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M-Theory Music
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M-Theory Music

About M-Theory Music

My name is Mike Hawthorne, founder of M-Theory Music. Here's a bit about me: Music has been a central element in my life from as far back as I can remember. Listening to, playing, creating, performing, DJing, producing, and teaching music have all featured throughout the years. While I am a proficient drummer, bassist, ukulele-ist (???), producer, and DJ, the guitar has always been my main instrument. I can't pinpoint where my love for guitar came from, but I do know that I was always drawn to it when I was younger. After getting into metal, grunge, punk and indie as a young teenager, the guitar made even more sense and my love for it grew and continues to do so to this day. I started learning the guitar approx 25 years ago, and very shortly after that, started sharing my learning with my friends. I found that I loved passing on the skills and knowledge almost as much as I enjoyed playing the instrument, and I took my first "proper" student (ie, not one of my friends!) when I was 17. I have been teaching people ever since then. I see it as a vocation and a personal duty to share the love of music with as many people as possible, and I'd still be doing it even after a lottery win! Since 2001, I have had at least one student on the go at any given time. I taught privately for many years, ans then began teaching with a local music service in 2010. In 2015 I was able to give up the "day job" and teach full time, something for which I am eternally grateful. I get to make a living out of my passion, I get to meet and form positive relationships with lots of wonderful people, and I get to share the joy of playing music with them... i keep wondering when i'm going to wake up!

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Primary Location

  • Moorside Community Centre, Urquhart Rd
  • Thatcham
  • United Kingdom
  • RG19 4RE

All Locations

  • Moorside Community Centre, Urquhart Rd, Thatcham