57 Educators providing Courses

Jenny Newman

jenny newman

Providing interactive workshops in the community. I invite you to take part in community events whilst discovering and benefiting from Qi Gong, Meditation, and Sound Healing As well as being good for your posture and breathing! Qi Gong is recognised as a form of preventative medicine and studies have shown that those who practice it experience less anxiety and better moods. There’s no age limit, there’s no right or wrong, there’s just a desire to take part and nourish yourself in a shared environment. Qigong embraces nature and reminds us of the rhythm of the seasons. Movement meditations are designed for the physical benefits of improving posture and breathing as well as exploring internal resistance. The philosophy of Qigong is that nature is our teacher. Each session or workshop explores how to release tension, embrace change and harness the energy of the cycle of Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer. After a career in Music and the hospitality industry, I re-trained in 2010 in therapeutic sound in the community and then qualified as an instructor in Tai Chi Qi Gong. I continue to study with the Deyin institute in the practice of Tai Chi and Taoist philosophy. Having learned transcendental meditation back in the 80s, self-healing had always been of interest. Having also qualified as a masseuse I have a background in dance and a strong interest in anatomy. I continued to explore using meditation as a means of relaxation whilst incorporating sound healing and movement. My joy is working in community groups with a variety of workshops and sessions I traveled abroad in 2005 to work for a charity in Sarajevo with PTSD sufferers and took some training in this area. I felt drawn to finding ways to help people with trauma to relax and to give themselves time to heal and explore their own physical and emotional journeys. Part of finding a life balance is something we all want to explore. I found the best way for me was a mix of progression in learning as well as in giving and helping charities and worthy organisations. Here’s a list of my contributions. It’s a privilege and not always financially possible but the philosophy is that in giving we receive so it doesn’t always have to be by paying out in money.

Plan Be Coaching

plan be coaching

Priscilla is a Senior level accredited Coach, Positive Psychologist, and CBT Practitioner. Her expertise lies in coaching groups and individuals to overcome their performance inhibiting thoughts and gain confidence and clarity to peruse their high ambitions and live a life which reflects their full potential. Through a combination of scientifically grounded techniques from the study of Positive Psychology, CBT, NLP, and her own personalised coaching framework, Priscilla helps her clients grow their coping toolbox and dispel the negative beliefs, behaviours, and performance-inhibiting thoughts which make them feel stuck and unable to progress. Prior to becoming a coach Priscilla spent 7 years within the Metropolitan police. First, as a response officer and later as a Detective within the child abuse and sexual exploitation unit. Her career within the police gave her first-hand experience of working in a high-stress, high-risk environment with tight deadlines and a substantial workload. The tug of a demanding career competed tirelessly with raising a family. This internal conflict which manifested in stress and anxiety eventually led to her defining her own version of success and embarking on her Plan B(e), her current career as a Positive Psychology Coach. As a coach Priscilla’s mission is to empower others to live in a world where they are no longer held back by a fear of failure or low self belief. Instead, they are able to clarify their own version of success and live towards it courageously. I believe I am qualified to be your coach because I have the the scientific knowledge to help you reach your goals and the personal experience of feeling stuck and low in confidence. I was diagnosed with GAD (general anxiety disorder) and PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder) so I have first hand knowledge of the effect these can take on your mindset, life and business. I have also learnt how to master my mindset and overcome the mental obstacles that can keep us stuck. I obtained an MSc in Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology graduating with a 1st Class distinction. I have been accredited as a Senior level coach with hundreds of hours in coaching practice. As a coach I use tools that are grounded in psychology and proven through data to work and make a positive impact. If you are dedicated to the process I can guarantee you results and you will get there far quicker with me as your coach and ally. I have experience of working in a high stress, demanding environment, that can be volatile and challenging. I have experience of juggling a business, with raising children and have learnt to thrive despite the demands of both.

All Silver Clouds Kmf

all silver clouds kmf

Decluttering to Get Organised With an extensive background in Interior Design and Contemporary Art logistics and installations I have a great eye for detail and plenty of solutions for organisation, styling and storage. I aim to create freedom from things and functionality in spaces that have ceased to fulfil potential. This extends to archiving materials such as photographs and documents; decluttering and packing in preparation for a move; unpacking and dressing a new space. My clients may aspire to a goal such as home decluttering with the view to redecorate afterwards. I really enjoy being part of this fresh start and so we can get stuck into the painting and finishing touches together. In the case of a commercial space, this is something I can organise as a service. I have an initial consultation with new clients to assess the job and needs and wants, and then I’ll go away and devise a plan of action. Once you are happy with the plan the exciting new journey begins. Clients may have suffered a bereavement and find it challenging to go through the emotional process of letting go. Other clients may have a tendency towards collecting, or hoarding, and find it challenging to let go due to the relationship between the items and memories. I manage this in my own life and so I have many techniques and fresh ways of re-looking at your objects and what they represent in your life. I will be sensitive and patient. Objects often unlock memories that you need to take the time to process before you let go and I understand that. We are working together towards success in your long-term goals Professional organising and one-to-one coaching are my passions Many clients choose one-to-one coaching. We spend time together focusing specifically on personal goals and ways of achieving them. With most of my clients I aim to introduce movement and light exercise, new hobbies (I teach calligraphy, digital photography, arts and crafts, writing and poetry, easy to follow dance workouts…), dealing with triggers and developing coping mechanisms (relating to conditions such as anxiety), building confidence, tackling difficult social situations and practical advice on areas such as overcoming anxiety before an exam, e.g. driving, job interview techniques, and managing stress. Don’t worry about the light exercise – it is all feel-good factor and nothing to do with training or learning routines. We are going to have fun together. I will make a programme tailored to you and you will be amazed where you can be in four weeks, three months, six months, a year... I have personal experience with PTSD, anxiety, panic disorder and depression. I know these conditions change your life, but they don’t have to limit it. Please do consult your doctor before making changes to your lifestyle. I always follow their advice and medical judgement. If you have any issues with mobility or certain environments (crowded places, loud noises etc.) please do let me know.

Clair Anderson

clair anderson


Hi 😊😊 I’m Clair. Founder of be your own kind of beautiful - community local well-being hub fb page of inspiration reiki training academy Also.. A human being - or rather a spiritual Being having a human experience 😊 A mum - of 3 beautiful ones A nannie- of 2 gorgeous little ones A wife of the less conventional kind… we don’t live together but we do life together as a team❤️ ( Dave lives above be your own kind of beautiful😊) A cat owner that is in fact totally owned by her cat🤪🤪 A daughter who’s parents have supported me so much through the years I am totally Blessed 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 A woman, with a mission to be my own kind of beautiful regardless of what society says I ‘should be’ Or should do. On a mission to inspire you to be your own kind of beautiful too. I’m Obsessed with self help self development self healing and reiki 😊🙏🏻 I have been an avid implementer of ‘do what you can with where you are at and with what you got’ I have many chronic physical health Conditions that slow me Down, but never hold Me Back. I’ve endured & overcome- Crippling anxiety & depression, PTSD x4!!! Agoraphobia A Mega negative mindset!! An emotionally abusive soul destroying marriage Thyroid cancer Chronic illness A decade of undiagnosed illness The Food banks & Pinch loo roll kinda poverty I could be an agony aunt lol !! I’m not. I’m a Reiki & Meditation Teacher. NLP Life Coach and my full time job is Uber ing my kids about 🤪 But all of this is what drives me to help others take their power back and help themselves to help themselves. Reiki allows me to live well despite my health issues. Infact being on a constant self healing and rising back mission - my health issues are the driving force behind everything I do! I am dedicated to my Path, I’m here to serve, so much so I actually Married the universe at crosby beach a couple Of years ago 😊🙏🏻 with my little people and a statue As my witnesses 😊😊 Be your own kind of beautiful, was a dream I had of ‘passionate about your well-being’ teachers and therapists all available In one place so that you can explore and experiment and find the well-being magic that works for you. Right on your doorstep. But also as a platform for new passionate teachers and therapists to find their feet. And get their magic out to the world. Supporting with a space to work from. advertising, marketing, and any advice I can help with in getting started in business. I teach Reiki in the studio- group classes and one2one training. This year imy first ever online Reiki Training adventure 😍 I’m in the therapy room Tuesdays for Reiki & Relaxation sessions and one2one training. You can join me for all things Reiki in my free fb group 👇👇👇 Be Reiki




Welcome fellow luminous beings, sisters, brothers, co-creators, and light-workers, I'm Nadia-Anne, but you can call me Nadia. I'm a Sound Visionary Artist, Healer and Coach. This means, I create and heal from sound then help facilitate space for others do the same through my immersive sound journey’s and coaching. Whilst I travelled the world as a professional dancer during my 20’s, I was lucky enough to absorb the variations of sounds, patterns, colours, textures, and cultures not only from local people, hill-tribes, remote craftsmen, Buddhist monks, and spiritual leaders, but also from the colourful souls I met along the way. I learnt that sound is the universal language, and that it is the thread that weaves humanity together. I have been deeply connected to music, sound and vision my entire life, which came to light, as a mature student at Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design (CSM), London, which I started immediately after returning from living and performing in Ibiza (2006-07). During my studies, I accidentally invented BeatWoven; A transmission, weaving invisible geometric sonic soundscapes, into our artistic visual landscapes through coded woven threads and innovative technologies. The idea came to me as an epiphany on the dance-floor, at Space Ibiza in 2006. I was lost in the frequency of the music listening to the iconic DJ Carl Cox, immersed in lights and tuned-in to a moment of higher consciousness. Above our heads, I could see the laser beams weaving patterns in and out of each other in sync with the sounds, similar to threads weaving upon a loom. I instantly became excited about the concept of expanding our universal language into our decorative visual reality, through the medium of patterned fabric, bringing deeper and more meaningful connections to the world in which we live in. I learnt during my research that I had a form of syntheses, a sensory response I had shut down form a young age, where I can sense colour and pattern through sound. Working as a professional performer eventually led me to burn out in 2013. Throughout my life, I had unfortunately been exposed to external trauma’s and was diagnosed with Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD). I found myself immersed in the epicentre of psychotherapy’s and holistic remedies desperate to heal myself so I could full-fill my commitment to BeatWoven. My turning point came when I took a break, and escaped to one of my favourite Island’s called Koh Phangan, Thailand for an Intensive 200 RYT Yoga Teaching Training Course. We meditated everyday at 6.30am in the middle of a jungle with buddhist monk teachers, ate an Ayurvedic diet, participated in 4 hours of yoga a day, and studied the philosophy of yoga. It was upon my return in 2019, I began training with the lineage of Don Conreaux gong masters. As a certified sound healer, yoga & meditation instructor (RYT), I am passionate about helping other people manifest their ideas into reality, using the ancient technology of ‘Frequency Medicine’ to cleanse our emotional and physical bodies so we can live a life of being in high-frequency. The rise of the new tech age in this ever-changing world increases our need to be anchored in our human ‘truth’. Tuning - In to ignite positive vibrations, will help us navigate through, and dissolve any seeds to illnesses such as mental health, depression, anxiety, stress and trauma, as well as help us authentically co-create an incredible world for humanity.

Melanie Murphy

melanie murphy


I believe that when we take time to slow down and listen to our bodies we can begin to hear what’s truly needed to feel grounded, balanced and whole.  This is why I’ve dedicated the past 20 years to studying and practicing Breathwork, Life Purpose Coaching, EFT (Tapping),  Kinesiology, Integrated nutrition and movement, asking the body to guide me and my clients back to wellness.  My purpose is to support people to heal, transform the pain of the past, to feel deeply by listening and connecting to their bodies and their inner wisdom so that they can create a future full of joy, purpose and love whilst embracing the full spectrum of the human experience. And I understand my clients concerns & frustrations because I’ve been out of balance too. Over the years I’ve navigated PTSD, postnatal depression, candida, digestive issues, total disconnect from my body and felt that life was not flowing smoothly. Armed with the knowledge and wisdom of my professional practise I’ve been able to create protocols and commit to daily rituals, bringing myself back into alignment.  My work is to support people to reconnect to themselves, heal, transform the past and to create a future full of joy, purpose and love whilst embracing the full spectrum of the human experience.  Embodiment encourages you to reconnect with your wholeness guiding you to make better decisions about your health, wellbeing and all aspects of your life. Over the years I have deepened my relationship with nature and the earth which has inspired me to follow the Priestess path and to be initiated as a Fire Tender, this means that I create fire ceremonies, for myself, for events and communities such as Sisters of the Wild [http://www.sistersofthewild.com/]. Although at first it could seem that the two are not connected I’ve come to understand that we are nature and if we take care of our own bodies we are taking care of the earth.  The great loves of my life are my son, dancing, breathwork, trauma healing & nature. 

Feelgood Theatre Productions

feelgood theatre productions


Founded by Artistic Director Caroline Clegg Feelgood have been creating award winning theatre since 1994 fusing the unusual with the imaginative - classical texts and ground breaking new commissions at traditional and site specific venue. A cappella singing and drumming, Shakespeare and African dance, abseiling, pyrotechnics and fire sculpting with music and drama - in parks, cliff tops, garden centres, African townships, museums and traditional theatres, national tours and West End transfers. We have distinguished ourselves with an array of acclaimed shows following our spectacular launch with the musical Our Girls in 1994, where the audience lined the runway at Barton Aerodrome and looked on in awe as a World War II bomber landed to disembark the cast. We have followed that with 24 years of incredible productions: Blue Remembered Hills, Pictures at An Exhibition, (Mussorgsky), La Boheme (Puccini), Wind in the Willows, Robin Hood, The Wizard of Oz, Rosa, The Three Musketeers, Dracula - The Blood Count, Arthur - King of the Britons, Macbeth and A Midsummer Night’s Dream, national tours and West End transfers of Not About Heroes, and we were honoured to be presented to HM The Queen and HRH Duke of Edinburgh at the opening of The Lowry theatre where we opened our production of Crystal Clear followed by The Wizard Of Oz, which sold out for their first Christmas show. Integral to each production is our commitment to making innovative education and community programmes. In 2007, Artistic Director Caroline Clegg and the company were awarded the prestigious Horniman Award at the Manchester Evening News Awards for their outstanding contribution to live theatre. They also hold the Angel Award for Artistic Excellence and Caroline was awarded the John Thaw Fellowship at the University of Manchester in honour of her companies work. In 2002 we developed Romeo & Juliet - Thando & Ruvhengo a riveting multi-cultural production made in Bulawayo Zimbabwe and performed in Bulawayo, Harare and Manchester as part of the Culture Shock Commonwealth Games programme. The journey was made into an award-winning documentary. In 2009 we collaborated in Manchester with the thrilling company exiled from Zimbabwe Theatre Under Fire to create our incredibly moving Macbeth in Heaton Park. In 2010 the world premiere of Slave - A Question of Freedom (the story of Mende Nazer) followed a trajectory of thrilling work from Africa that aims to celebrate the joy of diversity and raise awareness of modern slavery. It won the Pete Postlethwaite Best New Play Award and the Inaugural Human Trafficking Foundation Media Award which was presented at No 10 Downing Street. It was also performed in the House of Lords to aid the Nuba Mountains Solidarity campaign to highlight not only slavery in Sudan but the continued persecution of the Nuba people. In 2014 on the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of the Frist World War we followed in the footsteps of Wilfred Owen and Siegfried Sassoon went on an 18 venue national and European tour of Not About Heroes. We began at Craiglockhart War Hospital and toured across the UK to places pertinent to them both including La Maison Forestiers – (the Foresters House) in Ors France where Wilfred Owen spent his last few days before a 5 week residency beginning on the 11th of November at the Trafalgar Studios in the West End. The same year Feelgood were honoured with a second Lord Mayor's Civic Reception for our dedication to the arts. Alongside this tour we also created an international poetry competition to raise awareness of PTSD. Workshops took place at Catterick Garrison and in schools and community venues at our 18 venues culminating in a special winners award ceremony in 2015. Heaton Park is a special place for Feelgood. We used to tour our summer open-air shows across the country and went to Heaton in 1998 where we performed for 11 yrs. After a gap of 9 years we returned in May 2016 with Whispers of Heaton. We presented two new immersive site-specific commission plays, The Bugler and The Fight to commemorate the Battle of the Somme and the Manchester Pals regiments in Heaton Hall and Park. This announced our return to Heaton, the place we love to call our spiritual home and where we are now the Official Theatre Partner with Manchester City Council. In the summer of 2017 we brought back our open-air promenade productions with A Midsummer Night’s Dream. The park is a unique place with hundreds of stories to tell and we aim to reveal them as we re-ignite a passion for culture in the park. Our long term vision which we announced at a special dinner hosted by our sponsor PZ Cussons on November 14th 2017 is to build a theatre in the park. We are in year two of our vision development which is called ‘Field of Dreams’. We are undertaking a feasibility study in consultation with Manchester City Council in line with their new Manchester Park Strategy. We hope a Feelgood Theatre in the Park will be a cultural space for world class theatre, music, dance and open air activities. Heaton Park is cherished by so many and our aim is that we build a lasting legacy to ensure that theatre can be accessed by everyone.


Courses matching "ptsd"

Show all 161

Module 5 part 3 PTSD, Trauma & Vagus Nerve stimulation.


By The Northern College Of Clinical Hypnotherapy

In our exploration of hypnotherapy's effectiveness in addressing trauma and PTSD symptoms, we delve into the intricate relationship between traumatic experiences and physiological responses, such as the function of the vagus nerve. Traumatic events can contribute to an overactive vagus nerve, which manifests in symptoms as anxiety, mood changes, nausea, and pain.

Module 5 part 3 PTSD, Trauma & Vagus Nerve stimulation.
Delivered Online On Demand15 hours

Microdose & Breathwork Session


By Numinity

Join us for a transformational Microdose & Breathwork Session We invite you to join us for this extraordinary journey of self-discovery and inner transformation. This session has been designed to help you tap into your inner wisdom, discover your infinite potential, and improve your wellbeing. We will start the session with an opening ritual where you will receive a microdose of the Ayahuasca vine to guide you on your journey. Melissa will then guide you through a Conscious Connected Breathwork session. Conscious Connected Breathwork is a specific breathing exercises focused on deep breathing, whereby an expanded, transcendental state of consciousness can be achieved. In this state, blockages that disturb one's own (energy) flow, such as repressed experiences, feelings and emotions, can be brought to the surface and recognised and dissolved. A feeling of liberation can be experienced in real terms and perceived as a deep connection with the universal whole. In and after light breathing, feelings of relief, freedom, bliss, connectedness and oneness can arise. After the Breathwork session, you’ll continue to lie on your mat, whilst being lulled into a state of deep integrative relaxation with a rejuvenating soundscape. The session will last approximately 1.5 hours. Preparation Guidelines: Hydration: Begin hydrating your body well in advance of the event. Proper hydration supports the Breathwork process and enhances the effects of the microdose. Light Nourishment: Eat a light and easily digestible meal no later than 3 hours before the session. This will provide you with energy without causing discomfort during the session. Avoid Stimulants: Refrain from consuming caffeine or stimulants at least 4-6 hours before the event. This helps to promote a calm and centered state for the breathwork and sound journey. Clothing: Wear comfortable clothing that allows for unrestricted breathing and movement. Layers are recommended, as body temperature may fluctuate during the session. Open Mindset: Approach the journey with an open mind and heart. Set an intention for the experience, whether it's personal growth, stress relief, or spiritual connection. What to bring. Bring some water and a journal. Everything else will be provided. Price: Price is on a sliding scale. Please pay what you can afford. @numinity.collective Join our Whatsapp Group for new event updates. CONTRAINDICATIONS If you have any of the following conditions YOU CAN STILL COME, we will just be recommending a slightly different nose breath. * Epilepsy or seizures * Heart conditions or arrhythmia * High blood pressure, or low blood pressure with fainting history * Delicate pregnancy * Bi-polar disorder, schizophrenia or psychosis * Untreated/severe PTSD * Pre-existing lung disease * Recent major surgery * Glaucoma/detached retina * Severe osteoparosis This practice is not a substitute for medical advice, and if you experience any of the following, you should consult your GP or primary healthcare provider first. Please don't be put off by the necessary health information, Breathwork is mostly a hugely enjoyable and transformative practice and we encourage you to come and try it out.

Microdose & Breathwork Session
Delivered In-Person in LondonFri, Oct 1818:00
£50 to £70

The Rewind Technique: Effective treatment for trauma (PTSD) and phobias

By Human Givens College

The Rewind Technique: Effective treatment for trauma (PTSD) and phobias
Delivered In-Person in LondonTue, Nov 1209:30 + more

PTSD with Evidence Based Psychotherapy

By Course Cloud

PTSD with Evidence Based Psychotherapy
Delivered Online On Demand

Surviving and Thriving with Complex PTSD


By Skill Up

Surviving and Thriving with Complex PTSD is a comprehensive course that will teach you everything you need to know about this complex mental health condition. Start your journey to recovery today!

Surviving and Thriving with Complex PTSD
Delivered Online On Demand1 hour 33 minutes

PTSD Counselling Course

By iStudy UK

PTSD Counselling Course
Delivered Online On Demand1 hour 38 minutes

PTSD Counselling Course

By One Education

PTSD Counselling Course
Delivered Online On Demand3 days

Recording of PTSD Workshop


By Practical CBT

Recording of PTSD Workshop
Delivered Online On Demand

Massage for Trauma and PTSD


By The Medical Massage Lady Training School

The trauma massage course is designed to inform about different types of trauma, including domestic abuse, early childhood abuse, rape and also takes a look at post traumatic stress disorder. The course includes all information that is required to ensure a safe massage treatment for any client who has unresolved trauma, taking into account any precautions.

Massage for Trauma and PTSD
Delivered Online On Demand
£100 to £265

Overcoming Complex PTSD


By Studyhub UK

Overcoming Complex PTSD
Delivered Online On Demand1 hour 33 minutes