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22 Educators providing Typing courses in London

Touch Typing for Kids

touch typing for kids


Touch Typing is an essential life skill and we find that children who learn accurately to literally type without looking at their fingers, will save time in producing homework and in exams etc. As experienced Specialist Teachers, we are able to effectively differentiate and individualise touch typing challenges so that all students achieve their potential. Multi-sensory learning, through games and incentives, create a brilliantly fun atmosphere in which children aged 7 upwards, thrive! We have children who want to learn good basic typing skills and those who need this skill in order to type for GCSEs, and A Level exams. Note taking, punctuation skills and real time typing under pressure are also explored with the advanced students. An encouraging, motivating and uplifting environment is created in which children of all learning abilities thrive. We specialise in helping children with dyslexia, dyspraxia, dysgraphia and hypermobility as well as for those just want to learn it as a life skill, or for application towards the skill section of the DofE levels. Our testimonies tell of children literally loving the courses to such an extent, that they often come back time and time again, bringing their siblings and friends for follow up courses! At Touch Typing for Kids, we teach children how to improve their speed and accuracy. If you'd like more information about our children's touch typing lessons, drop us an email. Seth and Delia's years of specialist teaching experience put them in an excellent position to differentiate typing objectives for the individual learner during these multi-sensory touch typing courses. Teaching this skill is one of the many hats Delia and Seth wear during their working life, as they both run the Hampstead Dyslexia Clinic (Est. 1984) and individually run the Hampstead Dyslexia Consultancy and London Dyslexia Clinic.

Touch-type Read and Spell

touch-type read and spell


TTRS is modular in design and contains 24 levels with 31 modules in each level. A module typically takes a few minutes to complete and we recommend taking 2-3 modules a session. Student success is encouraged by immediate feedback and positive reinforcement. This feedback includes a score that is based on completion rates and accuracy, not speed or time taken. First score – first success The course starts with learning to touch-type, read and spell the vowels – a , e , i , o , u. The audio track accompanies the letters as they appear on screen, reinforcing sound-letter correspondence, which is a crucial skill for sounding out words in reading. The user then receives their first score – and success! Phonics and repetition In the second level, the student is introduced to words grouped by onset, vowel-blend and final consonant. For example – fed, wed, led. This teaches phonics in context and at the same time the student learns the position of the keys using the on-screen hand guides. With repetition, words move from short-term to long-term memory and the skill of typing begins to feel more comfortable. Repetition is also a way of over-learning that can help users with dyslexia overcome working memory and processing difficulties. Multi-sensory approach TTRS takes a multi-sensory approach to repetition learning. Through the multi-sensory approach, a user hears the words spoken through headphones or speakers, sees the words printed on the screen, and is prompted as to which fingers to press via the on-screen keyboard. Finally, through the sense of touch, they type out the words, harnessing muscle memory in the hands and fingers to learn spelling.

Courses matching "Typing"

