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Educators providing Oracle SQL courses in Nottingham

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Courses matching "Oracle SQL"

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Oracle SQL foundation


By Systems & Network Training

ORACLE SQL TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION The Oracle SQL course is designed to give delegates practical experience in writing SQL statements and scripts using Oracle SQL. The basic SELECT statement, the use of SQL functions and the basic table and view handling statements are introduced. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Create SQL statements to query database tables. * Use standard aggregate functions and related SELECT statement clauses. * Join Tables. * Use basic subqueries and the set operators. * Use numeric, character and date functions. * Use conversion and other miscellaneous functions. * Use SQL parameters. * Use complex subqueries. * Create and alter tables and views. * Insert, update and delete rows in database tables. * Manage sequences and synonyms. ORACLE SQL TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone who needs to use and understand Oracle SQL to query and update data in an Oracle database. * Prerequisites: None. * Duration 3 days ORACLE SQL TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Retrieving data with the SELECT statement The SELECT statement, The SELECT and FROM clauses, Conditions and the WHERE clause, Other conditional operators, Logical operators, The ORDER BY clause, Column aliases, Arithmetic expressions, Precedence of operators. * Aggregate functions Overview of built In aggregate functions, The GROUP BY clause, The HAVING clause. * Joining tables Overview of table joins, Inner joins, Table aliases, Outer joins, Self joins, ANSI standard joins. * Basic subqueries and set operators Overview of subqueries, Basic subqueries, Set operators, The union, intersect and ,minus operators. * Numeric, character and data functions Function types, Using the table dual to try out functions, Numeric functions, Character functions, String concatenation, Date arithmetic and date functions. * Conversion and miscellaneous functions Conversion functions, The NVL and NVL2 functions, The DECODE function, CASE expressions, The COALESCE and NULLIF functions. * SQL parameters Command line substitution parameters, The accept command, The define and undefine commands. * Complex subqueries Subqueries usage, In-line views, Top-N queries, Subqueries with joins, Multi column subqueries, Correlated subqueries, Subquery rules, Using the ANY, ALL and SOME operators. * Managing data Inserting rows, Updating rows, Deleting rows, Verifying updates, Transaction control, Commit and rollback, Savepoints, Commits and constraints, Amending data in SQL developer. * Managing tables Creating tables, Specifying constraints, Altering tables, columns and constraints, Dropping tables, columns and constraints, Recovering dropped tables, Copying tables. * Managing indexes and views Creating indexes, Dropping indexes, Listing indexes, Creating and using views, Dropping views, Listing views. * Managing sequences and synonyms Create a sequence, View sequence details, Create a synonym, List synonyms.

Oracle SQL foundation
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Oracle SQL Advanced


By Systems & Network Training

ORACLE SQL ADVANCED TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION The Oracle SQL Advanced course is designed to give delegates practical experience in using some of the more advanced features of Oracle SQL. Additional datatypes and the use of advanced SQL functions and expressions are covered together with enhanced table handling features. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Retrieve data using correlated subqueries, in-line views and multi-column subqueries. * Use the WITH Clause. * Inserting and Updating Rows Using Complex Subqueries * Create Hierarchical Queries. * Use ROLLUP, CUBE and GROUPING SETS group by enhancements. * Implement the GROUPING and GROUPING_ID functions. * Manage large data sets. * Insert data conditionally and unconditionally. * Merge Rows in a Table. * Create TIMESTAMP and INTERVAL Datatypes. * Use TIMESTAMP, TIMEZONE and INTERVAL functions and literals. * Use regular expressions and implement related functions. * Manage objects with the data dictionary. * Manage schema objects. * Perform flashback operations. * Create and using external tables. * Control user access to database objects. ORACLE SQL ADVANCED TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone who needs to use the more advanced features of SQL to improve their productivity in querying and updating an Oracle database. * Prerequisites: Delegates should have attended the Oracle SQL course or have a similar level of experience. * Duration 2 days ORACLE SQL ADVANCED TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Retrieve data using subqueries ANY, ALL or SOME operators, Correlated subqueries, In-Line views, The Exists operator, The WITH clause, Multi-Column subqueries, Insert and update using a query, Correlated update and delete. * Hierarchical queries Hierarchical data, The START WITH and CONNECT BY clauses, The LEVEL pseudo-column, Sequencing the output, Eliminating nodes and branches. * Enhanced grouping features Review of basic grouping concepts, The ROLLUP and CUBE extensions, The GROUPING SETS extension, Using the GROUPING and GROUPING_ID functions. * Manage large data sets Multi-table Inserts, Conditional and unconditional Inserts, Merging data into a table, Table and view based merge, A sub query based merge. * Flashback technology Flashback query, The AS clause, Flashback table, Flashback drop. * Date, time and time zone support Date, Timestamp and Interval datatypes, Handling dates and times, Handling intervals, Date, timestamp and interval functions and literals, Related NLS parameters. * Regular expression support Regular expression notation, Character matching, Repetition operators, Sub expression grouping, Regular expression functions. * Manage objects with the Data Dictionary The Data Dictionary, Useful Data Dictionary tables, Using the Data Dictionary. * Manage schema objects Column operations, Constraint operations, Creating and dropping Indexes, B-Tree indexes, Function based indexes, Descending indexes, Creating and using external tables. * Access control System privileges and roles, Create users, Alter user details, Grant and revoke object privileges.

Oracle SQL Advanced
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Oracle database administration


By Systems & Network Training

ORACLE DATABASE 12C ADMIN TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This Oracle Database 12c Administration course is designed to give the Oracle database administrator practical experience in administering, monitoring, tuning and troubleshooting an Oracle 12c database. Database administrators will gain an understanding of the architecture and processes of the Oracle database server. They will be able to ensure the integrity and availability of a company's data within the Oracle environment. They will be able to monitor the performance of the database, allocate resources with the Resource Manager and Schedule jobs. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Administer an Oracle database instance. * Monitor an Oracle database. * Configure the Oracle network environment. * Create and manage database storage structures. * Manage users, profiles, privileges and roles. * Manage undo data and temporary segments. * Monitor and resolve lock conflicts. * Maintain database security. * Implement database auditing. * Monitor the performance of the Database. * Load and unload data. * Use the job scheduler. * Configure a database for backup and recovery. ORACLE DATABASE 12C ADMIN TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: This Oracle Database 12c Administration course is for anyone who needs to administer, monitor and support an Oracle 12c database. * Prerequisites: An understanding of relational database concepts and good operating system knowledge. They should have attended the Oracle SQL course or have a good working knowledge of Oracle SQL. Knowledge of the usage of PL/SQL packages is highly recommended. * Duration 5 days ORACLE DATABASE 12C ADMIN TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Introduction to Oracle database 12c Overview of the Oracle database 12c, Overview of the Oracle Cloud, Relational database concepts, database administration tasks. * Oracle Database 12c Architecture Overview of the Oracle database architecture, The Oracle database instance, Oracle Database memory structures, Process architecture and structures, Server and client processes, The Oracle database storage architecture, Connect to the Oracle database instance. * Administer a database instance Administrative tools available to a DBA, Use SQL*Plus in Oracle to manage a database instance, Use SQL Developer to manage a database instance, Administer the database using Enterprise Manager (EM), Overview of the Enterprise Manager framework, Access Enterprise Manager Database Express, The Enterprise Manager Database Express Home Page, Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, Initialization parameter files. * Configure the Oracle network environment Overview of network configuration, Oracle Net Listener configuration and management, Oracle Net naming methods, Tools for configuring and managing the Oracle network, Using the Net Configuration Assistant, Configure client connections with Net Manager, View listener configuration, Start and stop the Oracle listener, Use TNSPING to test Oracle Net connectivity, Connect to the database, Configure Net Services with Enterprise Manager. * Storage Structures Overview of data storage, The database block, Overview of tablespaces and datafiles, Use Enterprise Manager to view the storage structure of the database, Create and alter tablespace commands, Temporary tablespaces, Create and manage datafiles, Use OMF, Drop tablespaces and datafiles. * Manage users Predefined database administration accounts, User accounts, Create a user account, User authentication, Change a user's password, Manage a user account, Drop a user account, Monitor user information, Terminate user sessions. * Manage profiles and resources Overview of user profiles, Profile resource parameters, Create profile command, Manage passwords with profiles, Control resource usage with profiles, Maintain profiles. * Manage privileges Database access, Oracle supplied roles, System and object level privileges, The grant and revoke commands, Create, modify and drop roles, Use predefined roles. * Database auditing Overview of database security, Overview of database auditing, Security compliance, Standard auditing, Unified audit trail, Separation of audit responsibilities with the AUDIT_ADMIN and AUDIT_VIEWER roles, Configure the audit trail, Specify audit options. * Data concurrency and lock conflicts Levels of locking in Oracle, Methods used to acquire locks, Data concurrency, Possible causes of contention, DML locks, Prevent locking problems, Detect lock contention, Resolve conflicts. * Undo management Undo data overview, Monitor and administer undo, Configure undo retention, Switch undo tablespaces, Specify the retention period, Guarantee undo retention, Retention period for flashback queries, View undo space information, Use the undo advisor, Size the undo tablespace, Alter an undo tablespace to a fixed size. * Proactive database management Database Maintenance, View the alert log, The Automatic Workload Repository, Statistic levels, The Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitoring, Monitor an Oracle database, Use the Advisors, Set up notification rules/ * Performance management Tuning information sources, Performance monitoring, Tuning activities, Performance planning, Instance tuning, Performance tuning methodology, Performance tuning data, Monitoring performance, Managing memory. * SQL tuning SQL tuning, The Oracle Optimizer, SQL Plan directives, Adaptive execution plans, SQL Advisors, Automatic SQL Tuning results, Implement automatic tuning recommendations , SQL Tuning Advisor. * Moving data Create directory objects , Data Pump architecture, Data Pump data dictionary views, Data Pump interactive mode, Data Pump API, Use Data Pump to export and import data, Overview of SQL Loader, Command line parameters, Record filtering, Control file keywords, Datafiles, SQL Loader data paths, External Tables. * Automate tasks with the scheduler Introduction to the Scheduler, Access Rights, Scheduler components and workflow, Create a Job, Job Classes, Use time based, event based schedules, Create an event based schedule. * Managing resources with Resource Manager Overview of the Database Resource Manage, Use the Resource Manager, Create Resource Plans, The default maintenance resource manager plan, Create Resource Plan Directives, Allocate resources for Resource Plans. * Manage space Overview of space management, Block space management within segments, Segment types, Allocate extents, Allocate space, Row chaining and migration, Create tables without segments. * Backup and recovery configuration Oracle backup solutions, Oracle suggested backup strategy, Overview of database backup, restore and recover, Flashback technology, Types of failure ,Instance recovery, Tune instance recovery, The MTTR Advisor, Media failure, Configure a database for recoverability * Oracle support The Enterprise Manager Support Workbench, Register for security updates, Work with Oracle Support, My Oracle Support integration, Log Service Requests, Manage patches, Apply a patch

Oracle database administration
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally