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11 Public Speaking courses in Bristol

Public Speaking 1 Day training in Bristol

By Mangatesinc

Public speaking Training

Public Speaking 1 Day training in Bristol
Delivered In-Person
Dates arranged on request

Presenting with confidence

By 4and20Million.

Overcoming the challenge of public speaking - dealing with nerves, fine tuning delivery and engaging your audience with authentic confidence.

Presenting with confidence
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in UK Wide

Presentation Skills 101


By Own Your Success

Presentation Skills 101 is a course designed for those who want to improve their public speaking skills by learning basic skills of persuasion and developing more confidence, credibility and composure when presenting.

Presentation Skills 101
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Edinburgh

Presentation skills

By Rough House Media

WHETHER YOU HAVE TO CHAIR A MEETING, PITCH A PROPOSAL OR SPEAK AT A CONFERENCE YOU NEED GOOD COMMUNICATION AND PRESENTATION SKILLS. Addressing a group of people with assurance and confidence does not come naturally to everyone. Our presentation skills training courses will teach you how to conquer your fears and give a successful and memorable performance. We will tailor the training to your specific needs, from coaching before an important keynote or honing your pitch to improving your negotiation and influencing skills, or learning how to network effectively. A TYPICAL COURSE CAN COVER: * Recognising the strengths of your own communication style * Using the different elements of voice and body language effectively * Conquering your nerves and use body language to your advantage * Pitching presentations so they meet your audiences’ needs * Structuring a presentation so the audience is engaged from start to finish * Using visual aids * Handling questions All our presentation skills training is bespoke, with options including one-to-one coaching, combined training and coaching programmes and group training courses. All these courses can be delivered virtually, as well as face to face. As many of the skills needed to give a good presentation are shared with media interviews, we frequently combine our presentation skills and media interview skills training. VENUE We deliver courses in the most appropriate format for your circumstances – whether face to face or online. Face to face courses are portable: they can be held in purpose-built studios, at your own offices or at an external venue. In the latter two cases, we create a mock studio for the practical exercises. Online courses give you flexibility and enable you to offer training to delegates from all over the world. We have run virtual courses for people from the Far East, South Asia, North America and Europe, as well as the UK.

Presentation skills
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Richmond
Price on Enquiry

Presentation skills for salespeople (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

We've all sat through far more bad presentations than good ones, but knowing what 'good' looks like is easier than successfully replicating it. Sales presentations are a performance and, as salespeople, fluffing our lines can cost us a lot more than hurt pride. Having discovered and understood the specific needs and burning issues our prospect has, then this course will help any salesperson avoid dropping the ball and instead wowing their prospects with a high-impact, tailored and compelling case for purchase. This course will help participants: * Prepare mentally and physically for stand-up presentations * Use voice modulation and bullet-pointing to demand attention * Avoid boring their prospects * Master the do's and don'ts of PowerPoint * Deal more effectively with technical hitches and prospect's interruptions * Use eye contact and engagement to avoid prospects 'tuning out' * Deploy best practice essentials for presenting with colleagues * Steer through the toughest Q&A 1 PREPARING YOUR PRESENTATION * Mindset * Knowing your objective(s) * Vocal warm-up techniques * Assembling pre-agreed benefits * Time management * Room set-up * Technical preparation 2 HOW TO OPEN YOUR PRESENTATION * Vocal energy * Summary and agreement of prospect's needs * How to have posture and confidence * Use of humour * What to do with those dreaded hands * Confident v non-confident body language 3 HOW TO GET AND KEEP PEOPLE'S ATTENTION * Bullet pointing * Linking benefits to specific, stated needs * Practical exercise - formulating and delivering tailored benefits * Being selective with features * Third party reinforcement and case studies * 'Watering the garden' eye contact technique * Practical exercise - participants practise 'sharing out' eye contact to audience * How to handle a prospect's negative body language * Handling interruptions 4 PRESENTING IN GROUPS * Credentialing all participants * Role delineation for group presentations * Edifying other participants' messages - do's and don'ts * How to maintain energy when not speaking * Practical exercise - good and bad practice when not speaking * Teamwork in Q&A sessions * How to hand over professionally 5 POWERPOINT DO'S AND DON'TS * Use of visual aids * Good and bad PowerPoint slides * How to make PowerPoint work for you * Classic PowerPoint errors * Avoiding and handling technical problems * Good and bad flipchart practice 6 CLOSING AND / OR ACHIEVING NEXT ACTION STEPS * Power of summary * Good Q&A practice * Handling objections * Practical exercise - handling objections on one's feet * Creating consensus among prospect panel * What to do when prospects disagree with each other * When to trial close * How to close on next action steps 7 WRAP-UP * Key learning points from each participant * Action steps to be implemented on next presentations

