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407 Courses in Liverpool

Emergency First Aid at Work

By Prima Cura Training

This one-day course will help you meet your regulatory requirements if your risk assessment indicates that first aid training covering emergency protocols only, is sufficient for your workplace.

Emergency First Aid at Work
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in UK Wide
Price on Enquiry

Negotiation Skills in a Day: In-House

By Maximum Performance

NEGOTIATION SKILLS IN A DAY: IN-HOUSE Anybody that has achieved success in business will tell you that you never get the deal you deserve - you only get the deal you can negotiate! This one-day workshop is based on research findings and effective techniques from the Harvard Business School Negotiation Project; it provides a unique opportunity to learn and practice these skills in a safe environment using up to date materials and life-like practice negotiation case studies. Our expert one day skills workshop helps participants learn the skills and behaviours of good negotiation, and how to select the most appropriate negotiation strategy and tactics to achieve the best outcome possible. Each participant will leave the day armed with the confidence and practical negotiation skills to successfully apply in any situation. LEARNING OBJECTIVES After completing this course participants will be able to: * Understand the main types and style of negotiation and use the most appropriate strategy and tactics for each of them to achieve the best agreement * Apply the four most important concepts to put themselves in the strongest possible position in any negotiation * Use a systematic approach to preparing, presenting and concluding negotiated agreements * Analyse the power dynamics in a negotiation and apply tried and tested methods for communicating with, influencing and persuading the other side in a negotiation * Anticipate common barriers to agreement and use a tested approach to successfully concluding the deal they deserve! WHAT IS NEGOTIATION? * Types of negotiation * Win-lose negotiations versus win-win negotiations * Wise agreements and principled negotiation * Key skills needed for negotiation THE FOUR KEY NEGOTIATING CONCEPTS * BATNA - Best Alternative To Negotiated Agreement * Setting your reservation price * ZOPA - Zone Of Possible Agreement * Creating and trading value USING A FOUR PHASE MODEL FOR NEGOTIATION * Nine steps to successful planning * Discussing a deal - creating and claiming value * Making and framing proposals * Bargaining for the winning deal COMMUNICATING, INFLUENCING AND PERSUADING * Effective questioning and listening skills * Understanding and interpreting body-language * Barriers to effective communication * Understanding and using power * Proven ways to influence people * Six universal methods of persuasion NEGOTIATING TACTICS * Understanding what matters - what the numbers mean * Tactics for win-lose negotiations * Tactics for win-win negotiations * Effective team negotiating BARRIERS TO AGREEMENT * Common barriers to agreement * Dealing with die-hard negotiators * Dealing with lack of trust CLOSING THE DEAL * Four steps to closing the winning deal * How to know when to walk away from a deal

Negotiation Skills in a Day: In-House
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden & 1 more
Price on Enquiry

Investigating Sexual Harassment Allegations

By Maximum Performance

No workplace investigation is easy, but those involving allegations of sexual harassment have the potential to be particularly difficult. This one-day workshop is designed specifically to build on participants' existing investigative knowledge and skills in order to enable them to investigate allegations of sexual harassment appropriately. The skills and processes learnt will ensure that participants are able to carry out robust investigations in line with both best practice and the law. Your organisation's policies and procedures will be referred to throughout the workshop as appropriate. * HAVE A MUCH CLEARER IDEA AS TO WHAT CONSTITUTES SEXUAL HARASSMENT * APPRECIATE THE DIFFERENT FACTORS THAT MAY COMPLICATE THE SITUATION * UNDERSTAND THE LEGAL PROTECTION SPECIFIC TO SEXUAL HARASSMENT * RECOGNISE THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN INVESTIGATIONS INTO SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND OTHER WORKPLACE INVESTIGATIONS * DEAL BETTER WITH CHALLENGING SITUATIONS, EMOTION AND DISTRESS * KNOW HOW TO ACCESS APPROPRIATE SUPPORT AND RESOURCES * BE ABLE TO MAKE APPROPRIATE RECOMMENDATIONS 1. INTRODUCTION * Workshop objectives and benefits from attending * Participants' experience and confidence in this area * Introductions and personal objectives 2. THE CONTEXT * Sexual harassment in the spotlight * Implications and risk for workplaces - the need to manage complaints robustly and take a preventative approach 3. IS THIS SEXUAL HARASSMENT? * Quiz / scenarios * Differences in individual perception * Confusion in workplaces as to what constitutes sexual harassment * Factors which may affect an investigation 4. DEFINING SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND BULLYING * Group exercise * Definitions in law * Behaviours that constitute sexual harassment and bullying * Using your organisation's policies 5. LEGAL PROTECTION * Protection in law: employment and criminal matters * Duty of care * Equality Act 2010 * Other statutes, eg, Protection from Harassment Act * Case law 6. INVESTIGATIONS INTO SEXUAL HARASSMENT * Similarities and differences in approach to other workplace investigations * Impact and evidence * Investigating in line with internal policies and ACAS guidelines * Dealing with challenging situations, eg, emotion and distress * Managing yourself * Identifying support and resources 7. RECOMMENDATIONS * Communicating the outcome of the investigation and lessons learnt / corrective actions * Identifying and minimising risk factors * Encouraging a preventative approach: Making recommendations in line with best practice * A checklist of steps that all workplaces should implement 8. CHALLENGING SCENARIOS * Group work to consider approach in particularly challenging or sensitive 'what if ...' scenarios such as what happens when counter-allegations are made 9. AND FINALLY... * Open forum - remaining challenges and 'what if' scenarios * Action planning - identifying how participants will transfer this learning into the workplace and what else they may need which will help them to do this effectively * Review and close

