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337 Typing courses delivered Online

55320 Programming with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

By Nexus Human

Duration 5 Days 30 CPD hours This course is intended for This course is intended for students new to computer programming or experienced programmers who are new to client-side web development. Overview After completing this course, you will be able to: Describe the technologies involved in web development. Create HTML pages with links and images. Explain the benefits of CSS. Style HTML pages with CSS. Explain the concepts of objects, methods, and properties. Work with JavaScript variables. Create their own custom functions in JavaScript. Write flow control logic in JavaScript. Write JavaScript code that listens for and handles events, such as mouse clicks and page loads. Create forms with HTML and validate them with JavaScript. Use regular expressions in JavaScript for advanced form validation. This course is intended for IT professionals interested in becoming client-side web developers. who need to get a jump start on all three technologies. The course includes more than 30 exercises, providing a rapid hands-on introduction to the three major client-side languages: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Students should be prepared to cover a lot of ground quickly.This material updates and replaces course Microsoft course 20480 which was previously published under the title Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3. MODULE 1: A QUICK OVERVIEW OF WEB DEVELOPMENT * HTML is Part of a Team * Client-side Programming * Server-side Programming * Web Development Technologies MODULE 2: INTRODUCTION TO HTML * Exercise: A Simple HTML Document * Getting Started with a Simple HTML Document * HTML Elements, Attributes, and Comments * The HTML Skeleton * Viewing the Page Source * Special Characters * HTML Elements and Special Characters * History of HTML * The lang Attribute MODULE 3: PARAGRAPHS, HEADINGS, AND TEXT * Paragraphs * Heading Levels * Breaks and Horizontal Rules * Exercise: Paragraphs, Headings, and Text * The div Tag * Creating an HTML Page * Quoted Text * Preformatted Text * Inline Semantic Elements * Exercise: Adding Inline Elements MODULE 4: HTML LINKS * Links Introduction * Text Links * Absolute vs. Relative Paths * Targeting New Tabs * Email Links * Exercise: Adding Links * Lorem Ipsum * The title Attribute * Linking to a Specific Location on the Page * Targeting a Specific Location on the Page MODULE 5: HTML IMAGES * Inserting Images * Image Links * Adding Images to the Document * Exercise: Adding Images to the Page * Providing Alternative Images MODULE 6: HTML LISTS * Unordered Lists * Ordered Lists * Definition Lists * Exercise: Creating Lists MODULE 7: CRASH COURSE IN CSS * Benefits of Cascading Style Sheets * CSS Rules * Selectors * Combinators * Precedence of Selectors * How Browsers Style Pages * CSS Resets * CSS Normalizers * External Stylesheets, Embedded Stylesheets, and Inline Styles * Exercise: Creating an External Stylesheet * Exercise: Creating an Embedded Stylesheet * Exercise: Adding Inline Styles * div and span * Exercise: Styling div and span * Media Types * Units of Measurement * Inheritance MODULE 8: CSS FONTS * font-family * @font-face * font-size * font-style * font-variant * font-weight * line-height * font shorthand * Exercise: Styling Fonts MODULE 9: COLOR AND OPACITY * About Color and Opacity * Color and Opacity Values * Color * Opacity * Exercise: Adding Color and Opacity to Text MODULE 10: CSS TEXT * letter-spacing * text-align * text-decoration * text-indent * text-shadow * text-transform * white-space * word-break * word-spacing * Exercise: Text Properties MODULE 11: JAVASCRIPT BASICS * JavaScript vs. EcmaScript * The HTML DOM * JavaScript Syntax * Accessing Elements * Where Is JavaScript Code Written? * JavaScript Objects, Methods, and Properties * Exercise: Alerts, Writing, and Changing Background Color MODULE 12: VARIABLES, ARRAYS, AND OPERATORS * JavaScript Variables * A Loosely Typed Language * Google Chrome DevTools * Storing User-Entered Data * Exercise: Using Variables * Constants * Arrays * Exercise: Working with Arrays * Associative Arrays * Playing with Array Methods * JavaScript Operators * The Modulus Operator * Playing with Operators * The Default Operator * Exercise: Working with Operators MODULE 13: JAVASCRIPT FUNCTIONS * Global Objects and Functions * Exercise: Working with Global Functions * User-defined Functions * Exercise: Writing a JavaScript Function * Returning Values from Functions MODULE 14: BUILT-IN JAVASCRIPT OBJECTS * Strings * Math * Date * Helper Functions * Exercise: Returning the Day of the Week as a String MODULE 15: CONDITIONALS AND LOOPS * Conditionals * Short-circuiting * Switch / Case * Ternary Operator * Truthy and Falsy * Exercise: Conditional Processing * Loops * while and do?while Loops * for Loops * break and continue * Exercise: Working with Loops * Array: forEach() MODULE 16: EVENT HANDLERS AND LISTENERS * On-event Handlers * Exercise: Using On-event Handlers * The addEventListener() Method * Anonymous Functions * Capturing Key Events * Exercise: Adding Event Listeners * Benefits of Event Listeners * Timers * Typing Test MODULE 17: THE HTML DOCUMENT OBJECT MODEL * CSS Selectors * The innerHTML Property * Nodes, NodeLists, and HTMLCollections * Accessing Element Nodes * Exercise: Accessing Elements * Dot Notation and Square Bracket Notation * Accessing Elements Hierarchically * Exercise: Working with Hierarchical Elements * Accessing Attributes * Creating New Nodes * Focusing on a Field * Shopping List Application * Exercise: Logging * Exercise: Adding EventListeners * Exercise: Adding Items to the List * Exercise: Dynamically Adding Remove Buttons to the List Items * Exercise: Removing List Items * Exercise: Preventing Duplicates and Zero-length Product Names * Manipulating Tables MODULE 18: HTML FORMS * How HTML Forms Work * The form Element * Form Elements * Buttons * Exercise: Creating a Registration Form * Checkboxes * Radio Buttons * Exercise: Adding Checkboxes and Radio Buttons * Fieldsets * Select Menus * Textareas * Exercise: Adding a Select Menu and a Textarea * HTML Forms and CSS MODULE 19: JAVASCRIPT FORM VALIDATION * Server-side Form Validation * HTML Form Validation * Accessing Form Data * Form Validation with JavaScript * Exercise: Checking the Validity of the Email and URL Fields * Checking Validity on Input and Submit Events * Adding Error Messages * Validating Textareas * Validating Checkboxes * Validating Radio Buttons * Validating Select Menus * Exercise: Validating the Ice Cream Order Form * Giving the User a Chance MODULE 20: REGULAR EXPRESSIONS * Getting Started * Regular Expression Syntax * Backreferences * Form Validation with Regular Expressions * Cleaning Up Form Entries * Exercise: Cleaning Up Form Entries * A Slightly More Complex Example

55320 Programming with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
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Corel WordPerfect Complete Training Course


By John Academy

DESCRIPTION: Corel WordPerfect 12 is a word processing application with a long history on multiple personal computer platforms. In the first section of the course, you will get basic knowledge on foundation training along with Workspace manager, customizing spelling and grammar. You will be able to create, edit, and save documents. Secondly, the intermediate level explains to you how to use the file dialogue box, toolbar, page set up, save and print files, etc. It will also teach you all the tools and techniques required to operate any work making it more valuable. Moving on to the advanced level, you will learn the stuff such as creating and modifying charts, making tables, working with rows and columns, sorting data, etc. Following that, you will learn about the basic introduction, applications and advantages of using email. Besides, you will get a clear idea of the anatomy, interface, shortcut keys, inbox, outbox, basic email etiquette, and so much more. Finally, application training section teaches you about email applications, opening and closing the WordPerfect email application. Corel WordPerfect Complete Training Course is created to help you stand out among other co-workers and to perform better at work. LEARNING OUTCOMES: * Opening and closing the program; understanding the interface; using menus, quickmenus, toolbars and dialog boxes * How to use the programs toolbar and property bar, showing or hiding toolbars, customizing and managing it * Typing text basics, selecting text with mouse, keyboard and menu, general tips and tricks * Working with text via cutting, copying, pasting, using drag and drop, understanding insert and typeover mode, and using undo and redo * How to save files for the first and second times, opening and closing files and/or document * Utilizing the help menu, help topics, Corel tutor, specialized help, contextual help amd 'What's This' option * Navigation through your cursor, scroll bars, keyboard, and the toolbar * Using the object browser, go to dialog box, find the dialog box, and find and replace words * Managing fonts through font face, size, bold, underline, italics, colour, quickfonts button, highlighting, and text's case through the property bar * More font options through the dialog box, and advanced font tasks like embedding fonts and more * Managing text position using the alignment, justification, line and paragraph spacing, ruler, tabs, margins and more options * Spelling and grammar checking, using prompt-as-you-go, Grammatik, thesaurus, and the dictionary * Opening, using, creating a template and organising projects * Using PerfectExpert, and creaing envelopes and labels from the menu option * Inserting data, time, symbols, using QuickWords, QuickCorrect, and smart quotes * Ways to insert, suppress, remove page numbers, force pages and further insert line numbers * Inserting clipart and pictures, reshaping and resizing graphics, positioning through the QuickMenu, ordering and flipping pictures, and adding borders * How to use page view, draft view, two page view and zoom * Using the print preview option to make adjustments and printing through various settings and options * Switching between various documents, arranging document windows, moving text between documents, saving text in a separate file, and inserting documents * Emailing and faxing your documents, and publishing them as PDF * Affects of HTML on your document, previewing file in your browser, and publishing to HTML * Making WordPerfect look like MS Office, opening office documents, saving office files, and using outlook contacts in WordPerfect * Utilizing the WordPerfect file dialog box and toolbar options * Saving your files using file extensions, viewing file properties, backing up your documents, and saving different versions * Using page setup through margins, layout options, page size and orientation * Explore the various printing options in order to get printouts * Creating, expanding and saving Master documents; also creating, editing and removing subdocuments * Understanding reveal codes window and un-revealing codes * Examining code - like modifying, deleting, hard vs. soft; working with specific codes - character, sentence and paragraphs, etc.; and finding and replacing codes * Applying built-in style using the property bar, updating existing styles, and creating your own style using QuickStyles and dialog boxes * Creating and using document styles; and managing styles through the adding, saving and settings options * Inserting and creating different list styles, and managing these list styles * Utilizing QuickFormat and other formatting tools like the Make-It-Fit command and more * Creating headers and footers, using the property bar, placing, suppressing, and deleting headers and footers * Formatting text into columns, commenting on documents and reviewing them as well * How to create watermark or text boxes * Moving, resizing, adding borders and fill, adding captions, and wrapping text in text boxes * Understand the basics of custom graphics and how to edit them to meet your needs * Creating hyperlink and speed link within your documents * Working with bookmarks and quickmarks * Create table of contents, setting it up, generating and re-generating it, and using the document map * Discover how to use WordPerfect, Microsoft Word, WordPerfect Classic, and Legal mode * Customize toolbars, property bars, menus, keyboards, display settings and application bar options * Modify WordPerfect environment, file settings, setting summary and conversion options * Keep your spelling and grammar on check, change language preferences, add words to dictionary, and customize word list * Understand the table structure and use tables property bar, QuickCreate, table menu and perfect expert to manage tables * Insert, delete, resize, join and split cells or columns and rows * Format tables through cells rotation option, setting vertical alignment, adding borders and fill, using speedformat, and creating or deleting speedformat styles * Carry out advanced table tasks by using QuickSum, creating formulas, changing numeric formula of a cell, converting table to tabbed text and vice versa * Understand the structure of charts, insert charts, how interface differs when working with them, move, resize, and delete them * Changing chart type, chart colours and fonts, legend box, and your perspective * Sort out data using sort dialog, setting sort options, creating custom sort, and outputting sort results to a disk * Importing and linking spreadsheets or databases, and inserting objects and other file types * Merging mail, creating data file, entering your data, using meal merge toolbar in data file * Finding records; navigating between records and fields; modifying field names; adding, deleting and editing records * Create form documents, add merge fields and merge codes, performing the merge, and creating envelopes during the merge * Get an overview of the XML interface, creating new documents, publishing to XML, and converting existing documents to XML * Using macro toolbars and visual basic editor along with recording, playing, editing and deleting macros * Downloading the OfficeReady browser, using it and templates from the browser * How to searchfor files in WordPerfect, starting the WordPerfect when Windows starts, and the differences between Windows Clipboard vs. Corel Clipbook * Email address structure, the benefits of email, email etiquette, understand spam and viruses, and digital signatures * Common email applications, opening and closing the WordPerfect email application, understanding its structure and getting help * Using the folder list, main menus, toolbar, shortcut menus, shortcut keys and dialogue boxes * Opening your inbox and messages, switching between open messages, closing email messages, and adding and removing message list headings * Using the contact list, searching for messages, creating folders, and moving messages to a folder * Sorting and deleting messages, restoring and emptying deleted items * Flagging messages, marking messages as read or unread, opening and saving attachments, using reply & reply to all, and forwarding messages options * How to print your messages using the print preview, print commands, choosing a print range, and setting the number of copies * Creating and addressing messages; adding a subject; composing message; using the cut, copy and paste options and sending the message * Adding and removing attachments, changing priority, and copying text into a message * Explore the differences between HTML and Plain text emails, set up default text fonts, add images, and spell checks * Adding people to your contact list, how to create a distribution list, and adding and removing addresses from the distribution list * Understanding the structure of email addresses, advantages of email, email etiquette, spams and viruses, and digital signatures * Common email applications, opening and closing the WordPerfect email application, understanding its structure and getting help * Utilizing the folder list, main menus, toolbar, shortcut menus, shortcut keys and dialogue boxes * Opening your inbox and messages, switching between open messages, closing email messages, and adding and removing message list headings * Best ways to use the contact list, search for messages, create folders, and moving messages to a folder * Sorting and deleting messages, restoring and emptying deleted items * Discover more about message tools through flagging, marking messages as read or unread, opening and saving attachments, using reply and forwarding messages options * How to print your messages using the print preview, print commands, choosing a print range, and setting the number of copies * Creating and addressing messages; adding a subject; composing message; using the cut, copy and paste options and sending the message * Advanced message tools like adding and removing attachments, changing priority, copying text into a message * Compare HTML vs. Plain text emails, set up default text fonts, add images, and check spellings * Adding people to your contact list, how to create a distribution list, and changing the addresses from the distribution list ASSESSMENT: * At the end of the course, you will be required to sit for an online MCQ test. Your test will be assessed automatically and immediately. You will instantly know whether you have been successful or not. * Before sitting for your final exam you will have the opportunity to test your proficiency with a mock exam. CERTIFICATION: * After completing and passing the course successfully, you will be able to obtain an Accredited Certificate of Achievement. * Certificates can be obtained either in hard copy at a cost of £39 or in PDF format at a cost of £24. WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? Corel WordPerfect Complete Training Course is certified by CPD Qualifications Standards and CiQ. This makes it perfect for anyone trying to learn potential professional skills. As there is no experience and qualification required for this course, it is available for all students from any academic background. REQUIREMENTS Our Corel WordPerfect Complete Training Course is fully compatible with any kind of device. Whether you are using Windows computer, Mac, smartphones or tablets, you will get the same experience while learning. Besides that, you will be able to access the course with any kind of internet connection from anywhere at any time without any kind of limitation. CAREER PATH After completing this course you will be able to build up accurate knowledge and skills with proper confidence to enrich yourself and brighten up your career in the relevant job market. Module - 1 OPENING COREL WORDPERFECT 12 00:30:00 MORE ABOUT TOOLBARS 00:30:00 CREATING AND SELECTING TEXT 00:30:00 WORKING WITH TEXT 00:30:00 WORKING WITH YOUR DOCUMENT 00:30:00 FINDING HELP 00:30:00 BASIC NAVIGATION 00:15:00 USING WORDPERFECT'S TOOLS TO NAVIGATE THROUGH YOUR DOCUMENT 00:30:00 USING FONTS ON THE PROPERTY BAR 00:30:00 USING THE FONTS DIALOG BOX 00:30:00 ADVANCED FONT TASKS 01:00:00 CHANGING TEXT'S POSITION 00:30:00 ADVANCED TEXT POSITIONING 00:30:00 LANGUAGE TOOLS 00:30:00 PROJECTS 01:00:00 OTHER PRE-FORMATTED DOCUMENTS 00:30:00 USING TIMESAVING TOOLS 01:00:00 USING PAGE NUMBERS 00:30:00 ADDING PICTURES 01:00:00 VIEWING YOUR DOCUMENT 00:30:00 USING PRINT PREVIEW 00:30:00 PRINTING YOUR DOCUMENT 00:30:00 WORKING WITH MULTIPLE DOCUMENTS 00:30:00 SENDING YOUR DOCUMENT ELSEWHERE 00:30:00 CREATING A WEB PAGE 00:15:00 WORDPERFECT AND MICROSOFT OFFICE 00:30:00 Module - 2 USING THE FILE DIALOG BOX 01:00:00 USING TOOLBARS 00:15:00 SAVING YOUR FILES 00:30:00 USING PAGE SETUP 00:30:00 PRINTING YOUR FILES 00:30:00 USING MASTER DOCUMENTS AND SUBDOCUMENTS 01:00:00 REVEALING CODES 00:30:00 EXAMINING CODE 00:30:00 SPECIFIC CODES 00:30:00 FINDING AND REPLACING CODES 00:30:00 APPLYING A BUILT-IN STYLE 00:30:00 CREATING A STYLE 00:30:00 USING DOCUMENT STYLES 00:30:00 MANAGING LIST STYLES 00:30:00 USING LIST STYLES 01:00:00 MANAGING LIST STYLES 00:30:00 USING QUICKFORMAT 01:00:00 OTHER FORMATTING TOOLS 01:00:00 CREATING HEADERS AND FOOTERS 00:30:00 FORMATTING TEXT INTO COLUMNS 01:00:00 COMMENTING ON A DOCUMENT 01:00:00 REVIEWING A DOCUMENT 01:00:00 CREATING A WATERMARK 00:30:00 CREATING TEXT BOXES 00:30:00 JAZZING UP TEXT BOXES 01:00:00 THE BASICS OF CUSTOM GRAPHICS 00:30:00 EDITING CUSTOM GRAPHICS 01:00:00 CREATING LINKS TO OUTSIDE YOUR DOCUMENT 00:30:00 WORKING WITH BOOKMARKS 00:30:00 WORKING WITH QUICKMARKS 00:30:00 CREATING A TABLE OF CONTENTS 01:00:00 Module - 3 Using the Workspace Manager 00:30:00 Customizing How You Interact With Word 00:15:00 Customizing How WordPerfect Interacts With Data 00:30:00 Customizing Spelling and Grammar 00:30:00 Creating a Basic Table 01:00:00 Working With Rows and Columns 00:30:00 Formatting a Table 00:30:00 Advanced Table Tasks 01:00:00 Creating Charts 00:30:00 Modifying Charts 00:30:00 Sorting Data 01:00:00 Using Data From Other Applications 00:30:00 Mail Merge Basics 00:30:00 Modifying Your Data 00:30:00 Finalizing the Merge 00:30:00 Creating an XML Document 01:00:00 Macros 01:00:00 Using the OfficeReady Browser 00:30:00 WordPerfect and Windows 01:00:00 Module - 4 All About E-mail 00:30:00 Getting Started 01:00:00 Components of the Mail Interface 00:30:00 Working with Messages 01:00:00 Managing Mail 01:00:00 Working With Messages 00:30:00 Message Tools 01:00:00 Printing Messages 00:30:00 Creating Messages 01:00:00 Advanced Message Tools 01:00:00 Working With E-mail 01:00:00 Address Tools 01:00:00 Module - 5 All About E-mail 00:15:00 Getting Started 00:30:00 Components of the Mail Interface 00:30:00 Working with Messages 00:30:00 Managing Mail 01:00:00 Working With Messages 00:30:00 Message Tools 00:30:00 Printing Messages 00:30:00 Creating Messages 00:30:00 Advanced Message Tools 00:30:00 Working With E-mail 00:30:00 Address Tools 00:30:00 Order Your Certificate and Transcript Order Your Certificates and Transcripts 00:00:00

Corel WordPerfect Complete Training Course
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CompTIA Security+ Certification SY0-601: The Total Course

By Packt

This video course is designed to prepare you to achieve the internationally recognized fundamental IT training certification, CompTIA Security+ Certification SY0-601 exam. The course covers all the major domains needed for the certification and will help you develop the basics of IT and computers with the help of examples and quizzes.

CompTIA Security+ Certification SY0-601: The Total Course
Delivered Online On Demand

Advanced Diploma in Anatomy and Physiology


By John Academy

OVERVIEW Health careers are always in demand. And having sound knowledge of human anatomy and psychology is beneficial not only for healthcare jobs but also for your personal health. This Advanced Diploma in Anatomy and Physiology course will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of human anatomy and psychology. As a result, you can brace yourself with a promising career in the field of science.  In this Advanced Diploma in Anatomy and Physiology course, you'll discover the theoretical and practical functionalities of the human body. The course will provide you with valuable insights into the major body systems and how they interact with each other. Furthermore, you'll get excellent information on the major levels of organisation in the body, such as molecules, cells, tissues and organs. By the end of the training, you will know how the human body develops and changes throughout life.  LEARNING OUTCOMES * Find a comprehensive overview of human psychology and anatomy * Learn about the body systems and their functions * Enrich your knowledge of the major level of organisations in the body * Understand the chemical level of organisation * Know the anatomy of the nervous system * Determine the functions of the skeletal system * Know the types of body movements * Broaden your understanding of the cranial nerves * Understand the anatomy of the heart WHO IS THE COURSE FOR? This Advanced Diploma in Anatomy and Physiology course is suitable for anyone interested in understanding human anatomy and psychology. In addition, the training will open doors to various health career opportunities.   ENTRY REQUIREMENT * This course is available to all learners, of all academic backgrounds. * Learners should be aged 16 or over to undertake the qualification. * Good understanding of English language, numeracy, and ICT are required to attend this course. ASSESSMENT  At the end of the course, you will be required to sit for an online multiple-choice test. Your test will be assessed automatically and immediately so that you will instantly know whether you have been successful. Before sitting for your final exam, you will have the opportunity to test your proficiency with a mock exam. CERTIFICATION: After completing and passing the course successfully, you will be able to obtain an Accredited Certificate of Achievement. Certificates can be obtained either in hard copy at a cost of £39 or in PDF format at a cost of £24. WHY CHOOSE US? * Affordable, well-structured and high-quality e-learning study materials * Engaging  tutorial videos, materials from the industry-leading experts * Opportunity to study in a user-friendly, advanced online learning platform * Efficient exam systems for the assessment and instant result * UK & internationally recognised accredited qualification * Access the course content on mobile, tablet, or desktop from anywhere, anytime * Excellent career advancement opportunities * 24/7 student support via email. CAREER PATH Advanced Diploma in Anatomy and Physiology Course provides useful skills to possess and would be beneficial for the following professionals: * Medical laboratory technician. * Physical therapist assistant. * MRI technologist. * Medical technologist * Nurse. * Personal trainer. * Massage therapist * Science teacher Updated Version-Advanced Diploma in Anatomy and Physiology Module 01: The Chemistry of Cells The Chemistry of Cells 00:27:00 Module 02: Cells Cells 00:16:00 Module 03: Cell Division Cell Division 00:19:00 Module 04: Replication and Metabolism Replication and Metabolism 00:20:00 Module 05: Human Tissues Human Tissues 00:25:00 Module 06: Skin Skin 00:16:00 Module 07: Human Skeletal System Human Skeletal System 00:21:00 Module 08: The Muscular System The Muscular System 00:17:00 Module 09: Skeletal Muscle Fibre Skeletal Muscle Fibre 00:23:00 Module 10: Nervous System Nervous System 00:31:00 Module 11: The Brain The Brain 00:25:00 Module 12: Nervous System-Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves Nervous System-Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves 00:15:00 Module 13: Nervous System - Autonomic Nervous System and Cranial Nerves Nervous System - Autonomic Nervous System and Cranial Nerves 00:21:00 Module 14: Nervous System-The Eyes Nervous System-The Eyes 00:15:00 Module 15: Nervous System-The Ears, Hearing, and Equilibrium Nervous System-The Ears, Hearing, and Equilibrium 00:14:00 Module 16: Nervous System-Memory Nervous