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Safer recruitment training became mandatory for the recruitment of school staff from 1 January 2010. This means a recruitment panel must have at least one member who has completed the training, or where an individual is in charge of recruitment, that individual must have completed the training. It is the responsibility of schools to comply. It is recommended that anyone recruiting into the wider children’s workforce be trained.
This training is for Headteachers, Senior Leaders, Governors, Business Managers, HR professionals and for those who recruit workers and volunteers to work with children and young people. As a minimum at least one member of the interview panel should have had Safer Recruitment Training. All organisations in England that work with or provide services for children and families have a duty to protect their welfare.
Brightcore Consultancy was founded by Oliver Welsby to provide dynamic and forward-thinking training and consultancy services. With a wealth of experience as both a DSL and a...