276 Educators providing Courses

Laura Batten - Hello Baby Brighton

laura batten - hello baby brighton

My name is Laura Batten (she/her); I'm mum to Joshua (11) and Martha (5), wife to Leigh and I'm the founder of Hello Baby Brighton. We live in the Preston Park area of Brighton and have done for the last fourteen years. Being beside the sea is such a privilege. There's something about being right on the edge of the land - the sense of freedom, the waves and even the pesky seagulls add character! My pregnancy in 2010 with Joshua was very straightforward and complication-free. I absolutely loved being pregnant and felt carefree and marvelled at my growing bump. My labour, however, was a rollercoaster of stops and starts, and I felt out of control and I didn’t know how to help myself. It ended in the birthing pool - which is what I'd wanted - but looking back (knowing what I know now) I was getting in my own way. I wasn't letting my body do what it needed to do and without realising, contributed to my labour stalling. But in those final two hours in the pool with the most incredible midwife, I felt invincible. I knew immediately that I wanted to do this for other women. I'd never even heard of Hypnobirthing back then, so I originally thought about re-training as a midwife. Since then, sadly, I've experienced the pain of three consecutive miscarriages, and I deeply empathise if you've been through this trauma of any type of loss. How I was treated through one particular journey really cemented my passion of becoming a care-giver who can meaningfully change someone's experience of birth in a positive way. I’d had so much pregnancy and birth trauma and anxiety before I came to Hypnobirthing and I wanted to change that for myself, and for others. In 2017 I gave birth to my daughter, at home in the birthing pool, using Hypnobirthing techniques while my son slept upstairs! It was such a calm and empowering experience and I put it entirely down to my practice during pregnancy, and the mindfulness I used. I can't quite communicate in words how it feels to be able to teach women and couples to be completely empowered and have a birth they feel great about afterwards. So many don't think it's possible; they've had a bad experience before or heard horror stories; generally conditioned through the media and society that birth is painful and long; scared to believe that they're capable of a positive experience of birth. Hello Baby Brighton was founded with a passion to not only work with couples to help change their experience of birth, but also with the goal of continuity of care - something which is quite rare these days. From the moment you say ‘hello baby’ (however you have come to be pregnant or intended parents) to the moment you're holding your baby for the first time, it is the most wonderful and crazy journey of very mixed emotions. My Group and Private Mindful Birth Courses give you the tools you'll need to stay calm and focused, throughout pregnancy and during the birth of your baby and my online monthly Pregnancy Relaxation classes will help you feel grounded and looked after. And of course if you choose me to work alongside you as your Doula, we will have many opportunities together in your pregnancy to prepare you physically and emotionally. I trained in Hypnobirthing back in 2016 and have supported hundreds of couples since. I now teach the Mindful Birth Group course - an incredible 1st-4th-trimester package, which is rooted in mindfulness (and hypnobirthing techniques) but gives you so much more. You can read about them here. I would absolutely love to come alongside you in your pregnancy or new parenthood in one of my courses, classes or services. I feel so strongly about the right antenatal education and the magic of a Doula, that even if you don't choose me, please do choose fantastic pregnancy and birth support - it always, always makes a difference, whatever type of birth you have.

Cathy Chiplen Compassionate Therapies

cathy chiplen compassionate therapies


I have been building my Complementary Therapy practice since 2005. Initially offering Reflexology and Reiki, and more recently I have added Sound Healing to my portfolio. I am also a qualified Soul Midwife, which is a holistic and spiritual companion to the dying, assisting people to make a gentle transition at the end of their life. Following some deeply profound personal experiences with death over the last 20 years I trained in 2017 with Felicity Warner, founder of the Soul Midwives School, Dorset. I am deeply honoured to be a mentor for newly qualified Soul Midwives in the Somerset & Bath And North East Somerset areas. Please see my Soul Midwifery Page for more information on this amazing work. I am passionate about empowering people to achieve a real sense of health, harmony and wellbeing. I can help you to rest, relax and really give yourself the time and space you need to just BE. I heard a saying recently along the lines of ‘we are human beings, not human doings’ and that really resonates with me ….. so often we are so caught up in the minutiae of everyday life, it’s hard to stand back, take stock and just breathe. That’s where I can help you to reconnect to yourself and to assist you to get your mind, body, emotions and spirit back into balance. Our bodies are always striving for homeostasis, which is perfect balance, and through our work together I can support you in this. I always say, it’s not me doing the work, it’s you who do it, I am just guiding the way. With a gentle loving touch, the right amount of empathy and shed loads of empowerment I can support and guide you into a greater sense of health and wellbeing. I support clients with a wide range of varying lifestyles, conditions and needs. I treat you holistically, which means I see you as a whole person rather than a collection of symptoms. I am a fully qualified Reflexologist, Sound Healer and a Reiki Master/Teacher in the Usui tradition and lineage. I hold full membership of the Association of Reflexologists and I co-lead one of the Associations Area Groups for Reflexologists. I treat my therapy clients in a relaxed home environment and always give them quality time and focused attention. I treat as I find and am governed by my clients needs rather than the clock. My aim is to give each client the space to totally relax and unwind, allowing the body to heal itself. One of my absolute passions is supporting women along their fertility, conception and birth journey. Through my own struggles with fertility I have a deep understanding of the urgent yearning for a child and the frustrations and self-recrimination this can bring, not to mention the strain on your relationship. I offer a non-judgemental empathetic listening ear, I have tissues for when you feel low and I will cheer you on when you share your good news with me. I am a strong advocate for natural pregnancy, childbirth and parenting but I would never push my own views on anyone, I support women in all their various choices. I am a qualified Breastfeeding Peer Supporter and am always happy to assist with any questions regarding any aspect of pregnancy, birthing, breastfeeding and so on. I had all three of my children at home in our own little birthing pool using homeopathy and Hypnobirthing to support me. I am very pro women’s choice for all aspects – Your body, your baby, your choices! See my Helpful Links Page for signposting to other professionals and further resources such as classes and groups supporting new parents. When I’m not working I enjoy spending quality time with my husband and our three lovely children, one of our favourite activities is walking our dog, Saffy, at Hestercombe Gardens, or on the surrounding hills. I also enjoy a Kundalini Yoga class each week with Shivdev Kaur and a Kayaking, Canoeing or Stand-Up Paddleboarding session with TASCC (Taunton Adventurous Sport Canoe Club) so I have time as just ‘Cathy’ rather than ‘Mum’ or ‘Therapist’!

