50 Educators providing Courses

Spiritual Vitality

spiritual vitality


Ready to ignite your inner spark and radiate well-being from within? Welcome to our haven of holistic learning, where ancient wisdom meets modern practices to empower you on your journey to spiritual vitality. Immerse yourself in a diverse bouquet of healing arts, exploring techniques that have nourished minds, bodies, and souls for generations. Unleash Your Inner Healer: * Reiki: Learn the gentle art of channelling universal energy for deep relaxation, stress reduction, and enhanced well-being. * Pendulum Dowsing: Discover the secrets of harnessing your intuition and tapping into subtle energies for guidance and insight. * Crystal Magic: Unravel the power of crystalline allies, learning to harness their unique vibrations for personal empowerment and manifestation. * Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT): Learn how to use this self-healing tool to release negativity, manage emotional blocks, and unlock profound inner peace. * Breathwork: Dive deep into the transformative power of conscious breathing, unlocking pathways to greater energy, clarity, and emotional resilience. * Animal Communication: Bridge the gap between species, developing your intuitive gift to understand and connect with your furry (or feathered) companions on a deeper level. * Plant Allies: Explore the ancient wisdom of working with the healing powers of the plant kingdom, fostering personal growth and harmonious connection with nature. * Gratitude: Cultivate the transformative practice of gratitude, unlocking joy, abundance, and a deeper connection to your inner self and the world around you. * Smudging & Cleansing Rituals: Learn sacred practices to clear energies, purify your space, and invite positivity into your life. Unlock the Secrets of Your Energetic Anatomy: * Chakra Mastery: Delve into the fascinating world of the chakras, learning to balance and activate your energy centres for optimal health and spiritual growth. * Aura Exploration: Discover the secrets of your energy field, learning to read its whispers and cultivate its radiance. Empower Your Psychic Abilities: * Intuition Development: Hone your innate intuitive talents, learning to trust your inner voice and navigate life with greater clarity and wisdom. * Guided Meditations: Immerse yourself in powerful journeys inward, uncovering hidden depths of your being and tapping into your higher potential. * Unleash Your Inner Oracle: Dive into the mystical world of tarot, where ancient symbols whisper secrets and unlock hidden dimensions of your intuition.  Unleash Your Inner Artisan: * Macrame Foundations: Master the basic knots and techniques that form the building blocks of stunning macrame creations. From plant hangers to wall hangings, you'll discover the joy of crafting unique pieces that express your unique style. * Dreamcatcher Magic: Embark on a mystical journey, learning to weave intricate webs that capture good dreams and filter out the bad. Personalize your dreamcatcher with crystals, feathers, and beads, imbuing it with your intentions and aspirations. More Than Just Courses, a Community of Transformation: We believe in fostering a supportive, inclusive space where you can learn, grow, and connect with fellow seekers on a similar path. Our passionate instructors, all experienced practitioners in their own right, guide you with compassion and wisdom, creating a tapestry of shared learning and profound personal transformation. Step onto your path of spiritual vitality today. Browse our course offerings, join our workshops, and embark on a journey of self-discovery that will illuminate your life from within. Ready to awaken your spiritual spark? Contact us today and join our vibrant community! P.S. Please take note of when and where In-Person courses are being run. As we are constantly moving; it comes from living in a caravan and touring the UK.