Investigating Sexual Harassment Allegations
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden & 1 more
Price on Enquiry

Negotiation Skills in a Day

By Maximum Performance

NEGOTIATION SKILLS IN A DAY Anybody that has achieved success in business will tell you that you never get the deal you deserve - you only get the deal you can negotiate! This one-day workshop is based on research findings and effective techniques from the Harvard Business School Negotiation Project; it provides a unique opportunity to learn and practice these skills in a safe environment using up to date materials and life-like practice negotiation case studies. Our expert one day skills workshop helps participants learn the skills and behaviours of good negotiation, and how to select the most appropriate negotiation strategy and tactics to achieve the best outcome possible. Each participant will leave the day armed with the confidence and practical negotiation skills to successfully apply in any situation. LEARNING OBJECTIVES After completing this course participants will be able to: * Understand the main types and style of negotiation and use the most appropriate strategy and tactics for each of them to achieve the best agreement * Apply the four most important concepts to put themselves in the strongest possible position in any negotiation * Use a systematic approach to preparing, presenting and concluding negotiated agreements * Analyse the power dynamics in a negotiation and apply tried and tested methods for communicating with, influencing and persuading the other side in a negotiation * Anticipate common barriers to agreement and use a tested approach to successfully concluding the deal they deserve! WHAT IS NEGOTIATION? * Types of negotiation * Win-lose negotiations versus win-win negotiations * Wise agreements and principled negotiation * Key skills needed for negotiation THE FOUR KEY NEGOTIATING CONCEPTS * BATNA - Best Alternative To Negotiated Agreement * Setting your reservation price * ZOPA - Zone Of Possible Agreement * Creating and trading value USING A FOUR PHASE MODEL FOR NEGOTIATION * Nine steps to successful planning * Discussing a deal - creating and claiming value * Making and framing proposals * Bargaining for the winning deal COMMUNICATING, INFLUENCING AND PERSUADING * Effective questioning and listening skills * Understanding and interpreting body-language * Barriers to effective communication * Understanding and using power * Proven ways to influence people * Six universal methods of persuasion NEGOTIATING TACTICS * Understanding what matters - what the numbers mean * Tactics for win-lose negotiations * Tactics for win-win negotiations * Effective team negotiating BARRIERS TO AGREEMENT * Common barriers to agreement * Dealing with die-hard negotiators * Dealing with lack of trust CLOSING THE DEAL * Four steps to closing the winning deal * How to know when to walk away from a deal

Negotiation Skills in a Day
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden & 1 more
Price on Enquiry

Fall Prevention Awareness

By Prima Cura Training

Falls prevention is a variety of actions to help reduce the number of accidental falls suffered by older people. Falls and fall-related injuries are among the most severe and common medical problems experienced by older adults. Training, supervision and tailored exercise programmes can reduce falls by as much as 54%.

Fall Prevention Awareness
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in UK Wide
Price on Enquiry

Professional administrator (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

Today's administrative professional needs flexibility and a broad portfolio of skills including self-motivation, assertiveness, and the ability to deal with difficult people. You will benefit from this course if you are an administrator, medical/legal secretary or PA, who wants to enhance your administrative support skills, as well as evaluating your existing techniques. This course will help you identify: * your areas of strength and your areas for improvement in the work environment * ways to accept new challenges and responsibilities with confidence * what motivates you at work * techniques to improve your planning and time management * ways of improving your influencing and assertiveness skills * your preferred working style (and relate it to your interaction with others) * ways of using your initiative * how to deal with challenging people, using recognised communication methods The course will help you develop a flexible set of skills that will allow you to succeed at work, no matter what the day throws at you. It will help you communicate effectively with a diverse range of colleagues and others with tact and diplomacy. And, finally, it will help you provide the administrative support that is essential for the smooth running of your area and of the organisation as a whole. 1 INTRODUCTION * Overview * Introductions * Individual objectives 2 WHAT EXACTLY IS YOUR ROLE? * Before looking at new skills and techniques, where are you now? Do you have the skills, knowledge and attitude required to be an exceptional administrator? * Understand your job criteria * Identifying your strengths and areas for development * Activity - skills analysis * Activity - action plan 3 BUILDING TRUST * How can you build trust? * Understanding the links between reliability, consistency and trust * What is required to deliver efficient service? * Activity: efficient service requirements of the professional administrator 4 WORKING STYLES * Identifying your working style preference * Understanding the importance of a flexible approach * Identifying areas of improvement to become a more effective team member * Activity: Questionnaire (completing, scoring and charting) * Activity: drawbacks of my style * Developing your working style 5 ASSERTIVENESS * Understand the differences between behaviours * Activity: Definition and characteristics of assertive / aggressive / passive behaviour * Activity: Identifying different behaviours * Understanding how to be more assertive * How to use assertiveness techniques * How to ask for feedback * Activity: Making requests assertively * Activity: Refusing requests assertively 6 TIME MANAGEMENT * The importance of planning for success * The importance of managing interruptions * The importance of having clear purpose * Time management best practices * Activity: How do you plan your time? What prevents you improving your time management? How will you recognise success? 7 PRIORITISATION * How to prioritise work to meet deadlines * The prioritisation matrix * Activity: Post it! 8 DEALING WITH INTERRUPTIONS * The impact interruptions have on productivity * How to manage interruptions * Activity: What interruptions do you experience? * What tactics can be employed to reduce these interruptions? 9 CLOSE * Open forum * Summary * Action planning

Professional administrator (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Sales skills for selling products (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

Bad news - people don't buy your product. Better news - they don't buy anyone else's product either. Best news - they do buy what a product gives them, whether it be removing 'pain' or giving 'pleasure'. So what a challenge it is that every single person buys your product for a slightly different reason! What's the secret to selling in that sort of sales environment? This programme provides a great roadmap. This course will help participants: * Build rapport with authenticity * Use open questions, listening and summary to properly understand the prospect * Use 'impact' questions to 'stack the pain' of remaining with the status quo * Convert features into personalised benefits that reflect stated needs * Handle objections with calm confidence * Identify buying signals * Close effectively * Convey credible urgency centred on the prospect's - not the salesperson's - interests 1 WHAT MAKES A CUSTOMER BUY ANY PRODUCT? * Moving towards 'pleasure' * Moving away from 'pain' * Robert Cialdini's Psychology of Influence - buying motives * Understanding what your product does for customers * Why there is never a 'one size fits all' approach * What are the real 'unique selling points' and why the salesperson is the real 'USP' * At what point does the customer emotionally buy your product? 2 GETTING PAST GATEKEEPERS * What gatekeepers' motivations are * How to make them your friend rather than your enemy * How to make your call harder to block than to put through * How to control the gatekeeper with questions, not answers * Using Cialdini's 'reciprocity' law to get put through more often * Practical exercise in which the trainer poses as gatekeeper 3 QUESTIONING AND LISTENING SKILLS * How to use open questions to get the customer talking * What questions to avoid and why * How to 'stack the pain' of the status quo with 'impact questions' * Practical 'pain stacking' exercise in pairs * What listening is and what it isn't * Question funnelling - how to earn deeper disclosure through probing * Practical funnelling exercise in pairs * The power of summary 4 HOW TO CREATE TAILORED BENEFITS AND NOT 'DIVE INTO SOLUTION' * What is 'diving into solution'? Examples and analogies * Why it is to be avoided * Practical exercise in pairs - how it feels to have solutions offered up too early * How to avoid 'feature-dumping' * What is 'value selling'? * How to create tailored benefits * How to convert product features into benefits * How to deal with the prospect's competitor allegiance 5 HANDLING OBJECTIONS AND TESTING THE WATER * How to overcome the price objection by selling value * Common objections the participants encounter and answers that work * The objections salespeople carry in their own heads * The 'A-C-E' objection-handling model * How to uncover objections * When - and when not - to trial close 6 CLOSING SKILLS * Why salespeople often close too early * How to identify buying signals * How to use urgency with skill and effectiveness * Four killer closing techniques that work * How to avoid buying the product back by careless post-sale talk * How to ask for referrals for your product * How to 'farm' the account for future opportunities 7 WRAP-UP * Key learnings from each participant * Individual action planning - steps that can and will be implemented in the workplace