Traders MBA

traders mba


Our Mini MBA in Applied Professional Forex Trading provides you with the knowledge to trade the International Forex Market and teaches you the exact approach as used by some of the world’s most successful Professional Forex Traders. Upon enrolment to the Mini MBA program in Applied Professional Forex Trading, you will receive 12 weeks access to the program so that you will be able to learn at your own pace. Once you have completed the Applied Professional Forex Trading Mini MBA program, you will have access to sit the 1-hour online final examination enabling you to test your newfound knowledge. Successful competition of the online exam will result in your Mini MBA certification. When you have successfully passed the final exam, you’ll be ready to start trading. Your understanding of the Forex Market will be head and shoulders above the average trader. We encourage practicing your trading skills and abilities on a demo account before real trading. Professional Trader Sachin Kotecha has 17 Years of Trading Experience and 11 Years of Teaching Experience, having worked as an Academic at a leading UK university. Sachin Kotecha has also authored for Forex Media website FXStreet for over 3 Years and Mentored hundreds of Traders worldwide. Our Mini MBA program in Applied Professional Forex Trading covers all the major topics and areas used by Professional Traders at Investment Banks & Hedge Funds using a Global Macroeconomic approach to generate profitable Trade-Ideas. Some of the key topics and learning objectives covered are as follows: Trade Idea Generation – Generating high-quality Trade Ideas is essential for the long-term success of your trading career. This program will teach you the professional approach to the Trade Idea generation process. Fundamental Analysis – Macroeconomics is at the heart of professional forex trading, and macroeconomic data drives the forex market. In this Mini MBA program, you will learn how to interpret the vast amount of economic data that is regularly released and analyse the data to create an overview of the relative strength of any given currency and use this to predict future prices. Technical Analysis – The thousands of Technical Analysis tools and indicators available to traders make trading confusing for new traders. Our Mini MBA program teaches you the most effective Technical Analysis tools to use to avoid getting lost in the maze of technical indicators as most traders do. Our systematic approach to Technical Analysis will transform your trading forever. Risk Management – Managing risk is very important in trading. The number one reason most forex traders fail is that they ignore Risk Management and over-expose their portfolios on any one or few given currencies with high correlations. Our Mini MBA program teaches you how to avoid this concentrated risk and manage the risk of any given trade and the risk in your overall portfolio. Trade Psychology – Managing your emotions whilst you are trading is paramount as it enables you to make rational decisions in high-stress situations, a skill in trading that is often overlooked. We teach you how you manage this. Former University Academic turned Professional Trader, Sachin Kotecha excels in training traders to be independent thinkers that can generate their own high-quality trade ideas and execute them with perfection. The key to successful trading is to have a proven systematic process that you can consistently use for every trade, allowing you to be very methodical and disciplined in your approach to trading the Forex Market. To achieve this, you need to have a very in-depth knowledge of Macroeconomics and what drives currency exchange rates. Successful completion of this online course will result in your Mini MBA certification. Upon completion of this program you should be able to: Understand currency exchange rates. Identify exchange rate regimes used for various currencies. Understand the advantages and disadvantages of fixed and floating exchange rate regimes. Understand and identify the conflicts of interest that exist in the forex market. Understand the workings of the international forex market and its infrastructure. Categorise currency pairs according to their tradeable opportunities based on volatility. Understand who the participants of the forex market are and their involvement. Understand macroeconomics and how it drives the international forex market. Use macroeconomic data in excel to generate high quality fundamentally driven trade ideas. Use a charting platform to conduct technical analysis Use advanced technical analysis to identify entry and exits points into trades. Understand and implement risk management strategies that can be applied to trading. Create a trading plan based on individual strengths and weaknesses. Understand how trading psychology can affect trading results.