Presentation skills for salespeople (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Guided imagery and visualisation for therapeutic change

By Human Givens College

Essential skills for successfully treating a wide range of conditions – such as trauma, addictions, anxiety and depression – as well as making long-lasting behaviour changes and much more… -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Accredited CPD Certificate : 6 hours * Length 1 day (9.30am - 4.00pm) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > This has been a priceless experience. Life-changing. Brilliant, simply > brilliant! > > COUNSELLOR / EX IT SERVICE MANAGER WHY TAKE THIS COURSE Strong emotions focus and lock attention – keeping people trapped in problem behaviours. Therapeutic change cannot happen until the emotional arousal is reduced. This is why all health and welfare professionals need to know how to induce the relaxation response in their clients. Guided imagery and visualisation not only reduce emotional arousal quickly but can be used to reframe life circumstances through metaphor and to rehearse in the imagination any required changed behaviours and/or feelings, which dramatically increases the likelihood of those changes taking place in ‘real life’. If you want to be able to help people effectively, this is a key course to attend – guided imagery is an essential skill required for removing phobias, curing PTSD, lifting depression and overcoming addictions or self-harm, and is also useful for raising self-confidence and increasing motivation. When you become confident in using these skills, you can begin to bring patients out of the emotionally-driven trance states of a wide range of conditions such as anxiety disorders, addiction, anger, stress overload, trauma, depression, chronic pain [https://www.humangivens.com/college/pain-management/] and much more [https://www.humangivens.com/college/guided-imagery-and-visualisation-workshop/#suitable]. That is why guided imagery is one of the most powerful psychotherapeutic tools available to us – and one you need in your ‘toolkit’. > Fascinating way of working with clients – relaxation techniques very powerful. > Extremely relevant to practice. Good techniques and strategies learnt to use > with clients to help them problem solve and move forward. > > HEALTH VISITOR     WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Powerful new ways to improve treatment outcomes * Training and practice in using one of the most effective psycho- therapeutic tools available for treating a wide range of emotional and physical conditions * Invaluable ways to motivate people, reframe life circumstances and instigate changes in behaviour * Insight into how the mind/body communication system works * Greater confidence when working with a wide variety of conditions * Supervised practise in generating healing trances * The core skills you need to acquire for the rewind technique [https://www.humangivens.com/college/rewind-technique-training/] for treating PTSD and phobias * A variety of ways to help people relax * Ways to reduce pain, including in childbirth * Increased understanding of trance states and their role in everyday life * Effective skills for helping people improve their performance – sports, public speaking etc. * The opportunity to experience relaxation, guided imagery and visualisation yourself * A scientifically-sound knowledge of why the various techniques and skills you will gain are so valuable * And much more [https://www.humangivens.com/college/guided-imagery-and-visualisation-workshop/#programme] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOOD TO KNOW The skills you will learn on this course are an essential pre-requisite for taking the The Rewind Technique – Effective treatment for trauma (PTSD) and phobias course. You will also need them for the following courses too: * Brief Therapy for Stopping Addictions * How to Lift Depression * Overcoming Self-harm Further guided imagery techniques can be learnt and practised on our NEW workshop: Guided Imagery 2 – essential techniques -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COURSE PROGRAMME The ‘Guided imagery and visualisation for therapeutic change’ course starts at 9.30am and runs until 4.00pm. * From 8.30am Registration (Tea and coffee served until 9.25am) * 9.30am What guided imagery is and why it works * 11.00am Discussion over tea/coffee * 11.30am The essence of all relaxation inductions: an easy way to start * 1.00pm Lunch (included) * 1.45pm Why it is important to be flexible: a range of techniques * 2.45pm Discussion over tea/coffee * 3.00pm Guided imagery and counselling: the essential steps * 4.00pm Day ends -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHO IS THIS COURSE SUITABLE FOR? * Anyone who wants to help people effectively and for the long-term, particularly those involved in mental and physical healthcare would benefit from attending * Psychotherapists, counsellors and mental health workers – these skills are essential to have to work with a wide range of conditions and for ensuring long-term behaviour change (see list below) * Trained hypnotherapists looking to extend and build on their existing skillset and understanding The information and skills taught are extremely useful for dealing with: Stress; addictions; agoraphobia; allergies; anorexia; anger; asthma; bed wetting; blood pressure; bulimia; depression; lack of confidence; chronic pain; eczema; frustration; guilt; grief; hay fever; inhibition; insomnia; irritable bowel (IBS); relationship/marital difficulties; migraine; nightmares; obsessions (OCD); pain control; panic attacks; phobias (all kinds); sexual difficulties (impotence, premature ejaculation and vaginismus); shyness; skin disorders and trauma (PTSD); flashbacks; ulcers; warts and worrying. You can also control blood pressure, stimulate the immune system, promote healing of damaged skin tissue and bones and give birth easier using guided imagery and visualisation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This course has been independently accredited by the internationally recognised CPD Standards Office for 6 hours of CPD training. On completion of this training you’ll receive CPD certificates from the College and the CPD Standards Office.