Vanisha Mistry

vanisha mistry


My name is Vanisha Mistry. I am a Performer, Vocal Improv Artist, Songwriter and Expression Coach. I work with Sound and Energy Healing and share my talents in the Creative Arts. I strive to work in a way that creates a bridge between the modern day mainstream and the more alternative worlds. I have always been a creative. And since a young age I have had a deep connection with nature and the wider sense of the world. In recent years I have come to discover the deep connection between art and spirituality, and the crossover between these worlds. I take inspiration from the ancient practise of Shamanism, which draw great wisdom from the energies of the earth and embodied practises; in our modern day much of this medicine is lost. However the Arts, whether dance, music or painting, do touch on this deeper connection to something beyond ourselves, and I believe this need for artistic Self-Expression is in-fact a tapping into this ancient medicine and a grand creative force - That which makes our reality exist. In all my work I strive to uncover this deep creative essence in each individual. I am professionally trained as a Landscape Architect, qualifying in 2015. My work in this profession didn't sit with me and my mental health took a hit, as is common with many office based Creatives. After this, I promised myself that I would not submit myself to mindless work, but discover a truly sustainable way of living. After several years of travel, exploration and studies, I have now transitioned into the practise of Sound Therapy and Vocal Coaching. My travels took me through Europe, to the Spanish Canary Islands, Australia, South East Asia and India. In each of these places I found that it was the Music and the Natural environment that brought me alive, however my background in Music was little to none. In 2017 a knee injury took me away from dancing and into the path of singing. From close to no experience, I quickly found this my natural talent. I was on stage performing within 1 year and improvising live sets with various artists after 2 years. My exploration of Yoga and Sound Healing developed profoundly in India where I finally understood the link between sound vibration and the body and was able to apply it myself to my own healing practise. This long journey has lead me to Today, where I am a Singer/Song-writer, Vocal Empowerment Coach, Sound Healer and Performer. I am currently studying Music Therapy to be certified as a recognised Music Therapist. Life has transformed quickly because I followed my true voice and my deeper creative calling. Now, I strive to share this process with as many people as possible; and unlocking the power of the voice is the first step to this freedom. I am on a mission now to spread this work further, and to build creative communities; this means working with more people, further a field. I aim to connect wider networks to work intuitively with energy of the body, engaging the Voice, Breath and Movement so that more of us can sit truly in our most authentic Self-Expression. I am a firm believer in joyful practises paving the way towards a more sustainable, meaningful and wholesome way of living - and together we will create a more meaningful, fair and joyful world.

Good Growth Hub

good growth hub


Our mission is simple: use the very best ideas, people and practices to become a national leader in bringing opportunities for young people. Or, as we like to call it, Good Growth. We celebrate diversity in every sense, from neurodiversity to gender to race and stand to give everyone the tools they need to pursue their passions. Good Growth drives the work we do and is the value we share with all of the businesses we collaborate with. Our vision is to see east London’s young people thrive and businesses grow thanks to the work that we do together.  Situated right in the heart of the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, the space is part of the London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC)’s plan to make sure businesses are tapping into local talent. The LLDC teamed up with A New Direction who run the Hub and bring this initiative to life for both young people and employers.  Young people can take advantage of the paid opportunities we publicise, the support we give for freelancers and start-ups, and industry connections we help foster through mentoring and networking, as well as sector specific careers advice and coaching. At the Good Growth Hub, all internship opportunities pay at least the London Living Wage of £11.95 per hour – but we strive for higher.  For businesses, the Good Growth Hub is an excellent resource to establish good working standards and to become more inclusive. Employers are able to both nurture and draw from a talent pipeline that’s eager to show what they can do. We’re always on the lookout for like-minded businesses to partner with us as mentors, speakers and advisors.  So, whether you’re a business, a young person or just someone who shares our passion for Good Growth, we’d love to have you involved.

Dm Training Consultants Ltd

dm training consultants ltd


I have spent over 25 years in the hospitality business, working and understanding people at all levels of customer service. Initially I worked in various hotels throughout Scotland learning all aspects of customer service journey and working at high levels of customer service delivery. I do love to see customer service carried out naturally and without Donna Matherseffort where customer service facing staff just ‘get it’. All too often unfortunately we see businesses who focus on customers now and again but not tapping into the detail or emotions that go along with delivering something special for your customers. I started DM Training in 2006 to help put some of my experiences and knowledge into practice and deliver training to help businesses rise to the ever increasing challenges we come across in today’s market place. Having my own business has been a real life challenge but the rewards personally have been exciting and it has enabled me to look at the things in life that really matter. Firstly, I have learnt that in order to capture your audience when in a training role, make it fun and appealing to everyone. Doesn’t matter the subject area, if its not captured your audience then it is not being effective. Secondly - you can if you think you can. By delivering training using this principle you can deliver effective training that matters and get results. My training has taken me all over Scotland delivering training to a variety of organisations at various levels and this is what makes it exciting and keeps the energy alive. I do hope you get a chance to come along to one of our training courses on offer and enjoy the experience.

Bac Swimming Academy

bac swimming academy


A non-profit association of volunteers under the banner of the Basavanagudi Aquatic Centre (BAC) was formed on December 7, 1986 under the leadership of Mr. R. Neelakanta Rao Jagdale. Mr. Jagdale has taken keen interest in the activities of the Centre. In the midst of his busy schedule as an industrialist, he has acquired considerable knowledge in the science of swimming training by obtaining certification from the American Swimming coaches Association (ASCA). The association is registered as a society under the Karnataka state societies ACT 1960. The name of the association has been subsequently changed to Basavangudi Aquatic Centre. BAC - 25 Years and Beyond Since December 1986, 25 consecutive state team championship awards. 2451 medals to the Karnataka state at the National-level Swimming Competitions. 285 National records at the National-level Swimming Competitions. 123 medals to the country at International-level swimming competitions by around 120 swimmers. Over 70 medals to the Karnataka state in the National Games conducted at Poona, Bangalore, Manipur, Hyderabad and Guwahati. Three Olympic participants - Nisha Millet (2000), Rehan Poncha (2008). and Gagan Ullalmath (2012) Four Arjun Award winners - Nisha Millet, Abhijith J. Rao, Rehan Poncha, and Prasanth Karmakar Over 23 Ekalavya Award winners. Karnataka Olympic Association Award to the President, Mr. Neelakanta Rao R. Jagdale and head coach, Mr. Pradeep Kumar. Basavanagudi Aquatic Centre (BAC) is one of the few sports clubs in India, which has completed 25 glorious years and takes pride in being the first swimming organization in Karnataka, where the Public-private Partnership took place and is being executed successfully. TeamBAC Sitting L-R: P.R. Jayathreetha Rao (Joint Secretary), Ramesh Shankla (E.C. Member), B.H. Sridhar (Vice President), Neelakanta Rao R. Jagdale (President), G.R. Rajanna (Hon. Secretary), Sunder Raj Gupta (Hon. Treasurer), P.G. Gururaja Rao (E.C. Member) Standing L-R: Rakshit N. Jagdale (E.C. Member), Akhil S. Hiranya (E.C. Member), G.R. Ravi Sandesh (E.C. Member), Ramya Balakrishna (Special Invitee member), P.P. Maiya (E.C. Member) BAC was started with 20 young and upcoming competitive swimmers in the year 1986. Today, it provides training using scientific methods to more than 500 swimmers on a regular basis, and over 600 swimmers during the weekend programs. BAC conducts "Learn to Swim” camps during the summer (April and May) and winter (October) seasons to impart basic water safety skills to the children and adults. Over 3000 swimmers aged between 6 to 12 years are taught water safety skills during these camps every year. BAC believes in tapping talented children at young age through their school programs. The Centre is associated with schools in the Basavangudi area and teaches basic swimming skills. The Centre provides well-maintained and hygienically-clean pool to the general public. The swimming pools at the Centre have been acclaimed as the best maintained swimming pools in the country.

Melanie Murphy

melanie murphy


I believe that when we take time to slow down and listen to our bodies we can begin to hear what’s truly needed to feel grounded, balanced and whole.  This is why I’ve dedicated the past 20 years to studying and practicing Breathwork, Life Purpose Coaching, EFT (Tapping),  Kinesiology, Integrated nutrition and movement, asking the body to guide me and my clients back to wellness.  My purpose is to support people to heal, transform the pain of the past, to feel deeply by listening and connecting to their bodies and their inner wisdom so that they can create a future full of joy, purpose and love whilst embracing the full spectrum of the human experience. And I understand my clients concerns & frustrations because I’ve been out of balance too. Over the years I’ve navigated PTSD, postnatal depression, candida, digestive issues, total disconnect from my body and felt that life was not flowing smoothly. Armed with the knowledge and wisdom of my professional practise I’ve been able to create protocols and commit to daily rituals, bringing myself back into alignment.  My work is to support people to reconnect to themselves, heal, transform the past and to create a future full of joy, purpose and love whilst embracing the full spectrum of the human experience.  Embodiment encourages you to reconnect with your wholeness guiding you to make better decisions about your health, wellbeing and all aspects of your life. Over the years I have deepened my relationship with nature and the earth which has inspired me to follow the Priestess path and to be initiated as a Fire Tender, this means that I create fire ceremonies, for myself, for events and communities such as Sisters of the Wild [http://www.sistersofthewild.com/]. Although at first it could seem that the two are not connected I’ve come to understand that we are nature and if we take care of our own bodies we are taking care of the earth.  The great loves of my life are my son, dancing, breathwork, trauma healing & nature. 

Selena joy lovett

selena joy lovett

Join my monthly events https://moon-goddess-healing-sanctuary.mn.co/ [https://moon-goddess-healing-sanctuary.mn.co/] JOIN TODAY - PREPARE TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE When you join Moon Goddess Healing Sanctuary today, you’ll get access to our Sacred Ritual Circles. We gather via zoom 4 times a month. You can join the live event at 7pm GMT or watch the replay. We celebrate and raise our vibration with the New Moon and focus on our intentions for moving forward into a more inspired and aligned life with intentional living. During the Full Moon, we work on releasing emotional, physical, and energetic layers from our energy fields. We work in the sacred womb space and with past lives by tapping into the moon’s mystical power. We realign ourselves by letting go of any draining energies as we lift our vibrations. As we ascend, we draw in all that we deserve and aspire to manifest. ONE—NEW MOON MANIFESTING CIRCLE: Fill your energy with Light and raise your vibration. Release any negative energies and allow healing to fill your being. With this newfound brightness, you’ll be able to align with the Universe and attract what’s meant for you. In our group manifestation circles, we harness the combined energy of our community to activate your personal power and manifest your desires. Attending these circles can promote empowerment and a stronger belief in your own potential. TWO—FULL MOON DEEP HEALING CIRCLE: using the energy of the full moon, YOU can cut the energetic cords that are holding you down, ground, and cleanse your energy. We go on a deep journey to heal ancestral wounds, cut karmic ties, break negative/addictive patterns, clear the energy of past partners and experiences that may negatively affect you and your future. Receive help to heal the grief of a lost child or close family member. Heal sexual trauma. Reset your energy so you can keep on healing and shining your light! We will also work with the Council of Light, Angel Healing, The 7 Rays and Violet Flame. I am intuitively guided to use different techniques for deep healing focusing on Family Constellation, Soul Retrieval, Past Life Healing and the Inner Child. THREE—CIRCLE OF DIVINE EMPOWERMENT: Where Goddesses Weave Their Magic: Harness the essence of goddesses to illuminate your path. Discover the art of channelling their power to weave your desires, embrace your inner voice, and forge a profound bond with your celestial goddess energy. We learn how to perceive the energy of the deity we are connecting with so we understand why and how we connect, and how to empower our lives with this connection. You may also learn a mantra or mudra to enhance this connection. Through a guided deep meditation, we activate this energy, allowing you to sense, feel and embrace the goddess or deity’s presence. This will enable you to absorb and understand the energy so you can connect with ease when you want to, drawing upon this power to guide you and tap into for strength and guidance. Following the meditation, you will receive a personalised message of insightful guidance. We will work with Ascended Masters, Kuan Yin, Mother Mary, Moon Goddess Selene, Mary Magdalene, Heka, Lilith, Gaia and Various Goddesses, Arcturian and Star seed connection, Ascended Masters, Dragon and Faery. FOUR—MONTHLY READING & SHARING CIRCLE: a safe space to share experiences and catch up. I’m there if you have questions and then we do some practice with our cards (tarot or oracle) either by reading for others or through receiving a reading. We’ll also mediate and connect for a message from spirit or our guides for insight and healing. ALSO INCLUDED: * WEEKLY RECORDED MEETINGS: receive support and guidance with a psychic reading to help you navigate your week. * GUIDED MEDITATIONS: There is a library of Reiki-infused guided meditations. You can also discover mudras and self-healing methods that promote balance and inner peace.  * DEVELOP A DAILY SPIRITUAL PRACTICE: Learn about energy care, psychic protection and ways of developing your own daily spiritual practice. * HEALING CEREMONIES LIVE CHAT: Join a live chat during our healing ceremonies. Connect with fellow participants, share experiences, and support each other. This real-time sharing can deepen your sense of connection and enhance the healing process. There is also a community message area where you can connect as a group to share your journey, receive support and celebrate with other members. * DEVELOP YOUR PSYCHIC SENSES: We’ll focus on enhancing and recognising your individual senses. You’ll receive attunements to help connect with your psychic guide, enhance your 3rd eye chakra, and open your solar plexus.  * SELF-CARE FOR EMPATHS: Finally, you’ll learn how to care for your empathic energy so you can live in alignment and balance. For more information please message me info@selenajoylovett.com Have a look at the services I offer the monthly gatherings, Transformational packages. Readings and healings can be custom-made to suit and fulfil your needs. You are not alone—reach out and begin healing  Selena xx WWW.SELENAJOYLOVETT.COM


Courses matching "Tapping"

Show all 120

Tapping Out of Trauma 1.0

By EFT Tapping Training Institute

Working with trauma requires advanced knowledge and skills beyond basic tapping training. While tapping produces amazing results, trauma requires a higher level of training in order to be both safe and effective.

Tapping Out of Trauma 1.0
Delivered OnlineFlexible Dates

The Manifesting Tapping Technique

By EFT Course UK Online

The Manifesting Tapping Technique – The clean manifesting technique that helps you make your dreams come true

The Manifesting Tapping Technique
Delivered In-PersonFlexible Dates

Nurture Retreats - Air Element


By Her Healing

Nestled in the Surrey Hills, this retreat is a day or nurture and nourishment for your mind, body and soul, through Yoga, Meditation, EFT and Sound Therapy.

Nurture Retreats - Air Element
Delivered In-Person in GuildfordSun, Oct 1309:00

Professional EFT Tapping Online Course

By Lead Academy

Professional EFT Tapping Online Course
Delivered Online On Demand

Art Therapy and EFT Tapping (Using Mindfulness)

By Compliance Central

Art Therapy and EFT Tapping (Using Mindfulness)
Delivered Online On Demand5 hours

Reflexology: Instant Pain Relief with Reflex Tapping

By Course Cloud

Reflexology: Instant Pain Relief with Reflex Tapping
Delivered Online On Demand

Instant Pain Relief with Reflex Tapping

By iStudy UK

Instant Pain Relief with Reflex Tapping
Delivered Online On Demand32 minutes

Instant Pain Relief with Reflex Tapping


By Janets

Instant Pain Relief with Reflex Tapping
Delivered Online On Demand32 minutes

Back Pain EFT Tapping Course

By EFT Course UK Online

Pain Management - Solve Your Back Pain

Back Pain EFT Tapping Course
Delivered Online On Demand

EFT Practitioner and Tapping Training Certification Course for Professionals

By Study Plex

EFT Practitioner and Tapping Training Certification Course for Professionals
Delivered Online On Demand