Sales skills for selling products (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Honest Conversations: In-House

By Maximum Performance

HONEST CONVERSATIONS: IN-HOUSE GIVING AND RECEIVING FEEDBACK - WITH CONFIDENCE, GRACE AND CLARITY Few of us are naturals when it comes to having honest conversations, especially around giving and receiving feedback. We struggle to find a path between being too direct and confrontational, as against softening our message so much that it gets lost in an emotional fog. We need to structure information in a non-emotive way, giving clear feedback and delivering messages with empathy and compassion. We need a toolkit we can use on a day-to-day basis to build an honest, open working culture with those who report to us - and, indeed, with those to whom we report. This very popular programme is the answer. WHAT'S IN IT FOR YOU? * Understand what honest conversations are and why they're important * Be able to identify and manage your emotions * Be able to use a variety of techniques for structuring honest conversations * Learn how to get key messages across, with empathy and compassion WHAT'S A DIFFICULT CONVERSATION? WHAT'S AN HONEST CONVERSATION? AND WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE? * What makes a conversation &'difficult'? * What makes for an &'honest' conversation? * Why they're not the same THE ROLE EMOTIONS PLAY * What neuroscience tells us about how our emotions work * How certain situations can prompt strong reactions * The NLP model of communication and how our brains will delete, distort and generalise information based on our own unique map of the world * The belief cycle * Techniques for identifying your emotions and managing them UNDERSTANDING YOUR PURPOSE * Where most conversations go wrong * Are you looking for them to change behaviour, to understand new information, to influence them or to express your feelings? * The A to B model for structuring your honest conversation GIVING AND RECEIVING FEEDBACK * The benefits of giving and receiving feedback * How emotions play a role in feedback * How to structure feedback using the See/Saw Model * How giving positive feedback can be just as difficult for some people * How to manage your emotions and accept feedback with grace * Keeping focused on the positives RAISING ISSUES * How to build up to an honest conversation * Maintaining rapport while raising issues * The LADDER model for planning and executing the discussion EMPATHY AND UNDERSTANDING OTHERS' PERSPECTIVES * How a perceived lack of understanding and empathy raise the temperature * Practical techniques for &'standing in the other's shoes' * Effective questioning and listening * The role of positive intentions and values in honest conversations MAKING SURE YOU GET IT RIGHT * The &'must haves' for effective honest conversations * Unconscious biases * Affinity bias * Attribution bias * Conformity bias * Confirmation bias * Gender bias * Factual inaccuracies * The Ladder of Inference as a model for taking a fact-based approach ACTIONS AND NEXT STEPS * Review * Personal action planning * Next steps

Honest Conversations: In-House
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden & 1 more
Price on Enquiry

