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28 Day Total Health Reset

28 Day Total Health Reset

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Welcome to the Nourished & Thriving 28 Day Total Health Reset Programme!

This programme is for you if you are ready to kick start your health journey, but are not sure how to get started. Combining science-backed nutritional processes, intuitive eating principles and self development practices, this is the perfect programme for you to learn about yourself, your health and to learn how to ditch the diet and make healthy eating a habit that sticks.

Key focuses in this programme:
1. Gut health focused meals
2. Glucose-balancing hacks
3. Intuitive eating principles
4. Habit creation and tracking
5. Daily practices
6. Meal planning and prep made easy

This programme is for if:
1. You are ready to ditch the diet culture
2. You want to learn how to create habits that stick
3. You want to learn how to track health without tracking calories
4. You are ready to do the work on your relationship with food and yourself
5. You want to experience sustained energy, no cravings, improved sleep and so much more!

This programme is not for you if:
1. You want a quick fix
2. You are only interested in weight loss
3. You are not willing to implement changes in your life

I look forward to you experiencing the benefits that come when you put your health first!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What do I need to complete this programme?

    I would highly recommend having a journal to hand. If you don't like writing physically, create a document on your computer for you to take notes and complete any journaling recommended.

  • Do I need to follow the meal plan 100%?

    Nope! I will be sharing the principles that are behind the meal suggestions. I recommend you keep to the principles shared, but feel free to substitute things based on allergies / preferences. The meal plan is here to make things easier, not to restrict! Also, the principles shared should help make going out for meals easier too (because we want this to be a lifestyle, not a restrictive diet!)

  • How long do I need each day to complete this?

    In terms of meals, I try keep meal prep to under 30 minutes. Where possible, I create meals that freeze well so that you can double up on the portions and save the leftovers where possible.

    For the daily practices, aim to carve out one hour per day to complete these.

  • Do I need to know how to cook?

    This is always a great bonus, but I have kept all the recipes simple so that anyone can cook them. I have avoided complicated processes, equipment and ingredients.

  • Do I need to track my calories?

    Nope! Tracking calories can end up being incredibly stressful, but is also not the most accurate way of tracking things (if you are interested in understanding more, Google Dr Giles Yeo who has done some amazing research on this).Β 

    We will be tracking the following aspects throughout the programme:
    1. How often do you feel hungry?
    2. Energy levels
    3. Sleep quality
    4. Cravings
    5. Bowel movements (don't worry, this is you tracking you, so it will all remain completely private)

  • What are the science-backed methods used?

    My focus on nutrition from a science perspective is two-fold:

    1. Gut-centric eating – this process focuses on a style of eating that supports a healthy gut microbiome. I take learnings from gut-health experts such as Prof. Tim Spector and Dr. Meggan Rossi

    2. Glucose balancing focus – as someone who is very glucose sensitive, learning to balance my own glucose levels has been an absolute game changer. Taking learning and research from Jessie InchauspΓ©, my focus is to show you how to eat in such a way that you stay full, avoid a 3pm energy slump and curb cravings naturally

    3. The science of nutrition – during this programme, you will not hear me speak of food as good or bad. Everything is nuanced as it is so dependent on what your alternative would be. I will focus more on what foods will do to your body to guide you in decision making. e.g. sugar in all forms = glucose, so I will not be recommending agave syrup over white sugar... in your body, these are the same!

Course Content

Week One
  1. Day Zero – Welcome to the 28 Day Challenge
  2. Day One – Your "Now"
  3. Day Two – Honouring Hunger & Fullness
  4. Day Three – The Power of Health
  5. Day Four – Your Health Origin Story
  6. Day Five – Letting Go of Limiting Beliefs
  7. Day Six – Gut Health Chats
  8. Day Seven – Balancing your Glucose
Meal Plans & Grocery Lists
  1. Meal Plans, Grocery Lists and Nutrition Resources
Week Two
  1. Day One: Introducing health myths, fallacies and facts
  2. Day Two: All about protein
  3. Day Three: How much does β€œorganic” matter?
  4. Day Four: Sugar, by any other name… is still sugar
  5. Day Five: Choosing Processed & Frozen Food
  6. Day Six: Unpacking Good vs Bad Food
  7. Day Seven: Reflecting on the week that has passed
Week Three
  1. Day One – Learning about habits
  2. Day Two – The benefit of the 1% improvement
  3. Day Three – How to choose your healthy habits
  4. Day Four – Habit stacking & creating healthy habits
  5. Day Five – Breaking Unhealthy Habits
  6. Day Six – Managing motivation
  7. Day Seven – Reflecting about the week
Week Four
  1. Day One – Intuitive Eating & Honouring Your Hunger
  2. Day Two – Challenging the Food Police
  3. Day Three – Respecting Your Body
  4. Day Four – Honour Your Feelings Without Food
  5. Day Five – Honouring your Health
  6. Day Six – How to Meal Plan
  7. Day 7 – Your Final Reflection
Next Steps
  1. Next steps launching on 12 February

About The Provider

