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302 Education courses in London


By Child Protection Training Uk

One-Day Course 10am - 4pm Updated Jan 2023 (Working Together to Safeguard Children (Jan 2021 Updated) & Keeping Children Safe in Education (2022)) This Course can also be run within your organisation for your staff group at a reduced rate, contact us for a quote or if you have any other questions about this course talk to an adviser now online: Online Live Customer Adviser What is the course about? This course will help you and your staff become familiar with the role and responsibilities of the designated safeguarding lead in your organisation. It will develop both your competence and confidence in carrying out the role of Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). Formally known as Level 3

Delivered In-Person6 hours, Jul 3rd, 09:00

The Rewind Technique: Effective treatment for trauma (PTSD) and phobias

By Human Givens College

Essential skill for all mental health professionals This 2-day workshop gives you the opportunity to see demonstrated, experience, and practice the steps of this powerful technique in a small group under the careful guidance of our expert tutor… -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Accredited CPD Certificate : 12 hours * Length 2 days (9:30am - 4:00pm) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Excellent course. A brilliantly encouraging and supportive environment in > which to learn > > HARRIET, WORKSHOP PARTICIPANT > Life-changing! A great weight has been lifted off my shoulders. > > NURSE (PREVIOUSLY TRAUMATISED BY A CAR ACCIDENT) WHY TAKE THIS COURSE We have over 20 years of experience in teaching the rewind technique to health and welfare professionals – we’ve drawn on that experience to develop a course which gives you enough time to thorough absorb and practice the technique, understand why it works and to experience it yourself, so that you leave confident in your ability to use the rewind safely and effectively. The Rewind Technique* is an effective psychological intervention for successfully treating trauma and phobias and one of the most important skills you need to master to be able to work successfully with any anxiety disorder or condition which may have developed as a result of unresolved trauma. Even the most severe phobic and post-traumatic stress (PTSD) symptoms can be successfully addressed using the the rewind technique taught on this 2-day course, which has been refined [https://www.humangivens.com/college/rewind-technique-training-workshop/#refined]* in line with understandings from neuroscience to make it as safe and reliably effective as possible. An essential therapeutic technique to have in your therapeutic ‘toolkit’, it is important to learn and practice it under the careful guidance of our expert tutor [https://www.humangivens.com/college/rewind-technique-training-workshop/#note] – you will leave the course knowing how to use the rewind technique safely and effectively having watched live demonstrations, had plenty of time to practice the steps involved with fellow students, the opportunity to experience the technique yourself and more. [https://www.humangivens.com/college/rewind-technique-training-workshop/#gain] Our workshop has limited numbers so you will have plenty of opportunities for asking questions and the tutor, who has extensive clinical experience. Using the rewind technique you can, often surprisingly quickly, detraumatise bad memories, stop flashbacks and other PTSD symptoms, cure phobias, banish nightmares and reduce anxiety so you can help the victims of abuse, rape, violence, car accidents, fire, terrorism and panic attacks, heart attacks and other life-threatening experiences. Another key benefit of this technique is non disclosure – there is no need for people to repeatedly revisit or talk about specific details of the events that have traumatised them.  This helps avoid embedding the trauma further and making the situation worse – as can sometimes inadvertently happen in other therapeutic approaches to treating trauma – and helps prevent the therapist or counsellor being vicariously traumatised by what they might hear. It is also invaluable when working therapeutically with people who have suffered persistent physical or sexual abuse, and people with OCD. People suffering from other conditions, such as depression, addictions or uncontrollable anger, may have experienced a traumatic event, which needs to be successfully detraumatised in order for them to move on with their lives. As a result of our training in the rewind technique – which we have been delivering for over 20 years – our graduates have brought relief to literally thousands of people  (eg. case history / PTSD Resolution). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE NOTE This is a powerful technique, which needs to be implemented with care – we recommend you take the time to learn it in person in a small group with a skilled and highly experienced tutor who can guide you through the important steps involved, oversee you as you practise them, answer your questions and give you crucial direct feedback. The version of the rewind technique* you will learn on this course has been refined in line with understandings from neuroscience to make it as safe and reliably effective as possible. The course is taught over two days to ensure you have enough time to thoroughly absorb and practice the steps involved so that you are confident in using it and know how to do so safely and effectively with clients. You will also learn when it is NOT appropriate to use this technique and how to ensure you avoid embedding any trauma further, or making a phobia worse. Guided imagery and visualisation skills form an essential part of the rewind technique, which is why they are a requirement for attending this course. > This has huge potential to change people's lives for the better. I can't wait > to put what I've learnt here to good use > > PSYCHIATRIC SUPPORT WORKER    WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * How to detraumatise people quickly and safely * The necessary skills to treat even severe phobias * Why this version of the rewind technique is so effective, and how it works Under careful guidance from the tutor, you will: * revisit key skills for relaxing clients in order to successfully work using the technique * walk and talk through a step-by-step breakdown of the rewind technique * see a live demonstration of working with a phobia or trauma * practice each stage of the rewind technique in pairs * practice the entire process, with other course participants, under supervision You will also gain: * Vital tools for psycho-education – both adding to your own understanding and to pass on to clients * A clear understanding of the fear response and how PTSD and phobias develop * The detrimental impact traumas and phobias can have on a person’s life * The crucial role of the pattern-matching processes in the brain in triggering phobic responses and post traumatic stress symptoms * How the main treatment techniques for treating post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), sub-threshold trauma and phobias (including EMDR, EFT and CBT) work – their advantages and disadvantages * Why the rewind technique draws on the innate ability we all have to recover from trauma * Pre-disposing factors for suffering a problematic post-traumatic response (or developing a phobia) * Why critical incident debriefing increases the incidence of PTSD * How this version of the rewind technique has been modified to make it safer and more reliable * Trauma-focused rewinding: the psycho-biological reason why this refined rewind technique works so consistently well * A step-by-step breakdown of the essential stages of the rewind technique * The chance to see a live demonstration of working with a phobia or trauma You will leave with: * The confidence to begin using the technique ethically and safely * A clear understanding of the advantages of using a non-intrusive psychological technique to treat trauma, PTSD and phobias (where the client does not have to go into details about or repeatedly ‘revisit’ what has traumatised them) * What to do if a client as an abreaction * Important information about when not to use this technique – and what can be done instead * An understanding of how the rewind technique can be used to work with Complex Trauma and cases involving ‘freeze’, shutdown or dissociative responses * How you can carefully apply this technique to relieve a huge range of anxiety disorders * Greater confidence in dealing with anxiety disorders and distress caused by trauma, phobias and flashbacks * An understanding of how rapidly transformative this technique can be; on the last afternoon we view a filmed therapy session (and follow up) in which Joe Griffin uses the rewind technique to relieve a young man of his severe shark phobia There is also plenty of opportunity for you to ask questions and to experience and practice, under careful guidance, the various stages of the rewind technique yourself. WHO IS THIS COURSE SUITABLE FOR? Anyone working with distressed, phobic or traumatised people, who has already taken our Guided Imagery and Visualisation workshop (and ideally the Therapeutic Power of Language workshop too) as these skills are essential components of the rewind technique. If you help traumatised people (including children) or people suffering from any form of phobia or anxiety disorder – this includes: psychotherapists, counsellors, mental health nurses, OTs, health visitors, social workers, psychiatrists, GPs, clinical psychologists, midwives, welfare officers, youth workers, hypnotherapists and those working with traumatised members of public services, such as: firefighters, police, paramedics and military personnel – you will find the rewind technique and associated skills hugely helpful. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COURSE REQUIREMENTS Guided imagery, relaxation and visualisation are an integral component of the Rewind Technique – if you don’t already have experience in using these skills therapeutically with others you must complete our Guided Imagery and Visualisation for Therapeutic Change workshop before attending this course (this is always run the day before our rewind technique training). This is to ensure you get the most out of this 2-day course and also have the necessary skills for practising the rewind technique safely and effectively.  You would also find it useful to attend the Therapeutic Power of Language workshop beforehand if you can. All 3 workshops count towards Part 1 of the HG Diploma. Ros Townsend’s live online training Trauma: Patterns of the past is also useful for anyone working with or supporting someone suffering from unresolved trauma, or who would like to understand their own experiences of trauma better. She also runs a workshop on working with Complex Trauma. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *ABOUT THE REWIND TECHNIQUE The Rewind Technique originated from one developed by Richard Bandler, one of the founders of NLP, when it was called the Visual/Kinaesthetic Dissociation protocol.  A variant of this was developed by Dr David Muss, who called it the Rewind Technique. The version of the Rewind Technique you will learn on this 2-day course was refined by Joe Griffin and Ivan Tyrrell, co-founders of the human givens approach, to make it as reliably effective and safe as is possible by aligning the method with their insights into how trauma and phobias are processed in the brain. HG Therapists now follow a specific Rewind Protocol which follows the essential steps of the process that Griffin and Tyrrell set out. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COURSE FORMAT This intense 2-day training proceeds through a blend of talks, live demonstrations, skill-developing exercises, practice sessions (under careful guidance) and deconstruction of filmed examples of the technique being used, including one with a severely traumatised young woman. There is also plenty of opportunity for networking and discussion during the breaks. The course was previously entitled: The fast phobia and trauma (PTSD) cure – a 2-day workshop in the rewind technique -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This course has been independently accredited by the internationally recognised CPD Standards Office for 12 hours of CPD training. On completion of this training you’ll receive CPD certificates from the College and the CPD Standards Office.

The Rewind Technique: Effective treatment for trauma (PTSD) and phobias
Delivered In-Person in London6 hours 30 minutes, Jul 3rd, 08:30 + 4 more

Introductory Confidence Building Evening for quiet, shy and introverted people


By The Sunflower Effect Confidence Courses

Designed for quiet, shy, self-conscious and introverted people. In this introductory evening, you will be discovering the keys to authentic confidence based on author and self-confidence specialist, Claire Schrader's experiences of being a shy introvert, and what really worked in getting her out of her shell so she could achieve things in her personal and professional life she never would have thought possible. You will meet Claire in person and experience a series of confidence exercises that you will be able to put into practice in your everyday life. Claire creates an informal, relaxed, non-judgmental atmosphere that will quickly put you at your ease, and free you of the internal pressures that normally inhibit you from expressing yourself. It's a very safe place for you to gently stretch out of your comfort zone with people who feel in the same boat as you.

Introductory Confidence Building Evening for quiet, shy and introverted people
Delivered In-Person in London2 hours, Jul 3rd, 18:30 + 1 more

An Introduction to Property

By Property Overview Ltd

A course for those lacking property-specific education or requiring a broader perspective -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABOUT WHO COULD BENEFIT? A 1-day intensive course for those who work in property and lack formalised property-specific training or have a one-sided background as well as those working with real estate sector clients and who are keen to understand them better. Suits those in the UK or abroad. This engaging course provides the big picture, context and fundamentals per topic, based on the insight and experience of a seasoned and approachable real estate practitioner. We deal with all asset types, but the main focus is commercial and alternative property sectors. We drill down where needed. We teach the fundamentals and show how everything fits together, making each attendee comfortable with lots of jargon in one engaging day. We use real examples and anecdotes to bring the theory to life, enabling attendees to relate this to their jobs. We teach theory & practice. We only use knowledgeable, engaging, approachable and energetic trainers. A course attracting rave reviews. A fuller curriculum stretching over 1.5 or 2 days is available (see Understanding Property or you can pick modules from other courses). Both courses are available to be taught in-house as well. Trainers: Kaushik Shah (London), Alan Thompson (Edinburgh) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MODULES AN INTRODUCTION TO PROPERTY (1 DAY COURSE) Foundation knowledge for those working in property or with property clients at only £630pp (public course). It provides a birds-eye, measured 360° view of the property industry. It explains how it all fits together, what drives it, how things work and who does what. We get you comfortable with key bits of jargon that you are likely to come across day-to-day, related to the letting, management and investment side. Real Estate might be slow but is constantly evolving, and we provide insight into the most important trends including technology. We provide context on how property compares to stocks and bonds as an investment. The real-life case study ties everything back together. Modules in brief are: • Property needs occupiers to thrive: why buy, why rent? • Asset types explained • Insight into real market drivers, market cycles & market dynamics • Sector- and Asset-specific considerations • Technology impacts how property is used, built, let, sold & invested in • The traditional job roles • Property leasing & other jargon • The letting process, lease structures and lease events • The investment process, -styles and -vehicles • Investment-related jargon-busting • Property is slow but constantly evolving • Case study To see detailed course content please click ‘see content’ below. To book please email kaushik@propertyoverview.co.uk or fill in our booking form Next Date Available: Tuesday 4 July 2024 | C. London or online IN-HOUSE COURSE ‘INTRODUCTION TO PROPERTY’ Tailor-made foundation knowledge course for those working in property or with property clients. The course is designed by a senior practitioner with hands-on experience who understands what clients want. An extensive selection of course modules exist (check out the content of the 2-day course) and content can be created, added to or abbreviated as required, or worked around your business product. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRICING FIND THE BEST PRICE.   Property Overview offers competitively priced, effective training courses with unique practitioner-led content. Applied, relevant content leads to greater impact and value-for-money. Pricing below is shown for public courses for individual bookings, and for in-house courses. To book one or several individual places on our on-line courses, please fill in our booking form or email kaushik@propertyoverview.co.uk For bookings of 4 or more staff an on-line in-house course is recommended, also as the content can be tailored around your needs and your products or services. This provides value for money and a more effective training course on top. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AN INTRODUCTION TO PROPERTY (1 DAY COURSE) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- £630 + VAT • Per Person + 20% VAT • No VAT is chargeable for courses sold to companies abroad • Prices upon application for courses taught abroad. IN-HOUSE COURSE ‘INTRODUCTION TO PROPERTY’ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- £3,025 FOR 8 HRS, £4,240 FOR 1.5 DAYS £5,335 FOR 2 DAYS • UK VAT @ 20% where applicable • Includes up to 6 attendees, surcharge at £60 per day or £62.5 per 1.5 days per additional attendee + VAT • Modules can run across several days on-line, fitting into diaries better • Prices upon application for f2f courses taught abroad

An Introduction to Property
Delivered Online & In-PersonFull day, Jul 4th, 08:00
£630 to £5335

18th edition course Bromley

By MJ Electrical Training

City & Guilds 18th edition course with 2382-22 final exam only £234.00. Exams available every week across the UK, same day results, quick certificate, best prices..

18th edition course Bromley
Delivered Online & In-Person in Bromley3 hours, Jul 4th, 09:00 + 49 more

18th edition course Dover

By MJ Electrical Training

City & Guilds 18th edition course with 2382-22 final exam only £234.00. Exams available every week across the UK, same day results, quick certificate, best prices..

18th edition course Dover
Delivered Online & In-Person in Bromley3 hours, Jul 4th, 09:00 + 48 more

18th edition course Kent

By MJ Electrical Training

City & Guilds 18th edition course with 2382-22 final exam only £234.00. Exams available every week across the UK, same day results, quick certificate, best prices..

18th edition course Kent
Delivered Online & In-Person in Bromley2 hours, Jul 4th, 09:30 + 49 more

ECS Card Health & Safety Course Kent

By MJ Electrical Training

ECS Health & Safety Course with MJ Electrical Training. Available every week, use this course to complete the application process when applying for an ECS Labourers Card.

ECS Card Health & Safety Course Kent
Delivered Online6 hours 30 minutes, Jul 5th, 06:30 + 51 more

ABG: Blood Gas interpretation


By EF Training & Consultancy Ltd

Basic ABG interpretation ABG interpretation training Introduction to ABG analysis Arterial blood gas interpretation Healthcare professional ABG course Acid-base balance training ABG parameters explanation Respiratory and metabolic disturbances Hands-on ABG practice Clinical applications of ABG interpretation ABG training for nurses/physicians/respiratory therapists ABG interpretation certification CPD accredited ABG course Practical ABG learning

ABG: Blood Gas interpretation
Delivered In-Person in LondonFull day, Jul 10th, 08:30

inGenius Memory

By inGeniusly

If you have the desire to memorise anything incredibly quickly, and retain it for as long as you need, this course is for you! In a fun, dynamic way, where we purposefully combine different teaching approaches to get you to a level of mastery in the shortest possible time, we will teach you the ins and outs of memory. You will be amazed by how powerful your own brain can be!

inGenius Memory
Delivered Online & In-Person in London12 weeks, Jul 12th, 15:00

Educators matching "Education"

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Creative Education Associates

creative education associates


Creative is an international development organization dedicated to supporting people around the world to realize the positive change they seek.PAKISTAN Reading Project Pakistan is one of the few countries where illiteracy rates are actually increasing. Government statistics show that primary school enrollment is only 66 percent, which means some 7.2 million children are not in classrooms. The Pakistan Reading Project is a national program aimed at improving the quality of reading education in more than 23,000 public schools. It is funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development. Under the International Rescue Committee’s purview, along with 10 local and international partners, Creative is delivering high-quality pre-service teacher education, training and professional development with an explicit focus on teaching reading. It will improve management throughout the education system through policy support and enhanced information, planning and monitoring systems. Complementing education initiatives by the Pakistan government, USAID and other international partners, the Pakistan Reading Project will promote a culture of reading nationally by improving organizations’ abilities to promote educational research, advocacy and reform, as well as expanding the number of colleges and universities offering rigorous teacher training and specialized education degrees. The Pakistan Reading Project will advance and develop the reading instruction skills of 94,000 teachers over the next five years and is expected to reach 3.2 million boys and girls with improved reading programs. The program will specially target underserved rural communities where access to elementary education is limited.

Grayson Education

grayson education


Grayson Education was founded in 2013 with the aim of offering Chinese students the opportunity to access British Education. We set our base in the coastal city of Dalian and launched our first project within this city: a summer school course for Chinese students between the ages of 10-18. The two week programme was held at the prestigious Ardingly College in England, and consisted of intensive English classes and excursions to Oxford, Cambridge and the thrilling Thorpe Park. Due to the excellent marketing management, the programme was a resounding success, attracting more than 30 students. Alongside organizing summer school programmes, Grayson Education also provides an exclusive school placement service. Through working with our partners in both England and China, 2014 alone, has seen Grayson Education place students at some of the finest Independent schools in Britain. A partnership between Grayson Education and Siven Group. At Grayson, we understand that most students will require additional English language tuition beyond what is taught within schools throughout China before embarking on studies in England. Therefore, Grayson Education has begun working closely with Siven Learning Centre, in order to provide students with specialized English Language tuition, taught by qualified British teachers and TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) holders. This will ensure that students are prepared for the high academic standards expected by independent schools throughout Britain