Golden Circle Tuition

golden circle tuition


The Golden Circle is a community of exceptional educators. We understand how important education is in a child’s development and that the right teacher can make all the difference. That’s why we work closely with families to fully understand the needs of each child and tailor our process precisely to reflect individual requirements. We personally match our students with inspiring, qualified teachers who accelerate learning in a supportive one-to-one environment. Since founding The Golden Circle in 2017, it has been a privilege to play a role in the educational journey of so many students. Our students perform excellently in exams, and enjoy more success at leading universities, but it is their personal growth which makes The Golden Circle such a rewarding place to teach. As mentors, as well as educators, we help our students to develop the key qualities of Courage, Critical Thinking, Compassion, Growth Mindset and Self-Reflection. We are inspired by tradition, but not constrained by it. Our co-curricular lessons enable students to discover entrepreneurship, mindfulness, and global citizenship. The Golden Circle’s modern approach to tutoring and home schooling takes a traditional UK education into the 21st century. If this strikes a chord with you, then we are the right team for you. I welcome you to join us and unlock your child’s academic potential. Hannah Titley BA (Hons), MA, MA (Oxon), PGCE COURAGE Courage is having the strength to tackle challenges – in academia and in life. It’s having the confidence to face a subject that feels daunting and ask questions when you don’t understand. Academic courage empowers students to choose difficult problems and risk making mistakes. We work with students on their Maths courage, their Science courage, their Shakespeare courage, their public speaking courage. By cultivating courage in a supportive learning environment, our students feel safe to ask questions and rise to academic challenges. CRITICAL THINKING Critical thinking is a way to analyse complex issues and articulate ideas. It is a lens through which to understand the world, by appreciating different perspectives and value frameworks. Through discussion and debate, we teach students to think critically and confidently articulate their ideas. Our teaching approach seeks to liberate students from unthinking conformity. COMPASSION Compassion is feeling empathy for others and responding with kindness. Too often moral development is valued as ‘lesser’ than academic success. However, the two come hand in hand. Treating yourself with compassion builds self-esteem, motivation, and confidence. Showing empathy towards others is an important communication skill. We welcome students and teachers from diverse backgrounds. In lessons, we model compassion and use positive affirmations to nurture our students’ self-belief. GROWTH MINDSET Growth mindset is the conviction that intelligence is learned. It enables students to reshape the narrative by which to excel in exams and in life. A growth mindset leads to a desire to learn, to embrace challenges, persist in the face of setbacks, and see effort as the path to mastery. Cultivating a growth mindset is at the heart of what we do. SELF-REFLECTION Self-reflection is taking the time to explore your own thoughts, behaviours and emotions. Without it, we miss learning opportunities. In an academic context, it enables students to identify strengths and weaknesses and evaluate their progress towards goals. Teaching the art of self-reflection is integral to our lessons. We provide detailed feedback on assignments and facilitate self-reflection discussions. Our weekly progress reports guide students to where they should devote their attention. Together, self-reflection and teacher feedback, leads to deeper learning. OUR COMMUNITY Our unique community is made up of dedicated parents, students, and over 300 qualified teachers. Our teachers have strong academic backgrounds, UK teaching qualifications, and a minimum of two years of experience teaching in the classroom. Many are also GCSE and A Level examiners. FOUNDER & MANAGING DIRECTOR HANNAH TITLEY Hannah founded The Golden Circle in 2017 after qualifying as a teacher through the Teach First programme. Teaching in the classroom showed that school doesn’t work for everyone. For children who are talented in sports, art, or music, or who require extra academic support or challenge, school doesn’t bring out their best. Born in Manchester, Hannah was educated at Altrincham Grammar School for Girls before reading Biological Sciences at New College, Oxford University. She holds a first class Master’s degree from King’s College London and PGCE teaching qualification which is rated ‘Outstanding’. In addition to teaching, Hannah has worked as a Researcher for Oxford University and Reform think tank. She is Director of the Home Schooling Association and continues to teach Science at Key Stage 4 and 5. She speaks regularly at education events and provides written commentary for national media including the BBC, The Times, Telegraph and The Guardian. HEAD OF OPERATIONS LYDIA TITLEY Lydia is originally from Manchester and completed her secondary education at Altrincham Grammar School for Girls. Following this, her interest in French language and culture led her to the University of Bath, where she completed a BSc in International Business Management and French. Lydia took the opportunity to spend a year in Paris where she attended the prestigious business school of ESCP Paris, studying a bilingual Master’s in Management, and worked as a European Account Manager at an international Marketing and Publishing firm. Lydia joined The Golden Circle team in 2018, where she holds the role of Head of Operations. In her spare time, Lydia enjoys yoga and is currently completing a Mindfulness Teacher Training course. She has a keen interest in the arts, theatre and travel. FOUNDER’S PUBLICATIONS POLICY REPORTS How To Run A Country: Working Age Welfare (June 2015) Employment and Support Allowance: The Case For Change (December 2015) Working Welfare: A Radically New Approach to Sickness and Disability Benefits (February 2016)Stepping Up, Breaking Barriers. Transforming Employment Outcomes For Disabled People (July 2016) PODCASTS BBC Woman’s Hour, Electing To Home School (March 2021) The Study Buddy, At Home With Learning: A Look At Alternative Education Provision (April 2021) NEWSPAPER ARTICLES The Telegraph, Meet the families choosing elite home-schooling (September 2018) The Telegraph Luxury, How to raise an alpha kid: the parent’s guide to home schooling (May 2020) Tatler, The gold standard of home schooling (February 2021) OUR LOCATIONS

