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78 Teaching & Training courses in Caerphilly

NVQ in Insulation and Building Treatments


By City Training Group

THE NVQ HAS NO SET DATES. ONCE REGISTERED YOU WILL BE ENROLLED ON THE SYSTEM WITH COMPLETION TIMES BELOW What is an NVQ? * An NVQ is a competence-based qualification. The qualification is an International recognised work-based qualification. Once qualified, it will demonstrate to employers that you are skilled and able to perform well in your role at work. * This is where you will be able to demonstrate your ability at work and complete a list of job knowledge questions regarding the units in your qualification. It is the candidate’s responsibility to engage with the Assessor and gather the evidence that will match the assessment criteria in your NVQ.   How can the candidate gather the onsite/work evidence and job knowledge questions? * Risk Assessment * Method Statement * Drawings * Materials * Measuring, Cutting, Positioning, and securing in place what you are installing.   Methods of ways of gathering evidence - * Videos – this will be the candidate setting up their video and then demonstrating their skills and ability on site and then upload to the candidate’s portfolio. * On site assessment - where your assessor will come out to you and observe you demonstrating your skills. This will depend on the site location and assessors’ location. If the site location is too far for the assessment to take place, it will be solely video evidence. Your Assessor will instruct you on how to complete your videos. * Witness testimony - your Assessor will hold a recorded discussion with your manager/supervisor to confirm where, when and how you have completed the work to the specifications. * Photos – They can be used as part of an assessment. They will not be accepted if the candidate isn’t in the photo. Photos cannot be used to build up a portfolio but can be used as part of the videos showing the full completed job and also in the Assessors on site assessment observation report.   Job Knowledge Questions account for 65% of the NVQ qualification. These can be saved to your computer and typed as this will be the quickest and easiest route or you can print them out and hand write them. They are very important, and they are written to see if you have the knowledge behind what you are doing on site or at work. The questions are all relevant to the work that you do.   What is the process? * Speak to sales - billy@citytraining.com [billy@citytraining.com] or 0300 373 3337 * Complete the City Training Group Registration Form * A copy of your photographic ID (Passport or Driving Licence) * Once enrolled on the NVQ, your Online portfolio (Quals Direct) and certificate of registration will be set up. You will receive an email from the online platform with your username (your email address) and password. * Arrange with your Assessor to complete your Induction. * Complete your knowledge questions. * Arrange with your Assessor your site assessment. * Assessor will contact your Manager/Supervisor for a testimony. * Recorded Professional Discussion with you to confirm your ability and authenticate your portfolio. Cost – Level 2 - £750 + Vat. If you would like to add an additional pathway, they would be £300 each added pathway. Level 3 - £950 + Vat. If you would like to add an additional pathway, they would be £300 each added pathway. Time Scale of the NVQ? The NVQ is candidate led. This will depend on how committed the candidate is and how much work the candidate has lined up. Your Assessor cannot complete you without the evidence. For a level 2, we aim to have the candidate completed in 4 – 8 weeks, Level 3 from 4 – 12/16 weeks

NVQ in Insulation and Building Treatments
Delivered In-Person
Dates arranged on request
£750 to £950

CSIE staff and our associate trainers are knowledgeable and experienced in delivering talks and facilitating training for teachers, learning supporters, local authority officers, other professionals involved in young people’s education, parents and students. Our training is routinely praised for the level of interest and engagement it evokes, its positive and constructive impact, the clarity with which even complex issues are presented and the supportive manner in which participants are encouraged to examine their own beliefs and assumptions. CSIE training is competitively priced and offers excellent value for money. HOW CSIE CAN HELP YOUR SETTING We can support the work of: * schools, by providing speakers for assemblies, staff meetings and Continuing Professional Development days, as well as working with staff towards inclusive school development; * universities, by delivering talks for undergraduate or postgraduate students, contributing to conferences (keynote address, panel discussion or other presentations), as well as working with staff towards the development of a more inclusive institution; * local authorities, by facilitating Continuing Professional Development events, as well as working with staff towards the development of more inclusive education in the locality; * central government in the UK and abroad, by working with relevant officers at national level towards the development of more inclusive education. CSIE is a registered charity heavily reliant on income generated from selling our resources [http://www.csie.org.uk/resources/] and services. Our current rates for the above activities are: Half day rate   £500Whole day rate   £800 All rates are subject to VAT; travel and subsistence expenses may also be charged. Special rates may be offered to smaller or voluntary sector organisations; please contact the CSIE office [http://www.csie.org.uk/contact.shtml]. Whether you want someone to talk to children and young people, to conference delegates or government officials, please email us at admin@csie.org.uk [admin@csie.org.uk] or click on the "Request Now" button to make an enquiry. Someone from CSIE will contact you within five working days to discuss how we can best respond to your request. Thank you for your interest in inclusive education and in CSIE.

CSIE talks & training
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Bristol

Equality workshops for staff and governors

By Centre For Studies On Inclusive Education

We will come to your school at a time that suits you and run a 2-hour workshop for all staff. We will present in clear and simple terms the school’s duties under the Equality Act, help you guard against discrimination, and leave you with useful resources. HOW WILL THIS WORKSHOP HELP YOUR SCHOOL? This is a practical, "hands on" workshop designed to be engaging and constructive. Over and above helping your school fulfil its legal duties, it will help ensure that nobody is left behind or discriminated against. The workshop will show how all protected characteristics covered by the Equality Act 2010 can be reflected positively in everyday school life. It will consider real-life examples and make this more meaningful and relevant by inviting participants to bring their own examples of equality challenges in school. We will show you how to get the best out of CSIE’s toolkit ‘Equality: Making It Happen’ – a succinct and user-friendly set of reference cards to help schools promote equality – and leave you with at least two complimentary copies. Above all, the workshop will help develop a shared understanding and build a consistent response to diversity and equality. We understand that all schools are at different stages of this journey, so this workshop will assist you in determining next steps and areas of specific focus for your setting. WHAT WILL THE WORKSHOP COVER? The workshop will: * provide an overview of the Equality Act 2010, including the Public Sector Equality Duty and what it means for all schools * bring awareness to unconscious bias and how it can influence our interactions * present strategies for removing barriers to learning and participation * address intersectionality and how it affects people’s experiences * help develop confidence and language for discussing sensitive equality issues * add flesh to the bones of all the above, by considering real-life examples WHO IS IT FOR? The workshop has been designed for all primary and secondary school staff and governors; delivery is adjusted to the context of each school. We encourage all teaching and non-teaching staff to attend, so that your school can develop a coherent and consistent response to diversity and equality. FEEDBACK FROM PREVIOUS CSIE EQUALITY WORKSHOPS: > Very knowledgeable presenter. > I feel more empowered. > Clear and concise. > Very thought provoking. > Clear, compassionate presentation.

Equality workshops for staff and governors
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Bristol

Workplace Wellbeing Skills for Leaders & Managers

By Mindmaps Wellbeing

Closed groups of 6 to 18 learners per session. Learn how to engage in meaningful conversations about workplace wellbeing with the supports designed to enhance your skills as an effective leader. Empowering leaders and managers to support mental wellbeing in the workplace. This comprehensive course is designed to equip learners with the necessary knowledge and skills to support themselves and their team’s wellbeing.

Workplace Wellbeing Skills for Leaders & Managers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally
£1600 to £5000

First aid At Work (RQF)