System-Memory 00:19:00 Module 17: Sensory Systems Sensory Systems 00:23:00 Module 18: Cardiovascular System Cardiovascular System 00:25:00 Module 19: Blood Blood 00:27:00 Module 20: Lymphatics Lymphatics 00:20:00 Module 21: Immune System Immune System 00:26:00 Module 22: Digestive System Digestive System 00:22:00 Module 23: Respiratory System Respiratory System 00:19:00 Module 24: Urinary System Urinary System 00:16:00 Module 25: Male Reproductive System Male Reproductive System 00:31:00 Module 26: Female Reproductive System Female Reproductive System 00:31:00 Order Your Certificate Order Your Certificates and Transcripts 00:00:00 Old Version-Advanced Diploma in Anatomy and Physiology Introduction to the Human Body Overview of Anatomy and Physiology 00:20:00 Structural Organization of the Human Body 00:15:00 Functions of Human Life 00:15:00 Requirements for Human Life 00:15:00 Homeostasis 00:15:00 Anatomical Terminology 00:15:00 Medical Imaging 00:15:00 The Chemical Level Elements and Atoms: The Building Blocks of Matter 00:25:00 Chemical Bonds 00:25:00 Chemical Reactions 00:20:00 Inorganic Compounds Essential to Human Functioning 00:15:00 Organic Compounds Essential to Human Functioning 00:20:00 The Cellular Level The Cell Membrane 00:20:00 The Cytoplasm and Cellular Organelles 00:15:00 The Nucleus and DNA Replication 00:15:00 Protein Synthesis 00:15:00 Cell Growth and Division 00:20:00 Cellular Differentiation 00:10:00 The Tissue Level Types of Tissues 00:15:00 Epithelial Tissue 00:20:00 Muscle Tissue and Motion 00:05:00 Nervous Tissue Mediates Perception and Response 00:05:00 Tissue Injury and Aging 00:15:00 The Integumentary System Layers of the Skin 00:20:00 Accessory Structures of the Skin 00:15:00 Functions of the Integumentary System 00:10:00 Diseases, Disorders, and Injuries of the Integumentary System 00:15:00 Bone Tissue and the Skeletal System The Functions of the Skeletal System 00:10:00 Bone Classification 00:10:00 Bone Structure 00:20:00 Bone Formation and Development 00:10:00 Fractures: Bone Repair 00:05:00 Exercise, Nutrition, Hormones, and Bone Tissue 00:15:00 Calcium Homeostasis: Interactions of the Skeletal System and Other Organ Systems 00:10:00 Axial Skeleton Divisions of the Skeletal System 00:05:00 The Skull 00:45:00 The Vertebral Column 00:20:00 The Thoracic Cage 00:05:00 Embryonic Development of the Axial Skeleton 00:10:00 Joints Classification of Joints 00:10:00 Fibrous Joints 00:10:00 Cartilaginous Joints 00:05:00 Synovial Joints 00:20:00 Types of Body Movements 00:20:00 Anatomy of Selected Synovial Joints 00:25:00 Development of Joints 00:05:00 Muscle Tissue Introduction to Muscle Tissue 00:05:00 Skeletal Muscle 00:15:00 Muscle Fiber Contraction and Relaxation 00:20:00 Nervous System Control of Muscle Tension 00:20:00 Types of Muscle Fibers 00:05:00 Exercise and Muscle Performance 00:10:00 Cardiac Muscle Tissue 00:05:00 Smooth Muscle 00:15:00 Development and Regeneration of Muscle Tissue 00:05:00 The Muscular System Interactions of Skeletal Muscles, Their Fascicle Arrangement, and Their Lever Systems 00:10:00 Naming Skeletal Muscles 00:10:00 Axial Muscles of the Head, Neck, and Back 00:20:00 Axial Muscles of the Abdominal Wall and Thorax 00:25:00 Muscles of the Pectoral Girdle and Upper Limbs 00:30:00 Appendicular Muscles of the Pelvic Girdle and Lower Limbs 00:15:00 The Nervous System and Nervous Tissue Basic Structure and Function of the Nervous System 00:15:00 Nervous Tissue 00:15:00 The Function of Nervous Tissue 00:10:00 The Action Potential 00:15:00 Communication Between Neurons 00:15:00 Anatomy of the Nervous System The Embryologic Perspective 00:15:00 The Central Nervous System 00:25:00 Circulation and the Central Nervous System 00:15:00 The Peripheral Nervous System 00:15:00 The Brain and Cranial Nerves Sensory Perception 00:30:00 Central Processing 00:30:00 Motor Responses 00:15:00 The Autonomic Nervous System Divisions of the Autonomic Nervous System 00:15:00 Autonomic Reflexes and Homeostasis 00:20:00 Central Control 00:10:00 Drugs that Affect the Autonomic System 00:15:00 The Endocrine System Introduction to Endocrine System 00:05:00 Hormones 00:15:00 The Pituitary Gland and Hypothalamus 00:15:00 The Thyroid Gland 00:15:00 The Parathyroid Glands 00:05:00 The Adrenal Glands 00:10:00 Gonadal and Placental Hormones 00:05:00 The Endocrine Pancreas 00:10:00 Organs with Secondary Endocrine Functions 00:05:00 Development and Aging of the Endocrine System 00:10:00 The Cardiovascular System: Blood Overview of Blood 00:20:00 Production of the Formed Elements 00:10:00 Erythrocytes 00:30:00 Leukocytes and Platelets 00:15:00 Hemostasis 00:20:00 Blood Typing 00:10:00 The Cardiovascular System: The Heart Heart Anatomy 00:50:00 Cardiac Muscle and Electrical Activity 00:30:00 Cardiac Cycle 00:20:00 Cardiac Physiology 00:20:00 Development of the Heart 00:10:00 Mock Exam Mock Exam - Advanced Diploma in Anatomy and Physiology 00:20:00 Final Exam Final Exam - Advanced Diploma in Anatomy and Physiology 00:20:00 Order Your Certificates and Transcripts Order Your Certificates and Transcripts 00:00:00

Advanced Diploma in Anatomy and Physiology
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Web Development Secrets Revealed - Critical Rendering Path, HTTP, AJAX, and More

By Packt

A comprehensive web development course that will help you understand 'why' things work and not just 'how'. Learn to write better code to boost your website traffic; know how to precision fix and tweak behavior and performance; improve your market penetration and your margins. Everything you need to know about the Critical Rendering Path, AJAX, and HTTP is right here at your fingertips.

Web Development Secrets Revealed - Critical Rendering Path, HTTP, AJAX, and More
Delivered Online On Demand

Microsoft Word - Document Production Part 1

By Underscore Group

Learn all the quick tips and tricks you didn’t know about in Word and how to properly setup new documents. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COURSE OVERVIEW Duration: 1 day (6.5 hours) Our Word Document Production (Part 1) course shows you how Word was designed to be used and demonstrates the powerful tools available. This course will enable you to originate professional documents with ease, ensuring that modifications are quick and uncomplicated.  It looks at some of the common frustrations and how to avoid them. This course is aimed at existing Word users who want to get the best out of the package OBJECTIVES  By the end of the course you will be able to: * Customise Word * Use different Word views * Use line, paragraph and page breaks correctly * Set indents and tabs * Use styles for easy formatting * Work with section breaks * Work with automatic correction features * Insert and modify tables CONTENT Word setup * Using different views * Customising the status bar * Customising the Quick Access bar and Ribbon DOCUMENT SETUP * Using the Navigation Pane * Using Show / Hide * Line vs paragraph breaks * Using page break USING THE RULER  * Setting indents and tabs * The different types of indent * Using dot leader tab BULLETS AND NUMBERING * Working with simple numbered and bulleted lists * Sorting lists * Working with multi level lists STYLES * The importance of styles * Creating, amending and applying Character Styles * Amending and applying Paragraph Styles * Setting bullet point styles * Using the Style Inspector REORGANISING A DOCUMENT * Using Outline View * Promoting and demoting headings * Displaying Styles names in Draft and Outline views PAGE AND NUMBER FOMATTING * Section vs page breaks * Setting page orientation * Setting page margins * Displaying page border  AUTOMATIC CORRECTIONS * Working with Quick Parts * Setting autocorrect options * Autoformat while typing CREATING SIMPLE TABLES * Inserting or drawing a table * Modifying table formatting * Adding rows and columns * Changing row heights and column widths

Microsoft Word - Document Production Part 1
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Horsham
Price on Enquiry

JavaScript Complete Grandmaster 2023

By Packt

You will not only learn a few lines of code in this course but will also understand the principles of programming. Learn the fundamentals of JavaScript with the latest JavaScript versions (ES6/ES7/ES8/ES9/ES10/ESNext) and you will be well on your way to being a Grandmaster programmer in any language.

JavaScript Complete Grandmaster 2023
Delivered Online On Demand

Educators matching "Typing"

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Touch Typing for Kids

touch typing for kids


Touch Typing is an essential life skill and we find that children who learn accurately to literally type without looking at their fingers, will save time in producing homework and in exams etc. As experienced Specialist Teachers, we are able to effectively differentiate and individualise touch typing challenges so that all students achieve their potential. Multi-sensory learning, through games and incentives, create a brilliantly fun atmosphere in which children aged 7 upwards, thrive! We have children who want to learn good basic typing skills and those who need this skill in order to type for GCSEs, and A Level exams. Note taking, punctuation skills and real time typing under pressure are also explored with the advanced students. An encouraging, motivating and uplifting environment is created in which children of all learning abilities thrive. We specialise in helping children with dyslexia, dyspraxia, dysgraphia and hypermobility as well as for those just want to learn it as a life skill, or for application towards the skill section of the DofE levels. Our testimonies tell of children literally loving the courses to such an extent, that they often come back time and time again, bringing their siblings and friends for follow up courses! At Touch Typing for Kids, we teach children how to improve their speed and accuracy. If you'd like more information about our children's touch typing lessons, drop us an email. Seth and Delia's years of specialist teaching experience put them in an excellent position to differentiate typing objectives for the individual learner during these multi-sensory touch typing courses. Teaching this skill is one of the many hats Delia and Seth wear during their working life, as they both run the Hampstead Dyslexia Clinic (Est. 1984) and individually run the Hampstead Dyslexia Consultancy and London Dyslexia Clinic.

Touch-type Read and Spell

touch-type read and spell


TTRS is modular in design and contains 24 levels with 31 modules in each level. A module typically takes a few minutes to complete and we recommend taking 2-3 modules a session. Student success is encouraged by immediate feedback and positive reinforcement. This feedback includes a score that is based on completion rates and accuracy, not speed or time taken. First score – first success The course starts with learning to touch-type, read and spell the vowels – a , e , i , o , u. The audio track accompanies the letters as they appear on screen, reinforcing sound-letter correspondence, which is a crucial skill for sounding out words in reading. The user then receives their first score – and success! Phonics and repetition In the second level, the student is introduced to words grouped by onset, vowel-blend and final consonant. For example – fed, wed, led. This teaches phonics in context and at the same time the student learns the position of the keys using the on-screen hand guides. With repetition, words move from short-term to long-term memory and the skill of typing begins to feel more comfortable. Repetition is also a way of over-learning that can help users with dyslexia overcome working memory and processing difficulties. Multi-sensory approach TTRS takes a multi-sensory approach to repetition learning. Through the multi-sensory approach, a user hears the words spoken through headphones or speakers, sees the words printed on the screen, and is prompted as to which fingers to press via the on-screen keyboard. Finally, through the sense of touch, they type out the words, harnessing muscle memory in the hands and fingers to learn spelling.