70 Educators providing Courses

Loch Wellbeing

loch wellbeing

Loch Well Being is not authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. Further information can be found here Modern life is tough. Day to day we encounter a whole host of challenges, both big and small, which can have an impact on our overall wellbeing. And work is one of them. When a workplace fails to address the issue of staff wellbeing, we see high levels of stress and burnout which, in turn, can cause both physical and mental health issues. But when a workplace makes staff wellbeing a priority, we find engaged employees whose work gives them a sense of purpose, a social safety net and a mechanism for support, even during the toughest times. And employers that engage positively with wellbeing at work will not only benefit from the peace of mind that comes with doing the right thing, they will also see real business benefits including increased retention, reduced absenteeism, improved productivity and enhanced engagement. And that’s not to mention the good it can do for an employer’s brand. It really does pay to implement wellbeing strategies – recent research conducted by Deloitte, for example, found that for every £1.00 an employer spends on supporting workplace wellbeing, they’ll get £5.00 back as a return for their investment. At Loch Wellbeing, we’re experienced in the design, development and delivery of wellbeing solutions and have a track record of success across a broad range of industries. We’d love to talk to you about how our wellbeing solutions can assist you and your people.

Reach Remarkable Ltd

reach remarkable ltd


We help individuals and their teams achieve peak performance and productivity, emphasising resilience and wellbeing with our approach to complete health. Focusing on performance improvement alone can lead to great short term results but may also contribute to burnout in the longer term. We combine performance enhancement with improved resilience and holistic well-being, supporting sustainable long term performance and productivity. Everything we do is informed by practical, real-world experience, coupled with scientific research from organisational psychology, performance psychology, positive psychology, and physiology disciplines. Staying up to date with the latest research helps us stay at the leading edge of science, which we then apply in the workplace through training, consulting and coaching. Reach Remarkable is a privately owned company based in Wokingham, UK. Click to see what others have said about us About the founder Mark Quirk - Reach Remarkable Reach Remarkable was founded by Mark Quirk, simply, to make a difference. “I have more than 20+ years of first-hand experience in individual and management corporate roles, but after several years of positively manipulating those roles so that I could train, coach and support others, I decided that the world of computer software, which had supported me for 20+ years was going to become an ex-career, making space to go back to school for a Masters in Applied Positive Psychology, training in nutrition, and health coaching, and a whole new career working with people to help grow resilience, wellbeing and performance.” Today, in businesses, schools, athletics and charities, he brings the years of research behind resilience, models of wellbeing, peak performance, brain science, mindsets, longevity, mindfulness and strengths into reality.

Finaltouch Training

finaltouch training


We are daughters, sisters, wives, mothers, learners, teachers and massage therapists. We believe in the profound power of gentle touch at all phases of the human journey, including advanced illness and at the end of life. We are eager to share what we are learning with others who feel called to serve with hearts and hands. Meet the Instructors Our Mission With the support of palliative care and hospice, a growing number of people are choosing the kinds of experiences they want at the end of life. Massage can offer moments of comfort, wellbeing and beauty at a challenging time for patients and their families. Yet most of us are not prepared with the right skills or knowledge to offer this help. Our mission is to offer top-notch education for professional and nonprofessionals who seek to provide safe, supportive touch for people with advanced illness. We also seek to connect people with other exceptional resources to support end-of-life massage – including books, websites, products and other trainings. We are passionately devoted to this mission, because we have seen firsthand the extraordinary benefits of gentle touch during advanced illness and at the end of life. Learn About Documented Benefits Our Classes Final Touch Training is a nationally approved continuing education provider (NCBTMB Provider #1146). Our workshops focus on adapting what therapists and caregivers already know to meet the needs of people with advanced illness, such as: -awareness of “healing agendas” and why these may not be helpful in end-of-life care -the stages of dying, including early decline, late decline and active dying -common symptoms in advanced illness, including pain, anxiety, shortness of breath, edema, skin changes, digestive issues, confusion and nearing death awareness -coping with loss and practical self-care strategies for preventing burnout More About Classes

Coaching for Performance

coaching for performance

Klarheit, Orientierung, persönlicher und beruflicher Erfolg. Herzlich willkommen bei Peter A. Fuhrmann. Job- und Karrierecoaching, Führungskräfte-Coaching, Business-Coaching. Face to Face in meiner Beratungspraxis, online oder per Telefon. Sie wollen mehr Erfolg? Für sich persönlich? In Ihrer beruflichen Rolle und Funktion? Oder für Ihr Unternehmen? Sie wissen, Sie können mehr erreichen und suchen einen erfahrenen Coach und einen professionellen Sparringspartner. Ich hole Sie dort ab, wo Sie sich heute befinden und begleite Sie sicher und souverän dorthin, wo Sie morgen sein wollen. Beim Job- und Karrierecoaching unterstütze ich Sie auf Ihrem beruflichen Weg zur Erreichung Ihrer Ziele. Ich helfe Ihnen bei der persönlichen Standortbestimmung und Zukunftsplanung, bei Ihrer individuellen Vermarktung, bei Bewerbungen, Assessment Center Verfahren und Vorstellungsgesprächen. Bei der beruflichen Neuorientierung bin ich Ihr kompetenter Ansprechpartner bei der Erschließung neuer Zukunfsperspektiven Ich bearbeite mit Ihnen herausfordernde Themen wie Unzufriedenheit im Job, Karrierknick, Konflikte am Arbeitsplatz, Stress, Beziehungsprobleme, Mobbing und Burnout und zeige Ihnen Wege aus diesen kritischen Situationen. Das Coaching stärkt Ihr Selbstbewusstsein und Ihre Handlungssicherheit. Beispiele aus meiner Coachingpraxis Beim Führungskräfte-Coaching bin ich Ihr Sparringspartner bei der Bearbeitung und Lösung Ihrer Themen und Herausforderungen im Führungsalltag. Wir erabeiten zusammen, wie Sie Ihre Führungsfähigkeiten voll ausgestalten, sicher entscheiden, souverän verhandeln, überzeugend kommunizieren und Ihre Mitarbeiter zu Erfolgen führen. Wir entwickeln weiterführende Strategien und finden tragfähige Wege und Lösungen zur Erreichung Ihrer Organisations- und Unternehmensziele. In Phasen der Veränderung, der Unsicherheit und bei schwierigen Konflikten und Herausforderungen bin ich Ihr kompetenter Ansprechpartner. Das Coaching fördert Ihre persönliche Wirksamkeit und Ihre individuellen Führungsfähigkeiten. Beispiele aus meiner Coachingpraxis Beim Business-Coaching bin ich Ihr Personal Coach bei der Optimierung und Weiterentwicklung Ihrer speziellen betriebwirtschaftlichen Themen, insbesondere in den Bereichen, Strategie, Marktebearbeitung, Kundengewinnung, Vertrieb und unternehmerischer Erfolg. Ich arbeite mit Ihnen an Ihrer Rolle im Markt, an Ihrer Kommunikations- und Präsentationsstrategie, unterstütze Sie bei der optimalen Nutzung der modernen Medien und reflektiere mit Ihnen Wege zur Erreichung Ihrer Ziele. Wir erarbeiten zusammen, wie Sie Ihre unternehmerischen Herausforderungen und Chancen bestmöglich nutzen und Ihr Business weiter ausbauen. Beispiele aus meiner Coachingpraxis Coachs und Trainer unterstütze ich im Setting Coach-Supervision bei der Reflex

Mindfulness Web

mindfulness web


REDUCE STRESS, REDISCOVER YOUR INNER RESILIENCE & UNLOCK THE TRANSFORMATIVE POWER OF MINDFULNESS Are you feeling stressed, anxious, unfocused or otherwise struggling to cope with your everyday life and work?  Curious about how Mindfulness can help? Or perhaps you have already tried Mindfulness meditation and would like help establishing or re-igniting your own regular practice? Research shows that mindfulness can help you to become less stressed, happier and more focused. Working with an experienced Mindfulness teacher can help you to establish your own regular meditation practice and experience its life-enhancing benefits for yourself. By forming new neural pathways in the brain, regular practice of Mindfulness can boost your enjoyment of life, create greater clarity and focus and strengthen emotional resilience when life throws us challenges. My name is Claire Griffin and after experiencing a stress-related burnout a few years ago, I  experienced for myself the profound changes that practicing Mindfulness can give.   I set up Mindfulness Web to help others discover these changes for themselves and over the past 7 years, I’ve seen hundreds of my course participants flourish and find new joy in their lives. I am a Certified Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Teacher and a Mindfulness at Work Verified Trainer and a qualified coach with a Diploma in Personal Performance Coaching. I’ve successfully coached many business leaders, managers, and entrepreneurs to reach their full potential.  I'm also a member of the senior Teacher Training Team at the Mindful Academy, Solterreno, training others to teach MBSR.  A member of the British Association of Mindfulness-based Approaches (BAMBA) [http://www.bamba.org.uk/], I have passed their assessments to demonstrate I meet the UK good practice guidance for mindfulness teachers and am on their recommended teachers list.

Alice Dartnell

alice dartnell


A big thing for me was struggling to identify with my Japanese side. This not only created issues with my relationship with my mum, because of language and cultural barriers, but it also caused my own insecurities and self-doubt. (I am now very proud of my Japanese heritage, but this led to emotions I wasn’t equipped to deal with as a teenager). Because of this, I was often labelled a troublemaker at school. I even got expelled from my lessons just a few weeks before my GSCEs! Despite actually scoring well on the GCSEs, I did manage to spectacularly fail my AS levels. I worked extra hard to get into a good university (the first from both my mum and dad’s family, whoop! You’ve always got to celebrate your wins!), and that is when I started to love education. In my final term of university, I learned that I was in fact dyslexic, rather than just a “trouble-maker.” My teenage years and early adulthood were plagued with severe depression, and I endured battles with an eating disorder that consumed my life for a decade. Then, after getting married, I became a military wife and was so proud of him and felt like such a team… but had to endure having zero contact with my partner for months at a time when he was on deployment. I won’t lie, it was tough being a military wife! My life has been littered with a lot of setbacks (Oh, let’s not forget I also ‘failed’ at being a landlady in my early 20s, as well as a business owning a bar in SE Asia, and did I mention that I lost my job on the same day the offer on our first home got accepted?! All that excitement and build-up, only to have to let it go… It was a lot). So, with all these setbacks, the thing that pushed me through was mindset work and personal development…. And that is what led me to realising knowing what I really wanted to do. I wanted to help others tackle their own setbacks and be the support that I needed and create a life they love. When I started my coaching diploma in 2016, I didn’t look back. I was focused on creating my own life by design, not by default, and was determined to help others do the same But I still had hurdles. I won’t pretend the road to building a successful business I love has been plain sailing… I attempted to start my business in 2019, resulting in a false start (my burnout forced me to prioritise my health and take a break) and my marriage unexpectedly during 2020 when we were all going through the pandemic. So, no, my story isn’t perfect. I’m not perfect. But I know it’s also possible to restart and redefine your life, on your own terms. I learned that a good life doesn’t come from avoiding the bad times, but from learning to overcome them and become better from them. I’m not a product of my past or any situation and neither are you. I had to realise that I still had the power to create the life I wanted – just like you do!

PlumEssence Therapies and Training

plumessence therapies and training


Training and Complementary Therapies to: Recognise Mental Health concerns Reduce pain, stress, anxiety, depression and tension Reduce sickness and burnout Promote relaxation Enhance creativity, energy, focus, performance and productivity PlumEssence Therapies and Training are an excellent provider of tailored well-being education, training,  [https://plumessencetherapies.co.uk/therapy-courses/] therapy [https://plumessencetherapies.co.uk/services/] and treatment packages.  These are all suitable for schools [https://plumessencetherapies.co.uk/education/], the workplace [https://plumessencetherapies.co.uk/workplace-wellbeing/] and individuals of all ages. Success is achieved by providing a welcoming, calming and caring environment in all education, training and therapy sessions. The focus is on improving the health, vitality, happiness, general well-being and self-development of each individual.  Continuous consultation and evaluation, throughout the working relationship with the client is essential to ensure the success is achieved and a positive impact is made on each individual. TREATMENTS AND TRAINING PROVIDED, IS DELIVERED BY HIGHLY SKILLED AND EDUCATED PERSONNEL WHO WILL HAVE BOTH EMPATHY AND SYMPATHY OF THE CONDITIONS THEY TREAT.  ALL TUTORS AND TRAINERS HAVE FULL KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE OF THE TREATMENTS TAUGHT AND PRODUCTS USED. Each service is tailored to the specific needs of the individual being taught or treated, taking into consideration their physical and emotional needs. Excellence of the therapists and tutors is continually maintained and improved by following the Continuous Professional Development guidelines of the professional associations to which they belong.  We also obtain and act upon feedback from clients.  We regularly research relevant subjects. PLUMESSENCE THERAPIES AND TRAINING USE NATURAL, ORGANIC, FAIR-TRADE AND ETHICALLY SOURCED PRODUCTS AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. ALL PRODUCTS HAVE NOT BEEN TESTED ON ANIMALS. Holistic therapies are used to promote the well-being of your mind, body and spirit.   They are therapeutic treatments, performed to improve your appearance, increase your health, fitness and feeling of well-being and personal esteem. Holistic therapies are complementary to conventional, orthodox medicine and treatments.  They treat the person as a whole, not just the symptoms, trying to get to the root cause of the symptoms. Most people, of all ages, can benefit from holistic therapies. Holistic therapies are safe and natural.  They are an excellent way to relax, balance and harmonise the body, restoring tranquility and helping itself to heal. Holistic therapies can be used alongside conventional care in the home, work-place, hospices, hospitals and other healthcare settings. TREATING YOU, THE PERSON AS A WHOLE ……….  NOT JUST THE SYMPTOMS PlumEssence Therapies … First Class, Natural Therapies Complementary & Holistic Therapies and Training for the Workforce, Schools, Groups, Individuals and Corporate Events Tracey Nixon is listed on the FHT Complementary Healthcare Therapist Register [https://www.fht.org.uk/findatherapist], which has been accredited by the Professional Standards Authority (PSA), under its Accredited Register scheme.  The PSA is an independent body, accountable to Parliament. The PSA was asked by the Government to set up the Accredited Register scheme in 2012, to offer enhanced protection for anyone seeking health and social care services that are not statutorily regulated.  Having its register accredited means that the FHT [https://www.fht.org.uk/findatherapist] has satisfied the PSA that it meets its high standards. It is a mark of quality.   The Accredited Register quality mark gives extra peace of mind for anyone looking for a complementary healthcare therapist, letting them know that anyone who holds the mark is committed to high standards. Based in Great Haywood, Stafford, Staffordshire, ST18 0SJ we are easily covered by the Stafford, Rugeley, Cannock, Lichfield and surrounding areas.

Lunar Spirit Wellbeing

lunar spirit wellbeing


Lunar Spirit Wellbeing is an award winning Holistic Practice, we are passionate about helping people like you improve mental health and emotional wellbeing so you can create more joy and happiness in your life. Owned and run by Jennifer McKenzie- Wellbeing Consultant, Holistic Coach, Author & Radio Presenter. Our mission is to help you consciously create a happier healthier life by connecting to yourself and the world around you on a deeper energetic level. A life where you feel free to be YOU and follow your own path, whatever that looks like. We offer a safe space for you to heal trauma, anxiety and release heavy stuck energy you have been carrying around for so long. We live in a time where many of us lack CONNECTION, modern life has almost made us forget our roots, the connection we have to nature and the capacity to slow down. Therefore we have a society of people living in survival mode with high anxiety. Seeking to avoid emotions with drinking, over working or material possessions, reaching burnout and getting sick. With my help you can make the changes, break the cycle and create a better quality of life for yourself. Are you getting home from work reaching for that glass of wine just to unwind, running on auto pilot not remembering how you got somewhere, trying to get through each day wishing for the weekend to hurry up and then dreading Monday morning? It’s ok- no judgement here! I’ve been there myself so I know first hand what that feels like and also how to help you make those all important shifts – small changes = big results. Did you know? This is why I’m so passionate about showing people change is possible, why I started running workshops and coaching- I’ve walked the walk, in 2015 my mental health was at rock bottom, full of anxiety, drinking most days, I’d been through a lot in my teens, toxic relationships, low self esteem. My head was loud with intrusive thoughts, I didn’t know how to make it stop, in the end I tried to take my own life and in the hospital I made a promise to myself to change – so I did and in 2016 I opened the doors to my business and well the rest is history! Ok, ok it wasn’t quite that simple! The thing is, I was lacking connection to myself, connecting with the wrong people to fit in, holding onto the past, people pleasing, exhausted and stressed- sound familiar? I was holding all my emotions in and not facing them- healing happens by feeling. Yes it’s uncomfortable but oh so worth it! I’m a big believer in this -you are never too old or too young to start something! Never too young to start educating around emotional wellbeing and never too old to make changes to your life or start over! What you waiting for? There is so much beauty already within you and all around you, many opportunities and abundance. We all have an innate inner wisdom that is conditioned out of us- we help you to reignite your inner magic, regain trust in your intuition firstly by reconnecting to yourself, then to nature and others. Jen will mentor and support you to peel back the layers, expand your self awareness with a journey of self discovery. A holistic approach and the wisdom of ancient spiritual practices bring you deep healing and lasting meaningful change. I offer coaching, workshops, retreats and courses to businesses, schools, establishments and individuals for personal and professional development. Focusing on mental health and emotional wellbeing. We believe in the power of connection -community- inclusion and diversity so no-one gets left behind! It all starts with you and your journey starts here with us!


Courses matching "burnout"

Show all 114

Burnout Prevention


By Changing Minds Training

Understand what is meant by the term burnout to be able to identify and understand its impact on the individual and the organisation. Learn to utilise practical strategies to prevent and manage burnout.

Burnout Prevention
Delivered in person or OnlineFlexible Dates

Beating Burnout: Stress Management

By Course Cloud

Beating Burnout: Stress Management
Delivered Online On Demand

Report Writing When Your Child is in Burnout

By LivePlayLearn

Reporting to the LA when your child is in burnout

Report Writing When Your Child is in Burnout
Delivered Online On Demand1 hour

Reflective Practice: Train to become a facilitator


By Psychotherapy For Healthcare Ltd

A one-day training for counsellors, nurses, managers and healthcare practitioners who want to learn how to set up and facilitate Reflective Practice groups. Reflective Practice is the cornerstone of professionalism in healthcare. It develops clinical skills, improves decision-making, enhances work satisfaction, and reduces burnout.

Reflective Practice: Train to become a facilitator
Delivered OnlineFri, Nov 810:00

The SHARE Project - Self-Help & Relaxation Exercises for SEN/EBSA Parent Carers

By AUsomeMums

Self-help and relaxation skills and exercises for stressed, burned out SEN parents and carers

The SHARE Project - Self-Help & Relaxation Exercises for SEN/EBSA Parent Carers
Delivered OnlineMon, Oct 1419:00 + more

Reclaiming Your Masculine & Feminine


By Numinity

Step into the full power of who you are by Reclaiming Your Masculine and Feminine. This two-part series is designed to transform your relationships with yourself and the world around you.

Reclaiming Your Masculine & Feminine
Delivered OnlineWed, Oct 1618:00 + more
£55 to £90

How to avoid burnout

By Human Givens College

How to avoid burnout
Delivered OnlineFlexible Dates

Stress Management: Preventing Job Burnout


By Chart Learning Solutions

Stress Management: Preventing Job Burnout
Delivered Online On Demand22 minutes

Beating Burnout - Practical Stress Management

By SkillWise

Beating Burnout - Practical Stress Management
Delivered Online On Demand

What is Stress and what is burnout? What are some of the very real physical symptoms that we experience and how do we counteract these. This session takes the time to explore what is going on in our bodies and minds at times of stress and looks at some ways to bring balance back to our systems.

Stress & Burnout
Delivered OnlineFlexible Dates
Price on Enquiry