80 Educators providing Meetings courses near London

Proactive NLP Ltd

proactive nlp ltd


At Proactive NLP Ltd we offer perhaps the widest range of NLP based services. Whatever your context we have solutions that will deliver the outcome you're seeking. Our core offering is traditional accredited NLP training at Diploma, Practitioner & Master Practitioner levels.  This series of personal development really is the most intensive journey you can take and the most rewarding.  You will give yourself the maximum choice of the life you want to lead. All our services incorporate NLP at their core, hence, learning NLP is central to you achieving exactly what you want to achieve. For individuals struggling to identify the future they want because they are shackled with Anxiety and Stress or Depression we have a service that lets you take those shackles and chains off.  Our 'A Life Without Anxiety' site is where we assist individuals re-train their minds to shaoe the life they want to lead.  We have conducted an extensive review of lots of 'Anxiety Journals' and "Anxiety Cure' books...lets just say they re-inforce anxiety in the reader!  Our approach is totally different, we will guide you to create the life you want...free from an anxiety.  We will be publishing our own Journal and accompanying Book. For businesses and organisations we have two distinct offerings.  Firstly, our Business NLP offering takes our traditional NLP training and reframes this as a development programme focused on developing Collaborative Leadership and Collaborative Cultures.  Having worked on most of the major infrastructure projects delivered within the UK over the last 12 years we have encountered multiple scenarios where 'collaborative working' was a stated aim of the project.  However, virtually zero collaboration actually took place.  What we encounter mostly is the traditional and acrimonious 'client / contractor' game playing.  This simply derails and extends the life of projects.  This is the opposite of the stated aim of the project.  We believe if organisations can master the dynamics of collaboration they can achieve everything they want.  Our Business NLP programmes are Diploma - The Fundamentals of Collaborative Behaviour; Practitioner - Developing Collaborative Relationships and Master Practitioner - Leading & Developing Collaborative Cultures. For organisations dealing with low performance, conflict or struggling to deliver against their objectives our specialist Workshop Facilitation business is the answer.  Here we conduct a diagnostic process to uncover the patterns and dynamics getting in the way performance improving.  We then deliver specialised facilitation of workshops and meetings to create a new level of engagement within teams.  Our main assignments for this tend to be teams and groups struggling because of 'conflict' and a lack of 'accountability'.  We have successfully delivered programmes that have resolved these issues and have seen teams we have worked with go on and achieve the level of performance they had initially struggled with. Whatever it is you're looking for in terms of personal or organisational development we have the solutions that will deliver what you're seeking to achieve.  All you ahve to do is get in touch.

Real Chinese Academy

real chinese academy


Founded in 2006, Real Chinese Academy has been working towards all-around “student development, teacher development and school development”, upholding the principle of “quality-first”, and implementing the philosophy of integrating cultural awareness into language learning. In the past decade or so, we have enabled many students to acquire a broad knowledge of Chinese culture, and practical skills of using the Chinese language. At the same time, our team of dedicated teachers have raised their professionalism to a new level. Real Chinese Academy is going from strength to strength. To ensure high-quality teaching results, we group students based on their age, level of Chinese language and family background (native/non-native Chinese speaker). All teachers utilise multimedia method and self-designed entertaining materials to facilitate teaching and enhance students’ achievements. Wechat and WhatsApp chat groups for parents are created to strengthen parent-teacher communications. At the same time, we hold regular parents meetings to discuss students’ progress at school while listening to parents’ feedbacks. For parents’ convenience, relevant information will be posted on our official website. Homework and assignments will be published on our website to make it easier for parents to supervise their children. Besides Chinese language teaching, we are honoured to have a world-class renowned artist, Mr. Sheng Qi, to lead our Visual arts course. In addition, English actress Helen Hobson teaches our Public Speaking course, and dozens of students have achieved excellent results in LAMDA exams which lay the foundation for all-round development of students. Headmistress Ms. Zoe Xu, originally from Beijing, is a mother of two. She is well versed in the comparative research of Chinese and British education as well as family education. In the last two decades, she has written books related to education such as Please Don’t Do This to Your Children, Chinese Orphans and Their Foreign Parents, Alternative Route to Development, Ten Skills That Affect Your Child’s Fortune. All the titles are published in mainland China. Real Chinese is growing! From only six pupils at the very beginning for Mandarin only, we’ve grown to be two hundred strong. Every year some of our students take GCSE Chinese and each of them achieved A* grade. Real Chinese have developed from simple teaching to a broader field of education. The school has found a successful way of managing the Chinese language education as the core while valuing all-around education. The road ahead will be long and rugged, yet we shall search high and low, for the benefit of the community and the promotion of the Chinese language and culture.