Ksenia Belash

ksenia belash

It’s a pleasure to greet you in my virtual home:) Meeting someone for the first time can feel a little awkward. As a way of introduction, let me share a few random and not so random facts about me: I spent a big chunk of my childhood daydreaming, journeying through whimsical worlds, exploring subtle energies and noticing things that other people strangely wouldn’t notice. I wrote my first poem at the age of 6. This is also when I experienced myself as a cloud during my first ever meditation, guided by my grand dad. One of my favourite treasures was a blue crystal ball that my mum brought home from a lab she worked at - it seemed to have come from a different dimension. For a long time, I made myself believe these things were silly and meaningless. These days, I cherish the magical, the whimsical, the weird and believe the sense of WONDER to be a potent medicine for the soul that I am privileged to share with others. Up until the age of 9, if I closed my eyes, I could see people’s emotional states as auras of different colours. I developed my own colour coding system to identify what was going on - it was quite accurate. Unfortunately, I don’t see auras anymore, but I get a lot of subtle information through my body sensations. Whenever I speak to someone, a whole big experience unfolds within me and, over the years, through studies of the nervous system and what not, I have developed a way of making quite a good sense of it. It is a huge resource that I bring into my work with people. I also see images and metaphors that come seemingly out of nowhere and bring insights into things. I am currently 38. Most people assume I am younger and it can feel mischievously delicious to see them acting in alignment with this assumption without breaking the illusion. I currently live in London, am planning to move to Portugal, was born and raised in Russia and my roots are mainly from Ukraine. I speak seven languages and know both the curses and the gifts of not having one single place of belonging. I came to the UK when I was 20 to study hospitality and tourism management…only to realise, a couple of years later, that my heart longs to create and express itself, not manage. So I got my BA, completed my internship in a Central London office and went on to pursue photography and other visual arts for many years to come. It is only recently that I have connected my early interest in hospitality with what I currently do - which hosting spaces where people can really land and feel at home, in connection with their body, soul and spirit. I spent many years of my life in a relationship that felt utterly destructive to my soul. In 2015, I felt desperate and went to see a therapist. I thought this work was useless and nothing would help. In 2016, I went through a painful separation and then divorce. At that time, I was also feeling completely lost professionally. This period felt like the dark night of the soul, but I have eventually managed to come through, with a different understanding of myself, my strength, my needs and things I stand for in this world. What felt like hell, turned out to be the beginning of my healing journey. A BIT ABOUT MY HEALING JOURNEY Having grown up in an environment where emotional depth, sensitivity to nuance, authentic self-expression and creative ways were not exactly appreciated, I know very well what it's like to feel different, misunderstood, not sure where and if I can ever belong. For many, many years, I believed that something was deeply wrong with and broken about me and how I am. No matter how much I tried, how much I pushed to change myself, I struggled to fit into the loud, noisy, rushing, linear, rationality-oriented world that at times didn't make any sense. Like so many other sensitive souls, I have developed my own ways of coping and fitting in - like hiding bits of myself that I deemed ugly, scary or uncool, swallowing my truth, hiding my thoughts and feelings even from myself to the extent of losing any sense of boundaries, disconnecting from my body and intuition, anxiously chasing after the next new thing and external validation, not giving myself any space to breathe and listen to my inner voice. Living like this was painful and at some point became intolerable, so I reached out for help. In the course of my own healing journey, one of the many things I have discovered that the belief that something was fundamentally wrong and broken about me, was just that - a belief, not a curse that determined how I lived my life. I have also discovered that the most healing thing was not this or that tool, modality or approach. It was not even a cognitive understanding of why things happened. What my inner system and the young parts of my psyche deeply needed in order to heal was an attuned relational space, where I was loved for who I was and allowed to go at my own pace and be fully me, with all of my feelings of brokenness, sadness, envy, confusion, darkness, guilt, lostness, anger, heartbreak, as well as joy, excitement, dreaminess, hope and pride and a myriad of other feelings. What my parts needed, were to be seen and consistently met with acceptance, love, warm curiosity, compassion and understanding by another human being. In the process, I have also discovered the power of connecting with my intuitive body wisdom and befriending my nervous system and what is often referred to as somatic intelligence - a resource I never knew was available to me. As a result, rigid ways of being/thinking/reacting that have felt like "just who I am", started to soften, release and transform, while my sense of authentic self, personal power, self-trust, boundaries and capacity to feel and handle difficult emotions, without becoming overwhelmed, has been steadily growing. Offering healing spaces like that and supporting others like myself on their journeys of growth and healing, has become my passion and vocation.

Simply Wholistic

simply wholistic

Remember, beauty is never skin deep. Nothing only exists because of the shell it belongs to or has been given. Bearing this in mind, whenever we want to change anything, whether it be physical, mental or emotional, (our appearance, feelings and thoughts) the change only occurs from changing your thoughts, thinking patterns, and your feelings about how you see yourself. For example, we change our looks easily and have any amount of cosmetic surgery we could afford, but unless we feel beautiful inside, we will never feel beautiful outside. We must first love ourselves in order that we can love others. If we don't know how to even treat ourselves with love and compassion, how could we ever treat anyone else with the same? No one is saying it is easy to change the way you think, I certainly know its not. But how much money would it be worth to you to be happy in your life, with all aspects of your life? Could any amount of money ever make up for you being miserable and unhappy in your life? If you truly believe you are happy in life and you think it's all genuine, then all I ask you to do is take all the material things away out of your life and imagine that all you have left is your family, friends, pets, the roof over your head with no objects in there and last of all yourself, your body, including your feelings, thoughts, thinking patterns and physical looks and your good health. Would you still be content and happy, with the most important things in your life you have left? If the answer to that question is no, then don't you think it's time you found happiness within? Instead of just looking beyond that and to other people and material objects in your life, which will give you a little satisfaction for a short time only, which are all purely false hopes. Life is truly amazing if you allow it to be and the moment you allow yourself to be happy and love yourself for who you are is the moment you will never look back on your life and only look forward and be so happy and positive about everything in your life. Life really is so simple, yet we insist on complicating it To help ourselves and our own bodies, prevention is far better than any cure. When you maintain your health and well-being, it is very unlikely you will suffer illness or disease. Rather than seeing yourself as the shell you are and placing the emphasis on that alone, instead turn it all around and focus on the inside and how you feel and think. This is the only way you will ever continue through the aging process and be happy and content through life. To reach optimum health and well-being is not something which will happen over night and to maintain this level is an ongoing process throughout one’s life. Every second of every day our bodies are changing due to our thoughts, thinking patterns, emotions, feelings and actions. Add to this the outside influences such as stress at work, lack of vitamins and nutrients and a good balanced healthy diet and no exercise and your body will begin to feel the strain. If you don’t listen to your body and make simple changes to give your body the right conditions to enable it to heal itself, it will without a doubt become in a diseased state which will manifest into illness later on in life. Chakra’s can be over stimulated as well as under stimulated and this can have positive or negative effect on our health. Colour’s are energy and carry different vibrations, therefore the colour of food we eat can affect our health. The colour of clothes we wear and are surrounded with each day also effect the chakra’s Lots of simple and easy changes can be made by everyone to maintain optimum health and well-being and Holistic Therapies will help clear any blockages or imbalances you may have which will be detrimental to your health should they remain in that state. Preventive measures are far better than anything else you can do for you body and mind and will help maintain good health throughout one’s life. Holistic Therapies treat the whole person, not just the symptom. Treating any symptom, such as conventional medicine, will NEVER CURE any disease or illness only mask the symptoms and usually lead to even more side effects, symptoms and problems in the body. When you take something which is not a natural source and place it into the body you are removing the bodies own natural defence systems which are in place. When you treat a person with Holistic Therapies you are dealing with the root cause of the problem naturally and the real issue behind any illness, disease or symptom, therefore once treated all symptoms will be eliminated in the process. Pain does serve a purpose and its the bodies way of telling us something is wrong or must be changed. The body will always give us indicators when something is not right enabling us to rectify it. However we have become such experts at ignoring the warning signs and alarms bell's or not giving our health the time is deserves that later down the line by continuing to ignore it we now have an even bigger problem on our hands. Holistic therapies such as colour therapy can be used and implemented into your life so simply and have life changing effects without having to change anything in your life. Also great for people so busy, who sadly have limited time for their health. The consultation covers numerous aspects of your health including mental, emotional and physical. Contrary to what you have been lead to believe, when you have emotional problems your physical health will be suffering. The longer the problem is left unresolved, the more likely the problem will manifest into a physical condition. When your emotional condition improves you are well on the way to recovery. The body is the most effective tool to treat any condition which we may have in life. If it is given the correct conditions, it can and will heal itself. The consultation is to deal with the root cause of the problem and not just the symptoms you have. It will give you all the tools to provide you with everything you need to give your body the right conditions to establish good health and with continued use enable you to maintain optimum health. Looking for a quick fix may be a short term solution but it’s not in the best interests of your body’s health, nor will it completely deal with issues which may arise again if you change your way of thinking back to your old pattern and habits. That would only be the same as filling your vehicle up with petrol once and expecting it to run indefinitely, which will never be the case. Problems which people have, don’t just appear over night. Although a session may have a very profound effect on improving your health, it can’t deal with all the issues in one go because your body would not be able to handle all those changes at the same time. Therefore continued therapy is advised to work through all issues, also as a preventative measure and to maintain the bodies correct balance. You know what issues/problems you have to deal with, therefore the biggest step is acknowledging them and starting to deal with them. You must also be ready and willing for all these changes to take place in your life because it will require a little input from you to enable them to happen. Your diet and what you eat. To establish weather it is a contributing factor to how you are feeling and whether your body is undernourished. The colour of food you eat affects your mind and body. The body’s functions are dictated by the chakra’s, main energy centre’s of the body. If you are eating the same foods all the time you will not be providing your body with the colour’s and vibrations which it requires. Every living entity on this planet carries a different vibration, so colour’s really do play an important role in your life. Not just the colour of food you eat, but the colour of clothes you wear, the colours you are surrounded by. Water plays a huge role in the workings and maintenance of the mind and body. Every single function we have as a human being requires the brain to be hydrated to enable the process to happen as it should. If the brain becomes dehydrated then those processes will suffer and not work correctly. Many people have become such experts at ignoring the thirst warning or mistaking it for hunger and reaching for food when the message is really thirst. When the correct amount of water is drunk in sufficient intervals during the course of the day many so called ailments and health issues could subside. I challenge you to try it and discover the magic power water can have for you

