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18 Educators providing Influence courses in Edinburgh

Alchemy of Living

alchemy of living



What do we mean by inner transformation? Why would you even want to obtain it? Lets start with why you would want it? What is it you want more of? Most of us have been conditioned in the west to believe that success, peace, happiness and contentment comes from achieving material goals in the outside world; wealth, status, love, diplomas, being in the cool group, the successful elite. Are you exhausted chasing all this in the superficial realms of the outside world of contemporary western society where things always change and everything is a sales pitch of one solution fits all? In the wisdom of the ancient spiritual teachings of the east, you are encouraged to embark on a deeper personal journey within, that creates the changes in you, enabling you to walk through the world with ease and grace no matter how much it changes or challenges you, and not to be influenced by market and media, but by what sings out the truth to your soul.So how do we access this well of abundance with in us? Tantra means Matrix and is the science that enables us to understand the complex intricacies of life in simple steps: the ability to see ourselves for who we truly are - your own unique experiment, make adjustments to the way we perceive the world/reality (expand our consciousness), understand more clearly what is good or right for us (wellbeing, healthy environments, personal & spiritual growth, natural simple living), behaving in the world more effectively to influence the environment around us, and to receive from the environment what we desire (understanding the laws of energy & mastering energy resonance). After many years studying the diverse range of systems in personal development, leadership, medicine and spiritual development, what we discovered is that Tantra and its sister science of Ayurveda bring powerful, tangible, permanent and expanding transformation, both for the body, mind and soul, and for the world we live in. The Alchemy of Living has been created to share these amazing teachings with individuals and motivate them to live a more fulfilling life, to experience a change within and be catalysts in society for a more balanced and harmonious way of being. We also offer therapies using Tantric and Ayurvedic massage, yoga and meditation to help detox and rebalance your holistic being.

TCD Research Development Office - RDO

tcd research development office - rdo



Research is an essential part of what we do in Trinity. We are driven by a passion for research and scholarship. Our research has a fundamental influence on our teaching. Research, along with teaching, forms our identity. Research is one of the factors that makes Trinity the leading university in Ireland and a university of international standing. The research we do here in Trinity is diverse and rich. We take pride in being research active across all three of our faculties - Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences; Engineering, Maths & Science; and Health Sciences. The Trinity Campaign is built around the theme Inspiring Generations, a theme that is very apt for research as our work looks to understand the past as well as build the future. Our Research Charter provides a context for how we work. The Charter is the result of a highly consultative process that engaged people from different disciplines and divisions across Trinity. The Charter is our public commitment to the values that underpin our research. We also warmly embrace the principles set out in the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment. One of the seven principles in our Charter is ‘Standing Up for Research’. This is especially important in today’s world. We need to ensure that the neutral voice of the expert researcher is taken seriously, that research continues to be resourced, and that research continues to matter. To that end, #researchMATTERS is our research magazine and our way of sharing some of the many research stories that are part of work and life in Trinity. Our vision is to engage in research with the quality, intensity, depth, diversity, and openness that leads to fundamental breakthroughs, new understandings, key insights, and that can make translational and transformative advances.

Courses matching "Influence"

Show all 79

One of the keys to success today is our ability to effectively influence others.

Influencing Skills
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Loughborough

Influencing skills at work (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

The ability to influence others is a life skill but also one that has never been so critically useful at work. This one day workshop will set you on the road to discover what you need to be able to think and do that will help you take people with you. This involves learning some new tools and strategies that fit the situation you are in and making sure you use the right skills and behaviours to influence well, whether it is a single person or a room full of cynical expectant people! This workshop will enable you to: * Learn about and understand influencing styles and strategies available and formulate plans and ideas on how to use them in influencing situations * Understand which skills and behaviours to use to be the most effective influencer * Have greater confidence in situations where they need to influence someone * Use thinking, speaking and behavioural techniques that enable influencing to be effective and positive * Review and evaluate learning and have an action plan to take back and implement in the workplace 1 WELCOME, INTRODUCTIONS & GETTING TO KNOW YOU AND WHY YOU ARE HERE * Course objectives 2 PERSONAL OBJECTIVES * Introducing a learning diary 3 GALLERY EXERCISE - USING IMAGES OF EXEMPLARS BROUGHT BY PARTICIPANTS * Plenary discussion * The skills and behaviours of an exemplar influencer 4 GROUP TASK - WHAT DOES YOUR SELF-EVALUATION SAY? * Discussion and conclusions 5 INFLUENCING - WHAT IS IT? - WHY DO WE NEED IT? * The current organisational landscape including values and behaviours the influencer operates in 6 PIT STOP - 'PULL / PUSH', 'THE LOST HORSE' AND 'TALKING AT' 7 DIRECT / SUPPORT / DELEGATE / COACH: THE DIFFERENT CHOICES AND APPROACHES TO CHOOSE FROM 8 UPDATING THE LEARNING DIARY 9 POWER AND TYPES OF POWER - ITS IMPACT ON INFLUENCING ABILITY AND APPROACH AND WHAT IS WITHIN YOUR CONTROL * Group task and discussion 10 THE 5 INFLUENCING STYLES TOOL * Series of tasks and exercises * Drilling down to a personal action plan for maximising influence 11 'THE PERSON WITH THE MOST FLEXIBILITY HAS THE MOST INFLUENCE' * Skills and behaviours for effective influencing * Exercises and techniques that develop skills for influencing 12 REVIEW AND EVALUATION * Action planning

