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92 Therapist courses in Bradford

The Therapeutic Power of Language

By Human Givens College

– a psychotherapy skills masterclass The language we use has a huge impact on others – on this practical, inspiring course you will learn how to combine solution-focused techniques and effective language skills to help relieve distress and improve outcomes, as quickly as possible… -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Accredited CPD Certificate : 12 hours * * Length 2 days (9:30am - 4:00pm) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Excellent course! I’ve learnt so much and been inspired so much. Gareth has a > wonderful style of delivery... > > MARY FLYNN This course is suitable for anyone working with adults, teens or children – the knowledge and skills you will gain have a wide range of applications in addition to therapy and counselling, including coaching, healthcare, teaching, motivation, overcoming resistance, emotional turmoil and much more. You will leave with a powerful toolkit of precisely-targeted and creative therapeutic language skills, as well as a range of effective brief therapy strategies. These can be easily tailored to any individual and used to successfully help people resolve a wide range of conditions and problems as quickly as possible. If you want to be more effective in what you do, these are core skills to have…   Denise Winn previously taught this course, it is now delivered by Gareth Hughes WHY TAKE THIS COURSE Language is key to everything we do – being aware of the power of language to help or do harm is essential when we’re trying to help people. Knowing how to use it well can make all the difference to a successful therapeutic outcome. Paying attention to the language we use is central to the human givens approach to therapy and counselling: our choice of words is crucial in building rapport with people, learning more about someone – their unique qualities and abilities – in listening and responding, in providing motivation and in collaborating to agree goals and strategies for the effective resolution of their problems. The careful use of language is essential for other areas of life too: at work, home, with family and friends – and this  2-day course is accessible to all. It can be taken as part of the Human Givens Diploma or as a stand-alone course. You will gain a solid foundation in the most effective brief solution-focused strategies and language skills that are essential if you want to be able to help people as quickly as possible. By distilling the essence of proven brief therapy approaches and working in tune with the givens of human nature, outcomes can be dramatically improved and suffering successfully reduced. You will also learn how any team of professional healthcare workers can safely incorporate brief therapy techniques into their work with patients suffering from depression, anxiety, panic attacks, PTSD, anger, OCD, eating disorders, addiction and relationship/marital/family problems, thereby improving outcomes and reducing suffering on an even wider scale. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOOD TO KNOW This course gives you essential skills that are used in the successful treatment of a wide range of conditions, such as anxiety disorders, depression [https://www.humangivens.com/college/lift-depression/], addictions, self-harm, OCD and the rewind technique [https://www.humangivens.com/college/rewind-technique-training/] for treating trauma and phobias. They are also fundamental skills to have when using guided imagery and visualisation [https://www.humangivens.com/college/guided-imagery-and-visualisation/]. This course is an essential component of Part 1 of the HG Diploma. > I feel very excited and energised. I can't wait to start using these > techniques... > > OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * The essential skills needed for successful brief therapy * New information about the APET™ model – why it is so important to construct therapy that is in tune with our how brains work (our emotional reactions come first) – this speeds up therapy and explains why purely cognitive and behavioural approaches can take so long * An ability to get to the root of the matter quickly by establishing which innate needs are not being met and why (the essence of effective brief therapy) * Quick rapport building skills * How to use the RIGAAR™ structure to improve therapy outcomes * Reflective listening and reflective reframing * How to use therapeutic language skills directly and indirectly to initiate change * Ways to use solution-focused questioning to create a framework for change * How to identify and use your client’s own life resources * An understanding of why the human givens approach dramatically increases the likelihood of therapy being brief, regardless of the presenting problem * A range of psychological interventions to use with common psychiatric problems: anxiety, panic attacks, depression, intrusive thoughts, relationship difficulties and so on * Promoting cooperation by developing realistic and achievable goals * How to identify exceptions (when the problem doesn’t occur) and get the patient to take credit for them * How to generate motivation for change in your patients * Separating the patient’s core identity from their problem * How to minimise or overcome resistance * How not to be drawn in to a client’s negative self-view * Great use of case histories to illustrate the skills covered * How to use the psychological laws of positive expectancy and concentrated attention * An understanding of why taking this collaborative human givens stance, reduces stress and pressure on you * Plenty of opportunity to consolidate what you are learning by practising the skills yourself -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW IS THE COURSE STRUCTURED? Held over two consecutive days, this skills-based practical workshop combines a blend of talks, demonstrations and exercises.  Each day starts at 9.30pm and finishes at 4.00pm, with 2 breaks for networking and refreshment and 45 minutes for lunch. Course notes, refreshments and lunch are included on both days. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHO IS THIS COURSE SUITABLE FOR? You and your patients will benefit enormously from you attending these two days. If you are a counsellor, psychotherapist, clinical psychologist, mental health nurse, GP, doctor, nurse, OT, physiotherapist, youth worker, social worker, health visitor, support worker or any other caring professional, and wish to be more effective in what you do, this course gives you the perfect opportunity to discover new, subtle but highly effective skills with plenty of time to practise to help you assimilate them into your own work. Many other professions – such as educational and business professionals – also find the skills and information covered highly applicable to and beneficial for their own work. It is also suitable for anyone who is thinking of a career in this field as these are core skills needed for successful brief, solution-focused psychotherapy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This course has been independently accredited by the internationally recognised CPD Standards Office for 12 hours of CPD training. On completion of this training you’ll receive CPD certificates from the College and the CPD Standards Office.