Courses matching "Emotions "

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Creating a Viking knife an introduction to forging and knife making.


By BeardedPigForge

A single day knife making course is a great way to make yourself an item that will last a lifetime, on this one day course we forge a blacksmiths knife (also called a Viking knife) a full metal knife with integral handle. A knife is one of the oldest tools ever made by humanity and it is one that invokes many emotions to people when they see and use it for a productive task. When doing a knife making course here at Bearded Pig Forge we will discuss the fine details of a knife and how they are made as well as the history of forging them.  On the course you will learn the basics of forging a blade and how to effectively heat treat them in order to get the most use out of the blades as well as techniques for sharpening and honing blades. Courses are £150 Per person per day.  I run a strict cancellation policy. If you cannot attend the date you have booked please contact me within three weeks and I will rebook your course for free, If you contact me after this deadline you will lose your place. Refunds are not available. No under 18s  If you have a physical gift voucher it must be presented on the first day of a course.

Creating a Viking knife an introduction to forging and knife making.
Delivered In-Person in BirchingtonSun, Oct 608:30 + more



By Graphic Design Courses Birmingham

Delivered OnlineMon, Oct 708:00 + more

Women in Leadership Programme 'Elevate-9'


By Puritas

Elevate-9 Women in Leadership Programme: Overview Duration: October 2024 – June 2025 Cost: £159 per month Programme Highlights: Quarterly Face-to-Face Seminars: Kick-off Sessions: Start each term with an intensive, in-person seminar focusing on critical leadership topics and strategies for increased self awareness & an approach to define each individuals leadership identity. Engage in hands-on workshops, network with peers, and develop actionable strategies for your leadership journey. Quarterly 1:1 Coaching Sessions: Personalised Guidance: Following each seminar, receive tailored one-on-one coaching sessions. These sessions are designed to address your specific goals and challenges, helping you implement strategies and stay on track. Monthly Online Masterclasses: Expert Insights: Participate in interactive online sessions led by leading experts. Topics include imposter syndrome, work-life balance, gender bias, assertiveness, and more. These masterclasses provide practical tools and insights to enhance your leadership skills. Supportive Online Community: Peer Support: Join an exclusive online community of like-minded women. Share experiences, gain support, and build lasting connections with peers who understand your journey. Leadership Resource Library: Continuous Learning: Access a curated library of resources, including articles, books, and tools to support your ongoing growth and development. Accountability Partner: Stay Motivated: Pair up with another participant to keep each other motivated, share insights, and ensure you stay on track with your goals. Stepping back and engaging in a programme like this is not a luxury but a necessity for women who aspire to lead from the inside out. By understanding themselves, women can unlock their full potential, leading with authenticity, empathy, and resilience. This holistic approach to leadership not only benefits the individual leader but also creates a positive and inspiring environment for their teams and organisations and will enhance career advancement and personal achievement. Register your interest now for the first session on 7th October 2024 and we will make contact with you to confirm a place. The programme is £159.00 per month, payable monthly. We are looking forward to hearing from you - engage@puritas.org.uk

Women in Leadership Programme 'Elevate-9'
Delivered in person or OnlineMon, Oct 709:00

8-week in-person Mindfulness Course

By Silvia Siret - Holistic Life Coach

Affordable 8-week mindfulness course for beginners and those who want to resume their mindfulness practice.

8-week in-person Mindfulness Course
Delivered In-Person in OxfordTue, Oct 809:00

THE ART OF BREATH - Qi-Gong & Breathwork

By Sunhouse

Join Me For This 8 Week Qigong and Breathwork Online Course HARNESSING THE POWER OF THE BREATH The way we breathe affects everything we do, everything we think and everything we feel. It affects our sleep, our digestion, our immune system, our energy levels, our emotions, our ability to think clearly and our relationships, to name but a few. In this course we will be combining my passions of Qigong and Breathwork to help bring us into balance so we can move though Autumn into winter full of peace and vitality. Why Qigong and Breathwork? Qigong is breathwork (Qi is Breath), it is an amazing way of opening and clearing the body, of making space for our healthy energy to flow. It allows us to stay relaxed and receptive without forcing or pushing. It is easy to learn and naturally attuned to your individual body and how it wants to expand, release and recharge. Breathwork is simply bringing our conscious attention to our breath and is one of the most powerful ways we have to change our state at any given moment. In the course i will introduce you to eight different breath techniques to help you to breathe better. Commit to just 10mins a day and you’ll be amazed at the results you can achieve. Everyone is welcome to join the course no matter your experience. When: 8th October 2024 – 5th December Tuesday Evenings 6-7pm and Thursday mornings 9-9.30am (via Zoom) Dates: Tuesdays 6-7pm: October 8th, 15th, 22nd November 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th, December 3rd. Thursdays 9-9.30am: October 10th, 17th, 24th, November 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th December 5th. Price: £110 (Concessions £80: Super concession £60) What is included: Eight live 60min evening zoom classes Eight live 30min morning meditation zoom classes Access to replays of all classes so you can catch up in your own time. Learn a Qigong routine for healthy lungs Learn how to clear the meridian pathways for increased vitality Learn 8 new powerful breath practices Access to private Whats App group to share experiences and ask questions Weekly supporting material for home practice : – A Weekly video with a guided 10min Breath Practice – PDF – explanations of each practice – Key acupuncture points for self massage What will I get out of the course? Reconnect with your breath Learn how to improve your respiration Learn to regulate your own nervous system Access deeper body awareness Less physical tension Reduced pain Improved mental clarity Strengthened immune system Improved sleep Improved digestion Less stress and anxiety, depression and panic attacks Deepening meditation practice More energy Just Breathe Just Be

THE ART OF BREATH - Qi-Gong & Breathwork
Delivered OnlineTue, Oct 817:00 + more
£60 to £110

SOLD OUT! 11th October Liza DeBlock #Agent121. Looking for: ADULT FICTION, NON-FICTION


By I Am In Print

LOOKING FOR: ADULT FICTION, NON-FICTION Liza represents a range of fiction and non-fiction. On the fiction side, she is looking for historical fiction that is well researched, immerses readers in the era, and looks at overlooked characters from the past, or perhaps gives a new spin on someone we think we know. On the literary and upmarket side, she is looking for novels infused with emotions that capture the human experience and make readers think. If your literary novel is something at A24 productions might turn into a movie, this is Liza’s taste. When it comes to fantasy, she loves urban and grounded fantasy (no sci-fi please!), and is always happy to look at anything with a vampire, werewolf, witches, warlocks, fairies, and perhaps a sinister selkie or two. She is also very much looking for romantasy and is the best person at the agency to submit that too. For thrillers, send her anything set in an exotic location, high-concept, or things with a speculative twist. She loves when characters are put in situations she would never want to be in, and then they have to get out of it. Her recent favourite fiction includes: Notes on an Execution, Lady Macbethad, Hamnet, A Discovery of Witches, House of Earth and Blood, The Starless Sea, Piranesi, Our Wives Under the Sea, The Pisces, Such A Fun Age. When it comes to non fiction, she is looking for books that teach her something new or reframe a topic from an alternative point of view. This can include cookery, pop science, and social history. Liza’s recent favourite non-fiction include: The Five, A History of Art Without Men, Messalina, The Authority Gap, Finding The Mother Tree, Cook This Book, Dessert Person. Liza would like you to submit a covering letter, 1 - 2 page synopsis and the first 5000 words of your manuscript in a single word document.  (In addition to the paid sessions, Liza is kindly offering one free session for low income/underrepresented writers. Please email agent121@iaminprint.co.uk to apply, outlining your case for this option which is offered at the discretion of I Am In Print).  By booking you understand you need to conduct an internet connection test with I Am In Print prior to the event. You also agree to email your material in one document to reach I Am In Print by the stated submission deadline and note that I Am In Print take no responsibility for the advice received during your agent meeting. The submission deadline is: Wednesday 2 October 2024

SOLD OUT! 11th October Liza DeBlock #Agent121. Looking for: ADULT FICTION, NON-FICTION
Delivered OnlineFri, Oct 1110:00 + more

Sensory Processing: Insights for Parent Carers

By AUsomeMums

Are you a parent or carer who wants to better understand sensory processing and how it affects your autistic child? 🌟 Join us for a 90-minute webinar designed specifically for parents and carers, where we’ll explore sensory processing, giving you the insights and tools to better support your child’s unique sensory needs and to get the environment ‘just right’ for your child or young person. 💛 What You’ll Learn: At the end of this session, you will: Understand Sensory Processing 🧠 Learn what sensory processing is and how it relates to autism. Explore the 8 sensory systems and the concept of sensory sensitivities, including hypersensitivity (over-responsiveness) and hyposensitivity (under-responsiveness). Discover how sensory processing differences affect your child’s daily life, from school to social interactions. Identify Common Sensory Challenges 🔍 Recognise the signs of sensory overload and shutdowns. Understand common sensory triggers in children with autism, such as noise, light, clothing textures, and food. Explore how these challenges can impact behaviour, emotions, and learning. Understand the need for and the benefits of stimming. Develop Practical Strategies for Sensory Support 🛠️ Learn how to create a sensory-friendly environment at home, school and in public spaces. Discover helpful ideas and resources to help your child regulate their sensory input. Who Should Attend: Parents and carers of children with autism Family members wanting to understand sensory processing better Educators and caregivers working with autistic children Why This Webinar is for You: Sensory processing differences are a key aspect of autism, and understanding them can make a world of difference in your child’s life. This 90-minute session is packed with practical suggestions, real-life examples, and insights that will empower you to understand and support the sensory needs of your child. 🌟

Sensory Processing: Insights for Parent Carers
Delivered OnlineFri, Oct 1109:00 + more

Monday Night - Conscious Connected Breathwork

By Sunhouse

Change Your Breath Change Your Life Experience the amazing power of your breath to transform stress and tension and create more flow in your life. In these sessions we will use a simple breathing technique know as conscious connected breathing, this activates the nervous system and helps create new neural pathways in the brain. When we breathe in this pattern, we begin to enter into an altered state of consciousness which allows us to release stored emotions and trauma in both the physical and energetic body.  If your looking to release stress and create more space for joy, peace and love then these sessions are for you. Benefits of Conscious Connected Breathwork include: - Release Tension - Reduce Stress & Anxiety - Clear Emotional Blocks - Heal Trauma - Increased Energy - Better Sleep Why not join me for a session? You will be amazed at the releases you can experience with this simple practice. These sessions are a beautiful way to come together and experience the power of group healing where we all learn and grow from each others experiences. They offer the opportunity to delve deeper into our own inner worlds with the support and connection of others.  These are small group gatherings of up to 8 -10 people and no previous experience necessary.  If you have any of the conditions listed below, conscious connected breathwork is not suitable for you. If you would still like to join please let me know, you are welcome and i will offer you an alternative breath to use: Epilepsy or a history of seizures of any kind Bipolar disorder, schizophrenia or any history of pyschosis Uncontrolled thyroid conditions Uncontrolled diabetes High blood pressure (not controlled by medication) Glaucoma (untreated) Detached retina (untreated) History of heart disease or stroke Aneurysm of any kind First term of pregnancy Please get in touch if you’re unsure or have any question, and don’t let these necessary health information put you off as breathwork is a super enjoyable, healing and liberating practice. I look forward to meeting you

Monday Night - Conscious Connected Breathwork
Delivered In-Person in CardiffMon, Oct 1417:00 + more
£15 to £24

Managing Emotions at Work

By OnlineCoursesLearning.com

Managing Emotions at Work
Delivered Online On Demand

Introduction to knife and handle making.


By BeardedPigForge

A single day knife making course is a great way to make yourself an item that will last a lifetime, on this one day course we forge a small knife with a simple ash handle. A knife is one of the oldest tools ever made by humanity and it is one that invokes many emotions to people when they see and use it for a productive task. When doing a knife making course here at Bearded Pig Forge we will discuss the fine details of a knife and how they are made as well as the history of forging them.  On the course you will learn the basics of forging a blade and heat treating them in order to get the best results from the high carbon steel, we will also be learning how to fit and shape handles by using a burn through technique to attach the blade to the handle. Courses are £160 Per person per day.  I run a strict cancellation policy. If you cannot attend the date you have booked please contact me within three weeks and I will rebook your course for free, If you contact me after this deadline you will lose your place. Refunds are not available. No under 18s  If you have a physical gift voucher it must be presented on the first day of a course.

Introduction to knife and handle making.
Delivered In-Person in BirchingtonSat, Oct 1908:30 + more