Influencing skills at work (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Price increases (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

It's a fact of life that costs generally increase and as a result prices must go up too. Implementing an increase without losing customers is challenging. Talking about a price increase with customers never makes for an easy conversation. Your customers will generally decide whether to accept the increase based upon value, as well as the hassle cost of switching and going elsewhere. Even the most experienced salesperson who has implemented price increases before will be fighting back the nerves when faced with the task of 'selling' the increase. In this flexible programme, we will support your internal preparations at whichever stage you and your colleagues are at. From making the decision to increase prices, right through to those on the frontline already dealing with any push-back. This programme will help participants: * Understand the business case for increasing prices * Take steps to research the market * Consider their customers' motivations * Use the six principles of influence * Identify and adapt for different personality styles * Assess their level of trust with customers * Build rapport rapidly with their customers and prospects 1 RAISING PRICES - KEYS TO SUCCESS * Understanding the business case * Researching the market * Assessing the value of your offering 2 UNDERSTANDING YOUR CUSTOMER BASE * Assessing your key accounts * What is your 'target' customer range? * Creating consistency in pricing approach 3 PLANNING THE INCREASE * Timing your implementation * Communication strategy * Elements of a good price increase letter 4 DEVELOPING INFLUENCING SKILLS * The Trust Equation * The six principles of influence * Discovering your customer's buying decisions 5 EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND PRICE INCREASES * The part emotion plays * Developing strategies for keeping calm * Handling your customer's responses 6 UNDERSTANDING DIFFERENT CUSTOMER STYLES * Discover your own style * Recognising behaviour traits in others * Adapting your approach to their style 7 PREPARING FOR CUSTOMER CONTACT * Preparing for specific customers * Anticipating their response * Dealing with challenging customers 8 FOLLOWING THROUGH * Maintaining a consistent approach * Resisting requests for discounts * Confirming the increase in writing

Price increases (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

NLP Sales Techniques


By GBA Corporate

OVERVIEW -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NLP Sales Training will help shape your confidence and charisma as your communication skills grow. You will gain the tools to understand your client's needs at a deeper level so you can communicate more clearly and directly, thus increasing your personal influence and encouragement during their buying experience. This training will help you feel confident, connect more with your prospective/ existing customers and increase your ability to influence and get your message across. 

NLP Sales Techniques
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally
£1718 to £3626

Professional Management is crucial to your company's success. In fact, managers can have the single largest impact on your organisation's productivity and overall profitability, with more influence over employee morale and performance than anyone else.

Professional Management Programme
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Loughborough

Leadership Identity Through Self-Discovery


By Puritas

This module focuses on developing leadership confidence through self-discovery, emphasising the importance of understanding one's unique leadership style and personal philosophy. Participants will explore their core identity as leaders and learn strategies to enhance their influence, credibility, and relationships within their organisation. Exploring the link between self-discovery and effective leadership, focusing on developing confidence to lead from within. Testimonial: “Without guidance, personal branding can quickly become an exercise in aspiration and competition; letting the carefully curated public personas of others dictate our own validity and definition of success. Clarity on who we truly are, what matters to us and therefore how we position ourselves in the world takes reflection and time. Rachael’s work in this area has inspired the nearly 100 delegates who have been part of our HR Leadership Academy over the past 8 years, and I have no doubt will continue to resonate with future cohorts.” MD, Nina Metson - Suffolk

Leadership Identity Through Self-Discovery
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Bishop Stortford & 9 more
£1500 to £2500

Contract Management - Principles and Practices


By GBA Corporate

OVERVIEW -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contract Management Principles and Practices provide an overview of all phases of contracting, from requirements development to closeout, and discuss how incentives can be used to improve contract results. Explore these vital issues from the manager's perspective, highlighting key roles and responsibilities to give participants greater influence over how work is performed. Finally, discover specific actions that can be taken to help ensure that contractors or subcontractors perform as required under the contract. This course guide you through all the principles and practices of contract management and preparation. 

Contract Management - Principles and Practices
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally
£1718 to £3626

Strategic Decision Making for Leaders


By GBA Corporate

OVERVIEW -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Effective decision-making requires the adoption of decision approaches that fit the complexities of these situations and the efficient management of decision-making processes. It also requires the ability to think strategically in highly interactive markets and acute insights into the psychology behind people's behaviour. Objectives * Develop critical thinking skills, sharpening your intuition in the face of risk and uncertainty * Learn ways to discover, manage, mitigate and avoid decision-making traps * Learn to leverage the power of 'nudges' - a light-touch way to influence human behaviour and improve decision-making * Boost your ability to build high-performing teams by understanding what conditions enable teams to make better decisions than individuals * Become a more strategic leader and decision-maker by understanding the long-term impact your decisions can have on your organisation

Strategic Decision Making for Leaders
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally
£1718 to £3626

Negotiation skills (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

Any successful business manager will tell you that you never get the deal you deserve - you always get the deal you negotiate! This two-day workshop includes recent research and practical techniques from the Harvard Business School Negotiation Project and provides a unique opportunity to learn and practice these skills in a safe environment using up to date materials and life-like practice negotiation case studies. This course will help participants to: * Understand the basics of negotiation * Develop negotiating skills * Increase their business acumen * Develop their communication skills * Learn the models, techniques and tools for an effective negotiation * Identify the barriers to agreements * Close the deal 1 WHAT IS NEGOTIATION? * Key skills for negotiation * Types of negotiation * Win-lose negotiations versus Win-win negotiations * Wise agreements and Principled Negotiation 2 FOUR KEY NEGOTIATING CONCEPTS * BATNA - Best alternative to negotiated agreement * Setting your reservation price * ZOPA - Zone of possible agreement * Creating and trading value 3 BUSINESS ACUMEN * Understanding pricing, gross margins and profit * Knowing the key points on which to negotiate 4 A FOUR PHASE MODEL FOR NEGOTIATION * Nine steps to successful planning * Discussing a deal - creating and claiming value * Making and framing proposals * Bargaining for the winning deal 5 EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION * Effective questioning * Active listening skills * Understanding and interpreting body language * Barriers to effective communication 6 UNDERSTANDING INFLUENCE AND PERSUASION * Influencing strategies * Ten proven ways to influence people * Six universal methods of persuasion * Understanding why people do business with other people 7 NEGOTIATING TACTICS * Tactics for win-lose negotiations * Tactics for win-win negotiations * Effective team negotiating * Understanding and using powerv * What do you do when the other side has more power? 8 BARRIERS TO AGREEMENT * Common barriers to agreement * The Negotiators Dilemma * Dealing with die-hard negotiators * Dealing with lack of trust 9 POTENTIAL BARRIERS TO CROSS-BORDER AGREEMENTS * Understanding business methods and practice in other cultures * Figuring out who has the power and who makes decisions * Recognising and dealing with cultural differences * What's OK here might not be OK there 10 CLOSING THE DEAL * Four steps to closing the winning deal

Negotiation skills (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

BGP demystified


By Systems & Network Training

BGP TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A study of BGP for non engineers working in the Internet. The course starts with a review of the basics of routers and routing tables and then moves on to a simple overview of how BPG works with a focus on BGP metrics influencing the route traffic takes through the Internet. Hands on with routers follow the major sessions to reinforce the theory. Note these hands on sessions are more demonstrations by the trainer but some can be followed along and done by delegates (e.g. looking at Internet routing tables.) WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Explain how routing tables influence Internet traffic. * Describe how BGP works. * Explain the methods BGP can use to influence Internet traffic. * Use traceroute, peeringdb, route collectors and looking glasses to analyse traffic flows. * Explain the difference between bi lateral and multilateral peering using a route server. BGP TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Non technical staff wishing to know more about BGP. * Prerequisites: None. * Duration 1 day BGP TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Networks, routers and routing tables What is a network, what is a router, routing tables, static routes, routing protocols. When an ISP uses static routes and when they use BGP. IP addresses, subnet masks, groups of IP addresses. IPv6. Hands on: Showing a full routing table. Seeing traceroute being used. * Basic BGP What's BGP? BGP versus other routing protocols, ASs, AS numbers. RIPE database, peeringdb. Hands on: Finding AS numbers. Showing simple BGP configuration and routing tables in an EVENG example. * How BGP works Simple walk through of BGP incremental updates and how routes change when links go down. Hands on: Showing packets and route changes when a link goes down/comes up. * BGP path selection Transit, peering, routing policy and route filtering. Longest matching rule in routing tables, route selection order, Local preference, AS prepend, MEDs. Hands on: Seeing BGP influencing traffic. Looking at peering policies in RIPE and peeringdb. * Route servers What are route servers? LINX route servers, route server policy control and communities, What are route collectors, Looking glasses. Hands on: Seeing the LINX route server details in peeringdb, using a looking glass.

BGP demystified
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally