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  • Personal Development

488 Personal Development courses near LONDON

Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking

By Academy of Public Speakers

Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking Are you held back by the fear of public speaking? This fear is more than just meeting nerves—it acts as a formidable barrier, muting your valuable contributions and stalling your career progression.  Despite possessing valuable experience and ideas, the overwhelming fear of speaking out in meetings causes you to retreat into silence. Meanwhile, your less experienced but more confident colleagues speak up, gaining visibility and opportunities that could have been yours. A fear of public speaking is a significant obstacle blocking you from the recognition and career advancement you deserve. The Way Forward? Our Public Speaking Class in London is crafted for professionals keen to conquer their fear of public speaking and seize control of their careers. Embark on this transformative journey with us and swiftly gain the confidence to: Confidently share your thoughts and ideas in meetings - Actively engage in discussions - Deliver compelling presentations - Elevate your professional visibility Why Our Public Speaking Class in London? We understand your struggle. Our instructors have personally faced and overcome their own intense public speaking fears. Their journey has equipped them with the unique empathy and expertise to facilitate your journey from fear to confidence. Stop letting a fear of public speaking hold back your career. Join our Public Speaking Class in London and transform your next meeting into a confident opportunity for success.  It's time for your voice to unlock the recognition and opportunities for your career success.

Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking
Delivered In-Person in London1 hour 30 minutes, Jul 9th, 17:30 + 45 more

BEING and BECOMING The MEDICINE: A new approach to Psychedelics


By Numinity

A conscious gathering to experience the ritual of energy blessings, medicine songs and offerings. Fundraising for Sacred Ways Foundation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "MITAKUYE OYASIN" or "WE ARE ALL RELATED" is a Lakota phrase at the center of the 'way of life' of the indigenous people of the world. It is also the corner stone of today's PSYCHEDELIC RENAISSANCE. In a time where we are experiencing the emergence of psychedelic as a new pathway to explore the limit of the mind and a solution to societal crisis, Francois Demange and Kelly Jennings both initiated in the lineages of the Quechua's, Shipibos, Lakota, Dene, Mazatec, Tsitujiles, Awajun and Meshicas...bring the beauty of indigenous wisdom into the context of our everyday life. Everything is energy ... it is all interconnected... Being and Becoming the Medicine, is a gathering to experience at first hand the ritual of energy blessings, medicine songs and offerings. Come and witness, Participate in an emergent process of connection, Be in the Conversations where the WATER is listening, where SPACE, a co-creation of our presence SPEAKS... Indigenous Wisdom and Psychedelics today. Songs, Icaros, Indigenous Wisdom, Ritual and Conversations. The Space where Water Listens. Re-Membering your Essence. Connecting to Oneness. François Demange is an internationally known healer who specialises in traditional Amazonian lineages. He trained in the Peruvian Amazon for fifteen years under the guidance of the Quechua-Lamistas, Aguarunas, and the Shipibo indigenous peoples. He has since been in practice leading ayahuasca retreats and plant medicine rituals in South America building awareness for communities from the US, Europe, and Canada for more than ten years. He comes as the most highly recommended practitioner by many accredited scholars in the field of psychedelic study and by leaders in organisations dedicated to research in these fields. He is a Reiki master healer and a Sun Dancer with the Dakota Tipi Nation of Canada, initiated in the Bwiti healing art and ceremonies of the Iboga tradition in Gabon by Maman Bernadette Ribiennot, and part of the Native American Church of the Denee Nation. He brings these lineages and practices together in ceremony to provide a powerful healing transmission and awakening our western culture into a collective consciousness resonance rooted in everyday life reality. Kelly is dedicated to the evolution of our planetary consciousness and culture through radical self-care, transformational individual and group healing experiences, and shamanic Qi Gong transmission. She's mother to a mixed family of 5, daughter to a Chilean mamá and Aruban raised father and wife to a renegade French/Peruvian. She's a naturopathic physician and Chinese medicine practitioner, informed by two decades of ritual practice and training with indigenous healers from the Shipibo, Mayan, Moshica, Daoist and Quechua traditions. Her work is inspired by this question: How are we becoming the elders our children are yearning for? Please note all profits from this gathering will go to Sacred Ways Foundation. Please donate what you can afford to. Find us on social media: @numinity.collective Join our Whatsapp Group for new event updates.

BEING and BECOMING The MEDICINE: A new approach to Psychedelics
Delivered In-Person in London2 hours 30 minutes, Jul 11th, 18:00

inGenius Memory

By inGeniusly

If you have the desire to memorise anything incredibly quickly, and retain it for as long as you need, this course is for you! In a fun, dynamic way, where we purposefully combine different teaching approaches to get you to a level of mastery in the shortest possible time, we will teach you the ins and outs of memory. You will be amazed by how powerful your own brain can be!

inGenius Memory
Delivered Online & In-Person in London12 weeks, Jul 12th, 15:00

Basic Nursing Skills for HCAs (Part 1)


By EF Training & Consultancy Ltd

Healthcare Assistant Course Basic Nursing Skills for HCAs Healthcare training for assistants Healthcare education program Blood glucose testing course Practical nursing skills training Realistic healthcare simulations Patient observation techniques Blood pressure measurement skills Temperature assessment in healthcare Respiratory health monitoring Heart rate measurement techniques Glucometer blood glucose testing National Early Warning Signs system Patient documentation skills Healthcare career development Healthcare assistant certification Hands-on healthcare training Real-world patient care skills Healthcare assistant proficiency program

Basic Nursing Skills for HCAs (Part 1)
Delivered In-Person in LondonFull day, Jul 13th, 08:30

Summer Fast Track 2024 - Organisation & Relationship Systems Coaching Training


CRRUK equips professionals with the concepts, skills and tools to build conscious, intentional relationships, and to coach relationship systems of any size.

Summer Fast Track 2024 - Organisation & Relationship Systems Coaching Training
Delivered In-Person in London3 days, Jul 14th, 08:30 + 1 more



By Integrative Coaching

Also known as Life Coaching, this area of the practice focuses on life satisfaction, motivation and aims to increase your general well-being. By taking a step back, you will be able to get a helicopter view of your situation and tackle individually the areas of concern with the right tools for you.

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London

Unlock Your Intuition


By Numinity

A powerful combo of breathwork, meditation, creative writing & drawing techniques to help you quieten the noise and tap into your intuition -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Modern life is filled with noise and distractions. We’re under constant pressure to pander to pings, multitask and respond to the needs of others, all of which impact the mind’s ability to think creatively, as interruptions kill creative thinking and the ability to listen to our intuition. This session combines breathwork, meditation, creative writing, and drawing techniques to help you quiet the noise and tap into your inner ideas and inspiration. Designed to enhance intention setting and spiritual integration, these practices also benefit creative processes by sharpening intuition and problem-solving skills. This two hour session will be screen-free, with materials provided. Wear comfortable clothing and bring a pen, journal and refillable bottle for this unique introspective experience. Your Facilitator: Hosted by Creative Thinking Coach Ketan Lad. His journey with unlocking creativity began over 12 years ago when chosen to learn the art and science of facilitation and ideas generation in a commercial creativity context. Since then Ketan has worked with numerous big brands, small business and individuals to unlock creative thinking, through hosting workshops and training. Ketan has been an active member of the Numinity community for over a year, assisting with ceremonies, furthering his spiritual practice and developing creative thinking techniques to help people with intention setting and integration, and has spent the last two years attending retreats in The UK, Spain and Morocco to create a unique creativity coaching techniques that draw inspiration from both modern psychology and ancient spiritual practices. Agenda 7:00-7:15 pm - Introduction and welcome 7:15 - 7:30 pm - Meditation and breathwork 7:30 - 8:50 pm - Guided techniques for unlocking intuition 8:50pm - 9:00 pm - Closing Circle

Unlock Your Intuition
Delivered In-Person in London2 hours, Jul 18th, 18:00
£25 to £35

Microdose, Breathwork & LIVE Sound Journey


By Numinity

Join us for a transformational Microdose, Breathwork & Sound Journey. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We invite you to join us for this extraordinary journey of self-discovery and inner transformation. This session has been designed to help you tap into your inner wisdom, discover your infinite potential, and improve your wellbeing. We will start the session with an opening ritual where you will receive a microdose of mushrooms to guide you on your journey. Melissa will then guide you through a Breathwork session set to an original soundscape composed by Holly. Conscious Connected Breathwork is a specific breathing exercises focused on deep breathing, whereby an expanded, transcendental state of consciousness can be achieved. In this state, blockages that disturb one's own (energy) flow, such as repressed experiences, feelings and emotions, can be brought to the surface and recognised and dissolved. A feeling of liberation can be experienced in real terms and perceived as a deep connection with the universal whole. In and after light breathing, feelings of relief, freedom, bliss, connectedness and oneness can arise. After the Breathwork session, you’ll continue to lie on your mat, while Holly & Melissa lull you into a state of deep integrative relaxation with a rejuvenating soundscape. The session will last approximately 2 hours. Preparation Guidelines: 1. Hydration: Begin hydrating your body well in advance of the event. Proper hydration supports the Breathwork process and enhances the effects of the Cacao. 2. Light Nourishment: Eat a light and easily digestible meal no later than 4pm. This will provide you with energy without causing discomfort during the session. 3. Avoid Stimulants: Refrain from consuming caffeine or stimulants at least 4-6 hours before the event. This helps to promote a calm and centered state for the breathwork and sound journey. 4. Clothing: Wear comfortable clothing that allows for unrestricted breathing and movement. Layers are recommended, as body temperature may fluctuate during the session. 5. Open Mindset: Approach the journey with an open mind and heart. Set an intention for the experience, whether it's personal growth, stress relief, or spiritual connection. 6. What to bring. Bring some water and a journal. Everything else will be provided. Price: Price is on a sliding scale. Please pay what you can afford. @numinity.collective [https://www.instagram.com/numinity.collective/] Join our Whatsapp Group [https://chat.whatsapp.com/FcJsl64MnXoK4ZIcauFyMR] for new event updates. CONTRAINDICATIONS If you have any of the following conditions YOU CAN STILL COME, we will just be recommending a slightly different nose breath. * Epilepsy or seizures * Heart conditions or arrhythmia * High blood pressure, or low blood pressure with fainting history * Delicate pregnancy * Bi-polar disorder, schizophrenia or psychosis * Untreated/severe PTSD * Pre-existing lung disease * Recent major surgery * Glaucoma/detached retina * Severe osteoparosis This practice is not a substitute for medical advice, and if you experience any of the following, you should consult your GP or primary healthcare provider first. Please don't be put off by the necessary health information, Breathwork is mostly a hugely enjoyable and transformative practice and we encourage you to come and try it out.