Guided imagery and visualisation for therapeutic change
Delivered In-Person in Bristol + 1 more locations6 hours 30 minutes, Sept 23rd, 08:30 + 1 more

Guided Imagery II – 3 essential techniques

By Human Givens College

The guided imagery and visualisation techniques you will learn on this workshop are essential for helping people successfully overcome depression, addictions, anxiety and more…. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Accredited CPD Certificate : 6 hours * Length 1 day (9.30am - 4.00pm) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHY TAKE THIS COURSE This new workshop delves deeper into this essential therapeutic skill’s power and flexibility – you will learn a variety of guided imagery techniques that are highly effective at helping people move on from problem behaviours, reframe life circumstances, lower emotional arousal, make therapeutic lifestyle changes, increase resilience and more. Building on the skills learnt on Guided Imagery and Visualisation for therapeutic change (‘Day 1’), this second workshop focuses specifically on the techniques that allow clients to move forward from depression, overcome anxiety and combat addiction. We also look at how to introduce helpful new understandings to clients in a way that overcomes resistance. Strong emotions focus and lock attention keeping people trapped or stuck – so this hands-on training also gives you the opportunity to further develop your therapeutic abilities to help people rehearse in their imagination any desired change to their behaviours and/or feelings, which dramatically increases the likelihood of those changes taking place in ‘real life’, and then being maintained in the future. Guided imagery, as taught on Day 1 is one of the most powerful psychotherapeutic tools available to us; Day 2 will allow you to develop your ability to use it flexibly and successfully in a range of different client presentations. These are essential skills to have in your therapeutic ‘toolkit’. * Please Note: counter-conditioning was previously taught on our pre-2023 Stopping Addictions [https://www.humangivens.com/college/stopping-addictions-workshop/] workshop. > Ros has a lovely delivery style that’s very inspiring and left me with so many > ideas going forward... > > MARY FLYNN, GUIDED IMAGERY AND VISUALISATION FOR THERAPEUTIC CHANGE   WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * How to use the brain’s powerful internal ‘reality generator’ to enable clients to make desired change in their lives * Invaluable ways to enable a client to approach situations with confidence and overcome situational anxiety * Powerful ways of using this skill to help a client take the ‘first steps’ out of depression * An effective technique (counter-conditioning*) which increases likelihood of success when working with clients struggling with addiction * Understanding of how to use guided imagery effectively when supporting a client with behaviour change of any kind * The use of metaphor within guided imagery; how to craft powerful extended metaphors which take into account a client’s individual model of reality * Training and practice in using these techniques * Greater confidence in working flexibly with this technique so as to respect each individual client’s model of reality * Powerful ways to introduce helpful ideas to a resistant client without breaking rapport * Supervised practice in specific techniques for work with a range of presentations * How to use healing trance states to reframe difficult life circumstances and build hope using the client’s own resources * Specific techniques that can be used to manage pain, or work with anxiety or any other strong state of distress * Increased understanding of trance states and their role in everyday life A scientifically-sound knowledge of why the various techniques and skills you will gain are so valuable * A range of ways to help people improve their performance – sports, public speaking etc. * The opportunity to experience for yourself specific new techniques within guided imagery and visualisation Dates and venues [https://www.humangivens.com/college/guided-imagery-techniques/#price] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOOD TO KNOW To attend this course you need to have plenty of experience in using guided imagery and visualisation for relaxing clients or to have completed our Guided Imagery and visualisation for therapeutic change [https://www.humangivens.com/college/guided-imagery-and-visualisation-workshop/] (Day 1) course. (If you are taking the HG Diploma, you will need to attend both days, as both count towards Part 1 of the Human Givens Diploma [https://www.humangivens.com/college/diploma/].) The additional skills you will learn on this second day are introduced on the following courses as integral to effective treatment for the conditions they cover: * Stopping Addictions: effective treatment and recovery [https://www.humangivens.com/college/stopping-addictions/] * How to Lift Depression [https://www.humangivens.com/college/lift-depression/] * Overcoming Self-harm [https://www.humangivens.com/college/self-harm-workshop/] Please note:  The counter-conditioning technique was previously taught on our ‘Stopping Addictions’ workshop. This changed from January 2023. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COURSE PROGRAMME The ‘Guided Imagery and Visualisation Additional Techniques’ course starts at 9.30am and runs until 4.00pm. * From 8.30am Registration (Tea and coffee served until 9.25am) * 9.30am Reality Generator: a powerful way of rehearsing new behaviours and feelings * 11.00am Discussion over tea/coffee * 11.30am Introducing new, more helpful patterns and overcoming resistance * 1.00pm Lunch (included)  * 1.45pm Working with addiction and behaviour change * 2.45pm Discussion over tea/coffee * 3.00pm Working with addiction and behaviour change – continued * 4.00pm Day ends -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHO IS THIS COURSE SUITABLE FOR? * Anyone who has already attended Guided Imagery and Visualisation for Therapeutic Change (Day 1) or who has experience in using guided imagery and visualisation to induce a relaxed state in their clients * Anyone, with the above skills, who wants to help people effectively and for the long-term, particularly those working in mental and physical healthcare, or with addictions or self harm * Psychotherapists, counsellors and mental health workers (who also have the above skills) who work with a wide range of conditions and would like to ensure long-term behaviour change * Trained hypnotherapists looking to add these techniques to their existing skillset. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This course has been independently accredited by the internationally recognised CPD Standards Office for 6 hours of CPD training. On completion of this training you’ll receive CPD certificates from the College and the CPD Standards Office.

Guided Imagery II – 3 essential techniques
Delivered In-Person in Bristol + 1 more locations6 hours 30 minutes, Sept 26th, 08:30 + 1 more

Panel facilitation skills

By Rough House Media

CHAIRING OR FACILITATING A PANEL DISCUSSION IS A PARTICULAR SKILL. When many experts and specialists in their field are asked to do this, they discover that it is not as easy as they imagined. Pitching and introducing the session, involving everyone, promoting audience engagement, dealing with difficult panellists and ending the discussion can all be a challenge for inexperienced facilitators. Our panel facilitation training workshop focuses on providing delegates with the techniques and confidence they need to chair panel debates effectively. It is delivered by BBC presenter Martine Croxall and is highly interactive, blending theory with practical exercises. During the course, you will learn: 1. the best way to prepare, including audience analysis and research 2. how to pitch a panel 3. how to introduce a panel 4. how to involve everyone in the discussion 5. the best way to promote audience engagement 6. how to deal with difficult panellists 7. how to end a discussion Each delegate will have the chance to chair a panel discussion, with the other delegates and Martine playing different roles as panellists.

Panel facilitation skills
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Richmond
Price on Enquiry

11+ Entrance Exam Online Tuition

By Ludo Tutors

A Warm Welcome to Ludo Tutors Founded in 2017 by Martha, a Dyslexic and Dyspraxia graduate from Cambridge University (Education with English and Drama, BA MA Cantab), Ludo Tutors was created to provide students with a holistic, well-rounded education and excellent quality Tutors. We have over 150 Tutors on our books and tutor everything from Academic subjects (such as 11+ Exams, Key Stage Three Science, GCSEs and A Levels) through to LAMDA Drama, Shakespeare and Public Speaking Exams). WHAT ARE 11+  / ENTRANCE EXAMS? 11+ Exams, sometimes called 'Entrance Exams', are examinations that many UK private schools. The rare usually competitive and a bit daunting! Don't panic, though - we're here to help!  HOW DO I TAKE ENTRANCE EXAMS? Different schools have different application procedures, timelines and expectations. Some will belong to a body of schools using the same examination papers, whereas others will set their own, independent exams. Many also charge an administration fee. We do not advise parents on the applications themselves, but we have garnered a depth of knowledge about 11+ Exams that enable our Tutors to workeffikiently and effectively, whilst still keeping their students engaged and in good spirits.  Who are your Tutors? Over half of our Tutors studied at either Oxford or Cambridge University and many hold PGCEs or TEFL/CELTA qualifications. All Tutors are Enhanced DBS checked. We interview each Tutor personally, to get to know them and to find our students the best match. What 11+ experience do you have? Our Founder, Martha, has extensive experience preparing students for the UK's top independent school exams, with many of her students achieving their first choice school, if not also a scholarship - lovely! This work is now carried out by our experienced and friendly tutors, with input from Martha if, as and when they may need extra support.

11+ Entrance Exam Online Tuition
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London
Price on Enquiry

Interactive Presentation Skills


By Lapd Solutions Ltd

Interactive Presentation Skills, Presenting, Presentations, Presentation Skills,

Interactive Presentation Skills
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Birmingham
£1250 to £1500

Educators matching "Public Speaking"

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WHO WE ARE? “Mangates” is one of the Leading Competency developers, Mangates has developed a proven foundation for building specialized training programs. No matter which Mangates training division you are working with, you can expect the same high-quality training experience and expertise that makes Mangates stand out above the competition. All of our instructors are recognized experts in their fields with hands-on experience on the topics they teach. We combine proven adult educational training methods with leading-edge industry expertise to provide you an exceptional training experience. Every instructor must meet rigorous standards with the proven background in their given field of expertise. It is the difference that our customers covet and participant appreciates at the completion of the course. WHAT WE DO? We deliver training solutions to Corporate, Government Agencies, Public sectors, Multinational organizations and Private Individuals. Our Primary focus is to train in a wide range of areas from IT Technical, Personal Development, Human Resources and Management Courses to Project, Program and IT Service Management. We have most experienced trainers in the Industry. Our Trainers are highly skilled in their subject areas and are uniquely positioned to provide participants with deep industry experience. They are motivated to transfer knowledge through practical support post and pre-training to provide participants with additional support outside the classroom.