Orchard Edu

orchard edu


Approved Contractors & specialists only, all of which complete a robust due diligence process and achieve excellent audit results. HSE Compliant. All building Repair disciplines are delivered by experienced Tradesmen. From a full fire damaged or flood affected claim, to a minor escape of water claim Joint visits to reduce timescales and agree works required and costs at earliest opportunity. We encourage all parties required to visit together, this minimises Policyholders having to meet many people at numerous meetings, (becomes confusing )and allows for conversations to include everyone involved from the start. Asbestos testing & removing, via specialists & BAU contractors, encapsulation where appropriate instead of destructive removal Drone camera surveys Drains inc surveys Contents inc storage & Restoration. Drying / mitigation and reporting. Alternative / drying solutions to reduce strip out and delays Alternative accommodation arrangements can be worked to as soon as arrangements have been made, to ensure works progress quickly to reduce timescales and therefore costs to the client. This element is also considered much sooner in the process when joint visits are agreed with all parties Temporary Kitchens & Bathrooms to enable p / holders to remain at home. Non destructive Leak detection and mitigation works, thermal imaging, acoustic profiling and tracer gas Internal & external plumbing and central heating systems Swimming pools water ingress and damp/moisture surveys Salts and water testing, moisture measurement Trace and access pipe repairs Historic buildings & Listed properties subsidence claims including all necessary monitoring and mitigation works. Validation and audit function to ensure service delivery & accurate scopes of work. Totally focused on the Customer journey to reduce timescales & costs, and significantly reduce or eradicate AA. Drone Surveys We can provide a refreshingly new approach to Insurance related building Repairs, and offer different solutions for clients. Fully approved Contractors for insurance repairs, all of which have passed robust and relevant due diligence process, maintain their businesses and adhere to compliance changes and Market trends, as well as having many years’ experience in the Industry. This allows adjusters & surveyors to remain engaged and close to everything that happens on a claim as the driver. Our Contractors are TRUSTED, and are a safe pair of hands for Clients, adjusters, surveyors and importantly for Policyholders. Alternatively Via the same process as choice one, We can offer a fully managed service with the same approved Contractors, that will drive performance and SLA adherence, validate the schedule or repairs and drive all dates to ensure the customer journey is swift. Our database will capture details and dates and ensure all parties are kept informed. Client, contractor and Policyholder portals support this.

Nexus Human

nexus human


Nexus Human, established over 20 years ago, stands as a pillar of excellence in the realm of IT and Business Skills Training and education in Ireland and the UK.  For over two decades, Nexus Human has been a steadfast source of reliable and high-quality training solutions, catering to a diverse range of professional and educational needs. With a strong reputation in the Training Industry, Nexus Human has consistently demonstrated its commitment to equipping individuals and organisations with the skills and knowledge required to thrive in today's dynamic world.  Our training programs span a wide spectrum, encompassing IT certifications, business skills, and much more.   What sets Nexus Human apart is our unwavering dedication to staying at the forefront of industry trends and technology advancements.  Our expert instructors, coupled with cutting-edge training resources, ensure that students receive the most up-to-date and relevant knowledge available. The impact of Nexus Human extends far and wide, helping individuals enhance their career prospects and aiding businesses in achieving their goals.  This 20-year journey has solidified our institution's standing as a trusted partner in personal and professional growth, offering reliable, excellent training that continues to shape the future.  Whether you seek to upskill, reskill, or simply stay ahead of the curve, Nexus Human is the place to turn for an educational experience marked by quality, reliability, and innovation.

New School Of The Anthropocene

new school of the anthropocene


The New School of the Anthropocene is a radical and affordable experiment in interdisciplinary higher education for the digital era in collaborative association with October Gallery in London. We are an ensemble of experienced academics from the higher educational world who, in the company of diverse artists and practitioners, wish to restore the values of intellectual adventure, free exchange and creative risk that formerly characterised an arts education in the UK and beyond.    The New School is registered with Companies House as a Community Interest Company and is run cooperatively. We think of ourselves as a purpose or condition, rather than an institution, open to collaboration and gathering. Our curriculum is dedicated to addressing ecological recovery and social renewal through the arts. Learning styles flex to accommodate the domestic and employment responsibilities of our students. The age-range within this heterogenous community extends from 18 to 75 and qualification-levels range from GCSE to PhD. We regard our participants as researchers from the start and they co-design their work with an emphasis on critical intervention fused with creative process. The collaborative work of the body – learning, for example, about food resilience at Calthorpe Community Garden and rainforest restoration in Puerto Rico - is assigned equal prominence to more conventional university-level activities such as textual analysis, philosophical discussion and filmmaking.    We opened our doors to a first yearly cohort of 26 students in September 2022. They have joined us for 28 weekly Anthropocene Seminars led by the likes of Marina Warner, Robert Macfarlane, Gargi Bhattacharyya, Adam Broomberg, Ann Pettifor, Assemble Studio, Michael Mansfield, Robin Kirkpatrick, Esther Teichmann, Anthony Sattin, Chris Petit and Mark Nelson (Biosphere 2), whose work covers the entire range of subjects falling within the framework of the Environmental Humanities. These vigorously participatory sessions are prefaced by a movement class and are run in-person and streamed on-line to enable our planetarians to join us from Tajikistan, Egypt, US, Niger, Ireland, Scotland and France. Our teachers are gathered within an ever-extending Ensemble, not an exclusive faculty, and are paid at UCU-recommended rates for their contributions.  All NSotA students also work on a research project that is individually supervised and benefits from five meetings a year with at least two Ensemble members. This contributes towards a Diploma in Environmental Humanities, rather than a degree: a means of countering an anxious culture of accreditation, which we differentiate from the principle of recognition. Our students instead carry forward a supervised portfolio of their critical and creative work accomplished over the year as testament to their development.  While seeking to maintain a genuinely inter-generational student body, our recruitment continues to prioritise applicants from those with no prior experience of university. Our pay-what-you-can-afford scheme means that our students typically pay between 0.5% and 5% of the average cost of a UK postgraduate degree and enjoy double the number of contact teaching hours. This means that no one with the aptitude and desire to participate need be excluded. We have also set aside free places for forced migrants fleeing conflict across the world, which are awarded in association with Revoke and Birkbeck College’s Compass Project.   The New School is to be simultaneously regarded as an applied research project that explores how an agile, self-organising model for higher education might be effectively constituted. Its processes have been fully archived with the intention of creating an open-source toolkit for educators who might seek to emulate this prototype and co-establish a sisterhood of corresponding initiatives. We are a contributing partner of the Academia Biospherica Alliance, which from 2024 will offer on-site educational programmes under the auspices of October Gallery’s parent organisation, the Institute of Ecotechnics, across the five main earth biomes of mountains, oceans, forests, desert grasslands and cities in locations such as Puerto Rico, Brazil, Argentina, Iraq, Italy, Catalonia and Egypt.    This reflects our expressly collaborative ethos, as manifested further in our participation within the Ecoversities Alliance and Faculty for a Future, alongside established associations with Embassy Cultural House (London, Ontario), the London Review of Books and Birkbeck College Library, where our students enjoy borrowing rights, and prospective academic partnerships with the Central European University and Global Centre for Advanced Studies. We are also in the process of gaining recognition as a UNESCO Futures Literacy Laboratory. Our public launch in November 2021 was marked by a symposium on the future of the university in relation to biopolitical emergency, timed to coincide with COP26. It features recorded dialogues with leading thinkers available to view on our website: www.nsota.org [http://www.nsota.org].    In February 2023 the New School hosted a seminar jointly with Birkbeck’s Institute for Social Research to announce the relaunch of the Stories in Transit project founded by Marina Warner with the intention of initiating a collective research project for NSotA students. This will form a central component of a continuing second year active engagement with the present cohort following the end of the academic year in June, which is currently under collective discussion.    From September 2023 our first-year cohort size will be increased to 40 students drawn from the UK and around the world. The programme will be augmented by small-group creativity classes as a means of building a collaborative environment and preparing scholars for the intensity of their project work. NSotA's debut cohort established an additional self-organised reading group, meeting on-line on Sunday afternoons with the purpose of extending discussions broached in previous Anthropocene Seminars. For the next academic year this will be formally incorporated into the curriculum. Long-term plans include the founding of a research agency with D-Fuse intending to explore innovative multi-modal representations of biocidal emergency in civic spaces.   We are keenly aware that today’s university system is outmoded, sclerotic and wasteful; yoked to punishing systems of debt finance and managerial bureaucracy; and falling short in its responsibility to nurture future generations as confident participants within the complex universe in which we are all embedded. In proposing an affordable interdisciplinary education, the New School of the Anthropocene seeks to rejuvenate the core values of an adventurous education that are under sustained threat across the world. In so doing, it represents a genuine alternative for those who consider experimentation across the critical-creative seam to be the prerequisite to personal resilience and cultural renewal.