The Therapeutic Power of Language
Delivered In-Person in Leeds + 1 more locations6 hours 30 minutes, Jul 16th, 08:30 + 3 more

How to tell stories that heal

By Human Givens College

Stories and metaphor are a powerful way to stimulate hope and by-pass resistance – they can also enhance problem solving and creativity, beneficially impact the mind/body system and much more… -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Accredited CPD Certificate : 6 hours * Length 1 day (9.30am - 4.00pm) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Wonderful – inspiring, informative and empowering communication skills > masterclass > > JENI NELSON, PSYCHOTHERAPIST / HYPNOTHERAPIST WHY TAKE THIS COURSE Stories can be incredibly powerful therapeutic tools. They help bypass rigid views about life, enhancing the listener’s flexibility of thought. And by suspending ordinary constraints, they help people reclaim optimism whilst fueling their imaginations with the energy necessary to attain goals. In the physically ill, they can also stimulate the immune system and speed recovery. All successful psychotherapy and counselling involves storytelling and the use of pertinent metaphors, both of which tap into the natural way our brains work. We can’t know what goes on in another person’s mind but, if you perceive the ‘pattern’ of a story and understand that it could be useful to them at a specific point in their life, that is reason enough to tell it. Their unconscious, creative imagination will seek and find the ‘meaning’ relevant to their situation. No explanation, no direct statement of a story’s meaning can substitute for the way it acts on the hearer’s mind. Join us to discover more and learn how to source and tell such therapeutic tales yourself… > Gareth was fantastic, brought a wealth of knowledge and enthusiasm as well as > stories to the course... > > PROJECT MANAGER > Wonderful practical skills - I was entranced the whole day... > > PSYCHIATRIST WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * How and why our brains work through ‘pattern-matching’ * How to use this profoundly useful tool for getting through to people stuck in the black-and-white thinking of emotional distress * A powerful way to stimulate optimism, hope and independence in distressed people * Increased ability to source and tell therapeutic stories yourself * Ways to enhance your own problem solving capacity, as well as being better able to help others with theirs * A new way to motivate and engage people * Insights into the mind/body communication system and how useful this tool can be for promoting healing and recovery * A great way to build rapport and bypass resistance * How to choose the appropriate stories and metaphors for different people, and when to use them * Practical ways in which therapists, teachers, GPs, managers, policy planners etc can apply this knowledge to their work * The ability to enhance flexibility of thought, creativity and confidence in your clients * How stories and metaphor can also help us diagnose where problems lie * A new love and deeper understanding of the value, resonances and resources within stories * Greater confidence in dealing with a wide range of people – and a solid understanding of, and practise in, the therapeutic precision of metaphor and more… > So informative and relevant to my everyday work.. > > SCHOOL COUNSELLOR    Pat Williams, creator of this course, talks you through its benefits -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COURSE PROGRAMME The ‘How to tell stories that heal’ course starts at 9.30am and runs until 4.00pm. * From 8.30am * Registration (Tea and coffee served until 9.25am) * 9.30am How and why stories help people * 11.00am Discussion over tea/coffee * 11.30am How to find the right story for each situation * 1.00pm Lunch (included) * 1.45pm How to use stories as therapy * 2.45pm Discussion over tea/coffee * 3.00pm How to tell stories well: the three simple rules * 4.00pm Day ends -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://directory.cpdstandards.com/providers/human-givens-college/ This course has been independently accredited by the internationally recognised CPD Standards Office for 6 hours of CPD training. On completion of this training you’ll receive CPD certificates from the College and the CPD Standards Office.

How to tell stories that heal
Delivered In-Person in Leeds + 1 more locations6 hours 30 minutes, Jul 18th, 08:30 + 1 more



By Nia Williams Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

Introducing Celebrity Therapist London Package: Discreet and Customized Counseling for Public Figures Are you a public figure seeking confidential and personalized counseling in London? Miss Date Doctor’s Celebrity Therapist London Package offers you discreet and specialized therapy services tailored to meet the unique needs and challenges faced by individuals in the public eye. Being a public figure can come with its own set of stressors and pressures. Our experienced celebrity therapists are dedicated to providing you with a safe and non-judgmental space to address personal concerns, manage stress, and find support for emotional well-being. Here’s how the Celebrity Therapist London Package can support you: * Confidentiality: Our celebrity therapists are well-versed in maintaining confidentiality and respecting your privacy at all times. * Specialized Support: We offer customized counseling, recognizing the specific challenges that public figures may encounter in their personal and professional lives. * Emotional Regulation: Therapy can assist you in managing emotions related to public scrutiny, criticism, and constant attention. * Stress Management: We’ll work on stress management techniques to help you navigate the demands of your public role. * Coping Strategies: Our therapists will equip you with effective coping strategies to manage the unique stressors you may face. * Balancing Personal and Professional Life: Therapy can help you find a balance between your personal life and the demands of your public career. * Building Resilience: We’ll focus on developing resilience to handle the challenges of public life with strength and grace. * Self-Care and Well-being: Our celebrity therapists emphasize self-care practices to support your emotional and mental well-being. The Celebrity Therapist London Package at Miss Date Doctor is designed to cater to your specific needs as a public figure, offering you a supportive and understanding space to navigate challenges and enhance your overall well-being. Invest in your emotional health and take the first step towards confidential support with the Celebrity Therapist London Package. Embrace the opportunity to receive specialized therapy services tailored to your unique experiences and demands as a public figure. Let our experienced celebrity therapists guide you towards greater emotional resilience, balance, and well-being. 6×1 hour sessions https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/celebrity-therapist-london-package/ [https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/celebrity-therapist-london-package/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London & 2 more



By Nia Williams Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

Introducing “Hire a Therapist” Package: Personalized Support for Your Mental Health and Emotional Well-being Are you considering seeking professional support for your mental health and emotional well-being? Miss Date Doctor’s “Hire a Therapist” Package offers you personalized and confidential counselling sessions with experienced therapists to help you navigate life’s challenges, overcome obstacles, and achieve personal growth. Therapy provides a safe and supportive space to explore your thoughts, emotions, and concerns with the guidance of a skilled therapist. Our team of dedicated therapists is committed to helping you enhance your overall well-being and lead a more fulfilling life. Here’s how the “Hire a Therapist” Package can support you: * Personalized Assessment: Our therapists will conduct a thorough assessment to understand your unique needs and goals for therapy. * Individualized Approach: Your therapy sessions will be tailored to address your specific concerns and support your personal growth. * Emotional Support: We offer a compassionate and non-judgmental environment where you can freely express your feelings and experiences. * Confidentiality: Your therapy sessions are completely confidential, ensuring a safe space for open and honest communication. * Coping Strategies: Our therapists will equip you with practical coping strategies to manage stress, anxiety, and other emotional difficulties. * Self-Exploration: Therapy encourages self-discovery and self-awareness, helping you gain insights into your thoughts, behaviours, and emotions. * Goal Setting: Together with your therapist, you’ll set achievable goals to work towards positive change and personal growth. * Flexible Sessions: “Hire a Therapist” Package offers flexibility in scheduling sessions, accommodating your availability and preferences. The “Hire a Therapist” Package at Miss Date Doctor is designed to provide you with personalized support and guidance on your journey to better mental health and emotional well-being. Our skilled therapists are committed to helping you overcome challenges, enhance your resilience, and lead a more fulfilling life. Invest in your mental and emotional health and take the first step towards positive change with the “Hire a Therapist” Package. Embrace the opportunity to explore your thoughts and feelings in a confidential and supportive environment. Let our experienced therapists guide you towards a brighter and more empowered future. 3 x 1 hour sessions https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/hire-a-therapist-package/ [https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/hire-a-therapist-package/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London & 2 more

Toolkit Learning Retreat 1


By The Northern College Of Clinical Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy Learning Retreat, immersive four-day retreat designed to elevate your skills and knowledge in the serene environment of our exclusive venue. Whether you are a seasoned professional or just beginning your journey, this retreat offers a unique opportunity to learn, grow, and connect with like-minded individuals.

Toolkit Learning Retreat 1
Delivered In-Person in Keighley4 days, Aug 16th, 09:00

Trauma Informed Practice Day for Speech and Language Therapists


By Thoughtful Communication

Trauma Informed Practice in Education is a research evidence based whole school systems approach that starts with you. Improved attendance, improved learning outcomes, reduced suspensions and exclusions and better staff recruitment, retention and wellbeing all begin from a place of understanding child development, the impact of adversity on child development and the role of us as educators in supporting opportunities for growth and resilience. Systems change takes teamwork, however the most important member of that team is you. On this Trauma Informed Practice Day you will learn the why and how to keep you well and resourced in order to support the emotional and academic progress of the children in your school. You may already have some knowledge or you may be coming as a complete novice. Either and anything in between is fine. Numbers are limited to keep the group small for the benefit of more enriched learning. On this practice day you will; • Take a deep learning dive into the nervous system and how this applies to you, your setting and the progress of your learners. • Learn practical skills and strategies to support yourself and others. • Have opportunities to discuss children you are working with through small group supervision sessions • Benefit from a day of immersion into the topic with two highly qualified and experienced practitioners.

Trauma Informed Practice Day for Speech and Language Therapists
Delivered In-Person in Hebden Bridge Full day, Sept 20th, 08:15



By Nia Williams Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

Introducing Divorce Therapy Package: Navigating the Challenges, Healing, and Finding Renewed Purpose Are you going through the difficult process of divorce and seeking support to cope with the emotional challenges and transitions? Miss Date Doctor’s Divorce Therapy Package offers you a compassionate and understanding space to navigate the complexities of divorce, heal from the emotional wounds, and find renewed purpose in life. Divorce is a life-altering event that can lead to a wide range of emotions, including grief, anger, sadness, and uncertainty about the future. Our experienced therapists are here to help you process these emotions, gain clarity, and develop coping strategies to move forward positively. Here’s how the Divorce Therapy Package can support you: * Emotional Healing: Our therapists provide a safe and non-judgmental space where you can freely express your emotions related to the divorce. We’ll help you process grief and loss, anger, and other challenging emotions to facilitate healing. * Navigating Transitions: Divorce often involves significant life changes. We’ll guide you in navigating these transitions, such as adjusting to single life, co-parenting, or re-entering the dating scene. * Coping Strategies: Divorce therapy equips you with coping strategies to manage stress, anxiety, and uncertainty during this period of change. * Gaining Clarity: Our therapists will work with you to gain clarity about your goals and aspirations, helping you find a new sense of purpose and direction in life. * Communication Skills: Divorce therapy can also address communication issues, helping you effectively communicate with your ex-partner and children during the divorce process and beyond. * Building Resilience: Divorce therapy fosters resilience, empowering you to bounce back from challenges and embrace a new chapter in life with strength and determination. * Self-Discovery: Divorce can be an opportunity for self-discovery and personal growth. We’ll help you explore your values, strengths, and interests, creating a foundation for a fulfilling future. * Supportive Environment: Our therapists provide unwavering support throughout your divorce journey, offering guidance and empathy as you work towards healing and renewal. The Divorce Therapy Package at Miss Date Doctor offers you a transformative experience during a challenging time in your life. Our therapists understand the complexities of divorce and are committed to helping you navigate this transition with grace and resilience. Invest in your emotional well-being and take the first step towards healing and renewal with the Divorce Therapy Package. Embrace the opportunity for growth and self-discovery as you embark on a journey of healing and empowerment. Let our skilled therapists guide you towards finding strength, purpose, and a brighter future beyond divorce. 3 X 1 hour https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/divorce-therapy-package/ [https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/divorce-therapy-package/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London & 2 more

How to lift depression

By Human Givens College

– the practical skills you need Discover how to combine key new insights into the causes and symptoms of depression with a range of powerful psychological techniques to make treatment easier and more consistently effective … -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Accredited CPD Certificate : 6 hours * Length 1 day (9.30am - 4.00pm) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Practical, inspiring and full of hope > > DR GINA JOHNSON, GP WHY TAKE THIS COURSE Until recently depression was little understood but key new insights into its causes and symptoms have made treatment easier and more consistently effective. On this day you will learn how combining these insights with a wide range of different psychological techniques enables the majority of cases to be lifted surprisingly quickly … even severe ones. Although antidepressants can play a role in reducing symptoms, they can also be dangerous and prove hard to withdraw from – research shows that appropriate counselling is more effective at lifting even the most severe depression, with a much lower rate of relapse.  The approach you will learn on this workshop is in this category and is proving very effective – 10,000s of people have already been successfully helped with the knowledge and skills you will learn on the day. > I feel much more confident in my understanding of the process of depression > and how to target it with helpful interventions > > DANIEL COOPER WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * New insights into why depressed people wake up tired and unmotivated, and what to do about it * Information about the links between inflammation and depression * Clear, practical steps for lifting even severe depression * Demonstrations of the skills that quickly break the cycle of depression, move people on and prevent relapse * A profound understanding of why these work and are a big improvement on drug therapy * Practice sessions in using these proven skills and techniques yourself * What to do if you suspect someone may be feeling suicidal * How to establish what’s not working in a person’s life and why, using a case history * Techniques for tackling rigid thinking, negative expectancy and the pessimistic rumination that causes depression * How to work with your clients to find effective ways they can get their innate emotional needs met well and in balance * A range of additional useful tips and strategies that you can easily incorporate into your work * The opportunity to watch a film of master therapist Joe Griffin working quickly and successfully with a highly depressed patient * You will also have plenty of time to ask questions of the tutor, who is also a practising therapist herself… > Everyone, not just the caring professions, should do this day. > > GENERAL PRACTITIONER    WHO IS THIS COURSE SUITABLE FOR? * If your life is affected by depression in any way – perhaps the staff or students you are responsible for at work present with depression, or a friend or family member is depressed – you will benefit from attending * Anyone who, for whatever reason (personal or professional), would like to better understand the causes of depression and be able to offer practical help to people who are depressed * If you would like to know how best to prevent relapses and help clients build long-lasting resilience against future setbacks, this workshop is for you * Anyone concerned about the side effects of drug treatments for depression, who would like to know about the easy-to-learn psychotherapeutic techniques that can lift depression quickly, will benefit from attending * It is essential training for counsellors, psychotherapists, social workers, occupational therapists, HR professionals and all other health and welfare professionals – since depression is now so common, it is crucial to understand it and know how to treat it quickly and effectively. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOOD TO KNOW This workshop complements our online course: How to break the cycle of depression. Guided imagery and visualisation and Therapeutic Language are useful skills to have for implementing the strategies taught on this workshop.    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COURSE PROGRAMME * From 8.30am * Registration (Tea and coffee served until 9.25am) * 9.30am Understanding depression and what you can do about it * 11.00am Discussion over tea/coffee * 11.30am Exploring how to work with depression * 1.00pm Lunch (included) * 1.45pm Practice in using the HG approach * 2.45pm Discussion over tea/coffee * 3.00pm Guided imagery for depression * 4.00pm Day ends -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This course has been independently accredited by the internationally recognised CPD Standards Office for 6 hours of CPD training. On completion of this training you’ll receive CPD certificates from the College and the CPD Standards Office.

How to lift depression
Delivered In-Person in Leeds + 2 more locations6 hours 30 minutes, Sept 18th, 08:30 + 1 more

Advanced Body Shape Package

By Harley Elite Academy (HeLa)

Expert Body Shape Fillers Package includes: * Fat-Dissolving injections – Fillers * BBL (Brazilian Buttocks Lift ) with Filler – Non Surgical * Threads lift injectables for body ENTRY REQUIREMENTS * Registered Medical professional * Level – Beauty Therapist * Dental Nurse * Physiotherapist * Holds at least 6 months experience with needles (micro-needling, microblading, tattooing, vaccinations, phlebotomy and more) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE! After booking we will contact you for scheduling the exact course date! Courses dates are subject to change due to mentors availability. We will inform you via email if a date becomes available! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ATTENDANCE ONLINE (Theory), IN CLINIC (Practice) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXPERT LEVEL * Fat-Dissolving injections – Fillers * BBL (Brazilian Buttocks Lift ) with Filler – Non Surgical * PDO Threads lift injectables for body * PRP/ Mesotherapy Training Course Choose Online Theory or In-Clinic with practice 4 Days Intensive Courses  (1 Week)

Advanced Body Shape Package
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London
£4550 to £6500

Smile & Lips Dentists Package

By Harley Elite Academy (HeLa)

ADVANCED LIP SMILE INJECTABLES PACKAGE INCLUDES: * Skin Boosters * Lips filler , Russian, French techniques * Beauty Threads for lips contour ENTRY REQUIREMENTS * Registered Medical professional * Level – Beauty Therapist * Dental Nurse * Physiotherapist * Holds at least 6 months experience with needles (micro-needling, microblading, tattooing, vaccinations, phlebotomy and more) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE! After booking we will contact you for scheduling the exact course date! Courses dates are subject to change due to mentors availability. We will inform you via email if a date becomes available! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ATTENDANCE ONLINE (Theory), IN CLINIC (Practice) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVANCED * Skin Boosters * Lips filler , Russian, French techniques * Beauty Threads for lips contour Choose Online or In-Clinic (30% Discount)

Smile & Lips Dentists Package
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London
£3150 to £4500

Educators matching "Therapist"

Show all 27
The Northern College Of Clinical Hypnotherapy

the northern college of clinical hypnotherapy



Our Multi award winning Northern College of Clinical Hypnotherapy (NCCH) courses are recognised in the UK, Europe, Asia and internationally. We provide a range of professional Hypnotherapy Courses and CPD in the Classroom and Online. Training with us enables our students to start from scratch or enhance their knowledge. Students begin by gaining a Foundation in Clinical Hypnotherapy. Our Foundation in Clinical Hypnotherapy gives you an opportunity to see if learning with us is really for you.  You'll gain 14 hours of CPD, be able to see the materials and resources, meet your tutor and potential colleagues too. You also gain Student membership with The Complementary Medical Association and a years free membership with the International Hypnotherapy Association. The course focuses on confidence building, such a great tool for your clients and for yourself when starting anything new. Step into the dynamic world of hypnotherapy with the Northern College of Clinical Hypnotherapy (NCCH), where our courses are designed to accommodate your schedule and learning style. Dive into our online platform, where every lecture, demonstration, study notes, and assessments are readily available, allowing you to study at your own pace. As part of our vibrant community of clinical hypnotherapists, you'll engage in peer supervision, attend Masterclasses, and participate in live learning chatrooms with 24-hour access for discussions and practice. Additionally, experience the immersive learning opportunities of our face-to-face retreat-style workshop weekends. Here, you'll gain practical experience and put your newfound knowledge into action through experiential exercises. Whether you're a beginner or seeking to enhance your expertise, NCCH offers a warm welcome and a wealth of resources to support your journey. Our Foundation in Clinical Hypnotherapy provides 14 hours of CPD, access to enriching materials, and connections with tutors and fellow practitioners. Plus, you'll receive valuable membership benefits with The Complementary Medical Association and the International Hypnotherapy Association. Confidence-building lies at the core of our curriculum, empowering you to excel in your practice and positively impact your clients' lives. Our Diploma course, available in classroom-based, hybrid, and virtual formats, guides you through an 10-module programme leading to an Accredited and Certified Practitioner Level Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy. Along the way, you'll have opportunities to join prestigious professional associations and immerse yourself in a supportive community dedicated to your success. With our flexible learning paths, personalised support, and commitment to excellence, NCCH ensures that your journey to becoming a certified hypnotherapist is both clear and achievable. From small working groups to ongoing support and CPD opportunities, we're with you every step of the way. Whether you're joining us locally or from afar, NCCH welcomes you to join our mission of fostering mental well-being worldwide. Together, let's illuminate our communities with compassion and expertise. Join us at NCCH and become a bright light in your community today!