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Oracle SQL Advanced

Oracle SQL Advanced

  • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
  • Completion Certificate
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  • Delivered Online or In-Person

  • You travel to organiser or they travel to you

  • Redhill

  • Two days

  • All levels


Oracle SQL Advanced training course description

The Oracle SQL Advanced course is designed to give delegates practical experience in using some of the more advanced features of Oracle SQL. Additional datatypes and the use of advanced SQL functions and expressions are covered together with enhanced table handling features.

What will you learn
  • Retrieve data using correlated subqueries, in-line views and multi-column subqueries.
  • Use the WITH Clause.
  • Inserting and Updating Rows Using Complex Subqueries
  • Create Hierarchical Queries.
  • Use ROLLUP, CUBE and GROUPING SETS group by enhancements.
  • Implement the GROUPING and GROUPING_ID functions.
  • Manage large data sets.
  • Insert data conditionally and unconditionally.
  • Merge Rows in a Table.
  • Create TIMESTAMP and INTERVAL Datatypes.
  • Use TIMESTAMP, TIMEZONE and INTERVAL functions and literals.
  • Use regular expressions and implement related functions.
  • Manage objects with the data dictionary.
  • Manage schema objects.
  • Perform flashback operations.
  • Create and using external tables.
  • Control user access to database objects.
Oracle SQL Advanced training course details
  • Who will benefit:
  • Anyone who needs to use the more advanced features of SQL to improve their productivity in querying and updating an Oracle database.

  • Prerequisites:
  • Delegates should have attended the Oracle SQL course or have a similar level of experience.

  • Duration
  • 2 days

Oracle SQL Advanced training course contents

  • Retrieve data using subqueries
  • ANY, ALL or SOME operators, Correlated subqueries, In-Line views, The Exists operator, The WITH clause, Multi-Column subqueries, Insert and update using a query, Correlated update and delete.

  • Hierarchical queries
  • Hierarchical data, The START WITH and CONNECT BY clauses, The LEVEL pseudo-column, Sequencing the output, Eliminating nodes and branches.

  • Enhanced grouping features
  • Review of basic grouping concepts, The ROLLUP and CUBE extensions, The GROUPING SETS extension, Using the GROUPING and GROUPING_ID functions.

  • Manage large data sets
  • Multi-table Inserts, Conditional and unconditional Inserts, Merging data into a table, Table and view based merge, A sub query based merge.

  • Flashback technology
  • Flashback query, The AS clause, Flashback table, Flashback drop.

  • Date, time and time zone support
  • Date, Timestamp and Interval datatypes, Handling dates and times, Handling intervals, Date, timestamp and interval functions and literals, Related NLS parameters.

  • Regular expression support
  • Regular expression notation, Character matching, Repetition operators, Sub expression grouping, Regular expression functions.

  • Manage objects with the Data Dictionary
  • The Data Dictionary, Useful Data Dictionary tables, Using the Data Dictionary.

  • Manage schema objects
  • Column operations, Constraint operations, Creating and dropping Indexes, B-Tree indexes, Function based indexes, Descending indexes, Creating and using external tables.

  • Access control
  • System privileges and roles, Create users, Alter user details, Grant and revoke object privileges.

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