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The Natural Wellbeing Academy

the natural wellbeing academy


Kinross, Perthshire

- Accredited Practitioner Qualifications & Online Training, - The Complementary Medical Association (CMA) Approved Training School - 1-1 Healing, Group Workshops - Multi-Dimensional Living - Founded in 2014 - Practicing meditation since 1986 Find relief from: *anxiety, *depression, *tiredness, *energy draining and *energy leakage, *overwhelm, *inner child issues, *trauma, *low self-esteem, *limiting beliefs, *conditioning & patterns, *ancestral trauma, *psychic attack, *Implants, *entities and *attachments, *energetic imbalances: *mental, *physical, *emotional and *spiritual imbalances, *addictions, *toxic relationships, *asthma and *respiratory ailments How it works 💎 non-invasive 💎 natural 💎 self-paced 💎 with integrity 💎 empowering 💎 heart based 💎 life-skills and self awareness toolkit 💎 heals the 'seed' of the issue, not papering over the cracks Our Formula to Wellbeing, over decades of experience is: *integrity: to fearlessly live the authentic truth of who you are *empowerment: expanding your truthful integrity & creating your life your way, which offers breathing space for others to find their unique way *growth: Fruitful experiences as we embody these practices Mind, Body & Soul We work with the 'Spirit' of the person, aiding conscious, heart-based living; making life more meaningful and fulfilling. By going to the 'seed' of the issue, not papering over the cracks for it to appear somewhere else in the future this methodology helps people understand and heal themselves in a compassionate manner. About Your Guide: Lynda offers an Integrated Approach, treating the whole person in a holistic manner * Energy Healer Practitioner and Teacher Trainer * Crystal Healer  * Healing Diets Coach  * Yoga Siromani * Reflexologist * practicing Transcendental Meditation (T.M) since 1986 Spiritually she works as an empath, channel, psychic, is a Lemurian elder, works with Ascended Masters, Angels, Archangels, Galactic Beings, works with Lady Gaia, Stone Circles, ancient monuments and any other landmarks which connect with her. Alongside online courses and Teacher Training Lynda launched a pioneering Healing Centre in 2014 which housed a plethora of therapists and the City's first vegan cafe.  

Lisa Butler Yoga

lisa butler yoga


Being a dancer from a very early age I experienced a serendipitous moment when I was introduced to yoga at the age of 17 by one of my dance teachers. For me dancing was my lifeline in discovering myself. If I was ever mentally or emotionally challenged my body released whatever it needed to release by moving it. Then yoga came into my life and I loved the way my body and my mind felt during and after the practice. It felt like I was coming home. Back to the source and truth of who and what I am. My unique style of yoga has developed over the years by my love of anatomy and physiology and the way in which the body wants to constantly heal itself. Moving and breathing in our bones enables the tissues and the fluid systems to pulse in an intelligent and healing way connecting us to our own innate wisdom. By tuning in and truly listening to what is going on, our mental, emotional, physical and psychic bodies resonate with mindfulness and clarity. I believe passionately in the power of yoga, it helps us to transcend our limitations and to find increasing freedom in our lives. What I enjoy most about teaching yoga is being able to assist others in their journey within and to help find acceptance and peace no matter where they are in their yoga practice. I am a mother to two beautiful children and we have lived in Somerset for nearly 20 years. I have also worked in the film industry for 25 years and have worked my way up from a runner to a 1st Assistant Director. I love walking in nature with my beautiful dogs and experiencing the wildness of the elements. I am a trained professional dancer & a registered Senior Yoga Teacher with the Yoga Alliance. I am a Satya Prajna teacher with Tias Little from Prajna Yoga. I am also a SUP Yoga (Stand Up Paddleboard) teacher and classes will be coming to Somerset in the very near future.