By Comply Sense

We have brought you the best quality regulated first aid training both jointly offered by Seacass Consultancy and delivered by Comply Sense, this course is regulated by TQUK and comes with certification for 3 years.  You can choose to have this course as a full classroom course or a blended option with 2 days in the classroom plus 6 hours online at home. Using the very latest in equipment and even the use of Virtual Reality, we aim to ensure you get the best experience possible whilst getting your first aid certification.  People really do love our training, we have over 500 Five star reviews, just have a look at our google reviews Click Here [https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=comply+sense&sca_esv=573754553&source=hp&ei=Xx8tZbiLA-uYhbIPh-WymAg&iflsig=AO6bgOgAAAAAZS0tbxNn6PsMcBQe9-ySIDh8RyZ3P5BE&gs_ssp=eJzj4tVP1zc0LEorSiqoSjM1YLRSNagwsTA3TTZMTDUxMExOMkxMsjKoSDQ2MU4zMjQ3NQPKJRqaefEk5-cW5FQqFKfmFacCAJ-XFAQ&oq=comply+se&gs_lp=Egdnd3Mtd2l6Igljb21wbHkgc2UqAggAMgsQLhiABBjHARivATIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyCBAAGIoFGIYDMggQABiKBRiGA0ibJFDwBFjWG3AHeACQAQCYAWugAdMIqgEEMTEuMrgBA8gBAPgBAagCCsICEBAAGAMYjwEY5QIY6gIYjAPCAgsQABiABBixAxiDAcICERAuGIAEGLEDGIMBGMcBGNEDwgILEAAYigUYsQMYgwHCAggQABiABBixA8ICDhAuGIAEGLEDGMcBGNEDwgILEC4YgAQYsQMYgwHCAgsQLhiKBRixAxiDAcICERAuGIAEGLEDGIMBGMcBGK8BwgIIEAAYigUYsQPCAggQLhiABBixA8ICChAAGIAEGLEDGArCAg0QLhiABBjHARivARgKwgINEAAYgAQYsQMYgwEYCsICBxAAGIAEGArCAgoQABgNGIAEGLEDwgINEC4YDRiABBjHARivAcICDRAAGA0YgAQYsQMYgwHCAg8QLhgNGIAEGMcBGNEDGArCAgcQABgNGIAEwgIJEAAYDRiABBgKwgIHEC4YDRiABMICDRAuGIAEGMcBGNEDGArCAgUQLhiABA&sclient=gws-wiz#lrd=0x4875c1ae401cb1ab:0xa343f21756875a16,1,,,,] or our awarding organisation reviews Click Here [https://www.procourses.co.uk/facilitators/15128-comply-sense-darren-robathan-west-sussex]. 

First aid At Work (RQF)
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Crawley

Planning and Feedback for Learner Achievement

By Panda Education and Training Ltd

Join this one day workshop designed specifically for tutors, trainers and assessors working in post-16 education settings. This course focuses on honing the skills and knowledge necessary for effective planning and feedback, empowering participants to support their learners towards achieving qualifications and progressing their careers. * Explore planning of both long term goals and short term targets * Use a tried and testeed structure for goal and target setting * Explore tried and tested techniques for giving developmental feedback * Practice structuring both writtten and verbal feedback * Explore techniqus to keep learners motivated and engaged in their learning -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FURTHER INFORMATION This is a face to face workshop that will be held over one day. Participants will also be provided with access to our online Assessor Toolkit to reinforce learning and provide resources after the session. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BENEFITS * Gain free access to our online learning Assessor Toolkit * Master the art of giving feedback to motivate learners * Network and explore strategies and solutions with peers from across Wales * Learn from our experienced workshop facilitators who have worked in the sector for over 20 years. * Gain meaningful CPD hours

Planning and Feedback for Learner Achievement
Delivered Online
Dates arranged on request

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Drilling Operations - Directional Drilling - Drill Fluid Operator

By Dynamic Training and Assessments Ltd

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Drilling Operations - Directional Drilling - Drill Fluid Operator

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Drilling Operations - Directional Drilling - Drill Fluid Operator
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Nottinghamshire

Level 2 NVQ Certificate in Highways Maintenance - Excavation and Reinstatement Operations

By Dynamic Training and Assessments Ltd

Level 2 NVQ Certificate in Highways Maintenance - Excavation and Reinstatement Operations

Level 2 NVQ Certificate in Highways Maintenance - Excavation and Reinstatement Operations
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Nottinghamshire

Level 2 NVQ Certificate in Highways Maintenance - Kerbs and Channels

By Dynamic Training and Assessments Ltd

Level 2 NVQ Certificate in Highways Maintenance - Kerbs and Channels

Level 2 NVQ Certificate in Highways Maintenance - Kerbs and Channels
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Nottinghamshire

Train The Trainer


By Lapd Solutions Ltd

Train the Trainer, Trainer Development,

Train The Trainer
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Birmingham
£1250 to £1500