Microdose, Breathwork & LIVE Sound Journey
Delivered In-Person in London2 hours, Jul 21st, 10:00 + 1 more
£50 to £70

The Deepening Okuden Usui Reiki Level 2


By Stephanie Edwards

Join us for an immersive journey into Reiki Level 2, where you'll unlock the power of sacred symbols, master distant healing, and emerge as a certified Reiki professional.

The Deepening Okuden Usui Reiki Level 2
Delivered In-Person in London6 hours 30 minutes, Jul 27th, 08:30 + 5 more

Shamanic Rapé, Sananga & Cacao Ceremony


By Numinity

An evening of Shamanic healing, plant medicine and live music to heal and grow. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We invite you to attend an evening of shamanic healing, plant medicine and live music to heal and grow. We are excited to share three powerful medicines from the Amazon with you - Rapé, Sananga and Cacao. There will be adequate time for you to sit with the effects of each medicine while we sing and play to guide you on your journey. You are welcome to simply listen and enjoy the ceremony or if you would like to join in and sing, play or dance, you are welcome to! The Plant Medicines * Cacao is known as the "food of the gods.” It has been used for centuries in ceremonial settings to open the heart, connect with our inner essence, and clear stagnant emotional energy from the body. Sip on a warm cup of ceremonial Cacao, prepared with intention and love, as it takes you on a journey and guides you back to your heart. * Rapé is a powerful shamanic medicine renowned for its purifying and grounding properties. It is snuff made from tobacco and other medicinal or sacred trees which is applied by being blown into each nostril. Our team will offer individual servings of high-quality Rapé, made by indigenous tribes. You will have the opportunity to choose the strength of your dose, allowing you to navigate this sacred medicine at your own pace. The application of Rapé immediately focuses the mind, stops its chattering, and creates space. It helps release emotional, physical, and spiritual illness and eases negativity and confusion, facilitating clarity, alignment, and a profound connection with yourself. * Sananga is a traditional Brazilian medicine used for both spiritual and physical healing. Sananga possesses the ability to clear blocked energies, offering emotional, spiritual, and physical release. The plant-based eye drops are said to enhance eyesight and have long been used by indigenous tribes to prevent and treat ocular diseases like glaucoma, cataracts, near-sightedness, and blindness. Sananga is also commonly used to treat skin diseases, infections, arthritis, cancer, and to clear a person of what is called panema - anxiety, depression, bad luck, negative energies and laziness. This powerful plant guides us towards the roots of our challenges and provides guidance on our healing journey. Preparation You are advised to fast (just water) for at least one hour before the ceremony and avoid any heavily processed or fried foods during the day. Please wear comfortable clothing. If you would like to bring a guitar, drum, shaker or other instrument to play, please do. Price The ticket price for this event is on a sliding scale. Please pay what you can afford. Your Facilitator: Melissa is a renowned Sound Healer, Life Coach, Tantric Practitioner, and Psychedelic Retreat Facilitator. With a passion for empowering individuals, Melissa offers transformative one-on-one coaching sessions and leads workshops and retreats in the areas of Self Healing, Sexual Mastery, and Psychedelics. Melissa's background as a Lawyer brings a unique perspective to her approach. She is grounded and non-dogmatic and empowers her clients to balance their beliefs with a healthy amount of critical thinking and discernment. In her work as a retreat leader, Melissa creates safe and supportive environments for individuals to explore the transformational power of Ayahuasca. With her deep love and respect for shamanic traditions, Melissa guides participants through profound inner experiences, facilitating healing, self-discovery, and personal growth. Her commitment to personal and collective transformation have earned her recognition as a leading figure in her respective fields. Her comprehensive approach, combining ancient wisdom with modern techniques, empowers individuals to transcend their limitations, unlock their potential, and live lives of purpose and fulfilment. Find us on social media: @numinity.collective [https://www.instagram.com/numinity.collective/] Join our Whatsapp Group [https://chat.whatsapp.com/FcJsl64MnXoK4ZIcauFyMR] for new event updates.

Shamanic Rapé, Sananga & Cacao Ceremony
Delivered In-Person in London2 hours, Jul 25th, 18:00 + 2 more
£27.5 to £44

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