Courses matching "Meetings"

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Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking

By Confident You™

Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking Are you held back by the fear of public speaking? This fear is more than just meeting nerves—it acts as a formidable barrier, muting your valuable contributions and stalling your career progression.  Despite possessing valuable experience and ideas, the overwhelming fear of speaking out in meetings causes you to retreat into silence. Meanwhile, your less experienced but more confident colleagues speak up, gaining visibility and opportunities that could have been yours. A fear of public speaking is a significant obstacle blocking you from the recognition and career advancement you deserve. The Way Forward? Our Public Speaking Class in London is crafted for professionals keen to conquer their fear of public speaking and seize control of their careers. Embark on this transformative journey with us and swiftly gain the confidence to: Confidently share your thoughts and ideas in meetings - Actively engage in discussions - Deliver compelling presentations - Elevate your professional visibility Why Our Public Speaking Class in London? We understand your struggle. Our instructors have personally faced and overcome their own intense public speaking fears. Their journey has equipped them with the unique empathy and expertise to facilitate your journey from fear to confidence. Stop letting a fear of public speaking hold back your career. Join our Public Speaking Class in London and transform your next meeting into a confident opportunity for success.  It's time for your voice to unlock the recognition and opportunities for your career success.

Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking
Delivered In-Person in LondonTue, Oct 817:30 + more

Managing Meetings


By Lapd Solutions Ltd

Managing meetings, Meeting Management, Efficient Meetings, Moccasin Approach, Moccasin Manager,

Managing Meetings
Delivered in Birmingham + 1 more or UK Wide or OnlineFlexible Dates
£1250 to £1500

Meet and Greet: LSN & LSOC x Barts & the London Surgical Society x Barts & London CardioSoc


By London School of Cardiothoracics

🚨 Passionate about Cardiothoracic Surgery? 🚨 Join us for a speed mentoring event where you’ll get a chance to network with the London School of Cardiothoracic (LSOC) faculty, the London Student Network (LSN) team, BLSS, and BLCardiosoc! 🌟 This is a valuable opportunity to network, ask all the questions you can, and learn about upcoming events for the year! 💬🫀✨ ✨ Free food and refreshments ✨ 🗓 Limited slots available — register now before it’s too late! We can’t wait to see you there! 😄

Meet and Greet: LSN & LSOC x Barts & the London Surgical Society x Barts & London CardioSoc
Delivered In-Person in LondonThu, Oct 1017:00

Running Effective Meetings


This course, which can be run as a half day (3.5 hours) or a whole day course, is designed to help those who chair or participate in meetings to understand how to run effective meetings that are constructive, concise and actually achieve something! The course can be adapted to cover meetings in general or focus on specific types of meetings such as trustee, director or committee meetings, staff or project meetings.

Running Effective Meetings
Delivered In-Person in Thetford or UK WideFlexible Dates

Chairing meetings skills for Elected Members Masterclass (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

Chairing meetings skills for Elected Members Masterclass (In-House)
Delivered in Harpenden or UK Wide or OnlineFlexible Dates
Price on Enquiry

Minuting virtual meetings (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

Minuting virtual meetings (In-House)
Delivered in Harpenden or UK Wide or OnlineFlexible Dates
Price on Enquiry

Facilitating Effective Meetings (In-Person)

By IIL Europe Ltd

Facilitating Effective Meetings (In-Person)
Delivered In-Person in LondonFlexible Dates

Facilitating Effective Meetings: In-House Training

By IIL Europe Ltd

Facilitating Effective Meetings: In-House Training
Delivered in London or UK Wide or OnlineFlexible Dates

Meetings, Meetings, Meetings!: In-House

By Maximum Performance

Meetings, Meetings, Meetings!: In-House
Delivered in Harpenden or UK Wide or OnlineFlexible Dates
Price on Enquiry

Psychedelic Community Meet-up


By Numinity

Come and connect with our wonderful community and talk all things Psychedelics! Come and connect with our wonderful community and talk all things Psychedelics. We are a friendly group who provide opportunities to meet like-minded people, make friends, and learn more about Psychedelics. Whether you're seeking integration support or simply want to connect with others who share your interests, this event provides a space for authentic connections and friendships to flourish. We welcome everyone from curious newcomers to experienced psychonauts! We can't wait to meet you! Disclaimer Please note that this event promotes responsible and informed exploration of Psychedelics. We prioritise safety, harm reduction, and adherence to local laws. We encourage open-mindedness, respect for diverse perspectives, and a commitment to creating a supportive and inclusive community. Location Throughout the winter months, we will be at a cosy location in Highgate and will share our exact location in our Whatsapp meetup group. NOTE: Don't worry if the event shows as sold out. Join the Whatsapp group to receive details. After the meet-up, some of the gang will be heading to Kentish Town for a Shamanic Rapé, Sananga & Cacao Ceremony. Space is limited so please book a ticket if you would like to join us for this part! Meet the Numinity Team:

Psychedelic Community Meet-up
Delivered In-Person in LondonSat, Oct 2615:00