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165 Architecture courses in Edinburgh

MySQL server administration


By Systems & Network Training

MYSQL SERVER ADMINS TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This MySQL Server administration course is designed for MySQL Server administrators who have a basic understanding of a MySQL database and a good working knowledge of SQL commands. The course provides an understanding of MySQL Architecture and practical experience in setting up, configuring and maintaining a MySQL server, backing up and recovering data and optimising query performance. This MySQL Server administration course also covers MySQL replication and its role in high availability and scalability. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Use MySQL Workbench. * Install and configure a MySQL Server . * Administer and tune a MySQL server. * Configure log files and interpret error messages.. * Secure the Server. * Administer a replication topology. MYSQL SERVER ADMIN TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Database administrators, Database developers and Technical consultants. * Prerequisites: Introduction to MySQL * Duration 5 days MYSQL SERVER ADMIN TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Introduction to Oracle Application Express APEX concepts APEX main components Workspaces, database applications and websheet applications Creating a workspace The Workspace Administrator Upgrading APEX Logging into APEX Running an application * SWL Workshop Use APEX to browse, create and modify objects Process ad hoc SQL statements Manage scripts in APEX Create, run and save SQL queries * Build a database application Application components Create an application Create an application from a spreadsheet * Create reports Create reports using wizards Edit report attributes Add links to reports Create a link to a printer-friendly version of a report Save and print reports in different formats * Using files Uploading images Creating cascading stylesheet files Uploading static files Adding an Image as an application logo Adding a reference to a Javascript file * Pages and regions Web form behaviour in APEX Create a form based on a table Create a form based on a procedure Create a form with a report Create a tabular form Format a form Locking in APEX forms * Creating lists of values Overview of application express shared Components Dynamic and static lists of values Create a dynamic list of values Create a static list of values Use a list of values to control data in a report Create a cascading list of values * Items and buttons Understand the different Types of items Create items Understand and edit item attributes Use Javascript with item Manipulate items in tabular forms Add dynamic items to a report Create and edit buttons * Page Processing Page rendering and page processing Create computations Validate input data Process Data Understand application branching Create conditional branches * Shared components Overview of application express navigation components Manage parent and standard tabs Create navigation bar entries Create and use lists and list items Manage breadcrumbs Create shortcuts Shared component subscription User interface defaults * Display dynamic content Filter reports with dynamic queries Create charts with a wizard Format charts Create calendars Add links to calendars Create hierarchical trees * State and debugging Understand session state Set a session state value Clear the session state Review the session state Review the messages in debug mode Enabling feedback Managing feedback and team development * Themes and templates Switch to a different theme View existing templates Understand and manage templates Create a new template Add references to cascading stylesheet and Javascript files * Dynamic actions and plug-in components Identify plug-in components and their types Plug In a component Create dynamic actions Use a plug-in in a dynamic action * Building website applications Websheet applications and their components Create a websheet application Enable SQL and PL/SQL in a websheet application Add sections and pages to a websheet application Add links on a websheet page Add a data grid to a websheet application Create SQL reports ion websheet applications Add annotations to a websheet application * Implementing security Authentication and authorization Provide an authentication scheme Create an authorization scheme using access control Enable and configure session state protection * Deploy an appliction Define supporting objects Package an application Export an application Import an application Install supporting objects * Administer Apex workspaces Manage workspaces and users Request a schema or storage Purge session state Monitor developer activity log Monitor workspace activity View activity reports Import a workspace * Utility programs Import and export data Generate DDL statements View objects reports

MySQL server administration
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Peering at LINX


By Systems & Network Training

PEERING AT LINX TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A one or two day induction course covering the technical procedures of LINX along with correct interaction with LINX and LINX members. This course focuses on the implementation of the technologies within the LINX network. For those already competent in BGP the one day version of this course is sufficient. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Explain the role of LINX in the Internet. * Correctly connect to LINX. * Recognise the correct procedures for peering at LINX. * Use the current Best Current Practices. PEERING AT LINX TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Technical staff of new LINX members. Technical staff of companies preparing to join LINX. Non technical staff may also benefit from this course. * Prerequisites: None. (For technical staff with BGP knowledge 1 day) * Duration 1 to 2 days PEERING AT LINX TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Introduction and review Networks, The Internet, IP, routers, Autonomous systems, the structure of the Internet, the role of Internet Exchanges. BGP and peering. LINX, EuroIX, RIPE. What you get when you join LINX. LINX products: Connexions, Virtual PoPs, Colocation resales, LINX from anywhere. * LINX infrastructure The original architecture, The growth of LINX, the current topology. LINX London locations. Dual LAN topology. LON1, LON2. Use of MPLS to connect London sites. Regional peering: LINX NoVa, LINX Manchester, LINX Wales, LINX Scotland, ManxIX, JEDIX. * Connecting with LINX nnecting with LINX Locations. 1/10/100/400G. Interface specifications. Link aggregation. The racks and space provided, access to the racks, connecting WAN circuits into LINX. The connection form, How to link your ISP with LINX, switch assignments, limits on traffic, average measured traffic, getting statistics from LINX, Using looking glass. Allowed traffic. Port security * Configuration hints LINX IP details, IPv4, IPv6, PTR records, Cisco base configuration, Juniper base configuration. * Peering with other LINX members Preparing for peering, the peering template, setting up the peering, RFC 2142, the RIPE database, contacts, peeringdb.net, solving downed BGP sessions, escalation procedures. * Peering configuration hints Cisco BGP configuration, Juniper BGP configuration. * LINX additional services Private interconnect, LINX time service. NTP, Strata. * The LINX route server Bi lateral peering, Multi lateral peering. How the LINX route server is configured. Use of communities on the route server, template for peering with the route server. * Summary Getting further information, the LINX website, the LINX mailing lists.

Peering at LINX
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

MySQL for developers


By Systems & Network Training

MYSQL FOR DEVELOPERS TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This MySQL Developers training course is designed for MySQL Developers who have a good understanding of a MySQL database and experience of using SQL commands. The course provides further practical experience in more advanced MySQL commands and SQL statements including Stored Routines, Triggers and Event Scheduling. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Provide the skills needed to write more advanced queries and database maintenance statements on a MySQL database. * Use advanced features of the MySQL Client. * Use advanced data types. * Manage the structure of databases and tables. * Manage and using indexes. * Write complex SQL query statements. * Use advanced SQL expressions. * Use advanced SQL functions. * Perform advanced Insert, Update, Delete, Replace and Truncate Operations. * Use user variable syntax and properties. * Import and export data from within MySQL. * Import and export data from the command line. * Perform complex joins to access multiple tables. * Perform complex subqueries. * Create, manage and us views. * Use prepared statements. * Create and use stored routines. * Create and use triggers. * Obtain database metadata. * Optimize queries. * Work with the main storage engines. * Debug MySQL applications. MYSQL FOR DEVELOPERS TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: MySQL Developers who have a basic understanding of a MySQL database and SQL commands as covered on the Introduction to MySQL course. * Prerequisites: MySQL foundation * Duration 5 days MYSQL FOR DEVELOPERS TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Introduction Administration and Course Materials, Course Structure and Agenda, Delegate and Trainer Introductions. * Client/server concepts MySQL client/server architecture, Server modes, Using client programs, Logging in options, Configuration files, Precedence of logging in options Hands on Using client/server * The MySQL client program Using MySQL interactively, The MySQL prompts, Client commands and SQL statements, Editing, Selecting a database, Help, Safe updates, Using script files, Using a source file, Redirecting output into a file, Command line execution, Mysql output formats, Overriding the defaults, Html and xml output, MySQL Utilities. Hands on Using the MySQL client program * Data types Bit data type, Numeric data types, Auto_increment, Character string data types, Character sets and collation, Binary string data types, Enum and Set data types, Temporal data types, Timezone support, Handling Missing Or Invalid Data Values, SQL_MODE options. Hands on Using data types * Identifiers Using Quotes with identifier naming, Case sensitivity in Identifier naming, Qualifying columns with table and database names, Using reserved words as identifiers, Function names Hands on Using identifiers * Databases Database properties, Creating a database, Selecting a database, Altering databases, Dropping databases, Obtaining database metadata, The SHOW command, The INFORMATION_SCHEMA database, The SHOW CREATE command Hands on Using databases * Tables and indexes Table properties, Creating tables, Create table using Select or Like, Temporary tables and memory tables, Altering tables, Adding columns, Changing column widths and types, Renaming columns, Dropping columns, Adding constraints, Dropping constraints, Renaming tables, Change the table storage engine, Multiple alterations, Dropping tables, Emptying tables, Obtaining table metadata, Show create table, The information_schema, Index introduction, Structure of a mysql index, Creating and dropping indexes, Creating an index, Altering a table to add an index, Specifying index type, Dropping indexes, Obtaining Index Metadata. Hands on Creating, altering and dropping tables/indexes * Querying for data The SQL select statement and MySQL differences, Advanced order by, Order by and collation, Order by with enum datatype, Order by with Set datatype, Ordering with distinct and group by Special features of union, Limit and order by clauses, Group By clause, Group_concat, Using Rollup in a Group By clause. Hands on Querying for data * SQL Expressions and functions Components of expressions, Nulls, Numeric expressions, String expressions, Temporal expressions, Comparison functions, Flow control functions, Numeric functions, String functions, Temporal functions. Hands on Using expressions and functions * Updating data Update operations and privileges, Inserting rows, Insert using a set clause, Inserting duplicate values, Replacing rows, Updating rows, Update using the order by and limit clauses, Deleting rows, The delete and truncate statements. Exercise: Inserting, updating, replacing and deleting data * Connectors MySQL client interfaces, MySQL connectors, Oracle and community conectors, Connecting to MySQL server using Java and PHP connectors, MySQL and NoSQL, Innodb integration with memcached. * Obtaining database metadata What is metadata?, The mysqlshow utility, The show and describe commands, Describing tables, The information_schema, Listing tables, Listing columns, Listing views, Listing key_columns_usage. Hands on Obtaining database metadata * Debugging Mysql error messages, The show statement, Show errors, Show count(*) errors, Show warnings, Show count(*) warnings, Note messages, The perror utility. Hands on Debugging * Joins Overview of inner joins, Cartesian product, Inner joins with original syntax, Non equi-join, Using table aliases to avoid name clashes, Inner Joins With ISO/ANSI Syntax, Outer Joins, Left outer joins, Right outer joins, Full outer joins, Updating multiple tables simultaneously, Updating rows in one table based on a condition in another, Updating rows in one table reading data from another, Deleting from multiple tables simultaneously, Deleting rows in one table based on a condition in another. Hands on Coding joins * Subqueries Types of subquery, Multiple-column subqueries, Correlated subqueries, Using the ANY, ALL and SOME operators, Using the EXISTS operator, Subqueries as scalar expressions, Inline views, Converting subqueries to joins, Using subqueries in updates and deletes. Hands on Coding subqueries * Views Why views are used, Creating views, View creation restrictions, View algorithms, Updateable views, Altering and dropping views, Displaying information about views, Privileges for views. Hands on Using views * Import and Export Exporting using SQL, Privileges required to export data, Importing using SQL, Messages when loading data, Privileges required to load data, Exporting from the command line, Mysqldump main options, Importing from the command line, Mysqlimport main options. Hands on Importing and exporting * User variables and prepared statements Creating User variables, User variables in a select, Prepared statements, The prepare statement, The execute statement, The deallocate statement, Using prepared statements in code, with connectors. Hands on Using variables and prepared statements * Introduction to stored routines Types of stored routines, Benefits of stored routines, Stored routine features, Differences between procedures and functions, Introduction to the Block, Declaring variables and constants, Assigning values to variables, Definer rights and invoker rights, Using SELECT in stored routines, Altering and dropping stored routines, Obtaining stored routine metadata, Stored routine privileges and execution security. Hands on Writing simple stored routines * Stored routines - program logic The IF .. THEN .. ELSEIF construct, The CASE statement, The basic loop, The while loop, The repeat loop, The iterate statement, Nested loops. Hands on Writing stored routines with program logic * Stored routines - exception handlers and cursors Dealing with errors using Exception handlers, Cursors, What is a cursor?, Cursor operations, Declaring cursors, Opening and closing cursors, Fetching rows, Status checking. Hands on Writing stored routines with program logic * Procedures with parameters Creating procedures with parameters, Calling Procedures With Parameters. Hands on Writing stored routines with parameters * Functions What is a function?, The create function statement, Executing functions, Executing functions from code, Executing functions from SQL statements, The deterministic and SQL clauses. Hands on Writing functions * Triggers Trigger creation, Restrictions on triggers, The create trigger statement, Using the old and new qualifiers, Managing triggers, Destroying triggers, Required privileges. Hands on Writing triggers * Basic optimizations Normalisation of data to third normal form, Using indexes for optimization, General query enhancement, Using Explain to analyze queries, Choosing an INNODB or MYISAM storage engine, Using MySQL Enterprise Monitor in query optimization. Hands on Making use of basic optimizations * More about indexes Indexes and joins Hands on Investigating indexes and joins

MySQL for developers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Wireshark 101 for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

WIRESHARK 101 TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION Wireshark is a free network protocol analyser. This hands-on course focuses on troubleshooting networks using the Wireshark protocol analyser. The course concentrates on the product and students will gain from the most from this course only if they already have a sound knowledge of the TCP/IP protocols WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Download and install Wireshark. * Capture and analyse packets with Wireshark. * Configure capture and display filters. * Customise Wireshark. * Troubleshoot networks using Wireshark. WIRESHARK 101 TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Technical staff looking after networks. * Prerequisites: TCP/IP Foundation for engineers * Duration 2 days WIRESHARK 101 TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * What is Wireshark? Protocol analysers, Wireshark features, versions, troubleshooting techniques with Wireshark. * Installing Wireshark Downloading Wireshark, UNIX issues, Microsoft issues, the role of winpcap, promiscuous mode, installing Wireshark. Wireshark documentation and help. Hands on Downloading and installing Wireshark. * Capturing traffic Starting and stopping basic packet captures, the packet list pane, packet details pane, packet bytes pane, interfaces, using Wireshark in a switched architecture. Hands on Capturing packets with Wireshark. * Troubleshooting networks with Wireshark Common packet flows. Hands on Analysing a variety of problems with Wireshark. * Capture filters Capture filter expressions, capture filter examples (host, port, network, protocol), primitives, combining primitives, payload matching. Hands on Configuring capture filters. * Working with captured packets Live packet capture, saving to a file, capture file formats, reading capture files from other analysers, merging capture files, finding packets, going to a specific packet, display filters, display filter expressions. Hands on Saving captured data, configuring display filters. * Analysis and statistics with Wireshark Enabling/disabling protocols, user specified decodes, following TCP streams, protocol statistics, conversation lists, endpoint lists, I/O graphs, protocol specific statistics. Hands on Using the analysis and statistics menus. * Command line tools Tshark, capinfos, editcap, mergecap, text2pcap, idl2eth. Hands on Using tshark. * Advanced issues 802.11 issues, management frames, monitor mode, packet reassembling, name resolution, customising Wireshark. Hands on Customising name resolution.

Wireshark 101 for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

EnergyEdge's course empowers you with in-depth knowledge of deepwater turbidites. Acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in this specialized field of study.

Deepwater Turbidites
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally
£2499 to £2599

Certified Internet of Things Practitioner

By Mpi Learning - Professional Learning And Development Provider

In this course, students will learn general strategies for planning, designing, developing, implementing, and maintaining an IoT system through various case studies and by assembling and configuring an IoT device to work in a sensor network.

Certified Internet of Things Practitioner
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Loughborough

Sketching tour with the Edinburgh Sketcher | private class for up to 8


By The Arienas Collective

Private sketching tours and classes with ink and watercolour artist Mark Kirkham, known locally as The Edinburgh Sketcher hosted by The Arienas Collective, or at an agreed location of your choice.

Sketching tour with the Edinburgh Sketcher | private class for up to 8
Delivered In-Person
Dates arranged on request

This course presents an approach for dealing with security and privacy throughout the entire software development lifecycle. You will learn about vulnerabilities that undermine security, and how to identify and remediate them in your own projects.

Cyber Secure Coder
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Loughborough

Definitive network forensics for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

NETWORK FORENSICS TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This course studies network forensics-monitoring and analysis of network traffic for information gathering, intrusion detection and legal evidence. We focus on the technical aspects of network forensics rather than other skills such as incident response procedures etc.. Hands on sessions follow all the major sections. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Recognise network forensic data sources. * Perform network forensics using: Wireshark NetFlow Log analysis * Describe issues such as encryption. NETWORK FORENSICS TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Technical network and/or security staff. * Prerequisites: TCP/IP foundation for engineers. * Duration 3 days NETWORK FORENSICS TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * What is network forensics? What it is, host vs network forensics, purposes, legal implications, network devices, network data sources, investigation tools. Hands on whois, DNS queries. * Host side network forensics Services, connections tools. Hands on Windows services, Linux daemons, netstat, ifoconfig/ipconfig, ps and Process explorer, ntop, arp, resource monitor. * Packet capture and analysis Network forensics with Wireshark, Taps, NetworkMiner. Hands on Performing Network Traffic Analysis using NetworkMiner and Wireshark. * Attacks DOS attacks, SYN floods, vulnerability exploits, ARP and DNS poisoning, application attacks, DNS ANY requests, buffer overflow attacks, SQL injection attack, attack evasion with fragmentation. Hands on Detecting scans, using nmap, identifying attack tools. * Calculating location Timezones, whois, traceroute, geolocation. Wifi positioning. Hands on Wireshark with GeoIP lookup. * Data collection NetFlow, sflow, logging, splunk, splunk patterns, GRR. HTTP proxies. Hands on NetFlow configuration, NetFlow analysis. * The role of IDS, firewalls and logs Host based vs network based, IDS detection styles, IDS architectures, alerting. Snort. syslog-ng. Microsoft log parser. Hands on syslog, Windows Event viewer. * Correlation Time synchronisation, capture times, log aggregation and management, timelines. Hands on Wireshark conversations. * Other considerations Tunnelling, encryption, cloud computing, TOR. Hands on TLS handshake in Wireshark.

Definitive network forensics for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

CWDP TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION The CWDP course consists of instructor-led training applicable to the design of wireless LANs using the latest technologies including 802.11n and 802.11ac. The course goes in-depth into the design process and provides attendees with the knowledge needed to plan, deploy and test modern 802.11-based networks. It also prepares students for the CWDP examination. Students who complete the course will acquire the necessary skills for preparing, planning performing and documenting site surveys and wireless LAN design procedures. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Design enterprise WiFi networks. * Select appropriate antennas and Access points. * Perform site surveys. * Describe the security requirements required for enterprise networks. * Test, validate and troubleshoot installations. CWDP TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone looking for the skills to analyze, troubleshoot, and optimize any enterprise level Wi-Fi network, no matter which brand of equipment your organization deploys. Anyone looking to become a CWNP. * Prerequisites: CWNA * Duration 5 days CWDP TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * WLAN design overview Importance of good design, Impact of bad design, Design process, Design skills, Design toolkit. * Requirements analysis Pre-planning, Customer interaction, Requirements gathering, Discovering existing systems, Documenting the environment, Defining constraints, Creating documentation. * Designing for clients and applications Client Device types, Application types, Application-specific design, High density design issues. * Designing for industry Standard corporate networks, Industry-specific designs, Government, Healthcare, Hospitality, Retail, Public hotspots, Transportation, Mobile offices, Outdoor and mesh, Remote networks and branch offices, Last-miles / ISP and bridging. * Vendor selection processes Defining vendor issues, Operational planes, Design models, Understanding architectures. * Radio Frequency (RF) planning RF spectrum, RF behaviors, Modulation and coding schemes, RF accessories, Throughput factors. WLAN hardware selection Antennas, 802.11n and antennas, Choosing Aps, Powering Aps. * Site surveys Site survey tools, Site survey preparation, Predictive site surveys, Manual site surveys, Site survey principles and processes. * Designing for Quality of Service (QoS) QoS overview, QoS application points, Roaming support. * Designing for security Bad security, Authentication solutions, Encryption solutions, Security best practices, Intrusion prevention. * Installation testing, validation and troubleshooting Network health status, Troubleshooting and validation process, Troubleshooting and validation tools, Common problems. * Hands-on lab exercises Hands-on labs depend on the audience and can include use of: Spectrum analyzers, Protocol analyzers, Site Survey software, Diagramming software, Various wireless access points, Various wireless adapters and antennas.

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally