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149 Therapist courses in London

Developing Self-Compassion

By Human Givens College

– in yourself and others Research shows that exercising self-compassion creates more resilience against stress, greater ability to focus, increases happiness and optimism, improves relationships and more. This live online course explains why and gives you a range of effective techniques you can use straight away…  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Accredited CPD Certificate: 6 hours * Length: 1 day (9.15am - 4.00pm BST) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Absolutely brilliant live workshop from beginning to end! > > CARMEL AUSTIN Many people struggle with showing themselves compassion – they may be highly critical of themselves, or wracked with feelings of shame, self-doubt or self-worth – but with the right approach it is possible to help them develop this key component of recovery and wellbeing. This new online self-compassion course provides you with all you need to know to bring self-compassion into your practice, your personal life and the lives of others – with plenty of time to try out the techniques for yourself. Join our expert tutor Julie Johnson [https://www.humangivens.com/person/julie-johnson/] live online on Tuesday 4th June 2024 for this helpful CPD training delivered via Zoom. When you book, we’ll email your booking confirmation – your link for joining the Zoom workshop will be sent the day before the event – numbers are limited so book soon to ensure your place. BONUS RECORDING – the training is recorded, in case anyone experiences technical difficulties, so you’ll also get a recording afterwards for a limited time to maximise your learning. WHY TAKE THIS COURSE Being compassionate towards ourselves when things go wrong, or we are struggling to cope, is not self-pity – it is an essential skill that can be learnt and developed, giving people the strength to move forward. When things don’t go our way or we feel we can’t cope – or something bad has happened to us – we may feel ashamed or blame ourselves for not being good enough, capable enough, strong enough and so on. This negative self-criticism can be highly damaging and hold us back. It is far more empowering to turn towards ourselves with compassion (which is what self-compassion literally means). Helping people to find the best ways to draw out their self-compassion is a skill that needs to be learned. Different from empathy (the ability to appreciate what another person is experiencing) and from self-pity (which is self-focused, exaggerates personal suffering and is disempowering and draining), self-compassion enhances resilience, allowing us to recognise our personal failings while appreciating that we are all human and make mistakes – thus helping us to move on past them. Learning how to use self-compassion from a human givens perspective makes it an extra-valuable tool for supporting our clients in getting their innate needs met and making best use of their innate resources. It may also help you in your own life. This indepth 1-day live online self-compassion experiential training day shows you how. > A wonderful online learning experience, jam-packed full of useful teaching and > loads of references to resources for further self study and development... > > KARSTEN ALVA-JORGENSEN, EXECUTIVE COACH WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * What self-compassion is and isn’t * Research findings that demonstrate the positive effects on the body and mind of exercising self-compassion * Why some people find self-compassion difficult * The roots of self-compassion * A new empowering perspective on making mistakes * How practising self-compassion helps our ability to problem solve * An important adjunctive tool for working with harsh self-criticism, trauma, emotional pain; bereavement, loss, change, and chronic-conditions * Why self-compassion increases resilience * Simple techniques for self-soothing and self-care * How to apply these new understandings in therapy * The especial value of using these techniques with parents and children * How to bring these technique seamlessly into everyday life * Ways that self-compassion helps with meeting emotional needs * The impact of self-compassionate practice on organisations * How self-compassion can help children become happier and kinder * Why compassion for oneself enhances sense of status * Ways that exercising self-compassion lowers emotional arousal and unhelpful thinking * How self-compassion differs from both compassion and empathy * The dangers of too much self-compassion * How self-compassion helps focus the imagination positively * Creative applications of self-compassion * How self-compassion maps onto every human need and innate emotional resource, making it an essential tool in every HG practitioner’s toolbox * Practical examples and case histories to learn from -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHO IS THIS COURSE SUITABLE FOR? * Anyone interested for personal or professional reasons * Including anyone working as a practitioner helping those in mental distress or with chronic physical conditions * Anyone interested in skills to help promote their own wellbeing and that of others * Anyone working or living with children, or young and older people * Anyone working with parents * Anyone working within a caring context, such as carers, teachers, NHS workers, foster carers, social workers etc * Therapists, counsellors and mental health professionals -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COURSE PROGRAMME The ‘Developing Self-Compassion’ live online training day starts at 9.15am and runs until 4.00pm. (BST). * 9.15am Join the Zoom meeting * 9.00am Introduction to self-compassion * 11.00am Comfort break and discussion * 11.30am Unpacking self-compassion * 1.00pm Lunch break * 1.45pm Self-compassion skills * 2.45pm Comfort break and discussion * 3.00pm Pulling it all together * 4.00pm End days -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This course has been independently accredited by the internationally recognised CPD Standards Office for 6 hours of CPD training. On completion of this training you’ll receive CPD certificates from the College and the CPD Standards Office.

Developing Self-Compassion
Delivered Online
Dates arranged on request

How to create healing stories for distressed children

By Human Givens College

A masterclass in devising therapeutic metaphors This inspiring online training day gives you powerful, non-intrusive ways to help distressed young people – and others – overcome difficulties in their lives – the skills you will learn can also be used with adults -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Accredited CPD: 6 hours * Length: 1 day (9.15am - 4.00pm GMT) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIVE ONLINE – Join Pamela Woodford live online on Tuesday 18th June 2024 for this enjoyable, experiential CPD accredited training day – you will have plenty of opportunities to ask questions, take part in exercises to practice the steps involved, come up with pertinent metaphors and create your own story. Limited numbers. BONUS RECORDING – you will also get a recording of the tutor sessions for a limited time afterwards to maximise your learning. >>  If you can’t make this date please register your interest below and we’ll let you know as soon as a new date is available. > Fantastic online training, engaging and thought-provoking throughout. The > confidence Pamela has given me will impact positively on my everyday practice, > I am truly inspired... > > PSYCHOTHERAPIST WHY TAKE THIS COURSE Children’s natural affinity with stories gives us an incredibly powerful, non-directive way to help emotionally distressed and abused young people, who can sometimes be hard to reach in any other way.  On this practical live training event you will learn how to tap into your own metaphorical brain to create therapeutic stories and metaphors ‘in the moment’ that are appropriate to each individual’s circumstances and experiences. Throughout the day Pamela – a master storyteller and highly experienced psychotherapist – draws on her own case histories, metaphor and story examples as she guides you through the steps involved in ‘thinking on your feet’ and creating a story yourself in the moment.  By the end of the day you will have lots of new, innovative ways to engage with and help distressed children deal with the experiences they have had – whilst also offering them hope, understanding, and new ways of thinking and feeling about life and themselves. Indeed, you may well be surprised at how quickly positive psychological changes occur as a result of the stories you will create and tell ‘in the moment’. Stories also play a crucial role in child development – through the ways the different characters think, act and overcome difficulties, children gain important templates for understanding the world and dealing with the challenges and situations they will meet in life – both now and in the future. They are a wonderful way to help build resilience. Storytelling and the careful use of therapeutic metaphor are crucial elements of successful counselling and psychotherapy – they help bypass assumptions and rigid thinking to offer a new, broader way of looking at things, awaken innate resources and offer crucial hope – just what struggling children need… > Wonderful, interactive online course. Pamela is a joy to listen to – I learnt > so much > > COUNSELLOR WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * A clear understanding of how to address emotional issues in children * Simple ways to calm and relax children – “it’s the way you tell ‘em” * Tips for igniting your own imagination and creativity * How to ‘think metaphor’ to find the right one for each situation * A step-by-step guide to creating your own stories – the 6 steps for creating short stories with metaphors specifically tailored to quickly bring about positive psychological changes in children and young people * Breathing life into inanimate objects and taking inspiration from nature – how to tune into your metaphorical mind * Valuable experience in creating your own therapeutic story from scratch * How to use your stories and metaphors * The importance of paying attention to the words children use when telling you something * Case histories which illustrate the effectiveness and flexibility of stories – and show why they are such powerful therapeutic tools, even with difficult cases * How to find your own metaphors and connect them emotionally to distressing situations * Using embedded suggestions in stories – exercise * Different ways to use therapeutic stories, such as those in Pamela’s acclaimed Brighter Little Minds series, to develop emotional literacy * The importance of incorporating all of our senses * How to adapt stories to use with adolescents and adults * Tips for thinking creatively ‘on your feet’ to come up with suitable metaphors and ideas there and then in the moment * Flexible skills that can easily be adapted to working with adults * Why subtly entwining a child’s interests into a story makes its impact stronger * How to introduce a story or therapeutic metaphor naturally into your conversation * Feedback on the story you create and time to ask questions of the tutor – a highly experienced and creative psychotherapist who has spent decades working therapeutically with distressed children and young people * A greater appreciation of the subtle power of metaphor, imagination and embedded suggestions [https://www.humangivens.com/college/therapeutic-language-workshop/] and how to use them to help the young people you care for * Increased confidence in creating and telling therapeutic stories yourself * A variety of story examples and ‘scripts’ * Lots of new ideas from Pamela Woodford’s ‘treasure chest of healing spells’ to spark your own creativity * Tips for improving your own storytelling abilities > Such a helpful live online training day – the use of metaphor via story form > is a powerful tool > > HEAD OF BEHAVIOUR SUPPORT SERVICE – EDUCATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Course Programme The ‘How to create healing stories for distressed children’ live online workshop starts at 9.15am and runs until 4.00pm. (GMT). * 9.15am Join the Zoom meeting * 9.30am What can go wrong for children? How stories can help * 11.00am Comfort break and discussion * 11.10am Using metaphor, relaxation, imagination and embedded suggestions * 1.00pm Lunch break * 1.40pm Setting the scene and creating the story * 3.10pm Comfort break and discussion * 3.20pm Sharing the stories you have created * 4.00pm Day ends -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHO IS THIS COURSE SUITABLE FOR? Anyone working with emotionally distressed children or young people, including: * Psychotherapists, therapists and counsellors * Teachers and educational professionals * Childcare and healthcare professionals (and students) * Foster carers * Adoptive parents – and perspective adoptive parents * Social workers * Parents and carers * Interested friends or family who wish to help a young person they know * And anyone who would like to attend for personal reasons -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://directory.cpdstandards.com/providers/human-givens-college/ This course has been independently accredited by the internationally recognised CPD Standards Office for 6 hours of CPD training. On completion of this training you’ll receive CPD certificates from the College and the CPD Standards Office.

How to create healing stories for distressed children
Delivered Online
Dates arranged on request



By Nia Williams Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

* Online dating advice * Whatsapp or online chat * Talk through your issues * Relationship advice or life coaching * Your own personal coach * 25 mins per day * Insight gaining therapy * Guidance * Online dating training * Worksheets and guidance emailed * 7 days of coaching * Dating advice for singles https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/online-dating-advice-package/ [https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/online-dating-advice-package/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London & 2 more

* £100 per hour * Talk about your relationship or marriage, Dating or married to a narcissist, finding Mr or Mrs Right, single life, loneliness, cheating, better dating skills and relationship issues with your girlfriend or boyfriend, dating or getting to know someone new. Whatever the relationship problem talk to an M.D.D relationship coach. * Relationship advice for singles and couples (promotional rate) https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/m-d-d-telephone-service/ [https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/m-d-d-telephone-service/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London & 2 more

How to help young people who self harm

By Human Givens College

– how to react, support and move forward Discover how you can best help a young person who self-harms – gain the insights and skills you need to approach this distressing subject respectfully and safely, a better understanding of what self-harm is, why young people self-harm, and much more… -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Date: Tues 14th May 2024 * Accredited CPD Certificate: 3.5 hours * Length: 3.5 hours (with breaks) * Start time: 9.15am GMT (until 1.30pm) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > "This is one of the best self-harm trainings I’ve had, honestly..." > > EMILY LOVE, PRIMARY PREVENTION WORKER Live Online Webinar – Join Emily Gajewski [https://www.humangivens.com/person/emily-gajewski/] – an expert in helping people overcome self-harm – for her live webinar on Tuesday 14th May 2024. All you need is a quiet place to watch, a computer or tablet and a strong internet signal, the rest is easy. Book your place and we’ll email you confirmation – you’ll receive your Zoom link the day before the event. RECORDING – the training is recorded in case anyone experiences technical difficulties – or you can’t attend on the day – so you will also get a recording for a limited time afterwards to maximise your learning. Want to attend but can’t make this date? Then please register your interest below [https://www.humangivens.com/college/help-young-people-who-self-harm-live-online-webinar/#register-interest] – and we’ll email you when a new date is available. The aim of this live online training with Emily Gajewski, a highly experienced psychotherapist specialising in treating self-harm, is to give you a thorough, in-depth understanding of why young people self-harm and how to approach/react when helping someone in both the short and long term, including the essential skills most likely to effectively support the young person on their journey to find less harmful ways of coping – the webinar focuses on the most evidence-based knowledge and skills in this area. It will also help you find ways of calming yourself in moments of overwhelm to ensure that you can be as supportive and helpful as you’d like to be. WHY YOU SHOULD ATTEND With the ever changing, uncertain world we live in creating a vast amount of pressure on children – emotionally and physically – more children and teenagers are experiencing extremely stressful, distressing situations, with many looking for coping mechanisms to help them deal with their negative thoughts, feelings and emotions. Self harm (including self injury) is hugely on the increase and rates are higher than ever since Covid-19 and the long periods of isolation and uncertainty young people have experienced in ‘lock downs’. A survey of 61 secondary school children by charity Place2Be, shows self-harm reports increased by 77%, from 48 to 85, from August to September 2021. Finding the right words to approach self-harming can be difficult – this online webinar was created to help you (parents, carers, teachers) approach this topic with empathy and confidence. Discovering that a young person you are caring for is self harming can be an extremely stressful situation. When we are highly emotional, it can cause us to react in desperate ways, which are often not helpful or supportive to the young person, even if our intentions are totally well-meaning. > “A really helpful, caring approach – it has clarified so much for me and I can > now see a sensible way forward.” > > MARTIN, PARENT. This course is relevant to a range of self-harming behaviours including: * self-injury * cutting, ripping or carving skin * burning skin * punching or hitting themselves * scratching or pinching (including dermatillomania) * poisoning themselves with tablets or liquids (or similar) * over-eating and under-eating (anorexia or bulimia) * biting yourself (dermatophagia) * inserting objects into your body * overdosing, exercising excessively * pulling your hair (trichotillomania) * getting into fights where you know you will get hurt WHAT YOU WILL LEARN * What is self-harm? * Why young people self-harm * How common is self-harming * How to approach the subject (building rapport, trust…) * How to react if your child (or any young person) tells you they are self harming (what not to say and do) * The distinction between self harm and a suicide attempt * The addictive element to self harm * How to help a young person break the addictive pattern * Helping a child in the short- and long term * The influence of social media and peers * Keeping your child safe * Looking after yourself (managing stress, anxiety and worry for the household) * Finding professional help View booking details [https://www.humangivens.com/college/help-young-people-who-self-harm-live-online-webinar/#price] WHO THIS TRAINING IS SUITABLE FOR * Parents, other family members and/or carers of children and young people who are at risk of self harming or currently self harming. * Anyone who works with young people and needs to know how best to help when someone discloses that they self-harm or who they suspect may be self-harming. * Therapists and counsellors who want to gain a better understanding so they can support families with a member who self harms. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COURSE PROGRAMME The ‘How to help young people who self harm’ live online webinar starts at 9.15am and runs until 1.30pm (GMT). * 9.15am Join the Zoom meeting * 9.30am Understanding self harm * 10.45am Comfort break and discussion * 10.55am How to approach self harm and be most helpful * 12.00pm Comfort break and discussion * 12.10pm Creating the optimal conditions for recovery * 1.30pm Webinar ends -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS COURSE HAS BEEN INDEPENDENTLY ACCREDITED BY THE INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNISED CPD STANDARDS OFFICE FOR 3.5 HOURS OF CPD TRAINING. On completion of this training you’ll receive CPD certificates from the College and the CPD Standards Office.

How to help young people who self harm
Delivered Online
Dates arranged on request

General Anxiety and Phobia Specialist Coaching

By Creature Courage

Freedom In Courage is a specialised anxiety coaching service using powerful neuro science to radically liberate the mind from fear and worry.

General Anxiety and Phobia Specialist Coaching
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in SUTTON

Miss Date Doctor workplace counselling services will provide services for your employees and support them with their relationship and life problems. We have a team of highly experienced and qualified professionals. The team is CPD, ICF, UKCP and BACP accredited. The M.D.D team consists of life coaches, counsellors and therapists. We offer three different packages for employers dependant on the size of your workforce. We are the most modern coaching and counselling platform in the UK. The workplace counselling services we offer have been tailored specifically to modern times and are very objective-driven and problem-solving based. We aim to give your employees the support they need whenever they need it. Call 03333443853 [tel:03333443853] or email:enquiries@relationshipsmdd.com [enquiries@relationshipsmdd.com] to get the solutions you need for your employees today. https://relationshipsmdd.com/workplace-counselling-services/ [https://relationshipsmdd.com/workplace-counselling-services/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London & 2 more
Price on Enquiry

Mental Health First Aid (MHFAider) (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

Mental Health First Aid (MHFAider) is an internationally recognised training course that teaches people how to spot the signs and symptoms of mental ill health and provide help on a first aid basis. We don't teach people to be therapists, but we do teach people how to respond in a crisis, and how to reach out before a crisis happens. The training gives people tools to support themselves and each other, so everyone can talk about mental health and seek help when needed. As an MHFAider you will be able to: * Recognise those that may be experiencing poor mental health and provide them with first-level support and early intervention * Encourage a person to identify and access sources of professional help and other support * Practise active listening and empathy * Have a conversation with improved mental health literacy around language and stigma * Discuss the role in depth, including boundaries and confidentiality * Practise self-care This course is ideal for those who would like to become an MHFAider to: * Gain the knowledge and skills to spot signs of people experiencing poor mental health * Be confident starting a conversation and signpost a person to appropriate support * Alongside the best evidence-based Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training, MHFAiders are also provided with three-year access to ongoing learning and support through the MHFAider Support App 1 INTRODUCTION TO MHFAIDER (3 HOURS 30 MINS) * MHFA and the MHFAider role * Introduction to the MHFAider Action Plan 'ALGEE' * What is Mental Health? * Helpful and unhelpful language * Undersign our Frame of Reference, understanding how we make sense of the world * Understanding stress & the Stress Container 2 UNDERSTANDING MENTAL HEALTH (4 HOURS) * What influences mental health? * The Mental Health Continuum * What is anxiety? * What is a traumatic event? * Active listening and empathy * What are eating disorders? * What is self-harm? * What is substance misuse? * MHFA conversation practice 3 MHFAIDER IN PRACTICE (4 HOURS) * Applying ALGEE * What is depression? * What is suicide? * What is psychosis? * MHFA conversation practice 4 NEXT STEPS (3 HOURS) * Recovery and lived experience * Applying ALGEE * Boundaries in the MHFAider role * MHFA conversation practice * Moving forward in the MHFAider role and your MHFA action plan * Self-care

Mental Health First Aid (MHFAider) (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Eat - Sleep - Work - Repeat (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

Are you struggling with the 'creeping kilograms?' Many of us find that not only has our weight increased over the last few years but the diets either no longer work or become harder and harder to commit to. This session will help you re-evaluate your approach to losing weight and give you the foundations for creating a plan that makes it easy for you to reach and maintain a weight that feels right for you. Take away a tool that will enable you to assess your eating type, whether you are a protein or carbohydrate based eater, and eating style, whether you prefer to be a grazer or three meals a day, and develop an eating plan that works for you. You will have the opportunity to: * Explore the myths and reality of losing weight * Examine self-defeating eating habits and how to replace them with energy enhancing food * Learn about one change you can make today that will not only help you lose weight but improve your ability to think and manage your emotions more constructively

Eat - Sleep - Work - Repeat (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

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