Assertiveness: In-House

By Maximum Performance

ASSERTIVENESS: IN-HOUSE When people are assertive they portray a strong, confident image and can put their views across while still taking other people's opinions into account. Non-assertive, passive aggressive or aggressive behaviour can cause misunderstandings, frustration and even a breakdown in relationships at work. In this highly practical session participants discover how effective body language, voice, and the words they say make a big difference to the results they get. Importantly, they learn how to build confidence that leads to assertive behaviour more of the time. And how to disagree without being disagreeable! * Recognise the differences between assertive, aggressive and passive behaviour * Understand the impact your behaviour has on people * Make assertive requests - and follow up effectively * Say 'no', where appropriate * Be more assertive in meetings * Give negative feedback - without giving offence WHY BE ASSERTIVE? ASSERTIVENESS DEFINED * What is assertiveness? * Why does it matter? * The assertiveness spectrum * Passive * Assertive * Aggressive * Skills practice: demonstrating the spectrum CHANNELS OF ASSERTIVENESS * The three channels of assertiveness * What we show * What we say * How we sound * The 'I'm OK / you're OK' model * Avoiding non-assertive behaviour as a default position * Skills practice: confidently stating your opinion ASSERTIVE LANGUAGE * The importance of direct communication * The problems with indirect communication * Skills practice: standing your ground * 'Wimp talk'v'power talk' * 'Wimp talk' quiz * Voice * Body language * Skills practice: making assertive requests REFUSING REQUESTS AND SAYING 'NO' * The hardest word * When to use it... * ... and how ASSERTIVE FOLLOW-UP * Empathic assertion * The broken record technique * Keeping body language consistent with verbal * Skills practice: making assertive requests * Self-disclosure and empathy * Escalating requests HOW TO DISAGREE WITHOUT BEING DISAGREEABLE * The 3As model * Acknowledge * Agree * And (not 'but') * Skills practice: disagreeing in an assertive way HOW TO BE ASSERTIVE IN DIFFERENT SITUATIONS * How to raise an issue * How to be proactive and assertive with your manager * Barriers * Skills practice: suggesting a change * How to give negative feedback * Have the right mindset * Have a framework * Skills practice: giving feedback to a colleague * How to be assertive in a meeting * Why do it * How to do it * Skills practice: group exercise ACTIONS AND NEXT STEPS * Review * Personal action planning * Next steps

Assertiveness: In-House
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden & 1 more
Price on Enquiry

Change Management: In-House

By Maximum Performance

CHANGE MANAGEMENT: IN-HOUSE Change is a given in any organisation today. You can choose to lead it, go along with it or ignore it - but the last of these options is not a route to success. The best approach is to be positive and proactive, whether that's in a context of organisation-wide strategic-level transformational change, or whether it's a question of making changes within the areas of the organisation that are within your direct control. This engaging and interactive workshop will take you on a journey exploring your role in driving and supporting change, the impact of change on the human brain, and the steps needed to bring about successful change. * Understand your role in change * Be more aware of the need to challenge the status quo * Know how to maximise the value and power of the 'aggregation of marginal gains' * Understand that most people find change challenging when they have limited control over it * Be aware of the Kübler-Ross change curve and know how to handle your and others' emotions * Understand John Kotter's 8-step change model and relate it to the challenges you face * Recognise the power of managing your own emotional state and that of other stakeholders * Boost your confidence in getting buy-in and commitment to your suggestions WHY CHANGE? * Why change is necessary in today's environment * Why challenging the status quo is important THE MANAGER'S / LEADER'S ROLE IN CHANGE * Managing change * Initiating change * Consequences of not changing * 'Marginal gains' - the value of continuous improvement * How managers can encourage their teams to create a culture where change is seen as positive BARRIERS TO CHANGE * Most people find change challenging when they have limited control over it * The challenges of 'top-down' change * What neuroscience tells us about change * Using the Kübler-Ross change curve * Shock * Denial * Frustration * Depression * Experiment * Decision * Integration * Knowing how to handle your/others' emotions * The 'raise it >feel it >talk about it >let it go >move on' model USING JOHN KOTTER'S 8-STEP MODEL FOR LEADING AND MANAGING CHANGE * Create urgency * Form a powerful coalition * Create a vision for change * Communicate the vision * Remove obstacles * Create quick wins * Build on the change * Make it stick COMMUNICATING CHANGE * Being prepared for dealing with the five questions people have about change * Why is it necessary * What is it? * What will it look like when we get there? * How will we get there? * What's my role now, during and at the end? * Communicating a change message - dos and don'ts ACTIONS AND NEXT STEPS * Review * Personal action planning * Next steps

Change Management: In-House
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden & 1 more
Price on Enquiry