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Objective-C programming


By Systems & Network Training

OBJECTIVE-C PROGRAMMING TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A hands on introduction that will allow you to master Objective-C and start using it to write powerful native applications for even the newest Macs and iOS devices! Using The step-by-step approach, will let you get comfortable with Objective-C's unique capabilities and Apple's Xcode 5 development environment. Make the most of Objective-C objects and messaging. Work effectively with design patterns, collections, blocks, foundation classes, threading, Git and a whole lot more. Every session builds on what you've already learned, giving a rock-solid foundation for real-world success! WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Use Xcode 5. * Declare classes, instance variables, properties, methods, and actions. * Use arrays, dictionaries, and sets. * Expand and extend classes with protocols, delegates, categories, and extensions. * Use Apple's powerful classes and frameworks. OBJECTIVE-C PROGRAMMING TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Developers wanting to learn Objective-C. * Prerequisites: Software development fundamentals. * Duration 5 days OBJECTIVE-C PROGRAMMING TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * PART 1: GETTING STARTED WITH OBJECTIVE-C * The Developer Program: Objective-C, enrolling as an Apple Developer, setting up the development environment, Xcode. Your first project. * OO programming with Objective-C: OO projects, Frameworks, classes and instances, encapsulation, accessors, Inheritance. * OO features in Objective-C: Messages, methods, working with id, nesting messages, method signatures and parameters. allocating and initializing objects. Using Xcode: Xcode, source code control, git and Xcode, Using a Remote Repository. * Compiler Directives: Projects, Compiler Directives, Prefix headers, main.m, .h files. * PART 2: OBJECTIVE-C BASICS * Messaging in a Testbed App: Setting Up the Testbed Apps, Adding a Text Field and Connecting It to Your Code, Sending a Message to the Text Field, Reviewing the Message Syntax. * Declaring a Class in an Interface File: Context, Creating an Instance Variable with id, What Happens When Execution Stops, dynamic binding, Creating an Instance Variable for with the Class Name and with a Superclass Name, instance variable visibility. * Properties in an Interface File: Interface Variables vs Properties, Declared Properties, Using Attributes. Implementing Properties. @synthesize, @dynamic. * Methods in an Interface File: Methods in a Class, class and instance methods, Method declaration, returning complex data structures from Methods. * Actions in an Interface File: Actions, Actions in OS X and iOS, disconnecting actions. * Routing messages with selectors: Receiver and selector objects in messages, Objective-C Runtime, SEL and @selector (), performSelector, NSInvocation, testing whether an Instance can respond to a selector. * Building on the Foundation: The Foundation Framework, Foundation Classes, Foundation Paradigms and Policies; Mutability, class clusters, notifications. * Defining a Class in Implementation Files: Projects, dynamic typing, creating a new App, implementing a method, expanding Classses with init Methods. * Organizing Data with Collections: Collecting Objects, Property Lists, Runtime, comparing the Collection Classes, Creating a Collection, Objective-C Literal Syntax, Enumerating collections, Testing Membership in a Collection, Accessing an Object in a Collection. * Managing Memory and Runtime Objects: Managing objects in memory, managing reference counts manually and with ARC, variable qualifiers, variable autorelease. * PART 3: EXPANDING AND EXTENDING CLASSES * Protocols and Delegates: Subclassing, Protocols, Delegates, Looking Deeper Inside Protocols. * Categories and Extensions: Comparing categories and protocols, categories vs subclasses, working with categories, class extensions, informal protocols. * Associative References and Fast Enumeration: Objective-C 2.0 Time-Saving Features, Extending Classes by Adding Instance Variables (Sort of), Using Fast Enumeration. * Blocks: Revisiting Blocks, Callbacks, Blocks, Exploring Blocks in Cocoa, Cocoa Blocks and Memory. * PART 4: BEYOND THE BASICS * Handling Exceptions and Errors: Exception and Error classes: NSException, NSError, Identifying exceptions, throwing exceptions, catching exceptions. * Queues and Threading: Getting Started with Concurrency, Introducing Queues, Dispatch Sources, Using Dispatch Queues. * Working with the Debugger: Logging Information, Console Logs, NSLog, Smart Breakpoints, enhancing breakpoints with messages. * Using Xcode Debug Gauges for Analysis: Debug Gauges, Monitoing CPU and memory utilization, monitoring energy, Using Instruments. * PART 5: OPTIONAL TOPICS * C Syntax Summary: Data Types, Control Structures. * Apps, Packages, and Bundles: Project Bundles, lproj Files, Asset Catalogs, plist Files, Precompiled Header Files (.pch). * Archiving and Packaging Apps for Development and Testing: Archiving.

Objective-C programming
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

This course presents an approach for dealing with security and privacy throughout the entire software development lifecycle. You will learn about vulnerabilities that undermine security, and how to identify and remediate them in your own projects.

Cyber Secure Coder
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Loughborough

Piano Lessons For Adults in London


By Milton Keynes Music Academy

Piano lessons for adults come with a unique set of considerations, and the professors at the London Piano Centre have the experience to help adults — beginners, intermediate students, and advanced pianists alike — reach their musical goals. If you would like to know more about our specific methodology, teaching philosophy, or piano lessons in London, please send us an email or give us a call. We would be happy to set up a trial lesson at your earliest convenience, and we would like to meet you.

Piano Lessons For Adults in London
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in London
£41 to £79

Access - introduction (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

This one-day workshop is ideal for those looking to work with existing databases as well as creating a new Access database. You will learn effective ways to enter and extract data and convert data into a well-presented format for reports. This course will help participants: * Plan and create a database * Sort and filter records * Use field data types * Work with tables * Create and manage a query * Create and work with forms, and use the form wizard * View, create and print reports 1 ACCESS INTRODUCED * Planning a database * Creating a blank database * Opening an existing database * Security warnings * The navigation pane * Previewing database components * Closing an Access database 2 TABLES INTRODUCED * Viewing and navigating table data * Navigating using keyboard shortcuts * Editing table data * Adding records to tables * Selecting and deleting records * Finding and replacing data * Filtering tables * Summing table data 3 QUERIES INTRODUCED * Opening a query in datasheet view * Opening a query in design view * Adding fields to a query * Sorting query results * Modifying datasheet view * Saving and closing queries 4 FORMS INTRODUCED * Working with form data * Sorting records * Filtering records * Working in design and layout views * Changing object attributes 5 REPORTS INTRODUCED * Opening and viewing reports * Viewing a report in design view * Previewing and printing report data * Creating reports with auto report * Creating reports with the report wizard * Changing field attributes 6 CREATING A NEW DATABASE * Creating database tables * Creating table fields * Selecting field data types 7 TABLE RELATIONSHIPS * Introducing relationships * Establishing table relationships * The one-to-many relationship type * Establishing referential integrity 8 CREATING QUERIES * Streamline query criteria using wildcards * Creating summary queries * Creating queries based on criteria * Running date queries * Formatting field properties * Building queries from multiple tables * Summing in queries 9 CREATING FORMS * Creating a new form * Inserting form fields * Working with the property sheet * The command button wizard * The command button wizard * Programming without typing * Creating forms with embedded sub forms * Creating forms with the sub form wizard * Creating forms with the form wizard 10 CREATING REPORTS * What are report bands? * Managing report controls * Basing reports on multiple tables * Basing reports on queries * Sorting and grouping records

Access - introduction (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry