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2023 January Activation: Great Alignment & Ignition of Joy

2023 January Activation: Great Alignment & Ignition of Joy

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It's the perfect time to set the tone for a fantastic year with all planets going direct making sure that you have all the cosmic forces behind your ideas and manifestations! 

IN THIS ACTIVATION, you will experience a powerful awakening of the Cave of Brahma which is the key to accessing your higher knowledge, and cosmic communication and opening new centres of power for you. Supported by the Galactics you will receive deep healing, new insights and guidance for your year ahead together with a powerful boost for your manifestations!

THE LIGHT LANGUAGE TRANSMISSION, will receive the Ignition of the New Divine Human Template by Lord Maitraya, the Bringer of Joy. You will be showered with an abundance of new light codes for you to thrive and navigate this year with confidence and a spring in your step. 

You will receive 

  • Cave of Brahma Activation

  • Ignition of the New Divine Human Template

  • Avatar Codes from your unique soul lineage

  • New Advanced Star Light Codes

  • Clearing & aligning all your chakras + Light body upgrades

  • Higher Self DNA upgrades

  • Ascension updates & time to ask your burning questions

As a special Bonus to kick start your year you receive a special audio Light Language Transmission that you can also download on your phone for instant recalibration and alignment with joy and prosperity. 

For all participants

You can either join live or enjoy the replay at a convenient time for you. The audio and video files will be sent out after the event to dive into activations anytime.

Find your time zone

08.00 AM – HI | 12.00 AM – MST | 01.00 PM – EST | 06.00 PM – BST | 07.00 PM – CEST


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Will I receive all the benefits from the activations when I can’t attend live?

    Yes, the energies during the call are multidimensionally encoded, and therefore all the activations are taking place anytime you watch the reply.

    So you will receive the maximum benefit every time you watch it or listen to the activation. 

  • When will I receive the replays and how?

    Usually, you receive access to the replays within an hour after the finish of the event, as soon as all files are uploaded. 

    You get an email with all information on how to access and download the replays for your convenience. 

  • When and how often should I do the meditation/activation?

    I recommend you listen/watch the activation anytime you feel called to do so. In case you might have fallen asleep while listening to it the first time you can re-listen to it on the same day. 

    If you feel tired afterward I would give it a couple of days to allow the energies to integrate first before listening again. 

  • Feeling tired and needing extra rest afterwards..is that normal?

    The activations are deeply encoded and your body can respond with a desire to rest in order to integrate all the shifts, and information to release the outdated energies. This is a natural reaction - so sleeping is the body's way to quickly integrate and ‘work through the shifts’. 

    It can take up to 48 hours for the full integration to take place - it takes time to allow for these shifts to occur and each person/ body can respond slightly differently.

    Your tiredness is a sign that you have received these energies and are now processing them accordingly.

    You may also feel emotions rising to the surface - just allow them to be present, feel into it and know it is part of the release. 

    Keeping well hydrated before and after the activations is highly supportive.

  • I fell asleep during the activation - why and did I still receive it? Shall I listen again?

    It is a natural reaction to fall asleep during the meditation - it's your body's way to respond to the energies in order to allow all shifts to occur - without your conscious mind interfering. 

    Once you have adjusted to the energies usually the second time you listen you are able to 'stay awake' and consciously experience the guided journey. 

    Trust your body wisdom as and when you would like to enjoy the activations. You always receive the energetic benefits if you are awake or asleep. Sometimes the shifts taking place are much deeper when we are in a dream state. 

Course Content

  1. Tips to ground yourself AFTER the activation
  2. GUIDES that you will connect with in this Activation
  3. Channelled Teachings of Lord Maitreya on joy as a superpower
  4. TIPS to navigate all the shifts
  1. ZOOM VIDEO of the entire call
  2. AUDIO FILE of the entire call
  3. AUDIO FILE of the activation journey
  1. Recalibration into Joy

About The Provider

Light Codes, New Earth, and Energetic Breakthroughs ~ Angelic Reiki Master, Teache...

Read more about Katarina Heuser

