45. Index Equations and Logarithms 46. The Binomial Theorem for Rational Indices 47. Exponential Growth and Decay 48. Exponential and Natural Logarithm 49. Compound Angle Formulas 50. Sinusoidal functions 51. Vector Algebra 52. The Vector Equation of the Straight Line 53. The Scalar Product of Vectors 54. Axiom Systems 55. Introduction to Complex Numbers 56. The algebra of complex numbers 57. Complex Numbers and the Argand plane 58. De Moivres Theorem 59. Eulers formula 60. Further loci of complex numbers 61. Further graph sketching 62. Mathematical Induction 63. Proof of the Binomial Theorem 64. Polar Coordinates 65. Conic sections 66. Partial Fractions 67. First-order linear recurrence relations 68. Summation finite series with standard results 69. Method of differences 70. Trigonometric Equations 72. Series Expansion 73. Lagrange Interpolating Polynomial 74. Error in an interpolating polynomial 75. Abelian groups 76. Geometrical uses of complex numbers 77. Cyclic Groups 78. The Cayley-Hamilton Theorem 2x2 Matrices 79. Cayley Theorem 80. Determinants 81. Isomorphisms 82. Lagrange theorem 83. Properties of groups 84. Group structure 85. Subgroups 86. Homomorphisms 87. Matrix Algebra 88. Determinant and Inverse of a 2x2 matrix 89. Gaussian elimination 90. Matrix representation of Fibonacci numbers 91. Matrix groups 92. Inverse of a 3 x 3 Matrix 93. Singular and non-singular matrices 94. Properties of Matrix Multiplication 95. Induction in Matrix Algebra 96. Properties of Determinants 97. Permutation groups 98. First Isomorphism Theorem for Groups 99. Roots of Polynomials of Degree 3 100. Scalar Triple Product 101. Systems of Linear Equations 102. Matrix Transformations 103. Mappings of complex numbers 104. Cross product of two vectors 105. Vector planes 106. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors CALCULUS 1. Introduction to the Differential Calculus 2. Stationary points and curve sketching 3. Applications of Differentiation 4. Differentiation from First Principles 5. The Trapezium Method 6. Integration 7. Direct Integration 8. Applications of integration to find areas 9. Graphs of Rational Functions 10. Derivatives of sine and cosine 11. Products, Chains and Quotients 12. Volumes of Revolution 13. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 14. Integration by Parts 15. Parametric Equations 16. The Integral of 1/x 17. Integration by Substitution 18. Implicit Differentiation 19. Formation of a differential equation 20. Separation of variables 21. Integrals of squares of trig functions 22. Maclaurin Series 23. Techniques of Integration 24. Integrating Factor 25. The Newton-Raphson formula 26. Errors in Numerical Processes 27. Roots and Recurrence Relations 28. Derivatives of Inverse Trig. Functions 29. Second order homogeneous equations 30. Second order inhomogeneous equations 31. Implicit differentiation — second derivative 32. Integrands to inverse trigonometric functions 33. Integrands to logarithmic function 34. Integration of Partial Fractions 35. Logarithms and Implicit Differentiation 36. Implicit differentiation and MaClaurin series 37. Separation of variables by substitution 38. Trigonometric Substitutions for Integrals 39. Truncation Errors 40. Euler and Trapezoidal Method 41. Numerical methods for differential equations 42. Simpson Method 43. Proof of Simpson Formula 44. Richardson Extrapolation 45. Arc length of a curve in Cartesian coordinates 46. Arc length of a curve in Polar coordinates 47. Arc length of a curve: Parametric form 48. Curves in Euclidean space 49. Functions and continuity 50. The gradient of a scalar field 51. The derivatives of the hyperbolic functions 52. Hyperbolic Functions 53. Inverse Hyperbolic Functions 54. Hyperbolic Identities 55. Integrals with inverse hyperbolic functions 56. Reduction formulae 57. Simultaneous differential equations 58. Surface of Revolution 59. Vector differential calculus 60. Scalar Fields and Vector Functions STATISTICS & PROBABILITY 1. Central Tendency: Mean, Median and Mode 2. Standard Deviation 3. Cumulative Frequency 4. Discrete Random Variables 5. Mutually exclusive and independent events 6. The Binomial Distribution 7. The Normal Distribution 8. Standardised Normal Distribution 9. Regression Lines 10. Correlation 11. The Geometric Distribution 12. Hypothesis Testing — Binomial Distribution 13. Index Numbers 14. Time Series Analysis 15. Bayes Theorem 16. Confidence interval mean — known variance 17. The Central Limit Theorem 18. Pearsons product moment correlation 19. Spearmans Rank Correlation Coefficient 20. Hypothesis Testing — Normal Distribution 21. The Poisson Distribution 22. The Normal Approximation to the Binomial 23. The Normal Approximation to the Poisson 24. The Poisson Approximation to the Binomial 25. Type I and type II errors 26. Scalar multiples of a Poisson variable 27. Test for the Mean of a Poisson distribution 28. Random Number Sampling 29. Estimating Population Parameters 30. Random Samples and Sampling Techniques 31. The Concept of a Statistic 32. Hypothesis test for the population variance 33. Central Concepts in Statistics 34. Continuous Probability Distributions 35. Modeling: Chi squared goodness of fit 36. Chi squared test for independence 37. Degrees of Freedom 38. Difference Sample Means Unknown Variance 39. Moment generating functions 40. Probability generating functions 41. Linear Combinations of Random Variables 42. Maximum Likelihood Estimators 43. Wilcoxon signed rank test on median 44. Non-parametric significance tests 45. Single-sample sign test of population median 46. Paired-sample sign test on medians 47. Paired sample t-test for related data 48. Paired sample Wilcoxon signed rank test 49. Difference of two sample means 50. Pooled sample estimate 51. Testing the Sample Mean 52. The Uniform Distribution MECHANICS 1. Velocity-Time and Displacement-Time Graphs 2. Force diagrams 3. Representation of Forces by Vectors 4. Static Equilibrium 5. Equilibrium of coplanar forces 6. Weight and Free Fall 7. Normal Reaction and Friction 8. Newtons First and Second Laws 9. Relative Motion 10. Projectiles 11. Calculus and Kinematics 12. Motion of a Particle: Vector calculus form 13. Work 14. Energy Conversions 15. Gravitational potential and kinetic energy 16. Connected Particles 17. Moments 18. Linear momentum 19. Power 20. Hookes Law 21. Simple Harmonic Motion 22. Simple Harmonic Motion and Springs 23. Calculus, Kinematics in Three Dimensions 24. Sliding, toppling and suspending 25. Impulsive Tensions in Strings 26. Angular Velocity 27. Motion in a Horizontal Circle 28. Centre of Mass of a Uniform Lamina 29. Motion in a Vertical Circle 30. Motion under a Variable Force 31. Conservation of Angular Momentum 32. Centre of Mass of a Composite Body 33. Motion under a central force 34. Centre of Mass of a Uniform Lamina 35. Centre of Mass Uniform Solid of Revolution 36. Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies in Contact 37. Damped Harmonic Motion 38. Moment of Inertia 39. Impulse, elastic collisions in one dimension 40. Parallel and Perpendicular Axis Theorems 41. Motion described in polar coordinates 42. Simple pendulum 43. Compound pendulum 44. Stability and Oscillations 45. Vector calculus 46. Linear Motion of a Body of Variable Mass DISCRETE & DECISION 1. Algorithms 2. Introduction to graph theory 3. Dijkstra algorithm 4. Sorting Algorithms 5. Critical Path Analysis 6. Dynamic Programming 7. Decision Trees 8. The Maximal Flow Problem 9. The Hungarian algorithm 10. Introduction to Linear Programming 11. Simplex Method 12. Matching Problems 13. Game Theory 14. Minimum connector problem 15. Recurrence relations 16. Proofs for linear recurrence relations 17. Simulation by Monte Carlo Methods 18. Travelling and Optimal Salesperson Problems 19. The Travelling Salesperson Problem Philosophy INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY 1. The problem of evil 2. Introduction to Plato 3. Knowledge, belief and justification 4. Descartes Meditation I 5. Introduction to the problem of universals 6. Introduction to metaethics 7. Subjectivism versus objectivism 8. Aristotle's function argument 9. Natural Law Theory 10. Utilitarianism 11. The Nicomachaen Ethics of Aristotle 12. Virtue Ethics 13. Descartes Meditation II 14. Hume and empiricism 15. The paradox of induction 16. Hume's attack on Descartes 17. The Cosmological Argument 18. The Ontological Argument 19. The Teleological Argument 20. The Argument from religious experience 21. The Moral Argument 22. The argument from illusion 23. Materialism 24. Human Identity Sociology PERSPECTIVES & METHODOLOGY 1. Introduction to Marxism 2. Introduction to Durkheim 3. Weber: classes, status groups and parties 4. Introduction to patriarchy and gender roles 5. Mass culture theory 6. The Frankfurt school STRATIFICATION & DIVERSITY 1. Ethnic groups and discrimination 2. Race, Ethnicity and Nationalism 3. Social Inequality 4. Theories of Racism 5. Class structure 6. Modern Functionalism and Stratification 7. Social Mobility 8. Bottomore: Classes in Modern Britain 9. American exceptionalism ASPECTS OF SOCIETY 1. Definitions of Poverty 2. Theories of Poverty 3. Solutions to Poverty 4. Alienation 5. Leisure 6. Work and Technological Change 7. Conflict and Cooperation at Work 8. Attitudes to Work 9. Unemployment 10. Perspectives on Education 11. Education and Ethnicity 12. Education and Gender 13. The Family and Social Structure 14. The Family and Household Structure 15. Conjugal Roles 16. Marital Breakdown 17. Post War Education in Britain 18. British Social Policy 1945—1990

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By London Waterloo Academy

Delivered OnlineMon, Sept 2317:30 + more
£300 to £529

Accredited Safer Recruitment Training

By Brightcore Consultancy

Safer recruitment training became mandatory for the recruitment of school staff from 1 January 2010. This means a recruitment panel must have at least one member who has completed the training, or where an individual is in charge of recruitment, that individual must have completed the training. It is the responsibility of schools to comply. It is recommended that anyone recruiting into the wider children’s workforce be trained.

Accredited Safer Recruitment Training
Delivered OnlineTue, Nov 1209:00 + more

Recruitment Consultant Training

By IOMH - Institute of Mental Health

Overview of Recruitment Consultant Training The demand for skilled recruitment consultants is constantly growing as businesses across all industries seek to find the best talent to fuel their success. If you're looking for a rewarding and challenging career with excellent earning potential, becoming a recruitment consultant could be the perfect opportunity. The UK recruitment industry is worth over £141.2 billion and employs over 200,000 people. It is a dynamic and ever-changing sector that offers a variety of different specialisms. This means that there are always new opportunities to learn and grow. With the proper training and experience, you can become a highly sought-after recruitment consultant and build a successful career in this exciting industry.   Get a Quick Look at The Course Content: This Recruitment Consultant Training Course will help you to learn: Understand the key principles of recruitment Apply the latest recruitment techniques Source and attract high-quality candidates Assess and interview candidates Build strong relationships with clients Manage your workload effectively Start and run your own recruitment agency This course covers the topics you must know to stand against the tough competition. The future is truly yours to seize with this Recruitment Consultant Training. Enrol today and complete the course to achieve a certificate that can change your career forever. Details Perks of Learning with IOMH One-To-One Support from a Dedicated Tutor Throughout Your Course. Study Online - Whenever and Wherever You Want. Instant Digital/ PDF Certificate. 100% Money Back Guarantee. 12 Months Access. Process of Evaluation After studying the course, your skills and knowledge will be tested with an MCQ exam or assignment. You have to get a score of 60% to pass the test and get your certificate. Certificate of Achievement Certificate of Completion - Digital / PDF Certificate After completing the Recruitment Consultant Training course, you can order your CPD Accredited Digital / PDF Certificate for £5.99.  Certificate of Completion - Hard copy Certificate You can get the CPD Accredited Hard Copy Certificate for £12.99. Shipping Charges: Inside the UK: £3.99 International: £10.99 Who Is This Course for? This course is for anyone who is interested in a career in recruitment. This includes: People who are new to the recruitment industry. Experienced recruiters who want to update their skills and knowledge. People who are looking to change careers from another sector. Requirements There is no prerequisite to enrol in this course. You don't need any educational qualification or experience to enrol in the Recruitment Consultant Training course. Do note: you must be at least 16 years old to enrol. Any internet-connected device, such as a computer, tablet, or smartphone, can access this online course. Career Path There are a variety of different jobs that you can get into with a capability in recruitment. Here are just a few examples: Recruitment Consultant - £25K to £40K/year Senior Recruitment Consultant - £35K to £50K/year Recruitment Manager - £40K to £60K/year Head of Recruitment - £50K to £70K/year Recruitment Director - £60K to £80K/year Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) Q. How do I purchase a course? 1. You need to find the right course on our IOMH website at first. You can search for any course or find the course from the Courses section of our website. 2. Click on Take This Course button, and you will be directed to the Cart page. 3. 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For International Delivery, it will take 20-25 days. If you require any assistance, get in touch with our dedicated Customer Support team, and your queries/issues will be dealt with accordingly. Q. I don't have a credit/debit card, what other methods of payment do you accept? You can make the payment using PayPal or you can Bank Transfer the amount. For Bank transfer you will require an invoice from us and you need to contact our Customer Support team and provide details of your purchase to get the invoice. After that, you will receive an email with the invoice and bank details and you can make the payment accordingly. Q. Can I do the courses from outside UK? We are an online course provider, and learners from anywhere in the world can enrol on our courses using an internet-connected device. Q. When I log into the account it says 'Contact Administrator'. To resolve this issue, please log out of your account and then log back in. Course Curriculum Recruitment Consultant Training - Updated Version Module 1 - Introduction to Recruitment: Importance and Implications 00:17:00 Module 2 - An Overview of the Recruitment Industry 00:26:00 Module 3 - The UK Recruitment Legislation 00:19:00 Module 4 - Sales and Selling in the Recruitment Industry 00:11:00 Module 5 - The Recruitment Process 00:47:00 Module 6 - Key Performance Indicators for the Recruitment Industry 00:25:00 Module 7 - Candidate Attraction for Recruitment 00:35:00 Module 8 - Candidate Management 00:22:00 Module 9 - Candidate Interview Processes 00:24:00 Module 10 - Client Acquisition 00:36:00 Module 11 - Client Strategy in the Recruitment Sector 00:25:00 Module 12: Client Management 00:27:00 Module 13 - Steps to Starting and Running a Successful Recruiting Service 00:23:00 Recruitment Consultant Training - Old Version Recruitment Basics Introduction to Recruitment 00:15:00 Recruitment 01:00:00 Shortlisting 00:15:00 Selection 01:00:00 Definitions of Training and Development 00:15:00 Considerations in the Design of Training Programmes 00:15:00 Implementing Training 00:15:00 Learning Methods 00:30:00 Recruitment Module One - Getting Started 00:15:00 Module Two - Introduction to Recruitment 00:30:00 Module Three - The Selection Process 00:30:00 Module Four - Goal Setting 00:30:00 Module Five - The Interview 00:30:00 Module Six - Types of Interview Questions 00:30:00 Module Seven - Avoiding Bias in Your Selection 00:30:00 Module Eight - The Background Check 00:30:00 Module Nine - Making Your Offer 00:30:00 Module Ten - Orientation and Retention 00:30:00 Module Eleven - Measuring the Results 00:30:00 Module Twelve - Wrapping Up 00:15:00 Managing Recruitment Module One - Getting Started 00:30:00 Module Two - Defining and Knowing the Position 01:00:00 Module Three - Hiring Strategy 01:00:00 Module Four - Lure in Great Candidates 01:30:00 Module Five - Filtering Applicants to Interview 01:00:00 Module Six - The Interview (I) 01:00:00 Module Seven - The Interview (II) 01:00:00 Module Eight - Selection Process (I) 01:00:00 Module Nine - Selection Process (II) 01:00:00 Module Ten - Making an Offer 01:00:00 Module Eleven - Onboarding 01:00:00 Module Twelve - Wrapping Up 00:30:00 Recruitment - Interview Process History of the Interviewing Process 00:30:00 The Recruitment and Selection Process 00:15:00 Factors in the Hiring Process 00:15:00 Cost Analysis 00:15:00 Job Analysis and Position Profiles 00:30:00 Determining the Skills You Need 00:15:00 Finding Candidates 00:30:00 Advertising Guidelines 00:00:00 Screening Resumes 00:30:00 Performance Assessments 00:30:00 Problems Recruiters Face 00:15:00 Interviewing Barriers 00:15:00 Non-Verbal Communication 00:15:00 Types of Questions 00:30:00 Case Study 00:15:00 Traditional vs. Behavioral Interviews 00:30:00 Other Types of Questions 00:15:00 The Critical Incident Technique 00:15:00 Listening for Answers 00:30:00 Difficult Applicants 01:00:00 Interview Preparation and Format 00:00:00 Other Interview Techniques 00:30:00 Scoring Responses 00:15:00 Checking References 00:30:00 Human Rights 00:15:00 Assignment Assignment - Recruitment Consultant Training 00:00:00

Recruitment Consultant Training
Delivered Online On Demand35 hours

HR and Recruitment Consultant Diploma - CPD Certified


By Apex Learning

Overview: HR and Recruitment Consultants are specialists who are both adored by companies and individuals when it comes to recruitment. They are handsomely paid both through gratitude and money for successfully recruiting a candidate. So if you want to classify yourself in this category, you may want to consider taking this HR and Recruitment Consultant Diploma course. You'll gain an in-depth understanding of the selection process, setting goals, interview preparation and questions, measuring talent and growth, avoiding bias while making offers, and many more. Along with this HR and Recruitment Consultant course, you will get 10 additional Career development courses, an original hardcopy certificate, a transcript and a student ID card. Courses are included in this HR and Recruitment Consultant Diploma bundle: Course 01: HR And Recruitment Consultant Training - Level 4 Course 02: Virtual Interviewing for HR Course 03: Employment Law Level 3 Course 04: Office Administration Certificate Course 05: Contract Manager Diploma Course 06: Payroll Management Course Course 07: GDPR Course 08: Workplace Confidentiality Course 09: Leadership & Management Diploma Course 10: Performance Management Course 11: Effective Communication Skills Grow your recruitment consultancy business by enrolling today! Learning Outcomes of HR and Recruitment Consultant Diploma Bundle: Understanding the basics of recruitment, client and candidate management. Implementing effective sales strategies in the recruitment industry. Familiarity with the UK recruitment legislation and implications of non-compliance. Identifying and attracting top talent using virtual interviewing techniques. Knowledge of employment law including contracts, disciplinary procedures, and parental rights. Developing organisational, communication and business writing skills for office administration. Understanding the contract management lifecycle and principles of English contract law. Ability to manage payroll systems, including pensions, pay elements and legislation settings. Knowledge of GDPR regulations, obligations, and responsibilities for personal data protection. Creating a safe workplace environment by preventing harassment, and violence and maintaining confidentiality. Improving effective communication skills, both verbal and written, in a business context. Key Features of the HR and Recruitment Consultant Course: FREE HR and Recruitment Consultant CPD-accredited certificate Get a free student ID card with HR and Recruitment Consultant training (£10 applicable for international delivery) Lifetime access to the HR and Recruitment Consultant course materials The HR and Recruitment Consultant program comes with 24/7 tutor support Get instant access to this HR and Recruitment Consultant course Learn HR and Recruitment Consultant training from anywhere in the world The HR and Recruitment Consultant training is affordable and simple to understand The HR and Recruitment Consultant training is an entirely online Enrol in HR and Recruitment Consultant training today and start your journey towards becoming successful! Description: The curriculum of HR and Recruitment Consultant Diploma - CPD Certified Course 1: HR And Recruitment Consultant Training - Level 4 Introduction to Recruitment Importance and Implications An Overview of the Recruitment Industry The UK Recruitment Legislation Sales and Selling in the Recruitment Industry The Recruitment Process Key Performance Indicators for the Recruitment Industry Candidate Attraction for Recruitment Candidate Management Candidate Interview Processes Client Acquisition Client Strategy in the Recruitment Sector Client Management How will I get my HR and Recruitment Consultant Certificate? After successfully completing the HR and Recruitment Consultant Diploma course you will be able to order your CPD Accredited Certificates (PDF + Hard Copy) as proof of your achievement. PDF Certificate: Free (Previously it was £9.99*11 = £109) Hard Copy Certificate: Free (For The Title Course: Previously it was £10) P.S. The delivery charge inside the U.K. is £3.99 and the international students have to pay £9.99. Who is this course HR and Recruitment Consultant for? Those interested in pursuing a career in recruitment or HR HR professionals seeking to enhance their recruitment skills Business owners or hiring managers responsible for recruitment Graduates or career changers looking to enter the recruitment industry Individuals looking to start their own recruitment agency Those interested in understanding the recruitment process from sourcing to onboarding. Career path Recruitment Consultant: £24,000 - £40,000 per year Talent Acquisition Specialist: £30,000 - £60,000 per year Recruitment Manager: £35,000 - £70,000 per year Headhunter: £35,000 - £80,000 per year HR Business Partner: £40,000 - £70,000 per year Recruitment Marketing Manager: £35,000 - £60,000 per year Certificates Digital certificate - Included Hard copy certificate - Included You will get the Hard Copy certificate for the title course (HR And Recruitment Consultant Training - Level 4) absolutely Free! Other Hard Copy certificates are available for £14.99 each. Please Note: The delivery charge inside the UK is £3.99, and the international students must pay a £9.99 shipping cost.

HR and Recruitment Consultant Diploma - CPD Certified
Delivered Online On Demand1 hour
£49 to £69

Recruitment and Virtual Interview

By IOMH - Institute of Mental Health

Overview of Recruitment and Virtual Interview Join our Recruitment and Virtual Interview course and discover your hidden skills, setting you on a path to success in this area. Get ready to improve your skills and achieve your biggest goals. The Recruitment and Virtual Interview course has everything you need to get a great start in this sector. Improving and moving forward is key to getting ahead personally. The Recruitment and Virtual Interview course is designed to teach you the important stuff quickly and well, helping you to get off to a great start in the field. So, what are you looking for? Enrol now! Get a quick look at the course content: This Recruitment and Virtual Interview Course will help you to learn: Learn strategies to boost your workplace efficiency. Hone your skills to help you advance your career. Acquire a comprehensive understanding of various topics and tips. Learn in-demand skills that are in high demand among UK employers This course covers the topic you must know to stand against the tough competition. The future is truly yours to seize with this Recruitment and Virtual Interview. Enrol today and complete the course to achieve a certificate that can change your career forever. Details Perks of Learning with IOMH One-To-One Support from a Dedicated Tutor Throughout Your Course. Study Online - Whenever and Wherever You Want. Instant Digital/ PDF Certificate. 100% Money Back Guarantee. 12 Months Access. Process of Evaluation After studying the course, an MCQ exam or assignment will test your skills and knowledge. You have to get a score of 60% to pass the test and get your certificate. Certificate of Achievement Certificate of Completion - Digital / PDF Certificate After completing the Recruitment and Virtual Interview course, you can order your CPD Accredited Digital / PDF Certificate for £5.99.  Certificate of Completion - Hard copy Certificate You can get the CPD Accredited Hard Copy Certificate for £12.99. Shipping Charges: Inside the UK: £3.99 International: £10.99 Who Is This Course for? This Recruitment and Virtual Interview is suitable for anyone aspiring to start a career in relevant field; even if you are new to this and have no prior knowledge, this course is going to be very easy for you to understand.  On the other hand, if you are already working in this sector, this course will be a great source of knowledge for you to improve your existing skills and take them to the next level.  This course has been developed with maximum flexibility and accessibility, making it ideal for people who don't have the time to devote to traditional education. Requirements You don't need any educational qualification or experience to enrol in the Recruitment and Virtual Interview course. Do note: you must be at least 16 years old to enrol. Any internet-connected device, such as a computer, tablet, or smartphone, can access this online course. Career Path The certification and skills you get from this Recruitment and Virtual Interview Course can help you advance your career and gain expertise in several fields, allowing you to apply for high-paying jobs in related sectors. Course Curriculum Recruitment and Virtual Interview The Recruitment Industry 00:27:00 The Recruitment Process 00:45:00 In-House Recruitment 00:22:00 The UK Recruitment Legislation 00:29:00 An Introduction to Virtual Interviewing 00:16:00 Interviewer's Perspective 00:15:00 Interview Preparation 00:30:00 Picking a Tech to Use 00:30:00 Attract and Hire the Best Talents 00:15:00 Final Thoughts and Onboarding 00:29:00 Mock-Exam Mock Exam - Recruitment and Virtual Interview 00:20:00 Final-Exam Final Exam - Recruitment and Virtual Interview 00:20:00

Recruitment and Virtual Interview
Delivered Online On Demand4 hours 58 minutes

Essentials of Recruitment and Selection

By Mpi Learning - Professional Learning And Development Provider

Getting the design and implementation of your recruitment and selection process right is the first critical step to attracting great people into your business.

Essentials of Recruitment and Selection
Delivered in Loughborough or UK Wide or OnlineFlexible Dates

Recruitment Consultant Diploma


By Janets

Elevate your career with our comprehensive Recruitment Consultant Diploma. Gain essential skills in talent acquisition, candidate sourcing, and interview techniques. Master the art of building strong client relationships and excel in the dynamic world of recruitment. Enroll now for a rewarding professional journey in the thriving field of talent management.

Recruitment Consultant Diploma
Delivered Online On Demand14 days

Recruitment Consultant Complete Bundle - QLS Endorsed

By Imperial Academy

10 QLS Endorsed Courses for Recruitment Consultant | 10 Endorsed Certificates Included | Life Time Access

Recruitment Consultant Complete Bundle - QLS Endorsed
Delivered Online On Demand

Recruitment Consultant - Interviewing and Recruitment Fundamentals Course

By One Education

Recruitment Consultant - Interviewing and Recruitment Fundamentals Course
Delivered Online On Demand3 days

An Introduction to Real Estate (12 Hours Online Self-Study)


By Bayfield Training

Are you looking to enter the dynamic world of real estate? Our course is designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to communicate effectively with real estate professionals and develop key skills in real estate investment strategy and analytics. At the end of the course, you'll be able to read and interpret real estate market reports, and have a firm grasp of how iconic buildings, cities, and companies fit into the overall picture of the real estate sector. On this course, you will… Become familiar with the players, structure, general terminology and overall needs of Real Estate. Learn what is Real Estate and why it is different from other asset classes Get to grips with the overall size and structure of the UK Real Estate Market Learn and analyse the links between the different parts of the property market Understand who works in the Real Estate Market, their qualifications and their job descriptions Recognise how and when to use basic real estate concepts: Rent, Value, Yield, Risk and Return, etc… Learn how to read a real estate market report Understand how current affairs, politics and economics affects Real Estate Investment Use household names and iconic companies, cities and buildings to help consolidate your appreciation of this exciting sector Who will benefit from this course: Graduates or undergraduates studying economics, finance. Professionals working in Marketing or Accounting teams within Real Estate firms. APC students. Anyone interested in Real Estate. School leavers/A-Level Students looking to gain an understanding of Real Estate. Non cognate students who wish to transfer into Real Estate/Finance careers. Course Outline Module 1: What is and why buy Real Estate? The property Market The Size and Structure of the UK property market The impact of Real Estate in the Economy Module 2: The Real Estate Market System The Space Market The Asset Market The Development Market Module 3: How to value Real Estate An Introduction to Financial Mathematics The difference between Price, Value and Worth Property Yield Conventional Valuation Methods Module 4: How to read a Real Estate Market Report Property Market Indicators: Stock Indicators Property Market Indicators: Investment Indicators Module 5: Who works in Real Estate? The build Environment by Cobalt Recruitment Rea; Estate Agents Examples of Real Estate Market Agents CVs Real Estate Network

An Introduction to Real Estate (12 Hours Online Self-Study)
Delivered in person or OnlineTue, Oct 108:00 + more